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Nov 22, 2014 7:44 PM
Jan 2014
Name: Alex Tai [spoiler]
(prefers Tai)
Guild: Lamia Scale
Location of guild tattoo: Chest
Level class: E
Power: Ice-make
Describe powers:
Ice-make Sword: Creates a sword out of ice
Ice-make Shield: Creates a shield out of ice
Ice-make Wall: Creates a wall out of ice
Ice-make Floor: Creates a floor out of ice
Ice-make Spikes: Creates spikes out of ice
Theme: Later
Bio: His parents died when he was young and he was left to fend for himself for almost his whole life. He was taken in by an anonymous mage who always kept his distance. He taught Alex how to use his magic and how to act maturely. Months later, he disappeared and Alex was once again left to fend for himself.
Nov 23, 2014 5:08 PM
Dec 2011
(in a spoiler please)
Name:kiba drangheart
Guild:(what guild you belong too)fairy tail
Location of Guild Tattoo: on right sholder
Class: (describes how strong of a magic user you are) great in i iron dragon slaying
Element/Ability: iron
Abilities: the abilities that you are able to use from your spell type fire and ice
Bio:the son of lucy heartfella natsu and gray the got drunk one night and had a one night stand
gunslinger90Aug 10, 2015 2:50 PM
Nov 23, 2014 11:12 PM

Dec 2012
frogotenDec 27, 2014 11:12 PM
..... :'(
Dec 7, 2014 3:32 PM

Jul 2008
Name: Nora Tarrenstream
Age: ??
Gender: Female
Guild: Blue Pegasus
Location of Guild Tattoo: Back of left shoulder.
Class: E
(Italics from here on is flavor text)
Element/Ability: Sea Dragonslayer magic - A type of dragonslayer magic specializing in ranged attacks (many of which are breaths). Can eat water, fresh or salt, to heal and power up, but not other liquids like alcohol or fruit juice (even if they have water in them) (unpolluted water has the best effect). Although she cannot eat her own water, Nora can quench her thirst with it. (It's actually quite refreshing)
The sea dragon is both elegant and powerful, embodying the mercilessness of the seas and the creatures lurking within. Having extreme control over their bodies, the sea dragon teaches its dragonslayer how to use their entire bodies, inside and out, to caress allies and decimate foes.

Water immunity - Cannot drown or be crushed by water pressure.
Water affinity - While underwater, all water dragonslayer spells range and power is amplified, as well as becoming silent (the roar, however, is still really loud).
Sea Dragon's Pressure Maw - The only short-ranged attack in the Sea Dragon's arsenal. Coats the users hands in water, forming extremely sharp claw-shaped fingers. These are actually shaped like a sea dragons razor-sharp teeth.
Sea Dragon Foam - A breath attack where the users purses their lips and blows out countless tiny bubbles, forming a stream of foam that bursts explosively on contact.
Roar of the Sea Dragon - The sea dragons variety of the roar attack. The water moves so violently that it sounds as though an actual sea dragon is roaring.
The roar of Atlantikara still chills the bones of even the most weathered of sailors.
Sea Dragon Jetstream - Launches a powerful jet of water from the palms, knocking enemies (and Nora!) backwards. Only useful for maintaining distance (although it still might hurt).
A sea dragon can eject water from their bodies in order to swim more swiftly; this spell was created as an imitation.
Sea Dragon Tailfin - Atlantikara, the lord of sea dragons, had a tail so powerful that he could shatter ships with a single strike, and slice foolish humans in twain with his sharp tailfin. This spell coats the arm or leg in water and extends it like a whip. The cold water strikes so hard that it cuts into flesh and splinters wood.
Sea Dragon Fog - A breath attack that releases water vapor in a cloud of fog, thus concealing movements.
Every sailors worst nightmare made reality~


