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(Club Arc)Movement from the North, Powerful and Mysterious Ninja Appear

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Sep 19, 2011 11:44 PM

Nov 2009
Kain:it was a sparring match with Wiess. the guy doesnt know how to hold back its a practice we try to teach to our members but he doesnt like to learn those type of things i suppose

*kain smiles the same smile that the uzumakis share*

Kain: lifes a bitch huh?
RuseoSep 19, 2011 11:47 PM
I miss rping here.....
Sep 20, 2011 12:03 AM

May 2010
Hoshi: "Well, I can see now why you told me to stay away from him."

He still wears the same stern expression he has through any battle. His carefree side still locked inside.

Hoshi: "I've had my fair share of those moments. So I know what you mean. Life can get pretty hard sometimes and unfair, but as long as you keep fighting and never give up, things usually work out in the end."

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 20, 2011 12:13 AM

Nov 2009
Kain: and what about those that it doesnt work out for? whats your stand on the people that are dealt a bad hand in life, that work themselves to the bone every day till the day they die and still end up with nothing? why is it that some people never have to do anything and they live a life of luxury but then there are people that do everything in their power in vain? thats wat we will stop the good hearted people will have the good lives and the ones who are truelly evil will be forced to change.... that is how it shall be a few sacrifices is all it takes for everyone else to be happy... and noone will stop that goal from coming about... sorry but i need to get serious now Suzaku is almost too the girl and if she goes wild he will need help

*at the last word he appears in front of hoshi in a blur not quite leaving his vision but hard to track all the same and swings a fist at his face*
I miss rping here.....
Sep 20, 2011 1:05 AM

May 2010
Hoshi doesn't react quick enough and the fist smacks him square in the jaw, sending him flying a few feet and landing on the ground. Hoshi gets up a little dazed, working his jaw a little bit, small trail of blood running down the side.

Hoshi: "I would rather work myself to the bone everyday and not have anything in return than to sacrifice anyone to make my life better. I bet if you asked anyone that was actually good hearted, they would say the same thing. It is the truly evil that do not mind sacrificing whatever number of people necessary to accomplish a goal... As for stopping you.... You are looking at that man right now..... but it probably won't be for much longer."

Hoshi's eyes gleamed. It looks like he really has gotten serious. He is a lot faster now, I could barely see him. It is just about time, and it may be my only chance, but I must wait until I can use it at it's full potential.

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 20, 2011 1:26 AM

Nov 2009
*Kain laughs loudly*

Kain: HAHAHAHAHAA oh man you got the wrong idea. most of our group wont get to be a part of it as our life will be going into it as well you seem to think that we will use innocents to do this. thats not how we are....well maby weiss but he doesnt count

*as he catches is breath he smiles*

Kain: id glady give my life to make the world a better place

*charging again he runs up to hosi flipping over him to land behind him then turning to chop at his throat with his hand*
I miss rping here.....
Sep 20, 2011 12:14 PM

May 2010
Hoshi instinctively puts his arm up on each side of his neck. Though he was more ready for the attack, he wasn't sure which side it was going to come on. Kain's chop hits one of them, pain from the force running down his arm. He wasn't sure if he heard a snap or not. The adrenaline was in full effect. Without a second thought however, Hoshi reaches over with his other hand and grabs Kain's wrist.

Hoshi: "That may be so, but it doesn't make up for what you are going to do with that girl and anyone else that you plan on taking their powers from."

Hoshi took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The time had finally come.

Hoshi: "I told you it wouldn't be much longer that you would have to look at me. Well, that time has come."

He opens his eyes.

The area around them begins vanishing until a dark dome fully develops. Hoshi then tries to throw Kain over his shoulder on to the ground.

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 20, 2011 12:24 PM

Nov 2009
*kain looks around in confusion passing his hand in front of his face ten brushing his finger over his eye to make sure nothing was covering it*

Kain: i guess are info is a bit lacking.... am i blind?
I miss rping here.....
Sep 20, 2011 11:37 PM

May 2010
Hoshi's voice echoes around: "No, you aren't blind. Don't worry, a lot of people have asked that. You are experiencing my kekkei genkai. Remember when you talked about using underhanded tactics? Well, you got one right here. It's why I haven't used it until now in our battle. I only use it as a last resort. That is probably why your group didn't know about it. It is my turn to hold you here instead of going after your friend."

He stands a few feet away directly in front of Kain.

Hoshi: "If you had fire or lightning jutsu, you would be able to see a little bit farther, but they are still almost useless. And my wind and water jutsu are basically invisible in here, making them even more lethal. How long do you think you can last?"

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 21, 2011 12:46 AM

Nov 2009
*Kain laughs loudly *

Kain: this is a very good kekkei genkai. you can do a lot with it its pretty scary actually

*he says looking around smiling you might give wiess' technique a run for its money*
I miss rping here.....
Sep 21, 2011 9:28 AM

May 2010
Hoshi: "Thank you. Oh, and don't worry. My eyes allow me to see just fine in here. Considering how much of a disadvantage it is for you to be in here, I will inform you that there is a boundary to this darkness, but getting to the edge is a lot harder than it sounds. Especially when you are in the very center of it."

He makes a few hand signs while saying this.

Hoshi: "Wind Release: Wind Cutter."

A blade of wind slices at Kain.

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 21, 2011 1:45 PM

Nov 2009
*as the wind blade comes at him it starts to into his arm so he jumps away and rolls trying to avoid it*

Kain: your pretty open with your secret arent you?
I miss rping here.....
Sep 21, 2011 3:09 PM

May 2010
Hoshi: "It really isn't much of a secret. If you were on the outside watching the battle, you would have seen it anyways. I never told you exactly how far it is to reach the boundary, though. You can try if you wish, but no one has ever been able to reach it."
kaosblack21Sep 21, 2011 10:57 PM

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 21, 2011 7:52 PM

Nov 2009
*Kain looks back and forth then throws a kunai hearing nothing he sighs*

Kain: my luck wasnt good enough i suppose... hmm what to do
I miss rping here.....
Sep 21, 2011 10:57 PM

May 2010
(Just wondering if you had seen the attack I used in my last post, if not, I will just move it to this one)

He watches the kunai sail nowhere near him. He isn't trying to escape so far. Well, a sitting duck is easier to hit than a moving one.

Hoshi puts his hand down in the water and spinning drills of water shoot up from below into Kain's current position.

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 22, 2011 6:47 PM

Nov 2009
(sorry kain isnt a name i normally use i forgot that it was mine i read it as you putting the weapon near your location lol)

*Kain winced as one of them cut him deep he jumped away to dodge the rest*

Kain: this is problematic
I miss rping here.....
Sep 23, 2011 1:21 AM

May 2010
(no problem ^^)

Hoshi: "So you are beginning to realize the situation you are in?"

He makes a few more hand signs, then begins shaping the water rising up into his hands in the form of a shark. Once it is complete, he thrusts his hand forward, sending the shark barreling toward Kain.

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 23, 2011 1:51 AM

Nov 2009
*as the shark comes at him it smashes into him he uses some wind chakra to block the worst of it but it still knocks the wind out of him after a few moments he struggles back to a sitting possition then inales deeply closing his eyes*

Kain: listen.....use your ears block your other senses....where is he?
I miss rping here.....
Sep 23, 2011 6:14 PM

May 2010
Hoshi: "Have you decided to give up yet?"

He throws 2 kunai and 3 shuriken up in the air and claps his hands together, creating a strong force of wind that shoots them all at Kain again.

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 23, 2011 6:17 PM

Nov 2009
Kain: i dont think so just yet anyw--- ......shit hes on his way i dont have time to waste here

*hearing the clap he gets up and quickly running to the left zigzaging as fast as he can and covering his vitals with his arms*
I miss rping here.....
Sep 23, 2011 7:24 PM

May 2010
Hoshi: "Oh, starting to run now?"

