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Jul 12, 2017 9:03 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

His usual policy was to try and avoid any deaths, but it seemed that the battle wasn't ending here, so he'd continue attacking. He'd swing his halberd at her gut, and continue attacking if that didn't work. He wasn't trying to take this too far, or do anything unnecessary, as he didn't take pleasure in any of this, but she did seem pretty unable to fight at the moment.
((@Raiores , don't know if you want to end this here :P ))
Jul 13, 2017 10:50 AM

Sep 2016
A green aura surrounded the axe, stopping it before it hit Arice and throwing it away. Then another green aura covered Arice's wounds, healing them.

Green aura was covering her hand too. The one that healed Arice was coming from her. She looked familiar to some of the participants, she was the nurse who healed the badly hurt ones. "If that had hit, she would've died for sure... And so, you were disqualified, Eres Nieval." She said, with some anger in her voice.

Y-yes ma'am! Eres Nieval has been eliminated, Arice Dell wins the battle! Said the announcer, with some worry in his voice. This woman wasn't only a nurse, she was also Jayden's wife, the one who owned the battle ground and held the tournament. Now it's time for the next battle, Sekrine Laebus VS. Takara Yoshida! Proceed to the arena please!

@earnestmovie 10 points for Arice
@ernestly 9 points for Eres))
Jul 13, 2017 1:03 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Before that battle, he woke up and got ready for his own battle. He then left the hotel to go to the arena where the final battles are going to be held. After reaching there, he watched the battle. After that battle was over, he heard his name get called by the referee. So, he stood inside of the arena and waited for his opponent to come too.
Jul 14, 2017 12:56 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

For some odd reason, her wounds had been healed. Was she in the hospital or was she in heaven. She opens her eyes to see the axe barely even touching her simply due to a green aura blocking it. She then hears that Eres was disqualified for almost killing Arice. Usually the winner would be relieved, but Arice was quite disappointed in herself. She knew she lost that battle fair and square. Instead, she was saved by one of the staff once again. She gets up and holds onto the woman's dress. She tugs on it to get her attention. "I lost that fight fair and square ma'am. He should be the one to advance not me." she told the woman. She felt as if she didn't earn her right to fight any longer in the tournament. Her wins were through disqualification, not through normal means. She isn't the kind of woman to simply let this go and let it be. She wasn't going to let herself win again when she didn't earn the right to fight on at all.

Jul 14, 2017 8:36 AM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

Having heard his name called, he told Sakura where to find him and how, and then he rabbed his Fangs and left the Hotel premises. He walked up on stage, clad in his armor, and would look on his foe. His very voice inhuman, he would speak in a dry wispy breath. "Would you like to gamble on which of us will be the victors in this fight? I wager one year of our lifespans... if you win, I give you one of mine... If I win, i get to take one of yours..." He would say this, and watch his opponent for his response.
Jul 14, 2017 12:17 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara looked at his opponent as he entered the arena. He knew what was his opponent capable of. So, he didn't have to worry about that. He listened to his opponent talk and he replied to him: "My life isn't something that I would like to gamble with, so no thanks. Even if I would win, I don't need to live one year longer. Besides, you don't want to lose that one year, don't you?". He then made a fighting stance and waited for the referee to start the battle.

(@Krop-Tor After you post, the battle will start.)
AcellahJul 14, 2017 9:53 PM
Jul 14, 2017 2:42 PM

Sep 2016

As she was waiting to see the last semi final match, she felt someone grabbing her dress. She looked down and saw Arice. She was begging her to change the result of the match, making her lose. "Arice Dell, right? You don't have to worry about that, you won't win your next match anyway. She said with a slight smile on her face. And she was confident about it.
((@AceAboody Just assume he started da battle. I'm too lazy to make a post for dat :P))
Jul 14, 2017 10:48 PM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

"I understand. Though i have 721 years which are additional to my true lifespan... I have plenty room to gamble... I would even be willing to raie my bet by 20 years... And you wouldnt need to match it... I could even make it a century... And my losses are slightly irrelevant if i lose... Though as you said. We shall not wager our years..." He would walk forward towards the center and stab the ground with his Katars. Between the joints in the tiles to give him a strong foothold. "May the strongest be victorious Takara Toshida... I give you the first play..." he would say, his stance was that of a runner getting ready to dash. Though his katar grounded him. It was a peculiar set up to say the least.

