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[Duel Has Ended] Hime Hajime vs. William Jackson [William is the victor]

Jun 22, 2012 4:13 PM

Jun 2011
The light of the rings that were supposed to decide the fate of the chosen enveloped the two combatants,transporting them to another place,and stopping time outside the battlefield.

William and Hime were forced to close their eyes,due to the strong light;when they opened them again,they found themselves in front of a tori gate.

If they looked on their left,they could see a temple;in front of it,a woman sat down,cross legged.She wore a white dress and a green patterned uchikake over it.Around her,red butterflies with glowing dots on their fragile wings were orbiting.

The reddish sun was setting,somewhere behind the temple,hiding behind the tall,dark figures of twin mountains.The sound of a river flowing nearby,and water dancing in a waterfall,could be heard.The pine trees and the purplish orchids spread around the temple were covered in the red glow of the sunset,giving an eerie,calming feeling to this already peaceful scenery.

The woman was drinking midori tea from a small cup as the guests arrived.She set the cup on the small wooden table in front of her,after taking a last sip.Lifting herself up,she walked away;she was barefoot,stepping on the clean rock-floor.A large clock appeared in the sky,behind her.It had "24:00" written on it.

"Ahem." the lady coughed."I am Midori Of The Butterfly Clan,and I shall be the judge of this battle." she smiled mysteriously."The combatants of this fight are Hime Hajime and William Jackson,correct?Very well." she chuckled,after introducing them to eachother,and receiving their nod.
"The rules of the battle are simple.Everything starts when I say "Go." You give everything you have until one of you becomes incapacitated -which is my decision- ,or until the countdown reaches zero.Everything clear?" she explained,pointing the giant clock behind her.The two nodded again.

"Good.Ready...set...GO!" she said,flying up in the sky,making use of two scarlet wings sprouting out of her back.
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 8:19 PM
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Jun 22, 2012 4:17 PM

Jun 2009
William streched his arms back and his shoulders let out loud poping noise that shattered the silence of the temple. William prepared for a cross draw with his right hand going to the hilt of his sword on the left hip and his left hand grasping his pistol on the right hip. "Hime was it? Are you ready?"

HP : 100/100
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 5:00 PM
Jun 22, 2012 5:59 PM
Feb 2012
"No one is ever ready..." Hime thought, but gave a nod instead not voicing her opinion. Her fingers flex in anticipation, the only sign that she was alert. Her body, otherwise, was lazy and unguarded, her arms limply at her side, her crimson eyes watching her opponent.

HP : 100/100
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 6:03 PM
Jun 22, 2012 6:05 PM

Jun 2009
"alright then". William grits his teeth and grins.William rips the flinbtlock from its holster and swings it out word firing it at the girl mid-swing before letting it fly into the distance. The smoke from the pistol blocked the veiw of hime and the smell of burnt gun powder filled the air.

((the pistol is loaded with many very small pellets similar to bird shot and can only get around an inch of penetration at best, this wound will be painful and an inconvenience but not enough to handicap or kill))

HP : 100/100
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 6:16 PM
Jun 22, 2012 6:24 PM
Feb 2012
"It has started... Hime watch as her opponent fired his flintlock from his holster. She did not expect smoke covering her vision, but it did little to her calm expression.

"Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world." Her mentor's voice echoes from her ears, remembering all the cruel training she had to endure from her.

"No fear..." Hime whispered, closing her eyes as she let her other senses do its course. It was tense, Hime had to admit, but she force the bubble to panic in the depths of her mind.

"There! Hime eyes snap opened, quickly leaning back as she watch the missile by.

"Crashing Lance" Flipping backwards, multiple lances appeared, hovering next to her, awaiting for her command. She sent her hand towards to William making the lances projecting towards him, their speed increasing by the second.

HP : 96/100 - I flag thee,because one simply does not dodge that easy.
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 6:29 PM
Jun 22, 2012 6:32 PM

Jun 2009
"Oh shit." this wasn't an attack William could avoid,but he could buffer it. He ducked down and let his back face the oncoming attack. The leather armor was slightly thicker in the back but this was still going to hurt.

HP : 87/100 - I like the buffering method. :)) Still,your grammar and the lances come to your downfall.
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 6:37 PM
Jun 22, 2012 6:36 PM
Feb 2012
"Keep them coming...." Hime whispered, sending more towards him.

HP : 95/100 - Ah,ah,I want to see more creativity!Go for an all-out,miss!
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 6:39 PM
Jun 22, 2012 6:42 PM

Jun 2009
"PEVNOST, LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH!!!". A large alchemist circle burnt into Williams chest, the heat from it burnt a hole through Williams armor. A fire like substance traveled from the alchemist circle through Williams veins, this burnt the skin as it moved along with most of his armor but it did not hurt, it gave William power, the power of an oni. He drew his sword and lunged towards the girl with his blade held out, he planned to run the blade straight through her.

HP : 80/100 - FUCK YEAH,A DEMON ! Cool story bro,but it still needs more dragons n grammar n shit. :D
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 6:47 PM
Jun 22, 2012 6:49 PM
Feb 2012
"Great!" Hime cursed, she now knew that William had an another soul within him, but what? Hime didn't have time to dwell on her thoughts as she watch William run towards her with greater speed than before.

" I know my lances won't work, but... Hime knew she had no other choice, so she gave any logical part in her brain and stuff it in a small box on her mind.

Using her lances, she send a couple of lances towards as a diversion before rushing towards him. In a discreet manner, she twirled her rapier, gathering water to cover her weapon for extra defense and offense.

Best of both world as people say.

HP : 90/100 - ...
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 6:58 PM
Jun 22, 2012 7:04 PM

Jun 2009
((how many times do you get to use this lance ability.))

William dives to avoid the lances, he hits the ground and rolls, from a crouched position he lungs at Hime's knee and takes her to the ground, hard, with himself landing on top of her. But in the confusion he lost control of his sword, so he wrapped his hands around her necks and attempted to strangle her.

HP : 76/100 - Why did I thought of a hentai movie at that scene,hmmm....
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 7:08 PM
Jun 22, 2012 7:10 PM
Feb 2012
" Strangle out of all the things! Hime struggled, trying to break free from William's hold. But as demon, it wasnt easy.

Clawing, scratjing might have hurt him, but it did nothing to release his hold on her. Hime glared at William, but started to gasp, little black spots started to appear in her vision.

"I'm..sorry...!" Hime croaked, before brining her knee between his legs.

HP : 80/100 - Dirty play miss,and he reaaaaaaally did choked ya hard!
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 7:22 PM
Jun 22, 2012 7:17 PM

Jun 2009
((first off, wtf. second off, when this happens to me reality it doesn't bring the sudden stop result like it does on tv, i hurts like a bitch and angers me))

"FUCK!!" William clenches his teeth hard enough that they begin to crack. His grip tightens and he pushes his weight onto her neck. Pevnost's power is slolwly taking William, his skin begins to crack along his veins and his eyes are clouding in black but William's Iris remained in the blackness as did his control.

HP : 70/100 - The man has a point,and I give him bonus,because hitting his eggs was not nice. >_>
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 7:24 PM
Jun 22, 2012 7:24 PM
Feb 2012
((sorry is all I can -.-))

" well that didn't work" Hime thought as her mind began to search for an answer.

" Physical won't work...if I use that it might work... With her mind set, Hime force her body to relax, but it wasn't an easy feat. With the monstrous force in her neck and her vision starting to blacken, it was hard to stay focus.

"RAGE OF POSEIDON!" Musterinng a gigantic gulp of air, she summoned a enormous ball of water to engulf them before bending the water around her head to act as oxygen tank.

HP : 74/100 - Lost oxygen,but payed with stamina a recovery - nice movement.
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 7:32 PM
Jun 22, 2012 7:33 PM

Jun 2009
William held his breath but he had to be quick, there isn't much time. He focused his rage and his veins began to glow like fire, the water touching him began to evaporate. Still holding his left hand on the girls neck he swung his right arm sharply into her ribs, the small air pocket formed by his veins allowed him to get enough force to put a strong hit in. Upon impact william could feel ribs shatter under hii punch, hopefully this will cause the girl to loose conentration.

