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Apr 24, 2008 12:02 PM

Jan 2008
Here goes nothin'. o_o; Note,I took out a lot of chunks from my original RP, you can read about it here.

Celestia. Home of the Angels. The Netherworld. Home of the Demons. Earth. Home of the Humans. The times we live in now are times of darkness. Prejudice has brought the three races to war, each seeking dominice over the other two. Angels think demons are but of pure evil, and think humans are weak. Humans think demons are also pure evil, and Angels are trying to gain dominice. Demons think Angels and Humans are weak and trying to be dominate. This war started one year ago, when the humans bombed the major Celestian City, Ashuma. Each race has buffed up their defenses heavily. Soon after the major attack on Celestia, the Humans led an attack on the Demons, who then attacked both Earth and Celestia. Attacks from the opposing races occur almost each day now. Few are not blinded by this predujice...

1. No excessive OOC. Things like BRB and G2G are OK, though.
2. No spamming.
3. No G-Modding, or you shall also be reported.
4. No swearing or cussing, a small one here and there is fine, but nothing... extreme. O_o
5. No content above PG-13. I can deal with most things though... just like, no R-stuff. >.>
6. No flaming. Characters can be mad at each other, but it is directed at the character, not the user.
7. Have fun!
8. Read rule #7 again.
9. All characters must be posted in the character thread, and be accepted by me before you can post in the RP thread. If you post without being accepted, you shall be reported.

If you do not obey these rules, I will give three warnings, and after that it's bye-bye. It's only nine simple rules, people. And two of them tell you to have fun. So it's really only seven. So behave, ok?

Your Character
When you create your character, please use this format:

Name: A last name would be nice, but is not required. If your character has any nicknames, feel free to include those.
Gender: Girl or guy? Or both? Hopefully not both.
Race: Angel, Demon, or Human.
Age: Hope you know what this is, too...
Weapon: (explained later, feel free to give it a special name)
Appearance: What's he/she look like? Pictures are fine, too.
Strengths: Self-explanatory.
Weaknesses: Self-explanatory.
Bio: Short blurb about character. Past, personality, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

You may have 2 characters.

NOTE: You may be one race, and one race only. No half-demon, half-angel or stuff like that. Unless you're leader of a co-leader. They have special permission. And only Angels and Demons can have wings. Sorry Humans, but that's the way it works. Also Angels can use Holy Magic and no Dark Magic, and Demons can use no Holy Magic but Dark Magic. And Humans can use everything. x3 Angels and Demons can use anything BUT what I just said they couldn't use.

What Do You Do In This RP?
Basically everyone here fights members of the opposing races, after joining the military. Some, however, join not to fight, but to see if their races' prejudice is really correct...

Your Pendant
In order to travel to another race's world, you must have a special pendant. Everyone starts with one. If you happen to get it stolen, lost, or by any other means not around your neck -- you will die in a matter of hours if you do not get it back or travel back to your own world, where you can get a new one.

As said above, you may have one weapon, and no duel-wields unless said that you can. Here are your choices:

Light Saber: A saber...made of light! (You can choose it to be any color of your choice.)
Katana: Your average Katana.
Claymore: Your average Claymore.
Shamshir: Your average Shamshir.
Sword: Just a plain ol' sword.
Polearm: Your average Polearm.
Bow and Arrow: Yow know what this is, or I hope you do. x3
Staff: Your average staff. Only thing that can heal or cast spells. However, even if you do not have a staff, you can still do minor magic abilities. ^_^
Broadsword: How to explain this... uh... it's a sword... that's... broad. Yeah.
Spear/Lance: Hope you know what this is.
Fists: You fight...with your fists! Can be duel-wielded, obviously.
Dagger: Your average dagger. Can be duel-weilded, or just carried around as an extra weapon.

