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Jul 2, 2008 1:09 AM

Feb 2008
<<Sorry for not posting!>>

Aya had been immediately engaged in battle when she hit the ground with Hikari. After having wounded two demons, she was engaged yet again by a learger demon. She had not rest in between them, her strength was rapidly decresing by the moment and all she could do was defend herself was hoping that no other demon from that crowd would go and attack her. Her body shook with the force the demon had rammed down on her katanna, her skills seemed to only just keep her alive while battling. So this is what war is like, she thought hastily blocking another attack while looking for an opening.

Quickly she ran behing the demon looking as if she had just disappeared from where she was standing. A huge ring of fire exploded into the area she had been in seconds before. Without a moment's hesitation, she rammed her katanna aiming right at the opponent's head again and again making her katanna seem like a blur to the naked eye. After that, she jumped and swung her katanna at the demon's face before landing a few feet away, almost drained of her energy. How was a 12-year-old supposed to keep this up? She grinded her teeth and dodged another attack. Her next opponent had arrived.
Jul 2, 2008 3:25 AM

Mar 2008
I had arrived a lot later than I had thought, the demons where already attacking the angels. I saw a young girl slaying a demon and then immediately being attacked by another, knowing that she wouldn't be able to keep up at this rate I made my move.

The demon had knocked the young girl to that ground and was about to make the final blow, until I had sliced Ookami through it with such pace that it was barely visible to all those around. The demon fell to the ground into two pieces as I sheathed my blade and looked at the young girl.

"Are you alright?" I asked.
DivergentKarmaJul 5, 2008 9:39 PM

Jul 3, 2008 1:14 AM

Feb 2008
<<I’m going to be away to I’m going to do something to Aya. Sorry, she might be a pain for two weeks LOL>>

Aya fell to the ground when the last of her energy had been finally drained. She held her katanna in front of her face and closed her eyes, hoping that it wouldn’t hurt much. After a few seconds, she realized that the blow wasn’t about to come so she opened her eyes, cautiously at first before her eyes widening at the sight in front of her.

It was a guy. She immediately sensed that he was an angel. He probably meant no harm for her. A asked her a question and she replied with a swift yes for she sensed something coming at her again. Jumping onto a high ledge, she looked at the newcomer cautiously. Letting her guard down for the tiniest bit of a fraction, two rather large demons noticed the small girl perched there and shot a spell at her. Hit by the combined spell, she was knocked off the ledge and unconscious to the busy ground underneath. She struggled to first but the unknown spell’s effect started and she fell into a dark sleep.

<Argh! Please don’t wake her up until I get back… please??>>
Jul 3, 2008 2:51 AM

Mar 2008
I watched as the girl jumped to the ledge, she must have been trying to avoid any more combat, I made my way to the girl knowing she wasn't going to be safe until she was out of the way. As I made my approach I saw two demons behind her, one cast a spell on her and she fell form the cliff landing just in front of me.

"Damn it." I aimed my hand at the demons and an ice ball shot at them, freezing them instantly. I rushed to check the girls pulse, she was alive but unconscious. I took her in my arms and carried her away from the battle. She needed an awakening spell, and I knew just the person to do it.


I arrive at the chapel and walk through the door, carrying the young girl in my arms. As I got closer to the alter my old friend and master of healing magic, Kai Hakubi came to me.

"This girl needs help." I told her. Kai touched the girls forehead and closed her eye's.

"This girl has been put under a powerful spell, it will take some time to awaken her."

"How long?" I ask, not liking the concern in her voice.

"A couple of weeks at the very least."

(there we go cookie now your character is safe and the story ties into how your out for a while)
DivergentKarmaJul 5, 2008 9:42 PM

Jul 3, 2008 10:18 AM

May 2008
Hikari turned and looked at the battle scene. There was spotted of blood on the ground, but not a lot.

((I have some writers block again...))

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 3, 2008 10:45 AM

Mar 2008
The young girl was safe, I knew i could leave her in Kai's protection. I, however, was not one to hang around. I left during the night and headed for the next town, remnants of the chaos all around me. I was making good progress, when the two demons that had attacked the girl appeared in front of me.

"What do you guys want, hey?" I ask, leaving my katana over my shoulders.

"You thought you where pretty smart, freezing us back there, but you were sloppy, we tracked you by the trail you left behind." the first one told me, laughing as he did.

