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Nov 16, 2010 12:54 PM

Dec 2008
51st week is now started...
Ranged Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Ranged Characters [Week #51 is from November 15th to 22nd]

Ranged Note: so, once again, a ranged chara is who fights (meaning on a battle field) the enemy, from a far away position, keeping a certain distance between him and the enemy. This means that you cant claim, example, Light Yagami which "kills by distance" with the death note, since he doesnt fight at all nor is ever been on a *battle field*.
Powers Note: Powers aren't Weapons! But until you can fit the banner rule it may be accepted: ex. if you claim Nico Robin be sure to use a pic which show her "multi arms" somehow / if you claim Mukuro Rokudo you need a picture which show his illusions, if you cant find a pic then the claim cant be accepted.
Throwers Note: chara must throw a weapon on his regular basis! Ex. You cant claim many of the ninja from Naruto cuz they don't throw kunais and shuriken as main weapon, they throw them yea, but most of them have other main weapon!
Not Mainly Throwers Note: charas who fight mostly closely, and only sometimes throwing things cant be counted [like Heiwajima Shizuo, he mostly fight the enemy from a close distance]

Ranged Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Ranged
Ranged Type: Archer, Thrower, Mage, Gunslinger..etc
Weapon: State the type (Bow, Gun, Bombs, Knives, Magic spells..)
How Many: 1, 2, 3, multiple, etc!
Proof: Quote from MAL/Wiki + source link
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: He must be together his ranged weapon (anyone must show it!)

Suggested Ranged Characters of the week~

EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:51 AM

Nov 23, 2010 9:31 AM

Dec 2008
52nd week is now started...
Melee Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Melee Characters [Week #52 is from November 22nd to 29th]

Note: charas like Heiwajima Shizuo who throw things can be counted as Melee since he fights closely most of time.
Regular Basis: being melee means having an high phisical resistence, being fighter on regular basis means fighting always. So characters that are shown just a few times in the whole story having a fight cant be considered Melee characters. (Like example: Lambo from KHR, he's a kid on regular basis, he obviously rarely fights and in the whole serie fought 3 times so far. 3 times on 200+ episode are definitely not enough.)
So, remember, even if the character is able to fight, doesnt authomatically mean that he always fights.
Remember then, they must be Melee Fighters on regular basis!

Melee Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: full title
Category: Melee
Melee Type: Swordsman, Boxer, Kicker...
Weapon: Sword / Legs / boots..etc
How Many: 1,2,3...
Proof: usual quote from mal/wiki
Source: the link of the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: chara must holding his weapon/showing his fight style pose, anyone must show it!

Suggested Melee of the week~

EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:51 AM

Nov 30, 2010 2:21 AM

Dec 2008
53rd week is now started...
Obsessed Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Obsessed Characters [Week #53 is from November 29th to December 6th]

Ambition Note: wanting becoming something is not authomatically an obsession (Ex: Roronoa Zoro, he wants become the greatest swordsman, but he's not obsessed to repeat it all the time, not as much as Monkey D. Luffy that is instead obsessed by becoming the Pirate King), so be sure to claim a right obsessed character.
Random Note: sadists/fetish people aren't authomatically obsessed either, so unless this "feature" of them cross over the limit and they become all crazy about it/repeat the action over and over, can't be considered obsession.
Precisation: having a "complex" (loli-complex, brother-complex, etc) can be considered obsession, cuz this imply that the chara deeply, obsessively loves the thing for which he has a complex about.

Obsessed Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Obsessed
Obsession: State what his obsession is
Type: Showable in banner (thing/goal) // not showable in banner (persons/other)
Proof: quote from MAL/Wiki
Source: link of the previous quote
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: anyone must show it, read rules to know which type of pic you need!

Suggested Obsessed characters of the week~

Enjoy and free ur obsession for something :P ~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:51 AM

Dec 6, 2010 1:57 PM

Dec 2008
54th week is now started...
Gingers Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Gingers Characters [Week #54 is from November 6th to December 13th]

So, once again NO at normal brown/pink/purple hair!! Instead, Yes at red/orange/reddish!!

Gingers Claim Format
Character: FULL Name
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Gingers
Proof: direct link to his MAL gallery!
Type: A/B/C/D
Adaptation: state if anime or manga only, or both
Addon Proof: read rules to know if you need it!
Banner: Yes please, make it for me! // i'll make mine!
Picture: everyone must provide the pic, follow rules about the type of pic to select!

Suggested Gingers of the week - list:

Enjoy and dye ur hair with red :P .. err, and appreciate gingers of course U__U~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:52 AM

Dec 18, 2010 5:00 AM

Dec 2008
55th week is now started...
Heroes Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Heroes Characters [Week #55 is from November 13th to December 20th]

Heroes Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Heroes
Proof: the quote from mal/wiki, please evidence in bold the focusing sentences -when you come with long quotes- (or for the manga visive scene, in this case explain what's going on)
Type: Major / Minor
Banner: I'll make it / Please Make it for Me
Picture: no mal/small/low quality pics!!

As Announced on the layout, this week there won't be any suggested list, since the category itself allow a HUGE amount of claimable good characters anyway :3 have fun choosing~

EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:52 AM

Dec 22, 2010 4:54 PM

Dec 2008
56th week is now started...
Little Sisters Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Little Sisters Characters [Week #56 is from November 20th to December 27th]

Little Sister Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Little sister
Siblings: state how many
Big bro/sis: state their names
Proof: The quote
Source: the link of the previous quote
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: [preferible their child version] no mal/small pics!

