Nov 2, 2012 9:48 PM
Please use the following format: Name- The name you wish to be called Mech-Your choice of Mech Team-What team your on/What team your leading/Are you on a team? Gender-What's your Gender Summary-A short summary of your Character please choose a Zoid, a Gundam, or a Knightmare Frame, choose one or the other, you cannot have both, an (X) by them signifies its taken. Zoids Energy Liger Sheid Liger Liger Aero Liger Zero(X) Zero Jager Zero Schneider Zero Panzer Zero X Zero Phenix Trinety Liger Geno Hydra Koning Wolf Shadow Fox Gun Sniper Gojulas Giga Dibison Comand Wolf Rev Rapter Snipe Master Zaber Fang Proto Zaber Red Horn Green Horn Dark Horn Lightning Saix Elephander Iron Kong Gojulas Geno Saurer Geno Breaker Beserk Furhrer Dark Spiner Killer Spiner Blits Tiger Griffin Chimera Dragon Double Arm Lizard Lord Gale Fuzer Dragon Houndsoldier Murasume liger Gundam Model number: GF13-017NJII Code name: God Gundam Unit type: mobile fighter Nationality: Neo Japan First deployment: FC 60 Accommodation: pilot only, in 360 degree cockpit using Mobile Trace System and Core Lander Dimensions: head height 16.6 meters Weight: empty 7.5 metric tons; max gross 20.6 metric tons Armor materials: gundarium alloy super-ceramic composite rare metal hybrid Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: optional Fuunsaiki mobile horse Fixed armaments: 4 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted on head; 2 x machine cannon, fire-linked, mounted on torso; 2 x beam sword, stored on hips, hand-carried in use; 2 x god slasher, mounted on forearms, used for Bakunetsu God Finger Ultimate attacks: Bakunetsu God Finger, Bakunetsu God Slash, Sekiha Tenkyoken, Bushin Sapou God Shadow, God Slash Typhoon, God Field Dash, Choukyuu Haou Den'eidan Gundam Fight ability points: Power: normal mode 23.90, hyper mode 32.59 Speed: normal mode 40.51, hyper mode 49.73 Offense: normal mode 36.21, hyper mode 54.68 Defense: normal mode 21.67, hyper mode 27.62 Search: normal mode 24.22, hyper mode 30.47 Adaptation: normal mode 29.48, hyper mode 32.99 Total: normal mode 175.99, hyper mode 228.08 Model number: ZGMF-X23S Code name: Saviour Gundam Unit type: prototype attack use transformable mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty) First deployment: C.E. 73 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 18.61 meters (mobile suit mode) Weight: max gross weight 77.13 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; deuterion beam energy supply system, allows for remote recharging of energy with battleship Minerva Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; MMI-RD11 aerodynamic shield, mounted on left arm; 2 x M106 "Amfortas" plasma beam cannon, mounted on backpack, can be fired in mobile suit and mobile armor mode; 2 x MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm machine gun; 2 x MA-7B "Super Fortis" beam cannon; 2 x MA-M941 "Vajra" beam saber, stored on shoulders, hand-carried in use Optional hand armaments: MA-BAR70 high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown Model number(s): ZGMF-X24S (ZAFT); RGX-01 (Earth Alliance) Code name: Chaos Gundam Unit type: prototype transformable close combat mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator(s): ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty); Earth Alliance First deployment: 2 October C.E. 73 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 17.43 meters (mobile suit mode) Weight: max gross weight 91.61 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; deuterion beam energy supply system, allows for remote recharging of energy with battleship Fixed armaments: 4 x MMI-GAU1717 12.5mm CIWS x 4; 2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x MA-XM434 beam claw, stored in feet, operable only in mobile armor mode; MGX-2235B "Callidus Kai" multi-phase beam cannon; 2 x EQFU-5X mobile weapon pod (MA-81R beam assault cannon, AGM141 "Firefly" guided missiles), stored on backpack, can be used wirelessly; 2 x MA-M941 "Vajra" beam saber, mounted on hips, hand-carried in use; MMI-RG30 cruising mobile shield (MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm machine gun x 2), mounted on left arm Optional hand armaments: MA-BAR721 high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown Model number(s): ZGMF-X31S (ZAFT); RGX-02 (Earth Alliance) Code name: Abyss Gundam Unit type: prototype transformable amphibious mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator(s): ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty); Earth Alliance First deployment: 2 October