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Apr 8, 2012 12:35 AM

Mar 2008
^ Hmm... comedy really isn't my genre but I'd say MM!
< I neeeeeed some food!!!!!!!
v The saddest anime/manga you've watched/read?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 8, 2012 12:55 AM

Jan 2009
^ Hmmm, Nana is sad, but one of my favorites because of the realism drama
< Eating pizza
v Most embarrassing moment of your life (or one of them)?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 8, 2012 12:58 AM

Mar 2012
^ Puking on another boy in kindergarten xD

< Will be sending something to the ones who gave him their SS self

v Thin or bread crust?
Apr 8, 2012 1:35 AM

Mar 2008
^ Thin
< Looking forward to what Tysin will be sending :D
v If you were on death row what would your last meal be?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 8, 2012 9:46 AM

Feb 2011
^ Oh wow, pancakes, IDK


v Do you watch filler episodes?
Apr 8, 2012 12:13 PM

Jan 2009
^ Yes -______-
< loled at both ty and mou's answers
v If you could do anything for the world? what would you do?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 8, 2012 1:48 PM

Mar 2012
^ Whatever it would take to end wars, pollution, discrimination, and just make it a better place in general ... whatever that would be <.<

< Went out to deposit a check to his account to get his car checked only to find out that the bank closed very early and the car place was closed for the day, so he ended up doing nothing but wasting gas ^o^

v If you had to leave everything behind and go somewhere where you had never been to before just to be close to a special someone, would you?
Apr 8, 2012 5:32 PM

Jan 2009
^ If there was no other way to be with that person and I truly wanted to stay with them, in short- yes.
< Still doesn't want to do HW, probably gonna be up all night
v Preference in girl/guy?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 8, 2012 6:50 PM

Mar 2012
^ I like mah man to be strong and big~ ;D j/k j/k xD I tend to go for personality rather than physique :O And I don't feel like explaining everything cause it's long, so I'll leave it as that xP

< Made a big dinner for himself tonight

v Do you believe in religion or in science?
Apr 8, 2012 8:22 PM

Jan 2009
^ I believe in both, I believe there are things that have happened to my life and the lives of those around me that science can not explain and that you can not call coincidences, but at the same time I appreciate and embrace science
< Started watching Ao no Exorcist
v If you were destined to go to prison within 24 hours for 10-40 years, how would you spend that time?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 8, 2012 11:07 PM

Mar 2012
^ Trying to figure out why would I be going to prison in the first place xD?

< Started making something related to what he asked for~

v Can you name the 3 rings of marriage? (Hint: It's a joke question that I will give the answer to in my next post if no one knows it xP)
Apr 8, 2012 11:44 PM

Mar 2008
^ I feel like I should know this joke but sadly I got nuthin xD
< Dreading having to go back to work tomorrow T_T
v What is your ideal job?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 9, 2012 10:17 AM

Jan 2009
^ I've answered this already... lol (Post #33, page 2)
< Has to leave for class in 5 minutes, BUT I HAVE CABLE TV IN MY ROOM NOWWW YESSS
v Do you.... know the muffin man?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 9, 2012 4:45 PM

Mar 2012
^ The Muffin Man?!?! :O Yes, I know the muffin man who lives in Drury Lane :P

< Wants to give the answer to the 3 rings of marriage :P

They are:
1) The engagement ring
2) The wedding ring
3) And the suffer ring xD

v Barbeque sauce or Buffalo sauce?
Apr 9, 2012 6:50 PM

Feb 2011
^ I've never had the latter so BBQ. Is Buffalo sauce vegetarian?

< I'm hungry

v What was the last thing you ate?
Apr 9, 2012 7:24 PM

Jan 2009
^ Carbonara my sis made
< Worried/depressed about school
v If you had 24 hours left to live, what would you do?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 9, 2012 9:27 PM

Mar 2012
^ Spend it with the people I care the most

< Wants to tell Stereo that classic Buffalo-style chicken wing sauce is composed of a vinegar-based cayenne pepper hot sauce and butter.

v What's the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
Apr 9, 2012 9:54 PM

Jan 2009
^ What's weird to some may not be weird to others, with that said, I can not think of a definite answer, but maybe baby squid
< Is getting sucked back into the romance groove of anime
v Favorite series of new currently airing anime?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 9, 2012 10:54 PM

Mar 2008
^ Either Tasogare Otome x Amnesia or Sankarea :D
< Glad to hear Nym's back in the romance groove -high fives- lol
v Favorite horror based anime?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 9, 2012 10:56 PM

Mar 2012
^ I don't watch anime anymore, so I cannot say.

< Is waiting for Nymph's reply in his inbox

v Have you had any part of your body removed? (Externally, internally, or both)
Apr 9, 2012 11:03 PM

Mar 2008
^ That's a slightly more personal question xD and nope, although I have had stuff put in.
< Is waiting to see if Tysin will edit his post, lol
v Do you have any tattoos and if so of what?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 9, 2012 11:05 PM

Mar 2012
^ Nope

< Will not edit his previous post because the answer also applies to Ziraki's question :P

v What's your favorite bread/toast spread?
Apr 9, 2012 11:19 PM

Mar 2008
^ Real butter, not that fake crap.
< Is wondering what Tysin is up to xP
v What is your fav alcoholic beverage?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 9, 2012 11:22 PM

Mar 2012
^ None, I don't drink.

