ThanaanDaPagan said: Hi there,
According to the popular way to call this OVA "episode 26", I highly recommend not to watch it as the 26th episode.
Why ?
It has its place in the middle of the first season.
What's following is not a spoiler but you may not like it, I'll state this episode place in -(un)related to main-story events- with characters you may not know now.
So read slowly, if you feels like it may spoils you, leave this place !
You should watch it a little after Yin met the pink-hair girl (Kiko) who works with the detective (Gai Kurusawa).
Why ? Because in the OVA Yei and Kiko are "really" close and this is exactly the kind of thing which would match at this moment of the anime. Especially when Yin makes her big decision (you'll understand it when you'll reach this ep.)
Finally some characters who can't be in a "26th episode" are in the OVA.
I won't say that Darker Thank Black first season is spectacular, but if you're the kind of ppl who gets depressed REALLY REALLY REALLY easily after a "dramatical end" (or if you would note this season as 9+/10) and you need a "healing episode" then, watch it as the 26th.
Season 1 is far from getting you hurt I think (We are at lights years from Clannad After Story's end) and its end has nothing really chocking. I even enjoyed the end of the season more than the previous events.
Clannad compared to DTB is utter crap. Anyone can make up some silly fantasy drama by filling the story with plotholes and macguffins. It's a nice show, well paced and some funny moments. Very appealing to a certain lousy section of the fandom but thats that. DTB is perfectly balanced, well directed and written. Art is pretty original, especially by depicting a more realist asian culture with all the chinese, indian,... mixing with the japanese tropes so overly exploited in anime. |