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Jul 31, 2015 10:26 AM

Mar 2014
LoliNinjaa said:
Name: Hestia
Age (Between 14 - 24): 18
Gender: Female
Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill): Lightning Queen
Power Explanation (what that skill does): She can manipulate lightning to shoot lightning spheres
Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):
Role (Tank, Healer, Spell-Caster, Dual-wielder): Spell Caster
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):
Personality: She is a kind girl but loves to tease guys and play around with them
Bio: Hestia was born into a nice and rich family and she was a very talented child when it came to art. Her parents would sell the art for extra income but gave half of the earnings to Hestia. On school she was a popular girl with many friends, of course there were people who despised her. This showed one day when she stayed at school to paint a drawing and 4 girls who hated her came to her and started swearing at her. Hestia got scared and took her bag trying to get out of the classroom but one of the girls made her trip. They then started beating her up so badly she had to be brought to a hospital. Once she was out of there she forgot who she really was expect for her name. When she was home her parents asked her to paint something but she forgot how to. Her mother just walked away but her father got mad and started abusing her from that point onward. She didn't know why of course so she decided to flee. She had fled in the middle of a storm and when she got struck by lightning she manipulated it into a ball. She started living in some boxes in alleyways and soon got a letter. She read it with massive interest and accepted it. Now she will seek power to complete this game.

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+10 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: 100
Defence: 25
Vit: 50
Speed: 30
Health regen: 20

you may RP after putting up your stats and all in here

Jul 31, 2015 11:29 AM

Aug 2013
Name: Alius Anima Occultus
Age (Between 14 - 24): 18
Gender: Male
Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill): Crow Manipulation
Power Explanation (what that skill does): Alius has the ability to turn his whole body into a flock of crows. He can stay in this state for up to 4 posts, then it'll need a 2 post reload.
Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it): Black, Aluminum Bat
Role (Tank, Healer, Spell-Caster, Dual-wielder): Tank
Tank = character class focused on drawing enemy damage (1 handed weapons)
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):
Personality: He's quite mysterious. So mysterious that his personality is also a mystery. Though, one thing is for certain: He's down to heart and his eyes are cold and calculating when irritated or mad. He also tends to walk around with a black, metal bat under his coat, so don't piss him off too much.

Bio: He was a happy 10 year old when the start of unfortunate events began in his life. First, his dad died in a construction 'accident' and his mom was killed in a drive-by. His older sister moved Alius around to different parts of Japan, but eventually, it all came to ahead when their house burned down and his sister died in the fire. He was, then, put up to adoption, but he was never adopted...however, as he wrote books about his cynical view on the world, he gained alot of money and was able to but an apartment when he turned 17, they went to live there on his 18th birthday. After he found nothing else to write, he turned his attention to MMORPGs. He found this one game, Heaven's Playground, and decided to play it.

Atk: 50
Defence: 50+50=100
Speed: 25
Health regen: 25+25=50
LeCroweJul 31, 2015 11:39 AM
Jul 31, 2015 11:30 AM

Mar 2014
TheCynicalCrow said:
Name: Alius Anima Occultus
Age (Between 14 - 24): 18
Gender: Male
Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill): Crow Manipulation
Power Explanation (what that skill does): Alius has the ability to turn his whole body into a flock of crows. He can stay in this state for up to 4 posts, then it'll need a 2 post reload.
Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it): Black, Aluminum Bat
Role (Tank, Healer, Spell-Caster, Dual-wielder): Tank
Tank = character class focused on drawing enemy damage (1 handed weapons)
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):
Personality: He's quite mysterious. So mysterious that his personality is also a mystery. Though, one thing is for certain: He's down to heart and his eyes are cold and calculating when irritated or mad. He also tends to walk around with a black, metal bat under his coat, so don't piss him off too much.

Bio: He was a happy 10 year old when the start of unfortunate events began in his life. First, his dad died in a construction 'accident' and his mom was killed in a drive-by. His older sister moved Alius around to different parts of Japan, but eventually, it all came to ahead when their house burned down and his sister died in the fire. He was, then, put up to adoption, but he was never adopted...however, as he wrote books about his cynical view on the world, he gained alot of money and was able to but an apartment when he turned 17, they went to live there on his 18th birthday. After he found nothing else to write, he turned his attention to MMORPGs. He found this one game, Heaven's Playground, and decided to play it.