< Tysin is waiting for Nymph's reply to proceed Dx

v Favorite fruit?
Apr 9, 2012 11:28 PM

Mar 2008
^ Mango's
< Really wants a mango now, lol
v favorite fast food place?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 9, 2012 11:29 PM

Mar 2012
^ Wendy's :D

< Thinks Ziraki meant mango rather than manga xD

v Favorite dish?
Apr 10, 2012 12:50 AM

Mar 2008
^ Beef pot roast, I know it sounds simple but I love it xD
< Went back and edited my post xP
v Fav anime genre?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 10, 2012 8:04 AM
Mar 2012

<i also really want a mango now lol

V have you ever seriously thought of getting a tattoo?
Apr 10, 2012 10:27 AM

Mar 2012
^ Yes, when I was younger

< Is still waiting for Nymph's reply ...

v Favorite vegetable?
Apr 10, 2012 11:30 AM
Mar 2012
^corn i love corn especially grilled on the cob yum

<i want some corn now

V whats yout favorite non main character shinigamy?
Apr 10, 2012 12:39 PM

Feb 2011
^ Are you talking about Bleach? If so, then it's Zaraki. If it's any shinigami, I'd say Ryuk from Death Note.

< Wants to hug ziraki for watching Tasogare Otome x Amnesia

v Do you have a job?
Apr 10, 2012 12:45 PM
Mar 2012
^ i have 2 jobs

< i need a better job

V is your life going how you planned?
Apr 10, 2012 5:32 PM

Mar 2012
^ Not exactly, but it is getting there

< Will be making dinner after posting here

v Do you cook?
Apr 10, 2012 7:50 PM

Jan 2009
^ I grill, my cooking is pretty basic, breakfast foods mainly, I don't normally cook though, too lazy
< Just ate tacos and laughed at tide's post here
v Where do you wanna be in a couple years from now?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 10, 2012 8:50 PM

Mar 2012
^ Living in peace with a special someone somewhere where economy is not so bad, job demand is high, tax is low, and having a good job.

< Is now waiting for Ziraki's reply <.< ... ... ...

v Do you think blind people see their dreams?
Apr 10, 2012 9:17 PM

Feb 2011
^ Yes because dreams are all in our brains, that's what I think

< It's morning and I'm still up, WTF

v How long can you go without sleep?
Apr 10, 2012 10:54 PM

Mar 2008
^ My record is 6 days (I fell asleep at the computer with my hand still on the mouse... god I hate WoW!, lol)
< Wants to give Reo a hug for being a fellow Tasogare Otome x Amnesia fan, I love the manga ^^.
v Whats your fav video game of all time?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 10, 2012 11:10 PM

Mar 2012
^ Ogre Battle 64. I have yet to play a game as vast and awesome as that game. I wish they remake it someday <.<

< Is thinking that staying awake for 6 days without any kind of rest is crazy and almost seems impossible @.@

v If you could change anything about your physique, would you?
Apr 10, 2012 11:41 PM

Jan 2009
^ I'd probably make myself a lil taller, more fit, and so freakin irresistible to the ladies, YEAAAH! but right now I'm pretty content with how I am, haha.
< Is probably gonna stay up all night ironically, lol
v Political views/opinions? (open discussion)
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 11, 2012 12:04 AM

Mar 2008
^ I'm a Republican who believes in upholding the Constitution (yeah I know were rare nowadays xD)
< Is daring Tysin to try it x3
v Diet or regular? (I know its a stupid question but its all I got right now, lol)

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 11, 2012 12:41 AM

Jan 2009
^ Regular, it's just what I'm used to. I'll drink diet coke if there's nothing around but I'd prefer cherry > original > zero > diet > water (if it's with a meal, if the soda isn't cold I'll just drink water).
< Crammed with anime/manga/school work -_-
v How many pillows do you sleep with?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 11, 2012 1:17 AM

Mar 2008
^ I have 4 and I use them all xD
< Is kinda sorry for being the reason for the anime/manga part of Nym's problems >.>
v Do you plan on keeping anime/manga a part of your life for the rest of your life?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 11, 2012 1:29 AM

Mar 2012
^ Of course. As far as I know it will keep my brain working correctly and it'll give me entertainment as well.

< Will not try Ziraki's challenge as it will force him to eat more than he usually eats per day xP

v Favorite sport?
Apr 11, 2012 1:44 AM

Mar 2008
^ American Football :D
< Really wants a pizza right now T_T
v Fav non-anime TV series?

"Though I devour the five lands and drink the three Oceans dry, I am powerless against the sky, for I have neither wings, nor legs, nor hands. I am the World Snake. My name is Jormungand." --Jormungand
Apr 11, 2012 6:23 AM
Mar 2012
^the big bang theory

< i love cheese pizza

V whos your favorite comedian?
Apr 11, 2012 8:16 AM

Jan 2009
^ Dave Chappelle
< Registers for summer/fall classes for this year today
v Favorite movie and why?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 11, 2012 8:54 AM
Mar 2012
^ Brandon lee The Crow he was great in that movie and the story is great a real family friendly film if i do say so myself

<i wish brandon lee hadn't died so young same as his father

V most hated movie and why?
Apr 11, 2012 10:43 AM

Jan 2009
^ No idea, probably twilight and I haven't even seen it, lol
< Registering for classes in 2 minutes
v Do you have a dream car? If so, what is it?
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Apr 11, 2012 10:59 AM

Feb 2011
^ I'm retarded when it comes to cars, I'm sorry. :x

< I prefer bikes and boards lol

v What's your original hair color?
Apr 11, 2012 11:52 AM
Mar 2012

< i've never tought of getting my hair dyed

V have you ever dyed your hair if so what color?
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