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Nov 5, 2012 12:55 PM

Dec 2008
151st Week has started..
Pilots Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Pilots Characters [Week #151 is from October 22nd to 29th]

Pilots Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Pilots
Group: state which one he belongs to
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: Read rules!!

Suggested list for Pilots charas of the week~

Enjoy piloting stuff in your free time as any average protagonist U__U

Nov 5, 2012 12:55 PM

Dec 2008
152nd Week has started..
Trick or Treat Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Trick or Treat Characters [Week #152 is from October 29th to November 5th]

Attention! remember that the chara must be dressed with a halloween outfit! So if the pic itself is halloween themed but the claimed chara isn't wearing any special halloween clothes, he won't be accepted.

Trick or Treat Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Trick or Treat
Costume: state what the chara is dressed as
Special Name: if you want it on the banner (ex: "Vampire Lelouch")
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Proof Picture: Read rules!! must be the same you use for the banner.

Suggested list of the week: there won't be any since any chara is claimable until his pic fits.

Enjoy doing Trick or Treat!
EtnaEracleaNov 5, 2012 1:13 PM

Nov 6, 2012 12:45 AM

Dec 2008
153rd Week has started..
Greenette Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Greenette Characters [Week #153 is from November 5th 'til 12th]

Greenette Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Greenette
Adaptation: Both / Anime Only / Manga Only
Proof: mal gallery direct link
Addon: read to know if you need it
Banner: no, i'll make mine / yes please, make it for me!
Picture: must be shown by anyone!

Suggested list of the week for Greenette Characters~

Enjoy the green!
EtnaEracleaApr 1, 2013 6:05 AM

Nov 13, 2012 3:03 AM

Dec 2008
154th Week has started..
History Inspired Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: History Inspired Characters [Week #154 is from November 12th to 19th]

Note: pay attention, there are many charas made after the famous Sasuke Sarutobi but you need to be aware that Sasuke Sarutobi is a fictional character who appears in kōdan narrative art and fictional writings; therefore is the typical name whose manga-ka use for ninjas but as you can see is absolutly not fitting in the current category, due not being inspired to a real person.
Also, together with Sasuke, another mention goes to the legendary Sanada's ten brave (on which an anime has been recently made "Brave 10"), be aware the all of the "brave ten" from the anime are taken by fictionary character therefor are not claimable.

History Inspired Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: History Inspired
Type: Historical Figure / Author's Inspiration
Proof: read rules
Source: the link
Banner: No thank you / Yes please!
Picture: read rules

Suggested list of the week for History Inspired Characters~

Enjoy the History and their references to characters in anime!

Nov 27, 2012 7:29 AM

Dec 2008
155th Week has started..
Transformation Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Transformation Characters [Week #155 is from November 19th to 26th]

The true transformation: again, there might be charas like Luffy who can fit but you must pay attention to those. For example: Kurosaki Ichigo does fit not because of his change of clothes from Human to Shinigami, but because of the transformation he always has between his shinigami form and his bankai mode!
Proof: if you really can't find the quote, you can substitute it with a video or enough manga scans who truly show the transformation itself.
Visive Proof: must show the transformed form of the chara, must be different from the form he has in the pic of his mal page

Transformation Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Transformation
Becoming what: the other form he has
Proof: the quote about his transformation
Source: the link
Visive Proof: must show what he turns into ~ can be a screen / or a manga scan / or a video (specify min:sec)
Banner: Please make it for me / no thanks!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested List of the week for Characters with a Transformation~

Enjoy transformations!

Nov 28, 2012 3:03 AM

Dec 2008
156th Week has started..
Loyal Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Loyal Characters [Week #156 is from November 26th to Dicember 3rd]

Note: either if the chara is or is not in the sugg list, if you can't find a proof that clearly says he's loyal you must at least provide quotes who can proof his loyalty. (ex: Squalo is loyal to Xanxus, he prooved it as refusing to take the place as Varia's boss, moreoever his loyalty to Xanxus is prooved once again when he decides not tu cut his hair until Xanxus will become the vongola Tenth.)

Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Loyal
Group: Generally Loyal
Specification: Full Name/s of the person/group he's loyal to
Proof: the quote about their loyalty
Source: the link from where you took the above sentence/s
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested list for Loyal Characters of the week
*Big Thanks to mouse_girl who helped me with this list!*

Enjoy and appreciate the great trait who is the loyalty!

