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Dec 20, 2010 9:05 AM

Mar 2009
Just so I have it neatly where I can look it up here without sorting through post after post. Please state what you can do to help here and I'll keep track of it with this thread for the time being as well.

And of course, I will need several people to work on the same things together so no one has too much to do of course. So if someone else has stated that they will do something don't worry about it, once I have enough admins I'll sort threw it all so we don't have too many people working on each thing.

Also if you have long periods of time (Such as weeks or a month or 2) then that's no problem- we'll work around it. That's why I want more than one person on each thing if at all possible.
Please havie patients with eachother.

windeen-windyApr 19, 2011 9:15 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Mar 31, 2011 11:33 AM

Jul 2010
Alright, I have a couple guides i can post on here in different threads.

Example Tsubasa:

Timeline TRC
Season 1
Season 2
Tokyo Revalations OVA
Manga Switch - Chapter 136 - 166
Anime Switch - Tsubasa Shunraiki OVA
Manga Switch - Chapter 181 to End

I also have guides on how to watch bleach, naruto and one piece. they have been really helpful. i posted the bleach one in the bleach page on here

I like making these lists to help people out in transitioning from anime to manga
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Apr 19, 2011 9:17 AM

Mar 2009
zansabarshadow said:
Alright, I have a couple guides i can post on here in different threads.

Example Tsubasa:

Timeline TRC
Season 1
Season 2
Tokyo Revalations OVA
Manga Switch - Chapter 136 - 166
Anime Switch - Tsubasa Shunraiki OVA
Manga Switch - Chapter 181 to End

I also have guides on how to watch bleach, naruto and one piece. they have been really helpful. i posted the bleach one in the bleach page on here

I like making these lists to help people out in transitioning from anime to manga

Thanks zansabarshadow ^^

I'll put a copy of your post in the gathering thread --> <-- and then try to start a thread for lists.
I have one I did of Naruto there (Though it may have mistakes) already. Yours might be better. Thank you for wanting to help. I'll probably need a lot of admins here.
windeen-windyApr 19, 2011 9:21 AM
May 29, 2011 6:26 AM

Dec 2010
wonder, how could we make this club active?
May 29, 2011 8:07 AM

Mar 2009
Affiliations with other clubs (I'm working on a banner though I encourage other admins to make some as well so that affiliates have some to chose from), Inviting members (If you see anyone in anime or manga forums asking where to pick up a manga when finishing an anime you can invite them as well: I see that quite often- it's what gave me the idea for the club)
Those are the 2 ways I can think of off the top of my head.
Also when there's 50 or so members I'll make member cards (If I have the time).

BTW Note to the other admins: _kinomotosakura will be making the club layout whenever she has time (Just so everyone knows ^^)
windeen-windyMay 29, 2011 8:39 AM
Apr 4, 2012 8:47 AM

Nov 2007
I have done the list for now by looking through my anime list. Since my manga list is mostly looks like there's no "continuous" story for completed and I don't know if it's continuing for on-hold or dropped (if the series ended), so I'm not going to check it anymore for now.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Apr 5, 2012 1:47 AM

Mar 2009
Thats fine
Jun 13, 2012 10:56 PM

Jul 2010
so I guess all the old admin's got booted. <ME included>
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Jun 13, 2012 11:07 PM

Nov 2007
Yes, all of you old admins. were late at responding to windy-san's call.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 13, 2012 11:16 PM

Jul 2010
tsubasalover said:
Yes, all of you old admins. were late at responding to windy-san's call.

never got any message.
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Jun 14, 2012 12:21 AM

Mar 2009
The last time any of my admins (Aside from Tsubasa) responded to me in the club wall was 12-21-10.
The last time any of them (You and another admin) responded to me in this thread was in the 3rd and 5th month of 2011.
There were about 6 admins all together.
I'm not going to each admins profile and begging for help.
As far as I understand an admins job, it's suppose to be a given, that when they see a club they admin in on the first page (Assuming they are active) of their clubs page. Then it's their job to check that club. Especially if it says the name of the poster is the creator of the club.

That being said, I sent one PM to each admin and got no answer (At that time those admins had been active according to their profiles) so I started posting in the club wall (the posts are all still there) asking my admins for a response. It was a roll call. And I did on occasion see one here or there active in forums or clubs.... albeit not extremely active, but a comment here or there.
So I assumed they were going to their clubs pages. And I assumed that they either --
#1: Were ignoring me.
#2: not checking the club at all.

I was doing the roll call because I needed help. I did the roll call for quite a while. From 03-25-12 to 04-03-12 Midnight I waited for a response. Before that around the end of Jan or Feb I had sent the PM out. BEFORE that I sent a pm in Nov of 2011.
I'm not going to leave admins that are not active or helping on the admin list in that position(People will assume I have enough help with the club >_> ), I moved all of you to the "Officer" Slot for a while, and then removed you guys all together.
If your mad I am sorry.
But I kind of expected my admins to respond. Or at least check the club to see what was doing and I made sure that the club stayed active in the wall so it would keep bumping it up.
I'll be happy to allow any admins who I bumped off the list back into their positions, If they want them and if they can promise to at least check when they see the club active.
windeen-windyJun 14, 2012 12:26 AM
Jun 14, 2012 11:42 PM

Mar 2009
I think I waited a fair amount of time, before giving up.
I've had pms go astray before- so I assumed that might have happened. But still.... I had hoped some admins would respond if they saw the roll calls in-Club..
Jun 16, 2012 4:16 PM

Jul 2010
Look.. Not upset I'm just curious here. I don't mind being taken of as admin. I've been super busy lately with life and stuff.

1. How hard is it to just message the person on the profile, its about as much time as it is to make a forum topic here. I actually have a lot of clubs and I don't have the time or energy to look at all of them every day. I actually have a job and bills to pay. You can't expect everyone just to come on here every moment they can and check the page. You didn't need to come to our profiles BEGGING for help, theres a fine line between begging and nicely asking for help. You could of just messaged us saying "if your still interested in helping with the club i'd really love it if you could help out right now, if not I'll take you off as a admin since you haven't been on for a while." Pure, simple, nice. Instead of a forum topic that we are not gonna or have time to look at. Reaching out to members is a goal of any club and if you can't reach out to your admin's which should be closer than the members then there is a problem. Forum topics are for members, personal messages are for admins.

2. We're not all Tsubasa. We don't have that much time.

3. Looking at my PM's I haven't gotten any from you. :(

4. I'm not mad or upset or anything, i'm just curious. So I'm not really offended about being taken of from the admin because well...I had no time to check this club or any other ones I am in for that matter. Because of my new job :D So I don't hate you or anything. I just would of liked a heads up PM. So I could of said to take me out of the Admin's. I receive email updates for PM/Profile Comments not for Forum posts. :)

5. Sorry if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes on that lol Never have been good at that
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Jun 16, 2012 6:58 PM

Mar 2009
zansabarshadow said:

1. How hard is it to just message the person on the profile, its about as much time as it is to make a forum topic here. I actually have a lot of clubs and I don't have the time or energy to look at all of them every day. I actually have a job and bills to pay. You can't expect everyone just to come on here every moment they can and check the page. You didn't need to come to our profiles BEGGING for help, theres a fine line between begging and nicely asking for help. You could of just messaged us saying "if your still interested in helping with the club i'd really love it if you could help out right now, if not I'll take you off as a admin since you haven't been on for a while." Pure, simple, nice. Instead of a forum topic that we are not gonna or have time to look at. Reaching out to members is a goal of any club and if you can't reach out to your admin's which should be closer than the members then there is a problem. Forum topics are for members, personal messages are for admins.

