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Nov 8, 2011 2:31 AM

Dec 2008
101st Week is started..
Young Adults Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Young Adults Characters [Week #101 is from 7th to 14th November]

Note: When the age is not specified but just stated as "early 20s" or else "early mid 20s" are considered under 25 years old = fine.
Instead, whenever the age is just stated as "20s" that's not accepted, since it's not very detailed and might easily be any number from 20 to 29.
The category is already huge so you shouldn't have any problem finding charas between 18 to 24 years old included with a decent proof~

Young Adults Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Young Adults
Time Skip: Yes / No
Age: state how old is he
Proof: the quote from mal/wiki
Source: the link from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: please make it for me / i'll do it myself!
Pictures: remember to use pics of him as adult, read rules for details

Suggested Young Adult List of the week~
*thanks to mouse_girl for the big help*

Enjoy the young adult age!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:10 AM

Nov 15, 2011 4:33 AM

Dec 2008
102nd Week is started..
Trademark Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Trademark Characters [Week #102 is from 14th to 21st November]

Note: remember guys is not about bodyparts but original looking objects always worn by the characters!!

Trademark Claim Format:
Character: Full Name
Anime/manga: Full Title
Category: Trademark
Item: try to describe also what it has of unique looking
Proof: 3 screenshots/manga pages from different episodes/chapters
Guarantee: not obligatory, but if you can find it, it must state about the uniqueness of the thing. + include also the source link.
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: the item must be clearly visible

Suggested List for Trademark Charas of the week~
*Thanks to mouse_girl which made the list*

Enjoy and have fun creating ur own Trademark~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:10 AM

Nov 21, 2011 4:01 PM

Dec 2008
103rd Week is started..
Resemblance Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Resemblance Characters [Week #103 is from 21st to 28th November]

Twins Note: remember as for twins they have to be identical looking, so Rin and Yukio Okumura are already out, as well like Sho and Kanba Takekura or Liz and Patty Thompson.
On the other side, twins like Belphegor and Rasiel are identical looking, just with different hairstyles.
Personality Note: Still, when the resemblance is only in the personality, it has to be very strong so charas like Nami can't be claimed as resembling the sister Nojiko just 'cuz they both have a tattoo, nor resembling the mother Bellmere just 'cuz they are both strong and hot headed.
The personality resemblance needs to be very evident, like as already explained in the samples with Luffy and Gol D. Roger, or Mashiro Moritaka and his uncle.
Addon: it might be requested by staff on occurrence; althought you provide it already if the claimed chara resembles another one by look only when the other chara was "younger/older" and his gallery doesn't show this, add a couple of pics showing the resembled person in the right age to resembling your claimed X chara.

Resemblance Claim Format:
Character "X": FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Resemblance
Relationship: MAL Page of "Y" and state who is (Dad, ancestor, sensei..etc)
Type: A/B/C
(A/C) Proof Gallery: direct link for MAL Galleries of X and Y
Addon: for case A/C only (Read rules to know if you need it) Also, is not obligatory if you'll complete the Proof Quote field too
(B) Proof Quote: include source link (this is not obligatory for Type C/A, it would work as a guarantee though)
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: two different pics, one for your claimed "X" and another for "Y"

Suggested List of the week for Resemblance Characters~

Enjoy Resemblance!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:11 AM

Dec 4, 2011 3:14 PM

Dec 2008
104th Week is started..
Pale Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Pale Characters [Week #104 is from 28th November to 5th December]

Note: remember that the character must be extremely pale compared the average skin color of the other characters. This mean that a character isn't authomatically "Pale" only b'cuz you usual see him near a tanned/dark-skinned character. (ex: anyone from Tsuna's vongola group might look pale if compared to Ryohei or Yamamoto, but in real is not them being pale but those two being tanned)

Pale Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Pale
Proof: Direct link of his MAL Gallery (Mal page -> Pictures!)
Comparation: 5 images (3 screens + 2 official arts)
Guarantee: (not obligatory) quote + source link
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: show clearly his pale skin! read rules

Suggested Pale Characters List of the week~
*big thanks to mouse_girl who made it!*

Enjoy pale characters!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:11 AM

Dec 12, 2011 7:17 AM

Dec 2008
105th Week is started..
Kimono Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Kimono Characters [Week #105 is from 5th to 12th December]

Addon Note: for very supporting and unknown characters the addon is reduced to one screen/manga page and no official art, if the chara will be doubtable will be just requested more addons though.
Kimono Note: Wikipedia will offer you more details for anyone who's interested. Remember that it must be a kimono (traditional japanese clothes), so outifits "just slightly having an ancient look" like Sasuke Uchiha's won't be counted as one, or else chinese dresses either, 'cuz they are way far from being a kimono.

