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Sep 23, 2022 1:02 PM

Jan 2013
A mouthful of perseverance

“How long are you gonna stay down?” Her mother demanded.

Kalumtum tried to push herself up, but Kishar’s foot simply pressed down harder. She pushed up harder, making her bruised ribs hurt with the effort, but still couldn’t get off the ground. She lashed out at her sister’s legs, but at the awkward angle, she might as well have gently stroked her.

“I cannot get up like this,” Kalumtum pressed out in frustration.

“Can’t?” Her mother shouted. “No daughter of mine is going to spout such piss weak excuses.” Kalumtum braced herself, not needing to see her mother to know the kick was coming. It hurt all the same. While she still winced from the pain, her mother continued her demands. “Why aren’t you more like your sister? How’d someone like you come from me? Fucking shit, you’re an embarrassment to my name. If you weren’t my daughter, you’d be…”

“Kuuzir!” Another voice came from somewhere outside her field of vision, but she recognized the voice anyway. Just another of Bittersoul’s meatheads. “The boss wants you.”

“Fuck,” her mother cursed in her typical uninspired fashion. “Alright, Kishar, you keep toughening up your sister until I’m back. The boss will want to see you both soon and I can’t have your sister embarrass me.”

“Alright, mom,” came the predictable response from her sister. After two sets of footsteps had departed, Kishar released the pressure on Kalumtum’s back and kicked her over. “She’s right, you know. How’re you so weak?”

“How is it my fault I got all the brains and you got all the brawn?” Kalumtum shot back angrily as she finally pushed herself up from the dusty ground. Kishar’s face showed its customary frown. Did she even realize she’d been called stupid or had she only heard the affirmation that she had inherited all of their mother’s brawn?

“You gotta fight back harder,” she asserted. “How am I gonna impress Bittersoul when you always hold me back?”

How are you going to impress Gila Piss-soul when you barely have a brain? Kalumtum would like nothing more than to mock Kishar to her face, but that would only result in a harsher beating. Kalumtum certainly possessed a well functioning brain. Something she wasn’t so sure she could say about her sister or her meathead of a mother. The only problem was that in this place, brain power seemed to be valued far less than being a meathead that’s good at swinging her fists. When it came to that, she had to admit that her sister was indeed far more adept than herself, as the knee colliding with her ribs proved.


Is tonight the night? Kalumtum wondered as she lay under her musty blanket some hours later. Her mother had not returned, so she’d probably been given a job to do. Would it be a long one or a short one? How far would she be chased when she was found to be missing? Would she be chased at all? How many times had she mulled over these questions? Just next to her, Kishar was snoring contentedly as only the mentally deficient could in this place.

She silently rose from her blankets and made her way over to her secret stash. She pulled the pouch from its hiding place and peered inside. A few handfuls of hardtack, a waterskin and a meagre few coins she had stolen from her mother over the last year. Would it be enough? Would she find her way? She’d seen a map and how hard could it be?

If I don’t go now, I might never go. She thought and willed herself to rise. She strapped on her sandals and silently stole out of the compound. No one called out to her. No one stopped her. There were guards, but they didn’t care about anyone leaving. They were solely concerned about someone trying to get in.

Kalumtum knew that her chances of success were not great, but what other option did she have? Wait for her mother to beat her to death one day? Hope against hope that, in spite of her obvious inaptitude at fighting, she’d have a bright future as a petty warlord’s bruiser? No! This was her only choice. Leave for more civilised lands. All or nothing!


Who was it that wondered how hard it could be to find my way? Kalumtum wondered. Couldn’t have been me, right?

She rubbed at her painfully empty stomach. When had she last eaten? Too long ago was the only right answer. Still, she was almost there. In the distance, nestled in the vale between two mountain chains, she could see the fortress of the third kaorian legion. Chewing on her lips, she pondered her next steps? Just go past? Wait for the night and sneak past? None of the few people she’d come across since running away had given a damn about leaving or staying in Kaori or where she was going at all. But these were soldiers. Would they have a different opinion? Indecision threatened to overwhelm her as her stomach produced an angry growl.

Alright, see if I can scavenge something to eat. Continue tonight. She decided.

A few hours later, she looked up unhappily at the bright moon. Why did the stupid clouds have to stay away tonight of all nights? At this rate, she might as well not have bothered with the few foul tasting berries she’d found. With a foul mood and still hungry she started on her way. She kept as far away as she could from the imposing fortress, hoping fervently that they didn’t care about a little girl deserting her homeland.

Kalumtum walked and watched, then walked and watched some more. She saw silhouettes moving on the fortress ramparts, but either they did not see her, or they did not care about her. As Kalumtum kept walking, her worries slowly began to fade. Who knew getting out of Kaori would be that easy? Was she already in Amarante? How exactly was the border demarcated? She looked back at the fortress that stood tall in the distance behind her and sped up her steps. A smile slowly stole itself onto her face. Surely everything would be better now. Any place her mother so despised had to be much better than Kaori.

Kalumtum imagined her new life in Amarante. People would finally appreciate how smart she was. It wouldn’t matter that she wasn’t good at fighting. A little hum sprang forth from her lips as the distance shrank beneath her feet and even her growling stomach didn’t bother her quite so much.

“Well, well. Where’re you headed girl?”

Kalumtum stopped dead in her tracks. She hadn’t paid any attention to her surroundings for a while. She’d been too preoccupied with imagining her new life. Two werewolves, uniformed and armed, were standing some distance in front of her. Her first instinct was to run, but as she turned a third werewolf had cut off her retreat.

“Well?” the same one from earlier asked, a little more insistent.

Kalumtum had to fight hard to resist the urge to curl up into a ball and wait for the beating. But this wasn’t Kaori anymore. At least she hoped so. She couldn’t be sure whether these were kaorian or amarantian soldiers. She had no idea what their respective uniforms looked like. She forced herself to go on the offensive. “Isn’t it common courtesy to introduce yourselves before asking questions?” She demanded.

The one behind her let out a chuckle. “Cheeky brat, isn’t she?”

“Cheeky, yes,” the one who seemed to be the leader said and set her jaw. “I’m Kala of the amarantian Border patrol. Now you tell me what a kid like you is doing creeping across the border in the dead of night.”

Kalumtum’s heartbeat accelerated with excitement. She had indeed made it to Amarante. “I’m Kalumtum,” she declared. “And I’ve come to leave behind my stupid family and live in a more civilized place!”

The one behind her barked out a bout of laughter and to her front the one who hadn’t said anything yet grinned, but the lead wolf considered her with serious eyes.”And why should Lord Amarante take in a half-starved, flea bitten girl like you?”

“Because I’ll be an important woman one day!” Kalumtum said with conviction. “Besides, aren’t amarantians supposed to be civilised? Not helping a girl like myself seems barbarous to me.”

“And who told you that amarantians are civilised?”

Kalumtum shrugged. “Mom always said that all amarantians are prissy little cunts that should all get a hatchet up their asses and that I would fit right in.”

That provoked a raised eyebrow, but no comment. Instead, the other one in front raised her voice. “You’re a runaway then?”

“I’m not running away, just searching for new opportunities,” she insisted.

“Are you better at finding those than you are at finding food?” the lead wolf asked.

Kalumtum tried to think of a clever response to that, but her stomach decided this was the moment to make its emptiness be known with a loud growl. What clever comeback could overshadow that embarrassment? Pondering that with a frown, she didn’t answer the question.

“What do you want to do, Kala?” The one behind her asked. “I dare say an attack of slavers or the army is probably not gonna be based on a single half starved child. Been quiet for quite a while now anyway.”

“Aerial scouts haven’t reported any other activity either,” the other one whose name Kalumtum didn’t know added.

“We’ll bring her back. Ask some questions,” Kala decided, then turned to Kalumtum and said very seriously. “You will come back with us and not make any trouble. Whether we send you back to Kaori or you can stay depends on your behaviour, your honesty and my superior.”

Kalumtum set her jaw and nodded. This was exactly what she wanted. Surely that boss of hers would see that Kaori was not her place.

The three werewolves took Kalumtum to a rather small encampment enclosed by a sturdy wooden palisade, which Kalumtum sincerely hoped was not the only border fortification that Amarante had against Kaori. After their arrival, she was not put before the three’s superior, but rather was given her first real meal in weeks, which she slurped down greedily.

After being watched until the sun rose, she was put before the commander of the encampment, who spent only a short time asking her some questions. Kalumtum got the distinct impression that Kaorians trying to leave Kaori was not as rare as she had thought. After the commander had declared that she didn’t much care what Kalumtum did, Kala had taken her aside and demanded to know what she intended to do now.

After being a bit reluctant to share her plans, Kalumtum had finally admitted that she had not thought much further ahead than leaving Kaori, but that she desired to learn everything she could to become an important woman. Kala had given her a long and measured look then and finally offered her to stay for a few days at least, if she was willing to work. Glad for the chance to regain some of her strength, and hoping for the opportunity to eventually continue her journey with more supplies than the rags she currently wore, Kalumtum had agreed to the proposal.

Though she had intended her stay to be short, she ultimately stayed for almost five months. Months during which she learned more about Amarante, the territory and Amarante, the lord that ruled it. She learned a great deal about the land and its people. She also learned about Alnor, the most populous city on the continent and decided that that was surely the place to go if she was to become an important woman.

Though Kala and some of the other soldiers warned her that Alnor could be a merciless place for the poor and destitute, Kalumtum’s mind was set. She could not stay with these people, well though they treated her, for this was not to be her place.


Kalumtum stretched her weary back and wiped the sweat from her brow.

“Good work today,” the forewoman told her. “I like your attitude.”

The woman dropped a few coins into her open palm and turned to the next one in line. Kalumtum unhappily regarded the meagre pay as she started walking away from the harbour. Considering the worth of the cargo she’d moved today, they could well afford to pay her more than that. Were she forced to pay for her own place, she’d have to seriously consider living on the street. But such was the lot of the day labourer in Alnor.

Kalumtum made her way to the boarding house for orphans she’d been lucky enough to call her home for the past three months and was greeted by Cathy, the holstaur who ran the place and took care of the 20-odd girls living there.

Kalumtum handed Cathy half of her day’s earnings before cleaning off the grime of a long day’s work in the small wooden bathtub and putting on her best clothes. At that moment, nothing would have suited her better than to rest for a few hours, but what good would that do? Tomorrow she’d be back at the harbour, so she had to make good use of her time off.

As she made her way towards the better part of the city, the size, shape and building materials of the buildings around her changed. As she arrived at the library, she set her jaw , squared her shoulders and boldly pushed open the doors.

“You again,” a familiar Crow Tengu hissed at her. “How often do I need to tell you that this is no place for filthy street urchins?”

Kalumtun didn’t let her annoyance show on her face. “As often as it takes until you realize that this is a public library and I am free to use it.” She made sure to keep her voice low, so as not to disturb other guests of the institution.

“That does not mean any filthy child belongs here. You cannot even read, girl.”

Kalumtun sighed. Every time this damned Crow Tengu was working, she gave her a hard time. Who cared if she did not know how to read? She’d teach herself eventually. She damn sure was not going to let this blathering fool stop her from pursuing her goals. She started to walk past the reception desk, provoking more hissing from the bird woman.

“I said you don’t belong here, girl.”

“What seems to be the matter here, Hiparchia?” A voice asked calmly from behind Kalumtum.

“Oh my, Lady van Kant. There’s nothing for you to concern yourself with.” The bird woman’s voice had taken on a slimy quality as she obsequiously bowed to the new arrival.

Kalumtum turned and saw that the newcomer was a diminutive Mothman she’d seen here a few times before.

“That is not what I asked, Hiparchia. Let me repeat myself. What seems to be the matter here?” She said calmly, but firmly.

“It’s just this urchin here. She’s been coming to the library these past few weeks and disturbing the visitors. The girl can’t even read, yet she won’t stop coming.”

The mothman gave Kalumtum a long look. Even though she was only 11 years old, Kalumtum stood at eye level with her. Kalumtum once more set her jaw and stoically returned the look. “I have seen this girl here before, but did not notice her causing any issues. What did she do?” She finally asked the Tengu.

“Well, nothing [i]yet[/],” the bird woman said cagily. “But if someone like her is given free reign of the place, she is bound to cause trouble sooner or later. I’d be a poor custodian if I waited for her to burn the place down.”

“Are you going to burn the place down?” the Mothman asked.

Kalumtum shook her head. “I’m here to learn.”

The custodian scoffed, but the Mothman continued her line of questioning. “What are you studying for?”

Kalumtum bit her lip, but then confidently declared. “I’m going to go to the university and become a great scholar.”

“A great scholar?” the Mothman asked. “In what field?”

“I don’t know yet. Right now I’m learning how to read.”

The Mothman once more studied her face for a few moments, before a faint smile appeared on her face. “Follow me.”

“But Lady van Kant…” the Crow Tengu tried to intervene, but was cut off.

“Are you going to tell me that I cannot bring a guest into this library?” The Mothman asked.

“No, Lady von Kant. Of course I would never consider that.”

As the Mothman began to walk forward, Kalumtum grinned at the stupid bird woman and stuck out her tongue before quickly following after her unexpected ally.

“I am Ludmilla van Kant,” she declared when Kalumtum caught up with her. “You may call me Lady van Kant.”

“Yes, Lady van Kant. Thank you.” Kalumtum said.

“No need to mention it, girl. Now tell me. What do you think about linguistics?”

mugen91Sep 23, 2022 1:08 PM
Sep 25, 2022 7:59 AM

May 2013
Oh, this is interesting indeed. I look forward to more of Kalumtum's story.

By the by, is that name Thai?
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 25, 2022 11:04 AM

Jan 2013
tygertyger said:
Oh, this is interesting indeed. I look forward to more of Kalumtum's story.

By the by, is that name Thai?

This thread is going to be mostly one-shots, though I won't discard the possibility that characters might make multiple appearances :)

The name is babylonian in origin.
Oct 15, 2022 1:32 PM

Jan 2013
A prelude of things to come

“What’s our status?” The professor demanded curtly.

“Five teams are standing by. I got three others in the capital and Blackmoor, one each in Lochroch, Aendrithor and Westholm, two in Faldarfar, one in Kilkelly, and the rest on recon and search assignments,” Selette replied equally curtly.

“Kilkelly?” The living doll demanded. “Marchioness a’ Gaelach?”

“She’s made some suspicious purchases of late. I thought it prudent to investigate.”

The professor shook her head dismissively. “She’s a hedonist. She cares for nothing except her own pleasure and power. She’s not going to risk either by making unnecessary waves.”

“You want me to pull the team?”

The living doll shook her head after a few moments’ consideration. “Just let them know to wrap it up quickly. The marchioness is not a priority at this time.”

Selette nodded and decided to move on to the next topic. “We investigated the missing elf tribes as you directed. They’re all dead.”

“Dead? All of them?” The professor frowned.

“Anree’s team found them. Along with a search party from Aendrithor. It’s strange. As if they intentionally walked into an ambush.”

“Any survivors? Or indications who was responsible?”

“No survivors. But a good portion of the bodies are unaccounted for.”


Selette considered her words for a second, before delivering her thoughts. “It seems strange. Many were too lightly equipped for a combat summons. The whole site seems to be undisturbed, except for all the corpses of course. A lot of the elves were gruesomely mutilated. Anree emphasised in her report that even the dark elves from the search party were sickened. The dead number around 1500 and about 300 seem to be unaccounted for.”

“Survivors perhaps?”

Selette shook her head. “Unlikely. Perhaps the survivors of the initial ambush. Weapons, armour and other equipment matching roughly that number was found at the site. One of the strangest things was the formation of the dead. It’s like they marched single file through a gorge in the Ceirtlín Braighs and got slaughtered to the last.”

“The Ceirtlín Braighs?” the Professor asked. “What were they doing there? That’s the opposite direction of the capital.”

Selette shook her head to indicate that she did not know. “It’s a mystery. But I still have Anree and her team on the case. If there is more to learn, she will let us know.”

“They were told to come to the capital. They should not have had any reason to be near the Ceirtlín Braighs. But fine. I’ll wait for Anree to send a more detailed report,” the Professor said, her curt speech having returned. “What other news?”

“The amazon revolt has concluded. Elizabeth seems to…” the Professor waved for her to stop.

“I know about that already. What else?”

Selette frowned briefly. She did not enjoy being cut off. However, she bit down her annoyance with practised ease and continued. “There’s been reports of groups of lunatics marauding through the southern meadowlands.”


Selette took a moment to carefully pick her words. “The way they operate fits the bill. But I don’t think that’s what it is. My contact in the first legion fortress assures me these are neither kaorian regulars and not from Sadom or Gomarra either. I don’t see how another group could have made it across in sufficient numbers without us having heard about it.”

“Which contact?”

“Sady. The Harpy. Never had an issue of bad information with her.”

The Professor pursed her lips and remained quiet for a moment as she thought over her options. “Elizabeth can handle that one herself. Send a messenger just in case. Have the Lochroch team investigate who these visitors are, but tell them not to get involved otherwise.” Selette suppressed her disapproval at the expected response, but the living doll clearly sensed it nonetheless. “You don’t agree?”

“I agree. But I don’t like it,” Selette lied.

“Just how you don’t like that I’m siding with the new Lord?”

That took Selette by surprise. She’d been quite careful in masking her disapproval of her employers' new allegiances. “That has nothing to do with…”

“Are you questioning my orders?”

