Oct 4, 2010 11:32 AM
Robić nie gadać ^^ Mój wynik O u O You Scored as Japan Japan is hard-working, serious, skilled with his hands, and needs time to adjust to other people. He is inexperienced in the outside world, but does his best to learn all he can. Generally quiet, he s Japan 83% Germany 83% England 75% Russia 75% France 67% China 58% America 33% Italy 25% ułeee dziwne xD kiedyś w innym wyszły mi Węgry, później w teście na fejsbuku braciszek Francja, te dwa by się nawet zgadzały, ale żeby Japonia? ó.O |
Oct 5, 2010 4:21 PM
z chęcią zaraz robie, no ale niestety :) wynik będzie "oszukany" , ponieważ z 70-80 % tylko rozumie pytań xD.... więc Cisnei jeśli masz czas ,to chętnie przyjme pomoc (nie rozwiazuje tego typu rzeczy, a ja juz jestem "zmuszony" to jednak wole je zrobic na "prawde" niz zamiast np na pytanie : Czy kochasz kwiaty ? Dam odp Nie, bo uznam ze Czy kochasz Jesien ? xD, a tak prawdziwa odp to Tak xD ... to tylko przyklad) wiec moje GG :12428768 |
ZarcosOct 5, 2010 4:26 PM
Oct 9, 2010 2:50 AM
Zarcos, skoro nie rozumiesz pytań, to możesz je kopiować i wklejać w google i narzędzia językowe. Może tłumaczenie nie wyjdzie dosłowne, ale jako tako zrozumiesz pytanie ^^ |
Oct 10, 2010 7:09 AM
Nie spodziewałam się takiego wyniku. x) You Scored as England A nation that was once a pirate and tormented Spain, England is a gentleman who is known for having terrible cooking skills, a foul mouth, and huge eyebrows. He does not get along well with France or Russia. He can sometimes be cynical, particularly towards America. Despite being mocked by the other nations for it, England is a strong believer of unicorns, faeries, and magic, going so far as to literally curse his enemies. England cannot hold his liquor well and is a very unhappy sort of drunk. He once formed an alliance with Japan because he felt lonely. He is classified as a tsundere character. England is sometimes referred to as the United Kingdom, but he represents the England part of it, and in one strip he notes that he has a brother named Scotland. Germany 75% England 75% Japan 58% America 50% France 42% Italy 33% Russia 25% China 25% |
Oct 13, 2010 10:51 AM
uu... a coś czułam, że wyjdzie mi Rosia albo Anglia xD You Scored as England A nation that was once a pirate and tormented Spain, England is a gentleman who is known for having terrible cooking skills, a foul mouth, and huge eyebrows. He does not get along well with France or Russia. He can sometimes be cynical, particularly towards America. Despite being mocked by the other nations for it, England is a strong believer of unicorns, faeries, and magic, going so far as to literally curse his enemies. England cannot hold his liquor well and is a very unhappy sort of drunk. He once formed an alliance with Japan because he felt lonely. He is classified as a tsundere character. England is sometimes referred to as the United Kingdom, but he represents the England part of it, and in one strip he notes that he has a brother named Scotland. England 58% Japan 50% Russia 42% Germany 33% France 33% America 25% Italy 25% China 17% |
Oct 14, 2010 12:55 PM
You Scored as Japan ^^ w sumie to chyba nawet dobrze mi wyszło ;) Japan is hard-working, serious, skilled with his hands, and needs time to adjust to other people. He is inexperienced in the outside world, but does his best to learn all he can. Generally quiet, he s France 83% Japan 83% Germany 75% England 67% Russia 58% China 50% America 50% Italy 42% |
Oct 15, 2010 8:12 AM
tu mnie zaskoczyli ^^' You Scored as China China is one of the oldest nations and is regarded as the eldest brother among the East Asian nations. He is extremely superstitious and religious. As a reference to the Sino-Soviet Split, he is disturbed and distrustful of Russia. China has certain tastes for things and gets irritated if a food has a certain pattern of tastes. He is also a big fan of Hello Kitty and tends to end his sentences with the Japanese suffix -aru. China 75% Germany 67% France 67% Russia 42% America 42% England 42% Italy 42% Japan 33% |
Oct 15, 2010 3:16 PM
You Scored as England A nation that was once a pirate and tormented Spain, England is a gentleman who is known for having terrible cooking skills, a foul mouth, and huge eyebrows. He does not get along well with France or Russia. He can sometimes be cynical, particularly towards America. Despite being mocked by the other nations for it, England is a strong believer of unicorns, faeries, and magic, going so far as to literally curse his enemies. England cannot hold his liquor well and is a very unhappy sort of drunk. He once formed an alliance with Japan because he felt lonely. He is classified as a tsundere character. England is sometimes referred to as the United Kingdom, but he represents the England part of it, and in one strip he notes that he has a brother named Scotland. England 75% Italy 58% Japan 58% Russia 50% China 50% America 50% France 50% Germany Z tym akurat się zgadzam ;D. |
Oct 17, 2010 3:10 AM
Wtf, chyba źle zrozumiałam pytania, chcę mojego Hiszpanka T.T Germany is a hard worker and a lover of rules. He sticks to them rigidly and trains his troops to do the same. Despite this, he has formed a close relationship with the carefree Northern Italy. He notes at one point that he has a crazy boss. Germany 92% France 58% Russia 33% England 33% America 33% Japan 33% Italy 25% China 17% |
Oct 17, 2010 4:55 AM
You Scored as England A nation that was once a pirate and tormented Spain, England is a gentleman who is known for having terrible cooking skills, a foul mouth, and huge eyebrows. He does not get along well with France or Russia. He can sometimes be cynical, particularly towards America. Despite being mocked by the other nations for it, England is a strong believer of unicorns, faeries, and magic, going so far as to literally curse his enemies. England cannot hold his liquor well and is a very unhappy sort of drunk. He once formed an alliance with Japan because he felt lonely. He is classified as a tsundere character. England is sometimes referred to as the United Kingdom, but he represents the England part of it, and in one strip he notes that he has a brother named Scotland. Jee, moja ulubiona postać XD (pewnie dlatego, że mamy bardzo podobny charakter XP) |
Oct 17, 2010 5:18 AM
You Scored as England A nation that was once a pirate and tormented Spain, England is a gentleman who is known for having terrible cooking skills, a foul mouth, and huge eyebrows. He does not get along well with France or Russia. He can sometimes be cynical, particularly towards America. Despite being mocked by the other nations for it, England is a strong believer of unicorns, faeries, and magic, going so far as to literally curse his enemies. England cannot hold his liquor well and is a very unhappy sort of drunk. He once formed an alliance with Japan because he felt lonely. He is classified as a tsundere character. England is sometimes referred to as the United Kingdom, but he represents the England part of it, and in one strip he notes that he has a brother named Scotland. England 83% America 75% Russia 67% Germany 58% Italy 58% Japan 42% China 42% France 42% Spodziewałam się tego. Chociaż bardziej pasuję do Ameryki. ;P |
Oct 18, 2010 5:59 AM
You Scored as France France was once a large nation, but after Napoleon Bonaparte had died, he was no longer good in war and instead attracted tourists to his country with his wine. He has an intense rivalry with England, and loves to argue with him over trivial topics. As a reference to France's historical relations with colonial Canada, Canada has a similar hairstyle to him. France is infatuated with most of the nations. He has been known to make blatant sexual comments at every opportunity. France maintains a bit of facial hair because he feels it makes him look like a big brother. He is constantly pictured carrying a rose. France 67% America 58% Germany 50% China 42% Italy 42% Russia 42% Japan 33% England 25% Na początku myślałam, że do mnie to nie pasuje, ale po wnikliwej analizie stwierdziłam, że mamy wiele wspólnego ];> |
