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May 7, 2018 9:40 AM
Apr 2018
Hello all! I'm rather new, both to the club and to writing stories, but I'm not that new to the monster girl encyclopaedia. My personal favourite was always the cursed sword but I haven't seen as many stories about them when compared to other monster girls... So I'm here to try to change that! Like I said I'm new to writing stories so any feedback is welcome! So without further ado here's my first chapter! I hope you like it!

Chapter 1: Mixed signals.

It all started when I arrived back home from a night of sparring at my HEMA club. I was in exceptional form that night, I could definitely say I walked away from every match on top. My foot work was exact, my hand work was fluid, my strikes were sharp, my parries were deftly executed, and my reflexes were almost always on point. Needless to say I was feeling good about myself. As soon as I got through the door I gleefully took out my sparring longsword that I had used that night. Wanting to give it a good file and clean before I went to bed in triumph.

I gathered everything I would need and sat down in a relaxing position in front of the T.V. A rough file for smoothing out the nicks and chips along the blade and cross guard, a sanding foam block for grinding off the dirt and rust that had gathered since I last cleaned it, and finally, a cloth rag with oil to wipe it all down with. I had done this so many times I could probably do it all blindfolded if I really wanted to...

I always had an interest in swordplay and medieval combat from a very young age. I adored watching melee fight scenes in movies and T.V. shows. I loved playing medieval fantasy games where I could be a noble knight or a wondering swordsman. And I also secretly spent perhaps a bit too much time imagining epic battles between two fierce warriors from the stories I read.

So it was no surprise that as soon as I found out about HEMA, I couldn't be happier. Well... Scratch that, I actually could be happier. More specifically when I was in a sparring match. Every time I was in a one on one duel with someone I always found myself wearing this uncontrollable smile on my face, I just couldn't help myself. The sheer amount of excitement and fun I had while in a sparring match demanded that a have a wide grin on my face to show it. Even if I was sometimes told by my sparring partners that my smile was somewhat unnerving to look at...

As I finished polishing my most prized possession, I sat back to marvel at my work. All along the blade it shined almost as if it was brand new. In fact... It looked like it was shiner now than even when it WAS band new. I knew I was thorough, but not that thorough. It never looked this shiny after I cleaned it... That's when I took a closer look at it, soon after I realised that the light it was reflecting wasn't the light from the T.V. Nor was it reflecting the light from the bulb on the ceiling. No... This was something different all together. As the light shone more brightly it became obvious where it was coming from.

I looked up only to see a little ball of clear white light, simply hovering above my head. I stood up to take a closer look, completely bewildered. I went to touch it, but before I could, I saw another ball of light suddenly manifest itself in front of me. Then another at the side of me, then another, this time behind me.

"What the..." I muttered as they continued to grow in number. Soon I was completely surrounded by them, the amount of light they were giving off grew too much for me to bear. I covered my eyes, but I could tell that they were still multiplying as the light grew ever stronger, despite my best efforts to shield it from my sight. "Whaa!" I shouted as I suddenly, for lack of a better expression, fell skywards. As if gravity itself simply switched from keeping me down to sending me up. I lost consciousness almost immediately afterwords.


I awoke to the sound of light rain tapping the leaves of trees I was now surrounded by. With a somewhat sore body I sluggishly got up onto my knees to take a look around. I had no memory of anything that happened after I got sucked into that giant ball of lights. I didn't know what happened, how it happened, or why it happened. In fact, just about the only thing I DID know was I wasn't home anymore. Spending so much time looking at the completely new and unfamiliar forest I was now in made me miss something quite obvious and important. As I steadied one foot to stand and placed one hand on the ground to anchor myself, I felt the all too familiar touch of the most favoured possession of mine. One look to confirm it was all it took.

"Yes!!" I yelled in relief. Jumping up perhaps a tad quicker than I should have all things considered. "At least I still have you!" I exclaimed as I gave my sword a rather embarrassingly affectionate hug, taking a moment to clean it of mud and dirt with my own clothes soon afterwards. I didn't spend half an hour cleaning it to simply let it get all muddy. Besides, I valued my sword WAY more than my already sweaty and slightly dirty work out clothes.

"Right, with you at my side I feel a lot better! Now let's see if I can figure out where the hell I am..." I thought out loud. Holding my sword in my left hand at the base of the blade next to my hip, I walked down the first somewhat clear path I could see. However, after hearing the nearby and rather loud clap of thunder I looked up to see huge and dark storm clouds gathering in the sky... I very quickly realised that wandering aimlessly wasn't the best of ideas right now. I needed to get inside somewhere... Anywhere. More specifically I needed to get out of this impending storm. But I could hardly see anything from the ground, all I could see was more trees that made up the forest. That's when I came up with an idea that was both brilliant and terrible at the same time...

If I climbed a tall enough tree I could get a much better view of the land. Maybe even get a clue to figuring out where the hell I ended up. Yes... I did know the dangers of going to a high place near a lightning cloud, however I figured it might be worth the risk to get my bearings. At the very least it may give me a chance to spot suitable shelter before this storm had the chance to really let loose. It was either that or blindly walk through an unknown and unfamiliar forest while being at the complete and utter mercy of a thunder storm... As I stood there debating myself on my choices, and weighing the pros and cons of both, another lightning strike snapped me out of my mental struggle and essentially made the choice for me.

"Screw it, I'm not walking around in this storm for god knows how long." I announced. I quickly searched for a tall nearby tree I could scale to get a better view. Once I found one I was confident I could climb, I delicately placed my sword against the trunk of the tree and began to ascend. Once I got to the top and after a bit of searching I spied some sort of stone structure in the distance. Almost completely passing it over because it blended in so well with the rest of the forest. Old moss covered stone walls with vines and trees growing up and out of them gave it an almost perfect camouflage.

Good enough. I thought. With a clear destination set, I began my climb back down, careful to remember which way it was. As soon as my feet touched the ground I picked up my sword and ran to reach my salvation sooner rather than later.

It looked like I had arrived right in the nick of time as the storm was really letting loose now. The ground drummed with the sound of rain bombarding its surface. Only being drowned out by the sudden flash of lightning that was followed by a deafening boom of thunder. I had little opportunity to look at the rocky moss covered structure in closer detail as I instead wisely opted to find a way in rather quickly. However even with only a passing glance it was obvious that this place was long since abandoned.

"Where the hell am I?" I wondered aloud.

As I entered the structure through the gaps of a nearly collapsed stone archway, I looked back outside only to witness possibly the biggest lightning bolt I had ever seen. Almost blinding me with the light it gave off and almost immediately accompanied by possibly the loudest clap of deafening thunder I had ever heard.

"Phew, glad I found this place." I muttered quietly. With very little else to do I decided to venture deeper inside. I doubted I would find much of anything in this place, but exploring it sure beat doing nothing while the storm passed.

As I went down the long dark corridor I began to see light coming from around a corner. As I turned it I was met with an absolutely astonishing sight. It was like I found a section of the fabled lost city of Shangri-la, contained in a rather sizeable warn down hall. Healthy green grass covered the floor, long thick vine like branches clung to the walls and from them sprouted big blooming flowers of oranges and yellows, blues and purples. In the middle of the room was a singular tall tree that bore red leaves that, for some reason, reminded me of the petals from a rose. It was a very wondrous and magical sight.

One rather big crack along the ceiling let a steady steam of water into the room. With several smaller splits in the ceiling allowing many other singular droplets in. As I walked around the centre of this garden that was a pleasant respite from the raging storm and dense forest outside, I saw something out of the corner of my eye... It was the rather distinct silhouette of a woman standing in front of the tree at the centre of this room. It seemed that we had noticed each other at the exact same time because as I turned to fully face her, she turned to fully face me.

At first I thought I must have been hallucinating or something, because if I wasn't then... The girl standing in front of me was almost stark naked, I say 'almost' because nearly her entire right side was covered in some sort of pitch black metal. The metal completely covered her right arm and seemed to... Organically extend towards the rest of her body from there, diminishing the further it went. The metal barely covered her chest or womanhood and by the time it reached her left side, there was hardly any there at all. Her skin was a healthy shade of peach and she had an almost criminally perfect voluptuous body, having all the right curves in all the right places. Two round and busty breasts were suspended above her flawlessly toned and slender stomach. Her hips were the perfect width to complement the two strong and shapely legs below, which I had to admit, had an absolutely stunning thigh gap between them. She had long and flowing straight dark hair that ended with tips that were a dark hue of red.

Out of the two of us I would definitely say that she was the more intriguing and fascinating one when it came to appearances. Yet... When I came to look at her face, which had innocently soft and smooth features, she... Apparently seemed to be looking at me with the same shocked and bewildered expression I was giving her. It was only then that we made eye contact and I saw that her right eye was a glowing scarlet red, while her left eye was a deep abyssal black. It was a striking and intimidating contrast to say the very least.

We were locked in a stare for a few moments until her eyes broke away to wonder around my body. I followed her gaze as best as I could until her searching promptly stopped. finally settling on my left hand.

Why is she staring at my... I thought to myself, a thought that I myself interrupted as I recalled what I was holding. A quick glance was all I needed to confirm that my sword must have been what she stared so intently at. I looked back at her only for our eyes to meet once more, the faint hint of a smile crept across her face as they did.

She looked away from me and down to her own right hand as she raised it into the air. The dark metal covering her body now began to pulsate with eerie red veins, the longer she seemed to concentrate the wider and more pronounced the crimson patterns became. All the while her right eye seemed to glow steadily brighter. Until finally she threw down her right hand, and from it sprouted a terrifying black blade. The length and width of which almost dwarfed that of a greatsword.

"What the..." was all I was able to say as I watched the scene before me unfold. The eerie red veins then seeped their way along the flat of the blade, as they did they grew in size and density. Slowly covering almost the entire sword. It was only then that I noticed that the crimson patterns had some... Moisture to them. In fact, they were some kind of fluid. A liquid that moved and looked a lot like...

Blood. I thought.

Which was a terrifying realisation. With her weapon now ready, she slowly raised and pointed it directly at me. Accompanied by an unnervingly happy grin of excitement.

Then, slowly and rather seductively, she began to walk towards me.

"Wow, now wait a minute." I said, holding my hands up in front of me in the best non threatening manner I could. She wasn't deterred and continued to take slow, steady steps towards me, her hips swaying left and right as she did. All with a damn near terrifying expression of anticipation on her face. "I wasn't looking for a fight, we can talk through this can't we?" I asked, still hoping she would listen. However, it seemed my pleas for amity only got her even more excited, if the ever growing smile was anything to go off of... Clearly she wasn't going to accept any kind of peaceful resolution. "Damn it." I grunted under my breath as I resorted to at least wield my own weapon and ready myself.

I was caught in a very bad position. All I had was this blade, which by the way, was completely blunt. It was a sparring sword after all, for obvious safety reasons it was so dull it could barely go through butter. However, it was leagues better than being completely unarmed as I could at the very least still use it to defend myself. That is if I even 'COULD' defend myself from... Whatever the hell was still walking towards me as I had my mental breakdown! Taking a deep calming breath, I reasoned that if it looked like a human, walked like a human, and fought like a human. Then MAYBE I could take it down the same way I would any other human. If I could land one decent blow to her temple and got REALLY lucky, my blade was still capable of knocking her out. Hell, if I got one good strike to her skull it may give me the time I needed to land another blow to her temple to put her under. It was the best and only plan I had so I decided to go with it...

That was a decision I would very quickly come to regret.

The very moment I adopted a stance and readied a guard was the very same moment she broke into a full on sprint right for me. Her sudden acceleration and the speed at which she moved was unnatural. She raised her sword above her head and brought it straight back down, as if she was going to cut me in half with one fluid motion. I only barely managed to sidestep out of the blades path in time, raising my own sword above my head with crossed arms as reinsurance. The force of her blow easily displaced my blade, sending it rocketing towards the ground to my side along with her own. However, I had enough experience to know how to use my opponents momentum against them when they carelessly swung their sword too hard. I instinctively used the momentum her blade gave mine to snap it around and back up, uncrossing my arms and bringing the back edge of my longsword rocketing down towards her head.

Her strike was indeed direct and forceful, while her moves were quick and fluid. However, the action of raising her weapon above her head in that manner telegraphed her intent. Allowing me to anticipate her stoke before she could execute it and react accordingly. The fact that my movements weren't being restricted by my protective sparring gear certainly helped with my speed as well. With my blade hurtling towards her exposed head I thought I had the decent blow I was hoping for, and had gained the upper hand. No normal opponent could ever recover from such a swing and react in time to block my counter.

But alas, she was definitely no normal opponent.

Just when I thought my blade was going to connect with her head, out of nowhere, and against all odds... My sword was stunted by her own. My eyes widened in disbelief as I could barely even see how fast she moved.

"Impossible... No one could..." I whispered, still trying to come to terms with how quickly she reacted. My heart sank all the more when I saw her face, more specifically, her grin. Apparently she was seemingly delighted with my response. With the face I wore as I came to realise how utterly, incredibly screwed I was. I swiftly realized that I would be dead meat if I chose to remain within her blade's reach. So I leaped back with all the strength my legs could muster and took a few more leaps backwards for good measure, keeping my eyes practically glued on her as I did.

My adversary however, remained exactly where she was, frozen in the position of her last block. It was only when I stopped frantically trying to gain more distance that she finally acted. Moving painfully slowly as she went to stand up straight again. Almost as if she was trying to make a mockery of the speed she had previously shown herself to be capable of. Turning to face me once again she raised her weapon and pointed its tip directly at me. Pausing for a few moments before she began to take equally agonisingly slow paces towards me once more. Her smile never fading from her lips.

It was at this point that my instinctive fight or flight response kicked into overdrive. Not since my first ever real sparring match all those years ago did I feel this way. So frail and powerless. Reminding me of what it felt like to be the novice, starring down the approaching master. I could hear my heart begin to pound ferociously in my chest and I could sense the adrenaline coursing through my system, giving renewed and heightened strength to my limbs.

I'll admit I was leaning more towards using this serge of energy for flight rather than fight. However, the only entrance and exit was at the left side of the room, while my opponent was slowly advancing from the right. After seeing how quickly she could move, I didn't dare take my eyes off of her for even a moment, let alone be so dumb as to fully turn my back on her to make a break for it. With little other choice I took a deep steadying breath and readied myself for another exchange.

Ecstatic at my preparation for another assault she gleefully took acceptation and charged me at break neck speeds. This time readying for a horizontal slash by placing her sword to her left side. Again she telegraphed her intentions, betraying the use of her inhuman speed. She followed through with her obvious attack which I nonetheless only barely managed to avoid. Ducking under her blade as it went past, with my sword held above my head for reassurance. I instantaneously followed up with a strike of my own, cutting down the same horizontal line of attack she used. Normally such a counter as this would guarantee a hit, and against anyone else, it would have done. However... Exactly like last time she redirected her blade to catch my sword before it could connect at almost blinding speed.

However, unlike last time, I didn't allow myself to be deterred.

I unleashed a mad flurry of strikes from all different directions, desperate to land a single blow. Advancing a step with each stroke, one after another, after another, after another, after another. Trying to use all of the near endless energy the adrenaline in my system gave me. Downwards diagonal right, horizontal left, horizontal right, upwards diagonal left, upwards diagonal right, downwards diagonal left. Again, and again, and again, and again...

When I finally felt my muscles begging for relief from the intense use, and when my lungs burned for air, I delivered one final downwards cut as I withdrew and leaped back. Winded from my efforts, and crestfallen from the results, I stood there as I realised that not ONE of my strikes managed to connect. She had blocked and parried ALL of them. I thought things couldn't get much worse. That was until she uttered two simple words...

"My turn." She chirped with glee.

Ohh... SH! Before I could even finish my own thought I was forced into action. She rushed me again, but this time she didn't telegraph any of her intended stokes. No, this time all of her moves were graceful and her strikes were reserved. She left no openings for retaliation and all I could do was try to block her barrage of attacks. At times it seemed that the moment I blocked one attack, she was already half way to landing the next. I was overwhelmed. Relying more on reaction to save me rather than any level of strategic thought. Block, after block, after block, after block.

I kept this up for as long as I could but eventually, I made a mistake...

Yet another stroke was coming in from my left and I extended my sword to catch it, throwing out all of my energy to meet and stop it. However before our blades met she displaced and redirected her own sword over mine. It was a feint, and I fell for it. All the energy I had produced to stop an on coming strike was now met with empty air, I couldn't fight my own built up momentum as I practically threw myself forward onto her incoming blade. Her swords edge aimed directly for my neck. Time itself seemed to slow as all I could do was watch as her weapon moved ever closer and closer to me.

This is the end of me... I thought to myself.

Then, as her blade grew mere inches away from my throat, out of the corner of my eye I saw her shadowy figure leaping past me to my right. Both of her hands around the handle of her sword, which was odd, considering she'd only used her right hand for her weapon until now. That's when I looked back at the sword and stared in both amazement and bewilderment to see that her blade was now retracting. She was using the leverage gained from her left hand to pivot her sword around me as she went past, the edge of her blade never touching my skin.

Time caught back up with us as she landed behind me some distance away. While I had only now recovered from my own momentum. Planting a foot forward to regain my balance. Still confused and in shock I lifted my shaking left hand to touch my neck. However, no matter how much I felt and searched. Nothing. No pain, no blood, no cut. I didn't understand. If she wanted me dead, I'd be dead. My life was hers for the taking, and yet, she went out of her way and preformed an astonishing feat of skill and control to prevent her finishing blow. I couldn't make any sense of it.

She spared me? Why? If my death was never her goal then, why was she fighting me? What did she want? What was her aim? My head was flooded with questions, desperately trying to make sense of the situation with the information I had. It was only when I turned around to face her that it suddenly came to me.

For once since the first time we laid eyes on each other, she wasn't grinning. Instead she was looking at me with an all together different type of anticipation. A very similar look to what a tutor would have as they waited for their student to figure out the answer to a complicated puzzle. My eyes widened as I came up with a theory.

Wait a minute, if she doesn't want to hurt me... But still wants to fight... Could it really be that simple? I wondered. I decided to test my theory to see if I was right.

This decision was one I would not come to regret.

I raised my sword and pointed it's tip at her the same way she had done to me. This time wearing a smile of my own. A smile that I had worn many, many times before. Her eyes widened in turn and her face was aglow with excitement at my challenge. She accepted by raising her blade to mimic my own, this time wearing a grin that was somewhere between mischievously playful and happily content.

We both suddenly charged at one another, swords raised and ready to clash with the other. When we met we entered what can only be described as a dance. Our blades constantly span and turned in an astonishing display of advancing and retracting. We moved so well with each other it was almost as if we ourselves became the physical manifestations of yin and yang. Strike, block, strike, parry, counter, block, faint, strike, counter, block, strike, counter, faint, strike, parry, counter, strike. On and on we went, I'm not sure for how long. None of our attacks were specifically meant to harm the other, they were simply meant to make the other respond. Almost as if it was a game of sorts... It seemed my theory was right, as she moved at the perfect speed to match and compliment my own, even though she has proven time and again that she could move so much faster than me if she wanted to.

The answer to all of my questions were in her smile the entire time. A smile that when I thought about it, was very similar to my own when I was sparring. She, like me, was having fun, she was happy. All of this was simply about enjoying herself. She was content with only having a fight, not actually trying to kill each other. It explained why I was still alive and why I hadn't even gotten so much as a single scratch yet. I wasn't dumb enough to think it was because of any amount of skill on my part. If she wanted to she could have killed me long before now, but, luckily for me, that wasn't what she wanted. She was like me in that she simply found exhilaration and excitement in the rush of a sword fight, in the clanging of blades.

I kept up this new fight for as long as I could. However my adrenaline was now fading and all of what I had been through began to take its toll. With one final stroke I leaped back and out of the exchange. Hunched over with bent knees I huffed and puffed as I tried to simply relieve my burning lungs. Barely fit to stand and scarcely even holding my own sword anymore, it was clear I couldn't continue. My new sparring partner on the other hand, stood there as if all we had done didn't even serve to be a warm up for her.

Even though I couldn't do much of anything in the state I was in, I still, albeit rather feebly, raised my blade for another stroke. The spirit was willing after all, it was only the flesh that was weak. However, it seemed that my new sparing partner was not planning on humouring me any longer. Although, for the briefest of moments I could have sworn that I saw her smile grow just a little wider. With a flourish of her sword she rent my blade from my hand and sent it flying some distance away. Without skipping a beat she closed the gap and went in for a grapple. Breaking my balance by wrenching her knee behind mine, locking my arm by wrapping it up with her own, and with an all mighty pommel bash to my chest, sent me plummeting to the ground. Landing flat on my back with her following me down. Landing on top of me with her knees at either side of my hips, her left hand resting on my chest and her right hand holding her sword over my throat.

"Alright... You win." I uttered in between heavy gasps. For some reason she was frozen there, staring at me as if she were trying to memorise every detail of my face. "So... What happens now?" I finally asked somewhat nervously as I began to catch my breath.

When I was done having quite possibly the best climax of my entire life, I was almost immediately overcome with fatigue. Closing my eyes and near instantly falling unconscious. However... Just before I did I could have sworn I felt her press her lips against my ear and whisper. "Sleep well... My new master."
Maku_The_BlueOct 2, 2020 6:32 AM
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Pages (2) [1] 2 »
May 7, 2018 11:29 AM
Nov 2013
Welcome to the MSG! Good first chapter. I'm liking the cursed sword; she seems pretty cute so far. Excited to see where you're going with the rest of your story.
May 8, 2018 2:39 AM
Apr 2018
tterreb said:
Welcome to the MSG! Good first chapter. I'm liking the cursed sword; she seems pretty cute so far. Excited to see where you're going with the rest of your story.
Thank you! I've got a fair bit planned. XD
May 9, 2018 10:47 AM

Jan 2013
A well-written first chapter.

I wonder how you come to be the master when she has so clearly bested you?

I suspect it is a ploy to stick around... or something like that :P
May 9, 2018 2:09 PM

Jan 2015
Welcome to the MSG Maku I hope you like your stay here!

Getting laid in the first chapter already. Off to a good start I would say.

Now, one would think that old damp ruins have rather cold floors, and she happens to have have two pillows... Just sayin' ;-)
MetallumOperaturOct 6, 2020 7:11 AM
May 10, 2018 3:00 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
A well-written first chapter.

I wonder how you come to be the master when she has so clearly bested you?

I suspect it is a ploy to stick around... or something like that :P

Yeah she was just having "fun" with my MC before they got to the dirty stuff. XD I was taking inspiration from the encyclopaedia entry where she starts out with a "ferocious" disposition. Attacking and violating the MC but then instantly switches to her "meek" disposition and recognises the MC as her master once she's done the deed. 😂
May 10, 2018 3:05 AM
Apr 2018
MetallumOperatur said:
Welcome to the MSG Maku I hope you like your stay here!

Getting laid in the first chapter already. Off to a good start I would say.

Now, one would think that old damp ruins have rather cold floors, and she happens to have have two pillows... Just sayin' ;-)

Hmm... That's another idea I might use... I kind of feel like Shakespeare stealing words and ideas from the Doctor every time he says something good. 😂
MetallumOperaturOct 6, 2020 7:12 AM
May 10, 2018 5:23 PM

Jan 2018
Damn Maku, you got natural talent for this, I might need some tips.
MetallumOperaturOct 6, 2020 7:12 AM


May 11, 2018 2:07 AM
Apr 2018
YoungboyNFA said:
Damn Maku, you got natural talent for this, I might need some tips.