Suggested Lil' Sisters of the week~

Enjoy and show love to your lil sis..
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:53 AM

Jan 1, 2011 6:58 AM

Dec 2008
57th week is now started...
Big Sisters Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Big Sisters Characters [Week #57 is from December 27th to January 3rd]

Big Sister Claim Format:
Character: Full name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Big Sister
Siblings: state how many
Lil Bro/Sis: state their full names
Proof: the quote affirming her as big sister
Source: page link from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: NO MAL or small pics accepted

Suggested Big Sisters of the week~

Enjoy and go to love ur big sis~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:55 AM

Jan 4, 2011 6:11 AM

Dec 2008
58th week is now started...
Orphans Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Orphans Characters [Week #58 is from December 3rd to 10th January]

Note: As for characters with a living parent, is considered orphan when:
- the parent clearly abandoned the child
- the parent build up another family where the character is not part of
- the parent disinherited him (a form of rejecting)
- the parent tried to kill the character (a clear form of abandon/reject)
Instead: Wont be considered "orphans" the characters with a living parent that:
- just hates their son/daughter
- "use" the child for some *mean* goal [ex: like Medusa does with Chrona in Soul Eater]
'Cuz this only makes the parent/s bad persons, but they didn't abandon their children, so the son/daughter cant be considered orphan.
Example of non claimable characters:
As said, characters, which simply wasn't ever shown if they have parents or not/where they are/what happened to them, doesn't mean that those charas are authomatically orphans, in fact those type can't be counted.
So characters like Roronoa Zoro, Sanji, Hibari Kyoya (and so on..) which we dont simply know anything about, can't be claimed~

Orphans Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Orphans
Proof (Mom): Quote from Mal or Wiki
Proof (Dad): Quote from Mal or Wiki
Bonus: Yes Mom / Yes Dad [the parent which you cant find the proof, but the chara is on our suggested list]
Source: link of the page with the previous sentences
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: their child version [read rules]

Suggested Orphans of the week~
Thanks to chiyo which helped me a lot with the list <3

Enjoy and love those little orphans ;_;!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:56 AM

Jan 18, 2011 8:11 AM

Dec 2008
59th week is now started...
Musicians Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Musicians Characters [Week #59 is from December 10th to 17th January]

Note #1: if your chara doesnt have any proper info in his mal page/wiki page about his ability at playing musical instruments, remember that you can also provide visive scenes [prefered manga scans, where we can read what is going on].
Note #2: for any famous chara but highly doubtable may be requested visive proofs as addition as well~
F.A.Q. #1: if the chara is a singer from an age where microphones didnt exist, try to provide a pic where is recognizable that he is singing (like open mouth, and maybe musical notes around it or something that makes the singing atmosphere or such)
F.A.Q. #2: if the chara is very supporting and not famous, and you really cant find any pic with him together his instrument, provide 2 pics (one with him -- and one with his instrument) staff will try to merge them together in the banner!

Musicians Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title!
Category: Musicians
Type: A
Instrument: piano/guitar/bass/voice...
Proof: quote from mal/wiki
Source: link from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: Yes Please make it for me! / no thanks, i'll do it
Picture: everyone must post it, the chara must be together (holding/playing) his instrument. [read rules for more details]

Suggested Musicians of the week~
Thanks to ahin for the list, since i've been ill and didnt have time to do it

Enjoy and don't forget to appreciate people that plays musical instrument! Is damn hard learning them and they deserve all our admiration :D
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:56 AM

Jan 18, 2011 8:30 AM

Dec 2008
60th week is now started...
Emotionless Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Emotionless Characters [Week #60 is from December 17th to 24th January]

Note: only cuz a chara wears a mask doesn't authomatically means that he fits as to be emotionless.
Memo: don't forget to add the source link of the eventual proof quote, also the direct link to chara's mal gallery is obligatory in every case.
Proof: the direct link to chara's mal gallery PLUS one of the following: the quote&source link / or / screenies

Emotionless Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + Mal Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Emotionless
Type: doesn't show / doesnt have emotions
Proof: Quote & Source link + Mal Gallery // Screenies + Mal Gallery
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: he must be emotionless

Suggested Emotionless of the week~
a big thanks to Sayuri which helped me a lot with it

Enjoy and dont be too emotionless~
EtnaEracleaJul 19, 2012 3:19 PM

Jan 25, 2011 6:23 AM

Dec 2008
61st week is started..
~Anti-Heroes Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Anti-Heroes Characters [Week #61 is from 24th to 31st January]

Note #1: being antihero doesnt authomatically mean being evil, there actually are many antiheroes which are good. [Ex: Yuu Kanda, Boa Hancock]
Note #2: if a chara isn't a hero in the story doesn't authomatically makes of him anti-hero as well. In fact there are also charas who are in the "middle" of those two definitions [ex: Heiwajima Shizuo, due to his temper could hardly be considered hero, but as well can't be counted as anti-hero either, since most of time helped the main guys]<!--color--></span>
Exception: most of times antagonists are antiheroes as well, but there are a few times where antagonists are the good guys in the story -> which means that the main guy in the serie is authomatically the antihero [see Lawliet in death note: he's antagonist but is not antihero, 'cuz Light is. L is definitely a hero here].

