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Dec 23, 2017 4:08 AM

Oct 2014
ironace is the leader of the Black faction
lunaticsrus is the leader of the Red faction

Rider of Black: Blackbeard (1 Noble Phantasm)


Lancer of Red: Sun Wukong (2 Noble Phantasms)

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Dec 23, 2017 9:32 AM

Aug 2010
ahh the final battle is upon us - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Dec 23, 2017 9:49 AM

Dec 2013
yep, the road was long and harsh but it was fun nonetheless.
Depending on how the match goes, blackbeard may be the most OP servant of mine or he will be the weakest of them all.....
I have edited his backstory to make it more interesting. But no, i will not write a long arse backstory....hopefully....
Dec 24, 2017 10:04 PM

Aug 2010
sun wukong is for sure my most OP dude.

Im going to get to this when i can - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Dec 30, 2017 3:47 PM

Aug 2010
locations: Mount Huaguo

Sun Wukong was the monkey king. He was born from a magic stone that eventually took the form of a stone monkey. Sun Wukong was born incredibly powerful and would only get more powerful as he defeated various demons and dragons and equipped himself with their gear. Sun Wukong is inately brash and arogant, this earned him the ire of the heavens who eventually asked the Buddha to seal him way. The Buddha sealed The monkey king away for 500 years. The monkey king would eventually be freed in order to escort a priest on a mission to the west. The mission succeeds but Wukong is fatally wounded during a final battle. Wukong Regrets not being able to rise to the heavens and take his place among the gods.

Good Luck- E
Magical Power- B
Agility- A
Endurance- A
Strength- S


Shapeshifting - able to change his form to anything of his choosing

Animal senses - the monkey king was born with extraordinary reflexes and instincts

Magic Resist - the hair on the monkey king is incredibly resistant to all forms of magic

Unparalled might - Even the gods feared the strength of the monkey king
ComboSmoothJan 5, 2018 5:31 PM - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Dec 30, 2017 11:51 PM

Dec 2013
A young child was born while a ship was traveling across the Atlantic ocean. Before he could be named, however, the shp was attacked by pirates. The father was murdered and the mother,who had just given birth, died due to shock. The orphaned child was going to be killed as his crying was annoying the people around him but then something strange happened. The pirates' ship was suddenly shaken and soon destroyed.However, the infant child still survived all this.

This strange disturbance in the world was noticed by the atlantians who rushed to the scene. They soon found the sole survivor of the wreak. Pitying the child, a soldier of Atlantis decided to adopt him.He was named Drummond.

As Drummond grew,he learned that he was different from his peers.Not only was his appearance not similar to those around him, but others all seemed to look down upon him,as if he wasn't a part of them. He felt greatly saddened. When he told his father of his feelings, his father only replied, ''people fear that which is strange, you only need to turn that fear into respect'' These words shock Drummond's heart. At that time, his young mind didn't think to ask why they ''feared'' him but instead he chose to work hard and earn the respect of all those around him.

Over the next course of years, Drummond grew into a strong and intelligent young boy. His fathers words had led him to become a mature person at a early age. In awe of his son's growth, Drummond's father finally took the courage to reveal the truth, believing that he could handle it. Upon learning of the realitly, Drummond was overcome with a variety of emotions, but the first thing he did was hug his father.He thanked him, who grew him when he had nothing to gain from it. But he needed time to sort somethings out. He decided it was time to venture out to the outside world.He wanted to experience what was it that made atlantians so hateful of the world outside.He had grown up believing he was atlantian and had naturally been taught to hate the world outside. But upon learning that he himself was an outsider, drummond couldnt help but want to know more aout the outside world.

Atlantis was far too advanced in not only science and technology but also in the field of magic. It had advanced to such an extent that many of their inventions used a mix of both sorcery and science. They were truely the pinnacle of human civilization: advanced, united, strong and intelligent.Their entire city was not made on land but rather other magical metals.It was submerged underneath the ocean untill it was time to refuel the air consumed.To transport the city up and down large amounts of mana was needed at once to move it. This problem was solved when the gods gifted the atlantians, which they named ''life''. A simple name for this a thing as significant was due to the atlantians were brought up to value life above all else. And thus it was given such an important name to signify its importance. ''life'' was a blessing that could be used only every few years. It slowly gathered mana and then it would use that mana to ''create'' significant amounts of even more mana, and the cycle would continue and then it would be used up whenever the city would rise(submerging had no problem with mana).It was said that who ever was the one who used ''life'' would sometimes see a few of the earth's secrets which would either dive them crazy or it would lead them to create new inventions.