Thank you!! I did re-write a few parts before it got to here though 😂 I didn't write this in one shot. But if you want any ideas I'd be happy to help. XD
MetallumOperaturOct 6, 2020 7:12 AM
May 13, 2018 11:35 AM
Apr 2018
All righty! Second chapter with the MC waking up the morning after. Hope you like it and please leave some feed back!! XD

Chapter 2: The adventure begins.

I awoke rather slowly and groggily, moving and testing my muscles with my eyes still closed. Nearly my whole body felt sore from the intense use it had seen from the day before, but at least it wasn't the worst my muscles had ever ached. That was a whole other story entirely...

As I gradually began to flutter my eyes open and look up I was met with a startling sight. Two eyes staring back down at me, one pupil was red and the other was black.

"Good morning master!" She chirped happily... Also loudly.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" I screamed with a somewhat embarrassingly cracked voice. The shock of suddenly seeing her so close and her abruptly loud greeting damn near made me leap six foot away from her, from a laying down position. Don't ask me how, I'm not sure how I did it either...

"What the hell!?" I shouted as I scrambled to get on my feet and pulled up my trackies. She didn't move, instead choosing to simply lay there with a heartwarming smile on her face. I was still not fully awake so naturally I was very confused as to why I was here instead of at my house and in my bed. I span around and around looking at my environment, desperately trying to remember what happened for me to end up here. It took me a while, longer than it should have really, to finally realise that last nights events were in fact not a dream. I retraced the steps I took to recollect where I was and who I was with. Although I had to admit I only had a vague idea of where I was and who I was with. Of course I also still had no idea why or how I got here but I knew I could only focus on answering one question at a time, so first things first. I turned back to face her only to see that she was standing right next to me. "Gah!" I yelled as I near instinctively leaped back again and went into a stance. "Stop doing that!" I shouted.

"Doing what?" She asked innocently.

"Damn near scaring me to death!" I replied still rather annoyed.

"I... I will try. I am sorry... Master. Please forgive me." She submissively answered.

Her eyes fell downcast while her posture grew to resemble that of a child being scolded by a parent. It didn't take very long for me to notice the sudden change in her disposition from when we first met.

Wait... What? Why is she acting so timid all of a sudden? I thought. It took me a bit longer to remember and notice a more specific detail. "Hold on a minute... Master?" I whispered to myself. She seemed to have heard me, despite me not necessarily wanting her to.

"Yes. You are my master." She said with a faint hint of a smile returning to her face at the very thought. Making to walk towards me with happy grin.

I took a step back and lowered my stance in a defensive manner, sending a clear message. Keep your distance. A message she understood and obeyed. Freezing the step she was about to take in its tracks and then retracted it. Keeping the space I chose to put between us. Which I found absolutely puzzling, she could close the gap between us in less than a second if she wanted to. She's covered greater distances than this in scarcely any time at all. Yet she choose to respect my wish and stay away from me? Why?

Like before the answer to this mystery was written on her face, all I had to do was read. Her expressions truly did speak volumes on her emotions. She was disheartened, forlorn, crestfallen even, that I wouldn't allow her to come close to me. That I didn't want her to come close to me. It seemed she was placing what I wanted over what she wanted, even if it saddened her to do so. It was a... Strange sight. To see such an intimidating person being made so vulnerable, being so drastically effected by such a simple action.

She looked striking and sinister with the black parasitic metal clinging to her right side. Not to mention the menacingly crimson veins that spread through out said parasitic metal. Or the wickedly evil scarlet glowing right eye. Her demeanour however, was that of a reserved and introverted young girl, desperately hoping to get my affection. It was a weird and oddly cute sight to behold I had to admit.

"I... I would never hurt you master." She meekly said intermittently looking at me and the floor. I did my absolute best to hold back a cackle from escaping at that statement.

"Then why did you attack me when we first met?" I snapped back, not really thinking about my reply all the way through before I spoke it. Again her gaze was directed to the ground while her right hand came to hold her left elbow. Unintentionally perking up her rather substantial breasts.

"I... I was only trying to have fun with you..." She shyly muttered. "You were having fun too... Weren't you master?" She asked in her defence.

"Well..." I began while my hand some how found its way to the back of my head. "I only had 'fun' when I figured out that you weren't trying to actually kill me. If you wanted to spar with me you could have just asked." I finished.

Her eyelids fluttered in confusion. "Spar?" She questioned.

"Yes. Sparring. That's what we did." I answered. After an extended silence and a maintained questioning look from her it finally dawned on me. "You... Don't know what 'sparring' means... Do you?" I asked. Once again she embarrassingly threw her gaze to the floor with a slight redness appearing in her cheeks. "Okay... Maybe you couldn't have simply asked... Alright, 'sparring' is when two people fight without actually trying to seriously hurt or kill one another." I explained.

"Sparring..." She repeated, happily testing how to pronounce the new word she had learned.

Not letting this go I decided to pursue it further. "You must have spared before now right? Practised with someone? Trained with someone?" I questioned, pressing for answers. She simply stared at me as if I were speaking gibberish.

"Practised? Trained? Doing what?" She finally responded.

"Oh god damn it..." I said as I tried to think of a simpler way of phrasing my question. "Have you ever fought with someone without meaning to kill them... Before me?" I half explained and half asked. She visibly attempted to recall a time that she had for quite a long while but ultimately...

"No." She finally answered. My eyelids fluttered uncontrollably as I tried to wrap my head around the simplicity of her response.

"What so... You mean to tell me that you were just ALWAYS that good in a sword fight?" I pressed, not convinced. This time she came to an answer with considerably less thinking involved.

"Yes." She answered still rather adorably not understanding where I was going with this.

My knees grew weak as I came to fully realise what she was saying. "Oh my god..." I uttered in disbelief. A montage of all the accumulated years of my time doing HEMA flashed before my eyes. All the time I spent practising stances and guards, cuts and blocks, faints and counters. All of the time I spent going over the manuals and illustrations for different techniques and styles. All of the time I spent doing drills over and over and over and over again. Fine tuning my footwork, refining my handwork. All of the time, effort and work I put into practising, training and sparring. ALL of it!! Rendered completely null and void in the face of the woman standing before me. If the 'fun' we had the day before was anything to go off of. No matter how long or hard I practised, trained and spared, she would simply be innately better than I could ever be... If what she said was true then swordplay probably came as naturally and effortlessly to her as breathing did to me. That realisation made me slump to the ground on my knees and fall forwards onto my hands. She, however, seemed to pick up on my distress and was more than a little concerned.

"Master! Is something wrong!?" She wailed, wanting to do something to help but still maintaining the distance I had unintentionally set, never taking a step forward.

"Oh... Nothing... Just... Lamenting my wasted time and efforts..." I attempted to nonchalantly say.

"Is there anything I can do to help!?" She desperately pleaded.

"Umm... No... I don't think..." I began. Stopping in my tracks as an epiphany struck me square on the head. "Oh... Ohh... Ohhh... Maybe you can." I said with a glint in my eyes. I got up onto my feet with a start. Reinvigorated by my brilliant idea. But before I got too excited I took a moment to remind myself that there were more pressing matters than my damaged ego to attend to. Like deciding if she was actually a threat anymore and figuring out where the hell I was. I decided to start with the first one. "So... Let me see if I've got this straight. I'm your 'master' right?" I Questioned.

"Yes. You are my master." She proudly answered.

"Does that mean you'll answer whatever question I ask and do whatever I say?" I queried anxiously.

"Of course master." She replied graciously. I relaxed somewhat at that and began to walk up to her now that I was at least somewhat convinced that she, at the very least, was no longer any kind of threat. Honestly wondering how she would have reacted to seeing me if I didn't have my sword on hand.

"Good, in that case I have several questions and one or two things you can do for me. But before any of that, first things first. Introductions. My name is Will. Will Sage. What's yours?" I asked.

"I... Umm... Don't have a name." She admitted.

"Oh... Okay... Hm..." I spoke holding a hand to my chin to help me think. I was always bad with names... I thought to myself. However as I scanned the room searching for ideas I finally came to look at the tall singular tree in the centre of the room. When I remembered what its leaves reminded me of I realised what the perfect name for her was. "How about Rose?" I suggested.

"Rose... I like it master!" She merrily responded.

"Good... Rose it is. Next question." I continued. She gladly expressed how ready and eager to serve she was by propping herself up in anticipation of my next question. "Alright Rose, do you know where we are?" I queried.

"Yes master. We are in the middle of the deep forest." She cheerfully informed me.

"Um... I could figure out that we're in a pretty deep forest on my own... What I meant is where are we? America? Africa? Asia? Any of these sound familiar?" I probed hoping she would say we were in one of them.

"No master... I have never heard of those places before." Rose honestly answered to my dismay.

"Okay... It looks like I'll have to think about how to phrase all of my questions from here on out." I thought to myself. "What is the deep forest a part of?" I asked after putting a little thought into it.

"The deep forest is part of the island we are on. The island is called Arcadia." Rose explained hoping that would satisfy me.

God damn it... So I'm apparently on an island that I've never heard of before... Great. I thought to myself. "Is there anything else you can tell me?" I remorsefully asked. Rose seemed to sense the tone in my voice and didn't want to disappoint me but unfortunately and ultimately...

"No master... That is all I know. I have stayed in this temple for as long as I can remember so I fear I know very little of the world outside of its walls..." Rose sadly admitted. However she was determined to think of something. Anything to be of help to me. "But perhaps I could lead you to one that may know more! I see smoke rising from over the deep forest every night!" She exclaimed desperately trying to be helpful to me. She succeeded.

Smoke rising from over the deep forest every night? Civilisation! Maybe we could find someone who could tell me more! Now this was the type of information I was looking for! I thought. Visibly starting to show my excitement at the idea of finding this place. Which was a great relief to her as well. It seemed if I was happy then she was happy.

"Do you really think you could lead me there?" I questioned anxiously.

"I do master!" She happily answered.

"Then it's settled! We leave immediately!" I declared.

"Yes master!" She happily shouted in agreement as she turned around and started to lead the way. However before I forgot I scanned the surrounding area for one last thing...

Ahh there you are. I thought as I spotted it laying on the floor in the distance. I walked over and picked up my sparring longsword that had been rent from my grip during the 'fun' we had when we first met. Taking a moment to stop and examine it as I noticed something.

"Good god..." I whispered as a ran my fingers along the flat of its blade. All along its edge was covered in deep nicks and chips like it never had been before. Rose had inflicted more damage to it in a single duel than I ever could have done in all my collective years doing HEMA. I was practically in shock. I filled and cleaned it to the point of it looking essentially brand new only yesterday. I always took care of it... Never letting it get too warn down or rusty no matter how long I used it for. It was basically my pride and joy... But now it looked like it had seen years of intense use bordering on outright mistreatment with no maintenance whatsoever. It just broke my heart to see it like this... Apparently it showed because I could now hear the slow cautious footsteps of my newly appointed guide getting closer and closer behind me.

"Master... Is all well?" Rose carefully asked.

"It's nothing... I... Just needed to catch my breath." I attempted to nonchalantly say. Trying and I think failing to play it off like everything was fine. "Go ahead. Lead the way. I'm right behind you." I lightly told her.

"As you command master..." Rose said in a not at all convinced but still obedient tone of voice before once again turning to lead me in the direction we needed to go. I held my sword at the base of the blade and placed it at my side. Taking care not to cut myself on the newly sharpened and snapped edges of the metal. Walking silently behind her as she led the way out of the old stone structure.
Maku_The_BlueDec 4, 2019 10:40 AM
May 15, 2018 12:22 PM

Jan 2013
Second chapter is a good read as well.

I like the level of detail you're using to catch the MC's impression of things.

And now I suppose it's off to the journey, discovering Elizabeth :)

One thing I might change if I were you is with the speech of characters. it was alright in this case, but if you have multiple different characters speaking in the same line or paragraph it can easily get confusing to follow who is actually speaking.
May 16, 2018 3:18 PM

Jan 2015
I can see why Rose is confused with your MC. He banged her and she didn't murder him in his sleep, how was that not enough for him to give her the benefit of the doubt a bit earlier? Then again, Cursed Swords do look kinda creepy on first glance :-P

Agree with Mugen that for readability it is better to separate speech more distinctly when you switch from speaker.

I usually use tygertyger's story as my example when trying to figure out how stuff should be punctuated or what should be separated and what should stay together.
MetallumOperaturMay 16, 2018 3:37 PM
May 17, 2018 2:18 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
Second chapter is a good read as well.

I like the level of detail you're using to catch the MC's impression of things.

And now I suppose it's off to the journey, discovering Elizabeth :)

Thank you! I was trying to capture how confusing a situation like this would be if it happened out of nowhere to someone 😂 And yes, now my story begins! I'm very excited!
May 17, 2018 2:27 AM
Apr 2018
MetallumOperatur said:
I can see why Rose is confused with your MC. He banged her and she didn't murder him in his sleep, how was that not enough for him to give her the benefit of the doubt a bit earlier? Then again, Cursed Swords do look kinda creepy on first glance :-P

Agree with Mugen that for readability it is better to separate speech more distinctly when you switch from speaker.

I usually use tygertyger's story as my example when trying to figure out how stuff should be punctuated or what should be separated and what should stay together.

Yeah my MC was going for the "better safe (absolutely sure) then sorry" (dead later) The startling wake up call is what set the mood really. 😅 Rose will be taught better ways of waking up the MC though. XD

And I'll keep the separation of speech in mind for future chapters, I'll also edit the chapters I've already got written up to follow suit.
May 17, 2018 9:21 AM

Jan 2013
Maku_The_Blue said:

And I'll keep the separation of speech in mind for future chapters, I'll also edit the chapters I've already got written up to follow suit.

As I said, in this case it wasn't too bad, but especially if you have more than two characters interacting at some point, it quickly gets messy :)
MetallumOperaturOct 6, 2020 7:13 AM
May 21, 2018 3:53 AM
Apr 2018
Okay, on to the third chapter! Please read and have fun!

Chapter 3: A feathered foe.

It didn't take very long at all to realise that there was a slight problem with following Rose from behind... Unless I didn't mind walking around with an erection everywhere we went. From behind it looked like she was wearing some kind of one strapped skimpy black metal bikini. Only just barely covering her vaginal and anal entrances, while leaving pretty much everything else on display when she walked. As we made our way out of the structure I did my damnedest to focus on not looking at her exposed assets too much. Which resulted in us making our trip out of this building in complete and rather awkward silence... I walked closely behind her with my eyes practically glued to the ground while she lead the way with neither of us speaking a word.

At the very least when we finally made it outside I was greeted with a pleasant ray of warm sunshine. It appeared to be a very bright and beautiful morning, which lifted my spirits at least a little bit. However I still felt rather conflicted about my sword being so damaged during the 'fun' we had. It was this odd sense of loss that I just couldn't seem to shake no matter how much I tried.

"So... Rose... Where is it that you see the smoke rising every night?" I asked. She raised her hand to point the way over the woods.

"Over there master. Look you can still see it." She answered. True to her word as I looked in the direction she was pointing I saw the light rising of dark fumes over the forest. It didn't look too terribly far either. Easily within a days walk.

"Alright. Lead the way I suppose." I lightly told her.

"As you command master." Rose replied still sensing that I was upset but not knowing how to help.

We made our way from the structure and walked through the woods that surrounded us for quite some time. It was quite the tranquil walk in all honesty. I didn't hear the chirps of any birds or the sounds of any insects or wild animals of the forest. In fact the only sounds I could clearly hear were the sounds of our own footsteps. The leaves of the trees and the other plants of the woods were still lightly wet with water from the storm that broke last night. Although all the moisture from the plants and trees still did nothing to spoil the pleasantly warm sensation of the sun on my skin. On the odd occasion the canopy above allowed it to of course. However even with this practically picturesque scene before me I still couldn't shake the gut feeling of dread I had.

I didn't really know why I was so upset with my blade being nicked and chipped this much. After all a sword is a weapon. A tool. A tool is meant to be used, and with that use, they get nicked, they get chipped, they can even completely break. I knew that, I understood that, I even accepted that to some degree. Yet... I simply couldn't get over how seeing the damage done to the blade of my sword made me feel in the pit of my stomach.

In all honesty I had much bigger problems to worry about. I was stranded in the middle of an unknown and unfamiliar part of the world with no food or water and travelling with... Actually I still wasn't quite sure... Seeing a fallen log that could serve as a seat in a rather pleasant clearing I sighed and decided I should take a short break to ask. Perhaps striking up a conversation was what I needed to help distract me from my woes.

"Rose." I hollered in an attempt to get her attention.

"Yes master?" She replied.

"Let's rest here for a while before we keep going. I have a few more things I'd like to ask you if you don't mind?" I propositioned in an attempt of an up beat tone.

"Of course not master!" She eagerly agreed, practically leaping at the chance to speak with me while I went to sit on the fallen log.

"Alright let's start with this whole 'master' thing... Why do you call me master anyway?" I questioned.

"Because... You're my master...?" Rose responded rather confused.

Okay that one was my fault. I reminded myself that I should phrase my questions more carefully if I planned on getting the answers I wanted. "What I mean is... How did I become your master?" I asked while taking a moment to consider how I would phrase all of my other questions.

"You became my master as I took your essence into my body." She explained. At first I didn't know what Rose meant by my 'essence' but I very quickly figured it out... My face turning red as I did.

"Oh... Ohh... Ohhh... Okay... Not entirely sure how to respond to that one..." I muttered as I processed her blunt answer. Of course that raised so many further questions it became difficult to keep track of them all. However something told me it would be better if I didn't go down that particular rabbit hole right now. "Um... Moving on... What exactly are you?" I dared ask hoping that her next replay wouldn't be as incomprehensible as her last one.

"I am a mamono, master." Rose answered.

"Okay... And what exactly is a 'mamono?' I've never heard that world before." I pressed.

"Mamono is another word for what you might call us 'monster girls' master." She attempted to calcify. Unortunately only succeeding in giving me more questions...

"Monster girls? So... Does that mean that there are others like you?" I queried.

"Yes master, there are many different types of mamono, I am a cursed sword mamono." Rose simply responded.

"Go on..." I said prompting her to continue.

"A sentient material. A living weapon." She added hoping that would be enough of a clarification. I had to admit that did make me feel a little better about being so thoroughly humbled by her in a sword fight.

My next question was going to be how many other... 'mamono' were on this island. But before I could even ask it seemed I was answered by a very sudden flash of lightning, accompanied by a clap of thunder that soon followed with the gathering of dark clouds.

"Oh come on! Does a storm always suddenly come out of no where around here!?" I complained.

"No master. Storms like this only happen when she is hunting." Rose said while looking up into the sky expectingly.

"Wait a minute... She?" I hesitantly wondered aloud. Before Rose could clarify several flashes of different coloured lightning bolts signalled the arrival of who she meant. The sky overhead temporarily darkened in the shadowy silhouette of a rather large bird before the aerial creature made its landing in the middle of the clearing a fair distance away from of us. First landing in a crouched down position but then slowly making to stand up in a graceful motion after fully securing her footing.

"Well, well, well... Now what do we have here... I knew I spied some interesting prey." The stranger spoke in seductive tone of voice. The first thing I noticed were the beautiful colours of her wings. In all honesty they were pretty much impossible to miss. The feathers that covered them were all various bright shades of greens and yellows, purples and blues. When she finally stood up I could see that her wings were almost triple the size of the rest of her petite little body. Also coming to realise that said wings seemed to in fact be where her arms where supposed to be. The only articles of clothing she bore were two cloth wrappings. One that was covering her chest while the other covered her hips down to her upper thighs. As she began to take slow steady steps towards us I noticed that in place of normal feet she in fact had giant claws that were akin to that of a large bird of prey. Each digit ending in long blade like talons that I definitely wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of if at all possible. As she got closer I could faintly see her wings begin to crackle with different coloured streaks of electricity. But she didn't seem to care, or even notice for that matter. She had yellow fairly short upwardly spiked hair and I also came to see the deranged and hungrily longing look in her eyes.

WHERE the HELL am I!!? I screamed internally in panic.

When she reached a certain distance Rose stepped out in front of me to block the path she was taking. "I will not allow any harm to come to my master." Rose said resolutely while throwing a murderous glare directly at her.

"Hahaha. Your master is it? Well after I get you out of the way your 'master' is going to become my new plaything. But don't worry. If it's any consolation my intentions were never to harm your master... Much..." She said in a menacingly sadistic tone of voice. Taking yet another advancing step while the electricity coursing through her body got dramatically more frequent and intense. "PLAYTHING!" The bird woman suddenly shouted referring to me and startling me in the process. "Be a good boy and step aside would you? I wouldn't want to brake you before I got the chance to have fun with you..." She nonchalantly requested. Soon after Rose turned her head to face me. Her previous blood thirsty expression instantly softening into a concerned and caring look.

"Please master... Allow me to fight her. I will not fail you." She solemnly swore. I took a quick glance at the bird woman only to see that she had a very impatient expression on her face and was perhaps getting ready for an attack regardless of whether I was in the way or not. The lighting around herself getting ever stronger and was now seeping out of her body and into the ground below in rather substantial streaks.

"Are you sure you can take her on all alone"? I asked still a bit understandably worried.

"Yes master. I am." Rose confidently and rather reassuringly answered me.

"Alright then." I said a bit more relaxed now. Spontaneously deciding to kiss her on the forehead as one last motivational gesture before retreating to a safe distance behind the tree line.

I arrived and turned in time to see Rose lift up her right hand and throw it back down again. Instantly summoning her great sword sized weapon and was now ready for combat. Just starting to take slow steady steps forward to meet her waiting opponent.

I still felt rather anxious at the outcome of this battle. Still wondering if Rose could truly win. However it was then that I took a quick glance at my heavily nicked and chipped longsword and came to realise something... In the 'fun' we had from the day before Rose had displayed incredible feats of strength, speed, control, precision and stamina. Far beyond anything any normal human could be capable of. I was completely outmatched by her and yet... I came out of that fight with no wounds whatsoever. Which means none of her attacks were meant to connect. Because if they were, I'd be dead. Which also means she was holding back the entire time. Once again surveying the damage done to my blade I wondered... If this was the result of her holding back then... What would be the result of her going all out? I suppose I was about to get my answer...

Rose's feathered foe let out a war cry in anticipation of their fight. Raising her wings into the air as multiple strikes of lightning came down to meet her body from the sky above. Seemingly being charged by the colourful display of electricity she arched her wings back before flapping them both forward. Shooting out a terrifying montage of devastating bolts of lightning. Rose was quick to react. Ducking to the side and completely dodging the largest bodies of electricity. Either also avoiding the smaller branches of lightning or being completely unaffected by them. It was difficult to tell which. Sprinting towards the bird women to close the gap. Rose repeated this cycle again and again. Dodging her electrical attacks every time her feathered foe flapped her wings before rapidly making to close the distance once more. It seemed Rose was indeed telling the truth.

However when it looked like Rose only needed one more cycle to get within striking range the bird women flapped her wings again. Not at Rose but this time at the ground. She was meaning to take to the skies. Rose recognised this and drastically accelerated to catch her before she took off. She swung her weapon diagonally as if she was going to cut off her wing but her feathered foe only barely managed to set off in time. Evading her swing by a couple inches. She then flew into the darkened sky in earnest making it clear that she was frustrated with not taking Rose down with her grounded assault by letting out a scream of anger.

She circled the skies above for some time. Occasionally getting struck by different coloured bolts of lightning. Seemingly getting re-energised by them the more it happened. The speed of her movements getting faster and faster the more it occurred. Once she was fully recharged she took to hovering in place above the clearing. It didn't take long for her to continue her bombardment from the sky. Taking a moment to raise her wings above her head to flap them down towards Rose. Losing a noticeable bit of altitude each time she shot her electrifying attacks. However it seemed to be in vain because Rose avoided each attempt. Dodging every substantial bold of lightning the winged women threw at her. It looked as though Rose couldn't get within striking range of her feathered foe, but the winged women equally couldn't land a successfully noteworthy blow on Rose either. It seemed this fight was going be a war of nutrition.

After several failed attempts to get a direct hit on Rose she let out another rage filled cry before taking off into the skies even higher. Several moments of silence took hold before a loud whistling noise started to fill the air. I looked up in horror to see that her feathered foe was going to dive bomb Rose at break neck speeds. All of her blade like talons extended and pointed directly at her when she got low enough. However Rose didn't seem all that concerned. Instead adopting a stance and placing her sword over her left shoulder with both hands on the grip. Just before the winged women was about to try to take off her head Rose swung her blade across the air and dived to the side. Her feathered foe once again flapped her wings to gain altitude but with all of her left talons being clipped. As well as a substantial gash being cut into her left hip. Screaming out in agony as drops of blood fell to the ground.

She once again took to the highest reaches of the sky. Completely disappearing into the darkened clouds. After more colourful crooked lines temporarily illuminated the air above I could soon hear the same distinct whistling sound getting louder. She then descended out of the clouds with her talons extended like the time before. Rose took the same stance she did the first time she tried this move. This time placing her weapon over her right shoulder.

Is she seriously dumb enough to go for the same attack twice? Knowing how it turned out last time? I thought to myself. Apparently she was telling from her commitment to dive bombing Rose just like last time. I thought this fight would be over in this exchange. However it seemed the winged women was more cunning then she was letting on.

Right before Rose was within striking distance I heard her feathered foe shout. "DODGE THIS!!" Before bringing her wings forward to unleash perhaps her most powerful barrage of electricity at point blank range. The resulting explosion of light was almost blinding, so much so I had to cover my sight with my arms in response. Only being able bring my hands away in time to see Rose hit the trunk of a tree at the other side of the clearing. Her limp body falling forwards onto the ground as crackles of lightning continued to occasionally surge around her.

"ROSE!!" I yelled in disbelief. But there was no response. She simply lay there. Motionless. An unbearable silence took hold for seemingly an eternity but was only a few seconds. Only to be broken by maniacal hearty laugh.

"At least she put up a fight... Unlike my last prey... But now to the victor goes the spoils!" The bird women said in triumph while giving me a hungry look. I couldn't flee. She could fly faster than I could ever possibly run. So that left me with only one choice. I knew I didn't stand a chance against her but there was equally no way I was going to submit and become her plaything without a fight! I wielded my sword and took up stance along with a guard. Ready to at the very least pose a little bit of a threat with my sword held ready for a strike. However my display of defiance only earned a condescending smirk from her. Barely holding back a giggle as she began to walk towards me and I began to walk towards her. I knew I only had a chance to land a blow as long as she was on the ground. So I decided to advance before she decided to ascend. My strides broke into a run as we got closer, raising my blade above my head for a stroke. She in turn raised her wings above her head. Feigning to go for an attack of her own. Instead when I got within her leaping distance she flapped her wings to propel herself forward. Using her right claws to wrap around my sword and yanked it from my grip before flying backwards into the air at a nice and safe altitude.

"Now. Now. Swinging something like this around is dangerous... You could really hurt someone with this... Let me see if I can make it a bit safer..." She said before wrapping her left claws around its handle. I watched in horror as she suddenly bent it drastically. Forcing it to shatter into two separate pieces. "Much better." She chimed before flinging the blade in one direction and throwing the handle in another direction.

"YOU BITCH!" I screamed in frustration at the sight of the destruction of my prized blade. Only getting a playful giggle in response before she suddenly lunged down at me. Tackling and pinning me to the ground with her right claws. She was stronger than she looked, because even though she had a petite little body it felt as if I had a twenty kilogram bar weight pressed against my chest. I could also tell that she was holding back her true strength from the effortless posture she had while standing on top of me. I wrapped both of my hands around her leg and tried my damnedest to simply lift her claw off me but to no avail. It was completely useless.

"I would usually love a little fight in my prey but I'm in no mood to humour you... So stay still. We wouldn't want me to accidentally rip out your lungs when I rip off your clothes." She coldly threatened before I felt her talons lightly dig into me through my top.

However, that warning probably had the opposite effect she most likely wanted it to elicit. Instead of making me want to comply and stay still, it only emboldened my desire to escape from her vile clutches. I moved my hands to wrap around her talons. Desperately trying to lift them off instead, thinking they would be easier to manipulate but still failing to make them budge an inch.

"You don't know when to quit do you? Fine. I was going to save this for later but if I really need to teach you your place right now then so be it. This may be painful before it gets pleasurable..." The bird women spat in irritation before raising her wings into the air. The electricity beginning to crackle around her feathers. A sadistic smile painted across her face. I held up my arms and closed my eyes in preparation of the pain I would feel at the oncoming lightning. I waited there for several seconds hearing the sparks around her getting louder and louder.

But when I was finally hit by something... It wasn't the shock of electricity. No... Instead I was splattered with something wet. Like a sudden splash of rain or a wave of water. I was so in shock that I only faintly even heard the grunt of pain that was made above me. I withdrew my hands and looked up in bewilderment to see a black blade protruding out of her chest. Absolutely covered and dripping with her blood.

"I will not allow any harm to come to my master." Rose repeated in a murderous tone. Lifting her still struggling feathered foe off of me. Holding her in the air with one hand as she still writhed and thrashed around in excruciating agony. Desperately trying to un-impale herself but then quickly moving to kick and hit Rose with her talons and wings, both attempts ending with little success.

It didn't take very long for her to tire from her efforts. The poor girls movements rapidly beginning to slow down. In mere moments her body began to fall limp as she took the last few whizzing gasps of breath she would ever take. Ultimately dying on her sword and left lifelessly swinging from her own previous movements. Rose then plunged both her blade and the winged women into the ground. Her sword going all the way down to the hilt and her body going down with it into a kneeling position.

Rose then closed her eyes and seemed to focus for a second. A few moments later the blood that had poured out of the bird women's gaping wound. The blood that dripped down and around her body slowly began to make its way back up. Going against gravity and gradually converging towards Rose's sword. Going inside and being absorbed by it once the blood reached its blade. When she finished Rose stood and withdrew her blade from the lifeless corpse. Seemingly almost all of the blood that had been spilled was consumed by her. Leaving a completely clean wound that was devoid of any splattered red mess. Rose gave her feathered foe one last distasteful look before raising her arm into that air and pulling it back down again to dismiss her weapon. Then fully turning her attention to me and hastily making her way over.

"Master! Are you okay?" Rose worriedly asked kneeling down to inspect me.

"I... I guess I am. Because of you... Thank you. Rose." I staggered out, still in complete shock. Admittedly a bit frightened of her because of that grizzly display, but still altogether thankful to her for protecting me, giving her the best damn hug I could to show my appreciation. Rose slowly melted into it once she was convinced I was alright. Gently wrapping her hands around me. We stayed like this for a pleasant few minutes, simply being content in each others embrace. Partly trying not to think about what could have happened if things went differently.

However, I ultimately realized that we couldn't stay like that forever, and so finally decided it was time to get back to the matter at hand, and continue making our way. I moved to place my hands on her shoulders and slowly pushed away. Although she was reluctant to break contact, Rose relented all the same.

When I stood up I couldn't help but take a few moments to try to come to terms with seeing a cold blooded murder being committed right in front of my very eyes. Feeling the still warm blood of the girl's motionless body right in front of me. Not being able to tear my gaze away from her lifeless corpse. Practically staring into her still, dead, eyes for quite some time before Rose broke me out of my trance.

"Master?" Is there something wrong?" She innocently asked. Not realizing how emotionally and mentally straining witnessing such an event could be. Acting instead as if it was all nothing out of the ordinary for her.

"No. I... Just needed to catch my breath. Let me get my sword. Then we... Then we can leave." I lightly told her before forcing myself to move on.

"Very well, master." Rose unsurely replied.

As I scanned the area where I saw her discard both halves of my longsword I attempted to reconcile my thoughts on Rose's actions by reasoning that she only killed her to keep me safe.

She had to do it... She was only protecting me... She only acted in my defence... I kept on telling myself in my head as I walked to retrieve one half of my broken sword. While I didn't exactly think highly of her for casually breaking such a sentimental item of mine... And it didn't particularly seem like she was altogether upstairs... I still didn't think she deserved to die like that. Even if she attacked me.

Rose had to do it... Rose was only protecting me... Rose only acted in my defence... I mentally repeated while I rather shakily walked over to silently pick the other half of my broken sword up.

When I did I turned back around only to see that Rose had this worried and concerned look on her face. All the while still being splattered with the fresh blood from that bird girl's body.

I wasn't made uncomfortable at the sight of any blood. Nor was I new to seeing something die. But this was definitely the first time I've seen someone purposefully kill anyone like this... That would certainly take some time to process and handle. So that naturally made looking at Rose a somewhat arduous task for me right now. Let alone making any kind of eye contact.

"Come on. We should keep moving." I lightly told her looking away from her and towards the floor.

"Yes master..." Rose agreed in her now all too familiar obedient, but worried and concerned tone of voice before once again leading the way. Seemingly completely unbothered about the murder and only focused on my emotional and mental well being... I didn't know whether to find that comforting or to find that even more unsettling.
Maku_The_BlueDec 4, 2019 11:09 AM
May 22, 2018 9:14 AM

Jan 2015
Too bad the Thunderbird was a tad crazy, could have been an excellent threesome partner if she had been more reasonable. Also let this be a lesson, never ever turn your back to an opponent unless you're a 100% sure they're dead.
May 22, 2018 12:11 PM

Jan 2013
Maku_The_Blue said:

I didn't know whether to find that comforting or to find that even more unsettling.

That may take some getting used to.

Someone should have told that thunderbird that sharing is indeed caring. I bet that she was actually after a different kind of penetration.
MetallumOperaturOct 6, 2020 7:12 AM
May 24, 2018 2:18 AM
Apr 2018
MetallumOperatur said:
Too bad the Thunderbird was a tad crazy, could have been an excellent threesome partner if she had been more reasonable.

Yeah the Thunderbird was crazy, I'm gunna go into that a bit more. Along with a load of other stuff with my next chapter which I might simply dub "the exposition chapter"
May 24, 2018 2:21 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
I bet that she was actually after a different kind of penetration.

I was kinda hoping someone would make that joke. I was not disappointed. Thank you good sir. XD
May 25, 2018 8:44 AM

Jan 2013
Maku_The_Blue said:
mugen91 said:
I bet that she was actually after a different kind of penetration.

I was kinda hoping someone would make that joke. I was not disappointed. Thank you good sir. XD

It was beautifully prepared :P
MetallumOperaturOct 6, 2020 7:13 AM
Aug 22, 2018 2:26 AM
Apr 2018
Chapter 4: Clarity.

We continued our trip through the deep forest as we slowly made our way closer and closer to the source of the smoke rising in the distance. Even though Rose was walking in front of me with her exposed assets on show as always, sex was the last thing on my mind. Instead my head was spiralling with countless different thoughts and questions. Practically having a silent mental breakdown as I attempted to come to terms with all of the recently past events.

Where the hell am I? Am I even on planet Earth anymore? Could I REALLY be on another planet? No. Surely not... But what if I REALLY am on another planet? Or... Could it go even FURTHER than that? Could I be on a different solar system all together? A parallel dimension maybe? Come to think of it... I don't really recognise some of these plants or trees... Some of them look like regular plants and trees but others... Maybe it was true... But if so... How did I get here? If there's a way HERE then... There has to be a way BACK right? There has to be... But am I even going to survive long enough to find it? Would ALL of this islands inhabitants greet me in the same way the first two I met have? If so... Is it even a good idea to search for more of them? Would this trip end in a blood bath? It kind of already has from the look of the splattered dark red stains on my top... I still don't know what I should think of that... Was what Rose did really the right thing to do? In all honesty she was only defending me... I definitely didn't want to imagine what would've become of me otherwise. Being a plaything to a sadistic... Whatever she was definitely didn't sound very appealing to me... But did that weird bird women really deserve to die? Come to think of it... What exactly was she? She looked vaguely human... Apart from the wings for arms and claws for feet... Rose looks vaguely human... Apart from the black parasitic metal that clings to her right arm that occasionally glows red and summons a sword... Neither of them could be human though of course. THAT I am certain of. But if they weren't human then... WHAT exactly were they? Was their existence simply more proof that I wasn't on planet Earth anymore? What other weird and unique girls would I find on this island? Would they ALL be hostile? I certainly hoped not... But at least I would have Rose if I come across any more. At least I definitely hoped I would... But what if I didn't? What would I do then? How far does her loyalty to me go? Why am I her master? Because we had sex? Because I came inside of her? What sense does that make?

All of these and more were circling around in my head for at least an hour before we reached another clearing. The source of the smoke coming into view. Up a small hill stood a rather large wooden house that had multiple metal reinforced parts added to the walls and roof as well as many metallic pieces that were seemingly meant for decoration. Intricate spirals and patters were carved into the metal work that must have been done by a master smithy. The smoke that we saw was coming from both a metallic chimney and from around the back of the sizeable cabin.

At the very least I knew there had to be more intelligent life on this island. Intelligent enough to build a house at least. However... Just because they were intelligent it didn't necessarily mean that they weren't going to be hostile...

"Rose." I spoke.

"Yes master?" She replied.

"You wouldn't happen to know if those that live here are friendly or not would you?" I asked.

"No master. I don't." Rose answered.

"Then please stay close to me would you?" I requested.

"Of course master." She breathed before moving to practically become my shadow at my right side as I walked up the hill.

Instead of going up and knocking on the door I opted to instead first inspect what the smoke coming from around the building was. As we got closer I could hear the distinct clanging of metal on metal. Similar to what you would imagine a blacksmith would sound like as they hammered a raw piece of material into shape.

Huh... I wonder if they could... I thought to myself as I glanced down at the two halves of my former sword in my hands. "Stay as quiet as possible." I whispered to Rose. She responded by silently giving me a nod of her head as we made sure to take slow cautious steps that would make as little noise as possible as we neared the corner that was the source of the load clanging of metallic materials.

I stopped short of the angles edge and raised my arm over Rose's torso to signal her to hold. I carefully poked my head over the threshold to see if I could spot anyone before carelessly blundering around it. There was a glowing orange circular blacksmiths forge in front of me along with an anvil that had several different sized hammers and tongs, chisels and files littered around it. Towering over a table on the other side of the forge was a large but distinctly female form wearing a long sleeved tunic with a think dark leather apron and gloves.

Hunched over the workplace she used one hand to hold something in place while she raised a hammer into the air with the other before bringing it back down to make the echoing clang we head before.

She hadn't noticed us yet and I could hopefully keep it that way until I wanted to make ourselves known. I slowly made my way around the corner with Rose following close behind. Preferring to at least be in a favourable position and have the element of surprise if things did end up getting hairy. Right as I was about to purposefully make a noise to make her notice us she seemed to have finished whatever she had been doing and turned around. Everything happened quite quickly...

When she turned I saw that she had light blue skin, shoulder length dark purple hair and in fact only had one giant emerald coloured eye, along with one rather large but short upwardly curved horn on her forehead. It was hard to tell for sure but guessing from how wide her eyelid seemed to open and the frantically moving pupil that shifted from me to Rose, it seemed she was quite surprised in deed. If that wasn't a clue then the sudden leap backwards and the deathly afraid blood curdling scream certainly gave it away. Coming to hold a clearly one handed hammer with two hands over her shoulder in defence. It seemed Rose had recognised this as a threat to me because after staggering back myself from the sudden high pitched noise, the next thing I knew I was holding Rose back from stepping forward with her sword already summoned. Nearly immediately afterwards I heard the sound of a low rumbling male voice call out the name "Martha!" Before hearing the rapidly approaching heavy footsteps of its source.

It wasn't long before a tall and muscular man draped in a tunic and trousers with large leather boots appeared from around the corner with an expertly crafted steel reinforced longbow. An equally masterfully made arrow already knocked and drawn with its tip pointed directly at us. Rose was quick to disregard the arm I placed over her torso to hold her back and positioned herself in between myself and the bulky male archer. Holding a murderous glare at him that promised certain death if he let that arrow loose at me.

"WAIT!!" I shouted. "We're not here to kill anyone!" I yelled to the stranger but also to Rose in an attempt to defuse the situation.

"What do you want then!?" The man demanded to know.

"Your help!" I answered. A silence shortly followed as the man considered my response. Taking a moment to actually look at me instead of aim at me it seemed he had taken notice of something that had passed him over before. A light smile appeared on one side of his lips that was accompanied by a slight humerus puff. He slowly let the string of his bow relax and return to its original position. Also coming to a more neutral and peaceful body posture as he did.

"I believe you." The man calmly said. I was glad he did but that didn't stop me from wondering why he came to that conclusion so quickly with so little convincing.

"You do?" I asked rather bewildered.

"Yeah. I do. Track suits aren't too common around here so I'm guessing you're fairly new right?" The man questioned.

"Um... You could say that..." I unsurely answered.

"I guessed as much. Don't even know which way is up do you? We were all like that when we first came here. Get your lady friend there to put away her blade and we can go inside so I can explain everything." He offered.

It appears there is at least one other human male on this island... One that seemed to know my situation and sympathise with it as well... I guess I got lucky. I thought to myself. After a moments consideration I placed a hand on Rose's shoulder and gave her a confirmatory nod. With another few seconds of hesitation she held up her arm and pulled it back down again to retract her sword back into her hand. Even if it was somewhat reluctantly. Still holding a slightly wary expression towards the both of them as they lead the way to the door. Almost as if Rose was waiting for them to make a wrong move and give her an excuse to kill them if I had to guess.

Making a mental note to remind myself to establish a few rules or guidelines on when it's okay be so protective of me. I also silently noticed that the... Cyclopes I guess? Didn't even speak a word at us in that entire exchange. Only wordlessly clinging to the man as soon as he showed up and never let go as he lead the way into the house. Almost like she was trying to hide herself away from us as if she was worried or scared of us. Despite having at least a foot on the man she was trying to use as cover as well as being clearly stronger than him.

Once we stepped through the front door I saw that the house itself was pretty plain but still completely comfortable. An intricately decorated metal fence contained and prevented the burning logs from escaping into the rest of cabin. The stone fireplace also explained the second source of smoke raising every night. There wasn't that many other decorations to speak of really. Mostly differently shaped wooden chairs and tables that littered the room here and there. With the odd exception of a fur rug that lined the floor in different places. As the man and the cyclops entered the room they chose a table with two chairs for both of them to sit on to be their designated place while we talked.

I pulled up a single chair to sit on. However it appeared that Rose chose to instead stand behind me as we started to talk.

"Alright. First allow me the pleasure of introducing ourselves." The man spoke. "My name is Jack and this lovely women here is called Martha." He continued showing off the Cyclops to his left with his hand. "Don't hold it against her if she's a little quiet. She can be a little bit shy at the best of times in the company of strangers, but she has a heart of gold." Jack finished flashing a smile at a somewhat blushing Martha as she looked at the wooden floor below.

"Um... Pleased to meet you. My name is Will and this is Rose." I said with a similar hand gesture. "Oh and sorry about sneaking up on you earlier... We had... A rather unpleasant run in with some sort of bird women earlier that made us weary of potentially other unfriendly encounters like that." I explained. Both of them looked at each other knowingly at my words. Apparently they shared an idea on who I meant based on what I had said.

"Bright differently coloured feathers? Used lightning as a weapon? Had a fiery temperament and a sadistically twisted mindset to boot?" Jack described and questioned.

"That pretty much sums her up yeah..." I answered. It was only then that Jack seemed to notice the distinction of mud from dark red stains on my top. "Why? You knew her?" I asked hoping that she wasn't a friend of theirs...

"Unfortunately. Yeah. That accursed Thunderbird moved around here a little over a week ago and has been causing havoc ever since. Terrorising and attacking anyone who so much as looks at her the wrong way. Or who she simply feels like terrorising and attacking. She made targets of us and even tried to take me for herself once. Not to mention damn near constantly creating a bloody storm every other day. I was considering going into a town to get help dealing with her, but it seems I might not have to now..." Jack paused to intentionally stare at my top to draw my attention to it. "Care to explain?" He wondered.

"Oh... This... Well... She attacked us and Rose here ended up having to defend me from her... She's um... She's... She's dead..." I anxiously admitted. Both of their eyes widened in surprise at my last word. What was a surprise to me though was what came next. A collective sigh of relief.

"I wouldn't exactly say she deserved death..." Jack began.

"I would..." Martha whispered underneath her breath hoping no one would catch it.

"But you've done a favour for a lot of people. Including us. That calls for a favour in return. I've noticed the two halves of a blade you've been carrying around. I'm assuming it's seen better days huh?" Jack said with a smug little grin.

UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE GOD DAMN MILLENNIUM!! I internally screamed at his words.

"Did your Rose do that to it?" Jack honestly questioned throwing a glancing look at her.

"Not exactly... She didn't snap it in half I mean. The Thunderbird as you call her had the pleasure of doing that..." I grumbled still feeling a bit raw about it. "The rest of the nicks and chips though... That's from when me and Rose had 'fun' when we first met." I explained.

"I see... Must have had quite a bit of 'fun' to cause that much damage to it then." Jack said with a chuckle. "Fancy having it reforged and upgraded to boot? Martha here is a wonder at working with metal. She made my longbow and arrows along with practically this entire house in fact. If you give her that sword of yours then she could use the material along with some of the ore we already have to make a blade you could only dream of." Jack offered with an inviting smile.

It took me a fraction of a second to decide. "Done!" I yelled excitingly.

Jack then turned to face the Cyclops women and looked right into her big emerald eye. "Make it one of your best works and I promise I'll make it up to you twice over later." He finished with a wink.

With that Martha stood and walked towards me, almost as eager as I was to have my sword reforged and upgraded. I too stood and walked over to meet her half way, presenting the handle of one half and the base of the blade of the other. She was still wearing her blacksmiths gloves so I wasn't worried about her cutting herself, but I thought it was still the courteous thing to do all the same. She took them and put the pieces together to see how it looked before. She took a few moments to seemingly memories its details before pulling them apart once more and heading towards the cabin door and to her forge.

"Wait a minute dear." Jack spoke. Halting Martha in her tracks before she stepped outside. "Do you want it the same way it was before or would you like to make a few changes to it?" He asked me.

I held my hand to my chin to help me think. In all honesty there were a few changes I'd like to make. Considering I didn't know what I may come across I decided I should go for the most well rounded design I could think of that may still give me an advantage. I walked up to Martha once more.

"If you're offering then yes actually, there are a few things I'd like to change." I spoke as she held the two halves together in front of me once more so I could show her what I meant. "I'd like the blade and the handle to be longer and thinner if you could." I described while also attempting to show her how long and thin I meant with my hands and fingers. "I'd also like the cross guard to be a bit longer..." I spoke while again showing her by how much with my hands. "As well as the endings of cross guards and pommel being spherical or pear shaped if you can." I finally finished.

With general ideas and proportions of the tweaks I wanted she once again turned around and went to her blacksmithing area. The sound of her forge livening up soon followed as she went to work.

"Now then, with Martha busy doing that I suppose it's time I give you some answers. There'll be no easy way to say this so... You may want to sit back down..." Jack requested with a weary look. I followed his instructions and reclaimed my seat. Not really knowing what expect.

"You're not exactly home anymore..." Jack began. "In fact as you may have already come to suspect... This is another world entirely." He continued. True enough that thought had already crossed my mind, but to hear it actually being said out loud somehow made it even harder to take in. I slumped forward into my chair at the revelation, only preventing myself from falling off entirely by catching my elbows on my knees and my chin on my knuckles. Trying to come to terms with what I had been told.