F.A.Q.: if you are not sure of a certain character as being anti-hero, just check the listed groups, he must fit in at least one of them.

Decrpition: The claim format will ask you this part, you have to fill this field by listing which typical adjective of an anti-hero he resembles. (You can find the list of adjectives in the rules, in the layout)
Important: when your chara is the type of anti-hero that verbally/phisically goes against the main good chara of the story, you will surely need to demonstrate that X is the hero of the serie, so you'll need to bring proofs about this too.
Dark Side: at times if the character has a special dark side, like is a certain being (vampires, zombies, and so on) can be often considered anti-hero due to this particoular thing of him. Samples: Kaname Kuran, D. .. [but there are exceptions here too: ex. Yuuki Cross, since she's the main chara of the story, cheerful and good, totally the opposite of the meaning of anti-hero]

Anti-Heroes Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title of it
Category: Anti-Heroes
Group: Fake Evil / Former Villain / Main Chara.. list all the groups he's part of
Description: tell us if he's lonely/asocial/shady/mysterious..
Proof: the quote which affirm he's part of that group
Source: link of the previous sentence resource
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: No MAL/Small pics please!

Suggested Anti-heroes of the week:

Enjoy and appreciate antiheroes <3
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:57 AM

Feb 4, 2011 4:57 AM

Dec 2008
62nd week is started..
~Sunglasses Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Sunglasses Characters [Week #62 is from 31st January to Feburary 7th]

Note: besides the normal character wearing sunglasses on their eyes (as usual), in order to enlarge the choice of characters are allowed also the ones that bring them on the head/hat (ex: Sabo from One Piece)

Sunglasses Claim Format:
Character: Full name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: full title
Category: Sunglasses
Frequence: often/always
Proof: Direct link of his mal gallery (chara's mal page -> pictures!)
Addition: only for charas with less than 2 pics in their gallery showing them with sunglasses
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: read rules!

Suggested Sunglasses character of the week~

EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:57 AM

Feb 8, 2011 6:02 AM

Dec 2008
63rd week is now started...
Leaders Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Leaders Characters [Week #63 is from 7th until 14th February~]

Note: let's specify the part for Former leaders, can't be counted the ones that are "former" due to their own decision to quit their leadership;
They can be counted as Leaders when the former comes from reasons like the chara died or is imprisoned or any other thing which doesnt belong to his own decision to quit the leadership AND must be mentioned this last thing in the proof as well.
Regular Basis it's meant to be always (or almost, or anyway often enough) and it's meant to be shown, so characters that are just "told" to be/has been leaders and the story actually never shown them as or anyway giving orders, obviously can't be allowed.
Thanks to Farethy which suggested this awesome category :3

Leaders Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Leaders
About: Group's name + state if the group is of rebeles/a band/a gang..etc
Headed People: full name of at least 3 characters
Proof: Mal / Wiki Quote
Source: link of the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: read rules to know how it has to be!

Suggested Leaders Characters of the week~

Enjoy and lead something :P ~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:58 AM

Feb 15, 2011 3:19 AM

Dec 2008
64th week is started..
~Committed Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Committed Characters [Week #64 is from February 14th to 21st]

Attention! we've said declared couples, so characters that declare their love but then retire what they've said for various reasons can't be counted as committed.
Still, a declared marriage purpose which is later "took back" wont be counted as commitment either (see: Athrun Zala), and so on.
And, only being a canon couple but never declared to eachother both characters cant be claimed. (ex: Ren Tsuruga / Kyoko Mogami)
Married/Engaged/Dating Out: they can't CHEAT on their partner, if they do they are not counted as committed.
So, remember that the character must be in love and declared to his beloved person AND must be coerent without changing interest nor idea about his commitment.

Committed Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Committed
Love Type: One way love / canon love
Declared to: Full name of his partner
Proof: Quote that your chara declared to "X"
Source: Link of the previous proof quote
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: no angry/battle pics - possibly romantic pics

Note: if you cant find good quotes as proof, remember that manga scans are ok too.

Suggested Committed Characters of the week~
Thanks to mouse_girl which helped me a lot with the list :3

Enjoy and dedicate yourself to a special person ♥
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:58 AM

Feb 22, 2011 3:12 PM

Dec 2008
65th week is started..
~Spiky Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Spiky Characters [Week #65 is from February 21st to 28th]

Attention: only cuz a person doesnt have combed down hair, doesnt authomatically mean that is a spiky character! Cuz there are also that characters that do not fit in both groups (See: Kazehaya Shouta, Saito Yakumo...and so on)

Spiky Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Spiky
Proof: direct link to his mal Gallery
Addon: read rules to know if you need it
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: his hair must be FULLY shown.