C.E. 73 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 17.84 meters Weight: max gross weight 92.39 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; deuterion beam energy supply system, allows for remote recharging of energy with battleship Fixed armaments: MMI-GAU1717 12.5mm CIWS; 2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; MGX-2235 "Callidus" multi-phase beam cannon, mounted in chest; M107 "Balaena Kai" dual beam cannon, mounted on backpack, forward facing in mobile armor mode; 4 x MMI-TT101 Mk9 high-speed guided torpedo; 2 x M68 dual cannon, mounted on fins; 2 x MA-X223E triple beam cannon, mounted inside fins Optional hand armaments: MX-RQB516 beam lance Model number: ZGMF-X42S Code name: Destiny Gundam Unit type: prototype assault mobile suit Manufacturer: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty) Operator: ZAFT First deployment: C.E. 74 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 18.08 meters Weight: max gross weight 79.44 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact hyper deuterion nuclear reactor, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; Neutron Jammer Canceler; wings of light Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generator, mounted on wrists; 2 x RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerang, mounted on shoulders, hand-carried in use; MMI-714 "Arondight" anti-ship sword, stored in right wing, hand-carried in use; M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon; stored in left wing, hand-carried in use; 2 x MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannon, mounted on palms; shield, mounted on left arm Optional hand armaments: MA-BAR73/S high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown Model number: ZGMF-X56S Code name: Impulse Gundam Unit type: prototype multi-mode mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty) First deployment: 2 October C.E. 73 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso using YFX-M56 Core Splendor Dimensions: overall height 17.76 meters Weight: max gross weight 63.54 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; deuterion beam energy supply system, allows for remote recharging of energy with battleship Minerva; hardpoints for mounting Silhouette packs Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 2 x M71-AAK "Folding Razor" anti-armor knife, stored in hip armor, hand-carried in use; MMI-RG59V mobile shield, mounted on left arm Optional fixed armaments: see ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam, ZGMF-X56S/β Sword Impulse Gundam, ZGMF-X56S/γ Blast Impulse Gundam; ZGMF-X56S/ε Abyss Impulse; ZGMF-X56S/δ Chaos Impulse; ZGMF-X56S/ζ Gaia Impulse; ZGMF-X56S/θ Destiny Impulse Optional hand armaments: MA-BAR72 high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown Model number: ZGMF-X56S/α Code name: Force Impulse Gundam Unit type: prototype multi-mode mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty) First deployment: 2 October C.E. 73 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso using YFX-M56 Core Splendor Dimensions: overall height 18.41 meters Weight: max gross weight 78.30 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; deuterion beam energy supply system, allows for remote recharging of energy with battleship Minerva; hardpoints for mounting Silhouette packs Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 2 x M71-AAK "Folding Razor" anti-armor knife, stored in hip armor, hand-carried in use; MMI-RG59V mobile shield, mounted on left arm; 2 x MA-M941 "Vajra" beam saber, stored on Force Silhouette pack, hand-carried in use Optional hand armaments: MA-BAR72 high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown Model number: ZGMF-X56S/β Code name: Sword Impulse Gundam Unit type: prototype multi-mode mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty) First deployment: 2 October C.E. 73 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso using YFX-M56 Core Splendor Dimensions: overall height 19.37 meters Weight: max gross weight 78.93 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; deuterion beam energy supply system, allows for remote recharging of energy with battleship Minerva; hardpoints for mounting Silhouette packs Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 2 x M71-AAK "Folding Razor" anti-armor knife, stored in hip armor, hand-carried in use; MMI-RG59V mobile shield, mounted on left arm; 2 x RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerang, stored on Sword Silhouette pack, hand-carried in use; 2 x MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword, stored on Sword Silhouette pack, can be combined into one sword, hand-carried in use Model number: ZGMF-X56S/γ Code name: Blast Impulse Gundam Unit type: prototype multi-mode mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty) First deployment: October C.E. 73 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso using YFX-M56 Core Splendor Dimensions: overall height 19.21 meters Weight: max gross weight 84.68 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; deuterion beam energy supply system, allows for remote recharging of energy with battleship Minerva; hardpoints for mounting Silhouette packs Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 2 x M71-AAK "Folding Razor" anti-armor knife, stored in hip armor, hand-carried in use; MMI-RG59V mobile shield, mounted on left arm; 2 x M2000F "Kerberos" high-energy long-range beam cannon, mounted on Blast Silhouette pack; 2 x MMI-M16XE2 "Deluge" hyper-velocity rail cannon, mounted on Blast Silhouette pack; 2 x GMF39 quadruple missile launcher (AGM141 "Firefly" guided missiles), mounted on Blast Silhouette pack; 2 x MA-M80 "Defiant" beam javelin, stored in Blast Silhouette pack, hand-carried in use Model number(s): ZGMF-X88S (ZAFT); RGX-03 (Earth Alliance) Code name: Gaia Gundam Unit type: prototype attack use transformable mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator(s): ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty); Earth Alliance; Three Ships Alliance First deployment: 2 October C.E. 73 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 17.80 meters (mobile suit mode) Weight: max gross weight 69.85 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; deuterion beam energy supply system, allows for remote recharging of energy with battleship Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x MA-M941 "Vajra" beam saber, stored on hips, hand-carried in use; MA-BAR71XE high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown, stored on main body in quadruped mode, hand-carried in use; MMI-RS1 mobile shield, mounted on left arm; 2 x MA-81R beam assault cannon, mounted on shoulders; 4 x MMI-GAU1717 12.5mm CIWS, mounted on head of quadruped mode, operable only in quadruped mode; 2 x MR-Q17X "Griffon 2" beam blade, mounted on main body, operable only in quadruped mode Optional hand armaments: none Model number: ZGMF-X666S Code name: Legend Gundam Unit type: prototype attack mobile suit Manufacturer: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty) Operator: ZAFT First deployment: C.E. 74 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 18.86 meters Weight: max gross weight 86.02 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact hyper deuterion nuclear reactor, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; Neutron Jammer Canceler Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generator, mounted on wrists; 2 x MA-M80S "Defiant Kai" beam javelin, stored in legs, hand-carried in use Optional hand armaments: MA-BAR78F high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown Remote weapons: DRAGOON (Disconnected Rapid Armament Group Overlook Operation Network): 2 x (beam spike equipment type): GDU-X7 assault beam machine gun, mounted on backpack; 8 x (general type): GDU-X5 assault beam machine gun, mounted on backpack and waist Model number: GAT-333 Code name: Raider Full Spec Unit type: limited production transformable attack use mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Alliance Operator(s): Earth Alliance; United States of South America First deployment: C.E. 71 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: unknown Weight: unknown Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Trans-Phase (TP) armor; sub-wing, held in flight by claws; 2 x propellant tank, mounted on sub-wing hardpoint Fixed armaments: 2 x M2M3 76mm machine gun, mounted on shoulders, operable only in flight mode; 2 x M20 20mm machine gun, mounted on claws; 2 x GAU-8M2 52mm machine gun, mounted on wing hardpoint; 2 x AIM-957F "King Cobra" missile, mounted on shoulders Optional hand armaments: none Model number: GAT-707E Code name: Forbidden Vortex Unit type: amphibious mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Alliance Operator: Earth Alliance First deployment: unknown Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 17.5 meters Weight: max gross weight 85.2 metric tons Armor materials: reinforced titanium (around cockpit) Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: IR sensors, range unknown; sonar, range unknown; Lorenzini sensors, range unknown; ultra-low-light cameras; Trans-Phase (TP) armor; "Geschmeidig Panzer" energy deflection armor; tail extension (mounts ultra-long-wave antenna; towed sonar array; anchor) Fixed armaments: phonon maser cannon, mounted on backpack, operable only in close combat mode; 2 x supercavitating torpedo canister pod, mounted on main body; 4 x close combat spike, mounted on shields; 2 x "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x "Armfeuer" 115mm machine gun, mounted on forearms Optional hand armaments: trident Model number: GAT-X131 Code name: Calamity Gundam Unit type: prototype artillery mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Alliance (Atlantic Federation) Operator: Earth Alliance (Atlantic Federation) First deployment: 15 June C.E. 71 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 18.26 meters Weight: max gross weight 81.48 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Trans-Phase (TP) armor Fixed armaments: 2 x "Schlag" 125mm high-energy long-range beam cannon, mounted on backpack over shoulders; "Scylla" 580mm multi-phase energy cannon, mounted on chest, "Kaefer Zwei" 115mm dual ram cannon, mounted on shield connected to left arm Optional hand armaments: "Todesblock" 337mm plasma-sabot bazooka Model number: GFAS-X1 Code name: Destroy Gundam Unit type: heavy assault mobile suit Manufacturer: Adukav Mechano-Industries Operator: Earth Alliance First deployment: C.E. 74 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 38.07 meters (mobile suit mode); overall height 56.30 meters (mobile suit mode) Weight: max gross weight 404.93 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown Fixed armaments: 2 x "Aufprall Dreizehn" high-energy beam cannon, mounted on backpack, operable only in attack mode; 200mm "Zorn Mk2" energy cannon, mounted in head; "Nefertem 503" thermal plasma composite cannon (mounts 20 x circumference beam cannon), mounted across backpack; 4 x "Igelstellung" 75mm automatic CIWS, mounted in head; 3 x 1580mm multi-phase energy cannon "Super Scylla", mounted in torso; 2 x "Sturm Faust" detachable arm; 4 x Mark 62 6-tube multipurpose missile launcher, mounted on main body; "Schneidschutz" SX1021 positron reflector shield; 2 x MJ-1703 5-barrel hand beam cannon Optional hand armaments: none Model number: MBF-02+AQM/E-X01 Code name: Aile Strike Rouge Unit type: prototype all-purpose multi-mode mobile suit Manufacturer: Morgenroete, Inc Operator: Orb Union/Three Ships Alliance First deployment: 26 September C.E. 71 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 17.72 meters Weight: max gross weight 85.1 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Phase Shift (PS) armor; hardpoints for mounting Striker packs Fixed armaments: 2 x "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x 'Armor Schneider' combat knives, stored in hip armor, hand-carried in use; 2 x beam saber, stored on Aile pack, hand-carried in use; shield, mounted on left arm Optional hand armaments: 57 mm high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown Model number: ORB-01 Code name: Akatsuki Unit type: prototype attack use mobile suit Manufacturer: Morgenroete, Inc. Operator(s): Orb Union; Three Ships Alliance First deployment: C.E. 74 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 18.74 meters (standard version) Weight: empty 69.6 metric tons (standard version); 87.82 metric tons ("Owashi" sky pack); 90.00 metric tons ("Shiranui" space pack) Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; "Yata-no-Kagami" anti-beam defensive reflection system (armor coating) Fixed armaments: Type 73J2 prototype twin beam saber, stored on main body, hand-carried in use; 2 x MSM5D 12.5mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; Model 71 defense shield, mounted on left arm Optional fixed armaments: "Owashi" sky pack, mounts 2 x Type 73F modified high-energy beam cannon; "Shiranui" space pack, 7 x guided mobile beam turret system: M531R remote control unit (beam cannon; 2 x beam gun; beam shield emitter) Optional hand armaments: Type 72D5 "Hyakurai" beam rifle, power rating unknown Model number: ZGMF-X10A Code name: Freedom Gundam Unit type: prototype assault mobile suit Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau Operator(s): ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty); Three Ships Alliance First deployment: 5 May C.E. 71 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 18.03 meters Weight: max gross weight 71.5 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact nuclear