"Is... Is there any way back?" I questioned rather mournfully.

"I don't know." Jack honestly answered. "You're not the first person to ask that question. I reckon you won't be the last one to either. I think we've all wondered that at some point or another, but sooner or later we've all come to accept our new lives here. For better or for worse." Jack responded in a slightly saddened tone in turn. Sensing the downward spiral of the mood I decided to rekindle the conversation. At the very least trying to be more practical now and emotional later.

"Okay... So... What else can you tell me about this new world I'm apparently now in? I'm still coming to terms with saying that out loud... But I would still greatly appreciate anything else you can tell me." I requested in an attempt of an upbeat voice.

"Well... The island we're on is called Arcadia and it's practically roughly the size of a continent if what I've been told is true. There are smaller islands around it but we're on the main and largest one. More specifically on the north-east side of the island. The land itself is divided into separate regions that are all under the control of a specific lord. The lord of this region is called Elizabeth who is a very powerful succubus. Which actually leads me quite nicely to the topic of the... 'Unique' girls that are native to this world. There are so many I couldn't begin to tell you about all of them. Hell I don't think I even know all the different types myself if I'm being honest, but I'll tell you what I do know. Where to begin..." Jack paused for a moment to think. "Well the two most commonly accepted terms for these women are 'monster girls' or 'Mamono.' From there it goes into all kinds of different categories and species. There's the animal or beast types, the bug or insect types, the ghost or undead types, or even the demon and angle types. I should also mention that pretty much each and every one has something special to their name. Some Arachne, or spider women for example can spin and use their silk to make some of the best clothing you could dream of. The Holstaurus, or cow women produce milk that is so nutritious a man can live in it alone for the rest of his life and be in perfect health. If those two don't impress you then it may interest you to know that Mermaids... You do know what a Mermaid is... Right?" Jack hesitated for me to give a confirmatory nod before continuing. "Thank god, you may be able to figure out what some of these girls are on your own then. But getting back to what I was saying. A Mermaid has blood that if drunk by us humans will preserve and extend our lives, almost indefinitely if we keep on regularly drinking it. Or so I've been told anyway." Jack finished.

I was certainly surprised and taken back at all three of those traits but unbeknownst to me Rose's ears only propped up in silent interest to the sound of the life preserving and extending special blood. Which even she herself didn't now about until now.

"But some of the most common types of Mamono you'll come across around here are Alraunes, Elves, Centaurs, Dryads, Gnomes, Harpies, Honey bees, Hornets and Trolls." Jack listed nonchalantly.

"How many of those mamono would be as... Unwelcoming as the Thunderbird we came across?" I asked rather worried at the prospect of randomly coming across any of those monster girls.

"Hardly any. Not as aggressive as her anyway. True enough Thunderbirds do have a high likelihood of having a ferocious disposition, but she was something else entirely. In all honesty I think she simply lost her damn mind. That being said there are a few species that have a tendency of having a fiery temper... But it doesn't mean every single one of that race will be quick to anger. However, on the flip side I have heard of some monster girls that usually have a calm and kind disposition that came to brutally killing others when pushed too far. There are always exceptions to the rule but that's not to say the rules are completely meaningless or not worth knowing. As long as you treat everyone you come across with simple respect, you should be able to quickly tell what kind of Mamono you're dealing with, whether they're friendly or not so friendly." Jack advised and explained.

All of this was sounding like pretty sound and helpful advice so I was listening quite intently at what he was saying in an attempt to commit the whole lot of it to memory.

"But I should warn you that pretty much all of them will have an almost insatiable sex drive." Jack commented completely out of nowhere. Catching me off guard.

"Wait... What?" I questioned completely perplexed.

"It's true. I'm honestly surprised you haven't noticed by now. If you thought men had it bad with their lustful urges, then you'll be sorely surprised to learn how much the sex drive of some of these monster girls completely eclipse our own. If you do end up being attacked by a Mamono around here I'd be willing to stake my life on the bet that it was to try to claim you in order to relieve their pent up lustful urges." Jack stated.

"Wait a minute..." I pondered to myself as I put the pieces together. "If that's the case then, why did you bother sparring with me for as long as we did when we first met?" I turned to ask Rose.

"I wanted to have fun with you first master." She simply replied.

"If I had to guess it may have been to test you. Either that or it may have been like foreplay for her. Some Mamono can be weirdly selective on who they want to be their husband. Certain Lizard girls for example will only typically go for men who can best, or at very least match them in a fight." Jack interceded to clarify.

I did indeed hear his entire explanation but all through out it I only clung onto one single word.

"Husband?" I asked completely bewildered.

"Oh... Yeah... Some monster girls may consider their mate, or those who they have sex with, to be their husband... But some Mamono, like your Rose here, may think of and view their mate as... Well... A 'master' instead. I suspect that when you had sex with her and you... Uh... Well there's little point of being bashful about it. When you came inside of her. You two became wed." Jack explained. Leaving me in silent contemplation.

"Yeah... Marriage can work kind of differently around here depending on certain types of monster girls. Don't get me wrong, there are still more legally binding, and more recognisable forms of marriage on this island too. But if your Rose here is the first Mamono you've met and had sex with on this island... Then you my friend. By at least some accounts of the inhabitants of this island, are married to your companion here. Congratulations." Jack expressed with a happy smile. One again I was left unable to respond by this revelation. Never before have I been left this speechless this often in a such a short amount of time...

"But don't worry about it... Judging from the way Rose here calls you 'master' and seeing as how she was so protective of you when I had an arrow pointing your way... It only means that she'll do practically anything you and you alone tell her to. Not to mention defend you from any and all the other Mamono that would want to claim you for themselves. Some monster girls are not as compliant to their husbands wishes as Rose here seems to be to yours, I should have you know... If you ask me you should consider yourself pretty damn lucky to have her as your monster girl wife." Jack stated with a quiet but still hearty chuckle.

When I stopped to really think about it... He was completely right. I didn't know what other Mamono could be out there but all things considered... I was thankful that Rose was the first one I met. For some reason it only now occurred to me that she could very well be the perfect match for me. God only knows why it took me this long to figure that out. I turned to look up at her with a grateful expression while coming to hold her hand. Which she of course reciprocated with a heartwarming smile while slightly squeezing the hand that I had enclosed around hers.

"Hahaha before you two get too carried away why don't we take a break from this long explanation on how this world and its inhabitants work shall we? After all now's about the time when me and Martha have dinner. You're both welcome to have something to eat. I went hunting just yesterday so we have plenty to share." Jack offered.

As if on cue my stomach made a loud grumbling noise to remind me that I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since I arrived here.

"I would greatly appreciate it, thank you." I answered humbly.

With that Jack got up out of his chair and went outside to go and get Martha to stop working on my newly forged sword and come back inside to take a break.

When she came back she was covered with several beads of sweat running down her forehead and face. Along with looking ever so slightly darker in skin tone than before. I couldn't tell whether it was because of the heat she must have been working with or the physical labour she must have been doing. Either way she definitely looked like she needed a break.

After she came back in Jack went into another room only to shortly return with a water skin and a large pot of soup. Setting it down on a larger table that had enough room for the four of us to sit at it. Jack threw the water skin at Martha who caught and then went to uncork it. Taking a long swig and several gulps of its condense while Jack went to retrieve several smaller metal bowls and spoons from a small nearby cupboard before they both Jack and Martha went to sit down beside each other.

"Well? Don't be shy now, we're offering. Come on, join us." Jack kindly offered while beckoning us both over with a wide grin.

Accepting his offer I moved to sit down opposite Jack while Rose followed and sat down at my right side opposite to Martha. Jack poured the rather inviting smelling soup into the four smaller bowls before placing them in front of us along with handing us a spoon. It appeared as though it was a thick brown meat and vegetable soup. A healthy and delicious one at that telling by the enticing scent. I was about to start digging in until I noticed that Rose had a rather bewildered expression on her face.

"Rose? Is something wrong?" I asked a little confused.

"I do not consume such materials for nourishment as you do master. I sustain myself by absorbing the blood of those I cut or by absorbing your essence." Rose calmly explained and answered.

"Oh... Okay... Hey wait a minute... So was that what you were doing with the Thunderbird back there?" I questioned as soon as I remembered how she plunged her feathered foe and sword into the ground. Resulting in all the spilled blood from her corpse defying gravity and converging towards as well as going into Rose's blade.

"Yes master. It was." She responded.

"Huh. I actually kind of suspected that may have been the case but better safe than sorry. Come to think of it. The more... unique dietary needs of some mamono is another thing that could use some clarification. But that isn't really a conversation for the dinner table. Remind me once we've finished will you?" Jack said while pouring the soup in Rose's bowl back into the big pot.

With a nod of my head he sat back down and we all began our meal. With it was a rather pleasant one at that. As we sat and ate we talked about how Jack came to find himself in this world. Apparently he was a hunter that used a bow for a hobby back on Earth, which I guess explained his preference for the weapon. He was out hunting in the woods tracking a deer when he missed and skimmed its neck by a couple of inches. He chased the animal down hill when he suddenly tripped over an exposed tree root. Resulting in him falling and rolling down the hill instead of running down it. Apparently the last thing he remembers is hitting his head on the trunk of a rather large and hard tree. The next thing he knew he woke up here. After wondering around for a while and realising he didn't recognise the woods he was now in he decided to find refuge in a solitary cave at the base of a mountain, where he later came to meet Martha. Jack decided to end his story with... "Well. The rest is history." While moving to hold her hand across the table. Implying that they ended up together and soon moved on to start with the construction of this very house.

We finished our soup soon after and all went back to what we were doing. Martha of course going back outside to continue working on my new sword. The roaring sound of the forge heating up as she pumped more oxygen into it and the clanging sound of raw materials being shaped almost filled the air inside the cabin.

While me and Jack on the other hand continued going over some more information and advice that proved to be increasingly useful and interesting. Such as going into more detail with the types of monster girls that I could potentially come across on this island. Coming to describe Mamono that were plant like in nature and can excrete nectar that could be sweeter than honey. Or monster girls that were half animal like the Lamia that had the body of a snake from the waist down. However some Mamono were more complex than that like the Manticore, who has claws for hands and feet as well as the wings of a bat and a tail that was purpose built for 'milking men.' We also spoke of the insect types like the devil bug that usually lived in big groups and thought of little else beyond feeding and mating. However it seemed that not all monster girls were sex staved maniacs that couldn't control their lustful urges. I was lead to believe that the Mantis girl for example constantly wore a rather empty or unreadable expression and almost never attacked men in an attempt to violate them. Unless it was mating season for them of course... Then they're arguably some of the most insanely aggressive mamono around when it came to finding and raping men to relieve themselves. In all honesty Jack informed me that any monster girl that had a specific mating season was quite similar to each other in that respect. Which was certainly a neat tidbit of knowledge, but was next to useless to me because neither I nor Jack knew what the mating seasons for all the different types of mamono were. Still it may come in handy to know a bit later on down the road.

As we continued to talk Jack went on to describe monster girls that even closely resembled mythical creatures like the griffin or dragon. Those I had at least heard of but I still did require some form of explanation on what they were. Jack continued by going on to speak of Mamono such as the Succubus. Telling me that such monster girls were probably some of the most common Mamono on this island. However Jack nonetheless warmed me to keep out of their way. Explaining that such monster girls were master seductresses and manipulators. Cautioning me to never let one get too close because their very aura could send men into a lustful frenzy if they weren't careful. He also informed me that Rose could and would defend me from any monster girl on this island if one attacked me. Exactly how any Mamono with a husband would. However... Jack also told me that Rose was far from the most powerful or deadly monster girl that resided on this island.

He also went on to clarify what he meant about some of these mamono needing unique dietary needs... After I reminded him as he requested. Jack Stated that the sperm of a human man was practically more valuable than gold. Saying that it was like a wonder drug for these monster girls. If consumed or sometimes rather... Inserted into them. It could be used to help heal any of their wounds or be used to hasten the recovery of their stamina, as well as simply being a very highly nutritious source of nourishment for them. Not to mention the fact that most Mamono find the taste of it damn near irresistible. After hearing this I was thankful that Jack decided to tell me of it AFTER I had eaten.

As the day went on we spoke of even more topics such as the lore and rules of this reign. Jack informed me that the enforcers of these laws were an army called the Exercitus. Mostly being made up of Elves and Amazons, but also did take other types of Mamono into their ranks as well. Like Lizard girls or Centaurs. He went on to say that although the army was still fairly young, it was also apparently the second largest on the island. Stating that the force was pretty evenly spread across the land to ensure peace.

We continued for hours going over so many things, but as interesting as our conversation was. I soon got a reminder that there were only so many hours in the day. Even here. As Jack and me both noticed the ever darkening sky we decided to postpone the lecture until tomorrow when we were both a little more well rested. Jack once again went outside to call Martha back in from tirelessly working on my new blade. She came back in even more sweaty and dirty then before. Really showing how much work she was putting into reforging and upgrading my sword. She must have had some damn good motivation to be giving this much effort into doing such a favour for me. However it didn't take me very long to figure out what it was when Martha gave Jack a hungrily longing stare.

"We only really have one bed and that's for us... But we do have something that'll be better than the cabin floor." Jack stated before going into another room. Soon afterwards I could hear the scraping of wood against wood as he reentered the room pushing a long couch like chair in front of him. Setting it in front of the stone fireplace before going to get what seemed to be a long fur bedroll. "This here should keep you warm for the night. It manages to keep me warm whenever I spend a night outside camping so it should keep you nice and cosy too. But that still shouldn't stop you from snuggling up if you really want to." Jack said with a smile while handing it to me. "I think me and Martha are gunna turn in for the night. It would be a smart idea for the both of you to do the same." Jack suggested before warping his arms around a very receptive Cyclops and walking into what presumably was their bedroom. "Goodnight!" Jack yelled happily before he shut the door.

"Well... I suppose we should follow their lead. I'm feeling pretty tired myself in all honesty. How about you?" I turned to ask Rose.

"I do not require as much sleep as you do master. I rarely get tired." She responded with a rather weirdly empty expression.

"I guess it's okay for some." I stated with a chuckle. "Come on then. Let's get comfortable." I said while I beckoned her over before lying down on the wooden couch like chair. However... Rose was weirdly hesitant to my invitation. Pausing for a second before slowly making her way over and rather awkwardly trying cuddle up next to me. Placing her head on my chest.

"Rose... Is something wrong?" I questioned rather worried.

"Are you... Happy that we found other people master? Did... Did I do well?" Rose asked me in a strangely meek tone of voice while rather adorably tensing up in anticipation of my answer.

"What? Of course you did well! You not only guided me here but you also saved me from becoming some crazy bitches plaything! I couldn't have asked anything else of you... Why would you even wonder if you did well or not?" I responded still not entirely sure what this was all about.

"You seemed upset before master... I... I thought I had done something wrong to displease you..." Rose insecurely admitted.

Ohh... This is about how down and out of sorts I've been acting lately. I thought to myself. First with my sword getting so many nicks and chips to the point of it being damn close to completely unrecognisable. Then with it being snapped in half... Soon afterwards bearing witness to a murder for the first time... Not to mention the fact that I now practically have confirmation that I'm on another world with possibly no way back... I guess I had a lot of reasons to be down and out of sorts lately. Some of them may have even been partly because of Rose but I could hardly blame her for them. Rose seems to care so much about me and my emotional state that I somehow doubt she would have intentionally caused so much damage to my blade if she knew it had sentimental value to me... Plus I think she only killed that crazy bitch to protect me. I mentally reasoned. In all honesty it was thanks to Rose that I now have fewer reasons to be down and out of sorts as well. Rose has my gratitude for not only leading me here but protecting me along the way as well. It was because of her efforts that I actually made it here to begin with. Thanks to her I got to meet another human who can explain where I am and what was going on. Not to mention getting a new and improved sword being forged for me. I guess I really did owe her a lot of gratitude... I guess I should start to show it. I thought to myself. But I should also tell her the truth... I shouldn't really lie or keep my thoughts and feelings from her either... I mentally added.

I began by wrapping myself around her in a gentle and warm embrace. Rose flinched at first because of the sudden contact of my arms but she slowly melted into it as she realised what I was doing. After a while of simply hugging her and running my hands around and along her back, I started to shuffle down towards her head so that we were at the same level so I could look directly at her.

"You're right. I suppose I was upset. The sword I used to have 'fun' with you meant a lot to me, and I guess... Seeing it get so damaged made me a little down for a while..." I began but was cut off.

"Please forgive me master! If I knew I never would have...!" Rose scrambled to apologise.

"Shh. Shh. Shh. It's okay. It's okay." I said interrupting her adorably flustered attempt at an apology with a comfortingly tighter hug. "I didn't blame you for it then and I don't blame you for it now. I knew it couldn't last forever and I would eventually need to replace it... You simply made it so I needed to replace it a little sooner I guess..." I naively stated with a giggle hoping to make it humerus. When I realised how bad of an idea that was I quickly added... "But it's all a moot point now because I'm getting it remade. Better than it was before in fact so you giving it a few nicks and chips hardly matters now doesn't?" I asked her.

"I... I suppose not..." She meekly replied still rather unsure.

"There's absolutely no reason for you to be worried about it now..." I spoke trying to comfort and reassure her one final time. "But... Do me a favour and take it easy on my new sword whenever we have some 'fun' again won't you?" I questioned with a smug grin.

"Yes master! I will!" Rose happily answered with her spirits raised at the resolved matter. Now more fully and confidently snuggling into me.

"While I'm getting things off my chest... I suppose I was also somewhat unnerved at seeing you kill that Thunderbird..." I admitted.
However before Rose had the chance to once again stumble over herself to apologies I intervened by saying... "But I can't blame you for that either... I mean, you were only trying to protect me after all. It wouldn't be fair of me to be upset with you for how you saved me when you put yourself in harms way for me to begin with... But... If I am attacked by some other Mamono in the future and you have to protect me... Try not to kill them unless you absolutely have to... Alright?" I anxiously requested.

"Yes master... I will... Try." Rose hesitantly responded.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it... Actually come to think of it you also have my gratitude for leading me here in the first place... I was spacing out so much because I had no idea where I was or what was going on. But thanks to you leaving your temple to guide me here I met another human who can explain everything to me. That puts my mind at ease. So... Thank you for that Rose. Really." I humbly spoke.

"You are very welcome master!" She gleefully said before once again completely wrapping herself around me in a close embrace.

With little else to speak about I decided to close my eyes and snuggle closer into her in an attempt to start falling asleep.

"Rose..." I spoke as I remembered what happened this morning.

"Yes master?" She responded.

"One last thing... If you ever think it's time for me to get up, or you notice me starting to wake up on my own. Instead of startling me awake by putting your face so close to mine, do you think you could plant a few kisses on me instead? I always liked the idea of being woken up with a kiss." I somewhat embarrassingly requested.

"Of course I will master!" She excitedly answered.

"Thank you. And just to let you know, you have my permission to kiss me wherever you'd like. Surprise me..." I nonchalantly said before shuffling into a comfortable position one final time to slowly start drifting off.

Before I fully succumbed to my fatigue however, Rose took me up on my offer, and briefly pressed her gentle warm lips on my forhead.

"Sleep well, master." Rose softly whispered before I eventually fell asleep.
Maku_The_BlueDec 5, 2019 6:00 AM
Aug 23, 2018 1:22 PM

Jan 2015
Good to see you uploading another chapter. Jack seems like an alright guy, he can help you along on your way. And getting your sword fixed and upgraded for free? Bonus :-)
Aug 24, 2018 3:03 AM
Apr 2018
MetallumOperatur said:
Good to see you uploading another chapter. And getting your sword fixed and upgraded for free? Bonus :-)
Thanks! Now that MAL is back up it should get me going again. And this new and upgraded sword should come in handy in the future... Whenever Rose isn't nearby anyway. XD
Aug 24, 2018 12:10 PM

Jan 2013
Good indeed to see a new chapter!

Looks like you got lucky to run into Jack and Martha, though I have a faint idea the young couple will not be enjoying the idle peace forever :P

One tip (or is it a request?)
Since you use quotation marks for both speech and thoughts, it can get a little confusing as to which is which, so maybe it could be a good idea to make the two a bit more distinct :)
Aug 24, 2018 2:37 PM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
Good indeed to see a new chapter!

One tip (or is it a request?)
Since you use quotation marks for both speech and thoughts, it can get a little confusing as to which is which, so maybe it could be a good idea to make the two a bit more distinct :)

Thanks! I'll try to resume reading and catching up with your story as well.

And I may consider your request. It's simply how I write tbh. XD
Aug 24, 2018 4:36 PM

Jan 2015
Italicizing the thoughts is a common solution for that.
Mar 18, 2019 11:11 AM
Apr 2018
And after an absurdly long amount of time I can finally upload chapter 5! With chapter 6 ready for uploading for next week and chapter 7 90% complete for the week after that. So at least I can have some retention, if only for 3 weeks.

Might also go back and edit a few bits and pieces I've been meaning to change for a while too... (Update... I have now!)

But for now, I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 5: Debts repaid.

I was brought back into consciousness from a light but restful sleep by the gentle, warm pressure of soft, glossy lips being pressed against my own. At first I was somewhat confused by the sensation, my still drowsy and addled mind wondering why I was feeling such a thing. But as I came to open my eyes I saw the all too familiar face of Rose pressed intimately close to mine. Causing me to immediately recall what method I had told her to use when she wanted to wake me up. A light smile crossing my face as I did.

As I slowly regained more awareness and cognitive thought I found myself laying flat on my back with her body laid along the right side of mine. Her armored hand softly resting on my chest, while her unarmored arm was nestled beneath her beside my shoulder. Using her elbow and forearm to prop herself up as she leaned in to continue her affectionate efforts to rouse me from my slumber.

I gently raised myself up and back into her own lips. Rewarding her for the service she was giving me by wrapping my arms around her. My right hand coming up to stroke her long silky black hair, my fingers starting at her scalp and working my way down, parting and playing with individual strands. While my left hand came to fully explore the differences of the cold hard metal and warm soft flesh that made up her body. Slowly meandering my way down her back and hips before I eventually came to grab a palm full of her invitingly gentle and round behind. Rose quietly moaned into me as I fondled and groped her supple and malleable flesh. All the while gradually deepening the kiss we shared. Growing all the more intense and passionate the more I continued sampling her surprisingly delicious tasting lips.

Her lovingly warm breath washed over me as Rose kept up with the pace and intensity that I had set. Surprisingly never increasing it despite how much I could tell she so desperately wanted to. Eventually I parted my lips from her own and laid my head back down, relieving the slight strain that was building in my neck. Pulling her head into my chest and wrapping my arms around her in an attempt to compensate for the slightly cute, but still disappointed look on her face.

"Now that was good wake up call." I said as I still moved my hands up and down her body. Even though I was trying to stop at the base of her spine, Rose subtlety tried shuffling her body upwards whenever my hands got near in an attempt to guide my hands a little lower to once again grab her wanting plump behind. Quite obviously sending the message that she was hoping for a little bit more than a kiss. "Rose... I know what you're doing... I'm sorry but we can't. Or at least we shouldn't... Not while we're here anyway. I don't really think It'd be that polite of us to have sex in someone else's house... Especially when they've allowed us stay here overnight to give us shelter." I explained to her dissatisfaction. "But that doesn't mean I don't want to. When we leave I promise I'll make it up to you. As well as properly pay you back for everything else you've done for me." I stated with a light peck on the top of her head.

Humorously I now came to a deeper understanding of the reasoning Jack used to convince Martha to work so hard on reforming and upgrading my sword. Apparently it seemed that using sex as a bribe, or way of persuading or paying back debts of gratitude to these girls was quite effective...