Suggested Spiky of the week~
Thanks to mouse_girl which helped me a lot with the list

Enjoy and try the spiky hairstyle too XD
Ps: sorry for the late anyone, but my internet connection crashed and.. that wasnt definitely planned ><
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:58 AM

Mar 1, 2011 5:16 AM

Dec 2008
66th week is started..
~Cosplay Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Cosplay Characters [Week #66 is from February 28th to March 7th]

Cosplay Note: as long as the character cosplays another existing character [so even from movies] is fine.
Attention: the cosplay must be something typical worn by another character [in case are random different outfit from a special pic is required that the cosplay shows some typical trademark item, like weapons]
Special Name Note: whenever the chara has a single name (without surname) and you are going to make a special name of your chara AND what the cosplayed character is (Example: you claim Daemon Spade, that is cosplaying Kaito, Kaito is a vocaloid so you can pick "Vocaloid Daemon Spade") please explain in a very few words WHAT the cosplayed character is. (In his case would be, inserting a note stating about "Kaito is a vocaloid = a singer)

Cosplay Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + Mal Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Cosplay
Cosplay of: Name + Mal Page of who's the costume is, plus the serie he's from (specify if it's a movie/fiable/game when doesnt have the mal page)
Comparation: picture of the original owner of the costume
Special Name: The mix between their two names [read rules]
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Proof Picture: Must be posted by anyone

Suggested list of the week? Obviously there wont be any~
This category let be claimed any character until his image (and banner) does fit rules so, just search pics and Have fun :3

EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:58 AM

Mar 10, 2011 1:24 PM

Dec 2008
67th week is started..
~Polite Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Polite Characters [Week #66 is from 7th to 14th march]

Note: is not about gold-hearted guys, is about well-mannered guys, so once again even evil villains can actually behave politely with people;
and still: being only "one of the good guys" doesnt authomatically mean that the chara is polite as well 'cause they can easily have rude personality = not polite at all!

Polite Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + Mal Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Polite
Proof: Quote from mal/wiki
Source: link of the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: Try to use a pic where the chara looks kind [no at: angry pics and such]

Suggested Polite characters of the week~

Enjoy and be polite with people :3
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:59 AM

Mar 21, 2011 6:57 AM

Dec 2008
68th week is started..
~Cherished Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Cherished Characters [Week #68 is from 14th to 21st 21st to 28th March]

Important: as you can read from the intro of the Layout, this category was thought and planned especially to celebrate the White Day which was the past week but we delayed this category of 7 days due to the past happened things to Japan and reasons which we explained in our previous post.
Note: once again the character must be visibly cherished by at least two other persons, so ex: charas like Hibari Kyoya who is just visibly cherished by a only girl (I-pin) can't be accepted.
On the other side, cherished VIP characters like ex: Fuwa Sho, who has plenty of fans who go crazy over him, can be counted.
Also, pay attention: respecting someone doesnt authomatically means cherishing him, there are many respected characters which aren't sadly cherished by anyone.

Cherished Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Cherished
Cherished by: FULL Names of at least 2 (two) persons
Proof: a quote speaking about the two above persons cherishing/loving your claimed character
Source: link of the previous quote/s
Banner: no thanks / yes please, make it for me
Picture: read rules!

Suggested Cherished characters of the week~
*thanks to mouse_girl which helped me a lot with the list <3

Enjoy and appreciate the love that ur friends/family have for you ♥~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:59 AM

Mar 21, 2011 6:58 AM

Dec 2008
69th week is started..
~Energetic Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Energetic Characters [Week #69 is from 21st to 28th March]

Note: Once again, the character must be energetic on a regular basis AND hot headed/loud doesnt authomatically means energetic.
So example: Graham from baccano can be considered energetic since he's very hyper-violent and obsessed on breaking things on regular basis / instead on the other side, Shizuo Heiwajima from durarara! turns to be "full of energy" only when it comes to following/fight Izaya Orihara, so he's not energetic on regular basis, he's always been rather hot-headed than energetic.

Energetic Claim Format:
Character: Full name + MAL page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Energetic
Proof: quote from mal / wiki
Source: link of the previous page
Banner: i'll do it / make it for me please
Picture: read rules

Suggested Energetic Characters of the week~

Double Enjoy~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:59 AM

Mar 29, 2011 5:36 AM

Dec 2008
70th week is started..
~Ambitious Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Ambitious Characters [Week #70 is from 28th March to 4th April]

Note: be sure to claim for each characters the true related ambition, cuz otherwise the claim can't be counted. [Sample: don't claim Sebastian with the ambition "serve ciel" cuz is totally wrong, his final goal is to "eat ciel" so this can be considered the real ambition of him]
A Goal can be both ambition and dream when the objective is realizable (at least in the world of the story, or with the power a character could have) and when the character does anything to achieve it.
Difference between real ambition and fake ones: a fake ambition could be being forced to "pay-back" a debt [ex: Haruhi Fujioka] or else another goal not counted as ambition is whenever the character gives up on it [see: Xanxus] or doesn't do anything to reach it/anymore; still an obsession, like a dream, doesnt authomatically mean being an ambition as well [like ex: Shizuo that wants to "kill Izaya", even if he reach this will of his, this wont bring him anywhere anyway, is definitely rather an obsession than an ambition.]
Important!! the proof doesnt have to contain ONLY that he has X goal, but ALSO that he does ANYTHING to achieve it.