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+100 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: 50
Defence: 50+50=100
Vit(this determines hp, all characters start at 50 Vit, hp =Vitx 100) tanks(+25)
Speed: 25
Health regen: 25

you may RP after putting up your stats and all in here

Jul 31, 2015 12:15 PM

Apr 2014

Name: Rito
Age (Between 14 - 24): 18
Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill): fiery strike (his swords light on fire)
Power Explanation (what that skill does): His swords light on fire XD
Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):

Twin swords

Role , Dual-wielder
Tank = character class focused on drawing enemy damage (1 handed weapons)
Spell-Caster = character focused on dealing damage, but is relatively weak in all other regards. (staff-like weapons)
Healer = character focused on restoring the health of one's allies. (relic-like items, can have a sword too, but deals close to no damage)
Dual-wielder = character focused on speed, attacks deal less damage than tank and more than spell-caster (2 weapons of the same type)
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: kind caring and cheerful
Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!)

Rito grew up raised in an orphanage but was soon adopted and he began his happy life with his step mother but she happened to be very old so he had to help her often but he didn't mind he loved her(NOT THAT KIND OF LOVE DAMN IT family love ) ,and she loved him just as much then.he got into gaming (timeskip) a few years later his mother died of age and he was depressed and he began gaming a lot and became.a shut in then one day he got a letter and signed now he is in this world

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+100 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: spellcasters(+75)
duelwielders(+25) 20
Defence: tanks(+50)
Vit(this determines hp, all characters start at 50 Vit, hp =Vitx 100) tanks(+25)
Health regen:healers(+75) 30
SleeplessVampireJul 31, 2015 12:48 PM
Jul 31, 2015 12:28 PM

Mar 2014
I changed my charactr
Jul 31, 2015 12:31 PM

Mar 2014
Pretty-Setsu said:
Name: Setsu
Age : 17
Gender: female
Power:blood user
Power Explanation: first of all setsu bits her hand and can male stik like weapon and fight by it.

Role: Dual-wielder = character focused on speed, attacks deal less damage than tank and more than spell-caster (2 weapons of the same type)

Personality: a lonel gi, cofee fighting wining, music, and bing alone, because she is scare to hurt someone by her powers
Dislike: when people touching her, talk much, tea.
Bio: Setsu is a rich girl, her parants has 4 child and she is youngest, shewas groing up as a good child but one day whan she was 3 year old she felt down and blod come out from her cut and her parants get she was different, so they send her away from them in a bigest manshion, she grow up there with maids and servents, a bodygours teach her how to fight so she could protect herself, after all she was interesting in this staff. And one day when she become 14 yeal old a new teacher come to her mantion and she started teach setsu how to be a real lady,after all she was rich girl. But on free time she was treining herpowers and ability to fight. And one day she killed her bodygiurs, it was an eqcident, but after that she stoped everything and started be real bitch who do not talk much and the playfull girl changed. She become scaryer. After all she lost someone who was just like her father. And when she bcome 16 year old she was called by her parants to go to live with them. After all she already could controle her powers. But when she went there she get that high sociaty was not her place, she hated all of it.. And when she become17 year old it was party because of her birthday, and when she went to her room she find a letter from an interesting game, she started thinking about it but then she get she had nothing to lose, and she wanted to try it, after all she could use her evil powers to have fun. But she was still scare what would heppened there but she left the house, so noone knew about it she run Away.. And started this game

i dont get this atk and staff so can you change it as it must be??
Stats: 100(choose your own starting stats)
Atk: spellcasters 50
duelwielders 60
Defence: 30
Vit 50
Speed:duelwielders 70
Health regen:healers 40

you may RP after putting up your stats and all in here

Jul 31, 2015 12:54 PM

Mar 2014
SleepyNeko said:

Name: Rito
Age (Between 14 - 24): 18
Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill): fiery strike (his swords light on fire)
Power Explanation (what that skill does): His swords light on fire XD
Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):

Twin swords

Role , Dual-wielder
Tank = character class focused on drawing enemy damage (1 handed weapons)
Spell-Caster = character focused on dealing damage, but is relatively weak in all other regards. (staff-like weapons)
Healer = character focused on restoring the health of one's allies. (relic-like items, can have a sword too, but deals close to no damage)
Dual-wielder = character focused on speed, attacks deal less damage than tank and more than spell-caster (2 weapons of the same type)
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: kind caring and cheerful
Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!)

Rito grew up raised in an orphanage but was soon adopted and he began his happy life with his step mother but she happened to be very old so he had to help her often but he didn't mind he loved her(NOT THAT KIND OF LOVE DAMN IT family love ) ,and she loved him just as much then.he got into gaming (timeskip) a few years later his mother died of age and he was depressed and he began gaming a lot and became.a shut in then one day he got a letter and signed now he is in this world

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+100 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: spellcasters(+75)
duelwielders(+25) 20
Defence: tanks(+50)
Vit(this determines hp, all characters start at 50 Vit, hp =Vitx 100) tanks(+25)
Health regen:healers(+75) 30

you may RP after putting up your stats and all in here

Jul 31, 2015 4:51 PM

May 2015
Name: Blake Sable

Age (Between 14 - 24): 16

Gender: Male

Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill):Absolute Darkness strike

Power Explanation (what that skill does): triggers a teqnique that channels the power of darkness in his dual swords to strike the target up to 5 times (currently it increases as he levels up) if not interrupted, each strike stringer than the last.

Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):

Role (Tank, Healer, Spell-Caster, Dual-wielder): Dual wielder
Tank = character class focused on drawing enemy damage (1 handed weapons)
Spell-Caster = character focused on dealing damage, but is relatively weak in all other regards. (staff-like weapons)
Healer = character focused on restoring the health of one's allies. (relic-like items, can have a sword too, but deals close to no damage)
Dual-wielder = character focused on speed, attacks deal less damage than tank and more than spell-caster (2 weapons of the same type)

Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: cold, cunning, manuplitive, hard working, and all in all a dark dual wielder. However once u gain his trust and befriend him he is a true friend

Bio: He was originally a dark magician that had a natural talent and connection for dark magic. However he trained in dual wielding and decided to become a dark knight instead. He felt he could do more as a dual wielding dark knight than a spell casting dark magician so he never trained to be a dark magician as his parents and teachers urged him to and instead became a dark knight. Of course learning dark magic in any form would hardens ones heart which is what formed Blakes personality. He continued training to be a dark knight until he final learned his first skill at the age of 16 which was the same time he received his letter to join the "game" and of course accepted.

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+100 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: duelwielders(+25) 35
Defence: 15
Vit(this determines hp, all characters start at 50 Vit, hp =Vitx 100) 10
Speed:duelwielders(+50) 35
Health regen: 5
KingAce261Jul 31, 2015 5:16 PM
I am the King, address me as anything less and face the wrath of The Emperor Supreme King
Jul 31, 2015 4:52 PM

Mar 2014
KingAce261 said:
Name: Blake Sable
Age (Between 14 - 24): 16
Gender: Male
Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill):Absolute Darkness strike
Power Explanation (what that skill does): triggers a teqnique that channels the power of darkness in his dual swords to strike the target up to 13 times if not interrupted, each strike stringer than the last.
Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):
Role (Tank, Healer, Spell-Caster, Dual-wielder): Dual wielder
Tank = character class focused on drawing enemy damage (1 handed weapons)
Spell-Caster = character focused on dealing damage, but is relatively weak in all other regards. (staff-like weapons)
Healer = character focused on restoring the health of one's allies. (relic-like items, can have a sword too, but deals close to no damage)
Dual-wielder = character focused on speed, attacks deal less damage than tank and more than spell-caster (2 weapons of the same type)
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: cold, cunning, manuplitive, hard working, and all in all a dark dual wielder. However once u gain his trust and befriend him he is a true friend

Bio: He was originally a dark magician that had a natural talent and connection for dark magic. However he trained in dual wielding and decided to become a dark knight instead. He felt he could do more as a dual wielding dark knight than a spell casting dark magician so he never trained to be a dark magician as his parents and teachers urged him to and instead became a dark knight. Of course learning dark magic in any form would hardens ones heart which is what formed Blakes personality. He continued training to be a dark knight until he final learned his first skill at the age of 16 which was the same time he received his letter to join the "game" and of course accepted.

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+100 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: duelwielders(+25) 35
Defence: 15
Vit(this determines hp, all characters start at 50 Vit, hp =Vitx 100) 10
Speed:duelwielders(+50) 35
Health regen: 5

(Kinda confused is this okay?)

13 strikes at level 1 is a bit too strong, he could reach that by leveling up, but at level 1 I'd say 4 strikes

Jul 31, 2015 4:54 PM

May 2015
diogora said:
KingAce261 said:
Name: Blake Sable
Age (Between 14 - 24): 16
Gender: Male
Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill):Absolute Darkness strike
Power Explanation (what that skill does): triggers a teqnique that channels the power of darkness in his dual swords to strike the target up to 13 times if not interrupted, each strike stringer than the last.
Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):
Role (Tank, Healer, Spell-Caster, Dual-wielder): Dual wielder
Tank = character class focused on drawing enemy damage (1 handed weapons)
Spell-Caster = character focused on dealing damage, but is relatively weak in all other regards. (staff-like weapons)
Healer = character focused on restoring the health of one's allies. (relic-like items, can have a sword too, but deals close to no damage)
Dual-wielder = character focused on speed, attacks deal less damage than tank and more than spell-caster (2 weapons of the same type)
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: cold, cunning, manuplitive, hard working, and all in all a dark dual wielder. However once u gain his trust and befriend him he is a true friend

Bio: He was originally a dark magician that had a natural talent and connection for dark magic. However he trained in dual wielding and decided to become a dark knight instead. He felt he could do more as a dual wielding dark knight than a spell casting dark magician so he never trained to be a dark magician as his parents and teachers urged him to and instead became a dark knight. Of course learning dark magic in any form would hardens ones heart which is what formed Blakes personality. He continued training to be a dark knight until he final learned his first skill at the age of 16 which was the same time he received his letter to join the "game" and of course accepted.

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+100 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: duelwielders(+25) 35
Defence: 15
Vit(this determines hp, all characters start at 50 Vit, hp =Vitx 100) 10
Speed:duelwielders(+50) 35
Health regen: 5

(Kinda confused is this okay?)

13 strikes at level 1 is a bit too strong, he could reach that by leveling up, but at level 1 I'd say 4 strikes

5 or 3 or 7 or 13 those are my favorite numbers so would 3 to 5 to 7 to 13 be okay
I am the King, address me as anything less and face the wrath of The Emperor Supreme King
Jul 31, 2015 4:55 PM

May 2015
^^btw I just changed the pic lol
I am the King, address me as anything less and face the wrath of The Emperor Supreme King
Jul 31, 2015 4:56 PM

Mar 2014
I'll accept 5 xD

Jul 31, 2015 5:05 PM

Nov 2010
Name: Tsurugi Senya
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Power: Gravity Control
Power Explanation: The ability to control how gravity affects her. Allowing her and whatever she uses as a weapon (which is usually her katana) to be as light as a feather and up to as almost 100 kilograms heavy (She will be able to gain greater 'weights' as she levels up) This power has a variety of uses, for example she could make herself light enough to be carried by the wind and appear to be flying and even run on water, while on the other hand she could heavy herself and her katana to strike with great force. She can only use this power on herself and on whatever inanimate project she chooses as a weapon.

(For every extra 10 Kgs of weight one post cool down. For example if she choose to hit with 40 Kgs she will have to cool down for 4 posts after that.)
Weapon: Katana (See in pic with her)
Role: Tank

Personality: Kind, serene, and understanding. But also an enigma to those around her. Whoever she chose to reveal her 'true' name must be a special person, in a romantic or friendly meaning. Shows a great sense of curiosity toward everything and anything to the point that she doesn't realize what should and should not be said and done, causing many misunderstandings and comical situations in result even if her intentions were pure and innocent.
'Made' in the Heian era, Senya have been well preserved and passed from owner to owner through the years. Yes, Senya is no normal human, she was actually a thousand years old katana that was formerly known as "Tsurumaru". Which is also her 'true' name. Sometimes she was used in battle to cut down hundreds of enemies, sometimes she was displayed in a room within a castle or a mansion as the current owner's family treasure. Renowned and desired enough to have caused people to grave-rope her and steal her from shrines. Her old age showed how she was renowned enough to have been passed down the generations from one famous individual to another, one of them being Oda Nobunaga himself.

After exactly a thousand years have passed since her creation she came to have a soul and conscious, but no actual physical body to move and interact with. She was still a katana one way or an another after all. By the time Senya reached her thousandth year she had found herself displayed in a museum somewhere in Japan as an artifact. The thousand years she had witnessed became her 'memories', and more years passed as she was in an idle state where all she could do was observe the humans who came and go. She was nothing but a ghost. One fateful night however, one sole man came to visit her after the museum's operating hours. A man which cannot be possibly ordinary, as he gave her the one chance to be become a human being of flesh and blood. She was then reborn to be human child. That's when her caretaker and guardian, a lone old priest, found her as an infant on the shrine's gates and took her in and raised her, giving her the name "Tsurugi Senya". Senya grew up normally with no memories of her past life as a katana, although it had always puzzled her how she came to have super powers, until she received the letter that would change her life forever. The moment she finished reading, the memories came gushing out at once and realized that it might have been her fate and destiny all along to be reborn as a human and fight for the sake of the people above the clouds.
Attack: 35
Defense: +50
Vit: + 25
Speed: 35
Health Regeneration: 30
rika713Jul 31, 2015 5:58 PM
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Jul 31, 2015 5:17 PM