“No, but we- you and Samantha have always been a neutral force. I can’t help but wonder whether it’s wise to join with this new Lord. Look at all the chaos her bid for power has caused. You’ve never bothered working with the old Lord.”

“Yara was a tyrant and Dorothy nothing more than a filthy usurper. They were hardly worthy of my support.”

“But Elizabeth is?”

“That remains to be seen. Samantha has freed her for a reason. In any case, it’s no concern of yours. If I tell you to work for the Lord, that’s exactly what you’ll do.”

Selette sighed. Part of her wanted to protest, perhaps even get angry, but the doll was speaking truth. For almost 400 years Selette had followed her orders and had done well in doing so. What was the point in arguing now? If the Professor was certain that Elizabeth was worth working for, who was she to argue the point?

“What else?” The professor demanded and once more interrupted Selette’s thoughts.

Selette considered the reports lined up neatly on the table and pursed her lips. “We found something that might interest you. A mercenary who, by all reports, carries a very interesting weapon. A jinko, no less.”

Selette felt the professor tense in her lap. “Interesting weapon you say? And a jinko, no less?” Selette nodded. She knew well the professor’s strange obsession with her kind. Why else would she employ almost exclusively jinko? “I’ll have a look at the report,” her employer declared. “Then we’ll see how to go about reaching out. Next report?”

Selette cleared her throat nervously. “Yes, well. Not so much a report as a lack thereof. The weekly report from Nythslenor is four days overdue.”

Selette flinched as she distinctly felt the professor’s displeasure. She re-intensified her stroking of the living dolls head to try and counteract her agitation. “You tell me about all these trifles and keep back the important news?”

“It’s not even news yet,” Selette tried to calm her employer. “I figured you wouldn’t listen to the rest if I started on that one. Therefore…”

“You’re damn right I wouldn’t have. What are you doing about Nythslenor?” The professor demanded angrily.

“I already sent someone to investigate. I’m expecting a report soon.” Selette felt the doll in her lap relax slightly at that and breathed a sigh of relief. The professor’s obsession with Nythslenor, or rather the prison of Kylehyth beneath it, was well established amongst those in her employ. A great deal of speculation had been made over the years of who might be locked up down there that caused the powerful sorceress such anxiety.

“Fine, next report,” the Professor said, but Selette sense that something was off. The doll seemed to be caressing her thighs, but in reality her fingers weaved through a range of complex motions before she flicked her wrist into a dark corner of the room.

“It seems I’ve been caught,” a teasing voice sounded from a corner of the room that was far too well lit to hide anyone by conventional means.

Selette lifted the Professor off her lap, rose to her paws and set her down on the table before slowly striding towards the corner, claws extended. In 400 years, she’d yet to see someone break free after having been caught in the Professor’s threads, but that was no reason to let her guard down. It was already shameful enough that she had not noticed the intruder herself.

“Stand down, Selette,” the Professor ordered.

“Worried I’ll break your pet cat?” the voice asked mockingly. “I’m not as mean as people like to say, you know?”

“Victoria, I presume?” The Professor demanded coldly.

With a chuckle, a shadowy figure stepped out from the corner, seeming to materialise from the sparse darkness the corner held. She did not appear to be constrained by the Professor’s magical threads at all. That fact concerned Selette. She’d seen those threads subdue a rampaging wurm. Seeming to read her mind, the figure said, in the same mocking tone. “Have you ever successfully grasped at shadows?” She mimicked a grasping motion with her shadowy hands.

“I’ll take that as confirmation,” the Professor said flatly. “To what do I owe this dubious pleasure?”

“No need to be so glum, I simply wish to ensure things remain interesting. I heard you have a special interest in Kylehyth?”

The Professor mumbled a few words and made a violent hand motion towards the shadowy form and a blinding bolt of light sped towards the figure. When the bright spots in Selette’s vision finally cleared, the figure was gone, nothing indicating her presence, save for the singe marks on the walls behind where she’d stood. Selette was quite glad this particular house was not made of wood. She’d have hated for her fur to get as singed as the wall had.

“I want you to hire some mercenaries. 200 or so should do. The capable kind. Make sure we have some magical support. I’ll talk to Samantha and see about securing us a couple of Elizabeth’s regulars,” the Professor ordered. “And get the teams on standby ready to move. The ones on search and recon as well.”

“Where’d she go?” Selette asked, still on guard.

“That was just a shadow, she was never here. Now don’t make me repeat myself!” Selette nodded and began to head out, already lamenting having to hire that many mercenaries. They came at a steep premium these days. “Make sure you buy me that mercenary with the interesting weapon,” the living doll added as Selette was almost out of the door.

“What if she’s not available?”

“I don’t care, get it done.”

Selette sighed, but did not argue. There was no point to it. Outside, a young and anxious looking silver furred Jinko intercepted her. “What happened?” she demanded.

“No time for explanations Balava. Go see your mother, we’re mobilising the stand-by teams. And somehow I have to find 150 mercenaries.”

“Oh, I…”

“I got a special job for you after you talk to your mother. You remember the report on the potential new recruit?” Balava nodded eagerly. “Good, your job is to find her and make sure she joins us.”

“Where are we going?” the younger jinko demanded.

“Nythslenor. We’re going to Nythslenor,” Selette cursed.

mugen91Aug 29, 2023 1:52 PM
Oct 15, 2022 2:22 PM

May 2013
Interesting that you feature an antagonist who uses shadow magic. You'll see why after I have some time to do an edit.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 17, 2022 11:14 AM
Apr 2018
Oh ho. A couple nice Vignettes here Mugen, not only jumping from different locations but different times in the settings if I'm not mistaken.

I liked your 'a prelude of things to come' vignette. But I may have a bias, Elizabeth 'the playful' Lord is my personal favourite lord of the setting.
Oct 17, 2022 3:43 PM

Jan 2015
Not only are these highly entertaining shorts, they also do a great job of subtly expanding the setting both with locations and with events. Keep em coming :-D
MetallumOperaturOct 17, 2022 4:31 PM
Oct 18, 2022 3:35 AM

Jan 2013
tygertyger said:
Interesting that you feature an antagonist who uses shadow magic. You'll see why after I have some time to do an edit.

Interesting Indeed :)

Maku_The_Blue said:
Oh ho. A couple nice Vignettes here Mugen, not only jumping from different locations but different times in the settings if I'm not mistaken.

I liked your 'a prelude of things to come' vignette. But I may have a bias, Elizabeth 'the playful' Lord is my personal favourite lord of the setting.

They are both happening in the past, though one of them quite a bit further back than the other (though for the first vignette, the timing doesn't matter that much)

MetallumOperatur said:
Not only are these highly entertaining shorts, they also do a great job of subtly expanding the setting both with locations and with events. Keep em coming :-D

There are more coming, a few more already written. How many there might be depends on when I can continue with my main story :P

Overall these vignette will have something in common, though it might not be revealed for a while :P
Oct 21, 2022 2:59 PM

Jan 2013

The blade itself incites to deeds of violence

Akasha stretched and groaned. It was times like these when she felt her age. She looked around and performed a quick count. Four of theirs and 19 of the enemy lay dead. The ambush had been well executed, yet something didn’t quite sit right with her. Kylehythe had supposedly held the worst and most dangerous scum from all of Arcadia and yet they had mostly come across these roving bands of marauding madwomen. Some of them were skilled fighters, but few they had come across so far had been truly as dangerous as Akasha had been led to expect. She looked around once more and quickly made her way over to a small stream. She methodically began washing the blood from her thoroughly stained paws.

“The killing really suits you doesn’t it?”

Akasha gnashed her jaw. She hated it when others just came up behind her. The familiar whisper urged her to action, but she ignored it. “It’s a useful trait for a mercenary, don’t you think?” In truth, the killing didn’t suit Akasha all that well. Not anymore, at least. But fighting was the thing she was good at. And sometimes the killing came with the fighting.

“It’s a bit more than that,” the woman insisted, coming around her now. She was a Jinko, just like Akasha herself. She’d been watching Akasha a lot ever since she’d taken this contract. “You seemed barely able to wait for the fight.”

“It’s better to live with it, than to live with the fear of it,” Akasha shrugged. “Or something like that. Surely you’ve seen enough action to know that.”

The other Jinko narrowed her eyes. Perhaps she’d taken that as an insult. The grey streaks in her hair and fur showed that she was no young kitten anymore. Not that Akasha much cared how she interpreted her words. “We’re heading out soon,” was all the woman finally had to say.

“Sure,” she replied and lazily picked a shard of bone from her fur.


A few hours later, their strike force had linked up with the main force once more. About 200 mamano, most of them mercenaries. Like always, some of them kept to themselves, while others made merry with one another. At least discipline was reasonably good. The 30 or so of the new lord’s regulars kept mostly to themselves and did not mix with the mercenaries. But that too was nothing new to Akasha. She still could not shake the feeling that something was not quite right. The worst the continent had to offer had to include powerful sorceresses and yet their force was ill equipped to engage those. By her estimate, no more than a handful within their force would be capable of using magic offensively in a heated engagement and their prospects of defending their forces against someone powerful left Akasha worried. Either this whole campaign was a sham, they were all sacrificial pawns or there was more going on than she had been told. She did not care for any of these options. Although, considering the state of Nythslenor when they arrived, something big had certainly happened and she had no reason to doubt that it was indeed escaped prisoner’s that she’d been fighting. In any case, the offer had been far too generous for her to say no. And so, here she was now.

She retrieved a bowl of the communal stew and sat down away from the others, preparing to finally give her weary bones the bit of rest they craved. This was not to be, however, as halfway through her meal, she saw Commander Selette’s second make her way towards her. Jinko’s, commander and second both. Akasha had rarely fought beside so many of her kin in a long time. Perhaps not since the old times. She shook the thought from her head. There was no use thinking about such things now.

“What can I do for you?” she asked as the tiger woman stiffly stood before her.

The woman stood even more rigid and straight. “The commander wants to speak with you. Follow me.”

Akasha glanced down at her bowl. “Can it wait?”

The woman narrowed her eyes to slits and shook her head. Akasha sighed, set down her food and followed. Commander Selette’s camp was slightly removed from the main camp. It housed the commander herself as well as her officers, most of whom were Jinko. In fact, most of the campaign’s Jinko were there, watching the perimeter and also watching her as she strode by. Even the ones that were supposedly part of the mercenary troops. Akasha’s muscles tensed uncomfortably and the voice insisted she strike now, while she had the chance. Instead, she followed the commander’s second to a campfire surrounded by felled logs.

“Have a seat,” the commander ordered as she arrived.

Akasha took a brief moment to regard everyone around the fire. There was Commander Selette, her second, another of her officers and the greying tiger woman from this afternoon. Most strange of all, the commander had a doll sitting in her lap that she was gently caressing. Finally, Akasha sat down and waited for what was to come. Whatever that was.

Rather than speak to her, the commander turned to the greying Jinko and asked. “So you’re certain this is her?”

“She’s looking almost exactly as she did all those years ago, minus the eye-patch and new scars. I’m certain.”

That did not sound good. Every muscle in Akasha’s body tensed and she felt a nearly unsuppressable need to draw her blade. But there were two enemies in her back, one to the front and two on each side. Was this finally it? She was curious. And so she waited, wound up tight.

“What is your name?” the commander demanded.

“Akasha,” she answered, seeing no reason to lie.

The woman’s eyes narrowed. “We are here to hunt the most ruthless criminal scum this land has to offer and yet someone in my employ is accused of being a heinous murderer herself.” Akasha narrowed her good eye. She’d expected a great many things, but not this. “Do you have anything to say in your defence?”

“I have killed a lot of people,” Akasha said. “But I am no murderer.”

“Anwa, Wani, Senra, Benwe, Numwa, Seeta, Matthew, Broderik,” the greying Jinko said and each name struck Akasha worse than any blow could have. All the tension left her body and she felt old and sick. “Do you deny killing them?” the grey Jinko demanded.

“These names are my burden and my shame,” Akasha whispered.

“I told you she was a murderer. She’s not denying it,” the greying Jinko said.

“Now, now. I think neither of you is telling the whole story here,” a new voice said. The doll had spoken. It was rising to its feet now, jumping down from the lap she’d been sitting in and walking around the fire to stand before Akasha. “Before I judge you, I will hear the full story. Anree here has already told me her perspective. Now I will hear yours. Be aware that lying to me is quite the futile effort.”

As those words were spoken, Akasha’s eyes were caught by the doll’s. A strange compulsion to speak overcame her. Yet Akasha had been living so long with strange mental compulsions telling her to do this and that, it was easy enough to ignore. The doll frowned, then redoubled her efforts to compel Akasha to follow her orders.

“Save your effort, I will speak,” Akasha said wearily. She took a pained look at Anree, then took a moment to collect her thoughts. She had not spoken of these events since… Had she ever spoken of them? “What she talks about happened nearly a thousand years ago…”


Akasha was happy and Akasha was drunk. She strolled through the orderly collection of tents that made up their base camp and everywhere she went, wild cheers erupted. She was covered over and over in bruises and cuts, but she did not care. Her fur and armour, even her face was still covered in blood, but what were those but the marks of her triumph? She cheered and the women around her cheered back. Someone handed her a cup and Akasha drained it in one gulp, which caused yet more cheers.

As she continued to make her way through the camp, she finally reached the center, where an impromptu dais had been constructed just for the occasion. Atop it stood the old cat, her chief, flanked by her officers the black claw and the red fang. The old cat had a somewhat weird naming sense. Even naming herself the old cat, when she was a full 60 years younger than Akasha. The old cat pulled Akasha up onto the dais as she stood before it and the gathering went silent. Akasha looked out across the crowd and her heart swelled with pride.

3000 Jinko stared back at her. Eleven tribes combined under the old cat’s leadership. And in no small part thanks to Akasha.

“Hail your champion,” the old cat roared and the crowd roared back. When they finally went silent, Akasha roared even louder and the crowd answered once more. “They called us weak,” the chief roared when she was sure she had the crowd's undivided attention once more. “When I said the tribes will be united, they called me crazy! They said it couldn’t be done. Now look at you! Sisters in arms. United! Strong!”

“STRONG,” the crowd roared back.

“Today we removed a blight from our lives. A foot that was trying to keep us down. But no foot will keep us down any longer!” Calls of denial came from the crowd. Assertions of strength. “And once more, it was our champion that felled a hated foe. Xantha the immortal?” The old cat spat, then laughed. “I think not!”

The crowd mirrored her laughter and Akasha revelled in the admiring looks directed at her. Of course, Xantha had been no joke. She’d fought like a berserker and even with her chest ripped open and and half an arm missing she’d very nearly skewered Akasha with that devilish black blade.

“You know I’m not a woman of long speeches. Therefore now, as tradition demands, to the victor the spoils,” the old cat continued her speech as a large wagon was pulled through the crowd, heaped with the spoils of the day’s victory. “And first pick goes to Akasha. Or should I say, Akasha, the immortal?” The crowd roared their approval once more as Akasha’s face split into a grin. She’d taken Xantha’s life. Why not take her title?

She jumped from the dais and onto the wagon. Though she had already decided what prize to pick, she made a show of it, as she knew the women loved it. Finally, she picked up that black blade that had come so very near to slaying her today and held it aloft. The large blade shone dully in the late afternoon sun. Three runes Akasha could not read were embossed in it. It had a sort of enchanting sheen to it. Now she’d taken life, title and weapon. She raised it above her head and the crowd cheered her on once more, chanting her name. Akasha let them have their fun for a while, but eventually jumped down from the wagon and almost stumbled. Perhaps she’d drunk a bit too much? She grasped the hilt of the blade tighter as she felt a pleasant warmth suffuse her, growing warmer quickly. She saw Seeta and Anree stare up at her with wide eyes. In but a few year’s time her nieces would be fine warriors in their own right.

Unexpectedly, Akasha felt anger flare up in her gut. They were her nieces, but where were her own daughters? She grabbed at her forehead and shook her head. Where were those thoughts coming from? She’d never much cared about starting a family of her own. She tightened her grip on the sword and felt its reassuring weight. But the flames of anger did not relent. She looked around at all those revelling faces. Faces revelling in her victory. How dare they?

Akasha raised the blade…


“...The next thing I knew I lay alone where the camp had been, half my guts hanging out,” Akasha finished the tale she had never spoken aloud. “I did not remember what had happened, at least, not at first.”

“You expect me to believe that? That you had no control? That you can’t be held accountable for what you did?” Anree demanded angrily and Akasha wondered how she had not recognized her before hearing her name. She was old now, certainly. She had been just a girl back then. But she was her niece, wasn’t she?

“Everything she said, she considers the truth,” the doll said to Anree. Then she turned to Akasha and demanded. “Show me the blade.”

Akasha sighed wearily. Over the centuries, too many had coveted the accursed thing. “It’s better to leave it as it is.” She said emphatically.

“I SAID - Show me the blade,” The doll repeated and there was power behind her words. Not the magical suggestion she had employed earlier, but something more threatening.

Akasha sighed once more, then gripped the hilt of the weapon. Immediately, the assault on her senses intensified. She will steal it; They will kill me; Unworthy scum; Worthy corpses Akasha ignored the creeping thoughts and anger welling up hotly inside of her. And slowly drew forth the blade, holding it out horizontally before her.

“Yes, I see,” the doll mused. “Hatred; Bloodlust; Envy. Quite the combination. Do you know what it is that you are carrying?”

“A blackblade of Akuma,” Akasha replied.

“Quite so. Stick it into the ground.”

“Why?” She asked wearily.