Ambitious Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Ambitious
Ambition: state his ambition - ex. "becoming a professional singer"
Proof: The quote from MAL/Wiki + read the "Important!!" note under the layout rules
Source: The link of the previous sentence
Banner: I'll do it / Please make it for me
Picture: it must be somehow ambition related, read rules for details

Ambitious characters of the week~ List:
a big thanks to mousy which helped me a lot with the list

Enjoy and be ambitious~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:00 AM

Apr 5, 2011 2:07 AM

Dec 2008
71st week is started..
~Revenge Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Revenge Characters [Week #71 is from 4th to 11th April]

- no at just "X wants to get a revenge since Y beaten him up this time"
- no at the "revenge wills" that last only too few episodes
- no at whoever just "says" he wants a revenge but doesnt do ANYTHING to act it
- yes instead at whover holds a huge hate towards someone that previously made him a bad thing and wants to pay it back this time.
Note: only bringing a proof saying that "A wants to revenge against Z", without specifing that he actually does something for his revenge, may require staff to ask for an addon proof with specified details about actually doing something to reach his revenge.

Revenge Claim Format:
Character: Full name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Revenge
Against who: the person/s he wants revenge on
Cause: the reason why the chara seeks revenge
Bonus: Yes [ONLY if your chara is in the suggested list]

Proof: quote from mal/wiki
Source: link of the page from where you took the proof
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Pictures: read rules, and no innocent look-like images

Suggested Revenge Characters of the week~

EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:00 AM

Apr 12, 2011 2:38 PM

Dec 2008
72nd Week is started..
~European Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: European Characters [Week #72 is from 11th to 18th April]

Remember that chara must have more than a half of european blood, so charas like Tamaki Suoh (Half French and Half Japanese) won't be counted as european.
Instead charas like L Lawliet which have been said to be 1/4 English, 1/4 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Japanese, can be counted as european, since England, Russia, France are 3 countries from Europe and this make of him being 3/4 european.
If you are not sure that your chara really belongs to an european country just check this wiki List of European nations.
Note: don't assume a chara's nationality if it's never been clearly stated in the serie. (ex: Xanxus, Spanner, Belphegor, G., Sebastian Michaelis..etc)

European Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: European
Country: the Nation he's from
Proof: the quote stating he's from "X" state
Soruce: the link of the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: read rules~

Suggested European of the week~

Have Fun..
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:00 AM

Apr 19, 2011 7:22 AM

Dec 2008
73rd Week is started..
~Clumsy Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Clumsy Characters [Week #73 is from 18th to 25th April]

Important: do not confuse Clumsy with Baka (Idiots, Stupids)

Clumsy Claim Format:
Suggested List Bonus/Biggest Bonus: Yes/No [write it only if you use it]
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Clumsy
Proof: read rules to know what you need
Source: the link of the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: no MAL/Small/low quality pic please

Suggested Clumsy Characters of the Week~

EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:01 AM

May 3, 2011 8:44 AM

Dec 2008
74th Week is started..
~Spring Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Clumsy Characters [Week #74 is from April 25th to May 2nd]

Memo: the cherry *thing* must be evident on the image, especially when will be resized (smaller).
still, the claimed chara must be NEAR to a cherry *thing*, cuz only having the cherry thing theme in the pic is not enough if it's very far away from the claimed character.

Spring Claim Format:
Character: Full Name
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Spring
Option: A / B / C / D
Banner: i'll do it / please make it for me
Proof Pic: anyone must post it, even who makes his banners, read rules for details about the image to use

Suggested List of the week? There won't be any, since any character is claimable until the image does fit rules
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:01 AM

May 3, 2011 2:11 PM

Dec 2008
75th Week is started..
~Childhood Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Childhood Characters [Week #75 is from May 2nd to May 9th]

Childhood Claim Format:
Character: Full name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Childhood
Proof: Absolutly screenshot OR manga PAGE, belonging to the story of the serie
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: the chara must be shown really child, advice - provide more than one, in case one of them will be rejected

Suggested Childhood related characters of the week~
a thanks to -panda- which made the list this time!

Enjoy and appreciate kids!

PS: Sorry for the late guys, but it's a really busy period this one for me~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:01 AM

May 10, 2011 5:15 PM

Dec 2008
76th Week is started..
Flirty Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Flirty Characters [Week #76 is from May 9th to May 16th]

Note: normally being in love and only openly show his feeling of liking isn't authomatically Flirty either (see, ex: Yoh Tomoe - Starry Sky)
Memo: remember to write at top of your format suggested list bonus if your proof isn't enough and the chara is inside our list.

Flirty Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Flirty
Proof: Quote from MAL / Wiki
Source: Link of the page from where you took the previous sentence
Visive Proof: 3 scenes, if you can't really find any quote
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: No Low Quality / Small pics! Preferibly romantic themed

Suggested Flirty of the week
*thanks to Chiyo which made the list*

Enjoy and be flirty XD
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:02 AM

May 18, 2011 10:45 AM

Dec 2008
77th Week is started..
Codename Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Codename Characters [Week #77 is from May 16th to May 24th]

Note: read carefully rules and follow the claim format!

Codename Claim Format:
Character: the Full Name which he's known for + Mal Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Codename
Other Identity: The Second Identity (his codename) / list all the other identities if he has more than one / note: if he has more than one second identity, write in bold the choosen one you want to be written on your banner
Cause of Use: Missions / Change of Life / Memory Loss / Job (ex: a pen-name)..
Proof: the quote from mal/wiki
Source: the link of the page from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: read rules, no mal/small pics please.