May 2015
Changed it and now what? am I supposed to post it in the character stats thread and then as I level up do I gain new skills or does my skill just improve or both
I am the King, address me as anything less and face the wrath of The Emperor Supreme King
Jul 31, 2015 5:18 PM

Mar 2014
put it down to 100 for now :)

also, you forgot the base 50 vitality stat points xD
Vitality * 100 = HP :P

Jul 31, 2015 5:19 PM

Mar 2014
KingAce261 said:
Name: Blake Sable

Age (Between 14 - 24): 16

Gender: Male

Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill):Absolute Darkness strike

Power Explanation (what that skill does): triggers a teqnique that channels the power of darkness in his dual swords to strike the target up to 5 times (currently it increases as he levels up) if not interrupted, each strike stringer than the last.

Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):

Role (Tank, Healer, Spell-Caster, Dual-wielder): Dual wielder
Tank = character class focused on drawing enemy damage (1 handed weapons)
Spell-Caster = character focused on dealing damage, but is relatively weak in all other regards. (staff-like weapons)
Healer = character focused on restoring the health of one's allies. (relic-like items, can have a sword too, but deals close to no damage)
Dual-wielder = character focused on speed, attacks deal less damage than tank and more than spell-caster (2 weapons of the same type)

Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: cold, cunning, manuplitive, hard working, and all in all a dark dual wielder. However once u gain his trust and befriend him he is a true friend

Bio: He was originally a dark magician that had a natural talent and connection for dark magic. However he trained in dual wielding and decided to become a dark knight instead. He felt he could do more as a dual wielding dark knight than a spell casting dark magician so he never trained to be a dark magician as his parents and teachers urged him to and instead became a dark knight. Of course learning dark magic in any form would hardens ones heart which is what formed Blakes personality. He continued training to be a dark knight until he final learned his first skill at the age of 16 which was the same time he received his letter to join the "game" and of course accepted.

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+100 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: duelwielders(+25) 35
Defence: 15
Vit(this determines hp, all characters start at 50 Vit, hp =Vitx 100) 10
Speed:duelwielders(+50) 35
Health regen: 5

Approved ^^

Jul 31, 2015 5:20 PM

Mar 2014
KingAce261 said:
Changed it and now what? am I supposed to post it in the character stats thread and then as I level up do I gain new skills or does my skill just improve or both

yep, post what's needed in character stats ^^
I'll leave the skills up to you ^^
you can either learn new ones or improve what you already have every 5 level ups ^^

Jul 31, 2015 5:27 PM

Nov 2010
diogora said:
put it down to 100 for now :)

also, you forgot the base 50 vitality stat points xD
Vitality * 100 = HP :P

Oki doki~ other than that I am fine right?
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Jul 31, 2015 5:29 PM

Mar 2014
yep <3

Jul 31, 2015 6:28 PM

Jan 2014
All houses updated until here~
Jul 31, 2015 6:42 PM

Oct 2014
Name: Sophia Miki
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Power: Projection
Power Explanation: Sophia can “project” a sword to be used for -5- posts, after -5- posts the weapon disintegrates, 5 post cooldown. She can only project one sword to begin with. Eventually after leveling many times she will be able to “project” multiple swords
How it works


Role: Dual Wielder
Dual-wielder = character focused on speed, attacks deal less damage than tank and more than spell-caster (2 weapons of the same type)

Personality: Sophia is a mostly carefree individual but tends to fly solo because she isn't a very good people person. Although she isn't very social she is veyr serious when it comes to protecting the people she cares about and is willing to goto any length to do so.

Bio: Sophia was born into a very prestigious mage family, her family had practiced and perfected the magical arts for many generations. However Sophia was born different, she was unable to use any form of magic except “projection” but even that was poor at best. Due to this fact her family shunned her refusing to teach her or let her live in the family home. Soon she was disowned and all contact with her family cut off. Whilst begging on the streets for money to buy herself food, a man handed her a letter to join this “game” and out of optionswith no where else to go, she accepted.