But I was then snapped out of this realisation by the sound of a door being slammed open.

"Good morning you two!!" Jack heartily shouted. "Oh. I hope I wasn't interrupting something..." He said with a possibly the widest self satisfied grin I had ever seen.

"Oh no no no. You weren't. Oh and good morning to you too Jack." I stammered out rather awkwardly while trying to slightly distance myself from Rose without upsetting or offending her. A delicate balance that was quite hard to perform.

"Fancy some breakfast?" Jack asked with an upbeat smile while walking towards a rather decorative looking wooden cupboard.

"Sure! Thanks!" I responded finally managing to separate myself from Rose's embrace and standing up from my surprisingly comfortable improvised bed.

He responded to my acceptation of his offer by throwing a ripe looking red apple my way. I raised my hands to catch it, but while it was still mid flight, and before it could even reach the half way point of making contact with my palm...

Out of nowhere Rose had materialised in front of me with her sword already summoned and raised to cut the incoming perceived threat in four different pieces with two blinding fast strikes. Startling me and Jack enough to warrant a little skip back in surprise from the both of us.

All quarters of the once delectable fruit harmlessly dropping to the floor in front of her once they lost their momentum. The speed at which she preformed this protective response suggested that it must have been like an instinctive or reflexive action for her... Which made me deeply contemplate exactly how much I meant to her so quickly after only meeting each other yesterday.

A short awkward silence fell for a moment between all of us. But eventually when her little display of protecting me finally sunk in, Jack and I simply began to laugh hysterically in unison at Rose's adorable misunderstanding. While she herself could only stand there completely bewildered by our uncontrollable laughter.

Once I had calmed down enough to speak I walked up to her and gave her a light kiss on her forehead to show my gratitude.

"Thank you for um... Protecting me. I won't ask you to stop.... But don't be that hasty to cut everything up that comes my way like that in the future. Especially if its just some fruit." I said with a slight giggle.

"Alright... I will try master." Rose replied still a little bit puzzled as to what caused us to laugh so much in the first place.

Resigning myself to not letting the apple go to waist I bent over to pick up the pieces off the cabin floor.

"You don't happen to have any water to wash these do you? Just because it's been quartered it doesn't mean it's inedible." I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah. Sure thing." Jack replied while still holding a slight chuckle from his own uncontrollable laughter. Jack went to retrieve a water skin from another room before coming back. This time making sure to slowly hand it over to me, instead of throwing it.

Once I had washed and eaten my now segmented breakfast, while Jack ate his own, he asked if I wanted to resume our lecture from yesterday. I of course agreed because I not only needed to learn as much as I could about this new world, but also because I actually wanted to learn as much as I could as well.

We resumed where we left off and simply talked about the different types of Mamono that inhabited the island. Sometimes discussing their powers or abilities, sometimes speaking about their culture or tendencies, sometimes briefly touching on their fetishes or what their sexual preferences were. Since nearly everything he told me was actually interesting and naturally lead to more questions and topics we almost never stopped talking.

Like yesterday we continued on speaking about this and that for quite some time. Easily taking up the small early hours of the morning. We could have quite happily gone perhaps the rest of the day like that had we not been interrupted by Martha entering the room from the outside door.

And I didn't even realise she was out there all this time. I had thought she had still been asleep in their bedroom. I hadn't heard her come out of there, and I didn't hear any signs of activity coming from her forge, so I had no reason to think otherwise. But it appeared as though she had been up before any of us. I couldn't help but ponder what possible reason she could have to get up so early...

When she entered the room she had a spring in her step and a triumphant smile on her face. Martha practically skipped over to Jack as she wrapped her arms around him and whispered something in his ear. Something that made Jack smile rather coyly for a moment, but he regained his composure and returned to his usual happy smile.

"Would you like to see how your new sword is going?" Jack asked with a seemingly proud grin.

"Uh, yeah sure, let's see how far she's gotten with it..." I replied.

Jack and Martha both got up to head for the front door and went around the back of the cabin to Martha's forge. With Rose and me following close behind, not really knowing what to expect. When we turned the final corner and reached her workplace I almost immediately noticed a large white cloth covering her anvil with the all too familiar silhouette of a swords profile sticking out of the pale fabric.

Jack confidently strode towards the white cloth and with all the gusto of a professional showman, he towered behind it and placed both of his hands around it, soon wrapping all of his fingers tightly around the large pale fabric.

"It is with great pleasure that I now present you with..." Jack said while pausing for dramatic effect as he tightened his grip once more and prepared to unveil his wife's handy work. "Your new and improved sword!" He exclaimed while yanking up the white cloth to reveal a freshly polished gleaming masterpiece of a weapon. Fully complete and near perfectly matching the alterations I had requested. With a handle that looked to be fashioned from a tough dark wood like oak or ebony. A thin and long refined looking blade. And with smooth pear shaped pommel and crossguard.

My reaction was somewhere between absolutely speechless and uncontrollably excitable. The first words to leave my shaking lips were. "How!?" After making several other incomprehensible noises for a few moments to show my bewilderment, I once again regained the ability to speak. "Reforging a blade from scratch should take months!! Weeks at the very least!! How could she do it all in a single day!?" I questioned still in disbelief.

"That is simply the magic that is my wonderful cyclops wife." Jack casually answered.

I still didn't really know how to react. But just looking at my new weapon left me with this feeling of absolute awe. When I at last fully regained my composure I allowed my hands to wonder towards the beautifully forged masterpiece.

"May I?" I asked as I took a step towards it.

"Go ahead! It's yours after all." Jack replied.

With that I walked up to my new sword and eagerly wrapped my hands around the grip. When I lifted it up into the air for the first time I knew... This was the best sword I had ever held! The length, the weight, the balance, everything was bordering absolute perfection for me! I couldn't help but giggle at myself as I walked away to provide myself with room to properly give it a good swing.

When I held it with both hands and went to replicate the the training moves I always did at my HEMA class I felt like I was in some kind of sword enthusiasts dream.

I simply couldn't resist the temptation of testing it out against another blade. With my signature smile of anticipation for a sword fight I turned to Rose and asked...

"Fancy having a bit of 'fun' to give it a tester?"

With a gleeful smile she accepted my offer and summoned her blade by raising her arm and throwing it back down. God that looked so damn cool when I stopped and thought about it... However I remembered what happened when I sparred against her while she was using a greatsword sized weapon. The mass and weight of such a blade combined with her strength and the speed at which she could swing that thing obviously meant any normal blade would suffer some damage. It should have been pretty damn obvious when I thought about it. In response to this realisation I also said...

"Actually... Rose. Can I ask you to make your sword a little bit smaller and on the thinner side please? Remember what I asked you to do last night? Go easy on my new sword but don't go easy on me?" I reminded her.

"Alright. As you command master." She replied as she recalled that I had indeed made that request last night. Rose raised her arm and sword into the air once more, but this time she intently looked at it as if trying to figure out exactly how she was going to carry out my request. With a little downwards yank of her arm some of the material receded back onto her main body, and left a smaller, thinner and more refined looking blade that quite frankly now closely matched my own.

With that we saluted each other with our now signature position of pointing the tips of our blades at one another's chest. And then we assumed our stances and readied our guards. Charging at each other almost immediately afterwards with uncontrollable anticipation. Fire in our eyes and smiles gracing our lips. Exactly like before, she was holding back her true abilities. Restraining her speed and strength to more compliment and push my own abilities to their limits. Regardless of the obvious fact that she was still, of course going easy on me, I was undeniably still having the time of my life.

We clashed and danced around each other's blades. Throwing strikes, blocks and counters at each other's bodies in prolonged exchanges. I occasionally leaped back to catch my breath for a few seconds after a long exchange before charging right back in again.

Jack and Martha simply looked on at our display being seemingly intrigued and entertained by our way of having 'fun' with one another.

It was only when I was starting to really feel the effects of the prolonged, intensely quick movements that I leaped back for the final time out of an exchange to call it quits. For now...

Rose of course looked like she could continue as we were for several more hours at a time. But I could only put up a decent fight against her for 10 or 20 minutes before even I had to admit my movements became painfully slow and sluggish.

Once we were done I raised my newly forged sword into the air and to my pleasant surprise I could see no nicks or chips anywhere along the blade whatsoever. This truly was a durable blade indeed if it still looked pristine after the testing Rose and I had just put it through.

Ecstatic with my new possession I couldn't help but walk up to the shy but proud cyclops to give her the best hug I could muster to show my appreciation. Which she accepted with a little encouragement from her chuckling husband.

"Wow! Be careful with that sword... I made it sharp so you actually might be able to defend yourself against other... Rather forward Mamono." Martha said. Catching me a bit off guard with actually hearing her voice for the first time. "I hope you won't ever need to use it against another Mamono of course... But it's better to have something rather than nothing if you ever find yourself without Rose being at your side." She added.

"I would never leave master's side." Rose interceded.

"I'm sure you'd never WILLINGLY leave my side." I said with a chuckle. "But you never know... Perhaps there'll come a time when you have no choice... Better safe than sorry either way." I added.

"Hear hear." Jack chimed in. "By the way... If you're really still set on trying to find a way back home then all I can do is wish you luck and point you in the direction of where you can start." Jack said. "Go through the woods in that direction and you'll come across an old stone covered road, turn left and follow it up and you'll eventually find a small settlement where you could get some of the supplies you'll need." Jack described while pointing me in the general path I wanted to follow. "Also, here, I'll give you this water skin and satchel with some salted meats and dried fruits to start you off. They should see you there but you may want to walk briskly if you want to get there before sunset." Jack suggested while also handing me a wooden sheath for my new sword. Apparently it was made from the same wood that my swords handle was made from so it matched very nicely indeed. "Of course you're always welcome to stay for another few nights, but I also promised I'd repay Martha for her hard work once your sword was finished, if you catch my meaning... I can't guarantee that you'll get any good night's sleep." Jack said with a coy grin and a wink. Much to the blushing cyclops's dismay.

"No, that won't be necessary, I already can't thank you enough for everything you've done so far." I humbly said. With my sword in hand and a satchel over my shoulder me and Rose made our farewells and started to set off.

"Oh and one last thing!" Jack shouted as jogged back down the hill to catch up with us. "While no one really knows for sure, most would agree that we got here by some kind of magical mishap, so maybe you should try speaking with Mamono that have some notable knowledge or experience with magic." Jack finished with a pat on my shoulder, leaving me with even more sound advice before running back up the hill.

With that we continued on only glancing backwards to see the loving couple hurry off back inside their cabin. Not wanting to stick around to hear what they were obviously in a rush to get to, I decided to slightly quicken our pace.

We followed the path Jack had laid out and described for us until I found myself staring at Rose's behind. Who had been walking in front of me for some time now.

God damn it... Just looking at her plump exposed ass for so long is starting to get to me... And I suppose I do still need to properly start repaying her for everything she's done for me... And I guess no one seems to be around... Screw it I can't take this anymore. I thought.

"Rose..." I said.

"Satisfied?" I asked.

"Yes master. I am." She ecstatically replied.

"Good. I certainly am too. *sigh* usually a nice short nap is what I'd like to do after something like that... But I suppose we had better keep going instead. Come on." I suggested putting my staff back away and pulling up my trackies.

"Alright. As you wish master." Rose answered.

And with that Rose stood up and followed me, this time with me leading the way...
Maku_The_BlueJan 6, 2020 6:55 AM
Mar 18, 2019 12:53 PM

Jan 2013
Nice to finally see another chapter.

Lucky to have a nice, new sword. Now we'll have to see how long until you have occasion to use it (and whether it'll be of any help).

Regarding your chapter releases, I'd say just take it easy. Weekly chapters are nice, but overall consitency is best IMO, so if your writing speed is more like a chapter every two or three weeks, that's also perfectly fine (As long as it's not 7 months again :P )
Mar 18, 2019 10:54 PM

May 2013
Just caught up with this one. Nice to see a new chapter.

I'm not sure, but I think this might be the first appearance of the thunderbird in an MSG story. Definitely not the first appearance of a cyclops, but Martha is the most likable one we've seen.

I did see some grammar issues in the early chapters... but I'm also seeing improvement with every installment, so kudos on that. This stuff is hard, y'all, so I appreciate the effort that it takes to learn from one's mistakes. I'm trying to do this stuff professionally, and I still screw up sometimes. So mad props to anyone who even has the guts to try!

And yes, as MetallumOperatur pointed out, the convention is to italicize thoughts (including telepathic communications) and to reserve quotes for spoken dialogue. Double quotes for speech, single quotes for speech within a speech. In the US punctuation goes inside quotes, in the UK it goes outside. As an American I use the US convention. YMMV. Example:

"The Godfather said, 'Make him an offer he can't refuse,' and that's what we're gonna do," said Vito.

I am so screwed, I told myself.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 21, 2019 6:51 PM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
Nice to finally see another chapter.

Lucky to have a nice, new sword. Now we'll have to see how long until you have occasion to use it (and whether it'll be of any help).

Regarding your chapter releases, I'd say just take it easy. Weekly chapters are nice, but overall consitency is best IMO, so if your writing speed is more like a chapter every two or three weeks, that's also perfectly fine (As long as it's not 7 months again :P)

There'll be a chance to use it in the very near future alright. Whether it was of any help or not though... I'll leave that up to you. XD And as for the chapter release dates... Yeah now that I have a bit more experience writing I might be better at keeping it up. I'll try to make damn sure it's not 7 months again. That I can (hopefully) guarantee.

tygertyger said:
Just caught up with this one. Nice to see a new chapter.

I did see some grammar issues in the early chapters... but I'm also seeing improvement with every installment, so kudos on that. This stuff is hard, y'all, so I appreciate the effort that it takes to learn from one's mistakes. I'm trying to do this stuff professionally, and I still screw up sometimes. So mad props to anyone who even has the guts to try!

And yes, as MetallumOperatur pointed out, the convention is to italicize thoughts (including telepathic communications) and to reserve quotes for spoken dialogue. Double quotes for speech, single quotes for speech within a speech.
I am so screwed, I told myself.

Yeah this chapter has been a long time coming one... And going back to reread my earlier chapters only served to completely highlight those mistakes of mine... That's why I went back through them to iron out the wrinkles a little bit. XD Still, advice on how I can improve my work is always welcome!

Also changed a few bits and pieces Metal suggested I change to make it more lore friendly.
Mar 23, 2019 5:51 PM

Jan 2015
Happy to see you did not abandon the writing. I can understand perfectly that one needs his/her time to write a chapter, I think my longest time between two chapters has been almost 9 months.
Mar 25, 2019 9:40 AM
Apr 2018
MetallumOperatur said:
Happy to see you did not abandon the writing. I can understand perfectly that one needs his/her time to write a chapter, I think my longest time between two chapters has been almost 9 months.

Abandon the writing? Never!! But it may take me a while between uploads. Hopefully not as long as 7 or 9 months... But I will be uploading.

Speaking of which... Here's chapter 6! Where we meet my MC's second MG companion.


Chapter 6: A Lilly in wilt.

Rose and I both continued venturing deeper into the forest in search of this road that Jack told us would lead to the nearest settlement. With me leading the way this time of course... We wouldn't make much progress if we had to stop every couple dozen minutes because I got too aroused from seeing Rose's bubble butt bouncing in front of me the whole way there.

Thanks to my wise choice of taking the lead we actually made good progress. At least I hope we did... I couldn't completely keep track of how long we'd been walking, but it started to seem as though we may have divulged from the path Jack had originally set for us. This was because we'd been walking for at least half an hour by my estimation without any sign of a path or previously visited area...

That was until out of the corner of my eye I noticed a few trampled bushes and snapped twigs on the right of where I had been walking.

After giving it some thought I decided to follow up this potential sign of other sentient life. Maybe they could give me some directions... Or maybe they would attempt to forcibly and violently rape me... I honestly didn't know if this was a good idea or not but I always tended to be more optimistic than pessimistic. Not to mention Jack assured me that not all of this islands inhabitants were as crazy as that damned Thunderbird.

As I tried to follow the trampled shrubbery and broken tree branches I slowly began to notice other more worrying signs of activity... Namely blackened or burned patches on the ground. The kind that would only appear after a fire or some kind of sudden and intense source of heat.

I still decided to follow up on the signs of destruction but not without displaying more caution in my steps... After taking a few more paces I was on the verge of deciding to draw my sword and ready myself for any potentially hostile Mamono, that was when Rose suddenly sprinted past me and summoned her own sword. Positioning herself in front of me and lowering herself into a combative posture, which instantly convinced me to ready my own sword and do the same.

"What is it?" I asked her, because I still couldn't see any possible threats as I scanned the immediate surrounding area.

"I smell blood master. From over there." She answered, pointing over a small incline ahead of us.

Something bad obviously went down here not so long ago if Rose could smell blood. Her senses must be way stronger than mine because I couldn't smell anything of the sort. But I also had no reason to doubt her on this, so I decided to have faith in her... Although... Assuming she really could smell blood, and it was fresh or strong enough to warrant her sudden protective reaction, I actually reasoned that it may possibly be from someone that's hurt. Rather than someone looking to actually hurt us. If that was the case I couldn't walk away from this in good conscience without first making sure there wasn't anyone that needed any help...

But before I could even take another step my overly protective companion voiced her concerns for my safety.

"Please master. Allow me to go first." Rose practically begged when she took a glance back at me with a worrying look in her eyes.

"Alright. But you be careful too." I told her.

With a slight confirmative nod she headed towards where the smell of blood was coming from. I was following close behind her with my blade raised as well as my ears and eyes focused around our surroundings. Attempting to spot any possible signs of movement or anywhere someone could possibly hide in case this ended up being some kind of trap.

When she was over the edge of the incline Rose held out her arm behind herself to stop me from proceeding.

"What's the matter?" I asked in a hushed tone.

Rose wordlessly responded by pointing her sword over to an unconscious women laying in a slight clearing in front of us. The sleeping beauty in question had white and black patterns decorating her body, some of them on her clothes, some of them on her fuzzy lower legs. Apart from where she had those patterns she had silky cream skin that seemed to only be imperfect because of the dirt and mud that was covering it. A large pool of blood gathered at the floor that came from a gaping wound that was stretched across the back of her upper right thigh. Which explained why Rose could smell it so accurately. She had black and white strands of messy hair that covered her scalp and even from a distance I could see two horns adorning her head. It didn't seem like this was a trap, and it certainly didn't appear as though this unconscious women could be capable of giving Rose any trouble, even if she was awake and healthy come to think of it.

From what I remember Jack telling me I would take a guess that she was a Holstaurus. Or half cow half women. Assuming memory serves they're typically supposed to be pretty docile Mamono. Almost never outright physically assaulting someone, unless that someone deliberately pushed them over the edge. Which means that she was probably the victim of whatever happened here, and not the assailant. Which of course also meant that I couldn't simply leave the poor girl out here to die. Resolved to help her I attempted to walk past Rose but to my surprise her arm didn't budge. Instead she held it in place with me along with it. Just kind of staring at her as if still deciding whether she was a threat or if all of this could still be a trap.

"Still not sure if I should get too close to her yet?" I asked her. The rather adorably worried look in her eyes when she glanced back at me before once again turning to intently stare at the unconscious women basically confirmed what I suspected. I was coming to realise that Rose would apparently be very overly cautious with other Mamono to make sure I was kept out of harms way. "Alright then, you go first if you're so worried about me." I said.

As instructed she approached the unconscious women and looked her over, inspecting her hands, face and any possible places where she could be concealing a weapon... When she was done she nonetheless still didn't seem to like the idea of me approaching her myself as she still kept her blade summoned and ready to use.

"So is it safe for me then?" I asked with a coy smile. Without any legitimate reasons to convince me she was a threat, Rose was forced to comply with a hesitant nod.

Once I was allowed to inspect her more closely I placed my index and middle fingers on her throat and was relieved to feel a slight but steady pulse. Looking over at the wound I was also somewhat relieved to see that the blood had mostly already clotted, but was worried by the dirt and soil that was around the opening. I took out the water skin that Jack had given me and attempted to sparingly wash the exposed flesh of the dirt and soil surrounding it, earning a slight shuffle and muffled groan of pain from the sleeping Holstaurus. When I looked up at Rose because of the movement I caught out of the corner of my eye, I was a little shocked to see that she had her blade raised and ready to cut down the poor women in response to her unconscious movements.

"Rose! What are you!? Ugh... Okay... Let me put this in a way you can understand. You're not allowed to hurt her unless she explicitly attempts to hurt one of us first... Understood?" I practically ordered.

"Yes master..." She replied before reluctantly and slowly dropping her blade.

"Good. Alright now how am I going to..." I mouthed while trying to think. I needed some way of preventing more dirt and soil from getting back into the wound, but I didn't exactly have any bandages on hand... With a sigh of resignation I took my top off and laid it beside the unconscious women's upper thigh. Gently trying to turn her sleeping form over onto it without causing her too much pain. Once she was on and reasonably positioned I took both of my sleeves and used them as laces to tie a firmly tight knot around the front of her thigh. Again earning a slight fidget and muffled groan of pain.

Once I was done I stepped back and held my fingers below my chin as I decided how I should proceed. "Well... At least there's no threat of being struck by lightning this time..." I quietly mumbled to myself. I needed to find this road urgently now. Not because of my want to get to this settlement, but because of this girls need to get to this settlement. And since I couldn't afford to start wandering around the forrest anymore I started to look for a decently high tree I could confidently climb.

Once I found one I told Rose to stay where she was and to watch the sleeping Holstaurus for me. Laying my new sword along the trunk of the tree I started my ascent. It wasn't the easiest climb I'd ever had but it wasn't the hardest either, and eventually I reached a pretty good vantage point to survey the forrest around me. With a bit of searching I managed to spot a rocky path in between an opening in the trees a fairly short distance away. No more than a couple dozen yards. However, I couldn't even be satisfied with my discovery for more than five seconds before hearing a terrified high pitched scream coming from below.

Oh god damn it... I thought to myself as I quickly started to climb back down. Once I got closer to the ground I could hear the fearful sobbing of a damsel in distress. As I firmly planted my feet on the floor again I turned around to see the Holstaurus desperately but slowly crawling away from Rose. Not getting very far, very fast. But with her not being able to use one leg and simply dragging it along that was hardly surprising.

I turned to look at Rose only for her to give me a mix of an indifferent and innocent expression back at me.

I suppose all I told her to do was keep an eye on her for me... I thought. And the fact that she's still alive tells me that she didn't try killing her at least...

With another sigh of resignation I turned my attention back towards the frightened Holstaurus.

"Please... Don't kill me! I don't want to die! Please..." She begged in between sobs. Still feebly trying to crawl her way to salvation.

I began to step towards the frightened women but it appeared as though she mistook the sounds of snapping twigs behind her as her impending death...

"Please! I'm begging you... Just don't kill me... Please..." She continued pleading as she dragged herself across the forest floor. As I kneeled down to place a hand over her shoulder she instantly rolled over, closed her eyes, involuntary tensed her body up and placed her hands in front of her face in either submission or defence. It was difficult to tell for sure which it was... Probably both.

"No! Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Please! Please..." The frightened Holstaurus begged once more before simply crying uncontrollably. I grabbed both of her shoulders to get her attention.

"NO ONE IS GOING TO KILL YOU!" I said firmly and loudly to make sure she heard me through her own sobbing. She looked shocked at first, either because she wasn't expecting to hear those words, or because she wasn't expecting to hear a male voice saying them... Probably both. She opened her still streaming eyes and looked up at me in surprise.

"A... Human?" The Holstaurus slowly mouthed, being utterly bewildered at my very presence. However, that confused expression instantly turned back into one of complete dread as her eyes wondered past me to look behind my shoulder. I could actually see her face go pale as she stifled a frightened yelp at the sight.