Suggested Codename Characters of the week~

Enjoy double identities~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:02 AM

May 25, 2011 1:53 PM

Dec 2008
78th Week is started..
Vampires Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Vampires Characters [Week #78 is from May 24th to May 31st]

Note: Vampire doesn't mean DEMON.
Addon: if the name to call them is different than the usual "Vampires" MAY be requested by staff an addon quote speaking about this race being vampire-like just with a different name.

Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Vampires
Proof: quote from mal/wiki
Source: the link
Vampire Type: to write only if the name used to call vampires is different than "vampire", ex: Okiagari/Shiki/Chiropterans/Schiff...
Banner: Yes please make it for me / No thanks, i'll do it
Picture: read rules

Suggested Vampires Characters of the week~
thanks to Sayuri which made the list this time!

Enjoy and.. would u like some blood? :P
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:02 AM

Jun 7, 2011 7:58 AM

Dec 2008
79th Week is started..
Club Members Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Club Members Characters [Week #79 is from June 6th to 13th]

Note: Do not confuse clubs with normal subjects to study at school. Ex: there actually are astronomy club, sure, but for example in Starry Sky the astronomy part is more a different orientation you can choose to study at school.
Rule 6 Addition: if the character is not famous you can merge two pics for your banner, one where he is with his item/club uniform or whatever anything related to it, the other as normal pic of him.
If you want to ask for a banner to be made provide both and put the note that the chara is not much famous and you want the pics merged by staff.
Image bonus: only if and when is very hard showing the club's theme, for some characters who are part of certain clubs where is almost impossible to show the theme in the banner [like S.O.S. Brigade for Haruhi Suzumiya] you can write the club's name/type on the banner directly.
Sport Clubs: it must be a recognized sport club, if it just says "Team" is not enough, it must be stated as a school club.

Club Members Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Club Members
Club Type: What is about, music/litterature..
Proof: The quote from MAL/Wiki
Source: The link from where you found the previous sentence
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: Read rules to know the requirements of it

Suggested list of Club Members characters of the week~
*thanks to mouse_girl which helped a lot*

Enjoy and join a club in ur school! ~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:02 AM

Jul 4, 2011 7:33 AM

Dec 2008
80th Week has started..
Mages Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Mages Characters [Week #80 is from June 13th to 20th]

Note: be sure they are real mages and not magic users only! Ex: Loke from Fairy Tail is a stellar Spirit not a mage!

Mages Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/manga: Full title
Category: Mages
Magic Type: elemental (ex Fire/Water), Antique, Forbidden..etc
Proof: the quote from mal / wiki
Source: the link of the previous sentence
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: follow rules

Suggested Mages Characters of the week~
Big thanks to mouse_girl which helped greatly with the list!

Enjoy and do use some magic ♥ ~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:03 AM

Jul 4, 2011 7:33 AM

Dec 2008
81st Week has started..
Shy Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Shy Characters [Week #81 is from June 20th to 27th]

Shy Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Shy
Proof: quote from MAL/Wiki
Visive Proof: requested if you can't find any quote
Source: the link from where you took the proof
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: Read rules to know how it has to be

Suggested Shy Characters of the Week~
Thanks to ahin which made the list!!

Have fun, and don't be too shy!!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:03 AM

Jul 4, 2011 7:34 AM

Dec 2008
82nd Week has started..
Half-Blood Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Half-Blood Characters [Week #82 is from June 27th to July 4th]

Note: not always, but there are times where even being born from a mage and a human gives the chara two types of blood (ex: see in Ultra Maniac, witches are a "race" themselves rather then a job), in that cases only the chara can be counted as half blood too.

Half Blood Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + Mal Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Half-Blood
Status: Half "Types" (Ex: Half Vampire and Half Human)
Proof: quote from mal/wiki
Source: the link
Banner: i'll do it / please make it for me
Picture: no small pics, read rules

Suggested Half-Blood Characters~
*a big thanks to Mouse_girl which helped greatly with the list!*

EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:04 AM

Jul 4, 2011 3:11 PM

Dec 2008
83rd Week has started..
Citizens Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Citizens Characters [Week #83 is from July 4th to 11th]

City Suffix Note: if your chara lives in a place called "X Village" but you think it can be considered more city than village due to the presence of many modern things (technology, skycraspers, many houses..) and big population, just test your character and bring a guarantee. Sample: Konaha Village is still called "village" since is the name that the Hokage gave to it a long time ago when it born as a very tiny village, but currently Konoha is the capital of the fire country and is a real big city with many living people, so this case, charas from Konoha can be accepted as citizens.
Pay Attention: the place where the chara lives must be a city, not a village, not a tiny town, not a school... There are some cities which are made entirely by many schools and academies (ex: Toaru Majutsu no Index/Toaru Kagaku no Railgun's scenery, which city is litterally called *Academy City*) and those are fine; but don't confuse those cities with a normal random academy like ex: Ao no Exorcist's school scenery, that's just a big school, not a city.
Suggested List Bonus: if you can't find any good guarantee about the city of your characters as being a city and not a normal village or little town, if the characters happen to be in our suggested list write as usual at top of your format "Suggested list bonus", thanks. Same goes for not being able to find good proofs with words "he lives there", if the chara is in our suggested list, just a few sentences including together the chara and the city name should be fine.