He runs to catch up to kain, shooting multiple gunshots at him.

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 23, 2011 11:07 PM

Nov 2009
*one of the shots hits his leg and he falls pulling himself up he continues to run*

Kain: i need to hurry

*he looks back knowing that hoshi is following him*

Kain: dammit this isnt good
I miss rping here.....
Sep 23, 2011 11:59 PM

May 2010
Hoshi: He seems like he is panicking about something. He keeps getting hit, but he just keeps going without a second glance. Is he really trying to escape?

As he is running, Hoshi jumps, spins around to look behind him and blows a stream of air, pushing his body faster than if he were running.

Hoshi: "You can't escape from here. The girl is not going with you guys."

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 24, 2011 12:09 AM

Nov 2009
Kain keeps running on since he cant see he trips and smakshes his shoulder on several things

Kain: you fool if i dont get there soon she will die.

*as Suzaku catches up with nanami he calls out to her*

Suzaku: it would be best if you come with me now please.

*Suzakus frowns slightly he then jumps forward wrapping his arms around her and a large cut appears on his back he winces a bit *

???: heheheheh you guys had your chance to get her to come willingly now its my turn. and im going to take her my way now step aside Suzaku or ill cut through you as well. you know we dont need her alive we just need the tailed beasts power so what happens to her is irrelevant

*the man says with a wicked grin wiping the blood off his blade*
I miss rping here.....
Sep 24, 2011 12:30 AM

May 2010
As Kain trips and stumbles, Hoshi is able to catch up to him. He grabs him by his shirt and shakes him, holding a kunai to his throat.

Hoshi: "Just what do you mean by that? You said your friend Suzaku wasn't going to kill her, at least for now."

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 24, 2011 3:57 PM

Nov 2009
Suzaku wont hurt a fly if its unnecessary but Wiess will i was hoping to have her captured before he was sent. if we dont get her to come willingly he will kill her

*he said looking at where he figured hoshis eyes were based on where and how he was holding him*

Suzaku: Wiess it is unnecisary for you to be here.... we were just retrieving her having three members could prove to cause issues.

Weiss: hah the only issues will be fore anyone who gets in my way i was told to take the two tails and now im going to rip it out of her and absorb it like we shouldve done with naruto and the hyuga girl its muc easier to deal with energy than and actual person. you dont have to feed it or listen to it
I miss rping here.....
Sep 24, 2011 5:38 PM

May 2010
Hoshi releases his kekkei genkai and the dark dome disappears. He pushes Kain away, turns his back to him.

Hoshi: "I don't know if you are lying to me, but that is a risk I have to take for this girl. You better make sure no harm is done to her..... and pass this message along to your buddies: 'Hoshi Sagarashi will stop your plans, even if that means taking you out one by one.' That especially goes for this Weiss friend of yours. Now go. Don't make me regret letting you go."

Hoshi looks up to the sky, still keeping his back to Kain.

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 24, 2011 6:01 PM

Nov 2009
Kain: your not going to follow? and try to take the girl when we are weakened? that would be the most logical choice of a Ninja

*he says running towards Wiess' direction*

*Wiess laughed as he swung at Suzaku with his blade aiming to cut through him and the girl and Suzaku jumped back picking her up to get her out of the way as well*

Suzaku: i would appreciate it if you stop wiess as you can see i already got her

Wiess: oh that wont do you see i walked all the way out here and im going to kill someone and it might as well be the girl so i dont have to listen to her whining like the ninetails Uzumaki i think if i had to listen to another i. just. might. go. insane

Kain: your already insane wiess.

*wiess turns to look at kain with a smirk*

Wiess: oh hello kain come back so i can take that other eye from ya? your just so lopsided the way you are now we better even it up for ya huh? AHAHAHA
I miss rping here.....
Sep 24, 2011 7:06 PM

May 2010
Hoshi: "I'll catch up in a little bit...." He doesn't know how much my kekkei genkai drains, and even with the little rest in between him and that Suzaku, I am more drained that if it was just one battle. If I went in there 3 on 1 right now, I would be toast.