"Do you really think that I would let incompetent fools like you track me?" I laughed to myself, "No, I left that trail so you would find me, so i wouldn't have to go to the trouble myself." the two demons scowled then readied themselves.

"Well that doesn't matter to us, we're still going to kill you." they jumped toward me, claws aiming for my head.

"You idiots," I swung my sword in front of me blocking both of their assaults, the first jumped back and aimed his hand at me, within seconds a ball of fire flew at me. I dodged it and came back with a flurry of slashes and jabs driving them back, but hardly injuring them. "Guess this is going to be harder then i thought." I focused and awaited the next attack.
DivergentKarmaJul 5, 2008 9:46 PM

Jul 4, 2008 11:50 AM

Jul 2007
((Uwaah Krissy hasn't posted for a while despite this huge influx of posts @_@.))

A small grin of satisfaction wrote itself on the face of Arariel as the miniature skirmish of the demons against this odd misfitted multi-racial team came to a quick turnover and close, all except for Aya and the newcomer, apparently one also of considerable strength. The seraph sighed as she wondered when they'd finally be able to escape the city, readying her staff and lifting it with a single hand toward one of the demons that hit her, but for some reason things instantatneously moved beyond her control (lol time skips <,<) and all four had literally almost dissapeared.

((Writers block...))

Jul 4, 2008 1:02 PM

Mar 2008
I returned to the place where I had found the girl, it was a barren land, all except for the group of people that had been fighting the demons. I walked up to one of them, a woman, a seraph, carrying a staff. I walked up behind her without her noticing.

"So what happened to the demons?" I asked her, clutching my left arm, of which was cut pretty bad.
DivergentKarmaJul 5, 2008 9:47 PM

Jul 4, 2008 2:52 PM

May 2008
Hikari looked over at the man who had helped out Aya as he talked to Arariel. I wonder why he decided to help us.....

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 4, 2008 3:01 PM

Mar 2008
I looked around and noticed another girl looking at me, seeing as the first girl hadn't answered me I walked over to this one.

"Hey, what happened to the demons that where here?" I asked, still clutching my arm.
DivergentKarmaJul 5, 2008 9:48 PM

Jul 4, 2008 4:35 PM

May 2008
"We defeated them and the person commanding them left...",replied Hikari. Hikari never liked to say Miharu's name. She hated Miharu ever since they began to fight when they were younger.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 4, 2008 5:22 PM

Mar 2008
"Wow, I can't believe that you guys managed it," they must have been stronger then I first thought. "Oh, how rude of me, the name's Neroshi, but you can call me Neko or Wolf." I extend my good arm to her in salutations.
DivergentKarmaJul 5, 2008 9:49 PM

Jul 4, 2008 6:32 PM

May 2008
"Nice to meet you and thanks for helping Aya, my name is Hikari...",replied Hikari with a bit of a hestitant voice.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 5, 2008 7:59 AM

Mar 2008
"Aya? Oh you mean that other girl, well it was nothing really, but she is in a bad way, i took her to a safe place not too far from here, I could take you to see her if you'd like." I told her.
DivergentKarmaJul 9, 2008 8:47 PM

Jul 5, 2008 10:08 AM

May 2008
Hikari was still thinking about Miharu. That coward...she always sends Rina and Aya (the demon) to do her dirty work....

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 5, 2008 10:24 AM

Mar 2008
"Hey, do you know anywhere I can get good medicine, or someone with good healing magic?" I paused, grimacing over the pain in my arm.
DivergentKarmaJul 5, 2008 9:50 PM

Jul 5, 2008 2:48 PM

Jul 2007
Arariel frowned slightly at the man's impatience, the one known as Neroshi, and had stayed silent through the entirety of the conversation between him and Hikari until the Human-like Angel asked for a healer. She closed her eyes and sighed, this same man being the one that had ignored her now asked for help, and she would be that help. The seraphim walked to him with an even, slow tempo, and lay a hand on his arm, torn and cut muscle began to reconnect in plain sight and skin slowly grew into its normal form, lost blood was replaced and multiplied and soon all that was left was the torn clothing and the dried blood.

"There child, are you happy now? Now, it is up to Shadow what happens next." she said.

