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Jan 28, 2015 6:29 PM

Mar 2008
Drache laughed at Sleepy "Try taking off the mask and we might be able to understand you better" he then drew his bow and pointed it at the man "Now I'll give you one more chance I won't warn you again and there is no third option here so what will it be?" he didn't want another unknown element involved in this till he got a few answers.

Drache chuckled at Chea "I told you I was going to do it, I just want to pick your brain a little before hand just in case.." he gave her a smile and as his hands were busy just said "Poof" hoping she'd remember.
Jan 28, 2015 6:40 PM
Apr 2009
Samuel looked up at the Drache and shrugged and picked his flame thrower. He walked towrads Shirosaki with his flame thrower in hands but not in a threatening way, he is cautious to them that they may harm him. Samuel comes up to them and he puts his flamethrower up in the back. He takes off his gas mask then looks to Shirasoki and says "The language I speak is fire my cold friend. You may call me Pyro." After he says that he made a devilish smile.

(Samuel is looking forward to joining survivors so is ok if he can join y'alls group?)
Noble8Jan 28, 2015 7:31 PM
I'll eat your ribs and your soul! I'LL EAT THEM UP!
Jan 28, 2015 6:48 PM

Jan 2013
"Hmm..he could be useful..leaving it up to Shirosaki she shrugs." Chea then takes samples from both men by pricking them on the finger. Waiting a bit they are both cleared from being carriers. Sighing a bit she hoped it would be this easy, but eventually some would worry they were infected and likely resist.

"Well both of you are clear, I can't tell you what this is for, but try and stay unbitten."

(I think all PC's will be immunes, though I'll likely make some NPCs that are unknown carriers for us to kill.)
Jan 28, 2015 7:01 PM

Mar 2008
Drache lowered his bow and put it away before grabbing hold of a rope he had tied to the building "Well if Ch-Foxy's ok with it and you check out" he then jumped down using the rope to repel then yanking it loose and catching it before putting it away and then walking over to Chea "Fine then but I still want a talk after this regardless ok?" he reached out his hand and offered it to Chea "I told you I'd rather go out in a blaze of glory if I was infected" making sure she knew what he'd do if he was a carrier.

He sighed in relief after the scan and laughed a little "Well that was getting my back all in a knot over nothing" he was glad the other guy checked out as well "So Pyro is it? Sorry for the scare back there but well I didn't know what else to do" he tapped him on the shoulder "no hard feelings eh?" giving him a friendly smile.

He still needed answers though that Chea was going to give him so it was time to go "Now about my questions, shall we walk and talk? If I'm going to help you with this I'll need to know more" he didn't even acknowledge Shirosaki as he talked to Chea.
Jan 28, 2015 7:06 PM

Jan 2013
"I can only tell you what I'm allowed to." Saying that in reply she tugs Shirosaki by his arm hopefully distracting him from the other. He did rub people the wrong way, but he did have his good points she knew.

"Ask whatever you want. And its not infected really...its more like...hmm a virus is what they said, like small pox, some people can't get it, some carry it and show no signs..everyone else dies..or in this case become...them." Chea never really much cared for the zombies though she missed having something around the last few days to be sadist towards.
Jan 28, 2015 7:14 PM
Apr 2009
Samuel looks back at Drache with a friendly smile and says "Oh no. Your lucky today I was feeling a drowsy a bit to start a huge fire. Now if you did shoot at me, yeah we would have problems but since you didn't shoot at me I would say your a well respected guy on other living being. People I meet these days just curse and threatens me which then breaks my insanity down to burn everything to the ground.". After he was done with the test he says "See? I knew I wasn't a carrier because everything every living or non living thing has burnt into ashes. Anyways if you are looking into me joining your pack I have a plenty of fuel back at my hideout which isn't very clean.".
I'll eat your ribs and your soul! I'LL EAT THEM UP!
Jan 28, 2015 7:20 PM

Mar 2008
"Alright then I'll just have to ask those scientist types the next time they come by if you can't answer all of them" he says with a smile knowing full well they weren't going to be as reluctant as she was "So there are a few things I've gathered but seeing as we have guest I'll just leave those out for now" he looked over at Pyro "but I am curious.." he then looked at Shirosaki for the first time and smiled "Which did you want? boy or girl?" opening up with a little joke he hoped to lighten up the mood.
Jan 28, 2015 7:47 PM

Dec 2011
"I ain't even gonna' ask how you got that crap, but it's pretty damn worthless. First, don't kill corpses that well... and second they just ain't as fun. With a blade you can really savor the emotion of whoever yer shankin'," Shirosaki argued with the pyromaniac, then hearing Chea's argument and freezing. Growling, he folded his eyes and pouted. "Fine! ...Fuck's sake... I'll do some stuff... but I ain't dealing with that much annoying crap," He said, though, who knew? Shirosaki might soften up a bit... probably not.