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+100 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: 25 (+25)
Vit: 50
Health regen: 20
GezboJul 31, 2015 10:29 PM
Jul 31, 2015 8:35 PM

Oct 2014
Jul 31, 2015 8:49 PM

Jul 2012
Name: Kazuha Seina
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Power: Blood Well
Power Explanation: Using her skill she can drain hp from enemies and use her hp to heal allies. While draining she is immobile and can only drain for up to 5 seconds (10hp per second) and has to then switch to heal repeatedly(can't spam heal or drain and cannot self heal besides through drain and health regen). Heal on the other hand uses up 20% of hp to heal 10% of only a single ally instantly. Each heal or drain one post cool down.
Weapon : Books
Role: Healer
Pic: :

Personality: Stoic, tends to be observant and keep to herself, and always carries a book with her and reads whenever she can. Has the tendency to speak what she thinks and unintentionally give out rude remarks.
Bio: Kazuha Seina was just an average bibliophile...well besides getting randomly cornered by people due to her lack of observation when entranced in her reading and becoming a target by males. Life was quite normal and as they say knowledge is power and in the right hands a book is a powerful weapon or so they say... Unfortunately the girl was actually succesfully cornered and somehow brought to a bar, forced to drink. In her drunkness she found the letter in her book and only understood that she'd be whisked away and in this case she'd take any chance to escape out of the soon to become even messier situation she was in and quickly scribbled the word "books" on the letter.

Vit: 50+25
Speed: 20
Health regen: 75+25
AsreaAug 1, 2015 4:31 AM
Jul 31, 2015 9:31 PM

Jul 2015
Asrea said:
Name: Kazuha Seina
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Power: Life Manipulation
Power Explanation: Using her skill she can drain hp from enemies and use her hp to heal allies.
Weapon : Books
Role: Healer
Pic: :

Personality: Stoic, tends to be observant and keep to herself, and always carries a book with her and reads whenever she can. Has the tendency to speak what she thinks and unintentionally give out rude remarks.
Bio: Kazuha Seina was just an average bibliophile...well besides getting randomly cornered by people due to her lack of observation when entranced in her reading and becoming a target by males. Life was quite normal and as they say knowledge is power and in the right hands a book is a powerful weapon or so they say... Unfortunately the girl was actually succesfully cornered and somehow brought to a bar, forced to drink. In her drunkness she found the letter in her book and only understood that she'd be whisked away and in this case she'd take any chance to escape out of the soon to become even messier situation she was in and quickly scribbled the word "books" on the letter.

Vit: 50+25
Speed: 20
Health regen: 75+25

More discription of ability please... That seems op.
Jul 31, 2015 10:26 PM

Jul 2015
Gez_ said:
Name: Sophia Miki
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Power: Projection
Power Explanation: Sophia can “project” a sword to be used for -6- posts, after -6- posts the weapon disintegrates, 6 post cooldown. She can only project one sword to begin with. Eventually after leveling many times she will be able to “project” multiple swords
How it works


Role: Dual Wielder
Dual-wielder = character focused on speed, attacks deal less damage than tank and more than spell-caster (2 weapons of the same type)

Personality: Sophia is a mostly carefree individual but tends to fly solo because she isn't a very good people person. Although she isn't very social she is veyr serious when it comes to protecting the people she cares about and is willing to goto any length to do so.

Bio: Sophia was born into a very prestigious mage family, her family had practiced and perfected the magical arts for many generations. However Sophia was born different, she was unable to use any form of magic except “projection” but even that was poor at best. Due to this fact her family shunned her refusing to teach her or let her live in the family home. Soon she was disowned and all contact with her family cut off. Whilst begging on the streets for money to buy herself food, a man handed her a letter to join this “game” and out of optionswith no where else to go, she accepted.

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+100 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: 25 (+25)
Vit: 50
Health regen: 20

You should make it 5 posts on the ability. The 6 is bugging me. Otherwise I approve. Post it in stats and you should be good!
Jul 31, 2015 10:36 PM

Oct 2014
Leafz said:
Gez_ said:
Name: Sophia Miki
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Power: Projection
Power Explanation: Sophia can “project” a sword to be used for -6- posts, after -6- posts the weapon disintegrates, 6 post cooldown. She can only project one sword to begin with. Eventually after leveling many times she will be able to “project” multiple swords
How it works


Role: Dual Wielder
Dual-wielder = character focused on speed, attacks deal less damage than tank and more than spell-caster (2 weapons of the same type)

Personality: Sophia is a mostly carefree individual but tends to fly solo because she isn't a very good people person. Although she isn't very social she is veyr serious when it comes to protecting the people she cares about and is willing to goto any length to do so.

