I personally like the manga better. Even though I find it to be very fast paced it keeps things new and interesting. I still love the anime but the many many battles with random monsters got old very fast for me.
I really don't know how to answer this. The story of the manga is much more coherent and dramatic. However, the characters in the anime are much better developed by way of all the Monster of the Day episodes.
I like all the art from the manga, and I enjoyed it in general, but it was too fast for me. I like the anime better in that aspect, because it's slower, and I can see more of each character, and get to know them better.
The manga, but barely. The anime was my childhood, and I still love it today, but the manga I found to be much more compelling and dramatic, and I prefer the manga art style.
I personally like the classic 92' anime version of Sailor Moon (but only in Japanese) due to the series having a lot of childhood nostalgia attached to it. If I were to watch through it in the original Canadian English-Dub, I would prefer the manga over the anime. I will admit that the manga had a better and fulfilling story, and that the original art by Naoko Takeuchi cannot be rivaled by the artists behind the anime, even Crystal is not as good as the original manga art. But the classic 92' anime is by far the best, in my most humble opinion. ;)
The manga is my favourite but the anime also deserves attention because where the manga went wrong the anime did some good things too. I personally like the R season in the anime better than in the manga. But the Stars arc in the book is way better than the anime. Of course I loving watching the classic anime of 92' too.