Bio: Not too many years ago, when Nora was but an infant, an old and slowly dying sea dragon found her, half-drowned, amongst the waves. There was once a time when the name Atlantikara stuck mortal terror into human and dragon alike, but alas...he was the only dragon left that he knew of, and he was too old to be the terror he used to be. So...he didn't eat her. Instead, he saw an opportunity to pass on his legacy and took it! He raised the child on his own, naming her Nora Tarrenstream, and teaching her everything there was to know about the sea dragons and their proud legacy. When she came of age, he also gifted her with the magic of dragonslaying. came with a price. Nora, who had come to consider the dragon a father, had to defeat him in battle, leaving only his corpse in the waves. Otherwise, he would kill her and the sea dragons legacy would slowly die.
After an intense struggle, she managed to defeat him, with tears in her eyes. With his last dying breath, he named Nora 'Lord of the Sea' and bid her find her own kind. In her grief, Nora took to traveling until she met a certain member of Blue Pegasus...and where her adventure begins.
Dec 12, 2014 7:40 PM
Aug 2014
Name: Siegfried
Guild:Fairy Tail
Location of Guild Tattoo:Chest
Class: E
Element/Ability:Enchanted Weapon creation
Abilities:Siegfrieds spells can create any type of ranged and melee weapons excludeing guns and explosives and will last for his next 5 post
His enchantments are
1.Vampiric meaning if he succefully hits he leechs off some health and stamina from the victim
2.Mutiple hit when slashed or stabbed with this weapon will reciece three more wounds the same way the first one was. The multi hit would only do the same damage as the orginal hit did with the strike that hits
3.Cutter Cutter can slash through anything without resitence the only things it cant go through in one shot is enchanted or magically enforced but it wiil severly weaken those. (If it strikes aganst any magical items they can stande up aganst it such as a wall of stone Reequip weapons and armors as wel
4.Ice enchantment will cause cold damage when contacting something either covering it in ice or freezeing wounds over. (It isnt instant freeze at first contact with say a weapon a small amount of ice would be left after and would keep building up)
5.Rust any metal that contacts this blade will instantly start to rust
6.Fire anything contacting this blade will start on fire or wounds will burn small burning damage and after say each attack on something flamable it would start on fire
7.Lighting this weapon acts as a taser when contacting a person it can also travel through other metals to shock the target
8.Posion blade when the target is cut parts of the body will go numb and eventually be parilised
9.Speed Blade this weapon if thrown travels at a faster speed then the others if wielded it grants Siegfried a big speed boost to all movements equal to 5 times normal
10.Power blade this blade cause more damage if thrown and grants the wielder increased strength equal to 5 times his normal strength
11. Light can emit a blinding light and shoot a ray of light from the weapon.
All these enchantments can be added to his lone katana as well only one at a time and they stay active for my next five post or he can dispell them as he wishs
Siegfried can create three types of
Long swords
One handed and two handed hammers
D Rank spell
Siegfried can now wield three swords as long as the third would still be in arms reach
Bio: Siegfried started off mastering weapons but then found out his magical powers and decided to use magic to help with his own weapon training he can create up to 10 weapons at once and can use them as a surprise attack from his cloths by createing them out of view and is a great hand to hand fighter as well he always has a katana he dosnt create on him as well

LoveandHate91Jul 18, 2015 4:05 AM
Dec 14, 2014 10:37 PM
Jul 2012
(in a spoiler please)
Name: auami ichtama
Guild:(what guild you belong too) cerulean blade
Location of Guild Tattoo:it is a big one on her back
Class: (describes how strong of a magic user you are) c rank (only because have to be atleast c to start here
Element/Ability: (exa. Ice Make or Re-quipt) take over magic
Appearance:(will edit this in later )
Abilities: the abilities that you are able to use from your spell type (humanoid version of this ) jelly monster
strengths immune to poison/corrosive abilitys as well as has corrosive/poison attacks weakness water attacks

lizard form abilities defense/endurance
weakness ice

transformation into other people ability

bird form abilities : speed
(still thinking about weakness )

Other abilites later on


MikuIzumiJan 8, 2015 8:32 PM
Dec 17, 2014 12:11 AM

Apr 2014
(in a spoiler please)
Name: Lennex Wraten
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Guild: Lamia Scale
Location of Guild Tattoo: N/A
Class: Class E
Element/Ability: Blink
Abilities: Blink allows the caster to move at incredibly high speed in short bursts.
This ability does not increase the strength nor the speed of Caster while he is not using the power. The caster must train to have his mind keep up with the high speed movement. The only passive effect blink has is that while the caster is using blink, the physical make up of the caster becomes much denser in order to withstand the speed. This is why the caster's body doesn't deteriorate from moving at high speeds.
Bio: Lennex was born to a mother who despised him. His was conceived when his mother was attacked one night and sexually assaulted by multiple male assailants. His mother's family outcasted her, under the impression that she was just selling her body away or something similar. Stuck with child and alone, she hatefully gave birth to Lennex. As he grew up, everyday was a struggle for young Lennex. His mother lived off of doing what her family had assumed she was doing and she constantly abused her child. His being reminded her of the incident that ruined her life. Needless to say, his mother didnt live to see 30 due to her line of work. Now an orphan, homeless, and starving; Lennex learned to fight for himself. He stole what he needed to eat and fought all those opposed him. Now, as a young man, Lennex uses the ability he developed to quickly steal something or get away from the law. He's never known the love of another person but he feels like he could be better. He's emotionally stunted but he tries to help people when they are hurting or cheer others up. Something he never knew. He carved a bloody, broken path through life but its his path and he regrets nothing that has happened. He only secretly wishes to know the love of a mother.
shadowz1995Jan 9, 2015 10:53 PM
~All flames are destined to fade. No light is forever. In any era of light and peace the opposite must be true. An era of darkness and chaos. For the brighter the flame, the deeper their shadow~
Dec 22, 2014 10:32 AM

Dec 2012
frogoten said:
Name: Rita
Guild:(what guild you belong too)Blue Pegasus
Location of Guild Tattoo:none
Class: (describes how strong of a magic user you are)e
Element/Ability: (exa. Ice Make or Re-quipt)magnetic
(she use both arems in a pull like moson then curles into a boll and then stand up and push her armes out to tro every thing)
Bio: Rita was born in a small run down city. It was over run by evil magic users. She was one of the lucky people born with magic. One of the nicer magic user took her from her parents and raised her. She learned magnetic magic essay and soon began to grow to heat having to work for others so she killed her old gang members and went from group to group doing odd jobs for money. After a few years she became well known and very powerful. She will do any job as long as the moneys good. She often hired by guilds that need a bit of extra power for missions.
LoveandHate91Mar 13, 2015 10:53 PM
..... :'(
Dec 23, 2014 4:35 PM

Dec 2011
Saito Sagara
LeShiroDec 23, 2014 4:42 PM
Jan 6, 2015 9:56 AM

Jul 2009
Dragon360Feb 15, 2015 3:11 AM
Jan 6, 2015 5:38 PM
Jul 2012
Dragon360 said:

Ok it's approved but this goes without saying basically it is subject to review/change if it proves to be to op in rp
MikuIzumiJan 7, 2015 10:54 AM
Jan 8, 2015 3:15 PM

Apr 2014
Name: Ren
Age: 22
Guild:(what guild you belong too) Lamia Scale
Location of Guild Tattoo: Shoulder
Class: E
Element/Ability: Muscle make
Appearance:Ignore the gray haired boy

Abilities: Hes able to increase his strength when he wants and what comes with this is he's able to throw objects that are bigger than him and if he uses a sword it makes a (really) deep cut(so he rarely uses it unless he needs to finish someone off quickly)
Theme:doesn't have one
Bio:(I can't really think of one but I plan to slowly make up the bio as I go through the rp)
SleeplessVampireJan 8, 2015 4:21 PM
Jan 8, 2015 4:02 PM
Jul 2012
SAO4LIFE said:
Name: Ren
Age: 22
Guild:(what guild you belong too) Lamia Scale
Location of Guild Tattoo: Shoulder
Class: C
Element/Ability: Strength enhance
Appearance:Ignore the gray haired boy

Abilities: Hes able to increase his strength when he wants and what comes with this is he's able to throw objects that are bigger than him and if he uses the sword the blade breaks upon contact it makes a (really) deep cut
Theme:doesn't have one
Bio:(I can't really think of one but I plan to slowly make up the bio as I go through the rp)

(ok first yay we finally have someone for lamia scale LMAO

second incase you didnt know theres a system in place that the higher rank you start the weaker you will be in the long run the only acception is if you join a guild that requires you to be rank c

on a side note its fine to have no bio just put a link to the threads that show your bio in your character creation page if you can

(ok this is approved you can start anytime )
MikuIzumiJan 8, 2015 4:29 PM
Jan 10, 2015 5:47 PM

Jan 2013
Arliss Silver
link102Jan 12, 2015 4:19 PM
Jan 11, 2015 12:25 AM

Apr 2014
Name: Shiro
Gender: male
Guild:(what guild you belong too) Sabertooth
Location of Guild Tattoo: top of his hand but won't be noticeable at first cus it's covered by bandages
Class: (describes how strong of a magic user you are)E
Element/Ability: Ice Dragon slayer

(Cus pictures don't wanna fucking work. -.-')