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 24, 2011 7:12 PM
Sep 2011
who else think kimimaro was a master piece
Sep 24, 2011 7:15 PM

Nov 2009
*Kain looked at Suzaku*

Kain: do you have a lock on her wave length?

Suzaku: yes i do

Kain: send her to the man we were fighting he will keep her safe while we tell Wiess to go home

*suzaku gives her the fish he had purchased and she got sparkles in her eyes and started drooling*

Suzaku: go to the man named Hoshi? yes hoshi go to the hoshi and wait with him

*without saying anything she started running in hoshis direction catching up with him shortly afterwards*
I miss rping here.....
Sep 24, 2011 7:45 PM
Jun 2010
*was around aimlessly hoping to find another one of the unaffiltaleds*
"great 1000 years of death is mine now if i can learn rasengan"
*contuines to walk around*

Sep 24, 2011 11:18 PM

May 2010
Hoshi kneels down. He needed to regain as much strength as he could before he was going to meet up with that group. After a while, however, he sees a girl running towards him with a fish.

Hoshi: "Are you the girl that the men are chasing after? How did you escape from them?"

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 24, 2011 11:32 PM

Nov 2009
*Nanami stopped in front of him trying to catch her breath*

Nanami: the one with the white hair and the one with the eyepatch told me to wait here with you until tey tell the scary guy to go home plus the white haired guy got hurt shielding me from the scary guy and then gave me this yummy looking fish and told me to run to you^^

*Kains eye widened and he yelled to Suzaku*

Kain: where is he?

Suzaku: on your left.

*Kain ducks as a slash flew at him and he swung at weiss but missed wiess then turned and charged at suzaku flickering very quickly*

Kain: low on the right side

*Suzaku swung hhis sword downwards almost hitting wiess as the man laughed and jumped backwards*

Wiess: will this sucks ass doesnt it my ability doesnt work if there are two of you
I miss rping here.....
Sep 25, 2011 12:24 AM

May 2010
Hoshi chuckles a little bit.

Hoshi: "Maybe those guys weren't so bad after all. But if they think I am just going to give you up later they are dead wrong. What is your name little girl?"

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 25, 2011 12:40 AM

Nov 2009
*nanami giggles into her hand*

Nanami: welllll since you said i look young ill tell you my name is nanami and i looooove fish!

*she says taking a huge bite out of the uncooked fish shes holding*
I miss rping here.....
Sep 25, 2011 1:10 AM

May 2010
Hoshi laughs. "Well, Nanami, the way you act kind of gives off a young vibe. Are you sure you should be eating that raw? Is that safe?"

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 25, 2011 1:29 AM

Nov 2009
*she looks up at him with a mouth full of fish*

Nanami: well people eat sushi which is raw fish right? so whats the difference?

*se asks taking another bite*

Nanami: well thats good cause i thought i might be starting to get old
I miss rping here.....
Sep 25, 2011 2:22 AM

May 2010
Hoshi shakes his head.

Hoshi: "Never mind. Forget about the fish. I need you to listen to me. Those guys back there may seem nice and all, but they are here to take something from you. You must not go with them, no matter how much fish they offer you. Do you hear me?"

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 25, 2011 8:57 AM
Jun 2010
*finds kaos and ruseo and runs over to them*

Sep 25, 2011 9:35 AM

Nov 2009
*Nanami looks at the new comer and waves*

Nanami: wow the village is so popular today, hello how are you!?

*she then turns putting her hand over her mouth*

Nanami: there not nice people?
I miss rping here.....
Sep 25, 2011 10:31 AM
Jun 2010
"augh i really hate introductions they get so annoying after awhile"
*looks around for intellegent life (other mercs)*

Sep 25, 2011 4:57 PM

Nov 2009
*Sadao and fumiko brurst out of the ground dusting themselves off*

Sadao: tyhat was a cheap shot

Funiko: well it was pretty cheap of us to act like it worked.