“How do they say? Seeing is believing? I could also have my girls make you do it, but you’ve been so cooperative thus far. Why defy me now?” After another moment of hesitation, Akasha stuck the blade into the ground and released the hilt. “Now, Anree, grasp the blade, but do not pull it out of the earth.”

With a deep frown on her face, Anree stepped forward and grasped the hilt. Nothing happened for a moment and she exclaimed. “Nothing, just like I…” she furrowed her brow, then her face went through a series of quick changes before contorting into a grimace of anger. She pulled it out of the ground and raised it high. Akasha made no move to defend herself. It seemed only fitting that this was how it would end. She closed her eyes and waited.

But nothing happened. She opened her eyes and saw Anree stand motionless. The Jinko all around were standing tense, weapons drawn and claws extended. At first Akasha thought that Anree was somehow controlling the anger and hatred that the blackblade was pouring into her, but then realized that it was the doll holding her back. Nearly invisible strings extended from the doll’s fingers into Anree’s body. Anree’s face meanwhile was contorted into a hideous visage of twisted, slavering hatred. “I suppose that will be enough,” the doll said and in one smooth motion, Anree stabbed the blade back into the earth, released the hilt and collapsed backwards. She was caught by one of her comrades. The doll turned back to Akasha. “Quite fascinating. I’m amazed you can wield this, even if its magic is a mere echo of what it was.”

“I only carry it,” Akasha corrected. “If I draw it in anger, I doubt I would succeed in maintaining my sanity.”

“Yes, quite prudent. But impressive nonetheless. Of course, for now we all have a job to do, but once this unpleasantness is over, I suspect we two shall have a talk.” With that, the doll turned around and started to walk around the fire once more.

“What about the accusations?” Akasha asked.

“Your chief chose not to end you. You survived those wounds you were left with. I have no intention of revising that original judgement. If you wish to die for your sins, real or not, you shall have to do so on your own terms.”

Akasha chewed on that for a few moments. “Who are you anyway?” She finally asked.

“Me?” The doll chuckled without turning around. “Why thank you for asking. You may call me the Professor.” As the doll continued to walk for one of the tents, Akasha stayed where she was, still trying to process the strange turn this night had taken. “You are dismissed, if that was not clear. This is not the camp for the mercenaries either, so you will take your leave now.” The doll added dismissively.
Oct 21, 2022 8:27 PM

May 2013
Hmm. Not sure I like this doll. Akasha sure got a raw deal, though.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 22, 2022 1:22 AM

Jan 2013
tygertyger said:
Hmm. Not sure I like this doll. Akasha sure got a raw deal, though.

The professor is not necessarily meant to be a sympathetic character :)

Definitely agree with Akasha though.
Oct 22, 2022 4:25 AM
Apr 2018
Always like a story about swords/swordplay, especially the cursed variety, even if it's not the same kind of cursed sword as the one in the MGE.

But with this I think I've found a bit of homework, is the blackblade of Akuma cannon to the the MSG? Because this is the first time I've heard of it believe it or not.
Oct 22, 2022 5:14 AM

Jan 2015
And yet again a wonderful short. I expecially liked the flashabck part where the jinkos revelled in their victory before the shit hit the fan.

Maku_The_Blue said:
But with this I think I've found a bit of homework, is the blackblade of Akuma cannon to the the MSG? Because this is the first time I've heard of it believe it or not.
No they have not been mentioned before, so nothing you could have know about them till now. These blackblades are cursed weapons (despite their name need not be swords) and not the lovely lady kind. They were poisoned gifts to influential women that had displeased Akuma, yet who still had a purpose to serve.
Oct 22, 2022 7:16 AM

Jan 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
And yet again a wonderful short. I expecially liked the flashabck part where the jinkos revelled in their victory before the shit hit the fan.

Maku_The_Blue said:
But with this I think I've found a bit of homework, is the blackblade of Akuma cannon to the the MSG? Because this is the first time I've heard of it believe it or not.
No they have not been mentioned before, so nothing you could have know about them till now. These blackblades are cursed weapons (despite their name need not be swords) and not the lovely lady kind. They were poisoned gifts to influential women that had displeased Akuma, yet who still had a purpose to serve.

Yes, the blackblades are indeed new and have not been mentioned before. Their effects upon their wielders depend upon the runes carved into them, which usually stood in opposition to the nature of the recipient they were originally meant to be gifted to by Akuma.

These were definitely the kind of poisoned gifts no one wanted to receive and only a small number of these were created.

How many of them are left and where they are is unknown, and like Metal said, they need not necessarily be swords (or even bladed weapons).
Oct 22, 2022 2:39 PM

May 2013
And wouldn't it be fun if blackblades could easily be mistaken for cursed swords?
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 22, 2022 3:38 PM

Jan 2013
tygertyger said:
And wouldn't it be fun if blackblades could easily be mistaken for cursed swords?

Well, they are cursed weapons to be sure. The problem is that they are quite obscure and very few know of their existence or what they do. This is also compounded of course, by the fact that a blackblade with a different set of runes would compel a different kind of behavior / force different kind of emotions out of it's wielder.
Oct 30, 2022 3:07 AM

Jan 2013

A matter of (s)elf control

This is so stupid. Why do I have to deal with this? Persephone lamented the protracted argument that she and the fellow members of her patrol had somehow gotten entangled in.

“I’m never going to share with this fucking bitch. I saw him first, he’s mine,” the high orc shouted at the top of her lungs. “Me and my girls’ll take good care of him.”

“He’s appeared in our village, so he should be ours. I was the first among us to see him, so I’ll be his first wife,” the Akaname argued and flicked her tongue at the object of the ongoing argument.

A man was sitting in between two camps of loudly arguing mamano, looking utterly confused. And somehow, their patrol, and by extension Persephone, were supposed to put this fight to rest.

“ENOUGH,” Linda yelled. “The next group that starts shouting, I’ll hand him to the other.”

That shut them right up. Persephone sighed. Things had been perilously close to devolving into violence between the villagers and the visiting troupe of orcs. And all over this one man. Men, even when they weren’t being intentionally terrible people, they had to make life difficult for decent people.

“How do you propose we solve this then?” The high orc demanded. “We can’t be staying here forever, so I’d rather take my man and be on my way.”

The Akaname on the other side of the room looked like she was just about ready to start shouting again, but quickly thought better of it. “For starters, the laws clearly state that everyone is equal before the law,” Linda explained calmly. “Which means, the man cannot belong to either group. As such, it seems the best way would be for him to decide his preference and we can all get on with our business.” This provoked another round of arguments, though at least they weren’t shouting this time. The laws are more like guidelines. Claiming men is part of my culture. First come, first served. Our village, our property. Persephone was quickly developing a headache. Linda turned to the man and demanded. “Well?”

“What do you mean, ‘well’?” He asked.

“Do you want to go with the orcs or stay in the village?” Linda explained and rolled her eyes at his slowness.

“I don’t know any of them,” he exclaimed. “I don’t even know where the fuck I am.”

“I thought you men were supposed to be decisive and just take what you want,” Marie snickered. “Just pick one.”

“Don’t pick on him,” Ghilanna, the new girl, exclaimed. “He’s just confused.”

The young elf made her way over to the man, who had his face buried in his hands and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Persephone felt a hint of outrage at her familiar conduct with the man. She was certain that her outrage originated with the inappropriate conduct of her junior and not the hint of jealousy that she certainly wasn’t feeling. Looking around, she could see similar sentiments of disapproval on the faces of her patrol sisters.

Linda meanwhile was rubbing her temples, trying to come up with a solution. Their patrol had been officially requested to mediate this case and if they left without coming to a conclusion, odds were that these lustful morons would do something foolish that would then reflect badly on them.

“Fuck it,” Linda said, clearly fed up. “We’re gonna step out for half an hour and you lot can figure it out. If you can’t make up your minds, we’ll take him back to Kilkelly and you can go and petition the judges there to decide for you.” This provoked another round of outrage, but Linda waved for the elves to leave the spacious barn as another shouting match began.

Persephone adjusted her cuirass as she moved out, trying to get the thing to not sting her breasts, but after all these years she knew that it was hopeless.

“What the hell was that, Ghilanna?” Marie demanded when they were outside. “You can’t just get so familiar with a man like that. They’re feral beasts.” The rest of the group murmured their agreement with the sentiment. Persephone too agreed half-heartedly.

“Oh come on, men aren’t that bad,” Ghilanna argued. “Every single one I’ve met has been really nice.”

“Then clearly you have not met many,” Linda said sternly. “I know you’re new and still getting used to things, but I expect some professional conduct from my girls, alright?”

Ghilanna seemed quite confused. “You all have fathers and mothers right? At some point your mothers have to have gotten laid. Clearly not all men are bad?”

“We do not speak of these things,” Marie hissed.

We only think about them, Persephone thought. Or I do, at least. Sometimes. How many of the others do the same, I wonder? Or am I alone in this perversion?

She couldn’t help but feel another tinge of jealousy. This time for the young elf’s ability to not care about what her patrol sisters thought of her conduct with the man.

An unbidden image flashed in her mind. The man standing with a lustful grin on his face. Her, bent over a table. Persephone shook her head.

Get your act together!

“Are we really taking him along?” she asked the patrol leader.

“If they can’t make up their mind, yes,” Linda replied. “Not like in the old days. Back then I’d have said whoever mounted him first could have him. Can’t do that with the new Lord.”

“These boneheads will never agree on anything,” Persephone said derisively. “They’re not like us, they only think with what’s between their legs.”

Murmured agreement followed her words. “Agreed,” Linda said. “But it’s only three days to Kilkelly. If we watch him well, he won’t be able to lay a hand on any of us. After that, he won’t be our problem.”

Ghilanna’s confused look shifted from face to face, seeming to want to say something.

Don’t you say it. Persephone thought and once more adjusted her cuirass.


One day later, they were well on their way to Kilkelly, following their normal patrol route. The man hadn’t caused too many problems, other than trying to use the patrol’s members as shields against the attentions of the high orc and akaname that accompanied them to represent their respective claims before the court.

Persephone’s gaze fell on Ghilanna. The only member of their patrol who did not mind the man sticking close to her had spent hours upon hours chatting happily with him, explaining his situation and what was going to happen next. After debating internally for a few moments, she decided to let the girl enjoy some of her long years of experience.

“You shouldn’t keep so close to the man,” she began with a light chastisement. “What will you do if you develop a reputation?”

Ghilanna rolled her eyes in the irritating way that youngsters often did. “And what reputation is that? That I am helpful? Nice?”

“That you’re playing fast and loose with these feral beasts,” Persephone chided her.

If you’re not careful, they might catch you unawares. Tie you up and do all kinds of unspeakable things to you. She adjusted her cuirass as she felt a sudden wave of heat moving through her body.

“Oh come on,” Ghilanna exclaimed. “I saw how you looked at him.”

Persephone was outraged. “How I looked at him? And how is that?”

“Kind of like my mom always looked at my dad whenever she was in the mood to get kinky,” Ghilanna said with a shrug. Persephone tried to find the words, but was speechless. Unbidden thoughts rose up once again and she felt a slight blush threaten to appear on her face. “Sorry, that might’ve been a bit much,” Ghilanna said. “But seriously, why are you all so weird about it? Without men, there wouldn’t be any elves, right?”

“You know, someone should have a serious talk with your mother,” Persephone finally said when she regained her speech. “There is such a thing as educating your offspring.”

Ghilanna rolled her eyes once more. “Her and dad are living out in the woods. She never got along well with her folks and decided to go hermit back in the deep woods one day. Only she comes across my dad there, who had pretty much the same idea. So I guess you could say my upbringing wasn’t super typical.”

Persephone took a moment to reminisce about her own upbringing. Her and her mother travelling alone. Yara’s and Kioko’s forests, Kaori’s plains. Her mother looking for work. And then… She brushed her fingers across her cuirass and the patched up hole in it. She set those thoughts aside.

“I see,” Persephone conceded. “Hard to blame you then, I suppose. Still, I recommend putting some more thought into proper conduct.”

“Sure, sure,” Ghilanna waved her off irritatingly. “Anyway, what’s with the cuirass?”

“What about it?” she demanded and promptly felt the need to readjust the darn thing.

“Well, you fidget around with it all the time. Doesn’t look very comfortable and takes forever to put on or get out of. So why the cuirass?”

Persephone sighed wistfully. “It’s an heirloom. One very dear to me. It belonged to my mother.” She noted the younger elf’s gaze wandering to the whole in the cuirass that was patched up with leather, but for once the youngling had the tact to keep her mouth shut.


“Glad to be rid of that mongrel,” Marie declared. Persephone couldn’t help but wonder at the truthfulness of that statement, but rather than say anything, she drained the cup of fire water and let out a satisfied hiss as the liquid burned its way down her throat. She squinted to get her eyes to focus, but found only moderate success and heaved a heavy sigh.

Her cup was refilled and she wasted no time draining it once more. The talk with Ghilanna the day before had stirred up a barrage of uncomfortable thoughts. The problem was that they were quite resistant to being drowned. That would not stop Persephone from trying though.

In spite of her valiant efforts, a very central, inconvenient truth remained steadfast in her mind. Ghilanna had been right. Persephone had wanted to copulate with the man. She had wanted to get laid. Had wanted to get tied up. Had wanted to get her pussy filled. Had wanted to be used. Had wanted to be… well… all these things.

If the sounds of carefully controlled masturbation during the nights hadn’t been a figment of her imagination, perhaps even the others had desired similar things. But why would they all insist on referring to men as feral beasts to be avoided, if secretly they wanted to fornicate? This was not the first time she’d harboured such thoughts, but to date she’d always been able to put them to rest. Presently, she was having a hard time coming up with good arguments though.

Ghilanna had had a point. Each of them had mothers and each of their mothers had to have fornicated for them to be born. Persephone wanted to have children one day. Had to have children one day. She could not let her bloodline be extinguished and all that remained of her mother die along with her.

“Hey, hey, hey. HEY, Persephone!” Persephone was startled from her thoughts and realised that the other members of the patrol were looking at her expectantly. Focusing her eyes, she realised that Linda was holding up the jar their fire water had come in. “You drank most of it, so you go and get some more,” Linda instructed when she was reasonably certain that she had Persephone’s attention.

She grabbed the jar and made for the bar, stumbling into a man of all things in the process. He was tall. Taller than herself, which not too many men managed. An unbidden blush came over her face and she quickly averted her eyes and ignored his attempts to strike up a conversation. All her musing was having her act strangely. She had the jar refilled at the bar and carefully picked her way over to the tables where her companions were waiting, only to find her seat had been occupied while she was gone. A red-headed elf was sitting there, chatting and flirting with Ghilanna.

Noticing her slightly disgruntled look, Ghilanna introduced the newcomer. “This is Fiora, she’s also a member of a patrol.”

“Hey there beautiful,” the elf, Fiora, said suggestively. “Sorry to take your seat. I could sit in your lap if you’d like.”

Oct 30, 2022 6:48 AM

Jan 2015
Nice new Vignette. Always those filthy humans disrupting these noble upstanding elves' days with their existence. And to make matters worse they also live rent free in their pure elven minds, corrupting them with impure thoughts! Truly outrageous!

Also Ghilanna teaming up with Fiora? Well, Persephone is screwed. Love it :-D
MetallumOperaturOct 30, 2022 6:52 AM
Oct 30, 2022 4:19 PM
Apr 2018
A fine addition to your collection of vignettes!

I'd have gone with the High Orc and her tribe personally. But that's just me.

A wonderful example of how such situations might be handled under Elizabeth's rule nonetheless, of course freshly arrived humans don't always meet a singular mamano that smoothly claims him with no issues.

A thought occurs though, they both claim that they saw him first, so one's gotta be lying, unless they both saw him at approximately the same time? Or he appeared in the Akaname's village but the High Orc technically saw him first? Kinda seems like both sides might be bending the truth a little to try to strengthen their claim.

Getting the guy to just give his account of who he saw first might have cleared some of it up.
Maku_The_BlueOct 30, 2022 4:23 PM
Oct 30, 2022 7:36 PM

May 2013
Maku_The_Blue said:
A thought occurs though, they both claim that they saw him first, so one's gotta be lying, unless they both saw him at approximately the same time? Or he appeared in the Akaname's village but the High Orc technically saw him first? Kinda seems like both sides might be bending the truth a little to try to strengthen their claim.

I'm thinking it's that second scenario; the high orc really did see him first, but the akaname tried to pull rank based on the location. Under the circumstances it's easy to see why both sides would be less than forthcoming.

Maku_The_Blue said:
Getting the guy to just give his account of who he saw first might have cleared some of it up.

what? And admit that a filthy human man actually has anything worthwhile to say? What self-respecting elf would do that? ;)
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 31, 2022 2:23 AM

Jan 2013
MetallumOperatur said:

Also Ghilanna teaming up with Fiora? Well, Persephone is screwed. Love it :-D

I have a feeling we might get to see something more about this :P

Maku_The_Blue said:

Getting the guy to just give his account of who he saw first might have cleared some of it up.

My idea was quite specifically that with Elizabeth's laws, neither group is technically allowed to just lay claim to him without his consent, though in practice it probably comes up most often in situations where there is some disagreements like this one and an official authority gets involved. It really shouldn't matter who saw him first. (Though of course to the women in question, it definitely does matter :P)
Who knows what the courts will decide, the guy might even end up with his eye on someone else entirely...

tygertyger said:
Maku_The_Blue said:
A thought occurs though, they both claim that they saw him first, so one's gotta be lying, unless they both saw him at approximately the same time? Or he appeared in the Akaname's village but the High Orc technically saw him first? Kinda seems like both sides might be bending the truth a little to try to strengthen their claim.