NOTE: If there's a weapon you want that is not on the list, just put it as your character's weapon and I'll see if it's okay. ^_^

Special Abilities
Hm, how to explain this? Basically... something like "heal" is a special ability. Special attacks. Like, spells... from games. Or techniques. You can use any technique from any game, or you can make it up, but you can't use them excessivly unless you're a caster with a staff and they can't be god like one hit killings. x3

Member's List
Grace -- Angel with staff (MedliSage)
Jargon -- Demon with claymore (Jargon)
David -- Angel with claymore (Link4all)
Shadow -- Demon with scythe (XtransylvanianX)
Sarah -- Human with staff (Martel_the_Sage)
Arariel -- Seraph (Angel) with staff (SirensGrace)
Aya -- Angel with katana (Cookie)
Hikari -- Demon with scythe (CookieChan774)

NOTE: If you wish to no longer be part of the RP, please PM me telling me so with your characters name. I shall then remove you from the member's list.

Important Announcements/Updates
4/24/08 -- I started this RP again.

I will be adding more stuff later on, and tweaking this post now and then. Have fun! :D

Ohgod, this is the 3rd time I've started this RP. xD;
MedliSageMay 24, 2008 9:46 AM

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Apr 25, 2008 9:20 AM

Jan 2008
"You two need to get out of here."

"No, Adam, I --"

"Look! Just get out! We'll meet up at the lake! If I'm not there in an hour, then get yourselves out of there."

"I'm worried about you!"

"I'll be fine. I can fight, and of course defend myself," the older boy says, glancing at his katana, which lay in his sheath on his side.

The brown-haired girl with emerald eyes gave a slow nod. "Alright..."

"Good. Now go. Protect yourselves at all costs. I'm going to go make sure the house next door is alright -- after all, it's all just women and children there."

Grace gave a final nod and a small wave, before bolting out the back door with her sister.

She didn't know what was going on. Demons and Humans, both invading the major Celestian city she lived in at once. Was it a joint attack? No. They'd never cooperate. Besides, they were fighting each other, too. Out in the street, there was fighting, everywhere. Angels fighting Demons, Demons fighting Humans, Humans fighting Angels, and of course the vice-versa of all that... she'd been told that all Humans were weak and that all Demons were evil, and of course, she didn't know if either of these were true. She'd never met a Demon before, and the only Human she knew was her sister. They all looked like normal people -- save for the Demon wings and pointy ears on the Demons, however. She quickened her pace and kept running, desperately trying to get out of the war zone...

Apr 25, 2008 11:17 AM

Mar 2008
Shadow wiped the blade of his sythe on the near by body of an Angel. "Pesky things", he thought to himself. He dusted some white feathers off of his coat as he continued walking down the streets. He passed ransacked houses, people figthing, and people running for their lives along the way. He twirled his sythe absentely in his hand as he looked around. He sighed. This was all so boring to him. There wasn't any real challenges, and the thrill to fight just wasn't there. Killing has become more of a nuisance these days, instead of a favorite past time.

"Lord Shadow" Came a voice from behind him. Shadow turned at the sound, shaken from his thoughts. Behind him stood one of the Netherworld's centurions.

"Yes, what is it?"

"My Lord, General Bastien wishes to speak with you."

"Fine. Tell him I'm coming. You are dismissed." Shadow said with a wave of his hand before turning back around. He surveyed the scene before him. Just a few hours ago, what had been a quiet, peaceful city, was now erupted into sublime chaos. The way Shadow liked it.

Just as Shadow was turning to leave, his eyes caught site of a girl running down the street towards him. He froze. She looked just like...........He shook his head to clear his thoughts in time to see one of his men running towards the girl with her death in his eyes. What happened next would be unclear to Shadow for a long time.