Dec 4, 2012 2:18 AM

Dec 2008
157th Week has started..
Notable Ears Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Notable Ears Characters [Week #157 is from November Dicember 3rd to 10th]

Guarantee Note: it becomes "obligatory" only if the chara's mal gallery is poor (less than 3 fitting pics), and then works as an addon proof to actually state your chara as having notable ears. However, don't worry: if you can't find any good quote speaking of his ears you can susbtitute it with a visive addon proof -> provide 3 official arts of him fitting.
Suggested List Bonus: if the chara comes from our given list and you need to fill the Guarantee field, you are allowed to come with quote proofs from sources outside MAL/Wiki.
Group Note: Attention! Remember to always specify more than one group whenever the chara has the Transformation ears only in a specific form which is not his regular basis one (ex: Magical form / other form..etc) -> so in those cases you'll have to fill the field like "Transformation Ears + Animal Ears", or such.

Notable Ears Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Notable Ears
Group: Animal Ears / Pointy Ears / Extra Ears / Transformation Ears ..etc
Proof: MAL Gallery direct link! (MAL Page -> Pictures)
Guarantee: read rules to know when it becomes obligatory. Remember to include also the source link
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: ears must be well visible! Provide more than one pic.

Suggested List of the week for characters with Notable Ears~

Enjoy a funny pair of unusual ears!

Dec 11, 2012 4:19 AM

Dec 2008
158th Week has started..
Future Age Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Future Age Characters [Week #158 is from December 10th to 17th]

Visive Proof Advice: as looking for screens focused on "things/elements" rather than the charas themselves, we suggest you to look for the serie's title on who has plenty of screens of every serie (or almost).
Doubtable Charas/Quote: will be asked the visive proof as a must addon.

Future Age Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Future Age
Group: A/B/C/D..etc please also specify what the option is about (ex. A - stated future)
Proof: Quote / or 2-3 visive proofs
Source: the link
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested List of the week for Future Age featuring Charaters~
Thanks also to mouse_girl who helped me with about the half of it!

Enjoy the future! *w*

Jan 1, 2013 2:53 PM

Dec 2008
159th Week has started..
Animal Names Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Animal Names Characters [Week #159 is from December 17th to 24th]

Suggested List Bonus (Addon): if the chara come from our given list and his name in any other language different from jap/eng you can just bring the translation of the name from X language to english, without the official statement from the author (although if you want to provide that too, it will work as guarantee for ur claim)
Banner Pic Note: not obligatory, of course, but would be the best if u could find ur chara in a pic together with the animal who represents his name!
Ryuu Declarification: look at this page, as you can see there are two correct kanjis to mean "dragon", both are accepted, although the last type at the bottom, the one used for "elevate" will obviously be denied.
Advice: if you want to translate from jap to eng any animal noun who wasn't mentioned in the layout, you might want to take a look at this site, who has the romaji spelling, the eng translation and the kanji writing, a very good one and complete.
Attention: don't be confused as the person's name Taiga doesn't mean tiger. Tora is tiger. "Taiga" written in Kanji is a normal Japanese name that happens to have the same writing when you would write "tiger" with japanese katakana because the pronunce is the same, but the name Taiga per se does not mean Tiger. Therefor any character having Taiga in the name, and being claimed just for that, won't be allowed. [Instead those will be allowed if they happen to still have a true animal name somewhere else, ex: Aisaka Taiga is nicknamed Palmtop Tiger!]

Animal Names Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Animal Names
Group: state which one he belongs to
Animal: the noun of his name (also english translation if it's in any language but english)
Proof: read rules
Souce: the link
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: preferibly the chara with the animal he's named after

Suggested List of the week for Animal Names featuring Characters..
Thanks also to mouse_girl and Sayuri who helped me to enlarge a bit the list

Enjoy and ROARRR!

Jan 1, 2013 2:53 PM

Dec 2008
160th Week has started..
Santa Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Santa Characters [Week #160 is from December 24th to 31st]

Santa Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Santa
Option: A/B/C
Banner: I'll make it / Please do it for me!
Proof Picture: read rules, and everyone must show it!

Suggested List of the week: there won't be any, as every chara is claimable until his pic fits the requirements.