Citizens Claim Format:
Character: full name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: full title
Category: Citizens
Lives in: City name
Proof: Quote or screens
Guarantee: not obligatory, quote speaking of the city itself as being big
Source: link of the previous proof and guarantee sentences
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: read rules carefully to know what you need

Suggested Citizens of the week
*big thanks to mouse_girl which greatly helped with the list!*

Enjoy the chaos of big cities!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:04 AM

Jul 18, 2011 2:26 AM

Dec 2008
84th Week has started..
Cooks Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Cooks Characters [Week #84 is from July 11th to 18th]

Cooks Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + Mal Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Cooks
Cook Type: just talented / for job / hausewife..
Proof: quote (prefered) or manga scenes
Source: the link of the previous sentence
Option: A/B/C -- D/E
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: read rules

Suggested Cooks Characters of the week~
*thanks to ahin which helped a lot!*

Enjoy and appreciate food cooked by talented characters persons!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:04 AM

Jul 19, 2011 2:20 AM

Dec 2008
85th Week has started..
Fringeless Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Fringeless Characters [Week #85 is from July 18th to 25th]

Fringeless Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Fringeless
Proof: Direct Link of his MAL gallery
Addon: read rules to know if you need it
Banner: I'll do it / please make it for me!
Picture: Show the chara's face & Hair fully!

Suggested Fringeless List of the week~
*Big thanks to ahin which totally helped with the list <3 !*

Enjoy and try to comb your hair without fringe :P
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:05 AM

Jul 26, 2011 6:59 AM

Dec 2008
86th Week is started..
Psycho Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: University Characters [Week #86 is from July 25th to August 1st]

Psycho Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Psycho
Type: Crazy/Sadist/Maniac Killer/All of them
Proof: Quote from mal/wiki
Source: the link from where you took the saying
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: read rules!

Suggested Psycho of the week~
big thanks to -panda- which greatly helped with the list <3

Enjoy and free ur psycho side~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:05 AM

Aug 9, 2011 9:20 AM

Dec 2008
87th Week has started..
University Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: University Characters [Week #87 is from August 1st to 8th]

University Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + Mal Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: University
School: the name of the university, if it's stated
Proof: the quote
Source: the link of the previous saying
Banner: I'll do it / please make it for me!!
Picture: Please read rules

Suggested University Characters List of the week~

Enjoy and choose a good University! ♥
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:05 AM

Aug 9, 2011 9:21 AM

Dec 2008
88th Week is started..
Erased Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Erased Characters [Week #88 is from August 8th to 15th]

Category Note: it can happens that the chara erases/got erased more than one thing, in those cases if he "recovers/uses" back his memory/personality/identity before the end of the story, be sure that he at least remains one of the other thing still erased.

Erased Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + Mal Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Erased
Type: what they got erased (Memory, identity, personality..)
Choice: his own will / forced by others
Proof: the quote speaking about his erased *thing*
Source: the link from where you took the previous saying
Banner: I'll do it / please make it for me!!
Picture: No Low Quality Pics

Suggested Erased Characters List of the week~

Enjoy and beware by the brainwashing machine :P ~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:05 AM

Aug 16, 2011 4:11 PM

Dec 2008
89th Week is started..
Tallest Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Tallest Characters [Week #89 is from August 15th to 22nd]

Tallest Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Tallest
Height: in cm!
Source: from where you took the height proof info
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Pic: read rules!

Suggested Tallest of the week~
*Big big big thanks to mouse_girl which entirely made the list*

Have fun and appreciate the most tall of all characters!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:06 AM

Aug 26, 2011 3:26 AM

Dec 2008
90th Week is started..
Swimsuit Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Swimsuit Characters [Week #90 is from August 22nd to 29th]

Swimsuit Claim Format:
Character: Full Name
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Swimsuit
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Pic: read rules! [everyone must show it!]

No suggested list of the week, 'cuz any chara may be claimed if his pic fits the rules!

Enjoy the summer~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:06 AM

Aug 30, 2011 5:08 AM

Dec 2008
91st Week is started..
American Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: American Characters [Week #91 is from August 29th to September 5th]

American Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: American
Country: the nation he's from
Proof: quote from mal/wiki affirming his american status
Source: the link from where you took the sentence
Banner: no thanks, i'll do it! / yes, please make it for me!
Pic: good quality please!

Suggested Americans List of the week~
*note: big thanks to mouse girl which almost entirely made the list :3

Enjoy and appreciate America!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:06 AM

Sep 6, 2011 6:01 AM

Dec 2008
92nd Week is started..
Tanabata Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Tanabata Characters [Week #92 is from September 5th to 12th]

Tanabata Claim Format:
Character: Full Name
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Tanabata
Options: Write both Letter & Full Option
Banner: Please make it for me :)
Proof Pic: everyone must post it!

No suggested list of the week since is not needed due to any chara can be claimed in this category until they fit the image requirements

Enjoy Tanabata *__*!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:07 AM

Sep 13, 2011 1:34 PM

Dec 2008
93rd Week is started..
Pinkers Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Pinkers Characters [Week #93 is from September 12th to 19th]

Pinkers Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Pinkers
Proof: Direct link of chara's mal gallery
Adaptation: state if he's a pinker in anime or manga or both
Addon: read rules to know if you need to fill this!
Banner: i'll do it / Please make it for me
Picture: it can't have graphically alterated colors and everyone must post it!