"That's Rose... She's... A little protective of me to say the least. But as long as you don't try to kill me, she won't try to kill you. Isn't that right Rose?" I explained, regaining the Holstaurus' attention.

"Yes master..." Rose answered.

"And my name is Will by the way. Will Sage. Can I ask what your name is?" I questioned.

"Lilly... My... My name is Lilly." The Holstaurus answered after a little hesitation and still recovering from her occasional hiccups and sobs.

"Well then Lilly. We're not here to hurt you, let alone kill you. In fact I actually want to help you." I said in the most calming and reassuring voice I could muster. "Here, let's lay you up against a tree so you're more comfortable." I suggested while motioning to help her get closer to a nearby trunk. With a few grunts and winces of pain, working together we managed to get her to her destination. Now sitting up more comfortably against the trunk of a tree instead of laying straight across the floor. Deciding to take a moment to wipe away some of the tears that were still wetting her face and obscuring her vision. It was only then that she actually noticed my top wrapped around her thigh, preventing more dirt from getting in while she sat down.

"You must be thirsty... Here." I said uncorking the water skin Jack gave me and offered it to her. She looked hesitantly at me for a second, almost as if asking if all this was too good to be true. "It's alright. Look..." I muttered before taking a few gulps. "Just water." I said as I offered it to her again. Lilly didn't hesitate a second time and immediately took it off me and proceeded to down nearly the entire thing in one go. Wow. She must really have been thirsty... I thought to myself.

"Thank you..." Lilly sighed as she refilled her lungs with much needed air.

"You're welcome." I replied. "So... Can I ask what happened to you? How you ended up out here with that nasty looking cut?" I queried.

"I was... Attacked by this crazy..." Lilly began.

"Thunderbird?" I intervened.

"Yeah... How... How did you know?" Lilly asked.

"Lucky guess..." I muttered before turning to look back at Rose. "But you don't need to worry about her anymore. Let's just say that she won't be attacking anyone else, ever again. And just leave it at that." I explained.

I could see from how she fell silent in contemplation for a moment that she knew exactly what I meant, but oddly enough she seemed to not really know how to feel about it.

"I know this may be asking a lot but... Can you try standing up and walking for me? Or at least try limping a bit? I can't treat your wound here. I don't have any of the equipment or experience to patch you up. And I don't really want to leave you here while I try finding someone who does." I requested. "There's a dirt road a short distance up that way. Supposedly it should lead to a small settlement where I can get some much needed supplies and where you can get some much needed help." I clarified.

"I... I don't know if I can..." Lilly honestly answered.

"Just try for me. Please. Here I'll even help you up." I offered as I motioned to give her my hands and offer my weight as support. Taking things slowly and using the tree behind her to anchor herself, Lilly managed to stand up. Leaning herself against the tree and mostly standing on her left side in order to avoid putting too much weight on her right leg. Which was still definitely understandable. But if she could hardly stand by herself she most certainly wouldn't be able to walk by herself... Which was a little bit of a problem for us.

A cane or walking stick would be really useful right about... Now... I thought to myself as I took a look at my surroundings. "Of course! We're in a damn forest for gods sake! Why didn't I think of that sooner!?" I suddenly exclaimed to both Rose's and Lilly's surprise. I looked up high into the trees above me to look for the right branch that had the ideal width and length to serve as Lilly's walking aid. Once I found one I walked up to Rose and placed both my hands on her shoulders, leading her to the branch I wanted. "Rose I need you to do something for me..." I requested. Once we stood below the branch in question I placed my head directly side by side of her own and pointed at the specific branch I wanted. "I need you to cut that branch down and bring it to me. Can you do that?" I asked.

"Of course master!" She happily replied, delighted with being able to do something that would be of help to me. I took a few steps back to allow Rose some room. She took a few steps back as well and paused for a moment. Then she suddenly sprinted forward directly into the trunk of the tree... When she reached it she then proceeded to run up along the trunk of the tree and propel herself to the branch I wanted once she got high enough. Rapidly spinning her body around mid flight to provide the momentum she needed to cleanly cut the branch from the tree in one fluid motion and landing gracefully some distance behind me. While the branch she cut fell harmlessly right in front of me.

God damn... That was both awesome and sexy... I mussed in quiet thought.

With the branch now in reach I picked it up to inspect and measure it more closely. Once I was satisfied with the length I wanted it to be I brought and presented it to Rose. Asking her to cut it again in between where I was holding it and cutting the odd branches that were growing out of it. Once she was done I was left holding a large and thick pole like walking stick. One that was almost a completely perfect size for Lilly.

"Thank you Rose. That really helped us out a lot." I praised her before brushing her hair behind her ear and pulling her in closer to give her a quick kiss on her forehead. Which she really seemed to be delighted with if the slight blush in her cheeks and happy smile on her lips was any indicator. "Can I ask you to do one more thing for me?" I asked her.

"Of course master, anything." Rose replied.

"Can you hold this for me? I'll need both hands for this..." I asked her while offering my sword.

"As you wish master." She answered, taking my sword in her left hand. Once again turning my attention back to the wounded Holstaurus.

"Alright Lilly. We'll take this really slow to start off with. Use this so you don't have to put too much weight on your right leg okay? I'll support you and help keep your balance from your left side." I explained as I placed the improvised walking stick in Lilly's right hand. Coming over to her left side to take her arm over my shoulder while placing my own arm over hers. "Lead with the walking stick first." I suggested. Lilly followed my instructions and put the stick out in front of her. "Now catch up with it." I suggested again while steadying myself to be ready for her leaning nearly her full body weight onto me. With a quiet grunt of pain and effort she took a step forward with me holding up her left side while using the stick to support her right leg. Her step was quick to my relief so I didn't have to bear her body weight for very long, but at the same time her step didn't go very far either. She was surprisingly heavy for a girl of her size. Lilly was no taller than me in all honesty. She did certainly have a fairly busty form, but even then she couldn't have been this heavy. Unless of course there was an unnaturally large amount of extra weight on her because of the large quantities of milk stored in a Holstaurus' breasts... Which by the way were damn near impossible to not look down at from time to time. Especially given my current position. "Good. We can start from there. Just gotta take it one step at a time and we'll make it there no problem." I declared in an encouraging voice.

Rose of course didn't like me being this close to another monster girl whatsoever... And it actually kind of looked like she was just waiting for any excuse to cut the poor Holstaurus down. But she restrained herself, most likely just because of my rule of Lilly having to actually try to intentionally hurt one of us first.

"Th... Ugh... Thank you for doing this. I don't know how much longer... Ugh... I would have lasted out here by myself." Lilly sincerely whispered while taking more steps.

"No problem. Someone did right by me not so long ago... So I figure this would be my chance to do right by someone else now." I replied, continuing our trip through the forest, now with a Holstaurus accompanying us.
Maku_The_BlueJan 5, 2020 4:30 PM
Mar 25, 2019 1:37 PM

Jan 2015
First a Rose, now a Lilly. Are you collecting flowers? Now, all you gotta do is hope flowers will get along :-P
MetallumOperaturMar 25, 2019 2:06 PM
Mar 25, 2019 9:16 PM

May 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
First a Rose, now a Lilly. Are you collecting flowers?

That was my thought as well. Maybe our protagonist likes... garden variety mamono.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 26, 2019 5:39 AM
Apr 2018
MetallumOperatur said:
First a Rose, now a Lilly. Are you collecting flowers?

tygertyger said:
That was my thought as well. Maybe our protagonist likes... garden variety mamono.

Yeah... The names of my MC's MG companions are definitely named after flowers.

I'm bad at coming up with names for characters, I'll fully admit that. So for those of you who wish to delve into my mind a little bit... What follows is basically a summary of the thoughts I had gone through when I was deciding how to name these two MG's.

Btw if you didn't get the flower connection with this chapter you'd have definitely got it with the titles of the two following chapters... 😂
Maku_The_BlueMar 26, 2019 10:36 AM
Mar 27, 2019 11:48 AM

Jan 2013
Nice Update and yes, coming up with names can be a bit tough. I tend to look for a lot of different sources to steal names, erhhh, get inspired.

Now, I'm no botanist, so do lilies and roses harmonize when you put them together?
Mar 27, 2019 6:40 PM

May 2013
mugen91 said:
Now, I'm no botanist, so do lilies and roses harmonize when you put them together?

A quick Google search shows several florists offering lily + rose bouquets, so I'd say yes.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Apr 8, 2019 6:28 PM
Apr 2018
Just a heads up this is kind of a long one... But I hope you enjoy it all the same!

So without further ado I present you with...

Chapter 7: A Rose in bloom

Lilly and I slowly made our way step by step through the forest in the direction of the rocky path. With Rose following only two paces behind.

Eventually as we limped up closer and closer to the road Lilly's ears perked up in reaction to noticing something.

"I think I hear a carriage! But... Ugh. It's getting further away! Go! I'll be fine, I'll catch up!" Lilly shouted.

Following her instructions I made sure Lilly could at least stand on her own before sprinting off with Rose close behind to catch up to the carriage.
As we emerged from the final branches that were blocking our way I saw the stones that made up the road. Now hearing the carriage that was to my left.

"Hey! Wait! Over here! We need your help!" I shouted while running towards them.

Three blonde heads turned our way from inside the carriage. Soon after the wagon came to a halt as the three armed and armoured figures stepped down from their heightened seats.

"What's the meaning of this? Who are you?" One of them demanded as they stepped up to us. Their hands placed on their sides, lightly grasping the handles of the blades that were strapped to their hips. Of course also forcing me hold out my arm to keep Rose from doing anything unnecessarily rash at their precautions.

Now that I could get a closer look at them it was pretty damn obvious what they were... Long blonde hair? Check. Incredibly beautiful and youthful looking faces? Check. Upwardly pointing ears? Check. Green and brown clothing and amour with nature themed decorations? Check. Criminally proportioned and sexy bodies? Double check. Yep. Definitely Elves.

"We need your help. My name is Will and this here is Rose. We discovered a wounded Holstaurus in the forest and she urgently needs medical attention." I quickly explained.

"Alright then if that is the case then stop wasting time. Where is she?" Another elf commanded.

Choosing to ignore her slightly rood and condescending tone I quickly led them back to where Lilly was. Finding her only now stepping onto the stone road with both of her hands on her walking stick, mostly leaning on it with her left side to support her body weight.

"At least he wasn't lying..." One of the elves muttered while slightly sheathing her sword.

"It wouldn't have worked out well for him if he were." Another elf openly responded. Catching Rose's attention with that comment though.

"Alright, let's take a look at your leg then. Lean yourself against that tree so I can get to work." One stepped up, pulling a satchel from behind her back. Lilly followed her instructions and placed both of her hands in front of her against a nearby tree, letting her undo the knot of my top around her thigh. "And what prey tell is this supposed to be?" The elf asked.

"My top?" I responded. "I didn't want anymore dirt or mud to get into her wound after I washed it so I used my top as a makeshift bandage." I explained.


The elf was left dumbfounded by my response.

"You washed this?" She queried. The tone of her questioning very clearly empathising the fact that she didn't believe me. Before I could even reply however she held up her hand to me to prevent me from speaking. "Even if I believed you had attempted to wash this wound, and very generously assumed you did so with actually clean water. Choosing to use your SWEAT and DIRT covered top would only have increased the chances of this wound getting infected. Even for a human that was an extraordinarily stupid thing to do." The elf concluded.

"Well excuse me for not having a crate full of medical supplies on me when I was sucked into a giant ball of light and spat out into a completely different world." I retorted getting somewhat annoyed now.

"Ahh, an off-worlder. Of course. I should have known you were one by the horribly designed and impractical attire you're wearing." Another elf nonchalantly added.


"Would you please just help her already!?" I said not really wanting to converse with these apparent high and mighty attitudes anymore...

Seemingly only because she had nothing more to use to be condescending with, the elf actually got to work. First washing out the wound with what I would first had assumed to be an alkaline or an alcohol to kill any bacteria, but from the way Lilly shrieked in pain and guessing from the freshly running blood now trickling down her shaking leg... It may have been some form of an acid for all I knew.

After she finished washing out the wound with... Whatever the hell she used. (I wasn't about to give her another reason to satisfy her apparent superiority complex by asking what it was she used.)

She then applied some kind of vaseline looking type ointment to rub into the wound. This was apparently somewhat pleasant, or at least soothing telling from Lilly's contented sighs.

After she had finished doing that she then began wrapping Lilly's wound up with strips of clean, white cloth. Only taking a few moments to come to completion after tying a firm knot. The whole process took far less time than I expected. Although it appeared that she was doing all of this with extremely well practiced hands.

"There. Assuming you don't reopen your wound by putting your leg under any unnecessary strain or pressure. And assuming you have 'someone' who's actually competent with cleaning your wound and changing your bandages..." She uttered while throwing me a glance. "You should be fine and be able to walk at a normal pace again in a week or so. With steady and gradual practice of course." She concluded. Handing Lilly a small satchel that contained the necessary medical supplies.

"Thank you. And my name is Lilly by the way, in case you didn't already hear, it's a pleasure to meet the three of you." Lilly proclaimed, introducing herself.

"You're quite welcome. My name is Aelene." The elf that bandaged her wound said.

"You can call me Aemma." Another elf suddenly announced, placing a hand over her chest.

"And my name is Alavara." The final elf said. All finally introducing themselves. But oddly enough seemingly only doing so to Lilly, and practically ignoring me and Rose...

"Incidentally, I must ask... Who's idea was it to give you nothing but a simple branch to serve as your walking aid?" Aelene asked.

"Oh, umm... That was Will's idea..." Lilly shakily answered, perhaps realising why she asked that question.

"The human? Why am I not surprised..." Aelene mumbled to herself, but mumbling loud enough to make sure I heard her.

She knows I'm still here doesn't she!?I thought to myself in announce.

"Well... Until you can actually walk on your own again you may do better with a proper walking aid, rather than using... Whatever that is supposed to be." Aemma interceded.

This constant high and mighty attitude is really starting to test my patience... I thought to myself as I continued trying to hold my tongue.

"I suppose the day is still relatively young... And it shouldn't take long whatsoever to make something better than a simple branch." Alavara agreed.

Okay at this point I can only assume they're all doing this on purpose... I thought to myself in realisation.

Me and Rose decided to simply sit back under some shade and watch as two of the three elves went to work. First they found two branches of similar size and shape. That size and shape being that of a 'Y' obviously to go under the armpit to help with balance and support. I mentally kicked myself for not thinking of that. When they found them, they cut them both down from the trees that were growing them. Taking a moment to... Prey to the tree? Or at least offer some kind of thanks or tribute? Which I guess made sense. I was honestly surprised they would even cut down a part of a tree in the first place. Given that so many elves are supposed to be 'protectors of the forest in so many fantasies.

But upon further consideration I also noticed that these elves also carried the stereotypical wooden bows, alongside quivers that were filled to the brim with wooden arrows... So I guess they must be somewhat practiced at woodworking. And thus have to be somewhat experienced with cutting down trees. Or at the very least cutting away some of the branches.

Once they had the two branches in hand, the elves began relieving them of their bark using short but surely very sharp knives. While the third went further off to the side with Lilly. Presumably wanting to ask her a few questions out of earshot of me and Rose. Whatever she was asking Lilly the elf seemed to not really like Lilly's answers from her frown. Although that could easily pass for a resting bitch face to me so I couldn't really tell what she was thinking. Nor was I very good at lip reading so I also had no idea what they were saying either.
However, since nothing really came of it as they simply walked back to us, I dismissed it from my thoughts.

Pretty much as soon as they did the two elves were done with stripping the bark off the branches. Now left with two 'Y' shaped pole like walking sticks that had white cloth wrapped around the top, presumably where Lilly's armpits would rest and about half way down the shaft, presumably where Lilly would hold onto it.

The elves handed their work over to Lilly who took them and tested them out by taking a few limping steps forward. Holding her wounded leg slightly above the ground and honestly having a much easier time with their walking aids than she did with my single walking stick. Needing only a few steps of practice to move in a slow but comfortable pace. Once she was done she turned to face the three elves.

"Thank you. I really appreciate what you've done for me." Lilly humbly spoke.

"Think nothing of it. After all it is our duty to help and protect this regions inhabitants as a part of the Exercitus." Aelene replied.

"Then... Might we ask one more favour from you?" Lilly questioned.

"We're listening. There's nothing stopping you from at least asking." Aemma announced.

"Will and Rose had been told that this road leads to a small village where we maight be able to get food, some new supplies and hopefully lodging. If you're going to that village may we travel with you?" Lilly explained. I choose to keep my mouth shut and let her do most of the talking. I had noticed that the elves didn't seem so condescending when speaking with Lilly for some reason...

"They had been well informed. Or at least they were not lied to... Yes this road does indeed lead to a small village where you could get everything you need. But unfortunately it is in the opposite direction we are traveling in. We are moving to regroup with a segment of our regiment before we hunt down a local trouble maker." Alavara responded...

Local trouble maker? The Thunderbird! Rose... FUCK!! I thought. I did my absolute best to hide my reaction to her statement when I realised what they were talking about and what that meant... But I might not have done a good enough job as I could see Aelene noticing the flinch in my facial muscles. Not enough of a reaction to call me out on it apparently. Thank god... But enough of a reaction for her to pick up on the fact I knew something. Which still wasn't good...

"So you can hopefully understand our reasoning in prioritising regrouping with our regiment as soon as possible rather turning around to escort you back." Alavara added.

"Wait a moment sisters. I believe a bargain could be struck here." Aelene intervened. "This bargain includes you, human." She continued.

"My name is Will." I replied rather annoyed.

"Well then. Will. How competent do you believe yourself to be with that blade?" She asked.

"What?" I responded.

"That blade the cursed sword is holding. Lilly here told me how she was attacked, and how she met you two. I believe that she told me the truth so her story ruled out the possibility of that blade belonging to her, and it would simply be redundant for that blade to belong to your cursed sword friend over there. So that means it could only logically belong to you. That is... Unless it was stolen..." She explained and wondered.

"It is NOT stolen." I replied with a deadpan expression.

"Good. So I ask again. How competent do you believe yourself to be with that blade?" Aelene repeated.

"I'm pretty competent with it I think. I've been practicing HEMA for at least five years." I replied.

"HEMA? Is that the name of your style of swordplay?" She asked.

"No, its short-speak for 'Historical European Martial Arts.' The style I practice is called the 'Liechtenauer tradition.' More specifically the manual written by a master of that tradition called 'Joachim Meyer' if you must know." I explained.

"I see... And remind me, how long did you say you practiced this style?" She asked.

"Five years." I proudly proclaimed.

"Only five? That's rather cute actually." Aemma interceded.

"Now, now sister, that's still enough time to learn at least a fraction of the fundamental aspects of swordplay." The main elf responded to her comrade. "Enough for what I have in mind anyway. And who knows? He may have a few moves or techniques that may catch us by surprise. It is after all a style of swordplay from another world." Aelene continued.

"What? You want to fight me?" I asked with an underline tone of anger. Honestly not minding a chance to show up these stuck up elf bitches... But also slightly raising my hand to signal to Rose that I didn't want her to step in... Yet.

"No, no, no, not a fight. At least not a serious one. Something more akin to... A sparring match. This is the bargain I propose. You face the three of us in five separate engagements. Since we obviously have a few distinct advantages over you..." She paused.

My face had possibly begun to flush red at this point.

"Let us make it more of an even playing field. All you must do is land a single strike on one of us in those five engagements. If you do then we will happily sacrifice an hour or so to escort you and your friends back to the village via horse pulled cart. If you don't then you will unfortunately have to walk back to the village on your own." She finished.

"I might agree, but first I have to ask, why would you want to make a bet like this in the first place?" I retorted. But also recognising that I might not be in a position to refuse if she decided to call me out on why I flinched from before.

"Well you see hum... Ah... Will. We elves are typically most practiced and proficient with ranged weaponry. And usually it is all we need to settle confrontations and keep the pease in this region. But as soldiers of the Exercitus it is also vitally important for us to remain competent with close quarters combat as well. I simply think this is a rather... Unique way to ensure that our swordplay hasn't degraded over time." Aelene explained with an obnoxious voice.

"Alright then, let's do this." I replied having had about enough of hearing that damn condescending voice. I walked up to Rose and pulled out my sword, leaving her with only the sheath. "Don't get involved unless I tell you to, okay?" I requested of her. She glared at the three elves with a clearly murderous intent. Giving them enough of a warning to know what she would do to them if I got hurt. Eventually turning back and giving a slight nod. "Good." I said. "Now who's first?" I asked while stepping out into the middle of the road and readying a stance as well as assuming a low guard.

"Hahaha. I will gladly be your first opponent." The elf who proposed the bet said, stepping forward to stand before me in the middle of the road while everyone else stepped off to the side. Unsheathing her own short, single edged and messer shaped one handed sword. Choosing to adopt an almost casual and half arsed stance and guard. Obviously emphasising the fact that she didn't take me seriously.

Pride before a fall, bitch... I thought to myself. I had an almost great sword sized weapon while she only had a short sword sized weapon. I obviously had the advantage when it came to range, but I also knew from past experiences that a skilled swordfighter could easily compensate for that and close the distance if I wasn't careful.

I needed to come up with moves and techniques that would keep her in my attack range, while also keep myself out of her attack range... Or at least keep me safe if I couldn't avoid getting within her striking range. And I think I had the perfect move in mind...

From my low guard I raised my sword over my head and placed it over my right shoulder. The flat of the blade running diagonally down my back with most of my weight being focused back on my right leg. 'The wrath guard' it was called in Meyer's manual. From this position you could deliver the strongest and fasted strike you could get away with in an actual fight. It certainly wasn't a subtle guard position, and even a complete novice could see what I was threatening to do in that guard. But that was exactly what I was hoping these elf bitches would think. That I was so green that I would actually follow through with such an obvious attack on my first attempt. And from the smirk on the elf that was standing before me. It looked like my plan might work.

I purposefully exaggerated a twitch to signal my attack and brought my blade over my shoulder in a diagonal strike downwards. Threatening to cut her in half unless she did something to prevent me from following through. Which she did. My elven opponent brought up her blade to catch and most likely deflect my own. But that's exactly the response I wanted her to have.

Before our blades met I fired my left hand which was holding my pommel to the side. Resulting in the whole blade turning counterclockwise in the air, completely shooting off where the blades would have originally met.
I released the pommel with my left hand and catapulted it towards the halfway point of the blade. Helping to guide its edge towards the elf's face as I stepped forward with my left foot to close the distance even more and prevent the possibility of her using her sword to attack or defend. Preferably aiming for her cheek to minimise the risk of inflicting any serious injuries. With the obvious exception of seriously wounding her pride of course. I'm going to enjoy this far more than I should... I thought to myself as I went in to deliver the fated blow.

But I was about to learn that a running theme of my fights with some of the Mamono on this island would be that my strategies and techniques would be completely nullified by sheer strength, speed, skill and innate ability. Just before my sword could make contact with her skin the elf ducked her whole body under my own by simply bending her legs with surprising flexibility. Leaving my sword and all the momentum I put behind it to meet with empty air. Thankfully I wasn't knocked off balance by this alone. However it did leave me wide fucking open to receiving a rather forceful stiff arm to the chest that sent me flying off my feet to land completely flat on my arse something close to three meters away.

"Clever boy... I'm not even ashamed to say that you almost got me with that one. I've never seen a move like that before. I may have to stop taking you so lightly after all..." I heard Aelene say in her usual condescending tone as I was still looking up into the sky.

Oh fuck this bitch... Even when she's paying me a compliment it feels like I'm being mocked. I thought to myself as I stood back up.

"Well. That's one engagement. Four more left." She added before retaking a stance and guard.