Abilities: he can form weapons of ice and is able to surround himself in ice making an armor and he can make small or big ice ice sculptures and he has enhanced sight due to him being a Dragon slayer and he's able to create a means of defense for himself and those around him and he's able to form ice Dragon wings and he's able to create pillars of ice and he's able to set ice runes as traps
Dragon Eyes: Give you superb eye site.
Ice Eater: being a Ice Dragon Slayer ice dose not harm you much and you can eat it to recover your power and magic.
Covers one of your hands in ice that forms a huge sword of super could ice.
Ice dragon Claws : Cover both hands and if wanted feet to make Claws of ice. They can be used for attack, to climb or to block some attacks.
Ice Dragon Scales : Cover your body in scales of the Ice Dragon.
Ice Dragon Wings : Get huge ice Dragon wings that look like ice. it can let you fly, be use to Attack by swinging them or to be use as a shield by wrapping them around you and one other person.
Ice dragon Roar : Shooting from your mouth spinning shards of ice that can cut the ones it hit.
ice dragon Twin Fangs : Cross you arms to shoot two large sheet of ice shape like fangs to a target
SleeplessVampireFeb 1, 2015 4:31 PM
Jan 11, 2015 8:24 PM

Jan 2013

link102Feb 8, 2015 2:40 PM
Jan 11, 2015 8:46 PM
Jul 2012
link102 said:

Add the rest if He would be approved.

(only the sky dragonslayer can heal but the buffs seem ok but your pretty much screwed if someone decides to attack you it seems )

(also until the other guilds fill up more you can't have a second character in lamia scale )
Jan 17, 2015 11:43 PM
Jan 2015




location of guild tattoo: right hand,


Element:Iron dragon slayer


Iron Dragon's Roar:metal-based Dragon's Roar. After gathering Magic Power in his mouth, Alucard shapes it into a powerful tornado which he subsequently emits and sends towards his foes. Such tornado possesses immense force, being capable of generating powerful explosions and inflicting heavy blunt damage, but also releases sharp shards of metal in the process, shredding the opponents body
Iron Dragon's Lance Demon Logs:Alucard turns his arm into a large spearhead, from which a large number of steel spears are fired towards his target in rapid succession In the anime, the attack is sometimes portrayed with Gajeel instead extending one arm towards his target's direction, with his fingers outstretche, and then summoning his Magic Seal in front of him, from which the spears are fired
Iron Dragon's Scales:Gajeel covers part of his body (or the entirety of it) in steel scales, dramatically increasing his offensive and defensive abilities. When punching and kicking while covered in these scales, Gajeel is capable of creating powerful gusts of wind through mere kinetic force These scales are strong enough to shatter bone and rock alike, are resilient against regular flames, and much harder than normal iron
Iron Dragon's Club: Gajeel transforms his arm or leg into a large steel club, increasing his punching and kicking power. He can also create multiple, smaller clubs from the end of the original, hitting many enemies at onceThe clubs can be elongated at Gajeel's will, making them powerful ranged weapons. He is also apparently capable of increasing their size dramatically and to detach them from his body: several of these clubs, enlarged to gargantuan size.
Iron Dragon's Sword:Alucard transforms his arm or leg into a large, jagged steel blade, similarly to Iron Dragon's Club, but, rather than blunt power, this spell has cutting power, thereby making it deadlier. The spikes along the blade's edge make its slashes more painful and dangerous and the weapon's length can be increased to reach enemies who are far away from Alucard The blade is also sturdy enough to function as a shield of sorts In the anime, the sword also functions as a chainsaw, effectively increasing its damage.
Steel Dragon's Sword: An enhanced version of Iron Dragon's Sword, only performable after Gajeel has absorbed carbon and turned his iron body into steel. Much like the original spell, he turns his hand into a long sword, this time made of steel, and slashes at his target.
Iron Dragon's Kunai: Alucard creates small, kunai-esque knives that can be thrown with pinpoint accuracy
Iron Dragon's Restraint: Alucard is capable of creating iron restraints to immobilize his opponents by attaching them to surfaces. These restraints consist of a flat part with a hole, meant to immobilize the victim's limb, and come with some bolts, which secure the flat parts, and thus the victim, to the chosen surface. Both the restraints and the bolts come in different sizes
Iron Dragon's Restraint: Alucard is capable of creating iron restraints to immobilize his opponents by attaching them to surfaces. These restraints consist of a flat part with a hole, meant to immobilize the victim's limb, and come with some bolts, which secure the flat parts, and thus the victim, to the chosen surface. Both the restraints and the bolts come in different sizes
Iron Dragon's Hard Fist:Alucard Gajeel punches the target while covered in Iron Dragon's Scales, greatly enhancing his punching power.
Iron Dragon's Hammer: Alucard turns one or both of his hands into cylindrical iron hammers and beats his target with them

bio: later
LoveandHate91Jan 18, 2015 12:03 AM
Feb 8, 2015 2:27 AM

Nov 2014
Name: Kamiya (Nakato - hasn't revealed his real last name to anyone, yet) Hellbring
Gender: Male
Guild: SaberTooth
Location of Guild Tattoo: Left Shoulder
Class: E
Element/Ability: Darkness Magic



Bio: He was born in a part of the world where there was always war. He quickly learned to adapt to the rule kill or be killed when he was at war. But after seeing recordings of the grand magic games years ago, he took a liking to Fiore and went there after the war ended. He was always the quite type untill he came to Fiore and met SaberTooth. Now he's always cheerful and has never looked back and thought that his life is bad just because he was in a war. Through he was a part of a powerful clan once, but after the war ended the clan was wiped out and he is the sole survivor and the only member alive from his clan. After coming to Fiore he changed his last name to from Nakato to Hellbring.

