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Aug 3, 2015 10:36 AM

Jul 2015
A forest that house higher level enemies.
Wolf lvl 4: 400 attack, 15 defence 123 hp
Stag lvl 5 : 600 attack 20 defence 157 hp
Centaur lvl 6: 800 attack 25 defence 180 hp
Leafz_SoulAug 3, 2015 9:37 PM
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Aug 3, 2015 1:05 PM

Apr 2015

"I sense stronger monsters! Meat shield prepare!" She says hiding behind Ash.
Aug 3, 2015 1:09 PM

Jul 2015

"I'm going to throw you at these guys like I said." She said. She used Agro light bringing in three centaurs a stag and 6 wolfs. "Well that's a lot of enemies..." When they attacked everything but the centaur did 1 damage. She use healing tank mode and stopes taking damage, she had 50% more defence. Then she grabbed charm using her as a missile throwing her at a wolf.
Aug 3, 2015 1:09 PM

May 2014

She walked in, throwing a 720 damage attack at a wolf "Danger? where?" She asked, seemingly looking around
Aug 3, 2015 1:11 PM

Apr 2015

"Ouch!" taking 35 dmg the wolf gets hit and dealt 172 dmg it cries out in pain and dies. "H-Hey wolf don't die! I'm not that heavy!"
Aug 3, 2015 1:12 PM

Jul 2015

"Can you kill these centaurs they can actually do a little bit of damage." She said, laughing not that she would die from it any time soon. It was sad watching the enemies...
Aug 3, 2015 1:14 PM

May 2014

She looked at the centaurs and grinned "Sure can" She said, taking her sword and striking through the three creatures, planting her sword in the ground again, leaning on it "Keep Charm safe there"


She arrived with the other 2 "Alright, here we are, so Alex, what is your skill?" She asked, looking at him
Aug 3, 2015 1:17 PM

Apr 2015

rushes back behind Nat and points her tongue at Ash. "Meeeh. Hyaaa!"
She shoots a way and hits a Cantar with little damage. 60dmg.
Aug 3, 2015 1:17 PM

Dec 2013

"My skill," He said, following her, "is to fire a beam of darkness in a straight line. It has a small (3 post) cooldown time before firing. And yours?" He questioned.
Aug 3, 2015 1:20 PM

May 2014

She nodded "Alright, long range then, same tactic as yesterday Key" She said "The both of us are mainly speed types, both having a multiple striking skill. Im distracting the enemy, the two of you are attacking it once it's aggro'd on me, got that?"


She simply stood around, sometimes swinging her sword to defeat an enemy that came too close
Aug 3, 2015 1:21 PM

Dec 2013

He nodded. "Sounds good. Just don't get injured more than you need to, alright?" He didn't want to accidentally hit her with a beam either. He then pulled out his staff and got into a ready position.
Aug 3, 2015 1:21 PM

Jul 2015

"Ok, she did kill the wolf... She must weigh a lot..." Ash said jokingly, that's when she noticed the other people. "HEY YOU GUYS, THE CENTAURS HURT BAD, SO STAY AWAY FROM THEM!" She shouted tring to help them out. "Glad all I do is watch my hp as a tank haha."
Aug 3, 2015 1:22 PM

Apr 2015
(I need to head to work. See everyone later. ≧◡≦ NPC me if you must please)

"You make it look too easy! That confidence is brimming..." She says watching Nat destroy their foes.
Aug 3, 2015 1:23 PM

Dec 2014

She thought for a moment then suddenly realized some thing "Ah! Saki! I forgot to put apply my new skill points!" she said looking defeated.
Aug 3, 2015 1:28 PM

May 2014
(No worries, we're not in a hurry, or are we Leafz? xD I need to go walk the dog atm anyway)


"Well, go do it right now then, We can wait, dont worry" She said, scouting around, but those other 3 seemed to have all the closest monsters at the moment


She snickered "with great power comes easy dealing with low level monsters" She said with a chuckle "Dont worry, you're safe here" She snickered
Aug 3, 2015 1:33 PM

Jul 2015

"So do you wanna party with us?, you don't have to worry about tanking... I got that covered." Ash said trying to be nice. "Hey Nat how far to 11? I'm at 34% myself..." She asked. Since the two of them did sometimes solo grind she couldn't be sure. "By the way you lower levels have you leveled today?"
Aug 3, 2015 2:30 PM
Aug 3, 2015 2:32 PM