I'm thinking it's that second scenario; the high orc really did see him first, but the akaname tried to pull rank based on the location. Under the circumstances it's easy to see why both sides would be less than forthcoming.

it is the second scenario - the high orc saw him first, but the akaname was the first among the villagers to see him. Obviously both think that means that he belongs to their respective group.
Nov 8, 2022 10:50 AM

Jan 2013
Dwelling on the past

Why am I doing this?

Stretch - pull - grimace. Stretch - pull - grimace. Stretch - pull - grimace.

Chiro slowly and methodically dragged herself across the sparse grass. One shredded wing and two broken legs left her with no option but to crawl. The strain of slowly dragging herself forward made sure to keep her wound open and she had little doubt she left behind a trail that even the most novice of pursuers could follow.

Why am I doing this?


“Listen up ladies. From this day forward you belong to Army Dark scout wing seven. That means you belong to me. And it means your lives belong to Lord Yara!”

“How thick do you think she’ll be laying it on?” Thelossa asked. “Just like mom always did?”

“Shhh,” Chiro hissed.

“85 years!” The major exclaimed. “That is how long you are expected to survive during peacetimes. If war breaks out, cut that to 9 months. The Dark scouts enjoy the highest casualty rate in the army. That is because without us, our troops are blind. The enemy knows this and we know this. It is a position of honour, even if no one will remember your names. Your lives are mine now. Trust that I will spend them wisely to keep our land safe from the monsters at our southern gates.”

To a woman, the 25 new recruits of the Dark scout wing seven saluted their major. Each of them had heard what awaited them. Most of their families had served for many generations.

“I knew she’d lay it on thick,” Thelossa whispered. “Just like mom always does.”


Chiro heaved a heavy, pained breath. Her vision was spinning and she decided to take a short break. She straightened out the broken legs, then considered her wing. The membrane had been thoroughly sliced. No change there. There was still no flying with that wing. Next, she angrily readjusted the dirtied makeshift bandage that predictably hadn’t remained where she put it after crawling all this way. Despite herself, she winced as she slipped the bandage back over the deep cuts.

She went over her provisions once more. It was still as bleak as it had been three hours ago. A small ration of food that would keep her for a few days, but next to no water was left.

Why am I doing this?


“That was a stupid move, Sergeant,” the major berated her. “There is a difference between courage and stupidity and that was decidedly stupidity. Do you think she would have wanted you to die so you could recover her body?”

“I did not die though, major.” Chiro was amazed at how calm her voice sounded. “I’m sure my sister would have preferred a burial over becoming slaver grub.”

“Your sister is dead, sergeant. And without the healer, you would be as well. You’ve done well these all these years, so don’t start fucking up now.”

The major turned and left the room. Chiro stepped up to the table and gently caressed Thelossa’s cold face with her wing. Still, she felt oddly calm. She’d seen plenty of her fellow scouts fall these last 120 years, but shouldn’t she feel more, now that her own sister lay here?

“I’m glad she won’t become carrion for the beasts down south,” her mother’s voice rang out from behind her. “You can be proud of what you did.”

Chiro turned and suddenly felt a lump in her throat. Her lip started to tremble and her mother, looking more tired than she’d ever seen her, opened up her wings. Chiro buried her face in her mother’s scarred neck and sobbed.


Her throat was so dry. Her breathing now pained not only because of the deep lacerations, but her parched throat as well. She lay on her back and panted away the last of the moisture in her mouth. She knew the end could not be too far now. Perhaps that was for the better.

If she were taken alive, the ink under her skin would likely buy her a significantly more painful end, no matter whether her captors belonged to the army, some warlord or the accursed slavers. The army would probably be the best option still. Some of them could be reasoned with. They might simply cut her throat and be done with it. You couldn’t even call them unreasonable. What else should you do with spies?

Why am I doing this?

She still had no answer.


Chiro looked tiredly over the assembled crowd, merrily talking, drinking, eating. She herself felt no reason to be merry.

“Are you going to be alright, captain?” Ptera asked, maintaining formality like she’d always done with her.

“Why would I not be, Sergeant? And I’m a civilian now, so dispense with the formalities.”

“Right you are, captain. Anyway, I'm a lieutenant now.” Ptera allowed a rare smile to play across her face.

“Sorry about that, lieutenant,” Chiro said. “But I’ll be fine. Just taking my long deserved retirement.”

“You can tell that to the others, captain. But I know you did not plan on ending your legend in retirement.”

“There’s no legend worth speaking of, I just did my duty. Now I’m no longer needed. That’s it.”

“My apologies, captain, but no service woman has ever survived the dark scouts for as long as you have. Not even close. To these women, you are more than any other scout doing her duty. You’re the one that survived for more than 700 years, where most fall before their 250th year. You know your nickname.”

A dark chuckle rose in Chiro’s throat. An average life expectancy of 250 years would have been considered a luxury back then. The chuckle soon died in her throat and instead she felt bitterness rising in her throat. “And so the higher ups don’t want me to stay on. Leaving [i]the legend[]/i] unbroken is better for morale.”

“Hence my question, will you be alright, captain?”


Chiro awoke from fevered dreams. Why did she have to dream of the past now? Why had she awoken at all?

Stretch - pull - grimace. Stretch - pull - grimace. Stretch - pull - grimace.

Why am I doing this?

It would be so easy to just roll over and give up. But giving up was not in her nature and so she carried on. Pulling herself forward, centimetre by centimetre.

To distract herself from the pain, she imagined her husband. How his soft, brown eyes had stood in such contrast to her own hard eyes. How he had carried their daughters in his arms and on his shoulders. Laughing and joking. The worry he’d felt when she returned to her duties. The passion with which he had always greeted her when she returned from assignment. How resolutely he had been against their daughters joining the dark scouts. How he’d cried when Thelossa had died.

No, that was me, that was earlier, she thought. She was confusing things.

She stopped for a moment to orient her thoughts, then continued pulling herself forward. How long had he been dead? 300 years? 400? 352 years, she now recalled clearly. When she died, would there be an afterlife, like he’d believed? Would she get to see him again? Him and her sisters, her mother?

Stretch - pull - grimace. Stretch - pull - grimace. Stretch - pu…. Her wing brushed over a boot. Pulled from her reverie, Chiro lifted her head, dreading who this might be. Deathly pale skin adorned the woman. Wearing a veil, most of her features were hidden, but Chiro could make out dark hair and pointed ears. A sad, melancholic air surrounded the woman and Chiro felt the last of her strength leave her.

A banshee, how fitting.


“Are you sure this is her?”

“She fits the description. Mostly.”

Chiro stared at the cup in front of her, not paying the rude pair much heed.

“Excuse me?” One of them said. “We were sent here by a lieutenant Ptera. She said you might be able to help us.”

“Are you Chiro? The one they call…”

“They used to call me the undying,” Chiro declared. Trying, and failing to stop her voice from slurring. “Now they call me Chiro the drunk more often than not.” To drive the point home, she upended the cup into her thirsty mouth.

“This is a waste of our time,” one of the pair said angrily.

“Let me just talk to her,” the other one hissed back. Then, turning back to Chiro, she said. “We were sent here by a lieutenant Ptera. We have a serious problem that she could not help us with in an official capacity, but she sent us to find you. She said you were the best scout she had ever known.”

Chiro focused her eyes on the woman, an inari, and felt a small tinge of shame creep into her. What had happened to the woman that Ptera had recommended these two find?

“What do you want?” she demanded.

“Not here,” the inari said and motioned for her to follow her. Chiro looked wistfully at the bar, but then rose from her seat and followed the pair to more secluded seating, where the inari told her about her sister, who had gotten herself into quite a pickle. She’d been too proud to ask her family for help and so these two had only learned of their sister’s run of bad luck when that sister was already on her way to being sold to some kaorian warlord to pay off her debts. She had said the name, but drunk as she was, Chiro had a hard time memorising it.

Now these two were putting together a rescue mission. Of course Ptera could not help with that. An amarantian gambler sold to a kaorian. There was no part for the dark scouts to play. But Chiro was not a dark scout anymore. She was free to do as she pleased.

“To hell with it,” she exclaimed. Anything was better than wasting away in this place.


“You’re awake.”

A statement of truth. Nonetheless, it confounded Chiro.

“I am,” she said. Her voice sounded rough and speaking was still painful. “Where am I?”

“Safe, for now,” the voice answered. “I can’t help but wonder what an elizabethian army scout was doing in the kaorian grasslands.”

“Retired army scout,” Chiro corrected her weakly.

The banshee’s eyes bore into Chiro and Chiro calmly returned the stare. “The spectre of death looms over you no longer,” the banshee finally stated and turned away.

“Why did you help me?” Chiro demanded.

“Why not?” The other woman shot back.

You are kaorian and I am elizabethian. You found me helpless in enemy territory. You have nothing to gain by helping me. All of these were reasonable answers, but speaking them out loud seemed wrong.

“I took the liberty of taking your coin in exchange for the healing,” the banshee said.

Chiro became suddenly aware that the stinging pain in her torso was no longer so bad. She lifted her wing and saw that it was whole once more. “Thank you,” she said hoarsely, but received no reply.

She turned, but her rescuer was nowhere to be seen. Confused, she got up and turned around her own axis. Amongst the small hills and endless grass, there was nowhere to hide, yet there was no doubt her rescuer was gone. She gingerly inspected her legs. Both of them had snapped when she had crashed to the ground, but now they stood straight once more, if still weak. She made a few careful attempts at beating her wings and found that she could achieve lift without much difficulty.

Still puzzling over what it all meant, she began flying back towards the north.

I hope the damn inaris made it out at least, she thought to herself.

mugen91Nov 8, 2022 11:00 AM
Nov 8, 2022 6:36 PM

May 2013
Huh. Now I'm curious about what happened to those foxes.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 9, 2022 3:46 AM
Apr 2018
Hmm, my question would be how were There such high causality rates?

If it were just scouting enemy ground based numbers/positions, unless they had fliers of their own that outclassed them offensively, they should be relatively safe up there.
Nov 9, 2022 11:30 AM

Jan 2013
Maku_The_Blue said:
Hmm, my question would be how were There such high causality rates?

If it were just scouting enemy ground based numbers/positions, unless they had fliers of their own that outclassed them offensively, they should be relatively safe up there.

The idea was indeed that the skies are hotly contested, with most actors aggressively deploying their own forces to keep the enemy blind. The idea was also that in the current setting, things might actually be a fair bit calmer than they used to (hence the increased average lifespan), but that it would get really brutal if war actually broke out.

tygertyger said:
Huh. Now I'm curious about what happened to those foxes.

Something certainly happened :P
Nov 9, 2022 6:22 PM

May 2013
mugen91 said:
Maku_The_Blue said:
Hmm, my question would be how were There such high causality rates?

If it were just scouting enemy ground based numbers/positions, unless they had fliers of their own that outclassed them offensively, they should be relatively safe up there.

The idea was indeed that the skies are hotly contested, with most actors aggressively deploying their own forces to keep the enemy blind. The idea was also that in the current setting, things might actually be a fair bit calmer than they used to (hence the increased average lifespan), but that it would get really brutal if war actually broke out.

Even in the absence of enemy fliers the setting has two things that present real threats to flying scouts.

1) Ranged weapons: These can be used quite effectively even on airborne targets. Even a simple sling is horrifically lethal with mamono-level strength behind it, and a longbow or crossbow designed to be pulled with mamono strength would have stopping power comparable to low-caliber modern firearms (and in fact exceeding that of archaic firearms).

2) Magic: There is a variety of offensive spells that are designed to be used at range. Some of those are accurate enough to be used against fast-flying targets, some have area effect, and the possibility of homing spells can't be ruled out (though these are probably at least Master-level spells). Any mamono with the capacity to learn magic -- which most of them have -- can do so if she can find a teacher or is talented enough to work stuff out on her own (which the first practitioners most definitely did), and quite a few mamono species have innate magic that can have combat applications (yes, elementals, I'm talking about you). This right here is probably the source of those horrific casualty rates.

And with both of those factors, remember that it's not necessary for the attack to do enough damage to kill the target outright. All you have to do is take out a wing or stun or paralyze the target for a few seconds. Once you've done that gravity will do the rest.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 9, 2022 7:53 PM

Jan 2015
It took me a moment before I realised we were witnessing Chiro having her life flash before her as she was on the brink of death. Must say that was a really nice artistic choice. Also it looke like Chiro can clings on to her title of "the undying" for at least a while longer.

Maku_The_Blue said:
Hmm, my question would be how were There such high causality rates?
The dark scouts are werebats who act in the dark relying on their echolocation. Tyger already pointed out two reasons why that is a lethal business but there are more:

- The werebats not only have to fly great distances over enemy territory, they also require great freedom of motion for their wings and torso; they will have to justify every gram of load they bring with them on a mission. So they likely can't afford to wear any protective armour while on a mission
- Most werebats can't face-tank much punishment, and since their arms are also their wings they won't be able to tend to their wounds without landing
- If they were to engage in combat with other flyers, the darkscouts already have flown a great distance leaving them drained
- Their echolocation is practically a distress beacon calling out their location
- The max altitude at which the werebat can fly and still get the useful information she needs, is likely lower than the lethal reach of slings or bows
- Whistling bullets can seriously screw with a werebat's sensitive hearing and "blinding" them
- A single mistake or simply having bad luck can quickly turn lethal

I'd argue that aerial melee combat between nimble flyers like harpies and werbats are among the worst meatgrinders combat has to offer
MetallumOperaturNov 9, 2022 7:59 PM
Dec 17, 2022 8:08 AM

Jan 2013
Always use protection

“Are you almost ready?” He heard the call coming from next door.

“I’ll be right there,” he called back. He pulled open the cabinet and pulled out the heavy leather chestpiece. Deep gouges criss crossed all over the heavy, embossed leather. He heaved a heavy sigh. He really had to commission a new piece sometime soon. He didn’t want to imagine what might happen if one of the claws that had cut those gauges had cut across his chest or stomach instead.

As he busied himself dressing in the cumbersome piece of armour, he heard the same call again. “It’s time, are you still not ready, Timothy?”

“Just about ready,” he called back as he finished fastening the final strips. He checked if everything was in place before nodding to himself and stepping out of the door.

Sybil scowled as she saw him come out fully armoured. “You don’t need armour,” she pouted.

“You know you’d blame yourself if anything happened to me, so I’m doing it for you as much as I’m doing it for me,” he explained calmly, knowing she couldn’t refute that argument. She never could.

“Oh fine,” she relented and stepped towards him. With common practiced ease, she slid her arms under his armpits and pulled him from his feet, squeezing his head between her breasts.

He grumbled, but knew that she knew as well as him that he enjoyed it when she flaunted her strength in this affectionate manner. He placed one of his hands between her shoulder blades and reached up to her scalp with the other and began softly scratching. He let out a contented sigh as the vibrations of the jinko’s chuffs gently massaged his head leaning into her cleavage. They held this pose for a few minutes, Timothy softly scratching at her scalp and back and Sybil chuffing contentedly. And yet, before long Timothy could feel the jinko become restless, eager to get on with it. He also knew that she would not interrupt this moment of her own volition, so in order to tease her a bit, he kept softly scratching her for a few minutes more before finally relenting.

Sybil’s chuffing relented along with his scratching and she held him out at arm’s length. A look of mild embarrassment flitted across her face as she bit her lip. “Are you ready?” She asked.

“Let me down, and we can get started,” he assured her. With some reluctance, Sybil set him down on his feet and he sat down on the floor, where all the scratch marks scarred the wood of the floor. “Come on,” he beckoned her.

Sybil followed suit, lying on the floor and placing her head in his lap. “Be gentle,” she urged him and he smiled down at her.

He began by once again softly scratching at her scalp and Sybil quickly resumed her chuffing. He let his other hand roam across her upper arm, her shoulder and finally settled on her neck and softly scratched there as well. She bent her neck to get him to scratch the right spot and he complied with a chuckle. As her relaxation deepened, he removed his hand from her scalp and, ignoring her bosom, placed it lightly on her chiselled, exposed tummy. Immediately, Sybil froze, looking at him with wide, expectant eyes. He began moving his fingers across the skin, somewhere between scratching and tickling and she suppressed a whimper.

He held eye contact as she placed one of her paws in her mouth and began to squirm. “You like this?” He asked as one of her legs began twitching. She whimpered once more, but nodded. He intensified his effort and she started mewling and squirming even more.

Suddenly, she lunged forward and bit at his forearm. He laughed as she ineffectually tested her fangs on the leather vambrace. Figuring that she was about ready, he placed his other hand on her tummy and began tickling her in earnest. A mixture of gasping and laughing broke out from where she was still biting at his forearm and her whole body contorted. Her legs jerked around wildly, her claws producing fresh scars in the wood of the flooring.

He freed his other arm from her mouth and was tickling her with both hands now. Sybil had an uncontrolled look of jubilance on her face, even as she struggled to draw enough breath and yet she couldn’t fully stop her body from fighting against his attack. Her legs somehow managed to sneak between his torso and her claws slashed across his heavy leather chestpiece. He grunted as, even though he was safe enough from her claws, there was still a fair bit of force behind those kicks.

