Well, the reason why I like them is the fact that Break is somewhat similar to Oz (you know, hiding emotions and trying not to be a burden to anyone). And in a strange sense, Break IS be understanding and caring, just in his own way. But Gilbert is dense so yeah~ :PP
Haha but the whole couple is just really funny. Since Gilbert is very annoyed by Break, it just screams "Tease me!" XD
kyotoprincess said: Well, the reason why I like them is the fact that Break is somewhat similar to Oz (you know, hiding emotions and trying not to be a burden to anyone). And in a strange sense, Break IS be understanding and caring, just in his own way. But Gilbert is dense so yeah~ :PP
Haha but the whole couple is just really funny. Since Gilbert is very annoyed by Break, it just screams "Tease me!" XD
I couldn't agree more, and besides that there's the "angsty" side that I absolutely adore. The fact that, just like Oz, Break hides his feelings and makes it seem as if he doesn't trust anyone and Gilbert just feels left aside becasue of that~...it's just cute x)