HP : 65/100 - This is getting interesting,but near a finish.
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 7:38 PM
Jun 22, 2012 7:40 PM
Feb 2012
" Come on! Hime wasn't about to give up though.

"Sierra" One of her most trusted moves as she watch his fist pass through her disorientated form, his grip on her neck gone. Even though was one of her trump card, she could only use it twice.

She gasp for air, but she didn't want to give him another advantage rolling away from him as quickly as she can.

"Freak I only have one more use of Sierra..." If she used it more than once, she risked becoming water itself.

HP : 66/100 - Flag,he still did hit you,and you consumed stamina on a dangerous card.
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 7:48 PM
Jun 22, 2012 7:55 PM

Jun 2009
((a wound like that may cause internal bleeding, and a broken rib takes the fight out of anyone, trust me....))

William planted his feet firmly on the ground and launched himself out of the Rage of Poseidon water bubble. He landed flat on his back and gasped for air. "god damn". He looked up to the cloud and for a moment was at peace. With a sigh he started to bring himself to his feet when he noticed the girl rapier on the ground and commanded it. This fight was dragging on and William needed to end it before Pevnost took over.

HP : 63/100
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 8:01 PM
Jun 22, 2012 8:04 PM
Feb 2012
"Freak...Elixir Submerge..." Putting her hand on her neck, Hime began to heal her bruised neck. It wouldn't do much, but it would at least give her less pain.

Hime sighed in relief, but saw her rapier slowly began to move it way toward William.

"That's my rapier, but at least it won't come to him for a while..." that's when she saw his sword lying on the ground next to her.

Hime wince at the wounds, but she slowly got William's sword, her fingers gripping the sword. She also summoned her lances, but only a couple hover next to her, showing how tired she was.

"But I can't give up, not when my sister's life is in stake"

HP : 63/100 - Wounds may be healed,but stamina is still low.
AngelicXIJun 22, 2012 8:07 PM
Jun 22, 2012 8:05 PM

Jun 2011
Midori landed before William."Enough" she spoke,as she lifted her hand.The light breeze made her uchikake dance in a ruffled wave.

"Upon the best moves,even though he consumed more stamina,I declare William as the victor,before anyone gets majorly hurt.Now,come here,it is time for me to heal your wounds before I send you back to your world." she said,with a serious expression.
Jun 22, 2012 8:08 PM

Jun 2009
Williams body begins to shiver and he collapses as Pevnsot withdrawls his power, William is exhausted from the enevour but does his best not to show it. He approaches hime, holding her sword by the blade and hands it to her.
Jun 22, 2012 8:09 PM
Feb 2012
Hime sighed as she let go of the lances, resulting in large splashes resonating.

" Thank you and Good game" Hime stated, walking slowly to William to hand him his sword before picking up her own. Even though, she lost she knew when she lost. It didn't mean the end of the world for her. A loss is a loss.

" Now how do I deal with my sister..." Hime thought, grimly, fear bubbling in her stomach. A frown place on her lips at the horrendous thought and she wiled them away.
Jun 22, 2012 8:10 PM

Jun 2009
"It was fun, maybe we will get to do it again before this tournament ends" William sheethes his blade and walks toward the judge to be healed.
Jun 22, 2012 8:14 PM
Feb 2012
"sure" Hime said, walking over to Midori, sheeting her rapier.

" I don't want to kill her but if it's the only way for my sister to be free, then so be it" Hime may not be a killer, but to save her sister so be it. Unknowingly to her, she clench her fist to the point of drawing blood.
Jun 22, 2012 8:14 PM

Jun 2011
Midori smiled.But she felt Hime's intent."Pitiful." she whispered,as Hime's weapon vanished in white smoke.She made a small circle with her right index,and light covered both William and Hime.

Their wounds started to slowly heal,and their stamina started to restore to the original level.

"Farewell." she mouthed,as the two disappeared,just like the giant clock.The remnants of the battle vanished in white smoke clouds as the eerie scenery regained its peaceful atmosphere.
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