Anime and Manga Club

Welcome to Anime and Manga Club! We offer our members the best of their time, having a clean and 24/7 moderated Chat free of unlawful people, along with plenty of games and entertainment, such as all the way from meeting our cute little voice actor aka Mascot till playing some sweat dropping gambling games with hard earned virtual cash : ➤ Bots: The bots that AMC services use a friendly and supportive, both being they play a great supporting role to guide the Users and help the mods while offering some friendly but fun services, such as gaming, music, nsfw, chat, and more... And we even have one unique bot that no one else has, the so called Violet bot! This bot offers all you need and we would be giving it away for free through this link: Here at AMC we do events randomly but main events are weekly, these events are here to provide our members a more engagement and heart raising times, such as watching Series and Movies related to the topic together, or having some art competition or even a singing competition, we always come up with a new idea every time and all get some bit of reward for trying their best, but for those who win would get a reward worth their time. ➤ Entertainment: We have all those bots entertainment that you could think of, but even other unique entertainment such as fun events to entertain all and even a more special thing such as a mascot that would strike a fierce arrow into your heart as she has a voice of cute anime characters but could even be sexy if required. Roleplay: Ever wanted to be part of an anime? Now you can! With our Roleplaying features, you could pretty much write you own story along with others, we have famous writers on the server that would gladly spectate upon your roleplay and use it for their content while giving you credit. ➤ Organised: Here at AMC, we dislike when things are too unorganized, so we do not allow free roaming color roles such as Blue, Red, Yellow and such. But instead we have other unique colorful roles that allows you to have more tags and decorations that would put you out uniquely and tell more about you. ➤ Staff: We have multiple Service, with that we have an open space of 50 Staff Positions, so we are always finding new staff to introduce to the server, the more the better! But as for now, the staff we have are friendly and loving, they care so much as they watched the server grown, revive, and thrive. ➤ Media: At our community, even without an event happening, you may still post stuff and yet they are still rewarding, having everyone admiring you for your talents and them showing their own for you to so too, and staff also check there regularly and would even reward some for their good time and sharing. We have plenty, plenty more stuff that I would not be able to mention, but you may find out by jumping into the deeper unknown and join the team of explorers that is in the unknown abyss already! By joining this Discord Server:

Club Members

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Club Comments
Maimark5 | Sep 6, 2016 9:32 AM
Lol, even I am on the hunt for an Anime.
I watched so many that I can't find an Anime I don't know.
There are some that I dont watch, but its because its either really something I should not even take a peek in or its just dead boring.

Maimark5 | Sep 3, 2016 6:32 AM
All Admins must be well experienced with Anime.
He/She must try best not to drop on any anime.
He/She must have seen more than 2k Episode.
He/She will be tested for their Anime knowledge with a time limit so they can't cheat.
Reason being: So that people can rely on you for good anime and someone who understands what a fellow member is talking about when they are talking about a certain anime.

Maimark5 | Aug 31, 2016 11:24 AM
I welcome you all new members!
Please fill in the Questions for New Members -Club Discussions-
that will help a lot!

Any Problems?!
NP, Simply just PM me! I will solve it right away!

Maimark5 | Aug 30, 2016 10:07 AM
Updates will be added "Every-Single Day when I have time!"
You may find updates even between days or any MINS of the day.
It is random, I try to keep updates as often as possible.
And don't forget to PM me about things you want me to look into or add, I will 100% be sure to take a look at it.

Maimark5 | Aug 28, 2016 7:39 AM
Comment down anything you would like.
But please keep it as friendly and PG as possible.
NO SEXUAL Things are allowed!
Thanks for sticking to the rules!
And also try to keep it Anime Related.

Maimark5 | Aug 25, 2016 11:31 AM
Once when we have members taking part, we will be choosing officers so we can make this group better.
Officers will be chose by their REP and Relations on the group and owner.

Maimark5 | Aug 25, 2016 10:52 AM
Be sure to check out our pics and Discussions!

Maimark5 | Aug 19, 2016 12:32 PM
Greetings all Anime Fans!
I warmly welcome you to our Anime Community!
We are still growing but we'll reach our mark of members soon enough!
I hope you have a wonderful time here!

Group will be continued to be construct by an Admin later tomorrow!

Have a great day!

Club Stats
Members: 7
Pictures: 0
Category: Anime
Created: Aug 19, 2016

Club Staff
Maimark5 (President)
prokkirin (Secretary)

Club Type
This is a public club.
Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not.

Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.

Anime Relations

It’s time to ditch the text file.
Keep track of your anime easily by creating your own list.
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