Shun handed it to Yosuke and nodded, "Make sure you keep a good look out for predators," he ran off to the neighboring feild to start weeding out bad plants.
The sheep walked around lazily, their bodies bledding into one big fluff ball. On the outedges of the herd, three long white tails popped up and started moving around, making their way through the herd.
STalking around under the sheep, Kaira thought herself well hidden. "I wonder how I shall scarre the boy today. I bet he doesn't think I will come out in broad day light." she chuckled.
Yosuke hit the fox square on the head as it turned around suddenly realising it was Kaira. feeling guilty he tried to think of a way to hide her till she awakes
Shun's head popped up on the other side of the sheep, "Yo, Yosuke, I saw that! did you get him?" He started to make his way over, "You should show him to Arnold, you'll get a raise!"
"YOur crazy, I may be young, but I ain't stu-" Shun came over and stopped talking, "Yosuke, this....." he stared and three tailed white as snow fox, appauled.
Shun shrugged, "Who cares, it's wanted and theres a crap loud of money out for 'er." Bending down, he poked the creature. "So you better turn her in, cause if you dont, I will."
Shun still didn't understand, but thought it would be best to help, "Fine, dude, your gonna loose money," looking around he said, "Pick her up, it's lunch time, so lets get her outta here."
Shun shrugged, "I dunno...." he opened the barn door and all the animals inside looked at Kaira in Yosuke's arms. "I think I met her before... thats why.''
Shun nodded, glad to be a guide, "So what are you up for?"
Kaira opened her eye, feeling dizzy and looked around, "Where am I?" then she remembered when she was hit. "Stupid boy...." Too exhausted to do anything she laid there, supposeing the Yosuke would come back soon.
"Not much I got the bill, don't worry." He walked up to a stand and ordered the fod and paid for it. "Head back?"
Arnold came up to the barn and saw it open, "Boys, you here?" walking in, he found a stall door open, "Shun?" He walked over to it and found Kaira reasting. Bewildered and yelled, waking Kaira. She tried to stand but was weak.