"No!" He roared, shooting forward, his sythe coming up to block the other Demon's attack. Without meaning to, his whole body went into protecting this strange girl, and the Demon was dead before he realized it.
XtransylvanianXApr 25, 2008 11:21 AM
Apr 25, 2008 11:32 AM

Dec 2007
Jargon cautiously moved through the city streets and alleyways avoiding battles as best as possible. For he was not here to fight any useless battles and has been warned for his blood frenzy slaughters in the past by his demon lord. He thought to himself how useless im not supposed to kill anything...what im i supposed to do to cure my boredom

Continuing to move through the streets with great speed he stopped midstep as he saw Lord Shadow one past him scythe swinging and a demon comrade fall to the ground soon after. Taking note of it but not caring for the death of his brethren he continued to move through the streets on his mission. Beginning to sense something close by he drew out his claymore.
Apr 25, 2008 12:48 PM

Jan 2008
David had been sleeping calming in his bed when this whole mess had started, now he was up and alert, a demon had pushed a human through the window at the other end of his house and the two had started fighting in his living room. The sudden crash of breaking glass and it clattering to the floor had awoken him instantly and his claymore was drawn soon after that by instinct.

It now quivered slightly by his side as he proceeded slowly, hearing the two scuffle as furniture was knocked over and -
Someone just grunted in pain and David heard a thud soon afterwards. He inhaled, calming himself as he ran forward into the room, to find the human lying dead on the floor and the demon slowly breathing hard on the floor. David didn't see any wounds on the demon, but the human had a staff and the demon was clinging onto his side. "What's going on here?" David demanded of the demon firmly, looking him in the eye. The demon laughed at him and said in a low voice, "Foolish angel, soon your kind will be wiped out as General Bastien will continue to invade Celestia." The demon spit at David, who side-stepped out of the way and glanced out the window at the warzone occurring outside. When David had turned back, the demon was no longer moving.

I've got to get out of here... David took one last look around his ruined living room and chose to walk out the door, not fully realizing that it would be a long time until he returned.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 25, 2008 1:24 PM

Jan 2008
Grace lets out a small scream as Shadow kills the Demon behind her and Sarah. She turns and looks up at Shadow. "Ah... um... thank you..."

Apr 25, 2008 1:30 PM

Jan 2008
David hurries down the street, attempting not to attract any attention to himself, mostly just wishing to escape from the conflict. He passes by a home that's on fire, still hearing crashing going on inside as the house falls apart. He shudders as he feels the heat and runs faster away from it all.

He comes to a sudden stop when he hears Grace scream and looks over to see Shadow standing there with scythe out, naturally he assumes that Shadow is about to attack Grace and Sarah. He brings his claymore out in front of him as he slides in front, ready to block Shadow's scythe. He grimaces as he looks over Shadow quickly, hoping that he'll decide that the fight isn't worth it.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 25, 2008 1:32 PM

Jan 2008
"Wait!" Grace says, holding her staff out in front of David's claymore. "Wait. He saved us."

Apr 25, 2008 1:36 PM

Jan 2008
David lowers his Claymore and turns around to look at her. "Oh...sorry...I didn't know, I just naturally assumed you know? I've only met a couple of demons and they've all been real jerks so I just thought he was here for the same reason." He turns to Shadow, "I apologize then," he says as he bows slightly.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 25, 2008 1:49 PM

Jan 2008
"Well come on anyway," Grace says. "We need to get out of here."

Just then, a demon with a huge broadsword comes over. "Out of way!" Another follows him with a similar sword.

Grace faces them and puts her staff out in front of her. "Cover me, okay? I'm a quick caster. Sarah, help us out."

The first demon takes a slash at David, while the other goes for Grace.

Apr 25, 2008 1:55 PM

Jan 2008
David nods, agreeing with her. He eyes the demons as they approach, quickly planning as the demon comes for him. He half-nods to Grace, trying to stay focused as he leaps forward to parry the demon's attack, hoping to throw him off balance as he follows up with a sweeping kick.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 25, 2008 1:55 PM

Mar 2008
"Cover!" Sarah says, casting a shield around Grace so the demon can't get to her.

Apr 25, 2008 1:58 PM

Jan 2008
"Divine..." Grace says, the gem in her staff lighting up, "Buster!"

A large bright blue beam shoots out, hitting both Demons. One is mutilated into a nearby building and the other, who was only nicked by it, is bleeding at the side. He leaps in the air, swinging down his sword at Sarah.