Kimono Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + Mal Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Kimono
Type: A/B
Proof: direct link to his mal gallery
Addon: read to know if u need it (2 screens/manga pages + 2 official arts)
Guarantee: not obligatory, just a quote from mal/wiki speaking about his habit of wearing a kimono + source link
Banner: Thanks, i'll do mine/Please make it for me!
Picture: read rules for details

Suggested List for Kimono Characters of the week~
Thanks to -panda- who volounteered to make the list

Have fun with Kimonos *__*!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:11 AM

Dec 12, 2011 7:17 AM

Dec 2008
106th Week is started..
Double Initials Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Double Initials School Characters [Week #106 is from 12th to 19th December]

Second/Middle Name Note: as stated second or middle names which don't match with the first name's and surname's initials are fine (ex. Barnaby Jr. Brooks - because Barnaby it's still his first name)
Fake Identities Note: As long as it's used as main should be fine, so charas that have a fitting name for double initials only in one adaptation (only anime or only manga) will be accepted as well if you can proof that the fitting name was used on regular basis in the interested adaptation (ex: Seta Souji is his identity on a regular basis in the manga, although in the anime he's called way differently.)

Double Initials Claim Format:
Character: Full Name
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Double Initials
Proof: MAL Page
Initials: state which are (ex: K.K./L.L. etc..)
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: Chara alone prefered!

Suggested List of the week~

Double Enjoy!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:12 AM

Dec 29, 2011 4:11 PM

Dec 2008
107th Week is started..
Middle School Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Middle School Characters [Week #107 is from 19th to 26th December]

Middle School Note: of course the charas need to fit on a regular basis

Middle School Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Middle School
School: name of the school, if it's stated
Proof: the quote from mal/wiki stating he's enrolled in a middle school
Source: the link from where you took the previous proof quote
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: he must wear his school uniform!

Suggested Middle School Characters of the week~
*big big big thanks to ahin & vanRenN who made the list!*

Enjoy Middle School!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:16 AM

Dec 29, 2011 4:11 PM

Dec 2008
108th Week has started..
Brunette Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Brunette Characters [Week #108 is from 26th December to January 2nd]

Brunette Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Brunette
Proof: direct link to his MAL Gallery (Mal Page -> Pictures)
Adaptation: State if anime OR manga, or both
Addon: Read rules to know if you need it
Banner: i'll do mine / please make it for me!
Picture: not graphically edited please!

Suggested List for Brunette Characters of the week~

Appreciate brown hair!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:17 AM

Jan 3, 2012 3:18 AM

Dec 2008
109th Week has started..
Morality Partners Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Morality Partners Characters [Week #109 is from January 2nd to 9th]

Please look here to have a better idea of what a Morality Partner is. (The link is a page of Host Club, where is litterally explained this phenomen)
Step 1: Recognize the passive partner (read rule point 4), then understand IF he has any TRUE active morality partner.
Step 2: Look if the active partner REALLY changes the passive one for the best. Remember, the Passive one must be an anti-hero type, and both of them must spend a lot of time together on a regular basis

There are many anti-heroes which might be associated to cute characters, but attention b'cuz not ALL of them are changed in any way for the good by those. (Ex: Illyasviel, from FSN, is a cute little girl and goes around with her big scary servant Berserker, but those two are NOT in any possible way a morality pairing; 'cuz she doesn't change him for the good at all; also at the start she, herself, is introduced as a "scary little kid" who doesn't care to kill people in order to reach her objectives)
So identify the real ones. Attention: there are millions of normal charas who get changed in good by someone else but this doesn't authomatically make of them morality couples since one of them needs to be an anti-hero type, and they both need to be companion and spend more time together than with anyone else.
Maybe the character you have in mind is really fitting BUT be sure to state his REAL mortality partner and not just "the one you'd like to pair him with".
Remember: as explained in rule point 2, morality partners are quite rarely involved romantically with eachother, so is not like every canon couple is authomatically fitting the requirements, not at all. so recall the golden rules: Step 1 + Step 2.

Banner Pic Note: should be obvious, but anyway, be sure to use pics when both cases (active and passive) are shown positively: ex. if you claim an active partner like Rin (Inuyasha), the pic should show her smiling/cheerful; if you claim a passive partner like Shizuo, the pic should show him relaxed and calm which he is when being at Tom's side.

Morality Partner Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Morality Partner
Status: Active/Passive
Partner: FULL Name + Mal Page + Status
Proof: Quote about the passive being an anti-hero type + Quote about how the active changed the passive for good
Source: the links from where you took the above quotes
Banner: No thanks, I'll make my own! / Yes please, make it for me!
Pictures: an image with your claimed chara and another with his complementing partner -> in both pics specify who the chara are

Suggested List of the Week for Morality Partners:

Enjoy how authors befriends the anti-heroes with a cute cheerful little chara :D
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:17 AM

Jan 10, 2012 4:06 AM

Dec 2008
110th Week has started..
Long-Haired Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Long-Haired Characters [Week #110 is from January 9th to 16th]

Long-Haired Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Long-Haired
Gender: Male/Female
Proof: Direct link of the mal gallery
Addon: read to know if you need it
Banner: i'll do it / Please make it for me!
Picture: more than one, hair visibly long and not hidden behind the chara's back! follow the rules~

Suggested Long Haired Characters of the week~

Enjoy the loooooongish soft hair~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:17 AM

Jan 17, 2012 2:37 AM

Dec 2008
111th Week has started..
Surnameless Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Surnameless Characters [Week #111 is from January 16th to 23rd]

Memo: Charas who have a surname but just use a different identity most of times (ex: Franky's real name actually is Cutty Flame) are authomatically out as well.
Meaning that, for example, all the servants from Fate/Stay Night or Fate/Zero are out too, since their real identities are heroes from the past who actually happen to have a surname too (see: Saber = Arturia Pendragon).