((I try to post at least twice a day. So sorry if im a bit slow >.<. And i always ready your name as AceNobody. Or did it just change recently >.< im slow af @AceAboody))
Jul 14, 2017 11:40 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara listened to his opponent and said to him: I see... Okay, may the best person win!. After saying that, he knew that he must hit him somehow. To win this battle, he should knock out his opponent or his opponent tries to kill him. Since his opponent got a weapon, his opponent has the disadvantage. He has an advantage because he has his gauntlets. A weapon is most likely going to kill someone but he won't let that happen to him. He isn't going to be killed that's for sure. He decided to tackle his opponent while using his gauntlets as a shield to block his opponent's attacks.

(@Krop-Tor My username is always AceAboody. I'm certain I didn't change it. So... Yeah. It is okay if you are slow in responding to my posts. By the way, I would like to correct your character... My character's name is Takara Yoshida not Takara Toshida. So, yeah...)
Jul 15, 2017 10:27 AM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

((So I am just slow af. Got it :P And hey, i was pretty close having wrote it ndown without checking. So thats a win for me :P))

Takara charged at him to tackle him. Why he did this was beyond Sek, because he had grounded himself between the tiles. As Takara charged thinking that Sek was going o use his attacks to cut or slice at him. That is what he prepared for. Which was good for Sek. Because Sek wasnt trying to kill him. Using his Gauntlets as a shield was his second mistake. As Takara tried to tackle Sek, Sek would pull out of the ground just as his enemy tackled him. He would wrap his arms around his enemies waist and lock his Katar together on his other side. Sek would then flip over, arcing his back, and using Takara's initial momentum to snd him flying over him, and trying to slam him into the ground, letting his back take the full force of his own, and Seks attack all in one move. using the momentum he had accumulated in this move, Sek would flip over you, land on your gut, and jump off you, doing a bit more. All of this in one fluid series of motion.
Jul 15, 2017 11:30 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara took damage from that attack, but... It was worth it. He now knew more about his opponent. From what he deduced, it seems that his opponent is a bit weaker than him. So, that's great for him. He stood up quickly and ignored the pain that he felt earlier. While his opponent was off guard, he punched his opponent's back(The side where the kidney is.). This caused a great deal of pain to his opponent and it sent his opponent flying away from him(Don't worry... He managed to land safely somehow.). After that, he then raised his guard up, so his opponent doesn't attack him by surprise.

(@Krop-Tor Sure, I guess. You win this time(lol).)
Jul 15, 2017 9:01 PM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

Sek was not facing away from Takara, and was certainly never off-guard. Takara got up, and would have either tried to get behind Sek, which Sek would react to by facing him at all times. Or Takara would have to attack him in the gut where his kidney is. Which of course may work. And Sek would purposefully take the hit, where he would grapple on Takaras arm and use his great strength to flip Takara on hs back and stomp on his shoulder and then bac away. Sek knew that ina battle between two melee classes, he who can move better is the victor.
Jul 16, 2017 1:33 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Instead of being flipped, Takara flipped his opponent on his back(He countered the grapple.). Looks like his opponent underestimated him. He quickly did an arm bar while his opponent was on the ground. Now, his opponent should be trying to get out of the arm bar. Though, if he escaped, he would still feel the pain from the arm bar.

(@Krop-Tor You think you can change the situation easily. Two can play this game then!)
Jul 16, 2017 12:02 PM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

As Takara entered into an Arm bar, it would mean one of Sek's cKatar was really close to his face, and the other was free. He would flick his wrist, which could cause his Katar to cut hhis enemies face, but not by much. more of a distraction for when he stabbed his enemies leg with his Katar. His free arm making it easy. The pain would make for an easy escape, but Sek wouldnt take it. Instead he would grab his opponents leg which was stabbed, and then lift it up to stomp it back down, the effort of this was to break that leg. Of course, if this wasnt allowed by the rules, he would not perform this maneuver and instead perform the stabbing move and then break free by rolling backwards. he would then attempt to swing him by the stabbed leg into the ground.
Jul 16, 2017 1:39 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Even if there was a cut on his face, he didn't flinch at all. He was surprised that his opponent didn't try to escape. So, with a bit more force, continued performing the arm bar. His opponent tried to stab Takara's leg but that didn't work. It is because that his opponent is losing energy and is feeling a bit more pain than before. His opponent should have focused on escaping earlier. But, his opponent could still escape now. It is not too late for his opponent. Though, his opponent can tap out if this is too much for him.

(@Krop-Tor Takara's leg isn't stabbed at all...)
AcellahJul 16, 2017 1:47 PM
Jul 16, 2017 9:25 PM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

He sees he needs to take a small gamble. He needs to free himself. And so he does so ina way that his enemy wont expect seeing a they dont know his power. He would throuw the Katar in his free hand aaway, not out of the arena, but letting it go to a distance where he can reach it easily. He would then throw his lower body into the air by springing his legs, and then let go of his other Katar. His armor would instantly disappear from his body, and leave an area of about half a centimeter between his arm and Takara's grip. His prior thrust into the air would not only put Takara on his side but it would also throw him off. Reducing his ability to react timely enough when he used this half centimeter to pull his arm out easily and roll backwards out of Takara's arm bar. Reaching hiz two Katar and grabbing them, before the armor re-materializes itself on him. Obviously since Takara did not know his this power, he would not have a contingency for this, and as such, would catch him completely off guard.

((Since if he knew it would be 100% meta gaming ^_^))
Jul 16, 2017 9:59 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara was amazed by the way his opponent escaped. It could have been a lot easier to escape by using an escape technique. Well, at least he got to learn something about his opponent. His opponent now looks exhausted and tired. His opponent's arm doesn't look in good condition. After his opponent escaped, he quickly stood up and raised his guard up. If his opponent is recovering, he would prevent him from so by attacking him. If his opponent is not recovering, he would see what will he do next.
Jul 17, 2017 9:34 AM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

Takara severely overestimated the amount of pain Sek was in. His arm wasnt in bad condition really. he stood up rather easily and would stretch his arm before looking at Takara. How his arm wasnt damaged from that Takara wouldnt know. He was a little low on life. Or rather the threshold for his defeat was closer for him than his enemy at this moment. Yet that mattered not in this type of duel. "Al he motat. Aor praetum makatot. Arem tohehemos. Preoktomotan." He wasnt really saying anything in any langauge. But was rather speaking gibberish. Yet to anyone who watched, it looked and sounded like he was saying something. This served as a method of throwing his opponent off. Not by much. He tooka position that appeared as if he had lowered his guard, but he truthfully hadnt. He was perfectly on guard and aware of everythign around him. If he was tired, he didnt show it. His breathing was normal. They were deep long controlled breaths. but they had been since the start. He was not recovering, and he was not attacking.
Jul 17, 2017 12:24 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara looked at his opponent's arm again. He clearly saw that it was in bad shape, however he didn't know why his opponent looks like nothing has ever happened to him. His opponent doesn't look like he is feeling much pain, yet Takara knew that he did damage his opponent quite a bit. Not too much though. He heard his opponent say something odd, but he was focused on the battle. So, that didn't distract him from that. Now, his opponent lowered his guard. But, did his opponent truly lower his guard? Well to answer that question, he pretended to lower his guard to see his opponent's reaction. Well, he is still on guard even if he looks like he isn't.
Jul 17, 2017 10:22 PM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