Alright... That move didn't work... How about this one... I mentally mused.

I charged her with the tip aimed at the centre of her body. Hands poised to thrust when I got close enough. When I did she used her blade to guide my sword to one side. Putting her body behind the other to safeguard against any attempt to preform a draw cut along the same level I thrusted at. But that was what I wanted her to do this time as well.

Using her own momentum I changed the way I griped my sword. From a normal hammer grip to placing my thumb on the bottom flat of the blade with my knuckles facing upwards. Allowing me to use my right hand as a pivot point to bring my blade up to her head level to rapidly perform snapping cuts to each side of her temple. Using my left hand to provide the actual movement of the blade.

However... Just like last time she managed to bring her sword up at the perfect time to block each attempt. Eventually forcing me to back out of the exchange when I realised it wasn't going to work.

Only slightly pretending to get frustrated with this whole situation I charged in again for the third engagement. With a low growl of intent I raised my blade straight over my head. Only after beginning to bring it straight back down did I reveal that I was not in fact only blindly swinging my sword around. By pushing my left hand that was holding the pommel forward I pivoted the blade to come back around to my side with crossed arms, hopefully landing a hit on her exposed waist. While still protecting my head at the same time.

But... And sing it with me this time...

With almost comedic predictability the elf fought her own momentum (at seemingly the perfect time) of raising her sword above her head to defend my fainted attack to actually bring it back down to block my actual strike.
This time I followed up with the same temple level strike I attempted before. Although now instead of striking both sides I got to the half way point of striking the other side before bringing it back round to hit the same side twice.

You won't be surprised to hear that, unfortunately for me, that didn't work either. She realised what I was intending to accomplish and blocked me at the last second with that attempt as well.

Jumping back out of that engagement actually left me somewhat winded too. Which certainly wasn't good for me.

"Hmm... Your offensive techniques seem to be focused on first causing your opponent to draw their weapon out in a defensive way. Then without skipping a beat attacking them at a newly exposed area of their body that was created by their previous defensive movement. You never actually expect any of your first attempts to connect, do you? They are simply setting up your following strikes, aren't they?" Aelene pondered allowed.

"So what if they are?" I responded.

"Nothing. Just making an observation is all. To be quite frank I was expecting much less of you. I first thought you would come swinging at me blindly with no finesse or refinement to speak of. Yet here I stand freely being able to admit that some of your strikes came a little too close for comfort at connecting with me because of how well you performed those techniques. There's no shame in admiring your opponent when they display some impressive shows of skill..." She admitted.

Wait for it... I thought.

"Especially when that opponent is a human." She finished.

There it is. I thought.

"And if you had been facing another human I'm sure those moves would have actually worked. However... I only gave you five engagements to attempt to land a blow on me with, and you've now taken the initiative on three of them..." Aelene began again.

Oh god... I thought.

"So..." The elf continued as she lowered herself into an offensive looking stance and guard.

Please no... I begged in my head.

"I'll be taking the initiative for the remaining two if you don't mind." Aelene finished before charging forward. Neglecting to even give me the chance to answer.

Oh... Here we go again!! I thought as I was forced to block an almost blindingly fast barrage of strikes from nearly all different directions. Although I did notice that she was a bit slower than Rose was when she assaulted me like this. But with both of them surely holding their true speed back and striking without the intent to actually cause me any harm it was hard to gauge which of them was truly faster or slower.

I guess it didn't really matter right now either way because the elf was still too bloody fast for me! However I did get lucky with one block that I managed to convert into a counter attack. Which the elf took as a reason to leap back and end the exchange. But I'm sure the elf could have simply blocked me had she been inclined to do so.

"Hmm... You're defensive capabilities are impressive for a human as well. You either have some measure of natural talent with a blade or you had a very good instructor to guide you to be this skilled with a sword in only five years." Aelene said.

"A bit of both I'd like to think." I responded taking a few deep breaths with a grin.

"Hmph, in that case I might not hold myself back as much for our final engagement. Are you ready?" Aelene asked. This time actually giving me the time to answer.

"Oh yeah. I'm ready!" I retorted, taking a stance and guard once more.
We both charged each other at the same time. Almost reminiscent of how Rose and I would have our 'fun.' With strikes, blocks, faints and counters being thrown back and forth. Although the elf was keeping me at her preferred distance. Not mine. With her shorter blade at close quarters she was a lot quicker and could manoeuvre her blade a lot more easily. So I was mostly being defensive with my actions with the odd acceptation of throwing out a cut whenever I got half the chance.

But... Honestly when I thought about it... Usually the number one golden rule of swordplay that was (ironically) beaten into me in class was: DO NOT GET HIT!!

With the second golden rule of swordplay being: HIT THE OTHER GUY!
Everything that I learned after that was to help me follow those two rules. Preferably in that order.

So naturally doubles (hitting each other at roughly the same time) were discouraged... Because it usually showed that neither sword fighter was following rule one. Which was placed there to help sword fighters keep themselves alive. But here... Under the conditions of this bet, I only had to land a single hit on her to win. So if I sacrificed my defence to assure my offence will be successful in this situation could actually be considered a win for me.

However I didn't really have the inclination or much of a chance to put this new found idea to use before our engagement came to an end. With one final mutual downwards diagonal cut towards each other we both leaped backwards.

"Well, well, well. I actually had a bit of good fun sparring with you Will. Thank you. That was quite invigorating." The elf rather humbly stated. With no snark or condescending tone in her voice. Which surprised the fuck out of me.

"Huh... You're welcome. I had some fun too there at the end." I retorted.
We both stood there smiling at each other, having a pleasantly silent moment of mutual adoration for each other as worthy adversaries.

Until the silence was promptly broken by one of her comrades...

"Alright! You've had your fun! Now it's my turn to have mine!" Aemma announced at the sidelines before hastily drawing her blade and stepping out into the middle of the road. With a little more eagerness than I would have liked...

"Alright then. Let's do this!" I grunted with a sharp exhale to physic myself back up again.

However... That didn't help me much because the second elf didn't hold herself back as much as the first.

My opening move was a tried and true one. A simple but quick downwards diagonal stroke that came from my right shoulder. Aiming for her own armoured and protected shoulder to minimise the risk of serious injury.

She reacted by placing her sword by her side with her left hand on the back and unsharpened side of her singularly edged blade. I had planned to cross my arms to follow up with a upward diagonal strike along the same line but in the opposite direction. But what she did next caught me completely off guard...

Without skipping a beat, the same moment most of my momentum had been stopped with her block, she closed the distance between us even further. Moving her left hand between my arms to come to grab my right shoulder, while she almost simultaneously wrenched her left leg behind my left knee. By the time I had realised what she was doing it was already too late.

With a twist of the elf's hips I was pivoted around her. Losing my balance invariably caused me release my sword with my left hand as I began my decent, but I did somehow manage to keep my grasp of the hilt with my right.

Great... A grappler... That's all I need... I thought as I plummeted towards the floor. But when I did finally connect with the ground I was a little surprised to find that my landing was somewhat softer than I had come to expect from grappling throws... Almost like something had somehow cushioned my fall...

I was even more surprised however to feel two squishy mounds of... Something. Push themselves directly into my upper back as I continued laying down. I didn't realise what they were until I also felt a hand resting on my chest with another hand supporting my neck. A slight breath of warm and moist air tickling the left side of my head.

WHAT!? She used HERSELF to cushion my fall!? How!? When did she have time to pull off anything like that!? I didn't even know she was behind me until two seconds ago!! I thought.

"Hmm... I'm not sure... Did you win that exchange? Or did I?" Aemma whispered into my ear. "Sure I surpassed your defence and threw you down but... I guess I must have messed up somewhere because you seem to be the one that's on top. I suppose if there's no clear victor then... I guess we might have to replay the first exchange again and again until we have one." The quietly muttering elf said before taking the opportunity to sneakily glide the tip of her tongue across the back side my neck. Obviously attempting to find an exploitable loophole in the bet we had made.

"Nope, nope, nope. That won't be necessary. I'll concede that first exchange." I quickly uttered while attempting to set myself free and stand back up. Only succeeding because she chose to let me go.

"Aww... Such a bore... But very well then. Four more exchanges it is." Aemma reminded me before standing back up herself and slowly drawing her blade again. Which for some reason was conveniently back in its sheath...

Ohh... Fuck. I thought in realisation.

The face I wore as I noticed that little detail was found to be somewhat amusing to my elf opponent. A faint smile crossing her lips while she casually readied herself to continue with our second exchange.

I'm so incredibly screwed... I thought with a slightly audible sigh. Oh well... In for a penny. In for a pound.

But now I was on my guard for more grappling attempts. Holding my blade out in front of me at diagonal angle to help keep her at a distance. My suddenly defensive and twitchy disposition was also found to be quite amusing by her apparently. A light giggle escaping her silky mouth.

After some time of awkwardly standing on guard it became clear that I wasn't going to initiate the second exchange. So my opponent finally decided to initiate it herself. She came in to close the distance again with startling speed, a devious grin across her lips. The elf went in to deliver a horizontal strike to my right side, which I blocked with relative ease by vertically placing my sword to my right side. But I'd be an idiot to think a simple strike like that was all that was coming. Unfortunately I couldn't do much to prevent what came next.

She didn't stop her advance and proceeded to perform a tackle of sorts on me. However it was a bit more graceful than a simple full on tackle. Yes, there was indeed some degree of impact and force delivered by shoving her shoulder into the centre of my chest. But before she did that she unbalanced me by placing her left knee behind my right leg. Preventing me from attempting to regain my balance by stepping backwards.

Again sending me toppling over myself to plummet down to the ground. This time however I had a soft landing of another sort entirely...

When I landed I again found that my head had been prevented from connecting with the ground. But that was from the elf cupping her hand around the back of my head. Where the soft landing came in was the front of my head. Indeed my face was enclosed around the soft and mailable flesh of the elf girl's breasts. My face actually going red because of my current predicament. Half from the embarrassment of being repeatably and thoroughly humbled at swordplay... Which I had previously believed myself to at least be competent at. Half from the inevitable arousal I was feeling from being repeatably and frustratingly put into awkwardly lewd positions... Which I would have actually welcomed... Had the elves putting me in these positions not given me a bad first impression by introducing themselves to be such condescending bitches.

"Oh dearly me. My footwork seems to be just awful today... I just keep on tripping over my own two feet whenever I try to grapple you. I do apologise." I heard the elf say while still having her breasts resting on my face. Even swaying them side to side ever so slightly to rub them in and taking her sweet old time to finally lift them off me to get up.

Oh please... You know exactly what you're doing... I thought as she finally raised herself up again.

Once more picking myself up from the ground, I readied myself for the third exchange with a slightly audible sigh. Also noticing that the elf's sword was once again continently back in its sheath...

Yeah... 'Tripped over your own two feet' while also finding the time to neatly sheath your sword so it's nice and safe for you to get up close and personal with me. I thought with a scowl.

The elf backed herself away from me to a respectable distance before coming to draw her blade at an almost insultingly slow pace and readying herself once more...

The rest of our engagements followed a similar theme. Namely me doing everything I could to prevent her from grappling with me to put me in those lewdly awkward positions, but her showing me how futile my efforts were by getting me in them anyway.

Unbeknownst to me Rose was off standing at the sideline using all of her willpower to keep herself from sprinting up to my current elven opponent and lopping off a piece or two from her body. Which pieces she wanted to lop off exactly, and how she wanted to go about doing it... Is perhaps better left unsaid.

Indeed Rose being practically forced to watch the elf press her body up to me in various ways with each engagement was more infuriating to her, than actually experiencing it ever could have been for me. Using grappling techniques to quickly subdue me and prevent me from putting up any further resistance was actually something Rose could understand. Sympathise with even, having once done a very similar thing to me when we first met. However... Using the grappling techniques as an excuse to feel me up and press her body so close to mine in such sexually charged ways? That was making Rose audibly grind her teeth in continuously building rage.

Rose had actually been somewhat calm when I was facing the first elf in those opening engagements. Still a little nervous at me being in a sword fight to begin with of course. But she wasn't visibly showing many signs of distress at our exchanges. Mostly because my first elven opponent never actually let her blade stay too close to me. Even when attacking in the final two engagements she noticeably made sure to leave a safe gap between me and her blade. So if I failed to parry in time she could easily and safely stop her sword from ever coming near me.

With my second elven opponent however... The visual signs of distress were very much apparent.

Lilly, who had previously been standing right beside her, wisely chose to take a few paces to the side when Rose visibly began to tremble.

The two other elves however were subtly resting their hands on their weapons in preparation for any sudden outbursts. Also secretly holding a slight grin at their sister's display however.

Fortunately no outbursts came as my final engagement with the second elf came to an end. This time resulting with me getting a very good sniff at Aemma's apparent arousal because of the fact my head was quite firmly placed between her thighs.

When she had finally got off me Aemma then casually walked back to the sidelines like nothing was even wrong and acted as if nothing had even happened. If looks could kill, the one Rose was giving that elf would have probably gruesomely torn her limb from limb. Fortunately for her looks couldn't kill, and after an awkward few seconds past to make sure Rose wasn't going to snap and try murder my second elven opponent... My third and final elven opponent stepped up and proclaimed that it was at last her turn. Drawing her blade and squaring up to face me.

It was at this point that I fully realised that this was my last chance to win the bet, these five final exchanges... And all I had to do was land one bloody cut! I was utterly resolved to win this thing. Partly because I really would rather have a free ride to this village as apposed to having to walk there at an absolute snails pace because of Lilly's wounded leg... But mostly because I wanted to preserve some small shred of belief in myself when it came to swordplay. So I chose to enact the plan I had thought of at the end of my bout with Aelene.

I raised my sword and lightly rested the base of the blade on my right shoulder, poising and readying myself for a sudden lunge forward to attack. Maximising the speed of my cut by simply punching forward with my right hand to provide the direction and speed of the sword, while pulling back my left hand to provide the rotation that the blade needed to actually cut my target.

Whatever kind of offence she made, it would no doubt obviously have to leave her vulnerable somewhere. So it was only a question of waiting for her to make her move and suddenly lashing out with my own attack to trade blows.

I would usually get a scolding and a lecture for employing this kind of strategy at my HEMA class... But thankfully no one from my HEMA class was here.

So there I stood, lying in wait for my elven opponent to give me the opening I wanted...


She didn't make any move at all. She instead simply stood there. Observing me for what felt like minutes on end. Studying or trying to read me, I of course figured out after a little while. So I was doing my best to not give her anything to read. Slightly relaxing my grip on my sword and trying to play it off as me simply holding my blade there because it was a restful and easy position to hold. But it seemed it may not have worked...

With a light smile gracing her lips, Alavara finally entered a more combatively offensive stance. I braced myself once more.

Here she comes... I thought in preparation, tightening the grip I had on my sword.

Alavara suddenly charged in, raising her blade over her right shoulder to emphasise a diagonal cut down towards my left shoulder.

Perfect!! I thought.

As my elven opponent brought her blade down to deliver her strike I rocketed my hands forward to deliver a cut of my own. However... Alavara had apparently guessed what I was aiming to do... Because as she was bringing her hand down in front of her she suddenly whipped her wrist around counterclockwise to bring her blade around so the tip was pointing to the ground. Providing enough cover to block my strike. But it wasn't her block that fully stopped my offensive attempt. No, what stopped me dead in my tracks was her reaching through, under her own arm with her left hand to grab and hold in place the handle of my own sword. Without skipping a beat, once she had a firm grasp on my weapon she brought her blade to rest it in the air just a few inches away from my throat.

This move unsurprisingly ignited Rose's protective instincts. Throwing her right arm into the air only to throw it back down again to sprout out her own sword. Crouching down to prepare to suddenly propel herself into a full sprint.

Of course this also sparked the two other elves to ready their bows and nock their arrows at startling speeds. Holding their fully drawn strings steady with the arrowheads aimed directly at Rose's head.

This however didn't even seem to register to her as Rose completely blanked them and was solely focused on staring at me. Or more specifically, the blade hovering over my neck.

"let's just all keep calm here shall we? I know it doesn't look like it right now, but I'm sure that our sister does NOT mean your human any harm." Aemma announced in an attempt to keep my Cursed Sword from doing anything rash. But clearly still holding her bow at the ready if she failed to convince her to do so.

I asked Rose to not interfere with any of these engagements, unless I specifically told her to. But I guess her number one concern was actually keeping me alive and ensuring I remained unharmed. So I suppose if I got hurt in any notable way... Then she would have ignored my request to make sure the threat to my health was removed.

It's a good thing then that I wasn't actually hurt in any noticeable way... Yet. And if I had to guess that was the only thing keeping her back at this point. Luckily my elven opponent was intuitive enough to realise why Rose had reacted in that way to begin with. And so Alavara made a show of slowly retracting her sword away from my throat and holding it out to her side instead.

At least she's trying to deescalate the situation, instead of making it any worse... I suppose I should do the same. I thought.

"There. You see? He's unharmed and the danger of him being harmed is gone. You can relax..." Aemma proclaimed.

After a tense few seconds passed with the three elves having a stare down with Rose, and with Rose still glaring daggers at my elven opponent, I slowly removed my right hand away from my blade to wave Rose back down.

She obeyed, albeit very reluctantly, and gradually stood back up into a more natural stance. Still keeping a weary eye on the blade the elf was holding out to her side though. The two elves at the sidelines also relaxed the strings of their bows in turn. And with the tense moments passing my elven opponent finally returned her full attention back to me.

"Getting desperate are we?" Alavara asked.

"What do you mean?" I retorted.

"That strike you made just now. You saw my intent. You knew I was coming in for a cut. But instead of blocking it you chose to throw out a cut of your own. You're not casting your defence aside to double down on your offence to help to insure that you land a hit on me in order to win the bet, are you?" The elf nonchalantly wondered aloud. Completely calling me out on my entire strategy pretty much instantly.

"No..." I quietly muttered in response.

Alavara gave me a knowingly smug smile. "You're an extraordinarily poor liar Will. But that's completely fine. You may do as you wish. In fact... It may be the only way you stand half a chance at winning this little bet. So by all means. Be my guest." She practically dared me before finally releasing the grip she had on my blade. Taking several steps backwards until she was comfortably out of range again.

With my last and final strategy laid out into the open, all I could do was follow through with my plan and hope that at least one of them would connect...

But as you may imagine... Blow after blow. Cut after cut. Everything I threw at my last elven opponent was blocked, parried and countered by her. Even on our fifth and final engagement, giving every attack my all. I couldn't even get past her defence to land a single stroke. I completely at utterly lost. Finding myself gasping for air again after I finally had to admit that the exchange was over.

"well, it was fun, and you did far better than I had expected of you, but regrettably, you have lost the bet. So you and you're friends will unfortunately have to manage on your own, and walk back to the village on foot. Don't worry though, it shouldn't take you that long. You should be there before sunset." Aelene stepped up and said.

I slumpt to the ground in defeat. All the faith in my abilities completely lost once more. I felt like giving up swordplay all together quite frankly, what was the point if I was only going to be humbled and embrassed again and agian by any Mamono with any experience with a blade?

As Rose came to try to comfort me by warpping me up in her arms the three elves turned to practically skip back to their waggon. All wearing the widest self satified grins you could possibly imagine. And even through Rose attempts to silently console me I still felt completely crestfallen by the fact that I had not only failed to win the bet by not managing to land one single hit on them, but I had also once again been so thoroughly shown up in the craft I had prided myself in. Not only this, I had been humbled by three completely insufferable elves with the most condescending voices and personailities I had ever come across, which only rubbed salt into my wounded pride all the more.

There was a brief silence as I attempted to accept the fact that I had lost our chance to get a ride back to the nearest village.

When suddenly...

"WAIT!!" LIlly cried.

Three blonde heads turned to face us once again.

"What?" Aemma asked.

"I'm sorry but we have our group to meet up with Lilly, and your human accepted and lost the wager, and we elves like to be women of our words." Aelene added.

"I know. That's why you should also extend the same bet to Rose too." Lilly expressed to all our surprise, even gaining Rose's attention.

"Excuse me?" Aelene questioned.

"You said yourself that you shouldn't let your close quaters combat skills degrade over time, as part of the Exercitus, right? So what better opponent to test yourself against in close quaters combat than a Cursed Sword? That is why you offered that bet to Will isn't? Because you wanted to practice your swordplay skills? Unless of course... You only wanted to spar with 'him' specifically because you knew you'd all win..." Lilly stated with a suggestive tone.

"I... Of course not!" Aelene answered with a slight blush and stutter.

"Then will you all agree to extending the same bet to Rose?" Lilly asked with a smile.

The three elves looked at each other with visible concern on their faces as they all considered the position Lilly had put them in. Ultimately all nodding to each other in unison.

"Alright, in the name of honing our skills with our blades, we will offer the same bargain to the Cursed Sword, with the same stakes, if she is willing to accept."Aelene responded.

Lilly turned to look at Rose. Hoping for her agreement. Who then turned to look at me. Seeking my approval. I didn't hesitate to give it.

"Accept it." I encouraged her. Dropping my sword and holding both of her shoulders with my hands. A thankful but devious smile graced her lips at my words.

"With pleasure master." She answered, before stepping up to face the three elven bitches.

"However... Since we are facing a more worthy opponent I must insist that we change the conditions of the wager to better reflect the change in participants." Aelene stated. This caused me to frown somewhat at her request...

"And they are?" Lilly asked.

"Instead of it simply being a case of the Cursed Sword needing to land a single blow on one of us to win the bargain, she instead must defeat all of us to win the bargain." Aelene declared.

"Does that sound fair?" Alavara added.

Rose slowly turned around so only me and Lilly could see the look of pure elation on her face. The words 'that's even better...' painted across her lips. Rose not even needing to utter them for us to get the message.

"Yep, that sounds fair." Lilly answered. Rose now turning back and facing the three elves she oh so wanted to have a few swings at.

"Alright then. I'll go first..." Aelene muttered, drawing her blade and stepping forward.

"No." Rose suddenly stated. Causing the elf to pause dead in her tracks. "I want all three of you at once." She added much to the three elves disdain.

"Tsk. So be it." Alavara answered as both elves stepped up to flank their sister.

As Rose lifted her sword up into the air to point at the three elves in challenge what followed was a few moments silence as they stared each other down. Rose still having this grin of wild and unsettling anticipation, while the three elves actually started to noticably have beads of sweat form over their foreheads and looks of concern aappearing on their faces.

Until Aelene called out "Three way pincer attack! go!"

The two elves at her side were quick to respond, leaping to either side behind Rose. Just as they did all three of them charged in with their blades raised to cut Rose down from three different directions with three different strokes.

Rose however, was even quicker to respond. She first directed even more of the metal covering her body onto her blade. Making it even longer and wider. She then lowered her stance by kneeling down and whirled in place just as the elves were about to enter striking range. Promising to relieve them of their legs if any of them decided to follow through with their attack. Forcing them all to jump back. Without skipping a beat and before any of their feet even touched the ground, Rose then leaped over to Aemma, bringing her blade over her right shoulder only to bring it back down, stright towards Aemma's head. With no time to react or think of anything else to do she was forced to bring up her blade in the hope that it might stop Rose's hulking mass of metal for a sword that was hurtling towards her skull. But as their blades collided Rose used her left hand to rocket her swords pommel right into the Aemma's temple. Cuasing her to instantly drop to the floor like a sack of bricks, knocked completely out cold.

Rose then turned around and swung her blade horizontally to block and knock aside both swords of the elves that were coming in for a strike while her back was turned. With a cross of Rose's hands, a quick step forward to close the distance and a sharp movement of her arms, the pommel of her sword was shoved squarely into the Aelene's stomach. Causing her to splutter out a rather substantial amount of her saliva and collapse onto her knees, utterly winded.