(For now I won't add anymore abilitys maybe another time If he uses more)
TheAnimeAdmiralFeb 8, 2015 4:10 AM
Feb 8, 2015 2:52 AM
Aug 2014
All right you are good
LoveandHate91Feb 8, 2015 3:07 AM
Feb 10, 2015 2:23 AM

Jul 2014
The wait is over:
Name: Murasakibara Noriaki
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Guild: Fairy Tale
Location of Guild Tattoo: Forearm
Class: E D Dragon slayer
Element/Ability: Lightning
Hair: Purple shoulder length
Eyes: Purple as well
Clothes: White suit with black shirt and black tie, Black leather shoes and fingerless black leather gloves

Bio: Born in a poor part of the world where he always saw higher ups in suits and ties, once he broke free he saw fit that he wear this to show that he is now equal to them. Because of his past he was always with friends fighting to survive with each other. This has made a loyal and fast acting person who will help those in need/danger. He if a very formal person with a kind heart and will put his life on the line for those close to him


Sodalicious_Jun 1, 2015 6:11 AM
Feb 10, 2015 2:35 AM
Aug 2014
SodawithYoda approved
Feb 19, 2015 5:15 PM

May 2010
Name: Yuuki Kertia
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Guild: Sabertooth
Location of Guild Tattoo: Neck
Class: E
Element/Ability: Deserted House
Hair: Blond
Eyes: red
Clothes: Black clothes and a long black coat
Abilities: [spoiler]
Deserted House allows user to store things within another dimensional space, achieved by direct contact with the user's body. The things he can store is only limited to the same mass of his body. Things stored are frozen in time, meaning they are in the same condition as they were when stored, for example, an arrow exhibiting the same momentum. he can use the stored object by will mostly taken weapon are
double knifes * and the black spear 1
both are darkness weapon and eat away the life and magic force of the opponent = restores the energy of me at the same time
Feb 19, 2015 5:37 PM
Aug 2014
Your picture link isnt working and you need to list your weapons as enchanted since they are darkness weapons and draining life and magic is higher level at d rank i can drain energy which is same as magical energy and draining life is a c rank power and to gain it back goes to B and A rank and weapons of darkness is another power completly
LoveandHate91Feb 19, 2015 11:24 PM
Feb 20, 2015 6:07 PM

Jun 2009
Sairi Kamanosuke
Age: 22
Location of Guild Tattoo: Left Shoulder
Class: E-D
Element/Ability: Wind user



Feb 21, 2015 2:37 PM
Aug 2014
Zen Malik apporoved
LoveandHate91Feb 26, 2015 8:34 PM
Feb 26, 2015 8:33 PM

Aug 2013
LeCroweFeb 26, 2015 9:04 PM
Feb 26, 2015 8:38 PM
Aug 2014
Akimoto Yamashita approved
LoveandHate91Feb 26, 2015 9:32 PM
Feb 28, 2015 12:53 AM
Nov 2014
[spoiler]Name: Akihiro Takeuchi
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Guild: Fairy Tail
Location of guild tattoo: left side of chest
Class: E
Element/Ability: Lightning and Shadow

Abilities: Lightning Bolt: Fires a bolt of lightning from Akihiro's hand
Lightning Strike: Fires a strike of lightning from his hand
Shadow Scythe: Akihiro can form a scythe in his hands using shadows around him

Bio: A guy who always lived alone without friends and in search of some. When he was younger he found out he was bipolar and because of this sometimes another personality comes out. He found about his powers when he was outside when it was raining and when he saw a strike of lightning coming to him he held his hands up but instead of getting roasted he controlled it. The shadow power he found out about when he was walking through an ally and he got attacked by bandits. When he held his hand against a shadow his scythe formed and now he is trying to become stronger and find his parents
Feb 28, 2015 1:02 AM
Aug 2014
Akihiro Takeuchi approved
LoveandHate91Feb 28, 2015 1:22 AM
Feb 28, 2015 5:35 PM

