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Jul 3, 2012 6:45 PM

Jul 2009

Class Name


Full Name



Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil, Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic Insane (Berserker Only)






My Legend(link to who in history you are, wiki or other)


Noble Phantasms
You may have up to 3. Single Noble Phantasms with multiple 'modes' (like Gae Bolg) count as more than one.

Name of Noble Phantasm and any fancy title it might have
Rank: [E-EX]
Type: [Support/Anti-Personnel/Anti-Army/Anti-Fortress]
Range: [None/1-99]
Max Targets: [Self/1-1000]
Description of the Phantasm

Class Skills
Check the Skills list for help. Rank Optional

You may have up to 4. Check the Skill List for help. Unique skills need to be explained. Must be inkeeping with who you Servant was in real life. Rank Optional.


ChotgoriinAug 31, 2012 1:00 PM

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jul 4, 2012 3:39 PM

Jul 2009
Basic Stats for each Class
Other information about each Class is included with thier Card in Pictures.

Unformatted by a Heroic Spirit, the base parameters of the Saber-class container are: Strength A, Endurance B, Agility B, Mana C, and Luck D.

Unformatted by a Heroic Spirit, the base parameters of the Lancer-class container are: Strength B, Endurance C, Agility A, Mana D, and Luck E.

Unformatted by a Heroic Spirit, the base parameters of the Archer-class container are: Strength C, Endurance C, Agility C, Mana E, and Luck E.

Unformatted by a Heroic Spirit, the base parameters of the Rider-class container are: Strength D, Endurance D, Agility B, Mana C, and Luck E.

Unformatted by a Heroic Spirit, the base parameters of the Berserker-class container are: Strength C, Endurance D, Agility D, Mana E, and Luck E.

Unformatted by a Heroic Spirit, the base parameters of the Caster-class container are: Strength E, Endurance E, Agility C, Mana A, and Luck B.

Unformatted by a Heroic Spirit, the base parameters of the Assassin-class container are: Strength D, Endurance D, Agility B, Mana E, and Luck B.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jul 4, 2012 3:43 PM

Jul 2009
Noble Phantasm Examples

God Hand - The Twelve Labours
Rank: B
Type: Support
Range: N/A
Max Targets: Self
A hidden ability. The curse of immortality given to Heracles by the gods for completing his twelve labours.

A powerful conceptual protection that blocks any attack below Rank A. Regenerates automatically even when killed, and evolves so that it becomes immune to any attack that has pierced it once. There is a stock of eleven extra lives.

In short, Heracles must be killed twelve times with twelve different attacks to be defeated.

If the Master's Prana is high enough, it is even possible to regenerate lost lives given enough waiting time.

Invisible Air - Boundary Field of the Wind King
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Personnel
Range: 1-2
Max Targets: 1 Person
An invisible sword. It does not allow the enemy to determine its range. It is simple, but tremendously effective in melee combat.

It is a Noble Phantasm protected by strong magic, but it does not mean that the sword itself is invisible.

The blade is clad in wind that alters the refraction of light and makes the sword's shape invisible.

It is not a vacuum, but the wind whirring around the blade is like a weapon, which increases the damage of the slash.

Only when the compressed wind is released is a vacuum state created. When the target has "resistance to visual impediments" the accuracy concealment of Invisible Air is ineffective.

Other than the advantage of making the blade invisible, it is possible to release the compressed wind, making it a single-use projectile weapon.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Aug 31, 2012 2:27 PM

Jan 2012
Class Name Assassin


Full Name Mochizuki Chiyome

Aliases Mochizuki

Gender Female

Alignment Lawful Neutral

I belive alone I can take down 100, though together we can take down 1000

Trait - persistent - She will finish her job no matter what. She keep at it till she is the last one standing.

Trait - devoted - She keeps her promises to finish what she started.

Trait - respectful - She treats people with the up most respect. Though when shown that they do not deserve it, she can change her mood towards them.

Trait - Merciless - She doesn't care if your on her side or on the other, if someone wants you dead, she'll make sure that your dead.