Surnameless Claim Format:
Character: Full Name
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Surnameless
Proof: MAL Page
Banner: No thanks, i'll do mine / Yes please!
Picture: specify who's the chara in the image!

Suggested List for Surnameless Characters of the week~

Enjoy surnameless charas!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:18 AM

Jan 25, 2012 2:43 AM

Dec 2008
112th Week has started..
Bearded Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Bearded Characters [Week #112 is from January 23rd to 30th]

Bearded Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Bearded
Proof: Direct link of his mal gallery (mal page -> pictures)
Addon: read to know if you need it
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: beard must be clearly visible

Suggested List of the Week for Bearded Characters~

Enjoy Adults and their beards!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:18 AM

Jan 31, 2012 7:51 AM

Dec 2008
113th Week has started..
Players Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Players Characters [Week #113 is from January 30th to Feburary 6th ]

Players Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title + MAL Page
Category: Players
Type: Game - which / Sport - which
Proof: the quote from mal/wiki stating he's a player
Source: the link
Banner: Yes please make it for me / No thanks i'll do it
Picture: must be holding his game/instrument and related to the category

Suggested List of the Week for Players Characters~

Enjoy and play something you like ;3
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:18 AM

Feb 7, 2012 9:19 AM

Dec 2008
114th Week has started..
Blinding Fringe Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Blinding Fringe Characters [Week #114 is from Feburary 6th to 13th ]

Attention: cases having covered the eye/s by eyepatches/bandages and also hair: like Ciel Phantomhive, Touga Yagari, Shinsuke Takasugi, Rokuro Unno, Zenge Natsume.. can't be counted, since they are not blinded by the hair but are blinded by that bandage/eyepatch/thing over the eye in a first place! :/
On the other side: samples of Blinding Fringe characters whose depending on author's drawing style, are still counted Trowa Burton, Hatori Sohma, Kiriko; because even if their eyes are "partly shown" or "shown even under the eyes" or "shown with certain positions", it's still the author's style to draw those type of charas, so they are fine.

Blinding Fringe Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Blinding Fringe
Frequence: regular basis / one season or arc / often / one self
Proof: Mal Gallery Direct Link
Addon: Read rules to know if you need it
Banner: i'll do mine / please make it for me!
Picture: Frontal Position (or almost)! No low quality

Suggested List for Blinding Fringe Chracters~

Enjoy! and play with your hair over the eyes *w*
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:19 AM

Feb 14, 2012 12:18 PM

Dec 2008
115th Week has started..
Popular Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Popular Characters [Week #115 is from Feburary 13th to 20th]

Note: if you can't find any good quote from mal/wiki to work as proof (and your character isn't on our suggested list) you can substitute that with a couple of visive proofs, showing two scenes (preferible from manga, where we can read and understand what's going on) where he is actually popular with people.
Memo: whenever the popularity is given unically by the chara being truly loved by someone, is counted as "ok" exclusively in harem/reverse-harem situations (four or more persons seeing your chara as a love interest), while instead with three or less persons involved is considered just a love triangle (not allowed).

Popular Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Popular
Type: popular idol/student/hero..etc
Proof: the quote about his popularity!
Source: Link from where you took the phrase
Banner: I'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: if the chara is popular only with a certain identity, show his popular identity in the pic (ex: an hero with his hero outfit)

Suggested List of the week for Popular characters!
Big thanks to mouse_girl who improved the list greatly

Enjoy popularity !!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:19 AM

Feb 20, 2012 11:14 AM

Dec 2008
116th Week has started..
Nicknamers Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Nicknamers Characters [Week #116 is from Feburary 20th to 27th]

Memo: Remember that it's about who gives a nickname to someone else and not about who has a nickname on himself.
Is not considered a nicknamer someone who only calls a crawd in a certain way, like many leaders call their men "yaro-domo" (or ex: when Xanxus calls all people "Trash" without distintion)

Rule 4: everyone who tells the others that want to be called with X nickname rather than his real name is not considered nicknamer, and either the ones who call him like that just b'cuz he asked them to.
Note: on the bright side instead, even charas who give a totally different name to the person are considered nicknamers (reasons might be endless, there might be the one who really doesnt remember someone's name and ends up calling him with another name like Mogami Kyoko does this on her "Corn"..or the ones who can't pronunce the right name and make a sort of new one, ex: Neliel while calling "Itsygo"..)

