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Mini Game v7: Disgaea: A Darker Darkness | Mafia and Sleipnirr win

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Jan 19, 2017 7:08 AM

Dec 2013
Gonna start off by saying if anyone claims jester lynch them cause the rule is more harmful to town alive than dead. One less thing for mafia to hide behind.

Vote:Blonde Ivev missed being able to type that name

Jan 19, 2017 7:17 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
aa-dono said:
Ah, sorry about that. I missed Phraze's question. Or perhaps I thought it was rhetorical :/

So do you think Ruu and wen is going after a jester? How does omni fits the jester role perfectly in your opinion?

Also, what do you mean by "It's a question not a defense?" o.O
it may have been rhetorical though admittedly I didn't put much thought into it before responding to it.

Based on what the Jesters wincon is I think that if I drew that roll I would be making myself visibly scummy. I would probably do things to attract attention of any kind to myself so that in the end I could attract the needed votes to hit my wincon. I only have town experience to go on so maybe I am thinking about this incorrectly.

If i rolled the jester i would just keep a low profile, dropping hints left and right and trying to make my thoughts inconsistent. By openly standing there with your arms wide shouting "COME AT ME BRAH, I'M TOTES SCUMMY SO LYNCH THE FUCK OUT OF ME" when you know that there is a jester in the game and someone is displaying such obvious jester traits they often get nightkilled by scum N1. When they stay alive for a while they're usually scum pretending to be a jester.
Keep in mind the mafia can get rekt by the jester just as hard as the town can, therefore it's best to play it safe and nightkill to get it rid of a possible lose factor.

Ruu said:
wen294 said:
"has done study before joining the MS club"
sorry what? I can't help imagine people sitting behind some thick theory book and then taking some entrance exam to get into the club.
Last i checked it was just a "if you are interested join and play, you'll learn it eventually"

aahah it means he read mafia wiki at least xDD Like Kit did before her first game (if I'm not mistaken)

Also I get the feeling, from his posts, that wen is jester. For example after talking about "his masterplan" he got a reaction from logic who probably now see him as an anti-town player (like we all see grrr in every game xDD) so he would be in favor of lynching wen. If he can get enough reactions like that he will get lynch ---> if jester wincon.

that thing about my "master plan" was me being extremely sarcastic though. I never expected somebody to take it seriously.

Also like dono said, if someone is scummy and the scum know that it isn't scum they will suspect it's a jester, and try to avoid that as a lynch and then night kill. It'll give us info.
Jan 19, 2017 7:35 AM

Jan 2010
aa-dono said:
logic340 said:
"So if we are worried about lynching the jester I will ask everyone who is voting Omni why they have their votes their?" this is my question everything that comes after is framing my thoughts not defending Omni. I just wanted to clarify that before someone tries to say I was defending him later on.
So you are already worried of association. Noted.
I know my time and obviously Phraze's other than that there is no "association" this is my eighth game and yes if I didn't state it now I'm almost certain someone would bring it up later as I've seen it and have been guilty of doing it myself.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 19, 2017 7:39 AM

May 2015
Chad is here! Let's lynch him! xD

@wen294 I never trust people who explain the way they play when town/scum/tpr

The good thing for you is that mafia (let's say you are town for now) may believe so you won't get NK. I know I'll probably get lynch before NK because Phraze is town and she always tries to burn me at the steak xD

@Blonde now that there is a small train on you, care to join us? :3
Jan 19, 2017 7:42 AM

Jan 2010
aa-dono said:
I've only played a game with a jester once. At least from memory, only once.
I was jester, and I lost so you can take this with a grain of salt.

Anyway, don't bother jester. Look for scum. If you see jester in every scummy behavior, scum can hide easily. Just see scum in scummy behavior, you'll know later (maybe few hours before lynch) whether that's scum or jester.
Plus, if you did catch jester, you're only making it easy for scum to decide night kills - they avoid jester and we being paranoid over jesters. Whereas if you let scum find jesters on their own, they might kill jester for us, and we could be rid of that jester worry.
this entire post reads is conjecture to me. Nothing but speculation and possibly this or possibly that. No I don't find what you do it's coming because the scum that I have played with don't look like scum. They have other than passive or deep wolves. I have yet to seeing someone play the way he is playing which even though I don't find it scummy doesn't feel townie either. My declaration was so that people know my stance. That's what I do I lay out how I feel about things so others know my position. Agree or disagree is fine if he does something truly scummy I'll vote for him bit attracting attention to one's self is bout scummy imo. "Anti-town" is bout scummt to me as this players have actually helped town the most in games I've played and have only one been scum (DenjaX subbed in).
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 19, 2017 7:45 AM

Dec 2013
aa-dono said:
Soooo.... @Shinichi-kun did you get scum again?

Grapefruit21 said:
Well that was a fail of reading... Going to blame that one on playing at work >_>

Vote Ruu
Why did you skip wen?

i wish i did lol i wanted either scum or 3rd party but for once the rng gods blessed me with town >3>

Jan 19, 2017 7:47 AM

Dec 2013
aa-dono said:
Ruu said:

Good question! Why did you? >_>
Still I'll let you use the newbie card for this one but I hope it doesn't became a habit >_>
I will keep and eye on your interactions >_>

^ I don't trust fluff posts sorry. You are on my watchlist.

People are suspecting Suzu from the start is just because she usually rolls scum? I thought Shinichi was going to get the first train xD Congrats Chad :p

When did grape use the newbie card? o.O

People as in me and Omni? I voted her because I like her. Not sure if she always rolls scum :/
You don't wanna join us? Why? You don't like her? D:

Also, Shin-chan is too mainstream. Though I believe in jinx. So he might be scum here. Since Penta's not here x)

Kinda feels like a train to hide behind instead of one to get information since since rececntly coming back shes been trained pretty hard. I mean out of everyone why suzune?

Jan 19, 2017 7:57 AM

Aug 2012
Shinichi-Kun said:
aa-dono said:
Soooo.... @Shinichi-kun did you get scum again?

Why did you skip wen?

i wish i did lol i wanted either scum or 3rd party but for once the rng gods blessed me with town >3>
Lel wrong quote.

Shinichi-Kun said:
aa-dono said:

When did grape use the newbie card? o.O

People as in me and Omni? I voted her because I like her. Not sure if she always rolls scum :/
You don't wanna join us? Why? You don't like her? D:

Also, Shin-chan is too mainstream. Though I believe in jinx. So he might be scum here. Since Penta's not here x)

Kinda feels like a train to hide behind instead of one to get information since since rececntly coming back shes been trained pretty hard. I mean out of everyone why suzune?
What do you mean?

Jan 19, 2017 8:02 AM

May 2015
logic always sounds so townish xDDD I'm thinking he rolled town again -_- stop being the good guy! xDD
Jan 19, 2017 8:03 AM

Dec 2014
Ruu said:
Chad is here! Let's lynch him! xD

@wen294 I never trust people who explain the way they play when town/scum/tpr

The good thing for you is that mafia (let's say you are town for now) may believe so you won't get NK. I know I'll probably get lynch before NK because Phraze is town and she always tries to burn me at the steak xD

@Blonde now that there is a small train on you, care to join us? :3
Yep, I'm here. Writing up thoughts on the votes so far atm. although it's still early game so they aren't too detailed.
I don't think I've played with you before, so nice to meet you ^^

Shinichi-Kun said:
Gonna start off by saying if anyone claims jester lynch them cause the rule is more harmful to town alive than dead. One less thing for mafia to hide behind.

Vote:Blonde Ivev missed being able to type that name
Lol, this is how you welcome me back?? :(

I'll start by voting one of the players that haven't posted yet and try to get them involved, Vote: ZXDarkBlade

Jan 19, 2017 8:07 AM

May 2015
yay @Blonde arrived! Yes is the first time playing with you but from what I read on the signup thread you are quite the legend around here xD I think for now we can only use rvs to pressure players and make them participate :/
Since you showed up...

change vote: AlbertinoDias

@AlbertinoDias come play with us :D we were scum together once right? I can't remember xD
Jan 19, 2017 8:09 AM

Jul 2016
Ruu said:
aa-dono said:
I've only played a game with a jester once. At least from memory, only once.
I was jester, and I lost so you can take this with a grain of salt.

Anyway, don't bother jester. Look for scum. If you see jester in every scummy behavior, scum can hide easily. Just see scum in scummy behavior, you'll know later (maybe few hours before lynch) whether that's scum or jester.
Plus, if you did catch jester, you're only making it easy for scum to decide night kills - they avoid jester and we being paranoid over jesters. Whereas if you let scum find jesters on their own, they might kill jester for us, and we could be rid of that jester worry.

my thoughts exactly xD I think scum will go after jester so we don't need to worry about that.


i'm here, sorry sorry, i've been reading but i could to respond :/ but now i'm 90% in this for... hum... 7H?? maybe??
Jan 19, 2017 8:09 AM

Jul 2016
Ruu said:
yay @Blonde arrived! Yes is the first time playing with you but from what I read on the signup thread you are quite the legend around here xD I think for now we can only use rvs to pressure players and make them participate :/
Since you showed up...

change vote: AlbertinoDias

@AlbertinoDias come play with us :D we were scum together once right? I can't remember xD
naaa you killed me -...- i was town -...-
Jan 19, 2017 8:10 AM

Jul 2016
and i will vote for someone in like 1H i will be reading but will not respond right away sorry about that, something came up (ho gosh -...-)
Jan 19, 2017 8:12 AM

May 2015
AlbertinoDias said:
Ruu said:
yay @Blonde arrived! Yes is the first time playing with you but from what I read on the signup thread you are quite the legend around here xD I think for now we can only use rvs to pressure players and make them participate :/
Since you showed up...

change vote: AlbertinoDias

@AlbertinoDias come play with us :D we were scum together once right? I can't remember xD
naaa you killed me -...- i was town -...-

oops sorry xD wanna put down a rvs vote or something? let's get this thing moving people! ( I missed playing normal mafia xDD)
Jan 19, 2017 8:18 AM

Dec 2013
Phraze said:
gratz me~ what's my power-zero streak now?

I hate that @Phraze is confirmed town I always enjoy trying to lynch her xD I'm ready for my Romeo to show up, where are you? :-;
my golden opportunity has arrived! I can lynch my Julietto anytime >w>

I'm interested in seeing how Phraze approaches things with her being townfirmed. I see a lot of familiar faces as well.
I'd say town is lucky it's me who's townfirmed, esp in a no-reveal. I can easily run multiple scenarios/possibilities as the only town stump lol. it would be a waste of scum to NK me too, since I'm just as useful dead or a stump :P

sooooo who wants to buddy up with me~?
noww errr we gotta find the jester and watch out for him..

i can see it both ways

But anyways it seems your serious about your role so i cant wait to see what you come up with.

Jan 19, 2017 8:23 AM

May 2015
Shinichi-Kun said:

i can see it both ways

what do you mean by that?
Jan 19, 2017 8:24 AM

Dec 2013
Ruu said:
@wen294 I never trust people who explain the way they play when town/scum/tpr

The good thing for you is that mafia (let's say you are town for now) may believe so you won't get NK. I know I'll probably get lynch before NK because Phraze is town and she always tries to burn me at the steak xD

No worries, i wasn't counting on your trust.
Would be cool not to get night-killed tho. I don't like getting night-killed. Such a bummer to log in full of expectations and then see you got shot and you're sitting there like "....oh...."
Jan 19, 2017 8:31 AM

Dec 2014
Here is my list of votes with their reasons, as well as my thoughts on the votes so far. Like I said before, not many thoughts just yet, but that'll change a bit later in the game.
This is actually more for me to keep track of my thoughts and generally everything that's going on. But, I thought I should post it, so people can use it to check past votes.

Day 1 Votes with Reasons:

Jan 19, 2017 8:37 AM

Dec 2014
I'm pretty sure the vote count looks like this atm.

Vote Count:
Blonde (1) - Chad
aa-dono (1) - Omnisword
AlbertinoDias (1) - Ruu
Grapefruit (1) - Logic340
ZXdarkblade (1) - Blonde
Logic340 (1) - aa dono
Sleip (1) - Suzu
Ruu (1) - Grapefruit
Omnisword (1) - Wen

Edit: Fixing vote count.
BlondeJan 19, 2017 9:03 AM

Jan 19, 2017 8:53 AM

Jan 2010
Ruu said:
logic always sounds so townish xDDD I'm thinking he rolled town again -_- stop being the good guy! xDD
I'm going to hit Crossbell's town steak. I'm really exited for my first scum game.