Being tugged on by Chea didn't seemingly affect his scowl until the archer finally spoke to him. "I didn't even know shit until an' hour ago," He stated blankly.
Jan 28, 2015 7:50 PM

Jan 2013
Glaring at that Chea blushes slighly. "Doesn't matter, its part of our family..though it might be family has a history of twins, or thats what the doctor says, so maybe it'll be both." Sighing a bit she shrugs. "So what did you want to know?"
Jan 28, 2015 8:01 PM

Mar 2008
Drache chuckled at their reaction "Well he does have a caring side in there somewhere huh?" he gestures to Chea "but going back to business, how can I get these samples? Not like carrying that thing around with me won't turn a few heads" he points to the device "Does it have to be fresh? If not how can I store it? Are there cute girls at that place or is it a bunch of dudes? Are carriers contagious? If so how bad? Does it test for immune people or is that like a whole other thing?" He starts listing this off but stops and looks at Chea "Guess I should give you time to answer huh?" he scratches the back of his hand and chuckles a little.
Jan 28, 2015 8:12 PM

Jan 2013
Pausing a bit to break it down she shrugs. "I asked most of this. They said the sample cannot be older than 24 hours. So dried spit on a glass, blood from a blade, neeldes, any of that will work. It doesn't have to be much and standard medical test paper will do to hold it, hell leave it on the sword and lit it drip. We can't go asking people for it in general for the fear it will cause."

Pausing a bit for him to process that she goes on. "other than that, this is the only tester I have, when I asked on the spread they said it was harmless to those of us alive now. But the gene is apperantly hit and miss..basically as long as any carriers are alive, future generations will be left to live like this. They also don't have the resources on hnad to make a vaccine to insure protection to future generations. So all carriers and zombies have to wipe out. Or thats what I was told."

Chea shrugs a bit at that. "As to how it spreads, it seems to be like most airborne human carried colds and virus's, so unless a vaccine can be found that leaves only one sollution. According to them, it was because of this it spread so fast, the zombies themselves helped yes, but the virus got into the uninfected that showed no signs..and the rest is what it is."
Jan 28, 2015 8:16 PM
Apr 2009
"Eh I do intend too hake and slash zombies once in a while but fire just makes the moment just beautiful. Think about the smell of fire burning anything especially flesh. Oooh how that gets me in a mood. Hardly anyone these days doesn't have the right equipment start some fire works around here. Also I like talking through my mask a lot. It actually gives the shivers to most people I have came across because they honestly don't know what I'm saying and think I am a psycho." said Samuel then smirking at Shirosaki keeps talking about fire "I bet you haven't had any experience with fire. No worries I'll teach you guys a thing or two up my sleeves how it can be useful.". "And what the hell is this type of crap where oh we need to take sample of blood and restore peace! I don't think it's impossible to restore peace to this world. Besides I like how this world turn into. It's my type of living." said Samuel turning to Chea.
I'll eat your ribs and your soul! I'LL EAT THEM UP!
Jan 28, 2015 8:36 PM

Mar 2008
Drache look at Pyro and added "You'll get to burn them all if you go through with it, cleaning the world with flame right?" thinking that would peek his fancy.

He noticed so avoided one of the questions and assumed the worst with a sigh "So I'd have to get the blood/spit whatever on paper, make sure to write the name of the person, get it to you within 24 hours?" he thought this over "I say me because Stabby and Flamer over here don't seem the subtle types and you can't really be risking your self out here so there's really no other choice right?" he smiled at her while feeling like the last sane person alive "Fine, but I'm not working for them, I'm doing this for my own reasons" he got serious and clenched his fist.
Jan 28, 2015 9:15 PM

Jan 2013
"Ehh" Chea grins. "I'm hardly helpless, as to that more or less, though it would be best if I got a picture of them as well." Thinking about it, it would be problematic. "And hmm..those two..have thier uses. I doubt all of them will be shinning green. " Pausing a bit she sighs. "I didn't get an exact deadline, but I assume within the next two months. Arwoo.. they have something big planned, but anyone testing clear apperantly gets resettlement right, and to answer...that question, its a mix of sexes, and they do want to repopulate the likely some laws have been changed or are not around." In general on that aspect she didn't wnat to make any promises.
RedArmyShogunJan 28, 2015 9:39 PM
Jan 28, 2015 9:33 PM

