Information <strong><em><span style="color:purple">PLOT AND STATE OF THE WORLD-</strong></em><!--color--></span>
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<strong>Beyond the lands of <em>Fantasia</em> and <em>Atlantis</em>, betwixt the <em>Forgotten Realms</em> and <em>Middle Earth</em>, and yet not so far as being out of reach between of <em>Heaven and Hell</em>... lies the world of the Freelanders.
Tis not as isolated island or a group of them, nor is it a as small as a state or county. For the Freelands stretch for scores of miles/kilometers in every direction. It is touched by a myriad of oceans and seas, mountains and forests, plains and valleys, deserts and wastelands.
It is a world rich with resources and land, and with no overbearing or overruling King and Tyrant. True there have been attempts in the past by such great men and women... but they all fall in the cycle of War, Peace, and Revolution. The current state of the Freelands could be described as being at "Peace" with each City and Village having only direct control within its own walls, with the surrounding lands belonging to no one.
But unfortunately, such "Peace" may be drawing to a close as the Holy Order has risen to an overbearing power. The Holy Order is the religious sect of the Freelanders. Men and Women who have devoted themselves to the Angels of Heaven and their Virtues, their sole existence to is to defy and extinguish all magicks and mages they consider "Dark" or "Black" practices. Which led to the birth of the Dark Coven, a semi-united faction that tries to protect themselves or violent defies the Holy Order in retaliation. As of late the other magical factions, Tower Magi and Workshop Keepers, have been under the Holy Order's scrutiny. With the Tower Magicians more frequently experimenting with "Darkness" and combining it with the already acceptable and tolerated "Elements". While the Workshop Keepers have been making business deals and transactions more and more often with the Dark Coven. Soon... it is possible that the Holy Order may finally start a true Crusade against all magic outside of it.
Originally the Militant Corps would be the go to force to speak to in order to quell this "Crusade", but unfortunately... much of the driving force behind the Corps has fallen into disgrace and weakness. The former purpose of the Militant Corps, was founded to serve as the Revolutionary Army that overthrew the last Tyrant... a final stand against the darkness. A symbol of what it means for fighting in what one believes no matter the cost, and its later purpose was to serve as a means of cooperation and communication between all the Cities and Villages throughout the Freelands. But as of late, such valor and justice has been fading by the day as the Corps takes on more and more selfish corruption and weakness. Today, one could find just as much "valor and justice" in a camp of Renegades or within the dirty hands of the Cartel, as would one find in the Militant Corps.
To make matters worse, there are whispers of another threat... in the far north beyond the treacherous mountain passes and the frozen tundras there is stirring of what is believed to be a Demihuman King. The local Demihuman population "claims" they know nothing about it. But flag-bearing scouts have been captured or witnessed by all Races and Factions. We know they are coming, but as the Freelands stand now... we won't be able to do anything to stop this Horde of Beasts.</strong>
<em><strong><span style="color:red">CLUB THEME-</em></strong><!--color--></span>
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<strong><em><span style="color:blue">MESSAGE FROM THE CREATOR... Gibz0matic</strong></em><!--color--></span>
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<strong>Greetings and welcome to the Freelands; the prodigal child that has been born from several years of creating and participating in dozens of RPs.
The two saddest things I've ever ever witnessed in RPs are watching players struggle to create characters in by far too linear Chara Creator systems and watching bored players walk away thus letting an RP die unfulfilled.
<em>I</em> want to change that!
The Freelands is different, with 60 Races to pick from and over 100 subclasses the variety of combinations are almost unimaginable! Plus their is no official statute of limitations on how many spells/skills your chara may have (so long as this privilege isn't abused).
Your adventurers with said Chara(s) aren't limited to what an Admin or myself want... you can forge your own story! You see like most people I have a life: I work 5-8 hours a day for 5 days a week, and go to school for about 12 hours a day on the days I don't work... so most of the time I'm going to be too busy to moderate and monitor my own RP.
So instead, you can do whatever the Hell you want! There is no true "main story" outside the "Plot and State of the World" (of which is suppose to help with backgrounds). So you and your friends can write your own story... all I did was set the stage for you.
So... that's about it! Please enjoy yourselves, and stay Free you Freelanders!
<em><strong><span style="color:green">RULES-</em></strong><!--color--></span>
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1.) No Godmodding (GMing) or Overpowering (OPing) Characters
2.) No killing other player Charas without permission
3.) Criticism and ideas are welcome... pointless insults are not
4.) ???
6.) All violators who do not adhere to the preceeding rules are subject to prostitution of the law to the fullest extent
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Members: 9
Pictures: 14
Category: Other
Created: Mar 20, 2014
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Gibz0matic (President) Club Type This is a private club.Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |