Information [size=200]Summary of Storyline [/size]
During the years of the 2000's. A nuclear warhead had landed onto American soil causing the United States to retaliate. Ending in a G.N.W. (Global Nuclear Warfare). After a few years the land of the Earth had been cleaned off. To re-enable living. This was proceeded by mechanical AI's cleaning up the radiation during the time. Now a militia called the Fallen Nation has been generated to help those in need and creates them into new found soldiers.
[size=300][color=red]RULES: [/size][/color]
[*]Bold the text that shows that you're leaving a certain area. Example: LT. Tom Left the base to go do work in his office.
[*]You may not Time Skip an area that disallows that action. Look at the very first to post to see if it's allowed our not.
[*]Thread creation is only allowed to admins and above. PM either for a custom thread approval.
[*]Comment within the comment box not within the RP threads. You can signify a specific person or group by placing @Person to direct it to them.
[*] You may only have 2 characters. No exception.
[*] You can have some grammatical errors, but a vast amount can lead to post deletion.
[*] Suggestive Language is allowed at a minimum. Overuse can lead to post deletion.
[*] General Harassment to another member can lead to Character/Club ejection.
[*] During RP, your character is always capable of receiving injury/death by Club Creator. If you receive one of these items you must abide by this decision. This can happen even without consent.
[*] Everyone is allowed to kill you off. IF you have owner consent.
[*] Admins can kill you without your consent, but require Club Creator approval.
[size=300][color=blue]Gameplay Items: [/size][/color]
[*](Sudden Attacks)- This is when a section is being attacked, but the area is under Fallen Nation control.
[*](Invasion)- When Fallen Nation is currently attacking for control.
[*]!Action/Character Name/# of posts!- Creators and admins can use this to turn events on other players; An example being !Gun Jam/SSGT. Gerry/3 Post! Now this players gun is jammed for the next 3 posts. Although it doesn't have to be posts by the person receiving the action. Comments do not count.
[*]<Character Name/Wound or Death>- This signifies a player's death or wound in the RP.
[*]Hunger/Thirst- Your player starts off at 100, but can decrease every day at a rate of 10 hunger and thirst/per day. This can be regenerated fully at the cafeteria.
[*]You're placed in a squadron automatically.
[*]Ranking up can depend on the battle amounts you go through and your stats.
[*]Radio- Signifies that there is communication coming from Sub-Characters (Characters randomly generated). This can also be used towards other players for communication between 2 different areas or if it's in a general distance that others are not in proximity. These posts can only be sent through the radio tower at all times. Radio calls inside regular threads will be deleted. [/spoiler]
[size=300][color=green]Soldier's Status: [/size][/color]
(Displays everyone's hunger/thirst, squads, and more.)
[spoiler]Check your soldier. [/spoiler]Club Members Club Pictures No pictures have been uploaded
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 42
Pictures: 0
Category: Other
Created: Jun 25, 2015
Club Staff
Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |