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Aug 16, 2015 1:17 PM

Dec 2013
Exactly what it sounds like. Good for Necromancy. Nice and quiet...and spooky.

One of the Areas that must be Explored before the other team can proceed to the HQ.
LilGreasyKidAug 17, 2015 6:59 PM
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Aug 17, 2015 4:08 PM

Dec 2013

After having trudged through the city and the forest, he had come to a Cemetery. Not too far, he could sense the presence of the Agent's base. Hopefully, they had their eyes on their surrounding territory. He wished to speak with one of the Bulwark of Faith herself and perhaps meet some of the Servants. He did not intend to hurt them. He just wanted to get a feel for the other team.
Aug 17, 2015 4:22 PM
Aug 2014
*Siegfried walks through the gates of the cemetery and sees a figure there*"Who goes there"*He ask while his hand goes to the handle of his great sword*
Aug 17, 2015 4:25 PM

Jul 2015
Rosline(bulwark of faith)

"Get the hell out of my cementary who ever you are." I say angrily walking in begin Siegfried. At that moment age wasn't cared about it was the invader."if you don't leave in five seconds then by the gods I will kill you."
Aug 17, 2015 4:26 PM

May 2014
Agents Rider 1

She bursted into the Cemetery one her Snowboard, making sure to stay on the path instead of going over the gravestones, as even she knew respect, looking around before spotting the Ruler, bringing her snowboard to a stop as she stayed hanging
Aug 17, 2015 4:27 PM

Mar 2014
she was right behind her mistress, her sword ready for any incoming attacks, she'd let no one harm her

he walked inside the cemetary and up to Ruler, his sword ready for battle "have you come to your own death?"

Aug 17, 2015 4:33 PM

Jul 2015

I followed my master in the shadows. I walked out standing next to her, it was hard not to laugh at the 12 foot tall flower she had as a club though. So I stood there with a grin
Aug 17, 2015 4:34 PM

Dec 2013

Smiling at the site of all the various Servants, he scratched his beard before folding his armors in front of him. "My. Certainly a warmer welcome than the one I received from the Soldiers. He quickly looked over all the Servants, surmising their classes just by looking at them thanks to his close alliance with the Grail.

Taking a step forward toward the little one, the Bulwark of Faith, he looked down on her. "Why, hello Ms. Bulwark. I am Ruler, representative of the Grail." Even though there was no murderous intent, his hand fell to that it rested on his blade lightly. "I have come to meet with the Servants and Masters of the Agents. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Offering his calloused out to the young Master, he looked at her with a look of respect. So far, he was interested in her and her posse.
Aug 17, 2015 4:35 PM
Nov 2013
Agent Assassin 2
He hadn't intended to visit the cememtary, but after a period of aimless walking in the name of scouting, he heard a ruckus from the tombstones. Activating prescense concelment, he climbed a tall tree to overlook the situation from afar.
"looks like someone entered the cemetary" he sighed "several servents along with the young master, and another man." He guessed the one he didn't recognise was his target, and after pulling out his rifle, lined his iron sight over the burly man's temple. He ready to fire if a fight broke out.
VortreAug 17, 2015 4:39 PM
Aug 17, 2015 4:37 PM
Aug 2014
*Steps beside the young master so that if anything is to happen Seigfried could protect his teammate*
Aug 17, 2015 4:43 PM

Jul 2015

"If you wanted to meet us you should have sent us mail at our P.O. Box 12484 rose lane." I say "your an adult, I don't trust you. If you make one wrong move I will kill you." I say shaking his hand even if it was against my belief. "Please explain in more detail why you are here, as seeing my servants isn't a good enough reason not to get ran through." I say with a devilish smile that could even make an unfeeling man afraid, it had enough bloodlust in it that a bird dropped out the sky from the sudden pressure. "I despise adults with such a passion I can barely stand having them as servants but they do their job well enough they don't need to die." I said finishing up my sentence.
Aug 17, 2015 4:45 PM

May 2014
Agents Rider 1

She slowly moved a bit on her snowboard, coming a tad closer to her master while keeping her eyes on Ruler, stopping a bit behind her master with ehr hood pulled out, 2 bits of her hair hanging out and waving in the wind as she stood still, ready to grab her master and ride off on her board if needed
Aug 17, 2015 4:50 PM

Mar 2014
she stood behind her mistress gripping her sword tightly as her eyes were filled only with anger as she looked at Ruler. Without permission she wouldn't attack him, but it was clear that she disliked the sight of him being so close to the mistress

he had put his spear away and was standing close to Ruler, a face of being slightly pissed off, but not at Ruler, more over hearing the words of the mistress. He stayed still, his face remaining as it was whilst looking Ruler in the eyes

Aug 17, 2015 4:57 PM

Dec 2013

His anger immediately flared up. Without even thinking, he gripped his blade in one hand and leaned forward so that he could whispering something in her ear. "Remember you place, slime. Your death would immediately put your faction at a great disadvantage. Keep in mind that I hold your very lives in my hands. I suggest you treat me with the respect I deserve. To fight me is to fight the Grail itself and I'll make sure your pathetic little wish doesn't come true, even if it takes my last breath. Do I make myself clear?" His voice was death itself. One wrong move from any of the Servant and their master's head would be sent straight off. If she tried to move even an inch without saying the words he wanted to hear, "yes sir", he'd kill her right here and now. The glare that came from his silent, merciless eyes delivered that message to each of the servants, even down the scope of the sniper who was hiding in ambush further way.
Aug 17, 2015 5:07 PM

Jul 2015

Equally hot headed and with a disdain for adults she could only ask one question. "What proof do I have of you as ruler? If you are ruler then I apologize but I shan't take back a single word I have said. If you are in fact ruler then I offer you a rose in place of anything else. I will respect you only because of your title and not because of who you are." She said in a princess way, she was ready to move if need be. anouther reason to disdain adults she gave him an innocent smile like she did nothing wrong. Waiting to see what he would do next.
Aug 17, 2015 5:18 PM

Dec 2013

While her words were not much better than they had been before, Ruler couldn't help but laugh. The girl was frantically trying to save face and even if her hatred for him was true, he knew she couldn't do anything to him after he showed her his insignia.

Pulling back the sleeve of his right arm, he showed her the insignia of the ruler. It looked similar to a command seal, but with this type of design, someone like the Bulwark would not be able to refute its authenticity. The mark's energy was the energy of the Ascended Grail, as well as the Fallen Grail, something that not even the most skill of doppelgangers could replicate.

"There. You should be satisfied." He smirked, bringing his sleeve back down and turning his back to the Servants, walking away a bit, his guard never dropping for an instant.

When he was on the edge of the cemetery, he cleared his throat and spoke in a loud and powerful voice. "Servants! If you wish to accomplish your own dreams, then take any steps that are necessary to you! Remember, your masters need you just as much as you need them, if not more so! Until we meet again, Agents of the Church!" With a bow, he turned and continued out of Agent territory.
Aug 17, 2015 5:29 PM

May 2014

She let out a sigh as she saw the Ruler leave, then drifted around Rosline on her board a bit, ending up next to her as she sat down, still on her board, with a slight pouty face "I dont like him" She mumbled, looking up for a moment at Rosline
Aug 17, 2015 5:32 PM

Mar 2014
he heard what Ruler said and looked at his spear, the words 'accomplish your own dream' resonating in his head "Tche" he left the cemetary, not wanting to listen to anything else that might be said

After ruler finally left her angered eyes disappeared, hidden behind her hair, she seemed calm again. She dropped her sword and went to hug her mistress, only then could she feel her body actually shaking. The only thing Ata cared about had almost been taken away without her being able to do as much as move a finger. She looked at her mistress, small tears filling her eyes " could help princess...Ata useless..." although her words were hard to understand, the eyes she finally showed to her showed her being scared, not of Ruler, simply of the thought of her mistress being killed

Aug 17, 2015 5:41 PM
Nov 2013
Agent Assassin 2
Watching the scene unfold, he could feel the aura's of the man and his young master go against each other. As the man went for his katana, he moved his sight to target his wrist, reflexively laying his finger on the trigger. maybe i should fire, he shouldn't be able to dodge, not while i have my presence concealed. he thought. As he was about to fire the shot to kick start the fighting, he noticed the silent glare the man had, watching it cover all the servents in the cemetary. Himself included. What! he can see me he was surprised. No servent from the apposing camp should be able to spot him. Unless he was the servant of that class.
"So he's Ruler" he smiled, understanding this was not an attack from the enemy, but recon work for the overseer. Content no fight should break out, he quit wasting his time eyeing the situation, climbed down the tree he was situated on, and made his way back to HQ.
"I change my mind about going this alone, maybe i'll try teaching the young master how to deal with adults the adult way." he muttered to himself, before adding with a chuckle "Or maybe not, I don't want to be the 1st servant slain, and i doubt she'd send a rescue squad for an old man like me should i need a second chance."
He never saw him reveal his insignia, or anything thereafter, for he had already left the area to visit another area.
Aug 17, 2015 5:50 PM

Jul 2015

She held ata unable to think of words to say to her. "I'm going to home, follow me if you like but I'm pissed off so be warned." I say silently relieved and silently sceathing. I held ata's hand as I made my way back to home. "Why is it that every adult I deal with gives me an annoying amount of trouble?" I ask nyself
Aug 17, 2015 6:07 PM

May 2014

She shifted a bit on her board, still sitting as she slowly started to make her way back, then stood up and immediately went forward at an increased speed, heading back to home base
Aug 19, 2015 6:35 AM

Jul 2015

Walking into the cemetery, I didn't even realize I made it this far into agents land. The thought came to mind that someone might come for me but I pushed it away instead I was taking pictures of the tombstones and any passing animal, though there where few animals that passed by.
Aug 19, 2015 6:43 AM

Aug 2013
Fae Kamara

She reaches the cemetery, presence concealment activated, while sneaking around, she notices Anastasia, she starts slowly and silently sneak behind her
Aug 19, 2015 6:52 AM

Jul 2015

Paying no mind to what's around her she just kept taking pictures, I turned around to take a picture of the tombstone that was really pretty and instead got the view of a person. "Hello I'm caster2 nice to meet you." I say with an innocent look as I kept taking pictures.
Aug 19, 2015 6:52 AM

May 2014

He slowly walked on to the Cemetery, seeing Anastasia there. Sure she was an enemy, but there was no need to get hostile, so he just raised a hand, his mask still on as always "Why hello there, what brings a beautiful flower to a cemetery like this?" He asked with a smile
Aug 19, 2015 6:55 AM

Aug 2013
Fae Kamara

She decides to play along... for now, standing up but being ready to attack instantly when needed

"Who i am doesn't matter at the moment, like he asked, what brings you here?" she says with blank expression
Aug 19, 2015 6:56 AM

Jul 2015

Hearing someone call me a buetiful flower I blushed. "Can I take your picture?" I ask I liked his mask, I got closer to him and poked him to make sure he was a living person and not a spirit of the dead or something...
Aug 19, 2015 6:56 AM

Jul 2015
(Nesu completely over rules him XD)
Aug 19, 2015 6:58 AM

May 2014

He looks at Anastasia, feeling the poke, but gave a nod "Sure, little wanderer" He said, the kindness in his voice obviously hearable "If that is what you would like to do, I won't stop you" He said, looking at Fae for a moment, though his head and htus mask remained unmoved
Aug 19, 2015 7:08 AM

Mar 2014
Command Seal used, Ana must go to the 20th floor apartment

Aug 19, 2015 7:10 AM

Jul 2015

"Thank you! Give me your best pose!" I say getting ready to take a picture my camera at a worms eye of him. lots of good pictures today! I think happily smiling and looking like an innocent child. Then a command deal was used and I was force into the 20th floor apartment.
Aug 19, 2015 7:15 AM

May 2014

He looked at Anastasia, though didnt exactly post, except for sticking up his hand. There was no need for big things after all, and a simple wave was most likely a nice thing, then saw how she vanished before being able to take a picture "My my, something must be going on there. I wonder if we get to see her again" He said with a smile, before looking at Fae "I will be heading back now, what shall be your course of action?" He asked calmly
Aug 19, 2015 7:18 AM

Aug 2013
Fae Kamara

She was just about to slash with her scythe as Anastasia disappeared in front of her, slashing the air instead, she sighs out of frustration and sheathes her scythe

She looks up to Nesu "Well there clearly isn't anything here anymore, so i'll come with ya"
Aug 19, 2015 7:21 AM