Jan 2014
Name: Jack Argent
MoniStarMar 1, 2015 2:52 AM
Mar 1, 2015 2:54 AM
Aug 2014
Jack Argent approved
Mar 1, 2015 10:26 PM

Dec 2012
Name: Sylys Sinnex
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Location of Guild Tattoo: Right side of neck towards collar bone

Class: E

Element/Ability: Black magic with Darkness magic




Bio: Sylys (Sigh-Lis) was born in a small village the son of the village chief where everyday life was typical and very repetitive. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. That is till the boy turned 10 and he was used as a sacrifice to the dark lord. But instead of dying he harnessed the powers of black magic and death magic. The power drove him mad and he slaughtered everyone in the village. Once he came to Sylys knew this power would be trouble. 9 years later he has learned to harness his abilities to help his cause and those around him. He joined the Blue Pegasus guild and is now an E class member with a some great spells and some forbidden he learned along the way to help his cause. Sylys likes to have a good time and be really cool and collected. He does have a very dark and evil side however it is usually contained. His main goals are to help the Blue Pegasus guild that took him in succeed.
AceTheKiddMar 3, 2015 3:54 PM

Mar 2, 2015 1:37 AM

May 2014
Name: Takuma Shingen
KinithMar 2, 2015 4:03 AM
Mar 2, 2015 3:55 AM

Jul 2014
Kinith said:
Name: Takuma Shingen

Be wary of god modding, I feel like that could happen easily with this character
Label your barriers please
Mar 9, 2015 11:13 AM
Jun 2014
Name: Xavier Silverheart
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Guild: Fairy Tail
Location of Guild Tattoo: Right Eye (Just like Ciel Phantomhive)
Class: E
Element/Ability: Telekinesis



It's harder to move heavier things. The maximum amount of weight is 10000 kilograms altough it takes a lot of magical power and is hard to move around. It can move liquids but it can't move gas. It can move people but it can't move stellar spirits.

Bio: Xavier has a dark past that noone knows about. He's not the sociable type but he's quite the pervert.
SidixMar 13, 2015 2:51 PM
Mar 11, 2015 6:06 PM
Jan 2015
I'm pretty new at this, so sorry if I mess this entire thing up, haha.

Ayako Tsukino


Age: 15
Gender: Female
Guild: Fairy Tail? (If that's not taken, of course)
Location of Guild Tattoo: Left shoulder (pretty generic, but it's just a really good spot :D)
Class: E
Element/Ability: the ability to reck everything Weapon-strictly requip, and in the process of mastering snow magic~




CaballettaMay 31, 2015 2:40 PM
Mar 11, 2015 6:32 PM
Aug 2014
Caballetta Take away the poison and fire based arrows you can keep the infinte arrows but the enchanted arrows would enter a new magic
Mar 13, 2015 6:34 PM
Aug 2014
Name: Xavier Silverheart
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Guild: Fairy Tail
Location of Guild Tattoo: Right Eye (Just like Ciel Phantomhive)
Class: E
Element/Ability: Telekinesis



It's harder to move heavier things. The maximum amount of weight is 10000 kilograms altough it takes a lot of magical power and is hard to move around. It can move liquids but it can't move gas. It can move people but it can't move stellar spirits.

Bio: Xavier has a dark past that noone knows about. He's not the sociable type but he's quite the pervert.

Mar 13, 2015 10:15 PM
Apr 2014
I would first like to say thanks for the invite, I don't RP much online anymore but I think this could be a fun experience.

Abilities: I couldn't really think of any good names for moves so if anybody has suggestions I would love to hear them.



Back story:
roxies_koolMar 15, 2015 7:08 PM
Mar 13, 2015 10:40 PM
Aug 2014
I would first like to say thanks for the invite, I don't RP much online anymore but I think this could be a fun experience.

Name: Avalon Fujita
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Guild: Blue Pegasus
Location of Guild Tattoo: Right Hand
Class: E
Element/Ability: Primary Magic- Palm Magic Secondary Magic- Requip
Appearance: Long black hair, decent bust and good figure. She is very conservative due to her upbringing and personality.

Abilities: I couldn't really think of any good names for moves so if anybody has suggestions I would love to hear them.

Sword Requipping- She can requip a variety of weapons but can only summon 2 at a time. Her favorite weapon of choice is the Nunchaku.
Hand to hand combat- She is a trained Mage specializing in melee combat. She has mastered several styles including her family's style. She even created her own technique.
Immense speed- she is quick on her feet since she has been training since she was a child.
Palm magic- she trained under Bacchus Groh for 5 years and was able to incorporate it into her different fighting styles.


