Nov 13, 2014 6:18 AM
Chapter 1 - The Heart Break "You really think that matters? Do you think I care? You aren't anything to me; you’re just some random kid in class that I allow myself to talk to. Leave, you loner loser. Go back to your whore friend." Those were the last words I heard from Sarah as I was boldly and embarrassingly rejected in front of everyone at the Summertime Dance. Actually that's not true, these were the last serious words anyone will say to me besides my aunt, uncle, and Ashley, my childhood friend. "Good, Good. I wasn't really expecting a yes but I didn't expect to be shut down so plentifully in front of everyone. Have you ever taken into account how you make others feel?" I just kept going, "I would have never thought a beautiful and normally nice girl would have such mean words in your vocabulary. Of course the real you is a human that is nothing but a bitch with an inferiority complex, so I guess that is that. I could have easily of chosen anyone else but I chose you, I think you should feel happier to have that opportunity, Sarah. You really live up to the name, bitch it seems." I walked away as I made my way to my car, the tears started rolling. Out of frustration at her and mine. Why did I say that? What kind of person will I become because of the rumors? Eh, not like it matters right now, I just had my heart broken. It is so fresh. Not only pain resides, am I liking this pain? I didn’t want to think about it, so I quickly got into my car and started driving. The tears are almost slowing down, that’s what I thought. I was almost hysterical at this point, my eyes started to burn while driving. Wait, is it still raining outside? It never seems to stop her, it’s ridiculous. "How could words so cruel come from a girl so pretty? I never felt like she was like that, maybe around her friends she turns into a horrible person? They all deserve what comes to them, I hope it happens soon. Damn, the tears wont fucking stop," I reached up to wipe my eyes, "Oh shit." Because of that, I didn’t see the guardrail in front of me, and I veered off the side of the Alchian Cliffs, this had to be how this night ends. I threw my arms up to protect my head as I braced for impact. Everything went in slow motion as I saw a bright red light in front of me. "Huh?" The light quickly changed to white and I started to hear words that sounded foreign but not completely. I opened my eyes to see the crying faces of Aunt Betty, Uncle Ron, and Ashley. "H... hey, where am I? Why are you crying?" I turned my head towards each of them; surprisingly Ashley was crying the hardest. She cared that much, I knew she cared about my health but this much. It mended my heart a bit but that didn't really affect it much. "I’m.... so happy... that you are fine." She walked up and gave me a quick hug. Ashley was a pretty girl about average height, around sixty-six centimeters. She always had a smile on her face, her voice was not too deep but not too high pitched, I found it comforting. She had silver hair with red tie up ribbon that she kept from a Christmas present I gave her two years ago. She even looked cute when crying; normally that quality is hard to find in women. I winced in pain a bit as she slowly let up her grip. "I’m still a little sore but thank you, Ashley. I know that you’re going to apologize next, I know you too well. You don't have to, it may have hurt a bit but that made me feel a little better." She smiled widely at me as I smiled back. Uncle Ron looked at me all serious, "How did this happen, son? You are normally more careful than this. Did something happen at the dance?" I just stared straight, it was way too soon. I rolled over away from them to hide my tears. "I feel tired now, you don't have to stay for me, and I will be alright." I heard footsteps come closer; one of the people put their hand on my back, while the other one just gave a small sigh. But I only heard two pairs of footsteps; I didn't turn to see who it was. I just sat there, the tears stopped. I shouldn't be taking it as hard as I feel that I am, but I still feel terrible. I would say I sat in silence for a good two hours before I heard something, a voice, a calm voice. "Jonah, are you awake? You don't need to answer; I’ll just assume that you are." It was Ashley or Ash as I normally call her. "I.... don't know what happened at the dance but if you drove off the road on purpose then I don't know how I would think of you. But my thought of you won’t change, if that makes enough sense. I rushed here from work to see you here; I needed to make sure you were fine. I’ll probably be scolded by my boss but you are more important." I turned around to see the girl that I have known since I was five, break down in tears. She saw me looking and quickly excused herself to go to the bathroom. I’m betting that she thought I didn't see or that she knows that she is going to cry worse. Like I said before, I have never thought she cared about me more than my family does more than half the time. She has always been an emotional person though; actually I met her through that. I still remember that day. It was the middle of summer vacation when I was walking down the street to the nearby park when I saw some kids picking on her. Typical scene, right? It felt like it but I won this fight not without any injuries of course. "Are you okay? They shouldn't bother you anymore," I gave a big smile, a hearty chuckle, and a tug on the beanie I was wearing. I helped her to her feet, she was still tearing up. I acted like the gentleman I was taught to be and wiped her tears with the rag I carried with me. I was a young gentleman I guess, now I have no clue what that word means anymore. But she was so happy that I had gone the extra mile, and that in turn made me happy. "What’s... your name?" Young Ashley said in her yellow dress and pigtails. "Jonah. Jonah Anthony, nice to meet you." I saw her face was elated right after I said it. "Is my name funny or something?" "No. No. No. You must be my neighbor then, building C address two o' seven?" She asked walking a little closer." "Yes, you must be Ashley Sonbaum, right? Haha, I thought you kind of looked familiar." After that, she sort of followed me everywhere like she was a part of my gang or something. We ended up growing up basically inseparable. Now, I feel she made me who I am and that made me happy. |
BluwulooJan 21, 2015 10:47 AM
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Nov 20, 2014 11:00 AM
Chapter 2 – A New Day This fine morning was fresh and ripe up until the alarm clock playing “Hotel California” started to blast in my ears. Is it even worth it to get up from the hospital bed? Wait, I didn’t even set an alarm, that’s weird. I sat up using my right forearm as a lever. And… there we go. The brightness of the tiles on the floor and the sound from the local channel news channel rang quietly in the barren room. Peaceful. I heard a click from across the room. I saw Ash walk through the door with two cups of coffee and a scattered bunch of assorted breakfast items. She stood at the door way in a daze. “Oh… you’re awake and sitting up, good.” She gave a cute smile while tilting her head a bit and giving a little chuckle. “Why are you sitting up, little mister? You were just in a car crash and should be lying down.” “I… didn’t feel right lying down and the dang alarm clock scared me.” I didn’t know if I should be serious or joking right now, I have never seen her so, I would say, motherly. I was almost intimidated. “That’s not good Jonah, you need to rest. You’re so lucky to have only broken a few bones in your arm, it could’ve been so much worse.” She walked over and sat on the right side of the bed, grabbed the front of my head, and pushed it back down on the pillow softly. She then took my arm and placed it under the blanket along with the rest of my body. She started to pet the top of my head as if I was a child, it was surprisingly calming. “Ash… You don’t…” I didn’t get to finish. She wasn’t embarrassed at all; actually she took pride in it. Taking care of me when I am hurt, I must have looked pitiful. “I want to take care of you since you protect me a lot and this is the one thing I know I can do for you. Kind of like a big sister huh?” Her warming smile, her body language, her bubbly personality, and her caring eagerness, that in itself is worth protecting. “Well then… thank you. I’m happy that you like to help me when I can’t do it myself, but it doesn’t sit well still.” She accepted my compliment happily, “Thank you for letting me, and now go to sleep. When you wake up you will be home. You apparently are healthy enough to leave; I don’t really believe two days are enough to get you ready. But hey, I am not the doctor.” I decided not to say anymore and just followed her order; I slept like a baby for the rest of the day. I would like it to stay like this: calm, peaceful, relaxing. But I know what is to come tomorrow and I wasn’t looking forward to it. …………………………………… My internal alarm woke me up to this cold abyss, wait… this isn’t the hospital. I didn’t open my eyes but felt around the new landscape for anything. Blanket, check. Pillow, check. Bland alarm clock, check. I opened my eyes to see the explosion poster placed on my ceiling above the queen size bed that I spend most of my time on. I sat up on the edge of my bed because of the head ache. The pain was killing me and the bright morning sunlight passing through my window made it unbearable. I walked two steps then it hit me. Who lifted me here? Eh, I’ll ask Aunty and Uncle Ron later, not a big problem right now. I made my way to the bathroom to check my injuries; it took a little bit to move my body. Not from the aching of my broken and bruised body but the headache. The bathroom was a deep purple color with a toilet, shower, and sink that had a three foot high mirror on the front wall. I looked in the mirror and noticed that my injuries were not as bad as I thought they were. There was a vertical red scar forming under my left eye, my head was wrapped with now darkened brown bandages, and my left arm was in a flesh colored arm brace. My eyes must have gotten better since the accident because I haven’t had to wear my glasses since then. Well at least one good thing has come out of this. I heard a knocking on the door. Oh yeah, Ash comes by every morning to make sure I am awake and ready to go. I quickly gulped down my pills and ran to the door. I threw the door open quickly as she threw her left arm up and was greeting me yelling “Good Morning, Jonah!” with her eyes closed. I have never seen an expression change so quickly as the second she opened her eyes to me standing there with my shirt off and in sweat pants. “Wh… wh… why are you half naked, o... o…opening the d... d… door?” I now know why all the guys call her super cute. No matter what expression she makes, she looks is really cute doing it, also the way she sounds when nervous. I already knew that but I’ve ever seen this expression, I agree with them I tried to answer nonchalantly to calm her down, “I normally wear this when sleeping so I guess my aunt and uncle must have asked a nurse to put… them… on…” I stopped as I started to get a little lost in the thought of the nurse. I’m hoping she was pretty. I ran upstairs to get dressed in my usual attire, a white t-shirt underneath a red and gray long sleeve flannel shirt that buttons down the middle. I didn’t put on my glasses but I did bring them with me just in case. I replaced the bandages real quick as to keep everything fresh. I put a beanie over my bandages to make it more presentable. “Jonah, we need to go. We’ll be late if you don’t hurry!” It seems she wants to be early, it’s only… Oh shit. It’s six thirty. I need to rush I ran to my room but once I got to the door way, my chest let out a huge thump where my heart is. Which threw me off my balance and I fell to the ground making a thump loud enough for Ash to hear. She ran up the stairs to see if I was okay, I was but I sat there staring at the spot that it came from in shock. What… just happened? I couldn’t even hear her words but I knew what she was saying. “Are you okay, Jonah?” and “Do you need help?” The only thing I could say was, “No… I’m… fine.” I stood up and went to the bathroom to take my other prescriptions that I have been taking since I was seven, anti-anxiety pills. Ash had already gotten my bag and was helping me put it on, repeating “You can make it through this.” Once I came to my sense, I became aware of where we were going again. School. The dreaded nightmare that I didn’t want to face, that was in the back of my mind though. I can still feel the spot that shock came from; my heart was still beating a little faster than normal. I managed to walk with Ash to the door; she took my right arm in hers to help me keep my balance, that’s what I am going to take it as. She has a worried look on her face, she still hasn’t asked about the dance. I still don’t know if I will be able to tell her yet, even though she is basically a part of the family. That is probably why it’s harder to tell her or my aunt and uncle. Ash: “Hey, Jonah.” Me: “Yeah, what’s up?” Ash: “I know Jack will be waiting for us at the gate, he probably knows about it. I won’t ask him about it, I don’t want to know until you tell me.” Me: “Thank you.” Ash: “Also, I didn’t want to worry you but I had this thump like I was hit in the chest this morning before I came over. Did that happen to you a few minutes ago?” “Yeah.” I couldn’t answer with any more than three words; I was too focused on the place that was lying in wait for me. The place where a once nice popular girl tells her friends one bad thing about me and I get ridiculed by the whole school. Ash kept silent the rest of the way. Her grip kept fluctuating between barely holding on to death grip. I know that whatever accusations they say or make today, she would deny it, there isn’t a doubt in my mind. What is if my friend at school will stand by my side or stand in the middle of peer pressure. We finally reached the gate and like Ash had predicted, Jack was standing there waiting for us. Jack was a tall boy with a chinstrap beard that he refuses to shave off but he keeps it well kempt. He normally wears bowling shirts and white pants with black shoes. He also wore a red beanie with a skull on the right side but today he didn’t have it on. “Hey, Boy-o. How are you? Wait what’s wrong, is it because of me? Yes, I know you hate this shirt but dude; I love the way it feels.” Good, Jack is his usual hyper-like weird self. I am hoping that he is just playing dumb or that he doesn’t know, whatever it is, I am happy he is on our side. Me: “No, everything… is good. I am still a little sore and Ash is helping me today. Your shirt looks fine by the way.” Jack: “I meant to call but the shop was closing late every day last week due to a special we had running. Sorry.” “No its fine, let’s go inside.” I stopped at the front door to take a quick breath. I stepped inside to hear little hurtful comments. “There’s the weirdo who confessed to Sarah. What a creep.” “I bet his heart was stomped on, he deserves it. A middle class reject confessing to a first class beauty. Don’t make me laugh.” All of the words hurt like daggers to my soul. Ash was shooting angry glares at anyone who made a comment. But like I said, she cannot threaten anyone and look serious about it unless she’s really angry. Ash, Jack, and I got to class and I walked over to my desk where the school jock, Danny, was sitting. “Oh