Nicknamers Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Nicknamers
Type: Inventor / User
Nicknamed: Nickname + Person's MAL Page
Proof: Text (quote) + Source / Visive proof (read rules for details)
Banner: I'll do it / Please make it for me!
Picture: no small / low quality picture (the nickname pronunced by him will be wrote as well)

Suggested List for Nicknamers characters of the week~

Enjoy the fun to nicknaming people! :P
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:19 AM

Feb 28, 2012 2:57 AM

Dec 2008
117th Week has started..
Self-Sacrifice Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Self-Sacrifice Characters [Week #117 is from Feburary 27th to M arch 5th]

Suggested List Bonus: if any of the chara you want to claim happens to be in our sugg list and doesn't have any proof quote litterally saying the word "sacrice" is ok even coming with quotes that anyway explains the moment/situation and what he did as self-sacrifice. Or else, as always coming with good quotes but from sources outside the usual wiki/MAL.

Self-Sacrifice Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Self-Sacrifice
Type: Life/Reputation/Bodypart (say which) ...
Proof: the quote from mal/wiki
Source: the link
Banner: NO thanks / Yes Please
Picture: not cheerfully smiling and possibly with the chara alone and a monocolor background!

Be aware of the fact that the following list will contain spoilers, so stay away if you don't like them
Suggested List for Self-Sacrifice Characters of the week~
Big thanks to mouse_girl & vanRenN who made the list

Appreciate those honorable charas ;w;/
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:19 AM

Mar 6, 2012 3:25 AM

Dec 2008
118th Week has started..
Bandaged Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Bandaged Characters [Week #118 is from March 5th to 12th]

Note: so as you understood more than just a random "wounded" chara (who anyway wears them for a very few limited time, unless special cases) are counted way more the ones who wear them as a style of "dressing up" in their own discipline or just fashion. But, this doesn't mean there can't be charas who are always or almost bandaged due to wounds, like Enma Kozato who is constantly beaten up by bullies and having bandages, often on the face, throught the serie.
Suggested List Bonus Note: if the chara happens to be in our provided list and needs an addon, it can be reduced to just 1 screen and 1 official art (and, if very supporting, to only 1 screen/manga page).
Pay Attention: must be on regular basis (always) or quite often (being one of the two main outfits, like ex: a main outfit might be the school uniform, and the second main one might be the one the chara uses as "fighter" with his fighter clothes, including the bandages), so charas who wear them too few, like only a few episodes/occasions, or who doesnt wear them anymore (ex: Kunieda Aoi from Beelzebub, who left her gang and dropped the habit that outfit, while now when she fights she doesn't wear bandages anymore) are not counted.

Bandaged Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Bandaged
Bodypart: what part is bandaged (ex: face, hand, eye, nose, chest, belly..)
Proof: MAL Gallery Direct Link
Addon: read to know if you need it
Banner: I'll make it / Please Make it for me
Picture: Bandages need to be clearly visible

Suggested Bandaged Characters List of the week~

Enjoy BandagesSsSs' coolness~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:20 AM

Mar 13, 2012 4:37 AM

Dec 2008
119th Week has started..
Notable Eyebrows Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Notable Eyebrows Characters [Week #119 is from March 12th to 19th]

Addon: whenever a chara is doubtable or the mal gallery doesn't clearly show his eyebrows (like because are hidden by hair or hats..) might be requested an addon by staff, that will need to see added at least 3 extra pics between official arts and screens.
Memo: Remember it's about the chara's eyebrow being very notable from the rest of other charas with average eyebrows. You always have to compare your chara with the other cast in the serie to see if his eyebrows are particular or just normal.

Notable Eyebrows Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Notable Eyebrows
Type: Special Shape or Design/Notable Size/Somewhat Unique/Weirdness
Feature: spend a couple of words to describe what makes them special
Proof: direct link of his MAL Gallery + Anime Cast Page
Guarantee: not obligatory, quote + source
Banner: I'll Make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: preferible official arts, be sure the fringe doesn't cover the eyebrows

Suggested List for Characters with Notable Eyebrows of the week~

Enjoy the fun of special eyebrows!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:20 AM

Mar 20, 2012 5:26 AM

Dec 2008
120th Week has started..
Blood Type O Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Blood Type O Characters [Week #120 is from March 19th to 26th]

Attention: while doing the suggested list, we've noticed that Xanxus (and another couple of KHR charas) on wikia is noted as having Type O, while instead is an error: in the character book (right column) he was been openly stated by the author to be type A.
So remember that, when web sources differ to state a chara's blood type, the most trustable is always the japanese wikia of the related anime, or else a scan of an eventual character book might work fine to cancel any doubts.
Also any chara present in our suggested list can have proofs outside MAL/Wiki.. As well for any character that might look doubtable (as having differ blood types stated on the web, might be asked additional proofs)

Note: writing type O or type 0 it's the exact same thing. So if your proof says either of them is okay. The 0 became usually O since while read it into english, it's quite pronunce like an O.

Blood Type O Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Blood Type 0
Proof: the quote
Source: the link from where you find the previous quote
Banner: No thank you! / Yes please make it for me!
Picture: please pick up pics with the character alone or with a monocolor background.

Suggested List for Blood Type O Characters of the week
Again, big thanks to mouse_girl who had the idea for this category and helped greatly with the list!