((Woah there, patience x,x there's some people that haven't even posted yet. I don't care if it takes a little while for them to post, shouldn't just leave them behind and have them lag, this is going way too fast now. Sucks for me too since despite all this posting I have nearly nothing to work on =x))

Jul 5, 2008 2:59 PM

Mar 2008
The woman had healed my arm, I had never seen a healing spell work so fast.

"Hey thanks, sorry to just leave you standing there like that, but I thought one of you should at least want to know how your friend is," I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment. "Any way, who's this Shadow guy you mentioned?"

(yeah sorry to be impatient, i was just really excited about continuing, i promise not to do it again. X)
DivergentKarmaJul 5, 2008 9:51 PM

Jul 5, 2008 3:16 PM

Jul 2007
Arariel flicked her hair to the side, simply gave a nod to his previous words and pointed at Shadow, "The Helion over there in the black."

(Writers block + sleepy + not much to work on = Even shorter than the other shortest post ever =D)

Jul 5, 2008 3:45 PM

Mar 2008
"A demon, why are you keeping him alive? Not that I want to see anyone killed but I thought the angels hated the demons more then anything." Although I was an angel, I never wanted to see this much death, not even to the demons.
DivergentKarmaJul 5, 2008 9:52 PM

Jul 5, 2008 5:47 PM

May 2008
Hikari listened to what Neroshi said, which made her more mad. Well, if he was to compare Shadow and I to what Miharu's like, there would be a major difference... Hikari was't too fond of Neroshi at the moment. He seems like a lot of people I've met in my life... they automatically think before they get to know the person better, and in this case, he should get to know me and Shadow before he says something like that...
DivergentKarmaJul 9, 2008 9:07 PM

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 5, 2008 8:15 PM

Mar 2008
I got the sense that I was dealing with angels that were the same as me, compassionate for the other races. I believed i could get along well with them.

"Well, I think I'll go and talk with this shadow, I mean I'm not a hater of demons," I walked over to him and waved. "Hi, the name's Neroshi, but you can call me Neko or Wolf, I already know your name is Shadow, nice to meet you." I extended my hand for him to shake.
DivergentKarmaJul 5, 2008 9:58 PM

Jul 5, 2008 9:58 PM

Jul 2007
((*coughs* Just an OOC post for now until others reply but, Neko, if you notice that all your posts say "Modified by SirensGrace" it's because I fixed all your capitalization and more blatant grammar errors x,x Sorry, I was bored.))

Jul 6, 2008 5:14 AM

Mar 2008
(non rp msg)

thnks sirens grace, i appreciate it. :)

Jul 8, 2008 7:44 PM

Mar 2008
((AHHH!! I've fallen behind!!! I'm SO sorry!! -bow bow bow bow bow- D: Okay, okay, time to catch up!!...Okay, I'm gonna make something up to explain Shadow's inactivity, okays?))

After setting Arariel on the ground Shadow felt a strange prickling on the back of his neck again. When the others stepped forward into the skirmish, Shadow stepped into the shadows to find out what this presence was. He walked aways, before stopping and looking around. "Okay, you can come out now," he said quietly, time passed, and then to his left, a battered Wraith stepped out of the bushes. She bowed her head, her hair hiding her features. "What do you want?" Shadow asked, stepping closer to the Wraith.

"...I don't... Know..." The Wraith whispered.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." Shadow said, stepping even closer and putting his hand under the Wraithe's chin. His fingers passed right through, but she looked up, and into Shadow's eyes. "Kirie?" Shadow gasped, recognizing the eyes in that ghostly form. Kirie's eyes snapped open wide, and she shrieked, disappearing from Shadow's sight.

Shadow called her name for hours after she disappeared, and when he realized she was really gone, he walked back the way he came, finding the group he had been with in battered shape. He noticed someone was missing, and decided to ask about that later. He saw a strange Angel talking to Arariel, and was suprised when the Angel walked up to him, sticking out his hand and introducing himself. "Well, it's nice to meet you too, Neroshi. How did you come to run into our little group? Just passing through?" Shadow said, shaking the Angel's hand.