Suggested Pinkers of the week~
Say thanks to -panda- for this huge list <3

We hope you like pink heads! and our brand new term :P
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:07 AM

Sep 20, 2011 2:38 PM

Dec 2008
94th Week is started..
Cocky Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Cocky Characters [Week #94 is from September 19th to 26th]

Rule 2 and 3 note: "Often" and "Usually" doesnt mean always so your chara might be an arrogant even if he doesn't respect points two and three perfectly :P He just has to be cocky!

Cocky Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Cocky
Proof: quote from mal or wiki (or use the suggested list bonus if he fits.)
Source: link of the page from where you took the previous sentence
Banner: No thanks, i'll make it! / Yes please, make it for me!
Pic: no innocent look-like pic, as well not accepted either low quality pics!

Suggested Cocky Characters of the Week~
*thanks to panda which made the list!*

Enjoy and don't be too cocky :P
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:07 AM

Sep 28, 2011 10:41 AM

Dec 2008
95th Week is started..
Student Council Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Student Council Characters [Week #95 is from September 26 28th to October 3rd]

Rule 5 Details: Banner Requirements ask for show the chara's uniform at least until his chest included!

Student Council Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title, no short ones like "FMA"!
Category: Student Council
Proof: the quote from mal/wiki
Source: from where you've picked up the above sentence
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: read rules!

Suggested List for the Student Council Characters of the week~

EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:07 AM

Oct 21, 2011 7:24 AM

Dec 2008
96th Week is started..
Headbands Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Headbanded Characters [Week #96 is from October 3rd to 10th 21st to 26th]

Headbands Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Headbands
Type: Tied ribbon/s, forehead protector, peak, normal headband...etc!
Proof: Direct link to chara's mal Gallery!
Addon: just if u need it, must be 3 official arts/screens
Guarantee: not obligatory, include source link if you fill it
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: Headband must be clearly visible!

Suggested List of the week for Characters with an Headband~

Enjoy and do wear an headband sometimes x3
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:08 AM

Oct 21, 2011 7:24 AM

Dec 2008
97th Week is started..
Verbal Tic Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Verbal Tic Characters [Week #97 is from October 10th to 17th 21st to 26th]

Memo: verbal tic or else known as vocal tic, it can be a word, sound or phrase but it must be nonsense.
For example, if it's about a little sentence it has to be said quite often in senseless contests, 'cuz if it would have a right meaning in the circumstance it wouldn't be a verbal tic but a normal catchphrase.

Verbal Tic Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Verbal Tic
Saying: The tic (+ translation between parenthesis if it has any)
Proof: Quote / or / Videos [specify when is the scene = minute:seconds]
Source: the link form where you took the quote proof
Banner: i'll do it / Please make it for me!
Picture: no low quality! and try to provide pics with the claimed chara alone or anyway far away from other charas~

Suggested list for characters affected by Verbal Tics~

Enjoy the tics, nya~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:08 AM

Oct 27, 2011 3:03 AM

Dec 2008
98th Week is started..
Hime-Cut Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Hime-Cut Characters [Week #98 is from October 17th to 24th 26th to 31st]

Hime-Cut Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Hime-Cut
Version: Perfect / Short Hair / One-Sided...
Adaptation: Only Anime / Only Manga / Both
Proof: Direct link of his MAL Gallery (MAl Page -&gt; Pictures)
Addon: 3 official pics (only if the gallery has less than three images)
Banner: I'll make it / Please Make it for me
Picture: Frontal position, clearly visible hair

Suggested list of the week for stylish characters with Hime-Cut hairstyle!

Enjoy and appreciate the haircut of a princess ;P
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:09 AM

Oct 27, 2011 3:04 AM

Dec 2008
99th Week is started..
Blue Blood Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Blue Blood Characters [Week #99 is from October 24th 26th to 31st]

Note: it must be 100% noble/royal descendant with 100% blue blood, meaning adopted (ex: Kuchiki Rukia) or far away descendent (like nephew or worse) which lost the position and the pureness of the blood won't be counted.

Blue Blood Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Blue Blood
Case: Normal / Special (Like Kaname Kuran)
Proof: Quote speaking about their status (princess, queen, earl..)
Source: link from MAL/Wiki
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: possibly with crown / or wearing typical noble clothes

Suggested List for Blue Blood Characters of the week~

Appreciate the blue blood characters and Double Enjoy!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:09 AM

Nov 1, 2011 4:36 AM

Dec 2008
Club's Note: We actually wanted to make something cool for Halloween but we are still in a big lack of (and searching for) banner :/ in the end we couldn't do anything.. like it happened with club's second anniversary, sadly
If you want to join the staff and apply for the position of banner maker, just apply here! ♥

100th Week is started..
Rivals Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Rivals Characters [Week #100 is from October 31st to 7th November]

Note: in the "Competitor" field be sure you are writing the right one!
Sample: Suzaku Kururugi's rival isn't Lelouch Lamperouge but Kallen Kozuki; b'cuz they both are the aces of their respective teams and will often find eachother on the same way to fight in order to reach their goals.

Rivals Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Rivals
Competitor: Name of his Rival + MAL Page !! Be sure is the RIGHT person !!
Proof: Quote from MAL/Wiki
Source: the link from where you took the sentence
Banner: I'll do it / Please make it for me
Pictures: Claimed chara + Rival (alone in different pics)

Suggested Rivals List of the Week~
*big thanks to -panda- which made the list*

Enjoy and taste the feeling of a sane rivalry!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 10:10 AM

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