I was wondering what do you prefer the manga of Fushigi Yuugi or the anime show series? personally I like the manga better but I still like the anime show series of it. :D lol. I dunno maybe I just like to read more then just watch for Fushigi Yuugi.>.>
What you saw at the castle on that windy night ,and what you saw at the bridge last night .. how I smiled, never utter a word to anyone. If you dare speak .. I will find where you are .. And I will kill you. Kill you. I will rip you apart .. crush your bones And eat your flesh.. I will drink your blood. I will .. devour you.
I prefer manga. We are given more details, characters are better , how do I put it, drawn. Sometimes in anime their were looking strange. ^^; But anime wasn't bad, a specially the OAV. The Graphic was much better then in the tv series.
I think I prefer the manga. But I still like the show too. And it was because of the manga I started to like Fushigi Yuugi. And the manga is more detailed than the show.
Even if the future is locked or erased I won't end this prayer because I want to convey my real feelings to you