Finally Sybil had had enough. Quicker than he could react, she had reversed their position and he was pinned underneath her. She had that slightly crazed look in her eyes that he adored. “You think you have bested the mighty jinko?” She demanded. “And yet here you lie beneath me, husband. Now show me your deference.”

She had her paws on his forearms to keep holding him down as she stretched forward until his head was level with her navel. Dutifully he kissed his wife’s stomach in a gesture of supplication, which elicited a satisfied hum from her.

A creaking sound indicated an opening door and he bent his head to see who had entered.

“Are you wrestling again?” Balava asked.

He chuckled as he heard Sybil sigh. “Yes little cub, mommy and daddy were wrestling again,” he explained.

“But you always lose, daddy,” his daughter complained.

“Daddy always does well in the beginning, but somehow mommy always manages to turn it around,” Timothy explained.

“Mommy and daddy need to finish wrestling. Would you mind waiting with your aunt a bit longer, dear?” Sybil tried to salvage their interrupted playtime, but Timothy knew it was no use.

“I also want to wrestle with you,” Balava exclaimed excitedly and lunged towards them. Timothy placed a placating kiss on his wife’s stomach as she sighed in defeat.
mugen91Jun 10, 2023 12:46 PM
Dec 17, 2022 9:00 AM

May 2013
[adds Balava to the roster of cute mamono kids]
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 17, 2022 12:40 PM
Apr 2018
You know I really like this vignette. It has a good premise and explores a fairly realistic take on what a relationship with a girl like Sybil might look like. If we're going with the official MGE Jinko artwork, then yeah, of course some precautions should be taken, just look at those claws!

I kind of like to think the reason why some of these Mamono are so raunchy and so eager to get themselves a human is that they can't... 'relieve' themselves.

Take the Jinko, Dragon, Wurm, ryu, Lizardwomen, and Salamaders, all either have pretty gnarly claws in place of hands, or have equally nasty looking nails that are attached to pretty coarse, scaly looking fingers.

Can't imagine having either would be ideal for flicking the bean for any of those poor girls, I mean it'd probably be like trying to rub one out while wearing Freddy's razor-claw glove, and going the rest of your life never being able to take them off.

So no wonder they all practically pounce on a man when they find one.
Dec 17, 2022 1:27 PM

May 2013
Maku_The_Blue said:
I kind of like to think the reason why some of these Mamono are so raunchy and so eager to get themselves a human is that they can't... 'relieve' themselves.

Indeed. I imagine that artisans who make dildos usable by such species (whose manual dexterity is likely less than that of the average human) make good coin. Especially if said artisans have figured out (or been told about) planned obsolescence.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 17, 2022 2:07 PM

Jan 2013
Maku_The_Blue said:
You know I really like this vignette. It has a good premise and explores a fairly realistic take on what a relationship with a girl like Sybil might look like. If we're going with the official MGE Jinko artwork, then yeah, of course some precautions should be taken, just look at those claws!

I kind of like to think the reason why some of these Mamono are so raunchy and so eager to get themselves a human is that they can't... 'relieve' themselves.

Take the Jinko, Dragon, Wurm, ryu, Lizardwomen, and Salamaders, all either have pretty gnarly claws in place of hands, or have equally nasty looking nails that are attached to pretty coarse, scaly looking fingers.

Can't imagine having either would be ideal for flicking the bean for any of those poor girls, I mean it'd probably be like trying to rub one out while wearing Freddy's razor-claw glove, and going the rest of your life never being able to take them off.

So no wonder they all practically pounce on a man when they find one.

My headcanon is that many mamano with these monstrous extremeties would be able to learn how to transform their claws / paws and such into more dextrous appendages. (Similar to how many aquatic mamano can transform their bodies to be able to traverse dry ground)

This vignette mostly shows a jinko who gets all hot and bothered from being tickled, but can't control herself in the process, inspired by this picture :)

tygertyger said:
Maku_The_Blue said:
I kind of like to think the reason why some of these Mamono are so raunchy and so eager to get themselves a human is that they can't... 'relieve' themselves.

Indeed. I imagine that artisans who make dildos usable by such species (whose manual dexterity is likely less than that of the average human) make good coin. Especially if said artisans have figured out (or been told about) planned obsolescence.

I imagine, regardless of whether my headcannon applies or not, these artisans are probably making bank, considering the popularity of such toys IRL, even without the massive gender imbalance.
Apr 10, 2023 1:26 PM

Jan 2013
Hanging around

“Thank you so much,” the woman repeated for probably the tenth time, but Kaila did not mind. In fact, she was quite fond of gratitude.

“Don’t mention it. Try to make sure to pay better attention in the future,” she said, feigning modesty. She patted the head of the small arachne she’d just pulled from the water. Though in all honesty, she wasn’t exactly that much shorter than Kaila herself.  “The stream is too wide to swing across.”

The child pouted at that, but her mother indulgently nodded. “Again, I’m sorry. I’ll be sure to pay better attention in the future.”

Kaila held up her hand. “I’m just glad I was there to help.”

She waved and said her goodbyes to the pair and dove down the cliffs and back into the water. Her heart still beat fast and her cheeks were flush with exhilaration as the chill water of the Coldstream enveloped her. The pair of Arachne quickly disappeared in the distance as she started once more carefully watching for signs that anyone else was in need of support. 

Of course the stream was not all that wide this close to its source, but trying to swing across seemed like a foolhardy endeavour for a young girl who did not know how to swim. Could arachne even learn to swim? Kaila could not honestly say that she knew. The rocky escarpments made getting out even more difficult. Still, nothing bad happened in the end and perhaps the child would learn to be more careful around water in the future. 

Floating downriver, Kaila enjoyed the feeling of the chill water flowing over her tail, her webbed hands and feet. She reminisced about her latest trip. With the little arachne, the count was up to five now. Even if the other four hadn’t been in immediate danger of drowning, knowing that they’d remember her and how she helped them made Kaila feel good. 

She contemplated finishing her trip and visiting back home. Perhaps it was the arachne’s exuberance at being safely reunited with her daughter, but Kaila felt a strong need to see her family. They may not be adept at big emotional displays, or adept at displaying emotions at all, but they were her family still. How long had it been since her last visit? One month? Perhaps two? She closed her eyes and imagined the murky waters of Loch Tana. Seeing some of her friends again would be nice as well. 

“Hello? Anyone?”

Kaila opened her eyes and listened carefully. Was that…?

”Really need some help here.”

She righted herself and quickly swam towards the river bank. Two in just one day. Her heartbeat quickened once more. And what’s more, that voice had sounded deep.

She scanned the rocky river’s edge and quickly found a place where she could climb out of the gorge. Once she reached the top, she pulled her spear out the loop that fastened it to her back as her wet feet slapped the rocky ground. Just as a precaution of course. Why’d she have to feel so much more cumbersome on land? With that thought, she moved quickly in the rough direction the voice had come from. She stopped occasionally to listen, but didn’t catch any further calls as she moved in between the trees.

“Say something if you can hear me,” Kaila called eventually and listened.

“Here,” the voice answered from somewhere closer by.

Kaila picked her way through bushes and trees and finally found the source of the voice. And what a source it was. Her ears had not betrayed her. Hanging upside down and in all his naked glory was an actual man. Kaila took a moment to stare at his naked butt before clearing her throat. “How’d you end up there?”

The man jerked and tried to turn himself around. He hung about 1.5 meters off the ground with one leg caught in a snare. “I… Well…. I mean… I’ll be honest. I’m a bit stumped how I ended up here,” he explained. “I promise I don’t usually run around the forest naked. I’d really appreciate…” he abruptly cut off as he had finally managed to swing around enough to take a look at Kaila. On his face Kaila could see his brain furiously trying and failing to put the pieces into place.

“Let’s get you down there for now,” Kaila suggested and the man nodded. 

She moved to where the rope was tied around the tree and warned the man to brace as she brought her spear’s blade to bear. In spite of her warning, the man let out a high-pitched yip as he fell to the ground. He quickly rose to his feet and by the lords. He was tall. Kaila knew that she was diminutive at best, but this man towering above her awoke some interesting feelings inside her that she was more than eager to explore. He looked at her and seemed like he did not quite know what to say. Meanwhile, she couldn’t decide where to look between his handsome face and his free hanging cock. A decision that became much easier when he noticed her staring and gingerly covered up with his hands. 

“I ehmm… Well, I was wondering where I was, but I seem to have lost my way a bit more than I thought.” 

“Indeed,” Kaila agreed and returned to silently stare at the man.

What are you doing? There’s a man right here. This is not the time to start emulating your mother!

“I’m Kaila,” she introduced herself. “I heard you from the river and came to rescue you.”

“Rescue?” The man asked. “Well I suppose… . You can call me Jackson. Please don’t take this the wrong way but, where the hell am I and… well, what exactly are you?”

“You’re just a bit off from the Coldstream in Elizabeth, about 10 km upriver from Aberfeldy and the River Tee.” Kaila explained. When there was no recognition in his face she shrugged. “But I suppose that wouldn’t help you much. I’m a sahuagin, by the way.”

“Sahuagin?” he asked. “Aren’t those supposed to be like… fish people?”

“Let me have a look at you, and then I’ll answer all your questions,” Kaila suggested, shooting a critical look at his scraped up knees and a trickle of dried blood on his thigh.

To her delight, he allowed her to come closer without further questioning and allowed her to first examine him and then apply a light bandage to his thigh. Regrettably, he was quite vigilant in covering himself up so she could not so much as sneak another peak. While she worked, she explained in some more detail who she was and where they were. It quickly became clear to the both of them though that all of this only served to deepen his confusion. To Kaila, it was readily apparent that Jackson was one of those otherworlders that people often spoke of and you could occasionally meet, especially in larger towns. 

While she did her work and talked to him she thought furiously on how best to make her move on the man. Mamono or not, she didn’t want to just rape him, but she also did not know how courtship worked where he was from. She didn’t know where he was from either, but before she could steer the conversation in that direction, her sensitive ears picked up the sounds of hoofs. 

She clicked her tongue and chided herself for not moving the two of them away from the snare. “Get behind me,” she instructed the man and was once more gladdened when he followed her words and got behind her, though they must surely have looked comical with how much he towered above her. She gripped her spear tightly as she anxiously awaited whoever it was and hoped that they would be reasonable. She was much more adept and comfortable at using it to skewer fish, but with a prize like that on the line, she could not exactly afford to be meek.

After a tense minute, a tall and muscular centaur rounded a large tree. Her eyes went from Kaila, to the man and to the cut rope of the snare she had no doubt laid. A wave of careful optimism ran through Kaila as she recognized the woman. 

“Fancy seeing you here Alicia.”

“Kaila,” the centaur nodded. “That’s quite a thing you pulled out of my snare there.”

“Quite,” Kaila agreed. 

“You know how the law goes with game and snares, yes?” Alicia asked. 

“Surely, you wouldn’t refer to a man as game?” Kaila suggested.

Alicia’s jaw worked intensely as her gaze shifted between Kaila and Jackson. 

“Excuse my choice of words here, but what the fuck is going on?” Jackson interjected. 

“Hush,” both women said in reply. 

“What gives Alicia?” Kaila demanded. “You got a husband already, don’t you?” 

The centaur shifted her calculating gaze from the man back to Kaila. “Sure do. But I got daughters as you know.” 

“You mean like Maddie? Who’s flank I pulled an arrow out of?” Kaila was not fond of emotional blackmail, but if not now, when was the time to put her foot down? Knowing Alicia’s penchant for fair play, surely she could not resist such a potent argument?

Alicia’s mouth twisted into an unhappy visage and her tail swished back and forth in obvious agitation, but she finally gave a reserved nod. “It’s fair enough. You got to him first. The other girls in Aberfeldy would stone me if I tried to screw you over I reckon.” Kaila breathed a sigh of relief at hearing those words. Rarely had she been so glad of all the goodwill she’d accrued over the years. “Why don’t you stay as my guests while you get him settled in?” Alicia finally suggested. She seemed to have determined his status much quicker than Kaila had.

Kaila considered the offer. Perhaps she was hoping her daughters would work their charms on Jackson and seduce him after all. Or perhaps the offer was genuine. “What do you think?” she asked the man, hoping that he would appreciate being asked for input. 

“Honestly? I would really like to get somewhere warm and cover up,” he said with a nervous laugh. “Think there’s a chance of finding me a pair of pants?”

The centaur gave a wry smile and answered. “I suppose a pair of pants would be the least I could offer as a wedding gift.”

“Wedding?” Jackson asked as Kaila felt her cheeks redden.

Apr 10, 2023 4:15 PM

May 2013
Heh.  Jackson has a lot to learn.  Good thing Kaila's eager to teach.

Got to say, it's nice to see the sahuagin get some love; they are one of the more neglected mamono species around these parts.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Apr 11, 2023 6:43 AM
Apr 2018
I love little moments like the simultaneous "hush" from the two women, not being rude or dismissive per say, but just can't take the time to answer.

Big agree with tyger, not going to lie, I had to look up what a sahuagin was, they're that neglected. So it's nice to see some content with them.
Apr 12, 2023 6:21 AM

Jan 2013
Indeed, sahuagin are quite rarely mentioned. Though there are certainly many others for whom the same might be said :)

Apr 16, 2023 7:42 PM

May 2013
mugen91 said:
Indeed, sahuagin are quite rarely mentioned. Though there are certainly many others for whom the same might be said :)

And with any luck we'll see vignettes for some of those. [looks pointedly at those who haven't contributed to the slot machine challenge yet]
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Apr 17, 2023 3:44 PM

Jan 2015
I love how all these short stories have all kinds of different angles and personalities.

As for the latest protagonist, Kaila sure is talkative for a sahuagin. Hopefully she can use that to her advantage to woo the man.

Also it is good to see you moved from Johnson to Jackson. That is some serious progress right there. :-P
Apr 17, 2023 11:25 PM

Jan 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
I love how all these short stories have all kinds of different angles and personalities.

As for the latest protagonist, Kaila sure is talkative for a sahuagin. Hopefully she can use that to her advantage to woo the man.

Also it is good to see you moved from Johnson to Jackson. That is some serious progress right there. :-P

Now to think of the next name starting with "J" :D
Apr 22, 2023 12:31 PM

May 2013
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 19, 2023 4:33 AM

Jan 2013
Diving into the Deep End - part 1

He took a deep breath in and let his surroundings fall into the background of his perception for a moment. His eyes fell closed and he breathed out in a calm, controlled way. He was ready. He was prepared. He had trained for this.

He opened his eyes and waited for the signal, eyes focused forward. In spite of the humid warmth all around him, a slight shiver ran down his spine. He ignored it. He was ready, he was prepared. Nervousness could not undo his preparation. Not now.

Finally the signal came and he stepped forward. His feet found good purchase on the rough ground of the diving board. He stepped right up to the edge and turned his back to the drop.

Inward three and a half somersaults, he told himself. Not so difficult. Just visualize and execute.

He raised his arms straight into the air and held them there for a moment. One final breath. He hopped slightly into the air and pushed off the board as his feet came down once more. Immediately, he tucked his body in and his angular momentum spun him into a rapid inward somersault. His knees tucked close to his chin, he rotated once, twice and three times. On the third rotation, he unfurled his body into a perfectly straight dive.

Yes! he cheered inwardly as he smoothly went beneath the surface of the water. Visualization and execution. Worked like a charm.

Then he realized something was wrong. The water was much cooler than he expected. His eyes stung. Where’d his goggles go? Did he lose them when he went into the water? He looked around through his stinging eyes. Why was the water so dark? And why was it salty?

Calm, calm, calm, he told himself. Orient yourself, move to the surface.

In spite of his inward urging, panic began to well in his heart as he struggled to parse where was up and where was down. There was still air in his lungs, but already he was fighting the overwhelming urge to take a deep breath. An urge he could ill afford to give in to.

No time! He thought and began swimming in the direction he hoped was up. The direction he hoped to breach the surface from. Come on! He urged himself on. Come on, you can hold your breath for longer than that. Swim Jimmy, swim!

As he moved through the water with tight, practiced moves he thought he sensed something in the water with him and forced his eyes open, straining to see in the dark water even as his eyes pained him. “You’re going the wrong way.”

Now he was beginning to hear voices! Was he turning delirious? “Gahh,” he let out a gasp as he finally couldn’t keep his mouth shut anymore. Bubbles of air descended past his body. No, he realized, he was going the wrong way! A mouthful of salty water entered his mouth, flowed down his windpipe and into his lungs. His body seized up, then he began to thrash wildly. He knew he shouldn’t, but his animal brain was fully subsuming his reason.

Then suddenly, there was something beside him, someone was holding him. He latched on tightly. The rational part of his brain told him no. But the rational part of his brain was beaten down by the primitive urge to survive. Not deterred, whoever had come to his aid grasped the back of his head and he felt lips press against his own. He thrashed harder, but whomever it was, they were strong. Stronger than Jimmy, certainly. Much stronger than him. His body continued to seize up as the water in his lungs was forced out and somehow pressed out of his nose. Then a breath of not quite fresh, but pleasant tasting air entered his mouth. He greedily sucked it down as much as his rescuer forced it down into his lungs. But where was his rescuer getting their air from. And who were they? And where was he?

He stared ahead with eyes wide, but the water was so dark that he could make out nothing concrete beyond the vague shape of a face. “Calm,” a voice urged calmly when the lips separated from his own.