@Blonde my vote is currently on Grapefruit second RVS since he voted Phraze "come on man" post should have been with the I feel Grape probably wasn't paying attention so I honestly don't find it alignment indicative. If I'm being frank I didn't check to see who townfirned so I got lucky. It's a pleasure to meet you by the way I really like your reasons for votes post and would like to know if I could steal it from you and incorporate it into my own game? I'm currently in another gane right now as well.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 19, 2017 9:07 AM

Dec 2014
logic340 said:
Ruu said:
logic always sounds so townish xDDD I'm thinking he rolled town again -_- stop being the good guy! xDD
I'm going to hit Crossbell's town steak. I'm really exited for my first scum game.

@Blonde my vote is currently on Grapefruit second RVS since he voted Phraze "come on man" post should have been with the I feel Grape probably wasn't paying attention so I honestly don't find it alignment indicative. If I'm being frank I didn't check to see who townfirned so I got lucky. It's a pleasure to meet you by the way I really like your reasons for votes post and would like to know if I could steal it from you and incorporate it into my own game? I'm currently in another gane right now as well.
Oops sorry, I'll fix that now.
Nice to meet you too and of course you can, I probably stole it from somebody else lol. It really helps to keep track of things when it gets messy late game.

Jan 19, 2017 9:10 AM

Jul 2016
well, this is still my second game of mafia (forum) so while i understand why we have to vote in someone in the first day, people are not writing anything (i was one of them and i'm sorry guys) and i'm not used to see the good/bad plays from town and mafia (i like to analyse people faces...) so for now i'll just play it safe and vote for my first random target #Omnisword, just because his name have sword in it and because for now it put me in a safe spot, i want to win, but i don't want to only be able to post...
Jan 19, 2017 1:01 PM

Dec 2013
aa-dono said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

i wish i did lol i wanted either scum or 3rd party but for once the rng gods blessed me with town >3>
Lel wrong quote.

Shinichi-Kun said:

Kinda feels like a train to hide behind instead of one to get information since since rececntly coming back shes been trained pretty hard. I mean out of everyone why suzune?
What do you mean?

she seems more like an easy lynch is what im saying so i asked u why her.

Jan 19, 2017 1:02 PM

Dec 2013
Ruu said:
logic always sounds so townish xDDD I'm thinking he rolled town again -_- stop being the good guy! xDD

Always be wary of good players.

Jan 19, 2017 1:11 PM

Aug 2012
Shinichi-Kun said:
aa-dono said:
Lel wrong quote.

What do you mean?

she seems more like an easy lynch is what im saying so i asked u why her.
How is she an easy lynch?

Jan 19, 2017 1:13 PM

Dec 2013
Blonde said:
Ruu said:
Chad is here! Let's lynch him! xD

@wen294 I never trust people who explain the way they play when town/scum/tpr

The good thing for you is that mafia (let's say you are town for now) may believe so you won't get NK. I know I'll probably get lynch before NK because Phraze is town and she always tries to burn me at the steak xD

@Blonde now that there is a small train on you, care to join us? :3
Yep, I'm here. Writing up thoughts on the votes so far atm. although it's still early game so they aren't too detailed.
I don't think I've played with you before, so nice to meet you ^^

Shinichi-Kun said:
Gonna start off by saying if anyone claims jester lynch them cause the rule is more harmful to town alive than dead. One less thing for mafia to hide behind.

Vote:Blonde Ivev missed being able to type that name
Lol, this is how you welcome me back?? :(

I'll start by voting one of the players that haven't posted yet and try to get them involved, Vote: ZXDarkBlade

u thought u were gonna get a nicee welcome sucks to be u then lol plunotifications help u stay more active lol

Jan 19, 2017 1:16 PM

Dec 2013
Ruu said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

i can see it both ways

what do you mean by that?

i mean i can see reasons why they should kill you and reasons why it be a complete waste

Jan 19, 2017 1:21 PM

Dec 2013
Blonde said:
Here is my list of votes with their reasons, as well as my thoughts on the votes so far. Like I said before, not many thoughts just yet, but that'll change a bit later in the game.
This is actually more for me to keep track of my thoughts and generally everything that's going on. But, I thought I should post it, so people can use it to check past votes.

Day 1 Votes with Reasons:

As for dono's vote it doesnt make much sense beause you can expect logic to just follow phraze and trust her without seeing what she is capable of first. Logic is really good player he doesnt need leadership, i'm the sae way i won't follow her unless its good for the town. That doesnt make either of us scummy.

Grapefruits vote was weird because he sated it was omgus but he wasnt even voted i think hes just a lost townie.

Also the votes to prod someone seem pretty towny so far.