Now... Enjoy Type O Characters~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:20 AM

Mar 27, 2012 1:17 PM

Dec 2008
121st Week has started..
Jewelry Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Jewelry Characters [Week #121 is from March 26th to April 2nd]

Jewelry Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Jewelry
Type: Diamond Ring / Simple Ring / Pear Necklace / Necklace with pendant / Pearl Bracelet..etc
Proof: MAL Gallery Direct Link
Addon: read to know if you need it!
Guarantee: not obligatory, quote about his habit/feature to wear one or more jewelry + source
Banner: Yes please make it for me! / No thank you, i'll make my own
Picture: the jewelry must be, obviously, clearly visible

Suggested List of the week for Characters with Jewelry~
*big thanks to mouse_girl for the help with the suggested list!

Enjoy the shiny jewels and charas' own taste in accessory 8D
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:21 AM

Apr 3, 2012 3:23 AM

Dec 2008
122nd Week has started..
Bluette Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Bluette Characters [Week #122 is from April 2nd to 9th]

Attention: for doubtable hair color are meant charas like Chrome Dokuro who occasionally has blue hair tendent to purple and for most of the time she has them directly purple, as in fact she is classified to have Purple hair, her wiki even says so.

Bluette Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Anime/Manga
Category: Bluette
Adaptation: anime only / manga only/ both
Proof: MAL GALLERY direct link
banner: Yes please make it for me! / no thank you, i'll do mine
Picture: the color cant be alterated

Suggested list of the week for Bluette characters~
*thanks to mouse_girl who made almost all the list :3

Enjoy the blueness!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:21 AM

Apr 9, 2012 5:32 PM

Dec 2008
123rd Week has started..
Easter Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Easter Characters [Week #123 is from April 9th to 16th]

Note: just the image can't be too "out of holiday" (ex: a chara wearing an obviously santa hat with a pair of bunny ears shape, that would be too christmas-ish to be accepted for an xmas category..and so on)
Watch Out: as for the "Option D" when it says "real bunny" it's meant a living animal (rabbit), so no just random plushes or figures and similar.

Easter Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Easter
Option: A/B/C/D..
Banner: Yes please, make it for me! / No thank you, i'll do it!
Proof Picture: everyone must post it, even who makes his own banners

Suggested List of the week: Obviously there won't be any, as every character is claimable until his image fits the rules..
Enjoy ~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:21 AM

Apr 18, 2012 5:39 AM

Dec 2008
124th Week has started..
Gifted Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Gifted Characters [Week #124 is from April 16th to 23rd]

Note: Majokko like Sailor Moon or similar, as well like Mages and such are super power users rather than supernatural.

Gifted Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Gifted
Type + Ability: (ex: Psychich - Telekinesis)
Proof: Quote + Source Link
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: Read rules regarding this

Suggested Gifted characters of the week~
*Big thanks to mouse_girl who made almost all the list*

EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:22 AM

Apr 24, 2012 2:21 PM

Dec 2008
125th Week has started..
Creatures Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Creatures Characters [Week #125 is from April 23rd to 30th]

Note: if your chara's mal or wikia page happens to list two races under "Race" summary, means that he's half and half, or anyway partially two races. If one of those two is human won't be accepted as must be NOT human for 100% of his blood.

Creature Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Creature
Type: Ghost / Demon / Alien / Shinigami ...etc
Proof: the quote about his race
Source: the link from where you found the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: must be in his TRUE form

Suggested Creatures List of the Week~

Enjoy ~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:22 AM

May 1, 2012 3:17 AM

Dec 2008
126th Week has started..
Alphabetic Identity Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Alphabetic Identity Characters [Week #126 is from April 30th to May 7th]

Note: for "A" and "Z" Initials will be counted in alphabetical order when putting Z before A that re-start the alphabet circle.
Middle Part: the middle part has to be a suffix and not a third name, moreover remember that can't be longer than three letters to be counted off.

Alphabetic Identity Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name
Anime/manga: FULL Title
Category: Alphabetic identity
Initials: in alphabetical order -> ex: [A.B.] or [B.C.] or [C.D]... etc.
Proof: MAL Page + MAL Cast Page
Banner: no thanks / yes please make it for me!
Picture: read rules

Suggested list of the week for *Alphabetical Identities*
Big thanks to Rennen (vanRenN) who more than doubled the incoming list and gave me a great help <3

Enjoy Alphabetical Order!!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:22 AM

May 8, 2012 3:14 AM

Dec 2008
127th Week has started..
Mother Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Mother Characters [Week #127 is from May 7th to 14th]

Mother Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Mother
Progeny: the name of her son/daughter
Type: biological / raiser / legal..etc [note: depending on the anime's story but sometimes one type doesnt exclude the other, meaning the mother can fill more than one type.]
Proof: the quote from reliable site
Source: the link from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: No thank you, i'll do it / Yes please, make it for me!
Picture: read rules

Suggested List of the week for Mothers characters~

Enjoy and celebrate your mom!
EtnaEracleaMay 9, 2012 9:16 AM

May 27, 2012 5:13 PM

Dec 2008
128th Week has started..
Transfer Student Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Transfer Student Characters [Week #128 is from May 14th to 21st]

Transfer Student Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Transfer Student
Old/New School: schools' name, if it's stated
Proof: the quote from MAL or wiki / or manga pages
Source: the link from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: must be with his school uniform!