Mar 2008
"Well I had to ask" Drache chuckled as he scratched the back of his head "I wasn't suggesting as anything about your usefulness but you should be taking it a lot easier if your caring for two, what happens if you lose your balance like my Sis-" he cut himself sort before continuing "Look I can handle that stuff so don't worry about it..." he tried to act like he didn't say anything before be changing the subject "Oh and Phff like I need help dealing with the Reds" he makes a Manly pose "I've been through raids and had a few scraps with those Organization bastards I think Stabbers and Flames can just go cook up some zed steaks" he said jokingly referring to Shirosaki cutting them up and Pyro roasting them.
Jan 28, 2015 9:42 PM

Jan 2013
Shaking her head no she shrugs. "You can take care of the school I'll do elsewhere, I have to do this, its part of the deal I made, plus we don't know how many people are left in the city. The more of us at it the faster its done." She says reasonablly, hearing him mention what she knew was likely she doesn't pry.

"Just do that side, we'll do this, that way it keeps it simple, they seem to listen to you there anyways."
Jan 28, 2015 10:06 PM

Mar 2008
"Just won't back down on this huh? Fine then you have to make a promise to me then" he said while stretching his hand out a little and extending his pinky "If that bun starts to move in there you'll stay back and let us handle it" he said it jokingly but was serious

All in all he wasn't sure how well the school would take to him after what had happened but he'd have to find a way to help out Chea and didn't think bothering her with what happened was going to solve anything, if anything it'd just make her want to go do it and that was more trouble he didn't want her to have so he'd find a way somehow.
Jan 29, 2015 7:54 AM

Jan 2013
"I'm not that far in damnit" Growling a bit, she also knew Shirosaki was being that protective of her as well, but then again population numbers to say they went down, would be like saying a chopped off arm was a fleash wound. They needed as many children as they could get now days.

Sighing a bit she nods. "Fine fine I'll take it easy not like he'll give me in say in the matter anyways.." she says pointing back at Shirosaki, noticing the bowmans worry for a slight instant, she wonders if something happend there. "Anyways Mysterious bowman, what do we call you?"
Jan 29, 2015 10:48 AM

Mar 2008
Drache chuckled a bit at that and put his hand back down "then we have a deal" he was happy he could make a deal with someone who he once thought to be hostile to the point of drawing on them without much thought, though getting to know Chea a little better and the kid had a lot to do with it, he was finally going to be able to make a real difference in this fight he had known all his life.

He then grinned over at Shirosaki and teased "You mean the big o' softy over there that couldn't care less?" He knew he was pushing it but he figured it was the best way to talk with this guy seeing as he just about ignored normal conversation "And my name is Drache but I really don't mind your nicknames there Foxy so feel free to keep at it, it feels like a code name now with the "mission" we're on" he said jokingly.
DracheNaitoJan 29, 2015 8:18 PM
Jan 29, 2015 7:16 PM
Apr 2009
Samuel looks at Chea and says "Your name is really Foxy. Well I can tell why you would be called foxy." while looking at Chea's busty figure. "Your going to have children! Damn wrong time having children while the world is being burnt to ashes by me.".
I'll eat your ribs and your soul! I'LL EAT THEM UP!
Jan 30, 2015 6:40 PM

Dec 2011
"You. Couldn't care less about you," Shirosaki corrected with a deadpan. Honestly, he had been tuning out most of the conversation until just now. It was, well, uninteresting. He figured he'd let Chea talk to them, he'd rather go back, lay down and have a drink. "Or you," He added, pointing at the one he had mentally dubbed as "Torchy" before pointing out the building. "Or about... everyone out there. Basically, if ya' ain't associated with me, I give no fucks," He finalized with a folding of his arms and a shrug.
Jan 30, 2015 8:55 PM

Jan 2013
"Hmm..careful Toasty, that tank you like carrying around could have an accident one day..then again maybe thats why you where the mask." Grinning at the mans expense her expression changes, she would make a special note on him however.

It was clear to her that the arrangement while workable was best done away from each other. "Before the situation with Shirosaki could go further, or her own dislike of the flamethrower man she smiles thinly. "Excuse Us Arwoo." Tugging on Shiro she whispers to him. "Lets go..though I may want to deal with that sociopath later.." While she knew Shirosaki wasn't much better, he did have the capability to care, the flamethrower man would need to be humbled in the near future however..or removed.