ho, look who made it, Mr. Crash. I heard you veered off the road after crying like a bitch after you were rejected. I’m sorry you were rejected but you should’ve known your place.” “Get out of my desk, Danny. Also, lean off, if you don’t want trouble then just... Please.” I could feel the blood start to boil inside my veins. “Na, it’s comfortable. Oh and why is miss cutesy doing behind you? Following you around like a bitch in heat, huh? “Stop it…” I said under my breath about to snap. My vision was zoning in on him as I was about to tip. I knew I wasn’t ready but I didn’t expect to fold this quickly. Danny: “What did ya say, huh? Are you gonna run if I don’t?” Me: “Don’t refer to Ash like that. If you do again, I’ll...” Danny: “What the fuck can you do? I’m the leader of the football team; you’re just a middle rung loser that only hangs out with Ms. Smiley Tits and Woodstock over there.” I didn’t say anything else while I looked back at Ash and saw her about to cry. She doesn’t hear many mean things because of her nice personality, no one wants to. “Look, I made your bitch friend cry, so ador…” He didn’t even finish the sentence when I already had my hand gripping his throat and lifting him one foot off of the ground. I felt the thump come back and I felt a rush of energy come to me. I took advantage of it as I used my other hand to grab his jackets collar. I used all of my strength to flip him head first into the desk on the other side of the isle. Only blood pooled from the desk, not splinters, not despair. I came down right after the impact and realized what had happened. Also, against my luck, his friends saw the whole scene and started to chase after me. Good thing that there still is a lot of energy left. I managed to lose them on my way to the front gate. Idiots. But what I was greeted with was worse than the jocks chasing me. “…Sarah?” She was standing at the gate, saw me, and started smiling widely. “Jonah!” She yelled happily while running towards me. She ran up to me happily wrapping one arm around my neck playfully and another was on my chest. She got real close, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and a whisper in my ear. “Tip here hon, I’m not Sarah.” I looked down to see a circle shaped disk buried in my chest and she was laughing. “See you soon, Jonah.” The image before me started to fade and the world around me started to darken. The last thought on my mind was me leaving Ash alone. I let out a lone tear as my last breath left my lips. |
BluwulooNov 20, 2014 11:04 AM
Jan 21, 2015 10:36 AM
Chapter 3 – The Unending Confusion My eyes shot open as the earth that was around me was not its own, it felt almost… foreign. The ground was not plush with morning grass but of cracked exterior and chips of dirt. The stench in the air hit me, or should I say wafting smell even though it is different than the normal, the smell is not horrible. A smell of fear and morning dew mixed in my senses as I shot up to see the barren landscape of blank horizon and an unbearable summer sun. “Hello, Contestant #4, Jonah Anthony. How are you feeling? A little unhappy I presume. Well, I will introduce myself. I am Ping, I rule over this game that you are now in. I enjoy games, as you can see. Do you know where you are?” An almost giddy robotic voice would not stop coming from this mechanical ball floating in front of my face. I just want to get back home. I hope Ash is okay, I hope they haven’t gotten to her yet. “Listen here, Sparky.” “Ping. It’s Ping.” “Whatever, I don’t give a flying fuck what your name is. Where am I? What game are you talking about? You know what, only answer question one. No smartass answers like ‘Well, You’re in a desert Jonah,’ cause I am very stressed right now and the smallest thing might cause you to become a soccer ball” I mimicked his robot voice quite good I believe. “Oh, poor little Jonah. You are inside your mind right now, so dry and blank. You must be rotten on the inside.” “PING!!!” I swatted at him, very weak but a true attempt at grabbing the little shit. “Okay… Okay… calm, I may be a robot but I do have emotions. You are still on earth but not in the original time you were from. You are on Eurasia, Pangaea, Earth, Year 6530. Best ground for a fight to the death, huh? Unknown landscape, all the people you love have been dead for thousands of years, and thrown into an inescapable situation. Do you want to know the game now?” New time? Everyone I love dead? The fuck is this ball of wires telling me? “What are you saying? I… I can’t… Not Aunt Betty, Uncle Ron, Ashley… You’re screwing with me… Tell me you are…” “That would be lying, Jonah. Robots aren’t able to lie yet, we can be sarcastic, morally intensive, but not liars. You were chosen to participate in my game by society. I still don’t know how they decide who gets to participate; I only make the game for them to play.” I sat on the ground and my right leg extended outwards gouged into the flaky dirt, my face pressed into my arms that were resting on my knees. I started to laugh at myself almost sounding hysterical. “Hehe, I’m guessing, I was sent here by whatever was wearing Sarah’s face? We’re in a time where time