Bio: Sophia was born into a very prestigious mage family, her family had practiced and perfected the magical arts for many generations. However Sophia was born different, she was unable to use any form of magic except “projection” but even that was poor at best. Due to this fact her family shunned her refusing to teach her or let her live in the family home. Soon she was disowned and all contact with her family cut off. Whilst begging on the streets for money to buy herself food, a man handed her a letter to join this “game” and out of optionswith no where else to go, she accepted.

Stats: (everyone starts with 100) (+100 each level-up) (choose your own starting stats)
Atk: 25 (+25)
Vit: 50
Health regen: 20

You should make it 5 posts on the ability. The 6 is bugging me. Otherwise I approve. Post it in stats and you should be good!

I didnt even notice it said 6 xD I must of mis typed
Jul 31, 2015 11:40 PM
Aug 2014
Name:Riken Shade
Gender: Male
Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill):Dark fire
Power Explanation (what that skill does):Can create a dark version of fire the fire is as strong as the normal fire (Maybe stronger at a higher level)
Current spell: Dark Fire Bolt: A small bolt fire in a dark form 1.25% damage 2 post cool down
Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):
the staff
Role (Tank, Healer, Spell-Caster, Dual-wielder): Spell-Caster = character focused on dealing damage, but is relatively weak in all other regards. (staff-like weapons)
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):
Looks no armor
Personality: Vicious
Blood thirsty
Hot headed
Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!)Riken was born into a family that has always worked of shadow magic so he had high hopes for him and was showing skill at a young age younger then most kids which made him to believed to be a protégé but besides this his parents kept teaching him shadow magic and didn't allow Riken to grow up like a normal kid and the dark magic has warped his mind making him a more violent and vicious person now Riken has left to test his powers out in the world and carve a place for himself.

Atk: 100
Defense: 25
Vit:50 Vit hp =Vitx 100=5000
Health regen:25
LoveandHate91Aug 1, 2015 7:26 PM
Jul 31, 2015 11:42 PM

Jul 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
Name:Riken Shade
Gender: Male
Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill):Shadow manipulation(creation at a later point
Power Explanation (what that skill does):He can control all shadow in a ten foot radius
Weapon (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):
the staff
Role (Tank, Healer, Spell-Caster, Dual-wielder): Spell-Caster = character focused on dealing damage, but is relatively weak in all other regards. (staff-like weapons)
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):
Personality: Vicious
Blood thirsty
Hot headed
Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!)Riken was born into a family that has always worked of shadow magic so he had high hopes for him and was showing skill at a young age younger then most kids which made him to believed to be a protégé but besides this his parents kept teaching him shadow magic and didn't allow Riken to grow up like a normal kid and the dark magic has warped his mind making him a more violent and vicious person now Riken has left to test his powers out in the world and carve a place for himself.

Atk: 100
Defense: 25
Vit:50 Vit hp =Vitx 100=5000
Health regen:25
debied, power too op for a lvl 1
Jul 31, 2015 11:47 PM

Jul 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
so if ten foot radius is too strong for a level one what radius would be allowed?
no radius, this ability is too strong for a lvl 1
Jul 31, 2015 11:54 PM

Oct 2014
Leafz is saying it's too op for a level 1, if you want shadow powers try something like a shadow arrow or orb that still fits the shadow theme but isnt as op as conrtolling all the shadow, cause like night time, you'd be god
Jul 31, 2015 11:56 PM

Jul 2015
Gez_ said:
Leafz is saying it's too op for a level 1, if you want shadow powers try something like a shadow arrow or orb that still fits the shadow theme but isnt as op as conrtolling all the shadow, cause like night time, you'd be god
thanks gez, also if you look at the twins(the first two characters) you'll see one of them uses shadows, you can never get any of its abilitys as its a god. So don't try.
Jul 31, 2015 11:57 PM

Jul 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
To have shadows to control you need a light source so a object can create a shadow at night there would be no light source to create a shadow so at night the power is next to useless he can only control shadows that are around he cannot create them
either fix it or delete please. I'm trying to be nice.
Aug 1, 2015 12:03 AM

Jul 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
Like I would think to make a level one take a "Slight bit of darkness" and cover a entire island with it I didn't even look in the character stats to read on someone else character to post mine so im not really trying to copy him
Please fix it, try not to argue please and also it's the concept... Even if you arnt trying to copy, it feels to similar to him. So try and keep it to a reasonable lvl
Aug 1, 2015 12:06 AM

Jul 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
I wasn't arguing I was answering Gez on why my character wouldn't be a god at night
... Just edit your character and try agian plz. And thank you
Aug 1, 2015 12:10 AM
Aug 2014
That power better
Aug 1, 2015 12:12 AM