Apr 25, 2008 2:24 PM

Jan 2008
David spins around after kicking the demon and leans back to avoid the beam. He sees the demon leap up and dives through the air, bringing his claymore back to swing at the demon's feet as he comes down.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 25, 2008 9:19 PM

Mar 2008
((Sorry guys..I had work today...TT^TT...))

Shadow stood there in shock, watching them fight. He hadn't even tried to protect himself when David threatened him. He had just protected an Angel....Regardless of the fact that she looked like...Her...He was a Demon Lord....On a mission to destroy Angels. He watches his men get cut down, still in a daze. Why? Why her? Why now? Why had her protected her? All these thoughts raced through his head. He back a few steps away from the little Angel-Human group, trying to clear his head....

"..Her...HER...But...She's gone...Then why does she...Why??" Shadow thought to himself.

"Lord Shadow!! We must retreat!! The Angels have brought in reinforcements!!" came a voice from behind him again. It was that same centurion. Shadow nodded his head. He didn't trust his voice right now. He stared at the girl for a moment. Should he leave her? Would she be allright? Would she even survive?.....No. He couldn't leave her. He had to make sure she was okay.

"Leave me." He said, without looking at the centurion.

"But..My Lord..."

"I SAID, LEAVE ME!!" He roared, swinging his sythe around to the centurion's throat. The centurion gulped and blinked, before dissapearing.

"Young lady, I will escort you out of the city. But we must hurry before my men realize what I'm up to. I'll have some explaining to do if General Bastien finds out." He said to the girl. He stepped up close to the girl, guarding her with his sythe. He looked around at her companions. "Come along, I will protect you as well."
Apr 26, 2008 1:40 PM

Jan 2008
The demon is hit by David and crashes into the same wall, crumpling the two in a pile.

"E-eh?" Grace says, looking up at Shadow. "Ah, uh, okay... thank you..."

Apr 26, 2008 7:16 PM

Jan 2008
David sighs in relief after landing and looks at Shadow, nodding. "I realize it must be a big deal for you to be doing this for us...and I still don't understand why you are, but...Thank you."

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 26, 2008 8:19 PM

Mar 2008
Sarah looks at Grace nervously. "Don't overdo it..." She glaces at David, who stopped the Demon who would've attacked her. "Th-Thank you..." She looks up at Shadow and nods in agreement, standing behind Grace.

Apr 26, 2008 8:27 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow looks at David and Sarah. "No need to thank me. I am not doing it for you. Now, let's get moving.." He says, turning around and ushering them all infront of him. "What is the quickest way to get out of the city?" He says to no one in particular. "We need a road less traveled, least likely to be populated by Demons at the moment." He sighs, wondering why he was doing this in the first place.....

"...It's not like it's really her....Is it?" He thinks to himself. "I need to get a grip. I am a Demon LORD, not some bumbling ghoul."

He rounds a corner, pulling them all behind him, and comes face to face with General Bastien himself.................
Apr 27, 2008 7:15 AM

Jan 2008
Grace lets out a small scream at sight of the Demon, then does a backflip so as to put some distance between the General and herself. "Cover me for a minute! The alleyway's narrow so he won't be able to dodge! I can take him in one hit!" Grace says, possibly/probably overestimating her own skills. A bright blue magic circle appears under her ((see Tales of Symphonia/Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha x3)) and she begins to cast.

((What's with us and alleyways? xD))

Apr 27, 2008 11:21 AM

Mar 2008
((Ha ha ha..You noticed that, too? xDDD))

Shadow sighed to himself. This day just couldn't get any worse. He saw the girl he was protecting begin to cast, and held his sythe out infront of her. "Quiet, little one. That may not be neccesary." He eyed General Bastien, who did the same.

"....General Bastien...Greetings.."

"...Lord Shadow, likewise, I think."

"...Hmm..I suppose you can't just walk away and pretend you never saw this, can you, General Bastien?"

"..I suppose I could...But where would be the fun in that? Besides, I'm curious to see why a Demon Lord is protecting such low-level creatures like these Angels and that Human."

"..Ah. Well, unfortunately for you, you are not high enough up on the food chain to question my motives."