May 2014

He looks at Fae and slightly shakes his head "There was no need for violence, she meant no harm" He said simply, then nodded "Very well, back we go" He said kindly, turning around and starting to walk back to the cathedral
Aug 19, 2015 7:23 AM

Aug 2013
Fae Kamara

She sighs
"She was an enemy, we can't let them just wonder at our area just like that"
Aug 19, 2015 7:26 AM

May 2014

He smiled softly "However, Who gives kindness will receive kindness" He said, then nodded "But I can understand your point of view nonetheless. Let's hurry back now, shall we? I could go for some tea"
Aug 19, 2015 7:33 AM
Nov 2013
Agent Assassin 2
He left for the cemetary, and saw Nesu and Fae walking back. seeing no enemy, he intercepted them, intending to ascertain the situation
"The detection magic tripped, did Assassin kill the enemy already?" he asked Nesu, a tinge or regret in his voice for waiting in the cathedral long enough to miss the fight.
Aug 19, 2015 7:36 AM

Aug 2013
Fae Kamara

"No, the enemy got away before i could cut her"
Aug 19, 2015 7:38 AM

May 2014

He smiled at the assassin that arrived, smiling from behind his mask "No, she did disappear before she could take her picture however" He said "We're on our way back now, are you joining as well?" He asked kindly, the mask looking at the new Assassin as he talked and patiently awaited an answer
Aug 19, 2015 7:48 AM
Nov 2013
Agent Assassin 2
Turning to face Fae, he tilted his head in confusion. "How?" before listening to Nesu's explanation. "She had a camera?" he asked, panic in his voice. now i think about it, there was a servent like that when i was at the conveniece store, they took a picutre of Ruler with a floating camera
"Do not let her take your picture." he warned Nesu. "I hypothesize it to be a type of information gathering weapon." his thoughts wrapped in the mysterious servent he had missed.
Aug 19, 2015 7:51 AM

Aug 2013
Fae Kamara

"Shit..." she says when she realised that she had taken picture of her
"If that camera is what you say it is, i'm in deep shit..." she adds
Aug 19, 2015 7:52 AM

Jul 2015
(It's just a camera :/)
Aug 19, 2015 7:52 AM

May 2014

He looked at Assassin 2 and smiled, waving it slightly "I will ask the next time I see her" He said kindly, before starting to walk "Now, come along, we'll be going back now" He said with a smile, looking at the two for a moment, before heading back again
Aug 19, 2015 7:56 AM

Aug 2013
Fae Makara

She nods and follows Nesu
Aug 19, 2015 8:04 AM
Nov 2013
Agent Assassin 2
(Soldiers are paranoid, it's their nature to suspect things like that xD
He nods silently, following behind the 2. he noted Nesu's remark with a hint of anger.
the next time, you should just kill the servent, or force it into submission he thought to himself staring at the two's backs
Aug 19, 2015 9:42 AM
Nov 2014
She arrived at the cemetry and laid somewhere on the dirt putting the box over her. Here she started crying and curled up i a ball
"I hate the Soldiers. They should all die"
Aug 19, 2015 10:08 AM
Nov 2013
He arrived at his spot, and saw a small silver haired child curled up in a pitiful state on the floor. He felt unnerved aiming his sight at a child, but never lowered it for a second
"She doesn't look like she's here to fight." he noted. "I wonder if she's here as a decoy."
He considered that an Assassin servent may currently be in hiding.
"Guess I'll wait to see how she reacts to one of the other servents" he mumbled. He was ready to use his noble phantasm if she made an agressive move. It wouldn't kill the child, but it would stop her long enough to have her tied for interrogation.
Aug 19, 2015 10:16 AM

Aug 2013
Fae Kamara

She appears next to the Goemon, she pushes her scythe blades dull side against Goemons throat

"State your business, now" she says
Aug 19, 2015 10:17 AM

May 2014

She boarded into the Cemetery with huge speed, stopping at the entrance and looking around, seeing Goemon. She kept looking at her as she slowly made her way a bit closer, but kept her distance, just in case, looking at her and waiting for her actions, ready to dodge if needed
Aug 19, 2015 10:20 AM
Nov 2014
She sat up and looked at Fae showing clearly red eyes and a pale face
"I-I wanna... s-speak to your.... m-master. I won't do... anythig"
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