This has quickly devolved into a staring contest between two grown men. Sek was not acting. In fact, he was not going to act first. He was leaving the next move to Takara. His eyes were hidden by his mask, yet he could see, and he was watching his opponents every move with 100% focus. Standing perfectly still, his libs not tense, and free to move when needed, he would wait. As long as needed.
Jul 18, 2017 12:17 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara knowing that standing like that will lead nowhere. He made himself look uninterested and sleepy. This was an act to see if hIs opponent will do something or not. He is actually still on guard. He knew that if he attacked first it would be easy for his opponent to counter his attack. He doesn't want to get damaged any further. However, if this continues, he will walk in the arena while pretending to look away from his opponent. He would not be walking near his opponent and he would be still on guard and looking at his opponent(Though, it doesn't seem like that.).
Jul 18, 2017 6:32 AM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

Takara was severely underestimating Sek's patience. if Takara was not moving closer to Sek, then Sek would standby and watch him pace. Yet if Takara was walking towards Sek or perhaps walking around towards his side, Sek would walk opposite Takara and keep both a distance from Takara, and his eyes on him. "I can wait centuries on you... I have the time..." He would say as he walked or stood.
Jul 18, 2017 7:45 AM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto who walked away from the cafe would walk towards the battle grounds, however before he was too close to it he stopped, he looked around a bit to where he could get a good view without being inside the arena or its seats on a building that was not too far away, he would be around 200 meters away from them. He would get a good position to stand on. He projected his bow in his left hand and a arrow in his right hand, he would pull the bow back.

''I don't gain anything from this, but I don't like this tournament in any way even if you guys heal your participants or make sure they do not die. Its just that something just pisses me off at the thought of people fighting for the amusement of others, I have nothing against you guys, be prepared.'' After saying those final words he released his bow which shot the arrow at speeds of a compound bow trying to hit the man in the armor from the back as he seemed to be before projecting and pulling back another arrow for another shot which was not yet released.
Jul 18, 2017 8:30 AM

Sep 2016
Your arrow didn't hit Sek. Instead, it disappeared in mid-air before even entering the arena. None of the staff looked at it though. It wasn't one of them, not the ones you could see at least.
Jul 18, 2017 10:01 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

After hearing what his opponent said, Takara smirked and said to his opponent: "You might get kicked out because of what you said. Our audience doesn't have time for your waiting games. If you don't attack me sooner or later, the audience will start booing and shouting at you. You don't want to get disqualified, right?". After saying that, he made himself look like he was going to attack him(But... Not really.). All this time, he had his guard up. Not lowering it at all. He was in a fighting stance and looking at his opponent.
Jul 18, 2017 9:48 PM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

"I am a very stubborn man Takara. They can boo and shout all they want. nd if they disqualify me, they will have to disqualify you as well, since you arent making a move either. And doing so would mess up the matching for the tournament. We have all day to wait my friend. It is your move, and we are all waiting." He would say, his voice not smug or scared or anything. it was very matter-of-fact. Takara has to make the next move because Sek was making it very clear he wasnt going to.
Jul 18, 2017 10:34 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

He didn't have much of a reaction to being disqualified, he would've surely lost the next match even if he had won, though the thought of Arice winning two consecutive matches because of disqualification was pretty amusing. He would've retrieved his weapon and exited the battlegrounds, walking away from it. He had gotten a good distance away from it when he noticed a man saying something about how he disliked the fighting of the tournament, though Eres didn't quite catch most of what he said. The man had been aiming a bow, and Eres watched as he shot the arrow towards the battlegrounds, though he didn't see what happened to it, as he wanted to approach the man.

"Hey," He said, in a tone that hadn't a hint of hostility, as he didn't want to surprise or get on the wrong side of the guy with the bow, trying to let him know that he was there. He'd then continue to approach him, unless it was clear that the guy wouldn't react well to that. Eres had only taken the risk in the first place since he was pretty sure he could heal himself. From what he'd heard him say, the man was very much against fighting, so if he'd watched his fights he'd probably have something against him.