Ho Ho Ho! Enjoy, and Merry Christmas ♥

Jan 1, 2013 2:53 PM

Dec 2008
161st Week has started..
Blood Type B Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Blood Type B Characters [Week #161 is from January 1st to 7th]

Attention: remember that, when web sources differ to state a chara's blood type, the most trustable is always the japanese wikia of the related anime, or else a scan of an eventual character book might work fine to cancel any doubts.
Also any chara present in our suggested list can have proofs outside MAL/Wiki.. As well for any character that might look doubtable (as having differ blood types stated on the web, might be asked additional proofs)

Blood Type B Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Blood Type B
Proof: the quote stating about his blood Type being B
Source: the link from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: no low quality, chara preferably alone

Suggested List of the week for characters having Blood Type B~
*Big thanks to mouse_girl for the idea and for greatly helping me with the list!

Enjoy the blood B mysteries~

Jan 8, 2013 1:34 AM

Dec 2008
162nd Week has started..
Catchphrase Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Catchphrase Characters [Week #162 is from January 7th to 14th]

Attacks: attention, these are counted only in particoular situations. Only if the attack is really unique to the character, says it very frequently and only if the character has no other real phrase.
Note: if you want a banner to be made and want also the japanese version of the sentence, be sure to write it together with the english translation in the "Phrase" related field.
Suggested List Bonus: if they are in the list, the proof quote can come from sources outside MAL/Wiki. Also, the bonus can let you avoid to provide quotes that litterally specify that "xx" is a catchphrase or that the chara says it often.

Catchphrase Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Catchphrase
Group: state to which type he belongs to
Phrase: state his catchphrase/s
Proof: the quote + source link / or / visive proof (read rules)
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: no low quality, chara preferably alone

Suggested List of the week for characters with a Catchphrase!

Enjoy and "Get chance and luck!" ~ T.K.

Jan 15, 2013 1:58 AM

Dec 2008
163rd Week has started..
Seniors Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Seniors Characters [Week #163 is from January 14th to 21st]

Attention: UtaPri's charas are not fitting for this category as that Academy is quite particular, and you can easily see 18 years old charas in the same class of freshmen but not cuz are repeating students.. so these can't be accepted.

Seniors Claim Format:
Suggested list bonus (write it, if you use it)
Character: Full name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Seniors
Proof: the quote about him being at his last year of school
Source: the link from where you took the previous proof
Banner: I'll do it / Please make it for me!
Picture: must be wearing his school uniform

Suggested List for Seniors Characters of the week~
Big thanks to ahin and mouse_girl who helped me with the list!

Enjoy your last year of school!
EtnaEracleaJan 15, 2013 4:27 AM

Jan 22, 2013 2:44 AM

Dec 2008
164th Week has started..
Prodigy Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Prodigy Characters [Week #164 is from January 21st to 28th]

Suggested List Bonus: for any character being from our given list, you can come with minor quotes from reliable quotes or either with good proofs outside mal/wiki.
Attention: do not confuse "Prodigy" with someone who is "just a genius". Although they sometimes can match together, if it's genius "as in super smart", if your chara identifies as one you'll need to bring more than a quote!

Prodigy Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Prodigy
Type: Born prodigy/Teen Prodigy/Child Prodigy..
Competence Area: what he's good at
Proof: the quote/manga pages
Source: the link from where you took the proof
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: must be related to his prodigy skills

Suggested list of the week for Prodigy characters~

Enjoy prodigies and their amazing talents *w*/

Jan 30, 2013 3:17 AM

Dec 2008
165th Week has started..
Workers Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Workers Characters [Week #165 is from January 28th to February 4th]

Workers Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Workers
Job: what he does
Group: Common Job / Seemingly Common / Uncommon Job
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me

Suggested List of the week for Workers Characters~
BIG thanks to -panda- who almost entirely made the list!

Enjoy the work! or maybe not..

Feb 5, 2013 3:46 PM

Dec 2008
166th Week has started..
Green Eyed Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Green Eyed Characters [Week #166 is from February 4th to 11th]

Green Eyed Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Green Eyed
Adaptation: Both / Anime Only / Manga Only
Proof: Direct Link of his MAL Gallery
Addon: Read Rules to know if you need it
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: no graphically alterated

Suggested List of the week for Green Eyed Characters~
*Big Thanks to mouse_girl who almost entirely made the list!*

Enjoy the awesome green eyes!