2. We're not all Tsubasa. We don't have that much time.

3. Looking at my PM's I haven't gotten any from you. :(

I already explained that I don't do that. It's not my fault if the 2 pms never reached you guys (Not your fault either MAL has a lot of glitches). That being said. The reason I wasn't about to go to your profiles and ask you was;
#1: because I sent 2 Pms. So I already did that with you guys. Weather you got them or not. I sent them, so I could have been being ignored for all I knew.
#2: I already explained above. I am not going to go to separate profiles and ask/beg for the help at each one. If I did that once, then they (the admins) would expect it. I assumed my admins should be checking the club and I made sure the club was up on the first page of my own club lists (If you know how many clubs I have in my list (and that a quarter of them are currently active) then you’d likely be amazed that I managed it) page for 2-3 weeks at that time, hoping to get the attention.
If I went to your profiles to get your attention it would likely be expected each time I needed help and I won't do that.

As for this comment: “Reaching out to members is a goal of any club and if you can't reach out to your admin's which should be closer than the members then there is a problem. Forum topics are for members, personal messages are for admins.”
As I said a number of times, I did send Pms to you. All of you. Apparently you guys got none of them. Not sure why but I DID send them so don’t pull that crap with me, that is the only thing that was said that really annoyed me.
It implies your calling me a liar about sending them.
even if that's not how you meant it.

Now, about your comment about Tsubasa, I don't think it's unreasonable to check your clubs list (if you've been active on MAL) at least once if you are;
#1 active in any clubs or
#2 an admin in them.
I stated many times, I plan to have a lot of admins that will be working in the club and more than one working on things so that no one feels stressed.
so as far as I'm concerned that comment about having a lot of time doesn't make much sense.
Not to me anyway- bottom line is: I tried to get a hold of my admins.
I could not. So I made sure the club was visible. It's not my job to go and get their attention.... as far as I'm concerned.

It's an admins job to pay attention if they happen to have been on(& around that time I’d seen some posts from a few (1 or 2) on forums).
Anyway- I don’t think I was unreasonable to expect my admins to check the clubs page and see the club there. As far as I’m concerned it’s part of their job.
As for the grammar and spelling. I don’t care. There are people on the net from all offer the world and not all are fluent with it.
I only generally object if they use “Text acronyms” to type out a whole message. That just looks lazy.

Also I’m Dyslexic so I’m relying a lot on my spell checker at times…. And currently have nerve pain in my left hand so my typing isn’t at it’s best >_>
Anyway- thanks for not being upset. I thought you were at first and was kinda expecting a protest.
But I won’t apologize for expecting my admins to check the club if they happen to be on MAL for any length of time.
Or not going to your profiles.
It’s not that I didn’t have time. It’s that if I had gone to the profiles of each one to get their attention I likely would be expected to do that every time.
And I need my admins to be paying attention without the mass messaging system.
Jun 16, 2012 7:35 PM

Mar 2009
I do admit however that I should have assumed that no one got the PMs either the ones in November- nor the ones in Feb) and gone profile to profile.
But I didn't. I didn't actually think it was possible for 6 PMs to go astray at the same time, but I sent them the same day (A few hours a part) and suppose a hiccup in the system on that day might have caused them all to go astray. Recently I had to resend a PM to a friend who did not get it.
I thought that, once I made sure the club was active for those 2 weeks and in the first page of my clubs section, that I was being ignored, and I got annoyed.
I usually give someone 4-7 weeks a chance to reply to a PM...... since I know people have enough things to do.
Jun 16, 2012 10:09 PM

Mar 2009
Now that I look at my notes from that time, I hadn’t intended to remove you or _kinomotosakura (Now known as -FourDauntless-). Not until I could talk to you both, because you’d both contributed to the club. (The other admins added relations but if I remember correctly they didn’t or wouldn’t or couldn’t offer to do anything else)- You brought the how to watch Bleach and Naruto series without fillers to the club which we badly needed and she made the club profile.
I had intended to keep the two of you as “officers” until I could get a hold of you (Which required the mental energy of focusing and writing a message- and I’ve been sick so I’ve been too tired to focus enough for a detailed message to either of you guys and I’m usually wordy as you can see ^^; ) both.