Jul 2015
(Someone to post lol)
Aug 3, 2015 2:34 PM

Dec 2013

Alex said nothing to the girl's question. After all, Saki was the leader. He decided to remain quiet and let her decide.
Aug 3, 2015 3:29 PM

May 2014

She thought for a moment, one hand on her chin while the other held the dagger, just in case. Ofcourse, if they partied up they would easily gain a lot of levels and get stronger, they would barely have to do anything. but that would also be the downside, if they dont have to do anything, their teamwork nor their tactics would increase, it would only be their skill level rising... She kept thinking for a moment, then nodded "Alright, we'll join" She said, already having thought up a plan to make up for the lack of teamwork practice they were going to get, turning to the other two "Alright, we're joining them for now, We'll be doing some special training after, capiche?"
Aug 3, 2015 9:21 PM

Jul 2012
Somehow finding their way to the Hope Woods, unsurprisingly Seina was less focused on her book and more intent on keeping watch of her surroundings. Now without a guide like Rena it was best that she at least be aware of their situation and took note of the wolves that seemingly were stronger, some moose-like creatures possibly elks or stags, and surprisingly centaurs. "Hey, you think its possible for us to talk to the centaurs?" she asked curiously in a whisper, knowing full well that centaurs were somewhat Greek mythical beings that were half man and horse.
Aug 3, 2015 9:37 PM

Jul 2015
He looked at all he creatures they seemed to be magical. "Those centaurs seem to be the strongest enemy here, maybe we could take one but two or three I don't think so." Weiss said taking note of every detail both the stags and centaurs had. "If we can take their legs out they won't be able to do anything... So if we do attack them in going for the legs..." He said not wanting to die
Aug 3, 2015 9:47 PM

Jul 2012
Seina then groaned in agony with a facepalm to her head at the sudden realization at the words "going for the legs" and mumbled, "I forgot to get a weapon that can slice..." In fact, she had already considered going for the legs either she was to ask Weiss to borrow a weapon or... "Nevermind,"she said now having an idea of luring them into vines and to tie up their legs.
Aug 3, 2015 9:53 PM

Jul 2015
"Do you have an idea for taking out there legs or should I use my rapiers and just strike them as fast as possible?" He asked, he already noted the vines but decided to act stupid. <atleast I can't get blamed for failure of the plan doesn't work... As long as I do what I am told.> he checked his exp gauge, he was 83% to lvl 3, close any kill would be level three maybe 4 for him.
Aug 3, 2015 10:02 PM

Jul 2012
" just cut off their legs and I finish them in maybe about 2 or 3 punches to their face?" she asked in a slight sadistic manner. I think I'm gonna have to find some tea to relax with soon... she thought to herself wryly as she prepared herself for some hand to hand combat.

(4th wall char thread is starting to take over . . .)
Aug 3, 2015 10:06 PM

Jul 2015
"You want a rapier?, at least your hands won't be bloody..." He said luaghing. Then he walked towords her holding the hilt of his left hand rapier to her. "I'm just trying to be a gentleman so don't get offended by the offer."
Aug 3, 2015 10:28 PM

Jul 2012
Grumbling around a bit she then finally accepted Weiss's offer on his rapier, taking the rapier she then mumbled," Thanks..." Now with a sword in hand, or more accurately a rapier Seina did some slight quick wrist and arm warm ups with it, as she tried to get a feel for the rapier. " Actually I could just hit each of their hooves and that should take them down no?" she proposed.
Aug 3, 2015 10:45 PM

Jul 2015
Weiss laughed, " no, if you look at there hooves you can see they have a blue shimmer around them, I think their lower legs are immune to blows for just that reason." He said being sure to counter her argument in a way that wasn't belittling. Decideing not to wait he struck at a nearby ones hooves, it bounced off doing 25 damage 180-25=155. "See?!" He said dancing around poking it in its other 3 hooves and stabing it in the face, 155-25-25-25-75=5
Aug 4, 2015 6:27 AM

Jul 2012
"Then there was no point in slowing down through their legs..."she said as she finished off the centaur Weiss was attacking. And them she considered that what she just did was technically kill stealing and then mulled a bit in worry, she then rushed and cut off a centaurs two arms rendering the use of it's spear useless and a quick stab at it's stomach [180-135=45hp]. Quickly she backed away as the hooves can do massive damage to one's body if not careful around horses. "Give it two quick blows," she shouted as she backed away.
Aug 4, 2015 7:12 AM

Jul 2015
Weiss rushed in striking it twice, doing 50 damage then killing it. He moved to the next one, activating his ability, with his boost from his speed he had 50?+40, a total of 90, he struck it in one leg, above the knee, causing it to come off, then stabbed it in the heart 180-155-65 the centaur died, the critical hit almost one shot it.
[weiss lvls up to-> 3 Weiss lvls up to 4,new stats are as follows]
Leafz_SoulAug 4, 2015 7:41 AM
Aug 4, 2015 9:59 AM

Jul 2012
Somehow managing to jump a centaur from behind she instantly sliced the centaur's head off. The eyes of the centaur slightly rolling a bit as it hit the ground. She murmured a slight apology beforehand, but it was still gruesome to say the least. The next centaur she came across she stabbed it right through the heart of the human body, the horse part was still somewhat alive and so she slipped to its side and stabbed where she assumed a horse's heart would be. Through Weiss's kills she also gained a bit of experience and a last minute wolf kill raised her to level 4. Unfortunately, she was not keen on the idea of killing the stags the most, seeing as to how majestic they were.

Atk:70 >150
Vit: 50+25>100
Speed: 50>75
Health regen: 75+25>125
Aug 4, 2015 10:08 AM

Jul 2015
"Well, I think I can kill these centaurs in one hit, I have four more levels I can do today. These centaurs will get us to 6, but 8 will be hard until, we get a new area." He said runing up to one, and piercing it thruogh the heart 180-395 killing it instantly, he moved on to anouther one stabing it in the body killing it instantly again. He repeated the process on five more enemies.
Aug 4, 2015 10:24 AM

Jul 2012
Surprisingly despite how high leveled the monsters were they were easily taken down in just two strikes now. However getting hit by a centaur would instantly drop almost 10%of her health. Luckily her health regen would cover a tenth of the damage lost so she's not in any immediate danger for now. Observantly she noted that Weiss's speed was now practically on par with Rena's and a single strike even a slightly diverted one had instantly killed a centaur. For Seina on the other hand two strikes was more then enough a jab here a stab there, it was for the most part not as dangerous as she thought it would've been. The two easily fought roughly 20 monsters in the span of 10 mins after the level up.
Aug 4, 2015 10:35 AM

Jul 2015
After 20 minutes of grinding Weiss and Senia reached level 6, Weiss was about 45% to lvl 7 and Senia is only 25% of the way there.
Aug 4, 2015 10:44 AM

Jul 2012
Putting in her stats she took a look at Weiss again noting his lack of putting points into his vitality and while putting in her points asked,"Are you sure about your health like that?" and then honestly stated in worry, "Several careless moves can lead to your death even if you're speedy and can most likely dodge them." She then also noted the new skill she gained at level 5. Drain Web?Sounds like a spider if anything... After several considerations she found health regen not completely useful seeing as she can drain hp with two skills now, especially with her new one. Weiss was now 100% definitely faster then Rena if anything, "You're a bit too speed focused..." she mumbled to herself knowing that he probably didn't care.

Vit: 100>150
Health regen: 125> 125
Aug 4, 2015 10:53 AM

Jul 2015

"I'm not too worried about getting hit, that's why groups have tanks. Also I have a skill that ups my attack based on my speed. If I was slow, then that skill wouldn't be helpful. I also just got this skill <speeding winds> it improves my speed for 3 posts with a cool down of 5. " he said. Though she was right if a careless move was made I'd be dead...
Aug 4, 2015 11:01 AM

Jul 2012
"Right and if anything I'm the tank in this situation, if the monsters were decently more intelligent they'd be focusing on me most of the time since I'm supposed to be the squishy support or you cause you're the one who does the most damage and a glass canon for one..."she said as she tried to use common game terms that she rarely ever used before. "Shall we head back and go to sleep then?" she suggested seeing as it was almost daybreak, inferring that it was either one or two in the morning.
Aug 4, 2015 11:07 AM

Jul 2015
"I guess we should, after a few hours rest we should see if there is a new zone open." He said, then walked over to get his rapier. "I can help you get a weapon later, but for now you can use my rapier. I don't need both." He said. He wanted to treat her as an adult so she wouldn't be mad at him again.
Aug 4, 2015 11:17 AM

Jul 2012
Unfortunately the girl was not satisfied with his suggestion and carelessly tossed the rapier back to him, "It's fine I'll go find something later today..." and headed out of the woods, "Besides your style is the Twin Needle Rise no? You can't really use your style without the other needle..."she comically said. Normally, in fact, she would be mad at his suggestion and so she decided to tease him instead.
Aug 4, 2015 11:24 AM