Hero's Come Back!! performed by Nobodyknows+


She is quiet and reserved but she knows how to stick up for herself and those who can not help themselves. She is also very loyal to her guild and feels guilty about the deaths of her family and former students. Even though she wont admit it she secretly obsesses over cooking and is very good at it.

Back story:

Avalon was born and raised at the world renowned Fujita Dojo. By the age of 9 she had mastered her family's fighting style and was most likely to be the successor of the dojo instead of her elder brother, Riven, who had not mastered the fighting style until he was 17. He became very jealous of his sister and was obsessed with finding a way to beat her in order to force his way into succession. Their father soon became ill and asked that Avalon would take over the task teaching the students of the dojo until he was well once more. Riven was enraged and vowed never to return again until he was given his birthright. Although Avalon would miss her brother very much she knew she and to take over and do what was best for the dojo. It was 3 years before Avalon saw her brother again, she was successfully training the students in the way of the Fujita Style, she also created a style of her own and had learned several other martial arts styles. One day Avalon came back from a deep meditation session to find her whole family, and all of the dojo students, slaughtered. She was about to run to the nearest town for help but 2 figures blocked her path. One was her brother, who held a Katana in his hands, and was covered in blood. The other was a very tall woman who wore a cape and seemed to blend into the shadows of the path. Unable to comprehend the situation Avalon cries out to her brother "Riven everybody is hurt we need help." He starts walking towards her and says "Dear little sister don't worry cause you will soon meet a similar fate. Because you taught them you may die by their hands." The woman in the shadows began chanting under her breath when Avalon heard something fall over in the dojo. "My work here is done, good bye little sister, enjoy what your hard work has sowed" shouted Riven as he and the shadow woman disappeared into thin air. Shocked at the sudden appearance and disappearance of her brother, and the mess inside the dojo, she fell unconscious. She was soon awoken by the horrible smell of burning flesh. She quickly got up and turned to see her home engulfed in flames. She ran as close as she could to the flames without getting burned and called out for her family. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a familiar figure running towards her. "Thank goodness you guys are alright, I thought everybody was hur....." she was kicked in the stomach before she could finish talking. "What is your problem Tekei, that could have hurt" she muttered, slightly annoyed. She looked up and saw that something was wrong, this was the Tekei she knew but he was covered in blood and had a wide slash across his throat. He was dead and Avalon quickly assumed that the other people who were running towards her were as well. Her survival instinct kicked in and she took her stance and mentally prepared herself to fight the entire dojo. She disposed of several students rather quickly but was soon overwhelmed by the sheer mass of people. Not matter how many times she took them down they kept getting back up and she was getting tired. Then from out of no where her father came running towards her. She knew she was hardly a match for her father, despite all of her accomplishments, she could never bring her self to beat her father. Prepared to run into her final battle, with her head held high, she let out a scream and charged at her father. She was within 3 yards of him when suddenly a sword appeared in her hand that seemed to radiate with light. Without missing a step she leaped into the air and sliced her father clean in half. She then made easy work of everybody else and passed out from sheer exhaustion. She was woken up by a splash of cold water and a man who reeked of booze. "Hey wake up little girl, what happened to the dojo that use to be here? Where is the head of the Fujita clan?" said the mystery man. With tears in her eyes Avalon said "Your looking at her, I'm the only one left. My name is Avalon Fujita, named successor and head master of this dojo. And you are?" "Bacchus Groh, its a pleasure to meet the person behind the infamous name. Can you tell me what happened here?" After explaining all I could remember he grunted sympathetically and said "Well I cant offer much, and it can be a bit rowdy, but you can stay at the guild for as long as you need. You can also study magic in your free time when you aren't training and shadowing my missions. From what you've told me it sounds like you can requip but I think you also have the potential to learn Palm magic as well with your martial arts background." So for the next five years Avalon studied magic developed an alternate version of palm magic that worked with her different fighting styles. She then left the safety of Quatro Cerberus to embark on her own journey to, find her brother and the shadow woman, and avenge the deaths of her fallen comrades.