Suggested List for Transfer Students Characters of the week~
*big thanks to mouse_girl who improved the list generously

Enjoy transfer and myserious students ;3

May 27, 2012 5:14 PM

Dec 2008
129th Week has started..
Blood Type A Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Blood Type A Characters [Week #129 is from May 21st to 28th]

Attention: remember that, when web sources differ to state a chara's blood type, the most trustable is always the japanese wikia of the related anime, or else a scan of an eventual character book might work fine to cancel any doubts.
Also any chara present in our suggested list can have proofs outside MAL/Wiki.. As well for any character that might look doubtable (as having differ blood types stated on the web, might be asked additional proofs)

Blood Type A Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Blood Type A
Proof: the quote stating about his blood Type being A
Source: the link from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: no low quality, chara preferably alone

Suggested List for Blood Type A Characters of the Week~
*Big thanks to mouse_girl for the category idea and a great help with the incoming list*

Enjoy and appreciated Blood Type A Persons!

May 29, 2012 2:46 AM

Dec 2008
130th Week has started..
Shorty Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Shorty Characters [Week #130 is from May 28th to June 4th]

Banner Requirements Note: if you make your own banner, please be sure to also write the chara's height somehow in it

Shorty Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Shorty
Height: in cm!
Alternative Proof: for *Sentence* and *Visive* type only (in case it's not stated their height in cm)
Source: from where you took the height proof info
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Pic: preferibly with a white or monocolor background~

Suggested List of the Week for Shorty Characters~
Big Thanks to ahin who improved the list greatly <3

Enjoy and appreciate shorties!

Jun 5, 2012 3:04 AM

Dec 2008
131st Week has started..
Ties Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Ties Characters [Week #131 is from June 4th to 11th]

Rule #8 Note: as for "usual" tie is meant the one that the chara is used to wear in at least an arc / most of the time.
For example if you take any chara with a long tie the banner picture can't show him from an only image appeared once in artbook with the chara wearing a puffy tie, which is definitely not his usual style.

Ties Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL title
Category: Ties
Type: String / Puffy / Long Tie..etc
Proof: gallery (mal page -> pictures)
Addon: read rules to know if you need it
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: must be with the usual tie

Suggested List for Ties Characters of the Week~

Enjoy the magnificient elegant ties!

Jun 12, 2012 3:28 AM

Dec 2008
132nd Week has started..
Believed Beautiful Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Believed Beautiful Characters [Week #132 is from June 11th to 18th]

Note: when the character is "believed beautiful" by the others must be many people, or anyway not only his boyfriend/girlfriend as it's obvious that an in love person sees as "beautiful" his darling.

Believed Beautiful Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Believed Beautiful
Group: state to which group s/he belongs to
Proof: quote / or / visive scenes
Source: the link of the previous quote
Banner: no thanks, i'll do mine / yes please, make it for me!
Picture: no low quality accepted! preferibly the chara alone~

Suggested List for Believed Beautiful characters of the week~
Thanks also to xBlackRosex and mouse_girl who helped me to improve the list a few more!

Enjoy The Beauty Belief!!

Jun 18, 2012 7:00 AM

Dec 2008
133rd Week has started..
Father Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Fathers Characters [Week #133 is from June 17th to 25th]

Father Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Father
Progeny: the name of his son/daughter
Type: biological / raiser / legal..etc [note: depending on the anime's story but sometimes one type doesnt exclude the other, meaning the father can fill more than one type.]
Proof: the quote from reliable site
Source: the link from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: No thank you, i'll do it / Yes please, make it for me!
Picture: read rules

Suggested List for Fathers characters of the week~
Thanks to mouse_girl who helped me to improve the list once again

Enjoy and celebrate your dad!

Jun 26, 2012 2:54 AM

Dec 2008
134th Week has started..
Freshmen Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Freshmen Characters [Week #134 is from June 25th to July 2nd]

Freshmen Claim Format:
Suggested list bonus (write it, if you use it)
Character: Full name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Freshmen
Proof: the quote about him being at his first year of school
Source: the link from where you took the previous proof
Banner: I'll do it / Please make it for me!
Picture: must be wearing his school uniform

Suggested List for Freshmen of the week~
*big thanks to ahin and mouse_girl who improved the list greatly*

Have fun with first year students!

Jul 3, 2012 5:19 AM

Dec 2008
135th Week has started..
Rude Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Rude Characters [Week #135 is from July 2nd to 9th]

Rude Claim Format:
Suggested List Bonus (write it if you use it!)
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Rude
Proof: the quote or visive scenes
Source: the link
Banner: i'll do it / Please make it for me!
Picture: read rules! No innocent looking like pics!

Suggested List of the Week for Rude Characters~
*big thanks to -panda- and ahin who made the list!*

Enjoy Guys and dont be too rude :P!