"Ha. You entertain me, Lord Shadow. For now, you owe me."

And with that, he left, and Shadow dropped his gaurd a bit. He looked back at the girl and her companions. "There is no doubt I could have bested him in a fight, but I do not wish to lose a good General and companion." He turned back around and began walking again. "Come. We must press on."
Apr 28, 2008 7:17 AM

Jan 2008
David looks at Sarah, "No problem...I'm sure you could have gotten him but I don't want to take any chances with someone getting hurt..." David brandishes his claymore as the conversation takes place but lowers it after General Bastien leaves. He looks uneasily at Shadow but says nothing. He quietly walks behind him, ready for the first bit of danger.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 28, 2008 12:13 PM

Jan 2008
"How can you be sure he isn't going to get more troops to try and capture us or something?" Grace asks, while following behind Shadow.

Apr 28, 2008 2:04 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow looked down at the girl, an eyebrow raised. "Quite sure. If he wanted to take us down, he would've done so himself. Besides, he knows that any men he sends after me, will not come back." He smirked, before facing front again. He spend up, picking up the pace so that he could get...her...out of the city faster. The father away, the better. Because tonight, when darkness rules, it was only going to get worse out here.
"Girl, what is your name?" He says quietly, so that only she can hear.
Apr 28, 2008 3:17 PM

Jan 2008
Should I give a false name? No... he saved me. But, what if it's a trap? Hm... well, I have other people here... if it is a trap, we can take him down probably if necessary... it should be okay...

"Grace," she says, looking up at him.

Apr 28, 2008 9:53 PM

Dec 2007
Meanwhile in another part of the city Jargon was roaming around a dark street with a dim light flickering in the distance just enough to cast shadows around. As he ran across from one building to another he caught a quick glimpse of a shadow moving along with him and suddenly a loud crash hit the ground behind.

Jargon quickly spun around and a armored angel was kneeling before him. Quickly standing up from the cracked earth beneath him the angel spoke with a voice very familiar to jargon. "why have you come here old friend?!" the armored angel demanded. Jargon flipped his claymore into an attack stance preparing himself for any attacks. "you know quite well why I am here, the question is do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" Behind his pure white mask Jargon smirked as the armored angel withdrew his sword from his sheath. "You think you are match enough for me yet?" the angel laughed "HAVE AT YOU" the angel screamed and charged forward tilting his sword directly at Jargons heart.
Apr 29, 2008 5:42 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow watched the girl as she mulled over his question in her mind. He could tell she was thinking his question was a trap, and he didn't mind. It was better she was cautious. "Grace, eh? Pretty name. Perfect for a little angel, I guess." He smirked a little and then said, "Are these people you are with your family? What are their names? It is best I know all of your names, in case I must save you from something." He said, all seriousness now.
Apr 29, 2008 6:30 PM

Jan 2008
David shakes his head, "No, I'm not family. Even though we both live in Celestia, I haven't seen her before." He turns to Grace, "I guess I should say then that it's nice to meet you Grace." He bows a little.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 29, 2008 6:30 PM

Jan 2008
Grace looks at Sarah. "She's my sister. She's Sarah." She glances at David. "Nice to meet you, too."

Apr 29, 2008 7:42 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow nodded his head at each person Grace introduced. "Charmed." He said, before continuing to walk. "So...Who knows the quickest way out of here?" He asked, to no one in particular.
Apr 30, 2008 4:46 AM

Jan 2008
"Straight ahead. But that'd bring you to the main road, so I dunno if we want to go that way. If we turn at the next corner, we can take the side streets out," Grace says.

Apr 30, 2008 1:36 PM

Jan 2008
David nods, "That'd work well. It won't be that much longer going the other way, but it'll probably be a lot safer." He continues walking down the street while looking for any demons or humans that might attack them.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 30, 2008 3:02 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow nodded his head. "The side roads would be best. You can expect Demon legions to be taking the main road out to flee the Angel's reinforcements. But, we may run into something nastier in the side roads." He said, with a smirk. He could handle himself.....But he was interested in seeing if his companions could as well.
Apr 30, 2008 3:30 PM

Jan 2008
Grace nods as the group turns a dark corner in the alleyway, just waiting for something to pop out. "Wait..." she says, coming to a sudden halt and turning around. She sees a Human -- by the way he's dressed, he's probably a commander or general, definitely not a common solder -- then turns around to where they were running, seeing another Human in the same type of attire. Damn, we're surrounded... there's no way we can just run, we have to fight one way or another...

"Cover me, I can take one of them out in a one hit! Just give me a second!" Grace says, a bright blue magic circle appearing under her.

Apr 30, 2008 5:01 PM

Jan 2008
David nods, taking a position in front of her and bringing his claymore out in front, ready to defend from the first strike. "I got it." He sighs silently to himself, but is also curious at the same time of Grace's power.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 30, 2008 7:53 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow crossed his arms infront of himself and stepped back. He was curious to see if the little Angel could defend herself, and he could tell by the look on the young man's face that he was curious too. He smirked, his eyes flashing red as he looked up at a Human soldier coming down the alley. When he made eye contact with the soldier, the Human's face instantly drained of color. His barely audible whisper echoed through the alley-way. "L-Lord Shadow...." Just for the heck of it, Shadow winked at the soldier, who promptly turned heel and ran. Stepping up where the soldier had been was, by the looks of it, a Human general. This man had eyes of steel, and regarded Shadow's look with one of his own."Well...This should be entertaining..." Shadow thought to himself, as he left where he was standing and headed towards the general. It was then that Shadow got the shock of his Demon life.

" You are Rociel, yes?" The general said, a frown on his face. "We've heard about you on Earth. Your dead Fiance became a Wraith upon her death, and has been creating havoc for our world ever since. Something to do with the fact that her lover didn't even come to her funeral, because he was too busy cleaning his sythe, I believe..." he continued, a smirk on his face.
May 1, 2008 6:24 PM

Jan 2008
David looks at Shadow, alarmed. I wonder if that's true... It doesn't apply right now though, just need to get out of here..." He shakes it off and grips his claymore tighter. He glances at Grace to see if she's ready and then turns back to the soldier that Shadow isn't talking to and holds it steadily in front of him, ready to defend or wait for Shadow's signal.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 1, 2008 7:00 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow was at the man's throat in an instant. "How dare you speak of her infront of me." He snarled, the blade of his sythe drawing a line of blood along the man's neck. The general's eyes were wide with fear. "What are you going to do to me?" He said, gulping. Shadow rolled his eyes and stepped back. "God. You humans are such cowards." "You were one once, too." The general said, cocky now that his life wasn't in danger. Shadow chose to ignore that. "Is what you say true? If I find out it isn't, I will personally hunt you down, and end your pitiful existence."
The general rolled his eyes. "Right. And just how are you going to find me? There are millions of humans on planet earth." Shadow smiled, and leaned in close to the general. "Oh. I wouldn't start with just you. I'd start with the people you know....And then your friends....And when I'm done with that...I'll start killing your family...Until everyone you care about is dead..Then you'll be forced to find me, because your life will be so miserable, you'll beg me to kill you..."
XtransylvanianXMay 1, 2008 7:06 PM
May 2, 2008 2:19 PM

Mar 2008
Sarah steps back, against Grace's back. "Don't overdo it..."

May 2, 2008 2:21 PM

Jan 2008
The other general not talking to Shadow, the Demon one, launches an attack against David who's in front of Grace. He swings his broadsword down at him from above (being quite tall).

Grace continues to charge her power. "Just one more second!"

May 4, 2008 2:39 PM

Mar 2008
The general infront of Shadow gulped, taking a few steps back. "Well.......We'll be seeing you, Rociel." He quickly turned around and retreated, taking the rest of his men with him. Shadow took a step back as well and sighed, releasing his pent up anger. He looked over st Grace and Sarah, looking to see how they were fairing.
XtransylvanianXMay 6, 2008 3:07 PM
May 4, 2008 9:55 PM

Dec 2007
The angel's blade a mere inches from Jargon's heart when he managed to parry the blow and could feel the tip of the blade graze a bit of his chest shedding a small amount of blood. The angel smirked as blood dripped from the edge of his sword onto the ground. Jargon jumped back and changed his sword and fighting position. The angel charged forward once more and this time with greater speed and strength. With a fierce war cry he raised his sword and brought down upon Jargon. The ground quaked and shattered as the angle's claymore smashed into the ground as Jargon leaped out of the way dodging the blow. The angel tried again and again with the same tactic seeming to be in a mindless rage and was soon winded from using too much energy.

As his movement began to slow Jargon dodged once more and while doing so knocked the claymore from the Angel's hands. The claymore flew across the alleyway and the angel looked up at Jargon, eyes filled with intense fear as Jargon raised the claymore and impaled the Angle into the ground. A last dying cry from the angel cursed Jargon, but jargon wasnt listening. As the life faded away from him Jargon pulled out a old looking container and collected the angel's blood.

When the container was filled he closed it up and returned it back into his pocket. Jargon looked upon the angel one last time as he pulled his claymore out of him. Shaking the the claymore hard to get rid of the remaining blood he sheathed the claymore and disappeared into the darkness.

May 6, 2008 2:41 PM

Jan 2008
David holds his position steadily, bringing his claymore sideways to parry the blow. He almost stumbles back at the force of the blow but stands his ground. He glances back at Grace quickly to see if she's ready while continuing to push against the sword.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 6, 2008 3:13 PM

Mar 2008
(( LIIIIIVE!!! LIVE!!! *tries to breathe life into Roleplay*))
May 8, 2008 9:27 PM

Jul 2007
An explosion reverberated out through the premises of Arariel's residence, the sounds of guardian angels fighting humans followed suit. The seraph stood from her seat and quickly sent orders to various generals around the city for futher counterattack plans and to act on their own. Unfortunately, it had come time for her to fight personally, something she was wishing she wouldn't have to do.

The seraph, an angel of the highest order had been controling the counterattack and defenses around the city, demons and human alike had been ambushed and sucessfuly neutralized, but an extravagant amount of losses from the initial attack had made victory uncertain, Celestia's fate was unclear as sections of the city slowly fell under the combined might of the opposing forces, only hindered by guerilla tactics of the Angels and the fighting amongst the demons and humans themselves.

"So... They've made it this far now. I was hoping this would never happen, as imminent as it may have been." Arariel said as she opened the door of the communication room, walking through the hallways of her estate.

After a while of walking, she finally entered a balcony directly above the entrance hallway, her attention centered on the smoldering hole where the front door used to be, now occupied by dead bodies of the three races, and the survivors, of which angels were not a part of, the air staunch with the scent of fresh blood and the smell of explosives, a human invention. There were thirteen standing in the area, not including Arariel, eight were demon, the other 5 were human, all fighting. Arariel stood and watched as the demons quickly overpowered and killed the humans and then they turned to her.

To the Seraphim, it was very important not to always reveal their race, this was concealed simply by folding their wings, not like how a bird would, but literally having them fold inside of their backs and dissapearing from sight entirely underneath the skin, aided by magic to make them shrink. Arariel was no exception, to the Demons, she was a human, clad in white and blue flowing robes and armed with an arcane staff, the Demons snickered at their potentially easy pray. Arariel sighed and jumped down from the balcony, confronting them.

"Lookie here, this little ragdoll wants to be our toy for a bit." one Demon snickered, the others laughing. The eight began to circle her and one had began to strike, his sword slashing downward. Arariel caught the blade in one of the pieces of the cross in her staff's head, and slipped the staff away, grabbing the blade with her open hand and pulling the demon to her and bashing her palm into his face, grabbing on, she began to speak, her words seeming to come from the surrounding area, and from within their minds at the same time, "Light of the eternal realm, fill this dark soul with your burning right, Funeris Fati."