Feb 12, 2013 4:22 AM

Dec 2008
167th Week has started..
Heartbreakers Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Heartbreakers Characters [Week #167 is from February 11th to 17th]

The Rejecter - Note: even if he rejects only one person is ok, but make sure he later on doesn't end up with this person he previously rejected (ex: Ritsuko from Sakamichi)

Heartbreakers Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Heartbreakers
Group: the one he belongs to
Heartbroken: Full Name of the person s/he broke the heart to
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: Yes please! / No thanks!
Picture: no low quality!

Suggested List of the week for Heartbreaking characters~
*Big thanks to -panda- who made the list!*

Enjoy and.. don't break too many hearts!

Feb 19, 2013 1:55 AM

Dec 2008
168th Week has started..
Sweet Tooth Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Sweet Tooth Characters [Week #167 is from February 18th to 25th]

Cooking Baker Note: must be a job and the chara must have visibly passion for it.

Sweet Tooth Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Sweet Tooth
Loving: the sweets he likes to eat
Group: state the one he belongs to
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: i'll do it / please make it for me!
Picture/s: read rules

Suggested list of the week for sweet tooth characters~

Enjoy the delicious sweets *w*

Feb 27, 2013 2:12 PM

Dec 2008
169th Week has started..
Antenna Hair Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Antenna Hair Characters [Week #169 is from February 25th to March 4th]

Advice: when the ahoge starts from the fringe rather than the head, if you dont know if could be counted or rejected, take a look at how it does look on a profile position. If it sticks straight to the bottom doesn't fit, while instead if it makes a notable wave it could~

Antenna Hair Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Antenna Hair
Type: antenna/ahoge/fat ahoge
Proof: MAL Gallery direct link
Addon: read to know if you need it!
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me~

Suggested List of the week for characters with Antenna Hair~
*thanks also to mouse_girl who helped me improving the list*

Enjoy the funny antenna hair!
EtnaEracleaMar 4, 2013 2:45 PM

Mar 5, 2013 1:50 AM

Dec 2008
170th Week has started..
Sensei Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Sensei Characters [Week #170 is from 4th to 11th]

Sensei Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Sensei
Group: Doctor/Teacher/Uncommon Teacher
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: i'll do it / please make it for me!
Picture: read rules

Suggested list of the week for Sensei characters~
*big thanks to mouse_girl who made the list*

Enjoy and respect the Sensei!

Mar 12, 2013 3:47 AM

Dec 2008
171st Week has started..
Loathe Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Loathe Characters [Week #171 is from March 11th to 18th]

Loathe Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Loathe
Hating: what s/he hates
Group: state to which he belongs to
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: please make it for me! / no thanks!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested List for Loathe Characters of the week~

Enjoy and dont get lost in the hate!
EtnaEracleaMar 13, 2013 2:03 PM

Mar 19, 2013 3:24 AM

Dec 2008
172nd Week has started..
Deceased Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Deceased Characters [Week #172 is from March 18th to 25th]

Note: "Dead by joke" includes all that charas that for any reason get to be resurrected somehow. (Like Higurashi's charas, even if they die over an over, they still get to re-live the same days and killing/getting killed all the time due the curse. So they do not count)
Instead: on "weird deaths" are counted cases when the chara is a ghost/zombie (cuz they are still dead) and when the chara gets reincarnated (like in Angel Beats) because anyway their previous life truly ended.. and most of times they reincarnate anyway in a person very different by look and/or personality from their previous self!

Deceased Claim Format:
Character: [url=*][color=white*]FULL NAME + Mal Page[*/color]*[/url]
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Deceased
Proof: [spoiler*] the quote
Source: the link[/spoiler*]
Banner: No, thanks! / Yes please!
Picture: chara must be alone or far away by any other chara!

Remember to keep the color white on the chara's name and the spoiler code on both proof quote and source link!

*Suggested List of the week: as announced in the layout there won't be any, in order to avoid bigger spoilers to anyone >w<*

Sad but.. E-enjoy and pray for the dead ones ;w;/
EtnaEracleaMar 25, 2013 4:08 PM

Mar 26, 2013 2:30 AM

Dec 2008
173rd Week has started..
Underlings Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Underlings Characters [Week #173 is from March 25th to April 1st]

Attention: again, remember that there's a huge difference between a friend follower and an underling! Ex: Tsuna's guardians are just friends followers and not underlings! There's no real rank among them, despite Tsuna is the leader. So, as explained above, only because there is a leader doesn't authomatically mean there are also underlings, be sure to see the difference!