Jan 19, 2017 1:22 PM

Dec 2013
aa-dono said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

she seems more like an easy lynch is what im saying so i asked u why her.
How is she an easy lynch?

because shes apopular choice thats why

Jan 19, 2017 1:27 PM

Dec 2012
Shinichi-Kun said:
Gonna start off by saying if anyone claims jester lynch them cause the rule is more harmful to town alive than dead. One less thing for mafia to hide behind.

Vote:Blonde Ivev missed being able to type that name

What if jester claims jester?
Jan 19, 2017 1:31 PM

Aug 2012
Shinichi-Kun said:
aa-dono said:
How is she an easy lynch?

because shes apopular choice thats why
Really? o.O
Seems to me like you were the popular choice. Though not in this game :/

Shinichi-Kun said:
Blonde said:
Here is my list of votes with their reasons, as well as my thoughts on the votes so far. Like I said before, not many thoughts just yet, but that'll change a bit later in the game.
This is actually more for me to keep track of my thoughts and generally everything that's going on. But, I thought I should post it, so people can use it to check past votes.

Day 1 Votes with Reasons:

As for dono's vote it doesnt make much sense beause you can expect logic to just follow phraze and trust her without seeing what she is capable of first.
I see. Though that's not my only reason, it's nice to know that you're looking at my vote through Blonde's summary. #noted
Looking forward to see your much sense vote.

Jan 19, 2017 1:44 PM

Dec 2012
Vote: Grapefruit

Never played with you before, so I'm making train on you.
Jan 19, 2017 1:45 PM

Dec 2012
AlbertinoDias said:
well, this is still my second game of mafia (forum) so while i understand why we have to vote in someone in the first day, people are not writing anything (i was one of them and i'm sorry guys) and i'm not used to see the good/bad plays from town and mafia (i like to analyse people faces...) so for now i'll just play it safe and vote for my first random target #Omnisword, just because his name have sword in it and because for now it put me in a safe spot, i want to win, but i don't want to only be able to post...

Who do you think is scum?
Would you lynch Omnisword at the end of day?
Jan 19, 2017 2:22 PM

Jul 2016
Karote said:
AlbertinoDias said:
well, this is still my second game of mafia (forum) so while i understand why we have to vote in someone in the first day, people are not writing anything (i was one of them and i'm sorry guys) and i'm not used to see the good/bad plays from town and mafia (i like to analyse people faces...) so for now i'll just play it safe and vote for my first random target #Omnisword, just because his name have sword in it and because for now it put me in a safe spot, i want to win, but i don't want to only be able to post...

Who do you think is scum?
Would you lynch Omnisword at the end of day?

i did not think anyone as mafia till now, but your comment now just hit a switch in my head and change vote: karote and why? because i said i'm not used to this kinda of mind games (since i like to watch the face of people) and you ask me right away who i think the mafia is, not to say you just posted now (could not be your fault, true but for this, you where waiting) and the first thing you say is: going to vote for person "a" because i trust you who i never played with... for me that doesn't make sense, and you seem to concern about my vote when i say i was going to vote for him to have a safe guard, 2-2 votes and it was random.... yes this is my opinion right now
Jan 19, 2017 2:23 PM

Jul 2016
the second, not the first time, sorry, my bad, i did not understand the first comment...
Jan 19, 2017 2:33 PM

Dec 2012
AlbertinoDias said:
Karote said:

Who do you think is scum?
Would you lynch Omnisword at the end of day?

i did not think anyone as mafia till now, but your comment now just hit a switch in my head and change vote: karote and why? because i said i'm not used to this kinda of mind games (since i like to watch the face of people) and you ask me right away who i think the mafia is, not to say you just posted now (could not be your fault, true but for this, you where waiting) and the first thing you say is: going to vote for person "a" because i trust you who i never played with... for me that doesn't make sense, and you seem to concern about my vote when i say i was going to vote for him to have a safe guard, 2-2 votes and it was random.... yes this is my opinion right now

Yeah, you can't see people faces here but you can read their reaction and that's what I hope to get.
Thus my vote for grape and me asking you question who mafia is.