My Legend -

Weapon - She carry's two blades one Katana and a tanto specially crafted with cherry blossom's on the blade and they both don't have sword guards. (It's in the Appearance pic as well.)

Noble Phantasms

Name: Kouga-Ryuu Kunoichi School: School of Wayward Girls
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1-10
Max Targets: 50

Name: Sengoku Undercover Kunoichi-Network: Information Supplied by Vices
Rank: D
Type: Support
Range: 1-∞
Max Targets: 100

Name: The First Kunoichi: Infiltrator’s Wardrobe
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1-30
Max Targets: 10

Class Skills
Presence Concealment - Rank A+

Field of Detection - Rank A

Clairvoyance - Rank B

Bravery - Rank B

Disengage - Rank B

DeuxNyxSep 1, 2012 7:23 PM
If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win! — Eren Yaeger
Aug 31, 2012 2:42 PM

Jul 2009
Class Name:

Full Name:
Riderch I of Alt Clut
Rhydderch, The Hael(The Generous)
Neutral Good
Freely given to me, I give to you. Take this Blade I offer, If you are worthy it will not touch you with it's Flames

- Generous
She didn't recieve the name 'Hael' for nothing. She is generous almost to a fault, even willing to lend out her weapon, even though it attached itself to her. No one took up the offer after the first; It's kind of unsettling when the one who tries is instantly reduced to ashes. She was a good King, giving to her subjects, and carefully distributed the wealth.

- Impatient
As tends to be common to those who wield fire, she isn't one for sitting around. If she isn't doing something, like fighting, or practicing, or something, she is going to want to be doing one of those things. And will be very vocal about it.

- Out for a Fight
More or less her purpose here, other than her actual goal. She came from a warrior culture, that put quiet an emphasis on combat. And she enjoyed it. It isn't often that one gets to fight Heroes from another Era. That, to her, is not an experience to be missed.

- Honorable...for a time before Chivalry
An extension of her 'Out for a Fight' trait, she wants to fight people at their best. Yes, sometimes it doens't or can't happen, but if it can, she will have no part in subversive activites or avoiding the opponent. Reason doesn't get in the way of this either.

My Legend:
Dyrwyn, The White Hilt
Noble Phantasms:

Dyrwyn - Only the Worthy May Hold
Rank: C+
Type: Anti-Personnel
Range: 1
Max Targets: 1

Riderch's Sword, one of the Thirteen Treasures of Britian, was always covered in flames when wielded. If this blade is drawn flames wreath the user and the blade. This grants additional damage to the attack, as well as effectively making Riderch unable to be touched(Physically, like she can't be grabbed for restrained by hand) without Protection from Fire. The fire lingers on each stroke, and is resisted directly by the Mana stat. At C, the flames will continue to burn for 10 seconds after each stroke, and even if the target blocks the stroke the object they blocked it with will catch fire. For each rank higher, the time halves, until at A the fire will not spread to the target. At each rank lower that C, the time the fire remains is doubled. Something not ranked in mana will be consumed with fire when touched by this blade. However the additional damage from the blade itself being consumed in flames still effects any Mana rank.

This also has deadly effects on non-mystery weapons, melting them to slag or reducing them to ashes. Ranked weapons of Servants are far more resistant to this effect, but will eventually succumb to the phantasmal flames. This effect is similar to Mana Burst A in its damage of non-phantasmal weapons. Phantasms can catch fire, but not be consumed. It will deal fire damage to the opponent however.

In addition, if anyone other than Riderch attempts to wield/hold this blade, they will be incinerated. Doesn't stop her from offering though.

While this does not disquise her sword's length from view, like Invisible Air, it does obsure it from view. Basically, to any observer, she is swing a sword made of pure fire. As this is like Invisible Air, and an innate property of the sword it requires very little Prana to maintain.

Dyrwyn - The White Hilt
Rank: B+
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 20, or a 200 meter radius from the sword
Max Targets: 200

Riderch releases the dispersed flame from White Hilt, revealing the blade for all to see. When invoked, the flame wreath expands in a crushing wave of flame from the user. Anything that can possible catch fire or melt will. The flames linger on the battlefield for at most five minutes, and will not go out until time is up or Riderch dies.