Underlings Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Underlings
Rank: their position in the gerarchy
Reporting to: the name of the person from whom they take orders
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: please make it for me! / no thanks!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested List for Underlings Characters of the week~
*Big thanks to ahin who helped me with the list!*

Enjoy and respect the lower ranks~

Apr 1, 2013 3:20 PM

Dec 2008
174th Week has started..
Raven Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Raven Characters [Week #174 is from April 1st to 8th]

Raven Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Raven
Adaptation: Anime Only / Manga Only / Both
Proof: MAL GALLERY Direct Link
Addon: read to know if u need it
Banner: please make it for me! / no thanks!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested list for Raven Characters of the week~

Enjoy the pitch black!

Apr 15, 2013 3:23 PM

Dec 2008
175th Week has started..
Childhood Friends Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Childhood Friends Characters [Week #174 is from April 8th to 15th]

Childhood Friends Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Childhood Friends
The Friend/s: Full Name
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Addon: Read to know if you need it
Banner: I'll make it / please make it for me
Pictures: Claimed chara + friends (specify who is the claimed chara and who is the friend in the pic!)

Suggested List of the week for childhood friends characters~
*thanks to TMiaka who made the half of the list and suggested the idea of the category!*

Enjoy and appreciate childhood friends!

Apr 15, 2013 3:24 PM

Dec 2008
176th Week has started..
Sunny Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Sunny Characters [Week #176 is from April 15th to 22nd]

Sunny Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Sunny
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested list for Sunny characters of the week~

Enjoy the cheerfulness of the sunny characters!!
EtnaEracleaApr 22, 2013 2:20 PM

Apr 23, 2013 12:50 AM

Dec 2008
177th Week has started..
Drinkers Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Drinkers Characters [Week #177 is from April 22nd to 29th]

Drinkers Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Drinkers
Addicted to: Tea/Coffee/Beer/Sake/etc..
Proof: the quote or visive proof
Source: the link
Banner: Yes please! / No thanks!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested List for Drinkers characters of the week~

Enjoy the drinksSs!

Apr 30, 2013 3:24 AM

Dec 2008
178th Week has started..
Loners Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Loners Characters [Week #178 is from April 29th to May 6th]

Loners Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Loners
Group: Lonely Past/Solitude Habit/True Loner/etc..
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: yes please! / No thanks!

Suggested list for Loners characters of the week~
*Big thanks to mouse_girl who almost entirely made the list!*

Enjoy and don't feel too lonely!

May 7, 2013 1:36 AM

Dec 2008
179th Week has started..
Photogenic Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Photogenic Characters [Week #179 is from May 6th to 13th]

Attention Please: as for Idols, will be only counted the ones whose among their works have also been doing models or as actors in TV.

Photogenic Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Photogenic
Group: Model / Actor / etc.. state the one he belongs to
Poof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: no thanks! / yes please, make it for me!
Picture: no low quality~

Enjoy and take some photos!

May 14, 2013 11:42 PM

Dec 2008
180th Week has started..
Golden Eyed Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Golden Eyed Characters [Week #180 is from May 13th to 20th]

Golden Eyed Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Golden Eyed
Adaptation: Both / Anime Only / Manga Only
Proof: Mal Gallery direct link
Addon: Read to know what you need
Source: the link, in case you provided a quote as addon
Banner: Yes please / No thanks!
Picture: no images with alterated colors! chara can't be on profile position and must be with both of his eyes fully opened

Suggested List for the Golden Eyed characters of the week~
*Big thanks to mouse_girl who helped me greatly with the list*

Enjoy golden eyes!

May 23, 2013 3:05 AM

Dec 2008
181st Week has started..
Love Rivals Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Love Rivals Characters [Week #181 is from May 20th to 27th]

Love Rivals Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Love Rivals
Group: The Love Threat/Same love interest/etc...
The Rival: FULL Name
Proof: quotes about both charas
Source: the link
Banner: Yes please / No thanks!
Picture: no images with alterated colors! chara can't be on profile position and must be with both of his eyes fully opened

Suggested List for the Love Rivals characters of the week~

Enjoy and fight for your love!!