Holding his breath once more, his heart hammered in his chest but his panic was under a thin veneer of control now. He realized he was moving. Or rather, he was being pulled along by the dark shape that held him. Then the lips came back and graced him with more life-giving air. Things continued like that for an indeterminate amount of time until, gradually, the dark water slowly grew lighter.

He stared wide eyed at the face just in front of him. Or rather, he stared into a pair of dark eyes, surrounded by skin that looked green in the gloom of the dark water. Then the lips retreated from his own once more, too soon. He desperately drove his face forward, back to the source of life-giving air.

“Calm,” the woman said once more. It was a woman, he now realized. Long hair surrounded her head like a ghostly halo. He ignored her words and pressed forward. Already he felt the air in his lungs grow sparse. But she held his head securely. “Calm,” she repeated. “Take a deep breath!” Her voice was sensuous and calm at once. Authoritative and gentle. It was, possibly, the most beautiful voice Jimmy had ever heard. But how was she speaking to him from underwater? And how did he understand her as clearly as he did?

‘I can’t breathe underwater!’ He wanted to shout at her and tried to connect his lips to hers once more. But she held him steady. His body spasmed as he tried to prevent himself from letting death enter his lungs once more. She held him steady, but made no move to help him again. Had she saved him only to prolong his suffering? He looked at her pleadingly until finally, he could not take it anymore. His mouth opened and he sucked in a deep breath of killing, salty water.

He blinked. It didn’t hurt like before and he didn’t feel like he was dying either. No coughing fit as his lungs tried to expel the water. He blinked again and saw the face in front of him smile kindly. “Have you calmed down?” She inquired.

He nodded, warily. He was breathing water, wasn’t he? It was either that or this was some manner of hallucination, just before his death. But who cared what it was. “Who are you?” He asked. And somehow he could speak, even though they were still underwater.

“You may call me Ingrid,” the woman said.

“Ingrid,” he repeated. He regarded her more closely. The water was even lighter now and he realized they were slowly moving towards the surface of the water. The mop of dark green hair flowing around her head straightened as they began to move again. And her skin still had a light green tint to it. She still held him, one hand on each of his shoulders, keeping him at arm’s length. His eyes moved down to see fairly broad shoulders and multiple sea-shell necklaces hung around her neck. His gaze fell further down and he gulped as he saw rather large, naked breasts. His eyes snapped back to look into her eyes and he saw her smiling as she seemed to look him up herself.

“What do they call you?” Ingrid asked.

“Uhh,” he stumbled on his words. He was still having a hard time sussing out whether this was all really happening. “I guess they call me Jimmy,” he finally said weakly.

“You guess?” Ingrid asked.

“No, I mean. That is, eh… My name is Jimmy,” he said, then couldn’t help himself from adding another. “I guess.”

A beatific smile and a light chuckle exited her lips. “Then I shall call you Jimmy. I guess.”

He felt warmth coming to his cheeks and looked away, feeling slightly embarrassed. “How am I alive?” He wondered. “Why am I speaking, though we are underwater? How am I breathing water? Where am I? What happened?” A barrage of questions left his mouth and with each one he finished, two more formed in his mind.

Another light chuckle emanated from the wonderful figure in front of him, interrupting his stream of thought. “You have many questions Jimmy I guess. To answer the first two among your questions - I have imbued you with a spell meant to allow land dwellers like you to survive and live beneath the waves.”

“Wait. Spell? Land dwellers?” He questioned as his mind began racing again.

Instead of answering him, Ingrid released his shoulders and rapidly shot upward and away from him. Then she turned and presented herself for him to regard her fully. The first thing he realized was that she was huge. Twice as tall as he was? But was tall even the right measure? After all, there was a massive fishtail where her legs ought to be.

“I take your wide-eyed amazement to mean you are somewhat surprised to see me for what I am?” Ingrid asked.

“You’re a mermaid? What are you doing in the poo… I guess I’m not at the pool anymore.”

“Technically, I am an ägir. But the common mermaids are our cousins, so you are not entirely wrong,” she explained. “Now, as to where you are? You are in the sea, about thirty kilometers from the kaorian coast. What happened? That I cannot tell you. All I know is that I was minding my business, when I sensed your distress and came to your aid.”

“Kaorian coast?” He questioned.

“Wait just a moment,” she said, directing his gaze upwards. She closed the distance and clutched him close to her chest as they began to rapidly move through the water. Jimmy tried to keep his mind out of the gutter, but that was easier said than done when a giant, mostly naked mermaid hugged him close to her without a warning. A few moments later they broke through the water’s surface. Then he broke into the coughing fit he’d expected earlier. Water still filled his lungs and try as he might, he could neither draw in air, nor could he readily expel the mass of water from his lungs. “There, there,” Ingrid said soothingly as she gently clapped his back. “I know from others that it takes some time to grow accustomed to changing between water and air.”

With her help, he managed to expel the water before drowning. Then it took him a while to finally calm himself enough to have the wherewithal to cast his gaze around. There wasn’t much to see. Not if you disregarded Ingrid at least. All he saw, aside from the woman, was the ocean all around them. It was night and a near full moon cast its light down onto them. “So, kaorian coast?” He repeated his earlier question. His voice sounded coarse to his ears. All of this seemed more and more like some great delusion. Had he somehow hit his head during his dive? Hadn’t it been perfect after all? Had they maybe just pulled him out of the water, passed out. Dying? In a coma?

Ingrid’s arm rose from the waves and she pointed off into the distance. “About forty kilometers from here lies Magna Ubera. I have been advised by a sister from the hall of Hrönn that a spectacle worth seeing will be happening soon enough. I was on my way to a small mermaid settlement when I came upon you.”

Hrönn? Magna Ubera? “None of that rings a bell,” he admitted. He debated with himself for a moment, then decided to come clean about his fear. “Is this all some dream or delusion? Or am I dead?”

“Oh no. I assure you, my handsome Jimmy, I guess. You simply find yourself in a different place than you were before.”

“But wouldn’t a delusion say just that?” He wondered.

“Would a delusion do this?” She asked. Her hands clutched his head and pulled him towards her. Her lips touched his own just like before and yet not at all like before. She kissed him softly at first, then became more insistent. Her large tongue darted forward and teased his own. Jimmy didn’t see how all these things happening could not also be a delusion. But that was no reason to reject the beautiful mermaid… ägir.

Jimmy let his own tongue dart forward and tangle with Ingrid’s. Her beautiful, dark eyes smiled as he pushed past her lips and entangled his tongue with hers there. Her sweet and slightly salty breath entered his mouth and he greedily breathed it into his lungs. It wasn’t quite the same as that life giving breath he’d received just a short while ago, but it still felt oh so right. His arms, already wrapped around her back and caressed her, then wandered lower. Lower to explore where her strangely colored skin turned into soft, smooth scales.

Ingrid let out a soft moan as he squeezed her hips and where usually an ass would be. She broke the kiss and pushed him downwards, until her large breasts were right in front of him. They were underwater, but somehow he switched seamlessly to breathing seawater once more. He latched onto one of her breasts with his mouth and squeezed the other with one of his hands.

“Yes!” Ingrid cooed encouragingly.

Not one to disappoint in such matters, Jimmy switched his mouth to the other breast and teased the nipple of the other between his thumb and index finger. Her hands meanwhile roamed across his body. He yelped as she strongly squeezed his backside and lifted him upwards. Or rather, she was pushing herself downwards? This was a little confusing to him. One way or the other, her eyes stared up at him from between his thighs. His erection was straining against the speedos he was somehow still wearing.

“Are you ready, husband?” Ingrid asked.

“Wait what?” Jimmy asked. “No, no, no, no, no. What is going on here? What do you mean?”

Ingrid raised an eyebrow. “Your mouth says no, no, no, no. Your penis says yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.”

“I don’t even know what’s going on,” Jimmy complained. “And we’ve only met just now. Husband and wife… That’s… I don’t even know anything beyond your first name!”

Things seemed more and more like the delusions of a drowning and brain damaged man. Her lips turned down into a frown. “What more do you need to know? I am Ingrid of the hall of Hevring. Honorable protector of Lord Michiko’s grand realm. Currently trying to consummate with Jimmy I guess.”

“Hall of Hevring? Michiko? Last I checked there weren’t any mermaids, ehh… ägir where I come from! And my last name is not I guess!”

“Hmmm,” Ingrid mused unhappily. “I suppose I see what you mean.” She thought it over for a moment and rested her head in his lap in the process. The sight she presented did not make insisting on answers any easier. “Okay. Hear my proposal. I shall answer your questions for half an hour and you shall answer mine. After that, we will consummate.”

He blinked a few times down at her. Her dark eyes were sincere, yet also clouded with lust and desire. It was difficult not to skip to consummating right away after all. What with his bulge pressed right against her cheek. “Deal!” He said.

mugen91Nov 19, 2023 4:58 AM
Nov 19, 2023 4:57 AM

Jan 2013
Diving into the Deep End - part 2

“And you simply controlled yourself?” The mermaid with the light blue hair asked. “I could never! I would never!”

“Now, now,” Ingrid said. It was important to appear proper and dignified before her smaller cousins. “He was so confused. And so precious. If I had taken him then and there, he would have been too preoccupied with the situation to appreciate his good fortune. Besides, we should not take men by force” she extolled sagely. The school of mermaids that surrounded her were probably all older than she was, judging by the fact that no man lived in their small community. Still, it was important to impart some common wisdom. And people expected her kind to be learned and wise and always ready to provide good counsel. If she was honest, she could see some appeal in being forceful with a man and she had been sorely tempted. But she also wanted him to give himself to her willingly. Men could be resentful if a mamono ignored their wishes, even if a mamono typically had his best interest at heart. And judging by his reactions, her attractiveness had not been the reason for his reluctance.

“And so you brought him to us?” Another one of the mermaids asked. The undertone was difficult to miss, but Ingrid did not take it personally. Not so long as these women all knew to keep their hands away from her Jimmy.

“We talked all through the night,” Ingrid explained and smiled fondly as she thought back to it. Half an hour had certainly stretched on for a long while. She had been ready, of course, to thoroughly teach him who his new wife was in all the pleasurable ways she had heard of and that her instincts had demanded. But just talking with him had been pleasant as well. After all, a husband is more than his penis and keeping him happy beyond physical pleasures was one of a mamono’s most important tasks. “But in the end, he was so tuckered out that I decided to wait. After all, half asleep is not how a man should be when first making love with his wife!”

“Indeed.” “Agreed.” Murmurs of agreement came in reply from the mermaids.

“You wouldn’t be interested in letting us have a go?”

A stern frown threatened to come over Ingrid’s face, but before she could reprimand the greedy speaker, another one of her cousins spoke up. “Anaís! You speak out of turn!”

Anaís, the speaker, broke into a frown herself. “But he appeared so close to our village. He should’ve been ours!”

Ingrid threw the mermaid a stern glare. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t understand the sentiment. Really, she did. Beneath the waves, men were even more rare than they were reported to be on the surface. Who knew this better than her people, who spent their lives guarding Michiko’s grand realm. But that was no valid argument. “Had I not been there, Jimmy would have drowned. All you would have found is a corpse, if that,” she said sternly and the thought of a man drowning so close to their settlement put a hurt expression on a few of the onlookers.

Anaís continued to look on with her lips drawn into a thin frown. Then she nodded. “I apologize, Miss Ingrid. I let my desire get the better of me.”

“It is alright, child,” Ingrid said kindly. “I am sure you too will come across your fated partner one day.”

Fated partner, Ingrid mused dreamily. Could it be anything but fate? Anything but fate that had made her decide to swim the rest of the way, even though night had already fallen? Anything but fate that had made him appear in the water, just close enough for her to reach him? And he was an athlete that performed his sports in the water! Ingrid didn’t quite get the point of jumping into a pool from a platform, but that was a secondary concern. Jimmy had a strong affinity for the water. Surely, him arriving so close to her could be naught but fate. Her tail softly wagged beneath her as she imagined their life together.

“Will you be staying with us long, Miss Ingrid?” Anaís asked.

Ingrid was torn from her day dreaming and took a moment to sort her thoughts. Finally, she said. “I made my way here to observe the festival. It will be taking place soon, if I am not mistaken?”

“The one at Magna Ubera?” One of the mermaids asked, a mischievous smile on her lips. “It will take place on the day and night of the full moon. Two days from today.”

“Then, with your permission, I would petition you for your hospitality.”

The mermaids seemed only too happy to grant her the requested hospitality. Even though she was not of the hall of Hrönn, who acted as guardians for this part of Lord Michiko’s domain, most of them saw it as an honor to have her dwelling among them. Still, Ingrid could not discount the possibility that one or two of them might try to take a chance at enchanting her Jimmy while he lingered among them. That she would not tolerate. Though she had apologized for speaking out of turn, it would be best to keep an eye on Anaís.

She sighed dreamily. It was hard to remain stern or wary when every time her thoughts turned to him, her heart grew heavy and light all at once and a strange feeling went through her stomach. Strange, but oh so very pleasant. Even when she’d received the personal commendation by Lord Michiko herself, she had not felt quite so excited as she was now just thinking of the man sleeping a mere ten meters from her.

What would he do after he woke? Would he continue to bombard her with questions? Would his curiosity dry up and perhaps he would instead focus his attention on her full breasts? Her magnificent tail? He wasn’t bothered by her size, was he? Perhaps it had been a mistake to bring him to her smaller cousins. They were close in size to a regular human, while she was almost twice his length.

He hadn’t said anything about her size. And he had seemed to enjoy burying his face in her bosom. She looked at the other mermaids. Some of them used large sea-shells to cover their breasts, others wore more conventional cloth spun to resist the salty water of Michiko’s domain. Then she considered her own, naked breasts. She had seen little point in covering them until now. But maybe he preferred some modesty from her? Perhaps she should swim over and look after him? See how he reacted after a good rest?

“Miss Ingrid…?”

“My apologies. Could you repeat that?” Ingrid said. She had spaced out and not paid attention to her hosts at all.

“We were just wondering if perhaps you too would like to rest. After all, you swam all through the previous day and part of the night, only to regale the man you found with your knowledge. Surely, even a stout protector of the hall of Hevring would tire eventually,” Helena said. The mermaid with the light blue hair. She gave Ingrid a knowing smile.

Ingrid wasn’t all that tired. Sometimes, when she was on duty, she would stay awake on her patrols for three days and more. But perhaps Helena only wanted to give her a good reason to retreat to the small alcove her cousins had offered her and Jimmy. She gave the blue-haired mermaid a nod and an appreciative smile.

“You are right. Perhaps it would be prudent for me to retreat and take my rest.”

“Will you tell us about your exploits later on?” One of the other mermaids asked.

“Exploits?” Ingrid, who had half turned from the group already, asked.

“The commendation you received from Lord Michiko,” one said.

“How you captured that pirate captain!” Said another.

“No, no. How you raided the pirate stronghold to rescue the children!” Said yet another.

Ingrid felt her cheeks grow warm. Receiving that commendation had been the proudest moment of her life, but she had only done her duty. It was strange that people even so far south had heard of that. And why were new details added to the story wherever she went? She had never raided any pirate strongholds. She did not remember any children either, except for the two young girls that lived in the settlement she’d defended.

“I will be happy to answer your questions later,” Ingrid said and finally turned to swim into the small alcove in the rocky ground. Polished and unpolished stone were placed smartly to let the light shimmering from the surface above in.

And there he was. Still wearing that strange elastic garment that left most of his body uncovered. He floated gently in the water, caught in the net that stopped him from drifting away. He looked so very peaceful. Perfectly delicious.

Calm she told herself as the urge to ravish him asserted itself. There will be plenty of time. Instead she focused on the feeling of intense fondness that asserted itself when she beheld him. They’d met a mere few hours ago and yet she felt close to him as though she had known him for years. She had been told that many women felt like that when they beheld the man who was to be their husband. But experiencing it was another thing entirely.

With her size, it was a difficult fit, but she squeezed herself into the nook that served as their resting place. She gathered the slumbering human into a gentle embrace and let his head rest in her bountiful bosom. Let him enjoy that sight and sensation when he awoke. And if that should stir his passions, Ingrid would surely not complain.


The first thing Jimmy felt when he awoke, even before his mind returned to true wakefulness, was the soft skin pressed against his own. A hand gently cradled his head against two exceedingly large and pleasant orbs that rose and fell with the gentle rhythm of their owner’s breath.

He felt so relaxed that he didn’t even feel alarmed when, at first, he couldn’t quite recall where he was or whose breasts he was pressed against. But then it all came back. The jump, his near drowning and subsequent rescue. Ingrid’s insistence that they were now husband and wife and his confusion and insistence for answers. They had talked for hours. Talked about where he came from and speculated on how he had ended up in this place. Spoke about this place. Spoke about Ingrid. Spoke about him. Spoke about all manner of things. Mostly he had bombarded her with questions. And though he felt that she was nearly as curious as he was, she had graciously allowed him the lion’s share of the questions, while she had done the lion’s share of the answering.

He still wasn’t really sure where he was. A different world certainly, according to Ingrid. But what did that mean? A different planet? But how would he have been transported to a different planet? No less one with livable conditions. A different dimension? Reality? Ingrid hadn’t had an answer to that. Only that he was not the only one. It was a difficult pill to swallow, though the company she offered made it a lot easier. Things had gone on for long enough that it was improbable that this was some kind of dream brought on by hitting his head.

He wrestled with himself for a moment, until his curiosity won out over his desire to keep resting his head in Ingrid’s bosom. Well, technically he wasn’t resting his head. He was floating freely in the water, but it still felt nice to press his head against her breasts. The weightlessness that he experienced under water applied to Ingrid as well and so her soft breasts softly swayed in the water. Truly a miraculous sight to the weary mind.

He took a look around and found that they were in a small nook in a rocky underwater alcove. Polished stones and mirror-like shards reflected light inside and unveiled smooth rock, seashell decorations and soft fabrics gently swaying in the water. Ingrid and he were tangled in some kind of netting. Was it meant to stop them drifting away? If so, it seemed to be doing a good job.

Speaking of Ingrid. She really was a big girl. And not in the horizontal sense. Just her upper body was the size of an average human woman. Her light-green skin glistened in the light reflected into the alcove by mirrors and bright stones. He couldn’t help but smile. What good fortune it had been that she was so close by while he thrashed beneath the dark waves. He gently ran the palm of his hand along the soft skin of her hips, all the way until they reached the smooth scales that covered her fish tail.

Who’d have thought he would meet an honest to god mermaid in his life? Or rather, an ägir? Seeing her smaller cousins had been illuminating as far as the distinction was concerned. Those had ranged in size from slightly shorter than him to a little bigger. They had also had more familiar skin tones. Though their hair had ranged through many unusual colors.

He continued caressing her fish-half. From her hips, where it began, over the dorsal fin and all the way to her caudal fin, which had so quickly propelled them through the water when she carried them to this mermaid settlement. He recalled being held closely against her. It had been exceedingly pleasant and he couldn’t recall such a feeling of comfort and security. Not in many years, at least.

He was so lost in thought, it took him a while to register Ingrid looking at him through her dark eyes. When he finally did notice her looking, he retreated his hands, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.

Ingrid seemed unbothered. No, she seemed almost a little disappointed that he had stopped. “Did you sleep well, Jimmy?” She asked in her pleasant, dignified voice.

“I guess,” he said with a soft smile, prompting her to raise an eyebrow.

“Am I to understand that that is your last name after all?” She wondered playfully. One of her large hands moved towards him to softly caress his side.

“I don’t suppose so,” he said, equally playfully. “But to answer the question. I’ve rarely slept better.”

It wasn’t entirely true. In spite of how he’d nearly fallen asleep while they were still talking. Once he had been left alone in the alcove, his thoughts had started to drift in circles and he had had a hard time falling asleep. But the sleep he did get was certainly restful. Sleeping submerged under water was another of these things he’d never anticipated he’d be doing.

Ingrid beamed. “I too feel well rested,” she let him know. “As should be expected of a mamono sleeping next to her beloved.”

He returned the smile, but could not help but wonder inwardly. They’d spoken at length the night before, but he still struggled to comprehend why a beautiful woman like Ingrid declared to him her love so briefly after meeting him. She’d let him know just how scarce men were and how most mamono had something akin to a sixth sense that told them whether or not a man was worthy of their affection. Still it was strange.

But Jimmy wasn’t exactly used to beautiful women proposing to him out of the blue. He was in good shape and had enjoyed the attention of women before. But not like this. Not without having to work for it. And certainly never by a drop dead gorgeous, giant mermaid.

“What are you thinking about?” Ingrid wondered.

“Ehhh…,” he floundered. “I guess I’m wondering what’s coming next?”

“Are you asking me or are you telling me?”

“A little bit of both?” He returned with a smile.

One hand grasped at the back of his head and the other pulled him upward by his shoulder. Anticipating her desire, Jimmy placed his lips upon her own, wonderfully full lips. It was a pleasure to kiss Ingrid. By rights, or everything he thought he knew anyway, he shouldn’t be able to smell and taste her. Not underwater. Certainly not under saltwater! And yet he could. Granted, it was not quite the same sensation as above the water, but if someone asked him to describe the difference, he would surely lack the vocabulary to express himself properly. It remained a mystery. Just like how he could mysteriously breathe ocean water.

Ingrid for her part seemed to enjoy his lips as much as he did hers. Perhaps even more. She softly cooed into his mouth and moaned softly as their tongues entwined.

She ran a gentle hand through his hair weaving in the water as she broke the kiss. “To answer your question. We have a day here in the village and will depart the day after to see the festival.”
Nov 19, 2023 5:24 AM

Jan 2013
Diving into the Deep End - Part 3

Jimmy yawned deeply and shook his sore limbs as they said their goodbyes to the inhabitants of the small mermaid settlement. Even if this strange magic allowed him to breathe and speak underwater, he’d never spent such a long time moving about in the water. What would this feel like for someone who spent less time in the pool than he did?

“Some of us will be watching as well,” Helena was explaining to them both as he was wondering how exactly yawning even worked underwater. “But in case we do not see each other again, we wish you all the best.”

“We thank you for your kind words and hospitality,” Ingrid said serenely. “And I will endeavor to return your gifts to my hall.”

Their gifts were a handful of artfully crafted seashell necklaces. Not the crude stuff a kid might make after a visit to the beach, but not quite the stuff of artisans either. The necklaces had already joined the ones already hung around Ingrid’s neck. Even the ones she’d worn before had been gifts made to her by others she had met on her travels. Apparently it was a tradition among the dwellers of this oceanic realm to gift these necklaces to Ingrid’s kind. The why of that was yet another thing to add to Jimmy’s ever expanding catalog of questions.

As he waved them goodbye, Jimmy noted a series of wistful gazes thrown his way. Ingrid had explained the scarcity of men in this world in general and in the sea in particular more than once, but it was still hard to wrap his head around. The last day had seen a fair number of ‘accidental’ wardrobe malfunctions, but things hadn’t really gone beyond that. But he had a sinking suspicion that it was less due to him. In fact, he had a definite sense that the mermaids were worried about offending Ingrid. Was that because of fear or did they just hold her in high esteem? In any case, any man who dropped into this place as he had would surely count himself lucky. That was, if he didn’t drown before they got to him.

Jimmy himself might have been tempted to take the mermaids up on their unspoken invitation to stay, but he felt he owed a debt of gratitude to Ingrid. That and the giant mermaid had an attraction to her that was hard to deny. Even more so than her smaller cousins. She’d been ready to have sex with him a mere few minutes after their first meeting. And yet she had not attempted to initiate anything since. They had had plenty of skin contact. He had touched her breasts and her hips and her own hands had roamed his body, but it had been overtly less sexual than shortly after they first met. Now she seemed content to wait. But was she waiting for him to make a move?

As they began to move away from the small underwater settlement, he reflected upon how the water breathing spell, as Ingrid had called it, did so much more than just let him breathe sea water. In spite of him wearing nothing but his speedos and spending so long in the water, he was not cold. In fact, he felt quite comfortably warm. Ingrid had said that they were in the south of the continent, but he had no idea where the continent was located on this planet. Or if south would be correlated with warmer temperatures at all. His skin suffered no adverse effects either. There wasn’t even any osmosis. He could see quite well, even if his range of sight was still a lot shorter than in clean air.

He directed his gaze upward. High above them the water shone and refracted off the water’s moving surface. Schools of fish in all colors of the rainbow swam around them, seemingly unbothered by their presence. That was, of course, only until one of them got too close to them. Then a whole swarm of them would disperse instantly to keep their distance, only to come together once more when they had passed.

“Oh,” he started when he saw a larger shape from his peripheral vision. He turned and saw a shark of some kind diving into a school of fish.

“No need for alarm,” Ingrid assured him. “They won’t be bothering us. Even if they try, I will protect you.”

“Ohh, alright,” he said, still uncertain. That was a damn big fish. But Ingrid was a damn big mermaid… Ägir. He stole another look back at the shark, but it seemed content to keep diving into the schools of fish.

“Wow, look at that!” He exclaimed a while later.

“Indeed,” Ingrid agreed. A little further ahead, the ocean floor was covered in colorful structures and teeming with life. A coral reef of sorts. Jimmy had always wanted to go diving in one of those, but things had never lined up for that. Perhaps recognizing his wistful gaze, Ingrid said. “Why don’t we take some time to have a look around?”

Jimmy nodded enthusiastically and they corrected their course to move straight for the reef. They spent what he assumed to be around an hour or so swimming around the fascinating structures and varied life. He looked with great interest at the intricate, multicolored structures. The place was teeming with life in every nook and cranny. Exotic fish swam around lazily. Crustaceans skittered across the ocean floor and up and down the coral structures, looking for food. He saw one of them becoming food instead, as it was caught in the arms of a quick moving octopus and halted to watch their struggle reach its predictable conclusion. At some point, Ingrid pulled him away from the long tentacles of a jellyfish, explaining that he would suffer a very painful sting if he touched it. He hadn’t really needed that explanation. The two dead fish tangled in those tentacles had been a pretty good indication. That and he had never been a big fan of jellyfish.

By the time they left the reef, he was feeling quite tuckered out. Not just the general soreness of his muscles and a lingering tiredness, but more fatigue. He felt very warm and would no doubt have sweated profusely, were they not under water. Perhaps training to leap into the water was not the greatest preparation to spending hours upon hours within it after all. As he continued to swim with slow regular strokes, Ingrid swam circles around him. No doubt, she was as enduring in the sea as he would have been on land. Probably even more so. But he wasn’t bothered. It was nice to see her gracefully swimming around him. Her strong tail propelled her forward and her scales softly glistened in the sunlight that reached down towards them from the surface. He stifled another yawn as they continued towards the coast. How far had she said they had to go? Twenty kilometers? He’d never swam anything even close to that. How far might they have gone already? And how far would his endurance reach?


Ingrid smiled indulgently at the man who had begun to show his fatigue sometime ago. He was a good swimmer, for a human. She’d heard tales of men who, at first, barely had the strength to swim for a kilometer before growing weary. He had managed five already and would no doubt manage more if he had to. But he didn’t have to. Not with his (soon to be) wife around.

Ingrid stopped swimming circles around him and ogling his pleasant form and instead swooped in to clutch the man close to her chest. “What are you doing?” He asked her and she smiled, even if he could not see it.

“You should not tire yourself completely before we even reach Magna Ubera, my love,” she told him. Inwardly, she blushed at calling him her love and feared he would reject the term of endearment. But he did no such thing and she happily clutched him a little closer to her chest. In fact, his arms reached around her larger torso to hold himself against her more securely.

At her own pace, they crossed the water at much higher speed than before. Human legs were a poor substitute for fins and a strong tail, at least when it came to moving through the great oceans after all. But Ingrid could not deny that there was a certain beauty and grace in the way he moved, especially in that small piece of clothing. What had he called it? A speedo? And that material! How closely it hugged his form and it didn’t even hide his bulge from her view.

Control yourself, she told herself. You’ve got it all worked out. It’s going to happen today. Tonight. She couldn’t wait to show him off to the others in the temple. They would be so jealous and yet they would also be happy for her.

“So, what are they actually celebrating at this festival?” Jimmy asked her.

“Hah,” she chuckled. Indeed, she had spoken of the festival, but not what it was all about. How forgetful of her. “You could call Magna Ubera an exclave of Amarante. It belongs to a rather thin strip of land to the south of Kaori, wedged between Kaori and the sea. Most of that strip of land is shielded from Kaori by a vast mountain range. But the lands all around Magna Ubera are cut off from that remaining strip of land by that same mountain range and are open to the kaorian plains instead.”

“Then how come it’s part of Amarante and not Kaori?” He wondered. “Where I’m from such natural boundaries were often used to mark borders between countries and nations.”

“It is a very important trading hub,” Ingrid explained. “And so it is important to Amarante to maintain it. In the distant past, some of the savage tribes of the kaorian plains would undertake raids to plunder Magna Ubera’s riches. You can imagine that that was very undesirable. While Kaori’s legions themselves did not attack the city in a very, very long time, these raids necessitated a great deal of defensive capacity. I understand that expenses like that would be a burden on a merchant run town. One they are not eager to incur. Not to mention the damages and potential loss of life. Eventually, the merchants running the city began paying off the tribes, rather than engage them in battle.”

“So what do those tribes want? Gold? Food? Something else?” He wondered.

“Indeed, they wanted a great number of different things. Some of them wanted gold and silver, to be sure. Some would be interested in food or livestock. Some would be interested in weapons, articles of daily use. Some would just come to get whatever they could get. For others it was just part of their culture. A chance to let their young warriors taste battle without risking war with another tribe. Of course they would also be interested in men.”

“Alright, I think I understand. I’m not sure what exactly the festival is meant to celebrate though.”

“Oh, that’s simple. Things have become tradition. For many centuries now, every two or three years, during the first full moon after the harvest is brought in, the ‘raiders’ will come to the city. The tribes will be paid off and the whole city is drowned in a deluge of celebration.”

“I get that they are paying them off. But why would they turn it into a festival? I mean, they save their expenditure on defense, but they still have to pay them off.”

“I see you are not a merchant, Jimmy,” Ingrid said. “Though I am not one myself. I asked my friend the very same question. You see, they certainly incur great expenses to pay off these kaorian tribes again and again, but the city is very profitable still. Also, by turning this unfortunate reality into a festival, the city attracts a great number of visitors. Visitors who bring coins.”

As they swiftly closed in on the coastline, they steadily encountered more and more mamono. She smiled as he saw Jimmy stare in wide eyed amazement at the sheer variety of species present. There were cancers, nereids, sahuagins, apsaras, mermaids, merrows, mersharks and sea bishops. They saw an otohime and two unagi joros. A kraken accompanied by a small group of scyllas. They saw melusines and undines and more still. That and of course they saw humans. Not many, but they were still more numerous than a lot of the different species of mamono and more numerous than she had expected. Ingrid thought it was important that he saw that, while humans were certainly rare, they were still present in Michiko’s realm. She did not want him to fear loneliness from his own kind or to think that her words had been anything but truthful.

She too was happy that things were just as her friend had told her. While the festival on the dry grounds was certainly the primary attraction, so many of her aquatic kin coming together here had called on some enterprising individuals to act. Interspersed through the natural wildlife littering the ground, stalls had been set up selling a variety of goods. A wide variety of foods were on display. Even some surface delicacies were on offer, stored in great bubbles of air that were maintained by magic. She swam them to one of the stores and was glad that she chose to carry a small bag of coins for her journeys. Normally, her kind had little use for money, but this was not the temple, nor was she on assignment. It would not do to demand tribute.

She purchased a small fish, which the nereid saleswoman put in a small cage and handed to her.

“What did you buy that for?” He wondered. “You’re not going to eat it alive, are you?” He actually sounded somewhat worried as he considered the fish that would barely qualify as an appetizer for her. But of course she had not bought it for consumption. Not that kind of consumption, anyway.

Ingrid maneuvered her lips into a pout. It was not a gesture she was used to affecting and it was more difficult to maintain than she’d expected. “Of course not,” she said. “Wait just a bit and it will be a surprise, just for the two of us.”

He pursed his lip briefly, then nodded. They continued swimming and she let him move by himself again. “Oh, wow,” he said, sounding embarrassed. Ingrid followed his gaze and swallowed hard. She should really have thought about that. It was a festival after all.

“It’s to be expected, it’s a celebration after all,” she said lightly, repeating her thoughts and tried to ignore the man feverishly pounding a scylla, while another had her tentacled lower body wrapped all around his torso and his head pressed deeply into her lap. With one of them wrapping up his upper-, and the other wrapping up his lower body, there wasn’t actually much to be seen of the man.

“So that’s, uhhh, normal?” He wondered, sounding somewhat nervous. Or was it embarrassment? But why would he be getting embarrassed at something they were doing?

Ingrid grasped his hand in her own and brought him to eye level with herself. “We mamono tend to be much less inhibited where our desires are concerned,” she let him know. It seemed disingenuous, considering how much she’d suppressed her own desire these last two days. But not for much longer.

She saw him lick his lips, then he closed the distance and placed his lips upon hers. After a brief moment of surprise, she cooed with happiness as he pressed his tongue past her lips. Her hands roamed his body just as his did to hers. They both breathed heavily when their lips finally separated.

“Where did that come from?” Ingrid wondered.

“Well…,” he said, looking a bit embarrassed. “I figured… when in rome… and so on…?”

“I’m not sure what you mean,” Ingrid said honestly. “But you have no need for embarrassment.” To emphasize the point, she initiated another long and intimate kiss. The desire was almost impossible to control now. She felt like there was something wriggling in her stomach, desperate to be free of her body as her hands slipped past the strange, elastic fabric of his tiny pants. He moaned into her mouth as her sizable hands squeezed his butt. It was such a nice butt.

His legs wrapped around her body as she squeezed and pulled him, preventing him from floating away from her. Ingrid was dimly aware that they had an audience and, without ceasing her groping of his marvelous body, used her tail to move them along. She looked around for a place shielded from prying eyes, but kept getting distracted by the man’s smaller tongue trying to wrangle hers. It was no use either way. There were too many mamono here and too few nooks and crannies.

She broke the kiss and looked deeply into his eyes. Jimmy swallowed and licked his lips. Then he disengaged his legs and let himself slowly drift downwards. Soon he was eye level with her hips and tried, with some confusion, to find his goal. Ingrid giggled and moved her hands down to move aside the large scale hiding the furnace beneath. He licked his lips with a look of uncertainty, then looked up at her. The question and request was obvious. He wanted to make love, but he didn’t want to go too quickly.

“Do it,” Ingrid said and her calm voice did not betray the tempest of arousal raging in her mind. “I want you to do it.”