(meh post where ever you want emp unless you want to fight them or w/e)
RedArmyShogunJan 31, 2015 8:10 AM
Jan 30, 2015 9:55 PM

Mar 2008
"Well Stabbers, even the most uncaring people need a friend every now and again" he grinned while nodding to Chea "And because of her you might be able to find some some day" Drache bowed slightly to Chea and patted Pyro on the back "That should settle things for now, I'll let you know when I have some samples if I could get some of that paper and my arrow back please" he smiled at Chea

Having finished the deal Drache left the area while waving goodbye now on the hunt for the others sample though it wasn't going to be as easy as he made it sound to the others.
Jan 30, 2015 10:34 PM
Apr 2009
"What? I'm just saying. Anyways I think my daily burning hour Anyways It was nice meeting you guys. At least your not assholes like everybody I have meet so far. If you guys need any help from me just give a shout out." said Samuel to the Chea and them. He puts on his gas mask and grabs his equipment. Samuel double taps his flame thrower once again then chuckles under his mask a bit and runs off.
I'll eat your ribs and your soul! I'LL EAT THEM UP!
Feb 15, 2015 2:31 PM

Apr 2014
The car with kazuto raiden and Sora inside with Shitsu and Xenovia on the top arrived and Kazuto stepped out "here we are" he said
Feb 15, 2015 2:42 PM
Nov 2014
"T-this is..."
Feb 15, 2015 2:45 PM

Dec 2012
"This place is pretty crazy looking, and there really are no zombies" Raiden says

Feb 15, 2015 2:46 PM
Nov 2014
"This is the lab Where they experimented on me"
Feb 15, 2015 2:47 PM

Apr 2014
Kazuto laughed a little "you didn't believe me?" Kazuto asked
Feb 15, 2015 2:48 PM

Jul 2014
"Hmm interesting place you have here"
Feb 15, 2015 2:49 PM

Apr 2014
"Oh this is not my place" Kazuto said with a grin

"Wow..." Xenovia said
Feb 15, 2015 2:53 PM

Dec 2012
"You sure shitzu? maybe you should wait outside, what do you know about this place?" Raiden asked kazuto

Feb 15, 2015 2:53 PM
Nov 2014
Shitsu saw a body on the ground and immediately recognized it "This is my martial arts teacher, the only one here I liked"
Feb 15, 2015 2:54 PM
Nov 2014
"I am more sure then anything"
Feb 15, 2015 2:58 PM

Apr 2014
Kazuto began climbing the ruins for fun

Xenovia looked around honestly interested
Feb 15, 2015 3:00 PM
Nov 2014
Shitsu found a vial with some liquid "This is the stuff they used to experiment the project. Is this the complete version?"
Feb 15, 2015 3:01 PM

Dec 2012
Raiden entered the burned building looking around stepping on a burned lab coat. next to the lab coat he finds a shiny black liquid in a syringe. "What the hell is this" Raiden asked

Feb 15, 2015 3:01 PM

Dec 2012
Raiden looks at Shitzu "I found one over here too"

Feb 15, 2015 3:02 PM
Nov 2014
Shitsu saw Raiden picked up the syringe ran to him got it from his hands and threw it far away "This was the first version I saw someone getting killed with this"
Feb 15, 2015 3:04 PM

Apr 2014
"Dont touch the liquid at all" Xenovia said
Feb 15, 2015 3:06 PM

Dec 2012
Raiden begins walking towards a side room "Development lab" He begins exploring, behind some rubble he sees a big tub labeled "Final" "I think they were getting ready to mass produce this" Raiden says.

Feb 15, 2015 3:06 PM
Nov 2014
"Indeed. I'm gonna keep on to this one tho it seems like the finished recipe and I wanna research it"
Feb 15, 2015 3:07 PM
Nov 2014
"Don't take it these were the stage 2's they would kill you in a few hours"
Feb 15, 2015 3:09 PM

Apr 2014
Xenovia simply watched a little annoyed because she had no interest in the place
Feb 15, 2015 3:09 PM

Dec 2012
"How many batches did they make" Raiden asks as he begins walking up some broken stairs to the second floor.

Feb 15, 2015 3:11 PM
Nov 2014
"They wanted to make 5 the first killed you instantly, the second in a few hours, the third, in a week, the fourth in a few years, I got lucky it didn't kill me I should've been dead at this point, and the one I'm holding is the fifth it seems they just finished it and it won't kill you"
Feb 15, 2015 3:13 PM

Apr 2014
Kazuto was simply drinking beer at the top of the ruins
Feb 15, 2015 3:14 PM

Dec 2012
Raiden reaches the second floor. On this floor he sees three rooms, "Office" "Experimentation room" "LAB" "Hmmm this place is interesting, I think i might take some for myself if I fiind a viable product" Raiden says

Feb 15, 2015 3:16 PM
Nov 2014
"There are for the rest only stage 4 syringes"
Feb 15, 2015 3:17 PM

Apr 2014
Xenovia yawned and went to the car and sat on the rooftop and took a nap
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