May 28, 2013 1:34 AM

Dec 2008
182nd Week has started..
Hats Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Characters with Hats [Week #182 is from May 27th tp June 3rd]

Extra Note: exclusively only for supporting charas having very big hats, pics can be accepted even if a minor part of the hat is cutted out of the drawing. Although must be a minor part.

Hats Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Hats
Frequency: Always / Only in one of the two main outfits
Proof: MAL Gallery Direct Link (Mal Page -> Pictures)
Addon: read to know if you need it
Guarantee: not obligatory, might guarantee your claim tho (+ Source link!)
Banner: yes please! no thanks!
Picture: no low quality. Read rules for details!

Suggested List of the week for Characters with Hats!

Enjoy and appreciate the fashionable characters!!

Jun 5, 2013 1:52 AM

Dec 2008
183rd Week has started..
Samurai Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Samurai Characters [Week #183 is from June 3rd to 10th]

Inspired Note: this is refered exclusively only to the charas belonging to this group, who have been inspired to a real existed historical figure, if they have been kept somewhat of samurais still, they can be counted even if the weapon is not forcedly a katana. (Ex: see all the samurais from Sengoku Basara)

Samurai Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Samurai
Type: Pure Samurai / Modern Type / Inspired..etc
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: Yes please / No thanks
Picture: read rules

Suggested list of the week for Samurai Characters~

Enjoy the true spirit of a samurai-de gozaru!

Jun 11, 2013 2:26 AM

Dec 2008
184th Week has started..
GAR Category is now Opened~

Current Category: GAR Characters [Week #184 is from June 10th to 17th]

GAR Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Gar
Body: MAL Gallery direct link + addon (whenever the body isn't clearly/well shown)
Personality: strength quote + source link
Guarantee: any men stuff/masculinity or manlyness reference / whataver that can help + source link
Banner: i'll do it / please make it for me!
Picture: read rules!!

Suggested list of the week for GAR characters~
*Big thanks to -panda- who made the list <3 *

Enjoy the manly men!

Jun 18, 2013 3:21 AM

Dec 2008
185th Week has started..
Aries Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Aries Characters [Week #185 is from June 17th to 24th]

Aries Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Aries
Approximative Lasting: Mar 21 - Apr 19
Birthday: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: no low quality allowed! Also please, make the chara be alone or
anyway far away from any other chara!

*Suggested list of the week for Aries Characters*
Big thanks to Yuki_91 who brought us the list!

Enjoy the marvelous Arieses!

Jun 26, 2013 1:13 AM

Dec 2008
186th Week has started..
Blood Type AB Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Blood Type AB Characters [Week #186 is from June 24th to July 1st]

Blood Type AB Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Blood Type AB
Proof: the quote stating about his blood Type being AB
Source: the link from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: no low quality, chara preferably alone

*Suggested list of the week for Blood Type AB Characters*
Big thanks to mouse_girl who helped me with the list!

Enjoy the blood AB traits~

Jul 2, 2013 1:04 AM

Dec 2008
187th Week has started..
Generic Uniforms Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Generic Uniforms Characters [Week #187 is from July 1st to 7th]

Note: the claimed chara's uniform can't be "custom" (meaning, a different model from the one worn by the rest of the charas in the series), otherwise it wouldn't be "generic" anymore, of course. Although, as we said, it can variate by color (if it stays the same model). Also, if it doesn't variate in color, is allowed to be worn "differently" than the others in the serie (ex: Tashigi and Smoker do wear the typical marines huge jacket uniform, but since they both wear these "opened" we can see under them their "custom" t-shirts. Despite that, those two charas can still count, because the jackets here are the real uniforms, and even if are worn differently, are still the same jackets as any other marine in OP!)

Uniforms Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Uniforms
Type: Work Uniform / Duty Uniform / etc..
MAL Gallery: Direct LinK! of claimed chara
Comparation: MAL Gallery of another chara of the same series with the same uniform // can be substitute, cuz it's even better, if you can find a pic of many charas of that group with the same uniform!
Addon: Read rules
Guarantee: Not Obligatory (but include source link, if you fill this)
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: no low quality, chara preferably alone

Suggested List of the week for characters with Generic Uniforms!
*Big Thanks to ahin who greatly helped me with the list!*

Enjoy and admire the charming uniforms!
EtnaEracleaJul 19, 2013 11:07 AM

Jul 9, 2013 1:41 AM

Dec 2008
188th Week has started..
Eyewear Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Eyewear Characters [Week #188 is from July 7th to 14th]

Eyewear Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Eyewear
Type: Glasses/Eyepatch/Sunglasses...
Proof: MAL Gallery Direct Link
Addon: quote + source // 3 official arts read to know if you
need it!