((@Byakugaran, I'm referring to Haruto here~))
Jul 18, 2017 11:21 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

After hearing what his opponent said, Takara said to his opponent innocently: "Why would they disqualify me? I want to battle you. You don't want to attack. So, they would disqualify you not me. They can only disqualify one of us. Not both of us". After saying that, he kept waiting for the chance to attack his opponent. He knew that chance won't come anytime soon. Well, unless his opponent attacks him. He then remembered that he attacked him first in the beginning of the battle. If he didn't attack him, his opponent would just stay like that forever. So, they must disqualify his opponent because he is not battling just defending himself and attacking when Takara attacks him. So, he waited also for the referee to say something about this situation.
Jul 19, 2017 4:06 AM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto had not yet noticed Eres who was in the crowds when he had been talking, had shot his arrow and then projected another arrow seeing as he was not paying much attention to the crowds which were below him as much as the people who were at the arena or more precisely the fighters and the staff members as the people who were there he was not really careful about. And the attention that was at the crowds was mostly at the people making a commotion about the guy who was standing above the building with the bow shooting an arrow.

Haruto would look in great confusion at what happened suddenly though for a few seconds, something that could be shown on his face as the arrow would have suddenly dissapeared mid flight. He did not know why though, there was nothing that showed to be the reason for the disappearance of the arrow, he then tried to make assumptions with the knowledge he did have.

First was that whatever happened was so fast that he could not track it with his eyes, and that it was because it got too close to the arena, so it must have been something of them. But he did not know if it was a staff member due to being to far away to see their reaction if they had noticed the arrow that far away anyway travelling at that speed, or it could have been one of the people there. He did not know enough to make assumptions like that though.

He would then be surprised as he was thinking so much about what happened that and then hearing a voice calling out to him, he made sure to at least hide the part of being surprised, so he glanced at where this came from to see a guy with wings whom was approaching him. He did not recognize him at first, but due to the halberd which he was holding he recognized the guy from having seen him on the televisions. ''Um well hello, I would advise you to stop approaching me as long as you hold that halberd now though, I would rather not do something here when we are right now in the midst of the city with so many people around.'' He would still be holding his bow with an arrow, although it was still pointing at the arena and not Eres.

Jul 19, 2017 6:34 AM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

He would look directly at haruto, even though Haruto wouldnt be able to tell due to the helmet, Seks gaze was one of a Predator. And one of Vindictiveness. He knew what he tried to do. He would then quickly turn to Takra once again. The time spent looking at haruto wasnt long. But Sek made sure to memorize his face. "My friend, I do want to fight. A defense makes for an excellent offense. Your unwillingness to take a risk is what is making this long and tedious. Which... Is quite ironic. Ill even make it easy for you." He would say, and casually walk closer to Takara. Obviously not to attack, but t put less distance. He couldnt just reach over and attack yet, he would still need to move to attack first. "You would be disqualified because it is you who are not participating. I am. I simply dont have anything to defend against."
Jul 19, 2017 8:22 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

After hearing what his opponent said, Takara facepalmed and said to him: "I meant that you don't want to attack me right now, right? Like you are waiting for me to attack first. After that, you would counter that attack. If I manage to prevent you from doing that, only then I can say that I attacked you. Also... I'm actually participating by being here. You should remember that I attacked you in the beginning, right? Well, I can take the risk and attack you, but... That wouldn't be fun for me. Can't you battle properly? Other opponents that I battled were far much fun than battling you.". After saying that, he began considering attacking his opponent. His opponent is really really really stubborn... He doesn't have a choice in this matter. His opponent is demanding Takara to attack him. Whatever what he did or said that won't change... He then decided that he will finally attack him.
Jul 19, 2017 9:08 AM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

"Sure, is this better?" He responded, putting his halberd on his back. It wasn't very practical, but possible, so he'd do it since the man seemed to think he planned on attacking or something. He didn't blame him though, anyone would, should, be wary about anyone carrying around a weapon. If he seemed alright with that, he'd continue to approach, if not, he'd keep his distance.
Jul 19, 2017 9:31 AM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

He looked at Eres as he put away his Halberd not paying attention to Seks as he did not know Seks was looking at him nor would Seks even with his above human abilities be able to know what Haruto's face looks like as the distance between them was just to large for detailed vision required for facial recognition for both. He would lower his bow as Eres would come to approach him with his weapon behind his back in a inpractical manner as a sign of peace. "Yes that is better, you can't blame me for thinking that you would want to engage in combat with me seeing you holding your weapon and coming ever so closer to me, do at least stand a little away from me as too close is not comfortable. So is there something you wanted from me? As for my sword dont worry about it, I have promised myself to not draw it unless necessary."

ByakugaranJul 19, 2017 9:34 AM
Jul 19, 2017 9:44 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

"I wouldn't blame you, it makes sense. And I wanted to talk to you, I guess. I heard some of what you were saying about the tournament, so I was wondering why you were shooting it, or someone there, I'm guessing" He said, staying at a distance. It didn't make much sense to him, attacking because of dislike for fighting, it seemed pretty contradictory, though he was probably just stupid and unable to understand. Eres assumed that the guy had been shooting at someone, and if he hadn't then he'd be even more confused, so he didn't quite consider that possibility. Shooting someone just because they partake in something you dislike also didn't make the most sense, maybe he'd misunderstood something. Whatever the case may be, it was still attention grabbing enough to be shooting an arrow at the tournament.

Jul 20, 2017 5:20 AM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto looks at Eres paying almost more attention to the weapon that he is holding then to him as he listens to what he says, it seemed like he wanted to talk to him, but in the way he said so it sounded like he was not very sure of his own objective as he should be when he approached Haruto. Haruto gave a him a little look when he said he had listened to him talking about the tournament, as he just admitted he basically was listening in to him talking to himself, and then said that he just wanted to know as to why he was shooting arrows because of what he said.

From what he gathered he basically understood it as such: He wants to know why he would shoot arrows at the arena participants because of not liking violence as that is just more violence which does not make sense.

But while Haruto called himself a pacifist that was more of a delusion of himself and his twisted view of what it means to be a pacifist, he himself does not go against violence however he just does not like people do it for simple reasons such as their own enjoyment by multiple ways. He dislikes violence without reasoning, he rather resorts to talking if the person in front of him is someone who is good, but does resort to violence if his feelings get the best of him and/or if the person is someone whom he views as evil in his own selfish twisted justice, however he does not wish to kill anyone.

He views the tournament as something that should not exist as it means that people watch the suffering of others and blood as enjoyment, they should be judged and saved from their heinous acts in his eyes, as he likes the world as an utopia in which none suffer, yet such a dream is nothing but an illusion he himself knows is impossible yet tries to pursue.

''I am trying to shoot one of the participants as that would cause there to be outer interference and the fight has to be stopped, due to it being the semi finals the finals cannot commence as there was no victor and the tournament would stop, or at least that is what I am trying, but seeing as something is interfering I can't do anything unless I find someway to go through it. So is there anything else you want to talk about, or are we done here if so I am gonna continue elsewhere.''

(@Ernestly forgot to add this)
ByakugaranJul 20, 2017 9:30 AM
Jul 20, 2017 7:46 AM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

The following maneuver was a surprise. Not predictable, because Sek has made very certain his opponent was confident in the fact Sek wasnt going to act. This, paired with the fact that Takara was not that much faster than Sek, his reaction time and speed wouldnt be able to completely dodge or block this attack. And to further cement the accuracy and difficulty to avoid this particular attack, the distance that Sek had shorted put each other at just beyond arms length. All it would take is a lunge to reach them in half a second. And thats what happened. half-way through Takara's little speech, around the time Takara was considering attacking, Sek made his sudden move. Lunging forward without so much as a grunt, and would move to stab Takara in the shoulder. The Right shoulder. After this surprise attack, if it worked, he would pll his blade out of takara's shoulder and kick Takara full force in the gut. If this attack was somehow and miraculously deflected or blocked totally, he would jump back and prepare for a counter attack.
Jul 20, 2017 9:14 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara wasn't considering attacking his opponent half-way of his speech unless his opponent attacks him. If he were to finish his speech, he would be considering attacking his opponent. Also, he still had his guard up and looking at his opponent all this time waiting for him to do something. So, when he saw his opponent attacking him suddenly, he was prepared for him. He dodged his opponent's attack quickly and then smirked. Looks like he finally managed to make his opponent attack him. After dodging that attack, he punched his opponent away from him. His opponent then jumped back and prepared to do another attack.
Jul 20, 2017 10:17 PM