Sadao: ok so the three missing nija are fighting eachother so nows our chance to try and get the girl for Sasuke

Fumiko: agreed

*with that the dissapeared reappearing with the rest of the group that had gathered around the girl*
I miss rping here.....
Sep 25, 2011 11:45 PM

May 2010
Hoshi: "No, they only want your power that is within you. Otherwise you are useless to them."

Hoshi looks over at the new guy.

Hoshi: "Haven't seen you before. What is your business here?"

A few seconds later, he sees Sadao and Fumiko appear close to them.

Hoshi: "What is with people just showing up around here now? I'm surprised this town isn't totally demolished with all of us ninja here. Who are you and what are you guys doing here?"

He steps in between them and Nanami.

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 26, 2011 12:03 AM

Nov 2009
Nanami: thats not very nice but the white haired one said hed give me as much fish as i want if i do what i was told

*she said licking her lips thinking about as much fish as she could*

*Sadao and fumiko both looked at Hoshi*

Sadao: we are supposed to retrieve that girl for Sasuke

Fumiko: but for some reason everyone keeps getting in our way.
I miss rping here.....
Sep 26, 2011 12:45 AM

May 2010
Hoshi quickly looks back at Nanami: "You need to have a little more self control with the fish. It isn't good that people can make you do whatever they want as long as they promise fish."

Then Hoshi turns his attention back towards Sadao and Fumiko.

Hoshi: "Sasuke wants this girl too? Does he want to take her power as well?"

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 26, 2011 2:11 AM

Nov 2009
Nanami: well i dont understand though if i can get fish for doing some chores what does it matter?

*Sadao looks at hoshi*

Sadao: well id be lieing if i said i knew what he wanted with her but i highly doubt its just to be pen pals or shopping buddies.

Fumiko: you said youd do anything for fish? well im sure sasuke could get you a lot of fish.

Nanami: hmmmm well the boy is cute and all and you seem fairly nice....but sorry the white haired guy already offered me as much fish as i want
I miss rping here.....
Sep 26, 2011 9:44 AM

May 2010
Hoshi puts his hands up in the air.

Hoshi: "Alright! We are all going to stop talking about fish. Now...."

He looks around, in his head he was weighing his options.

Hoshi: "I don't trust Sasuke enough to just hand her over to you guys. No telling what is going on in Sasuke's head. Probably just as bad as letting those other guys take her. Plus, I have a little score to settle with him."

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 26, 2011 1:28 PM

Nov 2009
*Sadao sighs sitting on a nearby log as Nanami stuck her tongue out at Hoshi*

Sadao: this is rediculous it was supposed to be a simple find and grab assignment....

Fumiko: so who are the three that are fighting and the bug boy?
I miss rping here.....
Sep 26, 2011 3:14 PM
Jun 2010
"great so you people know where sasuke is this makes it so much easyer if i could join your group just until i'm there"
*thinks "so these people can do something"*

Sep 26, 2011 4:33 PM

May 2010
Hoshi kicks at a small puddle, one of the few left behind from the battle, and ignoring Nanami sticking her tongue out.

Hoshi: "Well, that simple plan got complex right at the very beginning. Apparently everyone found out about this girl at the same time. I just happened to be nearby when the action started, but now it has become my business too."

He looks over at Fumiko.

Hoshi: "As far as I can tell, the three fighting are all on the same team. However, two of them aren't too fond of the third guy. The two actually seem reasonable if not for their twisted plan for the world. One of them warned me the third guy wasn't so reasonable, and a downright sadist. So the three are fighting over what should be done with the girl. As for the 'bug boy' you mentioned, I have no clue about him. Never seen him before."

Hoshi looks the other way towards antiman.

Hoshi: "I still don't quite even know who this guy is either. Why exactly do you want to see Sasuke?"

Youmi Academy ID
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