fission reactor, power output rated at 8826 kW Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Phase Shift (PS) armor; Neutron Jammer Canceler Fixed armaments: 2 x MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam saber, stored on hips, hand-carried in use; 2 x MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted on head; 2 x M100 "Balaena" plasma beam cannon, stored in wings, mounted over shoulders in use in HiMAT mode; 2 x MMI-M15 "Xiphias" rail cannon, folded underneath hips, spread out in use in HiMAT (High Mobility Aerial Tactics) mode, shield, mounted on left arm Optional fixed armaments (docked with METEOR): 2 x 120cm high-energy beam cannon, 2 x 93.7cm high-energy beam cannon, 2 x MA-X200 beam sword , 77 x 60cm "Erinaceus" anti-ship missile launchers (22 per pod, 12 per arm unit, 9 on tail fin) Optional hand armaments: MA-M20 "Lupus" beam rifle, power rating unknown Model number: ZGMF-X19A Code name: ∞ Justice Gundam Unit type: prototype assault mobile suit Manufacturer: Three Ships Alliance (based on a design by ZAFT) Operator(s): Three Ships Alliance; Orb Union First deployment: C.E. 74 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 18.9 meters Weight: max gross weight 79.67 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact hyper deuterion nuclear reactor, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; Neutron Jammer Canceler; Fatum-01 backpack/subflight lifter, can be separated from main body and remote-controlled for attack or use as subflight system Fixed armaments: 2 x MA-M02G "Super Lacerta" beam saber, stored on hips, hand-carried in use; 2 x MMI-M19L 14mm dual machine gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x MMI-GAU26 17.5mm chest-mounted CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 2 x MR-Q15A "Griffon" beam blade, mounted in knees; MX2002 beam carry shield, mounted on left arm, includes EEQ8 Grapple Stinger, RQM55 "Shining Edge" beam boomerang; Fatum-01 backpack/subflight lifter: 2 x MA-6J "Hyper Fortis" beam cannon; 2 x MA-M02S "Preface Lacerta" retracted beam cannon-mounted short beam saber; 2 x MR-Q17X "Griffon 2" beam blade, mounted on wings; MA-M02G "Super Lacerta" lifter tip beam saber Optional fixed armaments (docked with METEOR): 2 x 120cm high-energy beam cannon, 2 x 93.7cm high-energy beam cannon, 2 x MA-X200 beam sword , 77 x 60cm "Erinaceus" anti-ship missile launchers (22 per pod, 12 per arm unit, 9 on tail fin) Optional hand armaments: MA-M1911 high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown Model number: ZGMF-X20A Code name: Strike Freedom Gundam Unit type: prototype assault mobile suit Manufacturer: Three Ships Alliance (based on a design by ZAFT) Operator(s): Three Ships Alliance; Orb Union First deployment: C.E. 74 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 18.88 meters Weight: max gross weight 80.09 metric tons Armor materials: unknown Powerplant: ultracompact hyper deuterion nuclear reactor, power output rating unknown Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; Neutron Jammer Canceler Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU27D 31mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; MGX-2235 "Callidus" multi-phase beam cannon, mounted in torso; 2 x MA-M02G "Super Lacerta" beam saber, stored on hips, hand-carried in use; 2 x MMI-M15E "Xiphias 3" rail cannon, folded underneath hips, spread out in use; 2 x MX2200 beam shield generator, mounted on forearms; 2 x MA-M21KF high-energy beam rifle, stored on hips, hand-carried in use, can be combined Optional fixed armaments (docked with METEOR): 2 x 120cm high-energy beam cannon, 2 x 93.7cm high-energy beam cannon, 2 x MA-X200 beam sword , 77 x 60cm "Erinaceus" anti-ship missile launchers (22 per pod, 12 per arm unit, 9 on tail fin) Optional hand armaments: none Remote weapons: EQFU-3X Super DRAGOON (Disconnected Rapid Armament Group Overlook Operation Network) mobile weapon wings (mounts 8 x MA-80V beam assault cannon knightmare |
12345trent8Nov 4, 2012 7:59 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 2, 2012 9:50 PM
Apporved Name: Trent Darkfoot Zoid partner:Shadow Personality: Shadow is shown to be feral and dangerous; attacking anyone he sees as a threat. Shadow is also seen physically destroying Zoids personally (for instance, by flying through them and ripping out their cores). However, Shadow is fiercely loyal to Trent, and appears to accept Trent's often short comments quite calmly. Shadow is not shown to care about anyone other than Trent. Abilities: Like most other Organoids, Shadow has the ability of flight, and the ability to fuse with Zoid cores. Shadow is seen to be able to stay fused with Zoids longer than other Organoids, as mentioned by Reese during a test with the Geno Breaker. One interesting thing about Shadow is that instead of boosters (as other Organoids have), he relies on a pair of wings to fly (though he is rarely seen flapping them, and usually makes use of them to glide through the air instead). fused Abilities Image: ![]() Relationship: Trent: At first, Trent only sees Shadow as a weapon of destruction, and doesn't care for the Organoid at all. However, Shadow is shown to be loyal to Trent, and will (and has) risked his life to protect Trent. Later on, Trentfinally treats the Organoid as a friend. Shadow Bio: Shadow was mainly saves Trent from danger and shadow usully follows trentaround and they destroy miltary bases by them selfs and Shadow can laugh and talk its a fusion zoid that fuse with other zoids mostly with the Snipe Master zoid. Shadow Image: ![]() Zoids: Snipe Master ![]() Team: white knights Gender: Male Summary: Trent was born on Wind Colony village, he found a zoid name shadow in a capsule. After he found shadow he saw a Snipe Master out of comittion for a requler mechanial to fix it but shadow fuse with it and trent was abliy to piolet Snipe Master very well. Wants he got back to base and some of the engery was trasfor to the Snipe Master zoid it was back on its feet and ready to be poilet by trent only. he was doing combast simlates and training at the base intell he was 18 years old then he got promoted to be in team#5 in third in command because of his exccelnt poilliting skillys of the Snipe Master and he has shadow that follows him around. Looks: ![]() |
12345trent8Nov 12, 2012 1:29 PM
Nov 3, 2012 4:45 PM
Apporved name kiba kururugi mech the lancelot all three aromuers ![]() ![]() team white knights gender male bio kiba kururugi son of kallen kozuki /kuruarugi and suzaku kuraurugi . when kallen was sad over lelouch death zero pulled his helment off and showed it was suzaku she dated and then marryied suzaku and had kiba thay retired and passed the rains on to him as a pilot Apperance: ![]() |
12345trent8Nov 12, 2012 1:29 PM
Nov 12, 2012 11:55 AM
Apporved Name: Aki Midorikawa Mech: OZ-00MS2B Tallgeese III ![]() Tallgeese III Above is the link to the Tallgeese III info from Gundam Wiki. Team: The White Knights, Team # 5, Second-in-Command Gender: Female Summary: Aki was born on Earth and has seen the aftermath that war can bring many, many times. She couldn’t stand watching the battles so she talked to her father when she was five to teach her to be a Gundam Pilot and he agreed. Her father had the OZ-00MS2B Tallgeese III rebuilt exactly like the original was. He taught her how to master everything that was in the Tallgeese III. By the age of sixteen Aki is an ace pilot and pilot the Tallgeese III just as well as someone who went through military training. Aki’s father believes that she was meant to pilot a Mobile Suit and that’s why she can pilot the Tallgeese III the way she can. Now twenty years old, Aki has fully mastered the Tallgeese III and is the only pilot that can even handle it. Looks: Aki has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her outfits all look the same, but their always a different color every day. ![]() |
12345trent8Nov 12, 2012 1:29 PM
Mar 12, 2013 10:51 AM
-Approved- Name: Yevgeny Volgin. Mech: Metal Gear REX. (Pretend there's also a cannon on the other side.) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Team: Death Monger(Leader.) Gender: Male. Age: 22. Summary: He was born on Earth in Moscow Russia to parents who both worked on and created Mechs. As a young child his parents took him for rides in them. Then latter on they let him pilot one himself. He was extremely fascinated in piloting them them and the battles and wars he seen with them. Latter on in his life he enrolled in a military school for them. He's the top of his class. The top students there get picked to be on an team for the arena battles. Since his parents are the leading people on the mechs the military uses. His team was giving prototype mechs to battle with. (It doesn't have to be the one I'm using. It can be any mech of your choose.) Looks: ![]() |
BerzerkCommandoMar 15, 2013 6:15 AM
Mar 12, 2013 10:05 PM
Approved Name- Kahmu Echovald Mech-Model number: ZGMF-X19A Code name: ∞ Justice Gundam ![]() Team-Death Monger Gender-Male Summary- Sent to a rough military school on Earth in which he was taught person to person combat before proceeding to learn to be a pilot, and transferring to another military school, in which he excelled because of his previous school. he managed to join a team that he thought would be suitable to him looks - ![]() |
12345trent8Mar 13, 2013 9:29 AM
Mar 13, 2013 11:56 AM
approved Name: Lehm Straus Zoid partner: Ambient Personality: Ambient is shown to be cunning, manipulative, and will do anything to make sure his goals are completed. He has also shown that he is violent, and appears to enjoy, or at least not mind, killing or harming others. However, he is fiercely loyal and obedient towards Lehm and will follow just about any order given. Abilities: Like all Organoids, Ambient has the ability to fly, fuse with Zoid Cores, and boost the power of Zoids. Ambient can also heal a Zoid and bring them back to life. Ambient also "mutates" the Zoids he fuses with, often adorning them with spikes and making them turn red. Appearance: ![]() ![]() Zoid: Houndsoldier ![]() Team: Death Monger Gender: Male Bio: Lehm didn't grow up in an environment that would exactly be considered "safe" for children. Abandoned by his parents as a child and forced to do whatever he had to do to survive in the slums of a corrupt city, he quickly learned how to fend for himself. This path lead to him becoming a bandit at the ripe young age of 14 which lead him to pilot his first Zoid. As the years passed, he abandoned his life of a bandit and became a mercenary instead because the pay was much better and the work was often less dangerous. On one of those missions as a mercenary, he ran into Ambient, who had single-handedly taken down the rest of his squad. The Organoid attacked Lehm and he somehow managed to restrain the creature with his bare hands. Afterwards, probably because he respected Lehm's strength, Ambient followed him wherever he went. Upon joining the ranks of Death Monger, he refused the experimental prototype mech that he was offered so, they instead heavily modified his old Zoid, Houndsoldier. Almost everything on his battle-scarred Zoid was overhauled but he insisted that they leave the scars saying that they added character. Appearance: ![]() |
12345trent8Mar 13, 2013 8:11 PM
Mar 17, 2013 7:27 PM
Approved Name- Miku Zoid partner- Roto personality- Roto is like a very bad dog on a too long leash. Like Miku he loves trouble. He is also very protective of her and if he sees anyone as a threat he will eliminate them immediately. He follows her commands and only hers, if anyone else tries to order him around they may end up dead. abilities- He cannot fly but he can move much faster than most zoids, can fuse with zoid cores, boost the power of zoids, Miku added a deadly poison to his teeth and claws so one scratch and you die if you dont get the antidote from Miku. Konig wolf: Crew 1 Weight 90.5 tons Depth 21.24 m Height 8.64 m Maximum Speed 290 km/h Weapons Electron Bite Fangs, Electron Strike Claws (4), Double Barrelled Multi-discharger (2) Equipment Headgear (Night Vision Camera, Precision Targeting Dual Scopes), Cooling Fan overview: The König Wolf is a Wolf-type Zoid created by the Helic Republic for use during the various wars on Zi. Despite its appearance, it is not a derivative of the Command Wolf design. Instead, it was based directly on a wild Zoid type, in much the same way as the Liger Zero. (Incidentally, this is a different species of wild Zoid to that used as the basis of the Command Wolf) The König Wolf, as a wild Zoid type, is fast, agile, and responsive. The Zoid's agility is almost on par with that of the Liger Zero. It is equipped with an impressive array of powerful melee weapons, but the basic design completely lacks ranged weapons, a severe deficiency. The Zoid does possess one unusual feature; it is equipped with a set of advanced optics, located in a set of goggles that can be folded down over the Zoid's cockpit. Zoid- Konig Wolf appearance- ![]() Team- Death Monger Gender- Female appearance- ![]() Summary- Miku has never known her parents and has no idea if they abandoned her or if they died. This led her to have to fend for herself in a merciless world. She found her zoid in a disassembled trash heap and managed to get it back in pristine condition all by herself (she has a knack for mechanics as well as killing). Despite her appearance Miku is a bit of a sadist and loves a good fight. She is always looking for trouble and she never fails to find it. Miku has no idea how old she is but assumes that she is about 17 or 18. |
lucy18Mar 18, 2013 7:44 PM
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