Mar 2016
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

Since the onyl way to dodge and subsequenly launch a counter attack at close proximity is to side step, Takara performed a sidestep manever, stepping to the left to avoid the strike on his right shoulder and then launched a punch to counter. Of course, in this proximity, Sek was at the Advantage. His blades were small yes, but this is where they shine. He would parry the bare-fisted attack with his Katar, knocking aside the punch and cutting his opponents hand while he was at it. This counter to his opponents counter was not all, for he would not relent. he would then launch another attack, a low jab, which was a very quick jab to the lower abdomen. Not meant to actually hit, but cause his enemy to try and block it, which if he didnt try to block it, would actually land a hit that would not be fatal. Aimed to pierce the skin and cause minor internal bleeding. nothing a magic nurse couldnt fix. But would do harm to his opponent. After all, such injuries were to be obtained in a tournament like this. It was to be expected. However, if this wasnt dodged, he would follow up by ducking low and swiping at his legs. Particularly, just above the kneecap. If his opponent did block it, he would follow up by using his other hand to cut his opponents arm. Above or below the elbow, and left or right arm depends on the most easily and likely to hit target for his left Katar.
Jul 20, 2017 10:51 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara's hands were covered with his gauntlets(Most of his arms are covered as well...). So, his hands weren't cut. He then quickly prevented his opponent from jabbing him in the abdomen. His arm wasn't cut because of his gauntlets covering his arm. He then kicked his opponent away from him and prepared for his opponent's next attack.
AcellahJul 22, 2017 12:50 AM
Jul 21, 2017 9:15 AM

Mar 2016
((The fact that his hands and arms are covered in Gauntlets doesnt change the fact that he parrys the punch. Just means he didnt cut into his skin.))

•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

After Takara would kick him away, Sek would stand up and do nothing. He wasnt attacking again, he couldnt afford to. Takara was too strng to attack head on. he would wait silently. Anything Takara said would fall on deaf ears because Seknwasnt even listening. He was standing by, waiting for Takara to attack, taking a counter stance. Prepared to counter Takara's attacks.
Darth_LewdiousJul 24, 2017 11:02 AM
Jul 21, 2017 7:09 PM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto looked at Eres after having said what hè wanted to say, and before Eres had responded hè would look at the arena once more hè decided to fire a arrow at it once more, this likely caused the arrow to dissapear again to which he would say: "It really seems I can't track what is going on, I don't want to give up, but I don't see this going anywhere even if I do this for hours and I don't have all the time of the world. Eres right? I am sure we will meet, I just hope you will not make the mistake of going down the wrong path and hurting innocent people, or the next time we meet won't be pleasant for both of us, which is something I do not want. See ya." After having said so the bow dissapears, but its different then with the arrow from before it seems like it just dissipates into dust before even that dissapears. Haruto looked once more at Eres before starting to walk away from him, if not stopped he would go away from him through the side streets after having jumped to the ground. (@Ernestly)
ByakugaranJul 22, 2017 3:34 AM
Jul 21, 2017 7:21 PM

Sep 2016
The arrow disappeared again, but this time you could hear someone laughing behind you. They were very close to your ear, their laugh sounded like that of a child. Then they talked, "Don't screw it..." But when they did, that voice was like a beast's, even though you could hear that childish laugh still there. And you could tell for sure it was coming from them. After they said that, however, the laughing stopped. If you turned, no matter how fast you did, you see nothing. And neither has Eres. One of the staff, one of the audience, a participant, they all could possibly be who did that, but you can't tell for sure.
Jul 21, 2017 9:16 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Eres listened to what he said, and after what seemed to be a warning, he would say:"I don't plan to," he paused briefly, caught of guard by the voice, turning around to see where it came from, though he saw nothing "I don't suppose you know where that came from. So, see you around, I guess," with that said, he wouldn't stop him from leaving, and Eres would stay in the same general area. He did wonder what the hell the voice and laughter were, but while he wouldn't dismiss it, he wouldn't pay it too much mind.
Jul 21, 2017 10:13 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