Jul 10, 2012 3:37 AM

Dec 2008
136th Week has started..
Only Child Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Only Child Characters [Week #136 is from July 9th to 16th]

Only Child Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: The full title
Category: Only CHild
Parents: MAL Pages of both
Group: Guaranteed / Uncertain
Proof: chara's wikia page direct link
Addon: not obligatory, but works as guarantee if you find the right quote
Banner: I'll make it / Please do it for me
Picture: chara must be alone, high quality please

Suggested List for Only Child characters of the week~

Enjoy and ask ur parents to have some siblings :P ~

Jul 17, 2012 3:23 AM

Dec 2008
137th Week has started..
Wealthy Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Wealthy Characters [Week #137 is from July 16th to 23rd]

Wealthy Claim Format:
Suggested list bonus (write it if you use it!)
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Wealthy
Proof: the quote speaking about his rich status
Source: the link from where you found the proof
Banner: No thanks! / Yes please!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested List for Wealthy characters of the week~

Enjoy the richness~
EtnaEracleaJul 31, 2012 12:10 PM

Jul 31, 2012 2:15 PM

Dec 2008
138th Week has started..
Tagged Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Tagged Characters [Week #138 is from July 23rd to 30th]

Tagged Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Tagged
Tag Type: Tattoo / Scar / Curse mark
Design: What it represent (Flowers / scratches...etc)
Bodypart: where does he have it!
Proof: MAL Gallery direct link!
Addon: read rules to know if you need it!

Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: The tag must be well visible

Suggested Tagged characters List of the week~

Enjoy the unicity of tags!!

Jul 31, 2012 2:27 PM

Dec 2008
139th Week has started..
Purplers Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Purplers Characters [Week #139 is from July 30 31st til August 6th]

Advice: for the banner picture probably an official art could be the best since the color should be very right.

Purplers Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Purplers
Adaptation: Anime only, Manga only, Both
Proof: MAL Gallery direct link
Addon: read rules to know if you need this
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: read rules please!

Suggested List for Purplers Characters of the week~
*Big Thanks to -panda- who made the list entirely*

Enjoy the purpleness!

Aug 7, 2012 5:38 AM

Dec 2008
140th Week has started..
Unrequited Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Unrequited Characters [Week #140 is from August 6th 'til 13th]

About Guarantee: the second type of semi-guarantee, if your chara or his love interest is in this big list of canon couples with a different chara whould also help you to proof that he actually had an unrequited love, although don't forget that the quote as proof is obligatory.
Memo: remember an unrequited love is when someone's love isn't paid back, which means that characters like Misa Amane who are together with the person they love, when it's only for a "masterplan" and they are not truly paid back, they can count; in her case Light never loved her, just used her, and she was even fine with this.

Out: as Unconfessed but clearly ending up with main male/female lead of the series, charas like Tsuna who has a crush on Kyoko who doesnt seem to pay it back can't be counted, because ten years later was shown that Kyoko was hinted to be with someone, highly probable to be Tsuna himself.
Nor either counted when it's involved a triangle whose the beloved person is loved by both charas and s/he can't decide who loves more between them (ex: Wako Agemaki from Star Driver, actually couldn't decide between Takuto and Sugata cuz she loved both)

Unrequited Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Unrequited
Love Interest: FULL Name + Mal Page
Type: Rejected / Unconfessed
Proof: the quote about the chara loving X and not being paid back
Source: the link from where you took the above quote/s
Banner: i'll make it / please do it for me!!
Pictures: two pics, one with your claimed chara (alone) and the other pic of his love interest (possibly alone, again)

Suggested List of the week for Unrequited Characters~

Enjoy and cheer up the sad unrequited loves ;w;/
EtnaEracleaAug 13, 2012 4:21 AM

Aug 20, 2012 12:35 PM

Dec 2008
141st Week has started..
Pets Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Pets Characters [Week #141 is from August 13th to 20th]

Mal Page Note: when the pet doesn't have a mal page, please provide his wikia page in the first row of the format to replace the mal page!
Special Cases Addon: are also counted "stuffed pets" with a life (ex: Kon from Bleach or Sakutaro from Umineko), but on the other side aren't absolutly counted the dolls (ex: Emily from Pandora Hearts).

Pets Claim Format:
Character: Name + MAL Page (Wikia Page if he has no mal page)
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Pets
Proof: the quote
Source: the link
Guarantee: read rules
Banner: Yes, please! / No thank you!
Picture: pet preferibly alone or anyway the most far away from any other character.

Suggested Pets List of the week~

Enjoy the cuteness of the pets!~

Aug 21, 2012 6:13 AM

Dec 2008
142nd Week has started..
Sophomores Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Sophomores Characters [Week #142 is from August 20th to 27th]

Sophomores Claim Format:
Suggested List Bonus (Write it, if you use it)
Character: Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Sophomores
Proof: the quote about him being 2nd year
Source: the link
Banner: Yes, please! / No thank you!
Picture: must be wearing his school uniform!

Suggested List for Sophomores Characters of the Week~
Big Thanks to ahin and mouse_girl who helped me a lot with the list!

Enjoy your second year of school!