I'm not concerned about your vote, I'm just curious what are you gonna do with it since I want to know more about you.
Jan 19, 2017 3:07 PM

May 2015
stealing Blonde's vote count - now updated :P

Vote Count:
Blonde (1) - Chad
aa-dono (1) - Omnisword
AlbertinoDias (1) - Ruu,
Grapefruit (2) - Logic340, Karote
ZXdarkblade (1) - Blonde
Logic340 (1) - aa dono
Sleip (1) - Suzu
Ruu (1) - Grapefruit
Omnisword (1) - Wen
Karote (1) - AlbertinoDias

For now @grapefruit is getting lynch, hopefully this will make them show up and participate xD

@Karote if the jester claims should we help him and lynch him? or let Mafia kill him? Personally I wouldn't help them achieve their wincon xD First place or nothing! :P
Jan 19, 2017 3:24 PM

Dec 2013
Karote said:
I want to know more about you.

Shinichi-Kun said:
Blonde said:
Here is my list of votes with their reasons, as well as my thoughts on the votes so far. Like I said before, not many thoughts just yet, but that'll change a bit later in the game.
This is actually more for me to keep track of my thoughts and generally everything that's going on. But, I thought I should post it, so people can use it to check past votes.

Day 1 Votes with Reasons:

As for dono's vote it doesnt make much sense beause you can expect logic to just follow phraze and trust her without seeing what she is capable of first. Logic is really good player he doesnt need leadership, i'm the sae way i won't follow her unless its good for the town. That doesnt make either of us scummy.

Grapefruits vote was weird because he sated it was omgus but he wasnt even voted i think hes just a lost townie.

Also the votes to prod someone seem pretty towny so far.
Pretty sure that OMGUS that grape was talking about was from a previous game. Which in turn isn't really usefull to bring into your new game but okey.

Also chad, what do your chad senses tell you about the current state of chad?
Jan 19, 2017 3:32 PM

Dec 2012
Ruu said:
@Karote if the jester claims should we help him and lynch him? or let Mafia kill him? Personally I wouldn't help them achieve their wincon xD First place or nothing! :P

I don't think they are just gonna reveal either way, what if we betray them? etc.

They are gonna hinder us a lot in the game but that can't be helped. I wouldn't want them give easy win too (Yeah, I'm not nice)
Jan 19, 2017 3:32 PM

Dec 2015
I think I'll Vote Grapefruit. Sorry about not being around. I didn't realize that we had enough people and the game had started until literally 10 minutes ago.
Jan 19, 2017 3:37 PM

Dec 2012
wen294 said:
Karote said:
I want to know more about you.

Jan 19, 2017 4:40 PM

Dec 2012
wen294 said:
aa-dono said:
Soooo.... @Shinichi-kun did you get scum again?

Chad doing what chad does best. AKA rolling scum.

aa-dono said:
My momma told me not to follow strangers~

Guess he should've offered a bar of chocolate.

aa-dono said:

When did grape use the newbie card? o.O

Also, Shin-chan is too mainstream. Though I believe in jinx. So he might be scum here. Since Penta's not here x)

Hm so grape isn't a newbie then? I don't know him so thanks for telling i guess.
Also, when you're in a game with penta and you rolled vig, first thing you do is shoot penta. True story.

As for my vote:
vote: Phraze because reasons
I cry about the fact that i can't do this.
Vote: Togs because togs
I still cry.

Vote: omnisword
I mean obviously nobody would seriously praise Laharl, it's obviously fake to try and get close to Laharl.
Except maybe for prinnies that were forced into praising Laharl by Laharl himself but his messages don't end with DOOD so we can assume that isn't the case.

How dare you! go lick Laharl foot for this
you must have no authencity as prinnies.
aa-dono said:
Omnisword said:
And I am so salty here
why aa-dono didn't responded to my genuine offer to come with me to that abandoned house
"sulk in corner"
vote aa-dono
Hello stranger.

What do you think of the votes on you? And logic's reluctance to vote due to it?

I think that because people love me and for why Logic reluctant to vote on me probably because he is being tsundere on me
P.S: I think Logic has secret feeling for me
this just feeling "Blush"

But on serious note, my read is this atm.
@Phraze definitely a town unless the GM add a twist Laharl troll everyone which i doubt will happen
@Logic340 why did you reluctant to vote on me bro?
Grape: So why did you voted on sir Laharl?
@Blonde : I think Blonde was too fast to confirmed Grape being town, anybody could did in his place, if i am voted on Phraze would Blonde confirmed me as town too?
@aa-dono: You are cute girl "smile"
@Ruu: I see you are cute girl too, so what do you think about me?
@wen294: She not hate Laharl right? on another note i think she is a mature girl, i want to take peek at her real life photo.