DivergentKarmaJul 9, 2008 9:06 PM
Jul 9, 2008 3:54 AM

Mar 2008

"Yeah, I was traveling to the next town and saw this little fight going, so I decided to help. lt's lucky that I did, otherwise your friend Aya might not have made it through alive," I gave him a minute to register then continued, "by the way, what's going on here, how did this fight get started?"
DivergentKarmaJul 9, 2008 10:06 AM

Jul 9, 2008 10:53 AM

May 2008
Hikari looked toward Neroshi and replied,"My rival Miharu led the demon soldiers to attack us..."the beginnings of a frown forming. Then, Hikari gained more strength to say," Everyone... I've been meaning to say this... I'm... sorry I caused so much trouble for all of you... you've been so nice and helped me and I feel bad that all this has happened, and the fight that just happend with the soldiers, well... I guess you could say it's mostly my fault because I angered Miharu..." Hikari felt horrible, none of this would have happened if she hadn't attacked them in the first place. Hikari was hoping that they could forgive her.
DivergentKarmaJul 9, 2008 8:49 PM

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 9, 2008 3:56 PM

Mar 2008

"Hang on a minute. You say it's your fault... I'm sure you was attacking this demon for a reason so I don't think any one here can hold a grudge for any reason," ^the demon had to have attacked someone, or done something evil, so this girl must have tried to stop her once and for all.^ "If that is the case, what did this demon do for you to attack her?"
DivergentKarmaJul 9, 2008 8:56 PM

Jul 9, 2008 9:02 PM

Jul 2007
((Not precisely sure that the circumflex accent (the ^ ) is for, but if it's meant to be a thought, it's easier to just use italics as in [i ]text[/ i]))

"I'm sure there are other agendas that everyone here has and tales to tell of fights they've picked, however, since you are with us and offered your help, I'm quite sure that there is no issue. Personally, I forgive you Hikari, I'm sure Miharu has warranted your spite or vengeance." Arariel added in before Hikari could answer Neroshi's question. She tapped her foot slightly at an even pace and idly brushed off some dust from her tattered robe, of which would seriously need to be replaced sometime soon.

The seraphim looked up at the sky for a brief moment, darkness had already fallen, flames of burning homes painting the sky an eerie orange and purple blue, the moon tinted red and hidden slightly by smoke. They mustn't stand around idly much longer or the Demons of the night would be unleashed upon the city, which would be far more terrifying and than that of the day... If only the executioner Seraph could return to them...

Jul 10, 2008 8:22 AM

May 2008
"Miharu and I have been rivals for a very long time...ever since we were about 10 years old. My parents were killed by humans while fighting with the humans and I was so frightened that I hadn't came into contact with pretty much any of my friends and my parents were the only people left I had in my family...the rest of my family had died during the war. When I finally came to my senses that I should at least have somebody to talk too, Miharu was pissed that I hadn't talked to her, she and I always talked and she was angry that I hadn't came to her when I was scared, and I got angry with her the more she yelled and we started to fight with our spells and weapons. So ever since then, Miharu and I have been rivals.", replied Hikari, answered both Arariel and Neroshi.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 10, 2008 8:37 AM

Mar 2008
"so do you come into contact with many angels and demons, because if so i would like to join your little group," *i look to see there reactions* "you see i'm searching for a specific angel, maybe you know of her, her name is Rika?"

Jul 10, 2008 11:19 AM

Mar 2008
Shadow yawned, becoming bored with the younger one's conversation. He looked over at Neroshi when he made his request, and raised an eyebrow. "You know, Angel's don't really tell me their names before I kill them, so even if I had met her, she's probably dead by now." Shadow was irritated because things had gone wrong with Kirie, and it was starting to come out in his personality. He took a deep breath and sighed, trying to get a handle on his anger. "I suppose if you want to follow us, we couldn't stop you, short of killing you. Just don't get in my way."
Jul 10, 2008 3:34 PM

Mar 2008

*is irritated by the way shadow is acting.*

"look kid firstly if any one would get in anyones way, you'd get in mine, secondly you really need to think who you are talking to before you start boasting about your kill count." *without even waiting for a reply i walk towards a pile of dead bodies, checking each one for Rika's face.*

Jul 10, 2008 3:44 PM

May 2008
Hikari overheard Neroshi and Shadow as she was looking around to make sure all the demons were slayed. Neroshi was irritated by Shadow's attitude at that point. Hikari could tell that Neroshi and Shadow weren't going to be very friendly with each other. She smirked and walked over to Neroshi. "You should watch your mouth, Shadow could definetly beat your ass in a fight...and you should be the one to think before acting...",whispered Hikari into his ear. She materialized her scythe just in case of another attack.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 10, 2008 5:17 PM

Jul 2007
The angel flicked her hair once more, it kept falling in her face for some reason, and tapped her foot, silently watching as the Demon and the outcast Angel expanded upon their egos and threw their manliness at each other. Obviously each had their own agenda and something in the status quo had changed for Shadow. He was irritated, and something was wrong and different from before he entered the alleyways.