Aug 28, 2012 4:26 AM

Dec 2008
143rd Week has started..
Combed Down Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Combed Down Characters [Week #143 is from August 27th to September 3rd]

Addon Note: the addon is required even if many pics of the gallery don't show the chara's hair border, and as well it's required if the chara wears a hat on regular basis (of course the banner pic must be without the hat)
Ponytail / Twintail Note: chara's hair must really be straight, especially in the fringe and the side bangs. Please pick up banner pictures when the chara's hair aren't shown tied in order to show better the comb down to fit.

Combed Down Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Combed Down
Proof: direct link of the MAL Gallery
Addon: read to know if you need it
Banner: yes please / no thanks
Picture: follow the rules

Suggested list for combed down charas of the week~
*thanks to mouse_girl for making the list*

Enjoy combing your hair~

Sep 4, 2012 5:44 AM

Dec 2008
144th Week has started..
Superpowers Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Superpowers Characters [Week #144 is from September 3rd to 10th]

Superpowers Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Superpowers
Ability: what his supwepower is
Proof: Quote speaking about the chara having the superpower and the quote explaining what the power is (if it's hard to understand just from the first quote)
Souce: The link from where you took the above sentences
Guarantee: serie's mal page (not obligatory)
Banner: I'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: Read Rules!

Suggested list of the week for characters featuring Super Powers~

Enjoy dah suppah powah~
EtnaEracleaJul 14, 2013 3:17 PM

Sep 11, 2012 3:57 AM

Dec 2008
145th Week has started..
Antagonists Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Antagonists Characters [Week #145 is from September 10th to 17th]

Last Indication Note: again, it's impossible that the antagonist is one of the protagonists, nor can be part of his group. So cases like the Varia Team, who is anyway part of the Vongola family, won't be considered antagonist.
Format - Story's protagonist: Attention, you must put the character who is the direct opponen to the antagonist, meaning one of the protagonists (if not the protagonist himself). For example: in KHR Genkishi can be considered more Yamamoto's antagonist rather than Tsuna's, so you should put Yamamoto's name (as he's still one of the protagonists).

Antagonists Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Antagonists
Story's protagonist: Full Name + MAL Page
Proof: Quote about the chara being the antagonist and opposing to the main protagonists
Source: the link from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: I'll make it
Picture: read rules!

Suggested list for Antagonists characters of the week~

Enjoy the important role of antagonists!

Sep 24, 2012 4:15 PM

Dec 2008
146th Week has started..
Matsuri Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Matsuri Characters [Week #146 is from September 17th to 24th]

Matsuri Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Matsuri
Option: letter + what the pic fits (ex: F: eating cotton candy)
Banner: Yes please // no thank you!
Proof Pic: anyone must show it! also, be sure to specify who's your claimed chara in the pic

Suggested List of the week: there won't be any, as of course, every chara is claimable if his pic fits.

EtnaEracleaJul 14, 2013 3:18 PM

Sep 25, 2012 3:47 AM

Dec 2008
147th Week has started..
Artists Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Artists Characters [Week #147 is from September 24th to October 1st]

Graphic Linked Note: the chara must be related to the art and doing something related to it, read the description and the samples to understand better. Hint: models or illusionists are not artists.

Artist Claim Format:
Suggested List bonus [write it if you use it]
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Arists
Job: one of the listed groups he belongs to
Proof: the quote from mal/wiki
Source: the link
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: Read Rules!

Suggested List of the Week for Artists Characters~

Enjoy the art <3
EtnaEracleaJul 14, 2013 3:17 PM

Oct 2, 2012 3:41 AM

Dec 2008
148th Week has started..
Ace Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Ace Characters [Week #148 is from October 1st to 8th]

Ace Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Ace
Type: the group he belongs to (ex: "team's ace")
Proof: Quote from reliable source
Source: the link
Banner: I'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: read rules!!

Suggested List of the Week for Aces Characters~

Enjoy the greatness of Aces!!

Oct 8, 2012 4:52 PM

Dec 2008
149th Week has started..
Laugh Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Laugh Characters [Week #149 is from October 8th to 15th]

Memo: for the frequently laughing type of charas, remember that the chara can't be just a normal "cheerful" one, he also must be laugh often. Although if the chara comes from our provided suggest list a minor proof can even only be mentioning his very extremely cheerful demeanor.

Laugh Claim Format:
Suggested List Bonus (write it, if you use it!)
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Laugh
Type: which group he belongs to
Proof: the quote from MAL/wiki or scenes
Source: the link
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: read rules !!

Suggested List of the week for characters famous for their Laugh~

Yohohoho~ Have fun with the world of laughs!

Nov 5, 2012 12:55 PM

Dec 2008
150th Week has started..
Manteau Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Manteau Characters [Week #150 is from October 15th to 22nd]

Manteau Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Manteau
Type & Frequency: ex. "Cloak, regular basis"
Proof: quote or visive proof
Source: the link if you used a quote as proof
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: read rules!

Suggested List for Manteau Characters~
*big thanks to xBlackRosex who helped greatly with the list and had the idea for the category*

Enjoy epicness of every manteau!

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