Jul 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
That power better
That is even more out of the question, try a shadow arrow or something...
Aug 1, 2015 12:12 AM

Oct 2014
LoveandHate91 said:

Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill):Shadow freezeing
Power Explanation (what that skill does):Can cover a small area in shadow and since there is no light in the area of shadows it is colder and the temperature continues to drop to the point of freezing things in the shadow zone

Not very much better, actually more OP in my opinion, but ignore me Im not an admin so my opinion is pretty much worthless :D
Aug 1, 2015 12:15 AM

Jul 2015
Gez_ said:
LoveandHate91 said:

Power (an Element, simply put, a first skill):Shadow freezeing
Power Explanation (what that skill does):Can cover a small area in shadow and since there is no light in the area of shadows it is colder and the temperature continues to drop to the point of freezing things in the shadow zone

Not very much better, actually more OP in my opinion, but ignore me Im not an admin so my opinion is pretty much worthless :D

Actually your right gez_ I though the same thing
Aug 1, 2015 12:21 AM
Aug 2014
What about dark element manipulation can create a shadow version of elements
Aug 1, 2015 12:23 AM

Jul 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
What about dark element manipulation can create a shadow version of elements
Maybe, depends on how well it's worded and how strong it is. Too strong, your awnser is no, just right/weak is good
Aug 1, 2015 12:26 AM

Oct 2014
LoveandHate91 said:
To have shadows to control you need a light source so a object can create a shadow at night there would be no light source to create a shadow so at night the power is next to useless he can only control shadows that are around he cannot create them

I'm sorry but did you say that there isn't a light source at night? *Massive facepalm*, You do know that the moon is reflecting the sun's light? Therefore, there is light...
Aug 1, 2015 12:28 AM

Jul 2015
Wymsical said:
LoveandHate91 said:
To have shadows to control you need a light source so a object can create a shadow at night there would be no light source to create a shadow so at night the power is next to useless he can only control shadows that are around he cannot create them

I'm sorry but did you say that there isn't a light source at night? *Massive facepalm*, You do know that the moon is reflecting the sun's light? Therefore, there is light...
i was just letting it go on that one... I'm being nice admin hehe
Aug 1, 2015 12:30 AM

Jul 2015
Your power has no real limits... It needs cooldowns and stuff like that also a damage % multiplier
Aug 1, 2015 12:32 AM
Aug 2014
Where's a thread that tells us about a damage % multiplier?
Aug 1, 2015 12:35 AM

Oct 2014
Power: Abysmal Strike
Power Explanation: -Name Here- can imbue what ever weapon they are using with Abysmal power, with the weapon imbued it does 1.75 x Attack damage, example; attack = 100 x 1.75 = 175 damage. 5 post cooldown, gains .25 to the mulitplier every 10 levels.


Edit the desc to your likings but keep it the same in regards to power
Aug 1, 2015 12:36 AM

Jul 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
Where's a thread that tells us about a damage % multiplier?

We mostly just have it as an extra 50% damage. Unless specified, so you really don't have to worry about it.
Aug 1, 2015 12:36 AM
Aug 2014
Wymsical mind your own damn business and leave me alone in clubs im tired of you jumping in every rp club im in and putting your two sense on every damn character I make just mind your own damn business for once
Aug 1, 2015 12:36 AM

Jul 2015
Gez_ said:
Power: Abysmal Strike
Power Explanation: -Name Here- can imbue what ever weapon they are using with Abysmal power, with the weapon imbued it does 1.75 x Attack damage, example; attack = 100 x 1.75 = 175 damage. 5 post cooldown, gains .25 to the mulitplier every 10 levels.


Edit the desc to your likings but keep it the same in regards to power
Thanks um stupid XD
Aug 1, 2015 12:37 AM

Jul 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
Wymsical mind your own damn business and leave me alone in clubs im tired of you jumping in every rp club im in and putting your two sense on every damn character I make just mind your own damn business for once
He was here before you, and if you want to get nasty I can remove you from this club. 1st and last warning
Aug 1, 2015 12:39 AM

Oct 2014
Leafz said:
Gez_ said:
Power: Abysmal Strike
Power Explanation: -Name Here- can imbue what ever weapon they are using with Abysmal power, with the weapon imbued it does 1.75 x Attack damage, example; attack = 100 x 1.75 = 175 damage. 5 post cooldown, gains .25 to the mulitplier every 10 levels.


Edit the desc to your likings but keep it the same in regards to power
Thanks um stupid XD

Why am I stupid ;-;
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