Banner: I'll make it // Please make it for me!
Picture: Read the rules!

Suggested List of the week for Characters with Eyewear!

Enjoy the sex appeal of eyewears!

Jul 16, 2013 12:50 AM

Dec 2008
189th Week has started..
Ruthless Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Ruthless Characters [Week #189 is from July 14th to 22nd]

Note: the "fake cruel" (meaning apparently cruel, but actually nice and kind on the inside) won't count, while instead, that charas who are "hidden cruel" (like they show a false happy/gentle personality but their true personality is actually ruthless will count. Ex: Koko Hekmatyer)
Suggested List Bonus: for charas belonging to our given list you can come with a minor proof from reliable sources or with a good proof but from sources outside mal/wiki, this of course, in case you are unable to find a proper quote from the usual sources.

Ruthless Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Ruthless
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: i'll do it / please do it!
Picture: read rules

Suggested List of the week for Ruthless characters!
*Big thanks to mouse_girl who almost entirely made the list!*

E-enjoy the rrrrruthless characters don't be too afraid!
EtnaEracleaJul 19, 2013 11:07 AM

Jul 23, 2013 2:28 AM

Dec 2008
190th Week has started..
Magic Users Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Magic Users Characters [Week #190 is from July 22nd to 28th]

Magic Users Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Magic Users
Type: the group he belongs to
Proof: the quote + source link
Guarantee: Serie's MAL Page Link (Obligatory only for certain groups)
Banner: i'll do it / please do it!
Picture: read rules

Suggested List of the week for Magic Users Characters!

Enjoy the mystery of the ancient magic!
EtnaEracleaAug 4, 2013 4:02 AM

Jul 30, 2013 1:15 AM

Dec 2008
191st Week has started..
Mismatched Age/Look Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Mismatched Age/Look Characters [Week #191 is from July 29th to August 5th]

Mismatched Age/Look Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Mismatched Age/Look
Case & Type: a/b + the group he belongs to
True Age: what's his real age
Word Proof: the quote regarding the fitting group plus source link, of course
Visive Proof: MAL Gallery direct link (read to know if you also need to add extras)
Banner: i'll do it / please do it!
Picture: no low quality!

Suggested List of the week for Mismatched Age/Look Characters!
*thanks to Yuki_91 which helped me with the list!*

We hope you like this brand new original category! Enjoy the age/look gap!
EtnaEracleaAug 2, 2013 3:57 PM

Aug 6, 2013 1:32 AM

Dec 2008
192nd Week has started..
Red-Eyed Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Red-Eyed Characters [Week #192 is from August 5th to 12th]

Red-Eyed Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Red-Eyed
Adaptation: Both / Anime Only / Manga Only
Proof: MAL Gallery Direct Link
Addon: read to know if you need it
Banner: I'll make it! / Please do it for me!
Picture: no alterated color pics!

Suggested List of the week for red-eyed characters!
*Big Thanks to mouse_girl who helped me with it*

Enjoy the marvelous crimson eyes!

Aug 13, 2013 1:51 AM

Dec 2008
193rd Week has started..
Besties Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Besties Characters [Week #193 is from August 12th to 19th]

Besties Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Besties
Best Friend/s: list here the full name/s
Type: the group he belongs to
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Banner: i'll do it / please make it for me <3
Picture: claimed chara's + bestie's pic

Suggested list for *Best Friends* Characters of the week~

Enjoy the warmth of the best of the friendships!

Aug 20, 2013 2:05 AM

Dec 2008
194th Week has started..
Melodious Category is now Opened~

Current Category: Melodious Characters [Week #194 is from August 19th to 26th]

Melodious Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Melodious
Group: Professional Singer / Non Pro Singer / Singing Habit .. etc
Proof: The quote
Soruce: The link
Banner: Yes Please! / No, thank you!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested List for Melodious Characters of the week~
*Thanks to leaveit2me*

Do Re Mi... Enjoy... La La La~

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