One of the major drawbacks to this is the fact that the flame is noy discriminate, and radiates from Riderch, potentially taken out her allies. In fact, without Protection from Flames, Riderch would be reduced to ash by it herself.

This is basically equivalent to an explosion of flames. The + denotes a doubling of strength if the target has Dyrnwyn biting into their flesh when it is released, focusing the explosion through their body.

The damage from the flames does not get weaker at the edges of the effect, instead the whole area becomes consumed in the same amount of flames. Thus the entire radius recieves the whole damage. The fire is similar to naplam and pitch that is lit on fire.

Class Skills:
Magic Resistance B
Riding C
Protection from the Flames A
Like charms from the east against wind, this is a charm and skill that protects Riderch from flames and heat. At this level their effect, even at phantasmal level, is negligent. Riderch's own worthiness granted this to her the moment she was unafraid to take up the blade.

Instinct B
The power to 'feel' the most favourable developments for oneself during battle. A refined sixth sense honed by a lifetime on the battlefield. Penalties caused by obstructed vison and hearing are reduced 20%. Reflexes allow the user to deflect ranged projectiles at a 80% success rate without having to see them, with the exception of attacks originating from ultra long range. Visible projectiles can be easily deflected.

Charisma C+
A general of great skill, she also possessed the ability to govern a large portion of Britian. Moral gets a benefit under her, (The plus) only when she leads directly from the front. She had quite an inspirational presence on the front lines.

Field of Detection(Fake)B
In the ill fated alliance of four kings of Britain, Riderch was the only one not assassinated by a jealous member, because she managed to detect the assassins while she slept. This was because of an extension of her instinct, that allowed her to sense the moment she was about to be attacked, even from concealed persons. While a normal Field Of Detection would directly counter presence concealment, as well as provide extra range to a pinpoint detection radius, Fake instead increases the detection radius, with supreme instinct, but only allows the user to know that yes, there is someone within that radius, even if they have presence concealment.


Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Aug 31, 2012 3:24 PM

Jul 2009

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Aug 31, 2012 4:09 PM

Jul 2009

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Sep 1, 2012 12:51 PM

Apr 2011
Class Name: Caster


Full Name: Koschei the Deathless

Aliases: Kaschie, Kaschey, Koshchiy, Kosciej and Kostej; he of a Yellow Heart and Black Blood

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Quote: "Death is a very dull, dreary affair, and my advice to you is to have nothing whatsoever to do with it"- W. Somerset Maugham

Trait: Pride
Description- Strong willed and will take shit from NO ONE

Trait: Greed
Description- What Koschei wants, Koschei takes...

Trait: Liar
Description- Lies to his Master, Lies to his enemies, and above all... lies to himself

Trait: Coward
Description- He feared death, so he cheated it and bound his soul to the earth

My Legend:

Weapon: Whatever feels like making with his Item Construction...

Noble Phantasms
1.) Soul Seal: Forgotten Island, Tree of Ruin, Chest of Damnation, Hare of Cursed, Duck of Cowardice, Egg of Truth, Needle of Life, Releasement of Soul
Rank: A
Type: Support
Range: Self
Max Targets: Self
Description of the Phantasm: Can fully upgrade himself up to 8 times, each time releasing a seal on his soul (Island, Tree, Chest, Hare, Duck, Egg, Needle, and Soul). Each time he releases a seal, his health and prana levels higher levels than they were originally. His Rankings also go up for each seal released, for example his C Rank Strength/Endurance/Agility goes to C+, B-, B, B+, A-, A, A+, and with his Final release he goes even further... becoming [A++] in those 3 stats. With each Seal released his Lich's body is weakened, 1 Seal makes 1-2 posts into 2-3 posts and so so on and so forth. When the 8th Seal (Final Seal) is released, this means his soul has returned to his actual body, and he must be cautious at this point beacasue will literally take too many posts to heal and he will die. So in a nutshell: The more seals he unleashes, the weaker his 2nd Noble Phantasm becomes. After battles however he can restore ALL the old seals and return to his physically weaker yet "Deathless" self.

2.) Lich's Shell: Deathless
Rank: A
Type: Support
Range: Self
Max Targets: Self
Description of Phantasm: One of the reasons Koschei earned his title, not only did he seal away his 'soul' from 'death' he also severed from his body from any mortal afflictions. More specifically he can heal, regenerate, and cure any wound, injury, and affliction that befalls his body both physical and magical. No matter how grievous or fatal a wound, he can only experience immense pain but he can heal in a matter of minutes if not seconds. Before an effect similar to Innate Localized Time Reversal takes place, and the body pieces itself back together. It takes about a minute (2 posts) for limb loss (for either reattachment or regrowth). Anything lower than that, like stashes and cuts, are very quick to regenerate, taking about a few seconds (1 post). So, depending on severity of wound, the reversal time changes. But like I said before he is NOT immune to pain... too much damage WILL force him to retreat, like half a dozen of core or critical hits may damn near beat him. But he will stand up again... after all he can't die so long as he doesn't release too many Seals (First NP).

3.) Corrupted Soul: Inner-Essense
Rank: E-A
Type: Anti-Personnel/Anti-Army
Range: 300m
Max Targets: 1000
Description of the Phantasm: A Phantasmal Beast that is the incarnation of Koschei's 'evil' and 'corruption' in his heart. Inner-Essence more or less is a 'tar beast' (though not actual 'tar' per say) grows larger and more powerful as Koschei 'feeds' it more Prana over time (whether from himself, his Master, or some unfortunate victim being painfully sacrificed). It initially starts at around only 5ft tall and requires regular feeding by being offered generous amounts of Prana. It takes exactly 100 hours of regular feeding (20 feedings) to become 50 foot tall. Koschei can only summon Inner-Essense within a Workshop of his creation, or more specifically: In place he calls Blackwood, Forest of Fear, and Realm of Nightmare... his Workshop. Though slow and gelatinous in nature, it is capable of using tentacles to grab prey and creating 'tar pawns' that are miniature and faster versions of itself to do combat. It is also capable of launching ranged attacks up to speeds of 30 km per hour (speed of a bullet). Furthermore due to its less than healthy origins, physical contact with any of Inner-Essense's tar greatly reduce's an opponent's effectiveness in battle by lowering ranks by 1 level in the following categories determined by victiim's Mana levels: Mana A recieves no rank down; Mana B recieves rank down in Agility, Mana C recieves rank down in Agility and Endurance; Mana D recieves rank down in Agility, Endurance, and Strength; Mana E gets a rank down in EVERYTHING. 1 shot of tar equals 10 minutes (5 posts) of applied reduction, hours not reapplied with addional shots unless the hours have passed and new tar has been applied. However this is a stacking curse, that is with additional shots will decrease ranks even further, for example someone with Mana A recieves 2 shots. Their stats will be treated as if they were a Mana B in ranking.

Class Skills:
Territory Creation- A+
Item Construction- A+

Magecraft- A
Mental Pollution- B
Shapeshifting- B
Presence Detection- B


Spell List:
Gibz0maticSep 16, 2012 6:28 PM
Sep 1, 2012 2:46 PM

Jul 2009

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Sep 1, 2012 5:16 PM

Jul 2008
Class Name: Berserker


Class Name: Rider

Black and White options, if both pass the specifications... I'll use just one, but don't delete the other one, please.
ChotgoriinSep 6, 2012 6:15 PM
My candies:
Sep 2, 2012 2:28 PM

Jul 2009


Now Chose, Berserker or Rider.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Sep 2, 2012 5:11 PM

Jul 2008
My candies:
Sep 5, 2012 7:24 PM

Jul 2008
Class Name: Saber


Full Name
Shōtoku, Taishi

Toyosatomimi (Abundant, clever ears)


"I don't care what anyone else does as long as it's fun"

Taishi was an extremely good listener and cared deeply for her people

Intelligent enough to hear ten different conversations at the same exact time and respond to each one without fail.

Was a very popular ruler with the citizens, but not so much the nobility. This is due to her incessant fun-loving nature.

Will stop at nothing to learn what she wishes to learn.

My Legend

Shichiseiken and hand to hand combat

Noble Phantasms
Rank: A
Type: Support
Range: None
Max Targets: Self
The sword of buddhist origin has the power to protect the carrier from harm. Although millions of copies were made, Taishi owns the original. All attacks made that are lower than rank A pass through Taishi as if she weren't there. This phantasm is passive but requires harmful intent and will not work on accidents.

Shichiseiken - The Seven Star Sword of Banishment
Rank: B - EX (See description)
Type: Anti-Personnel
Range: 1
Max Targets: 1
The seven star sword of buddhist origin was also said to be able to ward off evil spirits. Against an evil opponent, this phantasms rank becomes EX, but against other opponents, it is a mere rank B. Evil cannot stand the site of this holy sword and will feel the urge to flee from it. If an opponentl is struck with the blade after its true name is invoked, they will be unable to heal and unable to cause harm to Taishi for 24 hours. (the unable to heal effect persists if they are neutral, but dissipates against good). If the opponent is evil, the blade will case 20 times the normal damage, usually destroying it outright.

Bishamonten - The Day of the Tiger
Rank: EX
Type: Support
Range: 1
Max Targets: Self
Due to a legend of Bishamonten himself appearing at the front of Taishi's army and decimating the anti-buddhist Mononobe-shi, Taishi is able to channel the power of this war god. When activated, Taishi transforms into a human tiger hybrid and gains the following benefits at the cost of her Shichiseiken protecting her for one hour a day.
- Add Presence Concealment A to class skills
- Add Presence Detection A to class skills
- All stats, except for Mana, are treated as being ranked up three times (B to B+++, for example)
- Loses other noble phantasms, but her natural attacks qualify for the Seven Star Sword of Banishment and will still do 20 times damage to evil enemies.

Class Skills
Magic Resistance A
Riding B

Abundant Clever Ears EX:
Known to have been able to hear ten questions at the same time and give ten perfect answers, Taishi's hearing is capable of picking up very subtle sounds. This skill decreases the effectiveness of presence concealment by one rank and decreases the effectiveness of all sneak attacks.

Popularity A
They put her face on currency. Unfortunately she was wearing a fake beard at the time.

Discernment of the Poor A

Knowledge of Respect and Harmony A

TamoballSep 16, 2012 12:20 PM
Sep 6, 2012 2:05 AM

Apr 2011
Hey guys, so I'm new here but I saw your club along with some of the posts and was hoping I could chip in with a new Servant idea (spent some time thinking it out before posting).

Class Name: Lancer

Newmn84Dec 27, 2012 8:29 PM
Sep 6, 2012 4:02 AM

Jun 2011
Class Name: Archer

Full Name: Eros,God of Love
Aliases: Cupid
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Quote - "The forbbiden fruit is the tastiest."


In confliction with his rather high intellect,Eros tends to act childishly.


Eros' mind is a never-ending river.It's always full of thoughts who border on a shock line - no one would expect a childish God to actually be able to deeply reflect on life and calculate possibilites at top speed,ne?


Eros is,in the end,the God of Love.Everything about him is charming - almost no one can resist him.


He fiercely defends what he considers his - his Master goes on this list.


Well,he does love to sit around with no care...

My Legend:


L'arc de l'Amour (The Bow of Love)

A golden bow who enables the usage of his projectiles.As long as the bow is in his hand,he can control the movements of his 'arrows'(projectiles) without even needing to move from his spot.The basic attack of it are golden arrows with hallucinogenic effect.

Noble Phantasms

Ailes d'Or (Gold Wings)
Rank: B
Type: Support
Range: None (?)
Max Targets: Self (+1)

Eros' back becomes adorned with great,large golden wings.He can use them to fly trough air at excellent speeds,and eventually carry someone with him.

Ailes d'Or: Sphère Détruire (Gold Wings: Nullifying Sphere)
Rank: A
Type: Support
Range: 25 (?)
Max Targets: 3

Eros' wings spread,forming a sphere around him and/or two other persons;the feathers form a neat surface which takes the form of a completely round sphere;most of the incoming attacks (up to B+ [included] + normal weapons) will turn into dust upon impact (That's where "Nullifying" comes from) .

Ailes d'Or: Sous-Lumière (Gold Wings: Light Arrow)
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 50 (?)
Max Targets: 500

Eros' wings spread,shooting feathers on a 180 to 220 degree range.The feathers fly at enormous speed,becoming steel-like and forming arrows.An electric charge is conducted trough them;if you're hit by too many,you might get fried.

Class Skills

Independent Action: C
Magic Resistance: C


Strength: B
Agility: A
Mana: C
Luck: D
AngelicXISep 6, 2012 6:29 AM
Sep 6, 2012 2:13 PM

Jul 2009


Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Sep 10, 2012 3:59 AM

Jul 2009

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Sep 11, 2012 4:53 PM

Jul 2009

Class Name

Full Name
Chaotic Neutral
I'm tired of you devils!

f Arngrim wants something he will get it. This is similar to tenacity, but far, far more focused and self-destructive due to the level of focus required to get whatever he wants, no matter how hard it is to attain.

Arngrim does not mince words. He speaks his mind clearly and directly. Flowery exposition is not a strong suit of his and people who waste time trying to make a point anger him to threats of violence.

Something that blends well with his Determination and Direct attitude. He also will not hold back when something angers him. Punches to the face, punches to the arm, hard slaps on the back, pushing and shoving are just some of his repository of actions that tell people he's not happy.

In battle Arngrim holds no quarter. Man, woman or child, if they bear arms againt him, he will cut them down without a second though or request they stand down. In the era he was raised in people lived and died by the sword as a way of life.

My Legend
Tyrfing: Arngrim's primary weapon is nothing less the the cursed sword Tyrfing. Though, unlike other bearers of this sword, in Arngrim's hands it's a massive two handed great sword, nearly four and a half feet in blade length and half a foot in width with another foot and a half for both the hilt and handle. The sword seems ponderous and hard to handle, but Arngrim carries and swings the blade single handily with a level of proficiency almost like the sword was apart of his arm.

Since the sword was cursed to kill every time it's drawn, Arngrim has always had a lingering want to slay people while holding it for too long. He's shown remarkable restraint with the sword's desires, but has noticed that every time blood touched Tryfing, the sword seemed to greedily drink it. As such, even after a bloody battle the sword is remarkably clean.

Though the sword he used was a cursed artifact. Arngrim was ignorant of that fact since the original bearer, Svafrlami, was killed before he could warn Arngrim about it. Though he bore the cursed blade, he attributed it's need for blood as apart of his berserker lifestyle and was wholly spared of the sword's curse of ruin.
Noble Phantasms

Tyrfing - Cursed Sword of Ruin
Rank: A
Type: [Anti-Fortress
Range: 1
Max Targets: 1/2

The quality of the sword, as befits a magical weapon meant to bring total victory to it's user, allows the sword to cleave stone and metal as if it was simple flax cloth. Which was shown when Svafrlami cleaved a boulder in two while trying to kill the dwarves who forged the sword, and later when he effortlessly sliced Arngrim the Berserker's shield in half.

When the sword's name is invoked, defensive Noble Phantasms that are struck by Tyrfing are treated as if their rank is 2 levels lower then normal. With the exception that they cannot be reduced below E. Non-noble phantasm armor and defenses (such as reinforcement magecraft and prana crafted armor) are ignored by Tyrfing, and it cuts right through them. The high cost for this ability is tempered by the Mana the sword drinks when it draws blood, but Arngrim still rarely uses it. He considers it cheating. This ability cannot be used under Mad Enhancement. However, if the master so wishes, a command spell can force him to use it while under the effects.

Tyrfing - Cursed Blade of Carnage
Rank: C
Type: Support/Passive
Range: N/A
Max Targets: N/A

The Curse of the Magical Sword Tyrfing, so enchanted by the dwarven smiths who were forced to make it. The sword was then forced to take a life whenever the blade was drawn. In the hands of all the carriers, save Arngrim, the sword sated itself on the lives of it's wielders brothers.

An inherent trait of the sword, whenever Tyrfing would draw blood, the sword absorbs it into an internal mana pool. If the sword's pool is full any other blood it drinks is not converted, the sword just seems really thirsty. This ability is overwritten by Tyrfing - Cursed Sword of Ruin, however, half the mana cost of activation is taken from the sword's mana pool.

Class Skills
Mad Enhance: B
Arngrim is what one would call a professional Berserker. As such he can whip himself into a near trance-like state of mindless fury which makes him stronger, faster and tougher then a normal warrior of his size and strength. The downside of this is of course he's an unthinking killing machine that doesn't differentiate friend from foe and will swing his massive sword at any and everyone in his field of view. At this rank, it raises every stat by one rank, but robs him of cognizant thought and he can only verbalize sounds through wild insane roars.

Battle Continuation C
Due to his berserker fury, Arngrim has been known to shrug off numerous injuries, even some near fatal strikes while fighting, though he never died gloriously in battle.

Charisma: E
Arngrim is a moderately skilled, if a wrathful general, leading an army of Berserkers and Finns to battle and conquer the Saami people through threats and intimidation (and a few severed heads from people who spoke back). Through three skirmishes, he was forced to retreat twice due to trickery, but in the third he routed the Saami and slew their king in single combat. However, due to Mad Enhance, this skill is largely for show.

Bravery: D
It takes a certain level of gumption to run screaming at an enemy army with only gloves, boots and pants on. Arngrim is one of these people with that level of psychotic bravery. At this rank it reduces the effect of mind afflicting magecraft by 2/3s their duration. This skill is sealed due to Mad Enhancement.


Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Sep 15, 2012 3:29 PM

Jun 2011
VIP servant

Class Name: Ruler

Full Name: Joan of Arc
Aliases: The Maid of Orléans
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality: " Rise your head,warrior.Fight for what you hold dear. "


She will not force her beliefs upon anyone,and will not judge others for their own.


In her own way,she is.She will spare who she sees fit,and will never seek to torment someone.If she has to kill,she will,in a single strike - so the victim will not have time to suffer.


Her faith in her Lord is supreme.




She enjoys silence and meditation.

My Legend:

Weapon: Beatrice

Noble Phantasms:

Punition Divine - Le Feu (Divine Punishment - The Fire)

Rank: Ex
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1 - 80
Max Targets: 500

With a swing,Beatrice creates a semi-arc made of burning white light.By sword movement,this arc is pushed or pulled,spread or narrowed,and whoever comes in contact with it,is affected by a syndrom similiar to St. Anton's Fire (see here).

Punition Divine - Le Tonnerre (Divine Punishment - The Thunder)

Rank: Ex
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1 - 80
Max Targets: 500

Joan points Beatrice at the sky,sending a lightning bolt straight above the clouds;thunder starts to roam,bringing a storm.From the formed clouds,lightning bolts take the form of blades,and pierce the targets.

Le Manteau du Martyr (The Mantle of The Martyr)

Rank: A+
Type: Support
Range: 25 m
Max Targets: Variable (every ally within the 25 m radius is affected - her own persona is excluded)

Stabbing her sword in the ground,and chanting the words " Father from above,Blessed light descending upon - I,Humble servant of yours,ask thee to protect " ,Joan 'coats' her allies in divine light.This radiation will nullify all negative effects,and restore everyone's status to the one before the beginning of the fight - the cost however,is 1/4 of Joan's prana (she can use the Mantle up to two times per fight,and needs time to recover her mana supply afterwards) .

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: Ex
Saint: Ex
Indicates being acknowledged as a saint. When summoned as a Servant, the ability of saint is selected one among "raising the effectiveness of sacraments", "automatic HP recovery", "1 Rank-Up to Charisma" and "production of a holy shroud is possible".


Revelation(Clairvoyance): A+
Eternal Arms Mastership: Ex
Military Tactics: Ex
Vitrification: Ex

Strength: Ex
Endurance: Ex
Agility: Ex
Mana: A
Luck: B
AngelicXISep 29, 2012 8:32 AM
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