Either way, she knew not of an angel named Rika, she most likely didn't even live in the city of Celestia, as for time, she grew more impatient, adding in a few words to go with what Hikari had said, "Neroshi, I'm not quite sure you can fathom the meaning of the race of Helion, it is the equivalent of a Seraphim in the demon world and you are most likely talking down to one of the strongest fighters of Hell in the current day. As for you Shadow, I am not sure of your circumstances at the moment but you too should learn to keep your cool, take notice of the time, we're going to have to leave soon unless we want to be in far more fights than we should have been in."

Jul 10, 2008 5:59 PM

Mar 2008
^ i know their right, but i won't have any one say that she is dead, she can't be.^

"awww man, no you've made me feel bad," *walks over to shadow.* "ok man nothing meant by what i said, it's just been a long day for both of us, right?" h*holds out hand for him to shake.*

Jul 10, 2008 6:16 PM

May 2008
I wonder if there will be a turn of events between the two now..., thought Hikari as she glanced at the outcast angel and irritated Helion. Hikari felt tension between Shadow and Neroshi. She whisked some dust off her outfit and watched to see what Shadow would do next. Hikari hoped that nothing would arouse anyymore fighting.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 14, 2008 12:55 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow laughed at the fact the Angel was calling him a kid. He was just about to tell the Angel what he could do with his comment when Arariel spoke up, and then Angel apologized. Shadow sighed, still slightly irritated, and shook the Angel's hand...Again. "I hope that you do not make a habit of this, Angel. Or I will need to get a new hand. And you're right, Arariel. We need to leave." He looked around at the rest of the group, who had been silent this entire time. "Shall we go, then?"
Jul 15, 2008 9:36 AM

May 2008
Hikari agreed, the group needed to move on. Hikari nodded as a reply to Shadow and looked around at the group.

((Writers block is coming to me again.....))

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 15, 2008 9:47 AM

Jul 2007
Arariel gave a small sigh and nodded, speaking up, "Thank you, the sooner we leave, the better. The angel slipped back to being silent and looked off to the side, small flying figures could be seen in the far distance, smaller than ants in the sky, but numerous in number, reinforcements were coming in for the demons, their lossess were almost as many as that of the angels, the ones that seemed to suffer the least were the humans, of whom had a strong sense of singularity, always able to form small skirmish formations with good defenses. However, when those defenses broke they were the weakest of the races, being able to be dispatched in a single blow.

The Seraphim looked to the other side, she saw nothing, burnt destroyed buildings, smoke, fire, a few dead bodies of the three races. But she saw something that made her hold her hands to her mouth and instantly look the other way, a dead angel child lay in one of the destroyed buildings, a sickening sight as its body was mangled and skewed out, bloodied and beaten, Arariel wanted to throw up, but she quickly regained her composure and looked at Shadow once more, hoping the rest of the group wouldn't look at something like that.

Jul 15, 2008 10:23 AM

Mar 2008
*noticing the incoming reinforcements, begins to walk in the opposite direction.*

"well if we are going to leave i suggest it be now, you don't wish to fight off another horde of demons do?" *walks past the two female angels and takes to the sky.*

Jul 15, 2008 11:53 AM

Mar 2008
Shadow sighed. This new Angel was grating on his nerves. But for now, he'll let is pass. Looking around, he decided the best course of action would be to follow the Angel's actions and take to the sky. Shadow groaned a little under his breath. He hated bringing his wings out. Taking off his jacket , he doubled over, wrapping his arms around him. Taking in a deep breath, he held it, squeezing his eyes shut. Blood red energy began to radiate off of his body as the sound of mere flesh and ink began to turn into cartalidge and bone became a sickening crunch. The breath he was holding exploded from his body in the form of a scream as the wings burst from his back, his eyes snapping open dialated and the color of the power emanating from him. Beating his wings twice, he stood up, breathing evenly as he put his power back into check.
Jul 15, 2008 8:01 PM

May 2008
Hikari decided to join the angel and demon, yet, hesitated, until the rest of group decided to join.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 18, 2008 9:43 PM

Jan 2008
((Someone please summarize the last two pages or whatever and just tell me what I need to do o_O))

Jul 18, 2008 9:49 PM

Jan 2008
((Yep, same here >.>))

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Jul 19, 2008 1:13 PM

May 2008
((Well, the group has just come upon an angel named Neroshi, and he didn't get along with Shadow. Now, we are deciding what to do now))

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 20, 2008 3:54 PM

Aug 2007
A blue haired man was sitting at the counter of a local tavern as he watched the barkeep flip to the news, which was displaying the newest dispute between the races. He lifted his glass of scotch and tilted it slightly, the ice inside of it shifted with the glass.

"When will the bloodshed end..." asked the man as the barkeep looked at him and sighed.

"Whenever they are all eradicated... these demons and angels..." said the barkeep.

The man placed his now empty glass on the counter as looked out the window. His eyes seemed somewhat glazed over, perhaps it was because of the alcohol. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up, "Another glass please..." he said.

The barkeep sighed and filled up the glass, "I'm cutting you off after th-" he was cut off by the somewhat buzzed mans rambling.

"Why is this world so bloodstained and blinded by prejudice... in all the years a lived I have never seen it as bad as it is now. You see these eyes?" asked the man as he pulled down his sunglasses which displayed piercing blue eyes which were somewhat glazed, "They aren't blinded by prejudice. These hands!" he threw them up as he stumbled off the chair, "They aren't stained by the blood of Humans, nor by Demons. Do I look l-" he paused as he looked down the barrel of a shotgun.

"How come you said Humans and Demons, but not Angels?" asked the Barkeep as other people in the bar slowly revealed their weapons.

The man laughed as the cigarette slid from his mouth, "Did I say that?" he asked as the barkeep placed his finger on the trigger of the shotgun. "What good would it do to kill me? One Angel? Like that will end the world. Do it... pull the trigger. You'll end the life of an angel cursed with life. Hell, you'll be doing me a favor. But ask yourself..." He placed his hand on the barrel and pointed it towards his heart, "What good will come of it?"

The sound of gunfire echoed though the air as the door of the bar opened and the blue haired man stepped out. He pushed the sunglasses up his nose and slid his headphones over his ears as music began to play. Police sirens filled the air as the mans long black trench coat swayed in the wind, and he disappeared into the night.

--Minutes earlier--
The barkeep pulled the trigger and the man vanished from sight, only to pop up behind him. The bullet had lodged itself in the heads of some of the other humans in the bar, the man leaned over and whispered to the barkeep, "My name is Tenshi Akki. My occupation is to act as a cleanser of this tainted world. It is a job that I have been burdened with, the last unique angel of my kind. Nice to meet you, and goodbye."

((I hope that was okay for an intro post for my character.
EDIT: I fixed a part, he was suppose to say his eyes weren't blinded by prejudice.))
SnowmanGrimmJul 20, 2008 4:06 PM
Jul 20, 2008 3:59 PM

May 2008
((That's a great first post =D ))

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 20, 2008 4:38 PM

Mar 2008

*i could sense a great disturbance, not too far away and i decided to follow my instincts and investigate, i stopped in mid flight and turned to the east.*

"ok you guys, i'm going to have to catch up with you some other time, i have something that needs attending too," *begins to fly in the opposite direction to the others, before leaving i turn to Shadow.* "i will definitely see you again." *i take off and head to where my sense are leading me too, when i arrive i see a blue haired man wearing sunglasses and listening to music, i land out of his sight and wait on a rock for him to come by.*

Jul 20, 2008 4:48 PM

Aug 2007
Tenshi continued to walk as he turned off the music he was playing, by flipping the switch in his pocket. He didn't remove the headphone, because he wanted to make it look like he was still listening to it.

'Seems like I have company,' he thought to himself as he smirked and lit up a cigarette he pulled from the breast pocket of his coat. The ashes from the cigarette fell to the ground he stopped at the corner of the city block he was walking on. He was waiting for the light to switch over as the cars passed by he looked up into the sky. Several hovercrafts passed in front of him as he waited in the slums of the city.

'Now then... where are you...' he though as he closed his eyes trying to fell the presence of the person watching him. He grinned as he dropped the cigarette and put it out with his foot. The light changed and he began to run down the sidewalk, hoping the person would follow him.
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