A girl started to tail Yosuke as he went to look for some where to stay, being discreet on blending in. She was just about positive he wouldn't look around as if he were being followed.
Yosuke stopped at the first inn he found looking at the rate then into his wallet "hmmm i can stay one night. i hope i get payed everyday" walks into the inn not realising im being followed
"not too bad no ones seen these yet" stops hiding my tail and ears "but i dont know if i can hide them all day tomorrow so i may be back in the woods soon"
"yeah i did a nice young lad although he seemed a little quieter when i said he should go back to his parents" thinks maybe i should have enquiered (how ever you spell it lol)
"oh yeah but thats fine here i even bought you something" goes to the bag he brought out the shop and pulls out a large dog bed big enough for you "here even something for you to sleep on"
"really? ok just dont let the inn keeper see you or we'll both be in for it. and dont forget it could be just one night"yosuke looks very happy your staying
"The pay isn't a lot, but it gets one by," Shun came up to a barn and opened the door, "Oi boss, I brought a new worker!"
A hefty man appeared dressed in overalls and a checkered top. "Oh, Shun, great of you boy." He turned to Yosuke, "I am Arnold."
"hi im yosuke. i will tell you now i dont know how long i'll be in town for i hope the long run but that may not be possible." looks anxious expecting to be told to forget it then
Arnold just laughed, "No ones ever around for too long son. Just go ahead and follow Shun. He may be small, bit he knows what hes doing."
Shun chuckled.
KAira came up to someone walking in the forest and wondered if she would be seen or not., so she sat and waited. She didn't want a human lost in her forest anyways.
Shun laughed and Arnold answered, "It'll be a smaller wage, but all in all you'll be getting your pay if you want it everyday. Don't look so embarresed boy."
"Not to worry boy, I'm sure I'll get good work out of you." Arnold laughed and slapped Yosuke back friendly, "Now, Shun, go ahead and show him what to do."
Shun looked up to Yosuke in question, but tossed it, "All you have to do is just watch the sheep in the pasture for now. I'll be working in the feild along side you. Make sure none of the sheep stray and if you see a predator," Shun walked up to the white fence the went around the field and handed Yosuke a rifle, "Shoot him with this."