I moved all admins to Officer to give everyone a chance, then a few weeks (I think) ago, I removed all officers. I guess I forgot to check my notes and remind myself that I wanted to talk to you.
It’s not much of an excuse but usually when I’m on the computer I’m arguing with my dad or talking to my mom as well. So I forgot I even had a note about it on my laptop...... not to mention I haven’t gone on it in a while...... bottom line, I’m sorry. I did not mean to remove you (Either of you). until I talked to you and found out if you guys were willing to help.

The other 2-3 admins were mostly noncommittal when I asked if they could or could not do something. So I felt like I could only suggest what they should do and they never did it.
They never even came to this thread, like I asked. I use to use PMs for my admins in my clubs all of the time, however after the problems in the end of 09-start of 2010 I started having a lot of my PM’s go astray.
So I had to make admin forums in-club and talk to my admins there. Because I’d also have profile postings go astray.

Anyway, would you be willing to allow me to add you as an office ror admin again Zanzabar? Or have I annoyed you too much with my forgetting that I didn’t want to remove you in the first place?
Jun 17, 2012 1:26 PM

Jul 2010
windeen-windy said:
Now that I look at my notes from that time, I hadn’t intended to remove you or _kinomotosakura (Now known as -FourDauntless-). Not until I could talk to you both, because you’d both contributed to the club. (The other admins added relations but if I remember correctly they didn’t or wouldn’t or couldn’t offer to do anything else)- You brought the how to watch Bleach and Naruto series without fillers to the club which we badly needed and she made the club profile.
I had intended to keep the two of you as “officers” until I could get a hold of you (Which required the mental energy of focusing and writing a message- and I’ve been sick so I’ve been too tired to focus enough for a detailed message to either of you guys and I’m usually wordy as you can see ^^; ) both.

I moved all admins to Officer to give everyone a chance, then a few weeks (I think) ago, I removed all officers. I guess I forgot to check my notes and remind myself that I wanted to talk to you.
It’s not much of an excuse but usually when I’m on the computer I’m arguing with my dad or talking to my mom as well. So I forgot I even had a note about it on my laptop...... not to mention I haven’t gone on it in a while...... bottom line, I’m sorry. I did not mean to remove you (Either of you). until I talked to you and found out if you guys were willing to help.

The other 2-3 admins were mostly noncommittal when I asked if they could or could not do something. So I felt like I could only suggest what they should do and they never did it.
They never even came to this thread, like I asked. I use to use PMs for my admins in my clubs all of the time, however after the problems in the end of 09-start of 2010 I started having a lot of my PM’s go astray.
So I had to make admin forums in-club and talk to my admins there. Because I’d also have profile postings go astray.

Anyway, would you be willing to allow me to add you as an office ror admin again Zanzabar? Or have I annoyed you too much with my forgetting that I didn’t want to remove you in the first place?

Never implied calling you a liar, never meant it that way lol just was pointing out that i never got any PM. It was probably during that time MAL was hacked and stuff. So maybe thats why it didnt come.

Nah, its alright. Again I've been too busy and if i became a admin it would just be hard to get to this page again lol because i rarely have time. Aside from Saturday/Sunday. If you need my Lists feel free to post them here. I'm in the process of making a couple more lists (maybe) if i can find time. Im not annoyed at all, thanks for answering all my questions honestly :) i really respect that.
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Jun 17, 2012 3:37 PM

Mar 2009
zansabarshadow said:
Never implied calling you a liar, never meant it that way lol just was pointing out that i never got any PM. It was probably during that time MAL was hacked and stuff. So maybe thats why it didnt come.

Nah, its alright. Again I've been too busy and if i became a admin it would just be hard to get to this page again lol because i rarely have time. Aside from Saturday/Sunday. If you need my Lists feel free to post them here. I'm in the process of making a couple more lists (maybe) if i can find time. Im not annoyed at all, thanks for answering all my questions honestly :) i really respect that.

^_^; I tend to be too blunt and honest at times, most people hate me for that, glad you didn't take that the wrong way.
Well, my PM system has been seriously messed up since 2010. So I don't know if the hacker had any thing to do with it, or not. But it would explain a lot.
I didn't really have too much trouble from it, some screwed up code here and/or there and that- I'm still trying to fix >_>
That's a real pain.