Jun 2015
~~ Tsubasa

So she had ended up here after all, knowing there probably would be people she hadn't met (but who might be busy enough fighting as not to try to introduce themselves to her and start small talk - so it was probably better to meet them here), people she didn't want to meet again (or rather, one person - sometimes Tsubasa could hold a long grudge just because of a bad first impression) and monsters she was sure to regret meeting. Well, perfect, the girl thought. Can't have a nice day here anyway, or I'll regret it when I start to fall behind.
Looking around, she spotted (aside from the other players, of whom she took little active notice) wolves - again -, stags and... Are you kidding me? Centaurs? Really? Tsubasa thought, slightly annoyed. Whoever had sent the letters and sent them here really meant game when he said game - and was fond of mythology and fantasy. Well, I'm definitely not fighting them yet. They have nasty hooves, and as great as things here are, they might be ones that can do archery, too. The last thing was what was the thought that troubled her most.
After a short consideration, the girl decided to take one of the wolves for now. She felt that they were a nice measurement of the overall difficulty of a place, having encountered them twice before. Turning towards the nearest one, Tsubasa charged at it, striking a blow with her artificial claws (70dmg), then did a lunge to the side to avoid a bite to her leg. Not this time. I know that move of yours already, thank you very much, she thought.
Aug 4, 2015 11:26 AM

Jul 2015
"Thanks for pointing that out, I was just trying to keep a young lady like yourself armed. Or am I mistaken and your a man?" He said with a hint of laughter, as he caught the rapier spinning it about in his hand.
Aug 4, 2015 11:35 AM

Jun 2015
~~ Tsubasa

Again she lunged at the wolf, moving her other armoured hand down in a slicing motion (70dmg), and was rather surprised to see the creature go down already. Even though she had become stronger, that surely was too easy? Suspicious, Tsubasa squinted at the other monsters in the distance. Should she try to take on one of them, even though she was alone? Stupid! the girl told herself. You do want to be able to take on challenges alone, so you need to train alone, too, right?
Aug 4, 2015 11:42 AM

May 2014

She looked up, spotting Tsubasa, though knowing she probably didnt want to party up, as she had declined before, most likely thanks to a member she knew. She looked at Nat and Ashlyn "Well, We'll party up, but I'm guessing you're doing most of the things here then?" She asked, looking at the two


She nodded in reply "Yup, we will, do try to atleast get a hit though" She snickered, dealing with a Centaur in one blast once more
Aug 4, 2015 11:47 AM

Jul 2015
"Hey sis, you ready for these low levels to get a few levels? I'd say that group of centaurs might get them to six... He pointed at the group of 34 centaurs. "Wait no that only get them to lvl 5 and a half..."
Aug 4, 2015 11:51 AM

May 2014

"Bruh, if you just keep attracting them, I'll just keep smashing through em, getting is some meat in the meantime" She said with a snicker, bringing her sword up onto her shoulder "A flame charge through a ray of Centaurs would be great" She grinned "Ah, btw, Im at 59%" She grinned
Aug 4, 2015 11:59 AM

Jul 2015
She ran right into the group after activating healing tank mode. She used Agro light all 34 of them started attacking her, doing nothing as she stood there laughing.
Aug 4, 2015 12:05 PM

May 2014

She looked at Ashlyn and grinned, starting to run towards the group attacking her and placed her sword flat against her shoulder when she did, the flames coming off of her as she charged through the group, dealing 200% damage, not that that mattered as she tore through 14 of em, grinning a bit
Aug 4, 2015 12:11 PM

Jul 2015
Sis you wanna not burn me? It might not do damage but it still hurts." She said that as some flames hit her, a spear went to penetrate her arm but was turned away by her durable skin, and the effects of healing tank mode...
Aug 4, 2015 12:22 PM

May 2014

She snickered a bit, dived back into the middle of Centaurs who were aggro'd at Ashlyn anyway and made a slight bow, obviously sarcastic "Then I'm sorry for what I'm about to do here" She said, grabbing her blade with two hands, making it coat in fire, then spun around, casting Burning Strike to the Centaurs around her, leaving only 2 remaining, and a snickering Nat
Aug 4, 2015 12:27 PM

Jul 2015

Grabbing Nat by the legs Ashlyn spun her around and threw her at the centaur nearest to them. "We said don't burn me!" Ash laughed and walked away towords the group..
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