travel is possible and I was killed to be sent here? This isn’t Science fiction! This is saying that everything I was raised up to be was used to lead me to my death. I will not accept any of that, I can’t!” I won’t let him brain-wash me, I won’t. “This is the truth, face it Jonah. I will tell you the name of the game and then a piece of good news, is that okay?” “Just… get through with it…” I cant believe this, “All… dead… you scrap metal….” I grumbled my way through his first words. “….team free for all, to the death.” “Wait… what did you just say?” “You will be a participant in a two-man team, free-for-all death match. The team or single person who wins will be given the ability to make a wish, any wish that their little human heart desires. No limits, space-time does not matter. Does that sweeten the deal a little bit?” “Anything?” “Anything you want.” “My family, Aunty, Ronny, Ash, even Jack?” “Yes… after you win. That is…” He then whispers, “If you can.” “What was that?” “Nothing, nothing. Okay… Next order of business, the good news. You humans like good news first, right? I will tell you the official rules of the battle then some good news before the bad stuff, good for you?” My mind was racing in about the same speed as a jackhammer and my mind was in five places at once. One. Why is this happening? Two. How is this happening? Three. Can I really trust Sparky or whatever his name is? Four. Can I really bring back my loved ones? Fifth. This one most likely will be answered in a second, why did they set up this game and who? Sparky or “Ping” started to talk. “As a guardian of this game, I have to watch over all participants and make sure no rules are to be broken. Now a little history lesson for you, listen close because I will have to tell this to everyone and that is about fifteen more times. You are currently in the 6500’s; the Earth’s continents have reconvened into the one continent. This continent is called Pangaea and was present at the beginning of time with the dinosaurs and the like. The Elders or Revolutionaries lead the humans and other beings that are currently on the earth. We now take the past versions of certain targets and bring them here so they can prove that they are innocent of a past crime of theirs.” Past crime? What crime? “I know what you’re thinking: Past crime? What crime? By the look on your face, I would say that I am correct. I can’t read minds but I am very adept at reading facial expressions and guessing from that. You are a murderer back, actually right before you were stabbed. A mister Danny Islen, remember him? You would have been easy on him but that desk snapped his neck in about four places and he did not get back up, you UFC fighter you.” “Me… a murderer? No… You’re lying. Oh yeah, you can’t lie. But I won’t believe you, I can’t. I didn’t even throw him that hard; yes I’m stronger than I look but… I…” “Okay, I will let you process that. Continuing on.” He said it like a song. “You, my friend, are a Follower, meaning that you are basically weak in this world without your Master. They can hold their ground without a Follower but not for long. Whereas you cannot use your power without them and you die if your master does.” “Now for the rules and extra information. The official rules of this game are as follows: One. There must be at least one winner. Two. Only a maximum of two people may win. No matter what team they were initially a part of, but… the team must consist of a Master and a Follower. Three. The team that wins gets one wish each, not one per team. That would be cruel, don’t you think? Four. Your teammate is someone that is the closest to you, be it a parent, lover, crush, best friend, or your neighborhood nice guy. If your heart can picture them, then you are partnered with them. The Master has a stronger bond and love with the person in life and therefore that person will become a Follower like you. You have someone that loves you very much. Wish I could feel love, sadly I am not allowed. I can act like I care but I truly do not. Good for you, my friend. Five, the last and most important. Have fun and don’t break the rules. It isn’t a game if the rules are not being followed, ‘Follower’ Jonah Anthony.” “How will I find this…Master? Is it hard?” I still haven’t gotten over the mind bender he threw at me but at least I can think again. “Oh yeah, here you go? Almost forgot.” He threw something at me, almost out of thin air. “With that I bid you ado. I will be watching you. In the shadows…awkwardly.” He flew off as if what he said wasn’t creepy and distorted. What exactly did he give me? A… backpack? I hope something good is in here. Suddenly, the sky grew near perfect dark… Shit, I need to hide somewhere for the night. Oh, look a cave. I guess when you want a relatively suspicious place to hide, it appears. Just like in the movies. Well actually, it is more of a small indent in a sand dune than a cave, puts me at ease a little bit better. I put the backpack under my head and tried my best to huddle against the rocks for some warmth in this stereotypical desert night. Ash… I hope you got out of there safely. |
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