As for the lists, I'll be happy to use them. Thank you (I'll of course give you credit).... your planning to make more?
I checked, I don't seem to see "Saiyuki" on your list anywhere. If you happen to ever watch that and read it's manga and make one for that series I could really use that.
I put a request for someone who might be able to do it in the forum for the first anime of that series/franchise.... but no response as of yet.
Anyway, I thought I should mention that I need that ^^; if you ever got to watching it, and making a list or knew anyone who had.
If I have the time first -(Already watched and re-watched most of it's seasons; just haven't gotten to the manga and wont for some time)- I'll see if I can make it of course... if I get there.

Anyway- I'll post your lists like I did with the one below in the spoiler:
windeen-windyJun 17, 2012 3:45 PM
Jun 17, 2012 7:29 PM

Jul 2010
windeen-windy said:
zansabarshadow said:
Never implied calling you a liar, never meant it that way lol just was pointing out that i never got any PM. It was probably during that time MAL was hacked and stuff. So maybe thats why it didnt come.

Nah, its alright. Again I've been too busy and if i became a admin it would just be hard to get to this page again lol because i rarely have time. Aside from Saturday/Sunday. If you need my Lists feel free to post them here. I'm in the process of making a couple more lists (maybe) if i can find time. Im not annoyed at all, thanks for answering all my questions honestly :) i really respect that.

^_^; I tend to be too blunt and honest at times, most people hate me for that, glad you didn't take that the wrong way.
Well, my PM system has been seriously messed up since 2010. So I don't know if the hacker had any thing to do with it, or not. But it would explain a lot.
I didn't really have too much trouble from it, some screwed up code here and/or there and that- I'm still trying to fix >_>
That's a real pain.

As for the lists, I'll be happy to use them. Thank you (I'll of course give you credit).... your planning to make more?
I checked, I don't seem to see "Saiyuki" on your list anywhere. If you happen to ever watch that and read it's manga and make one for that series I could really use that.
I put a request for someone who might be able to do it in the forum for the first anime of that series/franchise.... but no response as of yet.
Anyway, I thought I should mention that I need that ^^; if you ever got to watching it, and making a list or knew anyone who had.
If I have the time first -(Already watched and re-watched most of it's seasons; just haven't gotten to the manga and wont for some time)- I'll see if I can make it of course... if I get there.

Anyway- I'll post your lists like I did with the one below in the spoiler:

Katekyo Hitman Reborn Without Filler Guide, added the manga connection. I'll update my bleach one to include the manga connection.

Saiyuki huh? I know some of the people in the anime club own it. I'll put it on my to watch list

Working on The World God Only Knows Guide right now :) No filler in it but will make the manga connection.


here's the TWGOK guide, I'm not to sure if I should post this in TWGOK forum

The World God Only Knows Guide

Season 1
Season 2
Manga Switch – Chapter 42-
ariamachiJun 17, 2012 7:37 PM
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Jun 18, 2012 8:59 AM

Mar 2009
Thank you Zanzabar~

@Tsubasa: Do you know why this happens?
When I click on a spoiler in the relations master list in the thread, the contents of each spoiler revealed in a post -(This seems to reset with a new post)- seems to get smaller..... it's really annoying me.
It's also happening in my blog with my favorites list there but I can't find anything wrong with my coding.
Do you know what's happening?
Jun 18, 2012 10:11 AM

Nov 2007
Yeah, I noticed that, too, for a long time. I thought you wanted it to be like that, so I don't know.

Let me try here (re-post a part of one entry) and see if same thing happens because the sizes are the same for each section.

Yeah, it's the same thing I got.

Oh, I got it. [*size=84] needs to be inside [*spoiler], not outside, because you want the contents that are inside spoiler to be that size, correct?
tsubasaloverJun 18, 2012 10:31 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 18, 2012 9:39 PM

Mar 2009
Ok, thanks Tsubasa. It's been driving me crazy for some time.
I just couldn't figure what was happening..... it only started after that hacker hit MAL so I thought it might have had something to do with that.
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