She didn’t need to say it twice. He pulled down his tiny pants and let his cock out. Where it had only bulged the elastic fabric before, it now stood proudly, pointing straight at her. Ingrid couldn’t stop herself from biting her lip as her eyes transfixed upon it. If he took note of her ravenous leer, he did not show it. Perhaps he was just too focused on staring at her himself.

Jimmy pulled himself close to her and lined himself up before slowly, agonizingly so, sinking his turgid length into her pussy. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh,” she moaned out unabashedly. This was not how she had always dreamed about it. And yet this was better. This was real.

His arms wrapped around her back and he slowly pulled back his hips only to thrust himself forward again, provoking another moan from her. Ingrid let her hands roam across his head, across his back. Caressing and encouraging him as he grew more confident and bold in his movements. It was a bit of a shame that she couldn’t see much of him. His head reached did not even reach her breasts, but she was in bliss all the same.

“Oh, shit,” she heard him mutter and then he ceased his movements altogether.

Oh no, you don’t, she thought. Her hands grasped his hips, pulling him back and forth just as she met his body. Now it was his turn to join his moans with her own.

“Ingrid, stop, I’m about to…,” he said, but she did not care.

“Go,” she demanded. “Cum for me.”

“Ohhh, fuckkkk,” he groaned and moaned. And then she felt it.

An explosion of warmth and pleasure spread from the furnace in her middle as she felt his seed within her vagina. For a moment, it was as if the entirety of her perception was narrowed to just this small part of her body. She felt every twitch of his cock and every tiny drop of his seed being spilled inside her. One hand still on his butt to press him as deeply into her as he would go, the other began once more roaming his back, caressing and teasing his skin.

Jimmy for his part didn’t say anything beyond his contented moaning. His arms were still wrapped around her back and she felt his grip relax and tighten with every twitch of his cock inside of her.

Then it was over already. Ingrid felt like she was in a daze. She’d never felt like that before. Not in all her thirty-six years. Nothing her mother or any of the other, older ägir had said had managed to prepare her for this sensation. She felt his slowly wilting cock slide from her opening with some lament, but smiled when his face appeared before hers. To her surprise he looked embarrassed, regretful… a bit ashamed?

“What’s wrong?” She asked and a hint of worry managed to creep past the sense of bliss that still filled her mind.

“Sorry,” he said. “Normally I don’t… you know. It’s been a while and eh… with all the touching and teasing of the last two days. It’s… well…”

Ingrid blinked. Was he worried that she was dissatisfied? She stopped his rambling by pulling him up to eye level and sealing his lips with her own. His eyes widened for a moment, then he leaned into the kiss. “You have nothing to worry about, my love,” she assured him after their lips separated. “My mother has taught me that the first time with a mamono tends to be overwhelming for a human.”

“Still,” he said, looking unhappy with himself still. “I should have, well, you know…”

“Nonsense, we shall simply go again.”

“Ehmmm,” he said, looking embarrassed again. “I mean, give me half an hour and I can probably manage it?”

“Not so,” Ingrid said and affected a tutor's tone. She was glad to have fixed the small cage to the tangle of necklaces around her neck. She produced the small cage with the stinger fish inside it. “Stick your finger inside and prick the thorn,” she instructed him, demonstrating with her own hand.

“What, why?” He wondered.

“I know you surface dwellers like to drink all manner of beverages to raise your moods or enhance certain experiences. Beneath the waves, beverages are somewhat impractical,” she explained and let him figure out the rest.

“Oh,” he said and stuck out his finger. “Outch,” he said as he pricked his finger with the fish’s thorn.

“Don’t worry, my love. The discomfort is well worth it and shall soon fade.”

It was true. At least for herself. Already she herself felt the intoxicating effect of the fish’s venom and judging by the hardness pressing into her stomach, so did Jimmy.

“So is this like an aphrodisiac?” He wondered as his breathing grew quicker. “Or more like a drink? I haven’t the experience with… well with fish, I guess.”

“Why does it have to be just one of them?” Ingrid purred.


“This has been one hell of a festival,” Jimmy said lazily. He could not remember the last time he felt this sore. And he’d been mighty sore before they even got started. That and he’d been training a lot prior to his jump straight to Arcadia.

“You’ve barely seen anything,” Ingrid said teasingly.

That was true. But he had just expended what felt like a month’s worth of semen into….

Well, what are we? He wondered. Boyfriend and girlfriend? Husband and wife? He knew which answer Ingrid would give, if he asked her.

The sky above had already turned dark as they slowly rose up to the water’s surface. “I guess I’m about to see what all the fuss has been about,” he said. But he had to admit, even if this festival was a total wash, it had been well worth it already.

They broke the surface and immediately he began sputtering and heaving. Where he breathed the sea water without an issue below, it immediately became an issue when he breached the surface. His lung was full of water which he couldn’t easily get out and no air was able to come in. Ingrid noted his plight and pulled him beneath the surface once more. Her lips touched his and he felt his lungs empty of water, just as they had when she had first rescued him. Their lips still entangled, they rose back across the surface and he was able to breathe. Even if he still had to cough a few times to get the remaining moisture out of his lungs.

“You’ll get used to it, my love,” she told him. “It takes some practice.”

“Right,” he coughed as she gently held him so he wouldn’t slip beneath the waves again. “Got a rough timeline on that though?” He wondered but received no more than an indulgent smile in return.

When his coughing abated, he finally registered the music drifting over to them from the brightly lit town. A cheery tune was playing. Huh, he thought. Figured the place to be bigger.

It really wasn’t a big town. Based on Ingrid’s description, he had expected a major port. But what did he know of this world? Looking at the few vessels docked along the harbor, this world was not industrialized. Not that that was foremost in his mind just then.

He had been amazed by the variety of mamono he had seen that day already, but they were eclipsed by the women on display on the land. So many different people for whom he did not have any words.

And it seemed he really didn’t need to worry about the fact that he and Ingrid had just had a marathon sex session in front of dozens or even hundreds of spectators. The whole town was engaged in an unrestrained orgy.

“Wow,” he muttered as his eyes followed a giant red, horned woman who seemed to be drinking milk straight from another woman’s giant breasts while her fingers furiously went in and out of her pussy and ass. A diminutive woman with goat horns and furry legs was held by her back stretched arms by a man while he was railing her from behind with wild abandon. Those two pairs were out on the pier, close enough to make out clearly. Further into the harbor and city, it was more difficult to see what was happening. But everywhere there were people fucking, drinking, singing, eating. Sometimes they were doing all of those things at once. Like down below, there were so many more women than men.

“So, what do you think?” Ingrid mumbled into his ear. She was holding him up so he wouldn’t have to work his legs to not slip below the water again. “Worth it?”

“Isn’t that my question?” He asked back teasingly. “You’re the one who made the journey all the way here. I just… dove straight into the deep end.”

She turned him around so they were face to face. He saw the light of a myriad of torches and bonfires reflected in her dark eyes. She didn’t need to reply. The look in her eyes was worth more than a thousand words.

Nov 19, 2023 8:34 AM

May 2013
That was an enjoyable read. Now here's hoping that Anais gets some action.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 19, 2023 10:17 AM

Jan 2013
Reply to tygertyger
That was an enjoyable read. Now here's hoping that Anais gets some action.

Anaís certainly concurs that she should get some action :P
Nov 21, 2023 1:29 PM
Apr 2018
That was a nice read Mugen, kudos!

I really liked the world building details of the net to stop Jimmy from floating off while he slept, and aquatic folk using puffer fish poison instead of any kind of elixir to get themselves and their men going again.

Little details like that make the world feel more real.

Though I wonder if nets would have a negative connotation under the waves... I mean if they're used by fishers to catch their hauls then I could see a few sea dwelling Mamono getting caught and dragged up a few times by mistake, or even on purpose if they have malicious intent.

So maybe a rope/cord instead? Just a thought.
Nov 22, 2023 1:11 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to Maku_The_Blue
That was a nice read Mugen, kudos!

I really liked the world building details of the net to stop Jimmy from floating off while he slept, and aquatic folk using puffer fish poison instead of any kind of elixir to get themselves and their men going again.

Little details like that make the world feel more real.

Though I wonder if nets would have a negative connotation under the waves... I mean if they're used by fishers to catch their hauls then I could see a few sea dwelling Mamono getting caught and dragged up a few times by mistake, or even on purpose if they have malicious intent.

So maybe a rope/cord instead? Just a thought.

I feel like a rope/cord might be uncomfortable, but that's only me.

I imagine that nets are probably not the greatest threat to an intelligent person that knows what they are. (Mind, I doubt mamono use the kind of destructive nets that scrape up everything down to the surface).

There might be a negative connotation still, but I still imagine it would be nicer than a rope or cord :D

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it :)
Nov 26, 2023 1:50 AM

Jan 2013
Guardian at the gate

“You insolent cur! How dare you impede me so?”

Anatu stared down at the unusual ogre, and all three of her heads grinned with great amusement. “Dost thou truly think…,” Mu started.

“...’tis so easy to escape the underworld?” Alpha finished the sentence.

“Heh,” Omega chuckled. “Not while the legendary cerberus keeps watch!”

As Anatu acted smugly, the ogre looked like she was about to pop a vein. “I am Ludmilla van Kant!” She shouted angrily and gesticulated wildly. “And I demand you let me pass, you oversized furball!”

“Who?” Mu asked and one of their shared hands moved to scratch at her ear..

“Ludmilla van Kant. THE SECOND!” The ogre shouted. She pointed a finger at the three of them as she shouted.

“The gates of the underworld remain shut!” Omega said ominously. “‘Tis our sacred duty!” It was all great fun.

“This is the Meadow-gate!” The ogre screeched, seeming at her wit’s end at the cerberus’s fierce defense of the “gates of the underworld.” She tried to go past the mighty guardian once more, but was impeded without fault. For though an ogre was surely a powerful creature, she did not measure up to the mighty cerberus. Either that, or this ogre was not quite the punchy kind. Alpha, Mu, and Omega did not quite share the same opinion on that question in particular.

“‘Tis not so!” Alpha insisted.

“Why would the great cerberus Anatu guard a paltry meadow gate?” Mu wondered.

“AAAA….,” A shout could be heard coming from a distance. Bystanders who had been watching the exchange with some amusement began to snicker.

“Oh, oh,” Alpha muttered, and Omega’s ears fell flat against her head. Was their fun to be over so soon?

“NAAAA…,” the shouting continued. Amused onlookers were laughing amongst each other and at unheard jokes. “...TUUUUU!”

Omega cringed and Mu asked, “Are we in trouble?”

“ANATU!” The sergeant finally came into view. The lizardman looked like she herself was about ready to pop a vein as she stalked towards them with an angry, stomping gait. Her hair was slightly disheveled and even her uniform seemed a bit out of order. “What are you doing?” She asked when she finally stood before the mighty guardian. That vein at her temple really stood out impressively.

“Guarding the gate, sergeant!” Alpha called proudly, raising her arm up in salute. Omega nodded dutifully.

“IMPEDING MY PASSAGE!” Ludmilla van Kant (the second), screeched. It was quite the contrast to the dignified manner she had affected when she first encountered Anatu. But it was to be expected that those attempting to flee hell’s domain would put on false faces to trick the mighty guardian. But they would not pass so easily. Not on Anatu’s watch!

“Why, Anatu? Why are you impeding her passage?” The sergeant asked.

All three of her heads tilted to the side, indicating the obvious question. “The gates of the underworld allow none to pass!” Alpha finally called out the obvious.

“She has no reason. And I am now dreadfully late!” The ogre called. “There will be consequences for this!”

“Anatu!” The sergeant called sternly and she had that look on her face that promised grave consequences. “Let the good woman pass. NOW!” The last part she shouted and made Omega flinch slightly.

“Why?” Mu asked, still grinning as if she were ignorant to the sergeant’s volatile mood -- or perhaps in defiance of it. In any case, she had a wide grin on her face. But before the other two could interfere, Omega moved their shared body out of the ogre’s path. Maybe they had taken things a little too far this time, she thought privately.

“Don’t be so timid, Omega!” Alpha, ever the simpleton, scolded.

“Omega is the only one of you with at least half a brain cell, you dimwits!” The sergeant called. “You’re supposed to check those coming into the city for contraband, not stop people from leaving. How difficult is that to understand?” Alpha opened her mouth, but even Mu and Omega weren’t sure if she was going to give a real answer. In any case, before she could answer, the sergeant continued her tirade. “You’ve been in the guard for a week and chief Ruthless has received more complaints about you than all the newcomers of the past 10 years combined! And NO, this is not the fucking underworld!”

“Why are you so angry?” Mu asked.

The vein at the lizardman’s temple twitched impressively, but then a strangely calm expression came over her face. “You’re off gate duty,” she said and her face bespoke great satisfaction.

“What?” Alpha muttered.

“Why?” Mu cried.

“You can’t,” Omega begged.

“Chief Ruthless’ decision is final,” the sergeant said and the edges of her lip seemed to turn up with cruel satisfaction. “Blame your own inability to separate work and fun.”

“But it’s the reason we joined the guard,” Alpha began to bargain. “You couldn’t hope for a better guardian!”

“We need someone who does her job and not prevent the good people of Alnor from leaving the city when they please!”

“So what shall we guard instead?” Omega asked with a pout.

“You’re on patrol duty! Report back to the station to get the details.”
Dec 1, 2023 11:49 AM

Jan 2013

The crackling of fake torches filled an otherwise dark space with a flickering light. Deep in the catacombs, where she kept her vigil, she stood in her mistress' study. Five heavy books floated in the air before her, suspended on her thoughts as she considered the complicated diagram before her. Beneath her golden mask, her face rippled with concentration. There was something she was missing. Something she was missing.

Then her concentration was interrupted by another presence entering the dimly lit space. “You have been staring at this diagram for two months, Gold,” a voice spoke and Gold registered the vibrations in her volatile body.

“Red,” she acknowledged.

“Have you made any progress?” Red asked and Gold affected the facsimile of a sigh. It wasn’t as if she was capable of sighing, yet the social cue stuck with her even after all this time. Sometimes she missed the fact that once there had been a purpose behind these cues. There was no real need for them now. Not between them. Not between herself.

The books before her gently shut closed and piled themselves neatly on the desk. “The solution yet evades me,” Gold admitted. “Is there an issue?”

“I have come to talk about the interloper,” Red stated as she floated forward, towards her sister. Red rarely made an attempt to even pretend to need her legs. Still, the red gold adoring her form shone warmly in the flickering light.

“That is for you and White to consider,” Gold said evenly and returned her attention to the diagram in front of her. “That was Yavina’s decision.”

“White and I are of dissenting mind,” Red said. “A tie breaker is needed.”

“Of dissenting mind? Already?” Gold wondered.

“The interloper has not attempted ingress into our domain,” a third, identical voice made itself heard in Red’s and Gold’s minds only. White strode into the room, sensuously moving her hips, making the white gold decorating her red body clink softly. In her affectations, she was quite different from Red. That too was a strange idiosyncrasy. “She merely guards the gate.”

“And as long as you keep feeding her, she is unlikely to depart,” Red stated resolutely.

“As long as I keep feeding her, she has no reason to progress into the estate,” White argued.

“It is illogical to believe she would assume more food to be available further into the estate. If she hungers, she will leave,” Red argued back.

“She guards the gate, thus serving our purpose,” White returned. “Also, logic is not the primary factor guiding this one’s actions.”

“I see the problem,” Gold said thoughtfully. It was unusual for Red and White to disagree after just two months apart, but to look at things from different angles was the reason to assign this task to the both of them. “She presents no threat?”

“We can say confidently…,” Red started.

“...That she is not here for plunder,” White finished the thought in their minds.

Gold nodded. On that they were in agreement. So the primary argument was the mettle of letting the interloper stay on the grounds of the estate. “Why is she guarding the gate?” Gold asked.

“She believes herself to be the guardian of the underworld,” White said.

The term rang a bell, but before Gold could plumb the depths of her memories for the reference, Red clarified. “An otherworld mythos. She resembles a creature guarding the gates leading out of the human’s imagined afterlife.”

“One of their imagined afterlifes,” White corrected and Red conceded the point.

“So she believes the mistress’ estate to be this mythical underworld?” Gold actually felt somewhat confounded. What strange things young people had in their minds. Had she ever been so bad? Not likely.

“Or she believes the outside world to be the underworld and the mistress’ estate the escape. I believe the mythos described them as a creature that prevents egress from said underworld.”

Gold nodded. It didn’t make much sense to her, but people often did and believed irrational things. “The only escape here is one from ignorance. And we do not share this escape openly.” Gold replayed everything White and Red had communicated in her mind. “If she is harmless as you say and does not plan to rob our mistress, I see no reason to dislodge her by force. That is, for as long as she does not attempt to go deeper. If she turns away unwelcome visitors, all the better. Have you engaged with her?”

“I have observed,” Red said.

“I have engaged,” White thought to them.

“Then White will be responsible for turning her away if she attempts to enter,” Gold decided.

“Shall I keep feeding her?” White inquired.

“If it pleases you,” Gold and Red replied.

“What will you do?” Gold asked of Red as White departed the chamber, once more clinking her white gold accessories as she swung her hips. A medium sized tome floated into the air to hover before Red. Gold knew which one it was. They hadn’t gotten to that one yet. Even after all this time. “The third principle of obfuscation?”

Red nodded and floated out of the room. Gold lifted the five heavy tomes on the desk before her once more. Letting Red and White stay separated for a while longer yet would do no harm and give her the chance to study this diagram in peace. Eventually, she would unravel whatever thread it was she was missing. After all, she had all the time in the world.
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