Mar 23, 2015 6:00 PM
Jan 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
Caballetta Take away the poison and fire based arrows you can keep the infinte arrows but the enchanted arrows would enter a new magic

Alright ^^ Sorry lol, didn't know
Mar 23, 2015 6:52 PM
Aug 2014
You can have snow and ice based arrows
Mar 24, 2015 7:20 PM
Jan 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
You can have snow and ice based arrows

Alright, I'll take that (:, thanks. Is it accepted?
Mar 24, 2015 8:36 PM
Aug 2014
You need to edit your character so that is says that
May 25, 2015 3:39 AM

Oct 2014
May 25, 2015 3:42 AM
Aug 2014
Joi approved
And sure pick a guild or go to one and see if you can join sorry that the club is a little inactive these days
May 25, 2015 3:47 AM

Oct 2014
That's fine
May 28, 2015 1:28 PM

May 2015
Name: Blake Lucian


Birthday: July 13th (the day I was born to my birth parents) and July 7th (the day I met SteelMetelicana and you don't wanna know the trouble I went to trying to find the exact date I met a dragon in a dimension in between space and time where time does not flow the same way as in earthland)

Gender: Male

Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Mark location: top of my right arm

Magic: Ultimate Iron Dragon Slayer Magic

Abilities: Dragon slayer magic with the element of iron. Since I was taught Iron dragon slayer Magic by Metelicana's dad steelmetalica I have a more in depth knowledge of Iron dragon slayer magic than even my predecessor Gajeel Redfox. I have similar abilities as him such as being able to turn my body parts into any form of iron and using my iron breath attack. Nevertheless I also have skills he never had such as slightly stronger iron dragon scales and the ability to not only eat iron but also to manipulate and mold it into any creation I can imagine and give it life as long as it is not iron created by my own magic. However because it takes a lot of magic power to do this I normally refrain from doing it unless I have surplus iron i can eat afterwards to replenish my magic power.

Class: E

Bio: My parents were a researcher and scientist, named Drake and Blair Lucian, who were studying the battles of fiore and after learning about the eclipse gate project and dragons they decided to recreate it so they could go back in time 700 years to learn about the dragon civil war. When I was 7 my parents succeeded in recreating the ecplise gate and went back in time to the dragon civil war and of course I followed and got lost. I ended up in a strange place that seemed like the place my parents described to be the world during the dragon civil war only there were no living creatures beside myself. After wandering around aimlessly for what seemed like 13 days I a giant door that looked exactly like the eclipse gate and went through it thinking it was the way home. I was wrong. It turned out was the entrance to the palace the the supreme lord dragon or both space and time also known as Dragonis King of dragons. I met him and he told me we were in a dimension that existed within space and time itself. He said it was a dimension where the supreme dragon ruled over for all of eternity and that he had been sent here when he was a young dragonet. I asked him if he could take me home but he stated that that would be impossible and he knew because he once tried to return the iron dragon king, SteelMetelicana, but failed. I then asked him where the iron dragon was and he said that he lived in the palace as well and stated that I could live here too. SteelMetelicana soon arrived and decided, in order to make both our stays more interesting, to teach me iron dragon slayer magic as well as advanced iron dragon slayer magic so that I would know ultimate iron dragon slayer magic. While SteelMetelicana would train me he would always talk about his son, Metelicana, and eventhough he would start off happy by the end he would be sad. One day When this happened I decided that I could be his second son to make him happy and told him I could be his son at once which seemed to improve his overall mood. He trained me for what seemed like 13 years and after this much time I had learned everything SteelMetelicana could teach me and that in order to master my magic I would have to start practicing myself. I also noticed that I had not aged physically in the 13 years I was here and still looked 7. I asked Dragonis about this and all he said was that time flowed differently here. One day I started to flow green and Dragonis immediately knew that what had brought me here was sending me back so I quickly said farewell and before I left I promised to find a way to free SteelMetelicana. I was sent back to the lab with a note from my parents that said if I got this they were killed in the dragon civil war and to immediately destroy the eclipse gate. I used my newly acquired magic to mold the ecplise gate into a smaller model, thankfully it was made of iron, and then I planned to eat it since I used up so much magic power but it tasted so bad that I spit it out and decided to just cut it into peices with my iron dragon sword then just melt the pieces and throw it away. As soon as I was done I passed out and when I woke up and went to the minor I noticed I still looked 7 and after checking the calendar I learned it had only been a 7 days or a week since I went through the eclipse gate. I guessed that as soon as I returned home time caught up to me and in reality instead of 13 years only a week went by. Shortly after I joined the Fairy Tail guild, which I have always thought to be the best, and have been practicing and improving my magic as well as searching for anything that could help me free SteelMetalicana ever since I joined 5 years ago.

(Can I like improve my characters magic with time cuz like I said he is still training.)
KingAce261May 31, 2015 2:31 PM
I am the King, address me as anything less and face the wrath of The Emperor Supreme King
May 31, 2015 7:15 AM
Aug 2014
Blake Lucian approved
And yes you can gain new spells with time
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