As when the city of water rose to refuel and send off drummond, it saw that there were a few ships nearby.The people there were, cautiously approached the island and sought to communicate with them. Finding out about the place being atlantis, the captain of the ship yelled triumphantly, ''I HAVE FOUND IT!THE CITY OF ATLANTIS!!!!" Amused, the soldiers of atlantis allowed the voyagers to enter into their city where they stayed for a few days before returning back to their ships. Drummond went with them to learn more of the outside world.

Atlantis would stay afloat for a year, and if he ever wanted to return, he would have to return within a year. And a year later, Drummond returned to go back, now wise of the world outside and grateful to have been blessed with with staying in atlantis. However he returned to find a depressing atmosphere. It seemed that as peple now knew of atlantis's location many more had come, and few had come with good intentions. Though they had fought for a long while and were winning initially, the tables turned when the pirates landed ashore and managed to get a hand on the atlanian wepons. Soon, they were plundered and slaughtered like animals.With only great difficulty had they managed to drive away their enemies. But the enemies had managed to steal life, and they could only hold the citry afloat for a few more years. And after that the city would sink back, and without life to help them rise again, they would suffocate when all the air had ran out.

Furious, drummond went back to retireve life.The atlantians wished him good luck and bid him farewell with a few speical wepons.He soon got to know of these so called ''pirates'' and found out that they were infact the navy of the british empire. Enraged about their actions, drummond took on the name of edward teach(so as to not tarnish his father's name).Over time, his actions led him to become infamous.Blackbeard plundered countless ships. He even invaded cities. He took lives in hope to save the lives of his people.

Eventually he managed to find life and he immediately returned to atlantis. But the city had already sunk and he couldnt do anything about it. Even if he could go underwater he wouldnt be able to enter the city, which was sealed off.

With nothing left to do, blackbeard lashed out and started killing and plundering mercilessly.He no longer cared about the world. He just wanted to get everything from everyone as he didnt think that the world outside deserved anything. Whatever great treasure he found, he would hide it immeidatly. And so, he became richer than half of the world.His famous words were ''I dont want this world to respect me, i want them to fear and envy me''
Hearing of his exploits and finding out that Blackbeard had ''life'', magic association decided to help the countires in putting a stop to blackbeard's reign, in return they wanted some of his treasures, including life. The final battle was a fierce one. But due to many underhanded things blackbeard lost. But he died standing-but not before managing to destroy life.HE would never give the most precious gift to those pathetic people.

Blackbeard just wants to save his people in time, and to do so, he will use any means necessary.
ironaceDec 30, 2017 11:57 PM
Dec 30, 2017 11:52 PM

Dec 2013
fk thats long lol, ill write the rest of the stuff later
I intentionally left out the reason for the shaking and destruction of drummond's birth-ship~~~
Jan 1, 2018 3:55 AM

Dec 2013
Atlantic ocean
Beaufort, North Carolina

Magical power-B
Good luck-C

-Bond with a Kraken.

This krakken is extreammly powerful, capable of strong regeneration and has decent resistance to magic. The creature only uses physical attacks without any mana. He can only be summoned partially on land(only his tentacles and it requires mana) but they are still a force to be reckoned with.If the location is a seaport or the ocean, he can be fully summoned and is even more powerful.And now, not only will its attack be more powerful and destructive, he can also use water around him and shoot it, like water guns-but waaaayyyyy more powerful.
-Fear emboidment
Blackbeard has an imposing aura around him. It slowly drives fear into the opponent. After about half an hour, if he is still fighting, the opponent will become slowly become scared. This fear willl make the opponent slow to react. The slow reaction time will definity start to increase after an hour.
-Master Tactian
BB has been known to use whatever means necessary to obtain victory. He is very tricky to fight against.
-Handgun and short sword
These two weapons are if the opponent gets too close to BB.The handgun fires strong bursts of energy(but reload is long-5s). The shortsword is a magical sword fires out wind slashes with little mana consumtion.
Both of these are mage of science and magic combined.But only the sword uses mana.
Jan 1, 2018 4:13 AM

Dec 2013
this match is sure to be interesting.
Jan 2, 2018 10:32 AM

Oct 2014
Potential Locations:
1=Mount Huaguo
3=Atlantic ocean
4=Beaufort, North Carolina

Location chosen: 4=Beaufort, North Carolina


Blackbeard's noble phantasms:

1.Queen Anne's Revenge

Originally named "Savior" by atlantians but Blackbeard changed the name after the city's fall, this was the final invention of his city.
It has a special quality of constantly absorbing mana of the surroundings, so mana reliant abilities of the surroundings become useless after a while, the mana gathered is used in various ways:

-The wearer instantly gets a speed boost to S class. The constant mana absobing rise the rest of his stats slowly. If the fight prolongs enough, all of his stats rise by one each and also its defense reaches extraordinary levels and rises to S rank as well.

-Secondly, the mana gathering ruins the abilities of the surround mana focused abilities, If the fight is prolonged enough it can even destroy reality marbles.

-If the opponent's skin touches the skin, mana will be stolen from the opponent as well.

-The mana gathered can also be used to constantly summon the tentacles/kraken aid it in healing.(most used ability)

Sun Wukong's noble phantasms:

1.Clone technique
The monkey king is able to to make multiple clones of himself. The clones have a short life-span and dissipate into a cloud after a minute or 2. The amount of clones The monkey king can create at a time is based on how much magic he has left.

The monkey king's mystical staff. The monkey king can control the staff's size (length and circumference) and weight at will. The staff is never heavy for the monkey king and is unbreakable. Clones of of monkey king also receive a clone Nyoibō

Time for Stage 6!
AdatiusJan 2, 2018 10:37 AM
Jan 3, 2018 2:20 AM

Dec 2013
lmao, there have been too many coincidences in this game :D
like i went for something big, so did u. I was trying to make it anti magic for the opponent, turns out he has resistance to magic as well.
Also i see the god of highschool weapon there, this will be fun.
Jan 3, 2018 2:37 AM

Oct 2014
Btw, I like the twist on Blackbeard and the involvement of the mages association.
Jan 5, 2018 5:35 PM

Aug 2010
Sun Wukong is my heavy hitter. A being so powerful even the gods feared him. He is an expert martial artist and fights with a super powerful lance. With the ability to make his staff infinitely long, large and/or heavy, it will be child's play landing a devastating attack onto black beard. Not to mention he could have clones also attacking with a similarly powered staff. Using his ability to shapeshift and transform, he can even turn his body into something incredibly durable like diamond or dragon scale. Adding to his physical defense as well as offence. - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Jan 8, 2018 3:34 AM

Dec 2013
rider is quite fast. I am sure he can dodge the attacks of his opponent and just focus on stalling out the fight. After all, in the end, son wont be able to create clones due to the area being mana-less.And since the area is beneficial to rider, im sure he would want to fight in the ocean side of the location. Not only would son have to focus on geting to ground and trying to only smash rider with his staff, but he would also be swayed greatly whenever he tries to attack due to the water guns of the kraken. The longer the fight is drawn out, the better it is for rider
Jan 9, 2018 7:35 AM

Aug 2010
with Wukong's fur being highly resistant, i doubt BB would be able to steal Wukong's mana effectively. Wukong will likely be able to get quite a few clones off. Also dodging the staff won't be easy. The staff can be infinitely huge. Wukong can crush half the globe in a swing if he truly desired. (For reference think like the main character in God of Highschool). Wukong doesn't need to go into the water when hes fighting with such incredible range. Wukong can shapeshift to be an infinitely dense and hard metal, he won't have to worry about the krakens water guns. If wukong catches one of the kraken's tentacles, he will surely rip it from its socket.
ComboSmoothJan 11, 2018 8:52 AM - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Jan 11, 2018 12:29 AM

Dec 2013
bro, with the constant mana absorbing, even if a tentacle is ripped off, he can regenrate easily. The water guns...the pressure can send someone flying off(and metal can be cut by highly pressurized water-you do know that right?)He can destroy the whole earth, but why would he do that? not like he would survive if he destroys the planet as well....And he can fight from an incredible range. But on the ocean far away, bb just needs to run around and charge his stats and aim for a vital moment to take out wokong-his wepons would surely help him do that.You also forget the fear power of bb. In the end, fear would come in son and his reactions would decrease.
Jan 11, 2018 8:53 AM

Aug 2010
@shayon whenever you are ready sire - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Jan 12, 2018 5:03 AM

Oct 2014
Results probably tomorrow or the day after, busy with some exams right now
Jan 16, 2018 5:39 AM

Oct 2014
Location: [3 points]

[+2 Blackbeard]
[+1 Sun Wukong]

Skills: [5 points]

Shapeshifting - A very powerful ability for Sun Wukong, can be used for hiding, turning himself into a smaller target to dodge bullets and sword slashes, or potentially making himself bigger when necessary to deal with the Blackbeard's Kraken. [+1 Sun Wukong]

Bond with a Kraken - Because of the location being very close to the ocean, the Kraken can be fully summoned, it's attack will be more powerful and destructive than normal, Sun Wukong will have to watch out for the water guns as he engages the Kraken, try to not to get hit if possible by using his [Animal senses]. [+1 Blackbeard]

Animal senses - Sun Wukong's strong reflexes and instincts will help him greatly in dealing with the Kraken and Blackbeard's continuous attacks, he will be able to think of the right action at the right moment most of the time, this skill can work as a counter to [Master Tactician] and the other way around. however, his low luck stat [Good luck - E] could hinder him and the Kraken's water guns could do some serious damage if he is not careful. [+1 Sun Wukong]