Oct 18, 2010 7:19 AM
You Scored as Japan Japan is hard-working, serious, skilled with his hands, and needs time to adjust to other people. He is inexperienced in the outside world, but does his best to learn all he can. Generally quiet, he s Japan 67% France 50% England 50% Germany 42% Italy 42% America 33% China 25% Russia 17% Wiedziałem że wyjdzie mi albo Japonia albo Niemcy. ^^ |
Oct 22, 2010 9:25 AM
Ahahahahaha!! XDDDDD You Scored as America Raised by England and having fought for his independence, America became a country of pioneers. He is an energetic country who loves sticking his nose into other people's business. He sees everything in a positive light, is quick to take action, and he always has his own idea of doing things. He also has immense physical strength and courage, although he has a crippling fear of ghosts, particularly when they are vague blobs of light in pictures. Strangely, a grey named Tony appears in his house from time to time without him minding it at all. America is frequently seen clutching a hamburger and flashing a thumbs up. His quieter brother, Canada, has a habit of carrying a polar bear. America also has a penchant for coming up with elaborate inventions that never go anywhere. France 92% America 92% Russia 67% China 58% Italy 58% England 50% Germany 42% Japan 33% |
Oct 22, 2010 12:55 PM
Domyślałam się, że Japonia będzie wysoko, ale nie że będzie na pierwszym miejscu :P You Scored as Japan Japan is hard-working, serious, skilled with his hands, and needs time to adjust to other people. He is inexperienced in the outside world, but does his best to learn all he can. Generally quiet, he s Japan 83% Germany 75% England 50% Italy 50% Russia 25% America 25% France 17% China 17% |
Oct 24, 2010 3:06 PM
You Scored as England A nation that was once a pirate and tormented Spain, England is a gentleman who is known for having terrible cooking skills, a foul mouth, and huge eyebrows. He does not get along well with France or Russia. He can sometimes be cynical, particularly towards America. Despite being mocked by the other nations for it, England is a strong believer of unicorns, faeries, and magic, going so far as to literally curse his enemies. England cannot hold his liquor well and is a very unhappy sort of drunk. He once formed an alliance with Japan because he felt lonely. He is classified as a tsundere character. England is sometimes referred to as the United Kingdom, but he represents the England part of it, and in one strip he notes that he has a brother named Scotland. Germany 83% England 83% Japan 75% America 67% Russia 58% China 58% Italy 50% France 42% Buu :< |
Oct 29, 2010 1:33 AM
You Scored as Japan Japan is hard-working, serious, skilled with his hands, and needs time to adjust to other people. He is inexperienced in the outside world, but does his best to learn all he can. Generally quiet, he s... coś tu chyba brakuje ;p Japan 83% France 67% America 67% Germany 67% England 50% Russia 50% China 42% Italy 25% |
Oct 29, 2010 10:40 AM
You Scored as China China is one of the oldest nations and is regarded as the eldest brother among the East Asian nations. He is extremely superstitious and religious. As a reference to the Sino-Soviet Split, he is disturbed and distrustful of Russia. China has certain tastes for things and gets irritated if a food has a certain pattern of tastes. He is also a big fan of Hello Kitty and tends to end his sentences with the Japanese suffix -aru. Japan 92% China 92% France 83% Germany 83% America 75% Italy 58% Russia 50% England 50% |
Dec 8, 2010 3:41 PM