The last standing elf made a last ditch effort to end the fight as quickly as possible by aiming to stike Rose's head. But I knew from personal experience that, unfortunately for her, that wasn't going to work.

Rose lifted her sword, catching the Alavara's blade, and with twist of her wrists, locked it in place with her crossguard. Allowing her to wrench her blade aside to open up her last opponent for her final strike. With a quick and sharp jab to Alavara's throat, she too fell to the floor. Coughing up a little blood and gagging for air. Leaving Rose towering above all three of the elves, who were all quite certainly still alive, but completely defeated.

The whole thing only taking a maximum of... What? Five seconds? All of it happened so fast I couldn't really tell for sure... But there was one thing I was dead certain of...

"I.." I began, stalking my way over to Rose's side. "Have never been..." I stated, warpping my arms and her from behind. "More attracted to a women in my life..." I continued, lovingly gliding my hands up and down her body. "As I am to you..." I whispered, teasingly putting my lips right up to her ear. "Right now." I finished, kissing the side of her throat. "You are definitely going to get a reward for that little performance later on..." I coyly said, giving her one more peck on her cheek. Rose blushed with excitement and beamed with joy at my praise. But I parted myself from her once I had given her that final kiss and walked up to Aelene, who was still clutching at her stomach. "But before any of that. I believe you now have your word to keep and the end of our little wager you have to uphold. So... Would you like any help with getting your comrades back on the wagon?" I offered to the elf with a smug tone and smile of my own.


When everyone was back on the wagon I decided to sit on the deepest left side of the cart, which allowed Alavara to keep an eye on Aemma's sprawled out and still very unconscious body at the front right side of the cart. Which obviously meant that Aelene was the one handling the horses. Rose was tightly clinging to my right side with a territorial glare aimed squarely at Lilly, who happened to be sitting on my left side and had been suitably trying to edge her way closer to me for some time. Eventually getting close enough to me that Rose grabbed my top and pulled me away from her.

"Rose... If Lilly wants to sit next to me then she's completely free to do so. After all her quick wits and silver tongue are partly to thank for us getting a free ride to this village." I stated.

"But I was the one that defeated all of them to win the bet..." Rose pointed out.

"True. And you WILL get you're reward for that, don't you worry. But you also wouldn't have had the chance to win that bet if Lilly hadn't convinced them to give you that chance to begin with." I explained.

Rose didn't really have a counter argument for that, and so reluctantly allowed Lilly to snuggle up to my left side. Getting comfortable by wiggling herself up next to me to make as much of our bodies touch as possible before finally resting her head on my shoulder and closing her eyes.

This somewhat predictably and humorously prompted Rose to do the same. Making Rose endeavour to snuggle even more tightly to me in an attempt to make sure more of her body was touching me than Lilly's. I couldn't help but lightly chuckle at how they were treating me. I'd never get this amount of attention from girls back on earth. Let alone from two insanely hot ones... Maybe being stuck here wasn't such a bad thing after all...

But that still wasn't going to stop me from trying to find a way back.

"Thank you." Lilly quietly whispered before her breathing became noticably lighter and softer.

She fell asleep on me? Huh... Oddly enough I'm very okay with this.I thought to myself. Actually... When I stopped and thought about it... I was feeling a little warn out myself. Those exchanges must have taken more out of me than I originally suspected. And the gentle rocking of the wagon mixed with the melody of the birds chirping away in the forest canopy made for quite the ideal position to take a quick nap. Yeah. Go on then.

The only problem is I don't have a pillow or anything to rest my head on...I thought to myself. Wait a minute...I realised as I glanced over to Lilly's head.Of course!I mentally proclaimed.

"Umm... Rose?" I began.

"Yes master?" She replied.

"I hate to ask but... Could you rest your head on my shoulder please? I kind of want to take a nap and I was hoping I could use you as a temporary pillow..." I a bit shakily asked.

She once again beamed with joy at the thought of her being able to help me.
"Of course master!" Rose answered. Happily nuzzling her cheek into my shoulder. Waiting to feel the comforting weight of my own head. She didn't have to wait very long.

I rested my own cheek on her soft black hair. Satisfied with how relaxing a position I was in before slowly drifting off myself.

Remembering to remind Rose of one last thing before I went totally unconscious.

"Rose. Could you wake me up with a few kisses when we arrive at the village please? I requested.

"With pleasure master." She answered.

"Thank you." I whispered.
Maku_The_BlueApr 11, 2019 4:46 PM
Apr 9, 2019 5:41 PM

Jan 2015
I'm happy to see a couple pointy eared stuck-up army gals whose names all start with an A make an appearance. Are they called the AAA-team? Who knows?! Will our heroes soon meet a buff dark elf named Mrs. T and wearing an obscene amount of bling? Who knows? Tune in next time to find out!

Our MC might want to ask for a rematch using a different kind of sword. Pretty sure that way he'll be wiping that condescending look of their faces in no time, while they have to wipe something else of their faces ;-)

Also some more technical feedback. I put it behind a spoiler tag to keep the post nice and tidy:


MetallumOperaturJul 19, 2021 4:54 AM
Apr 10, 2019 7:21 PM

May 2013
Ah, another chapter! And with some elfity goodness, too.

I rather like the bits about the history of the fighting style. It's a good way to make a personal connection between the writer and the story, and that helps the reader connect to the story (kinda why my own stories pay as much attention to music as they do...).

Mets is right about the level of detail in the fight scenes, though; best to keep those simple and stylized. Go into detail only when the details are important. Admittedly, fight scenes are super hard to do well. Hell, I'm this close to being a pro author, and I still struggle with them.

One more note -- and I won't put this behind a spoiler tag because I see several writers make this mistake -- watch out for homophones. Spell-check won't catch these errors because there is no misspelled word. It's a correctly spelled word used in place of the entirely different word that should actually be used. I saw two examples in particular in this chapter:

The only cure for this problem is to make at least one careful editing pass. And even then you might have to break out the thesaurus to make sure of your word choices.

I say again... writing is hard, y'all. Mad props to anyone who has the guts to put their stuff out there.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Apr 11, 2019 4:23 PM
Apr 2018
MetallumOperatur said:
Our MC might want to ask for a rematch using a different kind of sword. Pretty sure that way he'll be wiping that condescending look of their faces in no time, while they have to wipe something else of their faces ;-)

Yeah, he won't be doing that.

Instead if he ever just so happens to come across any dark elf crime lords...

That just so happens to run a chain of brothels...

Who just so happens to use the said brothels as a way to blackmail many of their elf Exercitus clientele into looking the other way by threatening to reveal their true lustful natures to the rest of Arcadia...

Then he may just so happen to be tempted into getting in on some of that action... XD
Apr 11, 2019 4:40 PM
Apr 2018
tygertyger said:
Ah, another chapter! And with some elfity goodness, too.

I rather like the bits about the history of the fighting style. It's a good way to make a personal connection between the writer and the story, and that helps the reader connect to the story (kinda why my own stories pay as much attention to music as they do...).

Yeah it's no secret that I heavily based my MC on myself XD with some slight alterations here and there but mostly whatever he does and how he reacts to stuff is what I'd probably do or how I could see myself reacting. It keeps me engrossed.

tygertyger said:
Mets is right about the level of detail in the fight scenes, though; best to keep those simple and stylized. Go into detail only when the details are important. Admittedly, fight scenes are super hard to do well. Hell, I'm this close to being a pro author, and I still struggle with them.

Yeah I actually had a discussion with Metal about that. You see I originally thought I would paint such a clear and comprehensive fight scene by going into so much detail with my MC's stance, footwork, handwork, what strikes he was doing, where he was aiming etc...

But Metal brought to my attention the fact that to anyone who hasn't actually practiced any kind of swordplay themselves... Such details only makes the fight harder to follow. Not easier.

Which is something I'll certainly keep in mind for the future.

tygertyger said:
I say again... writing is hard, y'all. Mad props to anyone who has the guts to put their stuff out there.

Yes it is. And thank you. XD
Maku_The_BlueApr 10, 2020 4:12 PM
Apr 16, 2019 12:33 PM

Jan 2013
Nice update.

yada yada about level of detail, still quite enjoyable (especially elf number 2)

I like where the story is going and for me, personally, the length of chapters doesn't bother me too much, though it will impact whether or not I read it right away, so you could say that shorter chapters yield quicker comments :P

Apr 2, 2020 9:52 AM
Nov 2019
I enjoy it, though Lilly doesn't exactly appear to be as defenseless as I first thought, this will be interesting to see play out for sure
Apr 7, 2020 2:06 PM
Apr 2020
I know a Cursed Sword mamono has made its appearance before in another story, but this is the first one I read that had one and I must say that I quite like the representation of Rose! Hopefully you delve more into her as I'm always intrigued by a character's background.

Speaking of such, I like the dynamic between Rose and the MC and how they met. I used to practice fencing and a little bit of renaissance recreation, so I definitely have an appreciation for swordplay!

As for the most recent chapters, the encounter with the elves was a fun read and was a good example of how even a normal mamono can outclass a human, without sacrificing a level of skill on your MC's part. I understood the need for specific detail there and followed it well enough, fight scenes can be tricky to describe what exactly is occurring I find.

All in all, a great read thus far. Consider this a crack of the whip for you to get writing again!
Jul 18, 2021 7:36 AM
Apr 2018

I unceremoniously bolted awake from the carriage coming to an abrupt stop. The unexpected halt of the motion, along with the sudden high pitched neighing the horses made as their reins were pulled taut serving as quite the startling, if very effective, wake up call.

As I came to my senses found both Rose and Lilly already awake, but was amusingly surprised to see the both of them trying to competitively nestle themselves deeper into sides.

Rose clinging to me with an almost ironclad grip with her metal hand, silently glaring at Lilly with a rather unfriendly expression.

While Lilly was subtly trying to press my arm inbetween her bountiful bosom, doing her level best not to meet Rose's gaze.

"Alright, we're here, we've held up our end of the bargain." Aelene bitterly said with a frown as she appeared at the back end of the carriage. Still clutching her stomach in discomfort.

But as we all got up and stepped down from the carriage, Aelene swiftly grabbed my wrist to get my attention. And at this point I almost instinctively knew to raise my hand to keep Rose from overreacting.​

"Just so we're clear, if anyone finds out about our little wager. I will personally make sure that you regret it." She warned. Predictably eliciting an overly protective response from Rose. Who raised and threw her down her arm to summon her blade.

While the other two, now conscious, elves on the carriage once again readied their bows in preparation for a fight.​ And this time. A real one.

I smiled and simply waved Rose back down. "I wouldn't dream of it..." I said to Aelene who was still holding my wrist. "Now if you would kindly let go, I will happily be my way, and you can happily be yours." I offered.​

With that, she gradually released me from her grip and slowly walked back to the carriage. Getting onto the heightened seat at the front of the cart and lightly whipping the horses to signal them to set off once more. Watching her tug at the reins of the horses to guide them into turning the whole carriage back around was somehow unbelievably satisfying to me...

When they were finally back on their way to resume their trip to meet up with the rest of their comrades I happily waved them goodbye.

Once my gloating was over I at last turned to acknowledge the town I came to in earnest. And the first thing that came to my attention was how small the settlement actually was. Just a handful of buildings at the most.

However... The sheer size of those buildings certainly compensated for the lack of numbers.

Each house had stone and mortar foundations. Having large wooden walls and pillars making up the faces and corners of the buildings. With each one also having tightly packed staw lining the roofs.

But the most notable aspect of these 'houses' was that they almost all had the size to dwarf that of any old fashioned inn that I'd ever seen.

Together the three of us slowly made our way into the settlement by the only big and broad dirt road that ran in, through, and out of the town in both directions.

We strangely didn't see any residents outside at all. Quite honestly this settlement looked rather empty on first glance.

But as we walked closer to the front of each house, I noticed that every single one had large wooden signs hanging from the porch right outside the front door.

All having different symbols carved into them. Looking closer it soon became clear why that was the case.

One displayed a hammer coming down on an anvil. Signifying the town's blacksmith no doubt.

A second had a ball of yarn with a needle running through it. The town's sewer, or maybe dressmaker I would guess.

I spied another sign that had a few differently shaped bottles and flasks, possibly being the town's alchemist, or perhaps herbalist.

And finally, outside by far the biggest house in the village, hung a sign that displayed what I could only assume to be a bed.

"Ah, the inn, hopefully. I think that should be our first stop." I suggested to my two companions.

"Definitely, a roof over my head with a warm bed for the night sounds good to me." Lilly agreed as she took a limping step forward towards the house, using her two new crutches help to keep her up.

But as we stepped towards what I assumed to be the front porch, I was taken back by how huge the entrance actually was. Two large barnyard styled doors were apparently the only way in.

Deciding to still be polite I chose to knock on the wooden entrances first before pushing them aside.

"It's open!" A husky but still distinctly female voice called.

Taking that as an invitation I pushed aside one half of the door and strode in, being swiftly shadowed by Rose, who then was being slowly followed by Lilly.

When we entered I was surprised by how massive and seemingly empty the room inside appeared to be. Taking full advantage of how big the building was.

The only decorations to speak of were long, broad tables and chairs lining both sides of the hall. With a stone fire pit dug into the very centre of the room.

When I looked over at the other end of the rather extensive hall, I spied a huge wooden desk, behind which was what looked like a terrifyingly gigantic axe hung onto the wall.

With what seemed to be an equally large, caramel skinned woman with dark brown hair and long slightly curved horns, lazily slumped over the desk. Her attention squarely aimed downwards toward what I could only assume was a book on her worktop.

Soon after walking some ways in, I came to suspect that she was in fact, half cow, half human, same as Lilly. But this woman had a vastly different appearance...

She had different coloured hair and skin obviously. But more than that... She had a much larger build with a more muscular physique. Short and spiky brown fur instead of long and fluffy spotted fur. But the most distinctive feature between the two however may have perhaps been their horns...

Lilly's were short, tightly curved, and rather light in colour. While this woman's were long, slightly curved and quite dark in their hue. Not to mention being much... MUCH larger.

She nonchalantly raised her head to look at us as we approached. A twitch of surprise crossing her face as her eyes landed on me.

"Well now.... I wasn't expecting a human to come walking through my door..." She admitted before I heard the shutting sound of paper suddenly being pressed together. "And how can I help you sugar? Looking to rent a room I take it?" She asked.

"Yeah. We were kind of hoping to anyway... Do you happen to have any space available...?" I nervously asked.

The cow girl let out a long hearty chuckle at my inquiry as she came to fully stand. Almost towering over us with her true height before responding.

"More than you could ever need sugar. Just the three of you is it?" She wondered.

I could almost feel Rose about to voice her displeasure at the assumption of Lilly being associated with her. Let alone me...

But luckily I managed to speak up first.

"Yes, it is. A room for the three of us, please." I quickly confirmed and requested.

"Alright, that'll be six copper prices per night." The cow girl nonchalantly responded.

"Errr..." I absentmindedly let out.


Money!! I completely forgot I would need money!

How could I forget that I needed money!?

WHERE the hell am I going to get any money!?

HOW the hell am I going to get any money!?

I am so FUCKED!!


"You alright there sugar? Does there seem to be a problem?" The cow girl questioned. Regaining my attention in the process.

"Umm..." I unsurely mouthed. Actually being a little started when the next voice to speak actually came from behind me.

"Yeah... We don't really have any money..." Lilly suddenly began, limping forward to bring herself to the centre of the cow girl's attention.

Lilly!! What are you doing!? I thought in distress. Only for her to give me a knowing look as she continued to limp past me.

"You see... Will here is an off-worlder, who arrived fairly recently as far as I can tell, so he won't have any money on him. And Rose there isn't really the type to carry or keep any money to begin with, so she wouldn't have any either." Lilly continued. "As for me, I was attacked by a crazy Thunderbird and lost all of my money trying to run away from the insane bitch. Which is why I have this gash on my leg and have these sticks to help me walk." She explained.

"Yeah. Unfortunately I already know about that Thunderbird. A group of elves set off from here to deal with her not so long ago." The cow girl admitted.

Huh, so she really was becoming a local nuisance... But I still think it would be better if I kept the fact that Rose killed her to myself... I thought.

"But in short you're saying you can't pay then?" The tall caramel skinned cow girl asked with a frown.

"Well, not with copper pieces anyway, but we both know that doesn't mean we're unable to compensate you for your services in another way." Lilly diplomatically said.

An excited smile immediately appeared across the inn owner's face as she turned to look at me, Lilly following her gaze to look behind her towards me in turn, only for Rose to meet both of their looks before glancing at me in as well.

"Oh!" Lilly mouthed in sudden realisation. "No, no, no, my apologies, I meant my milk! I can exchange my milk to cover the costs of our stay here." She quickly added before Rose and I fully caught on to what they were both thinking. "I'm sure your resident alchemist could find some use for my milk, it can be a very useful ingredient for a lot of elixirs, if they know how to handle it. And even if my milk isn't specifically useful to your resident alchemist... I'm sure I could still offer my milk to you, or any of the other residents in this town who might like a warm, sweet and nutritious little drink... Which I'm sure at least someone would. And should worse comes to worst, if you let the three of us have a room in your lovely and spacious abode, until I'm all healed up and ready to leave anyway... I could be pursued to let anyone from this town drink my milk from me directly in return. More neutrinos that way. As well as maybe doing some other things with me if they were to get in the mood while suckling. So long as everyone was gentle with me... What do you say?" She offered with all the persuasion of a saleswoman.

"Hmph, I'm sure I know at least one person in our group who'd definitely take you up on that offer. We can sort out the details later, for now, I'll lead you to your room, follow me." She replied. "Oh, and you can call me Tara." The tall caramel skinned cow girl said before turning around to lead us away.

I was left a little dumbfounded by the exchange, but pushed my questions aside and quietly followed along.

Very quickly reaching a decently sized room, with one table, four chairs, a chest, a wardrobe and a very large bed. But that was it, just the one bed.

"I take it that this room should be to your liking?" Tara asked.

I knew straight away that Rose would object to Lilly sharing a bed with me and her, and thankfully for all of us I managed to stop her from voicing her displeasure without Tara noticing. We certainly weren't in a position to be making complaints after all.

"Yes, this room will be lovely, thank you." Lilly answered graciously.

"Alright then, I'll leave you to get settled in, I'll go and let the other's know we have guests." Tara stated before turning around to walk back out the room.

"Oh, before you leave, may I ask if there's a clean bucket or pitcher we could use to hold my milk?" Lilly asked as she hobbled over to the other cow girl. "I haven't been able to keep up with emptying them for a few days now, so they're a bit full, and it's beginning to get a little uncomfortable... So I'd like to be milked sooner rather than later, if that's okay." She quietly said with a slight blush.

"Yeah, I'll get you one, you alright being milked in here?" Tara replied in a lower pitched voice.

"Oh, umm, let me work on that." She unsurely answered in a hushed tone.

"Alright then." Tara simply said before once again turning and exiting the room. Leaving the three of us in a brief moment of silence.

"I have so many questions..." I uttered.

"Like what?" Lilly asked with a quizzical look.

"Like how did you manage to pay for our room by trading your milk?" I wondered.

She looked at me in bewilderment for a moment, but a look of realisation soon crossed her face.

"Ah, off-worlder, of course." Lilly began. "Well, I'm not entirely sure how your world handled its transactions, but on Arcadia, you don't always have to pay for things with money. Unless you live in one of the capital's or in a big city, and you have a lot of money, you mostly have to trade and barter for goods or services. Easpically if you're travelling on the road. You can only carry so many coins on you before you just have a big 'please rob me' sign painted on your back, so it's usually better to stay light if possible. And trade what you can when you need something." She explained.

"And... You're able to trade your milk?" I asked.

"Yep, one of the perks of being a Holstaur. We start producing milk as soon as we hit puberty, and don't really stop..." Lilly clarified with an averted gaze and reddened cheeks.

"And you're okay with paying for us as well?" I nervously wondered.

"Well of course, silly, you saved me, it was the least I could do." She happily replied with a twitch of her ears.

"Well, thank you, we would have been screwed if you hadn't stepped in like that." I confessed with a sigh.

"Probably in more ways than one..." Lilly quietly muttered.

"I'm sorry?" I asked.

"I said you're welcome, to be honest your panicking face is kind of cute." She proclaimed with a giggle. "But... I do have a bit of a favour to ask..." She began.

"Oh? What is it?" I queried.

"Well..." Lilly started, but then stopped and hesitated as she stole a quick glance over to where Rose was standing. "Can I... Can I ask you in private, please?" She nervously wondered.

Looking over at Rose myself I could quickly see why she was so hesitant. Rose wasn't very happy with anything that happened over the last five minutes. Not with Tara assuming me, Rose and Lilly were all travelling together, not with us being given a room with only a single huge bed we'd have to share, not with Lilly being able and willing to pay for our stay here, she wasn't happy with any of it, and it was written all over her face. And as a result, Rose looked as though she was trying to seemingly will stab wounds into existence onto Lilly's body with her glare.

"Ah, okay, we'll step outside for a moment then. Rose, you wait here for a second alright? I'll be right back. I'll call you if I need you." I said in a hopefully diplomatic way before both of us stepped out of the room.

"Yes master..." Rose quietly whispered.

Once we were outside and closed the door I turned to face her again.

"So, what's this favour?" I once again wondered.

"Well... Because I haven't been able to be milked in a few days now, my breasts are kind of swollen, and are getting a bit sensitive and uncomfortable." She began. "So because it's a bit awkward trying to milk myself, and since I actually end up lactating more when I have some..." She glanced down towards my waist. "External stimulation coming from someone else. I was wondering if, maybe, you'd be willing to help milk me?" Lilly nervously asked with a nervous sideways look.

"I..." I trailed off as I blinked in surprise. "Are you sure? Wouldn't that be a little invasive? I mean... Would I really be the best person for that?" I queried.

"No, no, no, it wouldn't be invasive of you at all!" She quickly exclaimed. "Honestly I'd rather have you do it than anyone else here, or have do it myself. I know it might seem a little strange to you, but for me being milked is completely normal." She cooed.

"Umm... Well it wouldn't exactly be normal for me. That doesn't mean no necessarily, but I don't think you should set your expectations too high. Enthusiasm isn't always the best substitute for experience in things like this. I still think you'd probably be better off asking someone like Tara to do it. But if you really want me to, and if that'll pay for our stay here, then I can't really say no." I chuckled, hiding the fact that I was both excited and curious to see how this went.

"Wonderful!" Lilly beemed right before scooping me off the ground and nestling my face into her chest.

Indeed I thought. What a weird and wonderful place...
Jul 18, 2021 7:58 AM

May 2013
"Well, thank you, we would have been screwed if you hadn't stepped in like that." I confessed with a sigh.

"Probably in more ways than one..." Lilly quietly muttered.

I'm so glad I wasn't drinking when I read that.

This is a nice transition chapter after all the action... and, I suspect, a good lead-in to a different kind of action. Still a few spelling mistakes, but none that took me out of the story. This bit moves the plot along nicely.

On an unrelated note -- as the curator of the HMG competition I get to see all of the Name That Mamono entries in advance, so I found a minotaur named Tara to be a powerful coincidence. ;)
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 19, 2021 1:31 PM

Jan 2013
Damn, been a while since the last update, had to skim the previous chapter as a reminder.

Quite a change of pace from the action oriented previous chapter, but a good one I think.

I imagine Rose will be somewhat displeased with the MC taking an active role in extracting the payment for their stay in the inn. But really, what can you do?
Jul 19, 2021 5:55 PM

May 2013
Sword-girl will no doubt get back at the interloper by claiming that she (Rose) needs to be sharpened and/or oiled.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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