With the need to apologize to her opponent for winning like she did, she walked to Eres in the stands. She just felt guilty for robbing Eres of a well deserved win. She saw another person talking with Eres, but this didn't faze her as she continued to walk towards him. She then taps his back to get his attention. If she did get his attention she'd begin her apology. If not, she'd wait til his conversation with his acquaintance was over. Regardless, she'd apologize seriously for the battle. "Eres I deeply apologize for cheating you of a fair fight... I should've lost that battle fair and square... You deserve to move on to the next round. I am deeply sorry!" She then bows to him apologetically. She kept her head down til he spoke to her in which she'd look up at him to hear clearly of what he has to say to her. She wouldn't be surprised if he forgave her. It'd surprise her even more if he decided to forgive her for the battle she cheated him of.

Jul 21, 2017 11:20 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Arice surprised Eres, though he didn't let it show, her very presence wasn't expected, much less her apology. He didn't actually blame her for anything, if anything he should've been more careful. He turned to face her quickly, slightly confused by what he saw. "You don't need to apologize Arice, I should be the one apologizing," he said with a slight smile, pausing before continuing, "Although, I won't," while he didn't feel anything against Arice, he didn't feel any remorse either.
Jul 22, 2017 1:44 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

After what he had said, she felt even guiltier. She stands back straight up as she looks down saddened. "Well... then is there any way of helping you? I feel guilty for stealing a win from you..." She still couldn't accept letting him go empty handed. He deserved at least an award for outsmarting her and beating her at the last minute. What could she do to help him? She only hopes that she can meet the owner and have Eres take her place in the tournament.

Jul 22, 2017 3:39 AM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

As Haruto left to go towards the side streets he would suddenly hear laughter as voices told him to not screw it with a voice of a beast, their laughter stopped after having said that, but as he tried to turn around to look at them they were gone, it seemed someone here was well above his level, Haruto gave a last look at Eres as he told him he didn't plan to before asking if he knew were that came from, at which he simply gave him a look as he jumped off, in the side streets he would walk away further away from the battle grounds to the marketplace to buy groceries for tonight's dinner, while also just wanting to get away from the battle grounds because of whatever those beast like voices were.
ByakugaranJul 22, 2017 3:57 AM
Jul 22, 2017 9:59 AM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Eres wasn't sure exactly why Arice felt bad about it, he probably wouldn't have, and he didn't feel that he deserved the win, it probably mattered more to her than it did to him, who hadn't done any sort of careful planning. "You've already helped me by taking that win. I would've surely lost the next battle, even if I did win, I wouldn't have had a chance. So thank you for taking my place in that, maybe you'll do better," he explained, even if it sounded rude or made him look bad, hopefully it would make Arice stop feeling guilty about it.
Jul 22, 2017 9:37 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

After hearing him explaining how she helped him by taking the win, she felt a little less guilty about the situation. She then scratches the back of her head as she smiles back at him. "Well if I did help you by doing that then I guess its fine. I just thought it was kind of unfair to rob you of a well deserved win." She then sits at a seat nearby since it didn't really matter. She just wants to see what opponent she was going to go up next and plan ahead. It gives her the upper hand if she observes them now from the seats.

Jul 22, 2017 10:22 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

"Don't worry about that. Anyways, what do you think about your potential opponents?" he asked, sitting down nearby Arice, noticing her observing the current match. Both of them seemed capable of defeating her with strength alone, but he knew Arice to be more of a strategist, so maybe she could win, he didn't think of her lowly at all, that much he was sure of. The rest? Not so much.
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