You Scored as England A nation that was once a pirate and tormented Spain, England is a gentleman who is known for having terrible cooking skills, a foul mouth, and huge eyebrows. He does not get along well with France or Russia. He can sometimes be cynical, particularly towards America. Despite being mocked by the other nations for it, England is a strong believer of unicorns, faeries, and magic, going so far as to literally curse his enemies. England cannot hold his liquor well and is a very unhappy sort of drunk. He once formed an alliance with Japan because he felt lonely. He is classified as a tsundere character. England is sometimes referred to as the United Kingdom, but he represents the England part of it, and in one strip he notes that he has a brother named Scotland. England 75% Germany 75% Japan 67% France 58% Russia 58% China 58% America 50% Italy 50% Hehe^^ nie spodziewałam się takiego wyniku xD czyli bliżej mi do Anglii i Niemiec^^ |
Dec 28, 2010 1:53 PM
Jan 11, 2011 5:20 AM
Wyszła mi Japonia, z czym się kompletnie nie zgadzam, bo sądzę, że jestem połączeniem Polski i Litwy i czegoś chamskiego xD, no ale ich nawet w tym quizie chyba nie było? xD |
Jan 26, 2011 3:32 PM
Become one with Mother Russia... o.O You Scored as Russia Despite having the cruelty of a child, Russia is the tallest of all the nations. He adores vodka and sunflowers. His primary hate is "General Winter", despite using the cold to his advantage in war. Russia has a kind and gentle face, but has mentally cracked from the strain of his bloody history. The other nations are mortified by him, particularly Lithuania, whom he loves to both physically and emotionally abuse. Occasionally, he stalks others while in a panda costume. Russia promises that eventually "everyone will become one with Russia". He also frequently says "KolKolKolKol" to nations he is threatening. Russia is almost always seen carrying a section of pipe. He is classified as a yandere character. Russia 67% Japan 67% America 50% China 42% Germany 42% France 42% Italy 33% England 25% ... po drugim podejściu wyszło co...? O.O You Scored as Italy A bright and energetic nation that progressed from being the kin of Roma Antiqua, widely recognized as the strongest nation in the world, to being clumsy and irresponsible. Personified as being carefree, cowardly and lackadaisical (noted by his collection of white flags he uses to surrender), he often depends on Germany to resolve issues. Nods to Italian culture include his artistry and recurrent portrayal of pasta and pizza. He has an older brother, who represents southern Italy and who is commonly known as Italia-Romano. Italy 83% France 75% China 67% America 50% Germany 42% Japan 42% Russia 25% England 17% |
Jan 26, 2011 4:39 PM
Russia 83% Japan 75% England 58% America 58% Germany 58% China 50% Italy 50% France 33% O____o |
I see you everywhere, nowhere you can't hide ^^ |
Feb 10, 2011 6:27 AM
Więc ja też jestem niby podobna do Japonii (75%). Za to w 65% jestem jak Włochy... O.O Dziwne, te dwie postacie mają całkowicie różne charaktery. ^^' Japan 75% Italy 67% China 58% Russia 50% Germany 50% America 42% England 42% France 33% |
... |
Feb 11, 2011 1:04 PM
You Scored as England ! yay!=w= jestem herbato pijcą pełną parą, więc może się zgadza :) England 67% Germany 58% Japan 42% America 42% Italy 42% China 25% France 25% Russia 8% |
Feb 13, 2011 8:36 AM
Spodziewałam się tego zaznaczając ''tak'' w pytaniu ''Czy lubisz herbatę?'' ale... 100%?! O.O You Scored as England England 100% Russia 83% Japan 83% Germany 67% Italy 50% China 33% America 33% France 33% |
Feb 15, 2011 2:25 AM
You Scored as Russia Po pytaniach spodziewałam się raczej Anglii, ale jak się dokładniej zastanowić, to faktycznie Rosja mi pasuje.... xD Japan 67% Russia 67% England 58% Germany 58% Italy 58% America 50% France 50% China 42% |
Beyblade means more than my life because it's my soul (c) Flameborg |
Mar 22, 2011 5:30 AM
Nie spodziewałam się kompletnie XD" You Scored as France France 75% Italy 67% England 67% Germany 58% Japan 58% China 33% America 33% Russia 25% |
Mar 24, 2011 11:45 AM
Mar 27, 2011 11:11 AM
Germany 67% Japan 58% England 42% France 33% China 33% America 33% Russia 25% Italy 25% Ja to bym się bardziej Prus spodziewała, no ale cóż... :P |