Magic Resist- Sun Wukong's high magic resistance will be useful in countering Blackbeard's [Fear embodiment] and [Handgun and short sword], Fear embodiment will take an hour longer to make Sun Wukong scared, The handgun's bursts of energy and the shortsword's wind slashes will deal less damage. [+1 Sun Wukong]

Master Tactician - Blackbeard is known for being tricky, he will use as many dirty tricks and traps as possible in order to obtain victory, this skill can work as a counter to [Animal senses] and the other way around. [+1 Blackbeard]


Noble Phantasms: [5 points]

Queen Anne's Revenge - Due to Sun Wukong's [Magic Resist] skill, the amount of mana stolen from him will decrease greatly even if he touches the skin. However, it can still absorb natrual mana from the surroudings in order to power it's abilities:

-The wearer gets a speed boost to S class, with S rank agility, Blackbeard is now even faster than Sun Wukong, the rest of Blackbeard's stats will rise up slowly if the fight prolongs enough.

-The mana absorbing ruins the abilities of the surrounding mana focused abilities, again, due to Sun Wukong's [Magic Resist] skill, the amount of mana stolen from him will decrease greatly even if he touches the skin, it's alot less effective against Sun Wukong's staff and clones than it would have been normally, he can create more clones because he isn't getting his mana stolen that much, and his [Shapeshifting] and [Animal senses] abilities won't be affected much either.

-The mana gathered can be used to summon the Kraken and aid it in healing, this can become a huge problem for Sun Wukong because the Kraken would constantly regenerate until the surrounding mana is run dry, and if he allows the battle to drag on then Blackbeard's [Fear embodiment] will start affecting him and Queen Anne's Revenge would boost all of Blackbeard's stats, he will need to either destroy Queen Anne's Revenge first or crush the Kraken in a one powerful blow that it can't regenerate from. [+2 Blackbeard]

Clone Technique - Sun Wukong can create clones of himself, these clones have a short life-span will dissipate after a minute or two, clones of Sun Wukong also receive a clone Nyoibō, with these he can deal huge damage to Queen Anne's Revenge and keep the Kraken busy at the same time. his [Magical Power -B] and [Magic Resist] will allow him to create more clones for a long time before he runs out of magical energy. [+1 Sun Wukong]

Nyoibō - The Mystical staff's size, length, and weight can be controlled by The Monkey King and his clones, it's never heavy for The Monkey King himself even though he can increase it's weight, blows from staff can deal heavy amounts of damage to Queen Anne's Revenge and the Kraken, and reaching them in the ocean won't be difficult because it can be infinitely long. [+2 Sun Wukong]


Blackbeard: 6/13
Sun Wukong: 7/13

Winner: Sun Wukong
Jan 16, 2018 5:42 AM

Oct 2014
Jan 16, 2018 5:58 AM

Dec 2013
@shayon ur thoughts about the entire tournament?
Jan 16, 2018 6:32 AM

Oct 2014
Having our own grail war was interesting and took way longer to finish than I was expecting lol

Favorite servants are Tipu Sultan, William Wallace, and Zorro.

Favorite Rounds were 3,5,7 due to the servants present in them and how closely tied they felt.

Favorite noble phantasm has to be Tipu Sultan's Cannonfall, it's pretty much UBW expect with cannons instead of swords, lol. Other NPs I liked were Queen Anne's Revenge, Serpent Spear, Outsmarting, and Dragon Form.
Jan 16, 2018 7:21 AM

Dec 2013
Shayon said:
Having our own grail war was interesting and took way longer to finish than I was expecting lol

Favorite servants are Tipu Sultan, William Wallace, and Zorro.

Favorite Rounds were 3,5,7 due to the servants present in them and how closely tied they felt.

Favorite noble phantasm has to be Tipu Sultan's Cannonfall, it's pretty much UBW expect with cannons instead of swords, lol. Other NPs I liked were Queen Anne's Revenge, Serpent Spear, Outsmarting, and Dragon Form.

I liked that we did it slowly...kinda like a 24 ep season lol. this club is meant to be chill an we should do stuff at our own pace.

I loved round 3 as well. It was the most evenly matched fight.
Also, why do you like zorro lol. I was wondering what to do with my saber as the role is expected to be the strongest but i said screw it. My saber here will just be an extremely lucky guy
Jan 16, 2018 10:30 AM

Oct 2014

I just like the Zorro character in general, there used to be this cartoon about him that I used to watch as a kid, don't remember it's name tho.

But yeah, for a Saber he wasn't very reliant on his sword/rapiers, lol. Kinda reminds me of St. George being a Rider in FGO and yet his sword is the noble phantasm, you never see him mount anything during battles xD
Jan 16, 2018 12:26 PM

Aug 2010
good ol william wallace. I built him pretty much to be a tank. Mostly because he was a heavy tank in Age of Empires 2 haha - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
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