Oh and i think that's all if anybody i forgot to included then that bully for you
Jan 19, 2017 4:48 PM

Jan 2010
Omnisword said:
wen294 said:

Chad doing what chad does best. AKA rolling scum.

Guess he should've offered a bar of chocolate.

Hm so grape isn't a newbie then? I don't know him so thanks for telling i guess.
Also, when you're in a game with penta and you rolled vig, first thing you do is shoot penta. True story.

As for my vote:
vote: Phraze because reasons
I cry about the fact that i can't do this.
Vote: Togs because togs
I still cry.

Vote: omnisword
I mean obviously nobody would seriously praise Laharl, it's obviously fake to try and get close to Laharl.
Except maybe for prinnies that were forced into praising Laharl by Laharl himself but his messages don't end with DOOD so we can assume that isn't the case.

How dare you! go lick Laharl foot for this
you must have no authencity as prinnies.
aa-dono said:
Hello stranger.

What do you think of the votes on you? And logic's reluctance to vote due to it?

I think that because people love me and for why Logic reluctant to vote on me probably because he is being tsundere on me
P.S: I think Logic has secret feeling for me
this just feeling "Blush"

But on serious note, my read is this atm.
@Phraze definitely a town unless the GM add a twist Laharl troll everyone which i doubt will happen
@Logic340 why did you reluctant to vote on me bro?
Grape: So why did you voted on sir Laharl?
@Blonde : I think Blonde was too fast to confirmed Grape being town, anybody could did in his place, if i am voted on Phraze would Blonde confirmed me as town too?
@aa-dono: You are cute girl "smile"
@Ruu: I see you are cute girl too, so what do you think about me?
@wen294: She not hate Laharl right? on another note i think she is a mature girl, i want to take peek at her real life photo.

Oh and i think that's all if anybody i forgot to included then that bully for you
If you are indeed the jester I'm not inclined to help you reach your win condition. I haven't seen anything from you that I would consider scummy to this point so you could say that is the source of my reluctance. Not a lot to go on so far and I'm playing two games at once. I need to go over the thread and formulate some real reads on the people who have posted.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 19, 2017 4:48 PM

Dec 2012
A note to beloved GM
@Doughkey : Today i will go out of town to rural area, obviously i don't have connection there i probably will go off around 20 hours for this not long trip but in case i still not return longer than that then consider to sub me out.
thank you
Jan 19, 2017 5:23 PM

Dec 2016
@Omnisword I voted Phraze because I was at work and rushing to try to stay involved in the game. Didn't take the time to read the opening mod post... Just saw I was mentioned by logic and posted direct after being notified.

@Ruu I'm watching, I just don't have much to contribute as not much is happening and only a very small subset of posts matters. I haven't seen any interactions that jump out to me and say these two are in a scum chat together. And that is all I'm looking for right now.
Jan 19, 2017 5:39 PM

Jan 2010
AlbertinoDias said:
well, this is still my second game of mafia (forum) so while i understand why we have to vote in someone in the first day, people are not writing anything (i was one of them and i'm sorry guys) and i'm not used to see the good/bad plays from town and mafia (i like to analyse people faces...) so for now i'll just play it safe and vote for my first random target #Omnisword, just because his name have sword in it and because for now it put me in a safe spot, i want to win, but i don't want to only be able to post...
I only learned of mafia in that first game we played together. I am still wading my way through it, keep at it things will start to make sense. I try to look past what is being said and see why it's being said. Also I try to look at things that are said from both mindsets (ex: what would scum or town gain from doing x?)
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 19, 2017 6:32 PM

Oct 2011
Ruu said:
here I am~ might get more time to post...I hope >3<

Jan 19, 2017 6:45 PM

Oct 2012
Omnisword said:
A note to beloved GM
@Doughkey : Today i will go out of town to rural area, obviously i don't have connection there i probably will go off around 20 hours for this not long trip but in case i still not return longer than that then consider to sub me out.
thank you

Send me a PM saying you are ready to play before D2, otherwise you will be replaced. EZ~
Jan 19, 2017 6:45 PM

May 2015
ZXDarkblade said:
I think I'll Vote Grapefruit. Sorry about not being around. I didn't realize that we had enough people and the game had started until literally 10 minutes ago.

okay this is pretty scummy :/ grape already has two vote so why him? did something seem scummy to you? if so what?
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