As the words finished, the demon screamed in terror, his body glowing then slowly losing color until it was a white shell, which had disintegrated. The Demon's friends then all attacked at once, Arariel's eyes narrowed, she jabbed her staff into the stomach of one and let out her wings, powder blue feathers scattering around as all 6 parried all of the other blows, not even a droplet of blood being drawn, still she was at a disadvantage, all of the Demons were close combat type fighters and all were in range to attack, Arariel had to think quickly or even her wings would not protect her, Arariel quickly prepared another spell, one she normally saved, "I pray, 'o minions of th'darkness..." she moved her wings out of the way, punching a demon in the face and parrying a sword slash with her staff, one of them managing to fall through and slashing her side, blood splattering to the floor, a slight wound causing the girl to cringe, "...your multiplying villanies swarm upon you..." Arariel concentrated all her power and flapped her wings downward, throwing her high up, the two uppermost wings shielded her head as she burst through the cieling and into the sky, a magic circle slowly drawing itself beneath her residence. "Aeternum damnatio" the circle accelerated to its completion and the entirety of the structure was enveloped in a blue light and removed from existance.

Arariel, having expended much power landed on the ground roughly, clenching her wound, her power healing it as best as she could, but not enough to stop it from bleeding completely and to stop the pain from the Hellish blade, she let her uppermost and bottom wings fold into her once again and left a pair out and ran into an alleyway, she would not be able to use spells like that for a while now and the seraph began to regret using it. Continuing to run, she grinded to a halt as she ran into a battle, this one slightly confusing in nature. Shadow, Grace, Sarah and David all present in her vision, David was someone she knew since he was a soldier of good standing, but why was a human and an angel standing back to back and even more, what was the Hellion doing?

May 9, 2008 7:11 PM

Mar 2008
.....Somewhere in the human world...

....She had to go. Where was she? Have to go now. No. She hasn't found him yet. Who is she? They're coming. Where did she go? They've found her. Where to hide?....

The Wraithe formerly known as Kirie Mudou ran down the luminescent hallway, chased by several soldiers. She had to get out of here. She was not going to go back into that iron cell without a fight. She looked over her shoulder, sending a near by food cart to go crashing into the tailing soldiers.

Now, to get out of here...
XtransylvanianXMay 9, 2008 8:21 PM
May 9, 2008 8:16 PM

Jan 2008
"Divine BUSTER!" Grace says, shooting a huge beam out of her staff at the Demon in front of her. It hits him head on, and he crashes into one of the alley walls. Grace coughs at the amount of dust caused by some wreckage, hoping none of her comrades were harmed.

May 9, 2008 8:44 PM

Jan 2008
David tries to squint through the dust, waving it away. "Guess that's one way to do it..." He walks over and stands next to her. "I'm okay by the way."
Link4allMay 9, 2008 8:50 PM

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 9, 2008 9:48 PM

Jul 2007
Arariel ducked as the beam narrowly passed over where her own head had been, coughing slightly and clutching her wound so as not to let any dust or debris get into it. The demon, his head nearly taken off didn't even twitch, though Arariel was not sure if he was dead, things of his caliber never let go of their life very easily...

Either way, the seraph ran to the small group of angels, standing directly in between them and Shadow, her back facing the angel pair, staff at ready, blood slowly trickled out of her open wound, her white robe stained red. Arariel asked, "Hellion, what business does a Demon of your rank have meddling here in these alleyways?"

May 10, 2008 10:51 AM

Mar 2008
Shadow was shaken out of his reverie by a strange looking human. His eyes narrowed as she questioned him. "What I am doing here is no buisness of yours." He said, turning his back on her. He didn't have time to mess with one of her kind. Though it wasn't obvious at first, he now knew what she was. Her wound had made her weaken, and her hold on her own power was dropping, along with her human disguise. "Come along." He said to the others with him. He had to get her out of here. There wasn't enough time for another battle. The sun was sinking quickly, and soon it would be night fall. He cast a look over his shoulder at the disguised Seraph. "I do not have time for you tonight, Madame Seraph. Maybe some other time." He said, making his way out of the alley.
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