Jun 13, 2011 8:39 AM
You Scored as England England 75% France 75% Russia 58% America 58% Italy 58% Germany 42% Japan 42% China 17% po tie breakerze bylo juz wszystko jasne :] btw, to moj pierwszy post, dlatego witam wszystkich ^^ |
Jul 12, 2011 8:43 AM
You Scored as Japan Japan 92% Germany 83% France 58% China 50% Russia 42% America 42% England 42% Italy 25% Dużo bardziej bym się Niemiec spodziewała niż Japonii. :'D |
Jul 28, 2011 9:36 AM
Japan 75% America 67% Italy 67% Germany 58% France 50% Russia 42% England 42% China 33% Kiedyś robiłam podobny quiz i też wyszło, że najwięcej we mnie Japonii. WTF? xD No, ale jest 67% Ameryki ~ |
Jan 17, 2012 9:24 AM
You Scored as Germany Germany is a hard worker and a lover of rules. He sticks to them rigidly and trains his troops to do the same. Despite this, he has formed a close relationship with the carefree Northern Italy. He notes at one point that he has a crazy boss. Germany 58% China 50% England 50% America 50% Japan 50% Russia 42% France 33% Italy 33% CO?! To musi być jakaś pomyłka! |
Feb 5, 2012 5:01 AM
You Scored as Germany Germany is a hard worker and a lover of rules. He sticks to them rigidly and trains his troops to do the same. Despite this, he has formed a close relationship with the carefree Northern Italy. He notes at one point that he has a crazy boss. Germany 83% Japan 75% America 75% England 58% France 58% Russia 50% China 42% Italy 42% Ale dziwne O_o Nigdy bym nie pomyślała, że jestem podobna do Niemiec. Mam taki bajzel w pokoju... Wcześniej miałam na takim samym poziomie Japonię, Amerykę i Niemcy, ale zapomniałam skopiować ^^" |
Apr 13, 2012 10:44 AM
You Scored as Russia Despite having the cruelty of a child, Russia is the tallest of all the nations. He adores vodka and sunflowers. His primary hate is "General Winter", despite using the cold to his advantage in war. Russia has a kind and gentle face, but has mentally cracked from the strain of his bloody history. The other nations are mortified by him, particularly Lithuania, whom he loves to both physically and emotionally abuse. Occasionally, he stalks others while in a panda costume. Russia promises that eventually "everyone will become one with Russia". He also frequently says "KolKolKolKol" to nations he is threatening. Russia is almost always seen carrying a section of pipe. He is classified as a yandere character. Russia 100% France 67% America 67% Japan 50% England 50% Italy 42% China 33% Germany 25% OY Yeah!Tego się spodziewałam xD Ja to ogółem jestem połączeniem Rosji,Francji,Ameryki oraz Gilberta.A śmiech to mam jak Shion Sonozaki z Higurashi. hehe. ^^Ogółem to jestem taka yanderowata.Oraz uwielbiam zadawać ludziom ból i terroryzuje całą szkołę.Ale to chyba normalne,że ludzie się ciebie boją,a ty terroryzujesz całą klasę no nie? |
Jan 1, 2013 4:25 AM
Niby Francja ale... France 67% England 67% America 67% Japan 58% Germany 58% China 42% Italy 42% Russia 33% COMBO xDDDDd |
Apr 28, 2013 6:59 AM
You Scored as America Raised by England and having fought for his independence, America became a country of pioneers. He is an energetic country who loves sticking his nose into other people's business. He sees everything in a positive light, is quick to take action, and he always has his own idea of doing things. He also has immense physical strength and courage, although he has a crippling fear of ghosts, particularly when they are vague blobs of light in pictures. Strangely, a grey named Tony appears in his house from time to time without him minding it at all. America is frequently seen clutching a hamburger and flashing a thumbs up. His quieter brother, Canada, has a habit of carrying a polar bear. America also has a penchant for coming up with elaborate inventions that never go anywhere. England 92% America 92% Italy 92% Russia 75% Japan 75% France 67% Germany 25% China 25% Nie spodziewałam się tego >< |
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