Arina Tanemura Fan Club's Comments

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Klefki_of_Awsome | Apr 11, 9:12 AM
@RICEA42991 Hmhmm, that's true! Webcomic usually has a more rounded style like a cartoon kinda look, but manga panneling is generally done better and looks better too since most creators have unique styles that you can identify them by.

RICEA42991 | Apr 4, 5:34 PM
@Klefki_of_Awsome Also as a art lover, there's something about webcomics art that just feels like it doesn't feel fluid or expressive like regular manga does. I know many out there will disagree, but usually I can notice the difference.

Klefki_of_Awsome | Apr 4, 1:33 PM
@RICEA42991 Ahhh, yeahhh.. There's definitely a lot of repetition in plot and synopsis for these kind of works tbh.. Personally, I find it hard to find good ones, like there's a few but most of them are genres you wouldn't like so I won't recommend them to you (Girl's Love, adult series, but also a lot of shounen action clones and look alikes that are done pretty well like Tower of God and The God of Highschool which imho were great).

RICEA42991 | Apr 2, 8:23 PM
@Klefki_of_Awsome There's just something about manhwa that's always made me not have much interest in reading it. And this isn't just because it's not Japanese...its more like the plot. I feel the same way about webcomics......there's just something missing on those.

Klefki_of_Awsome | Apr 2, 5:51 PM
@RICEA42991 Well also Shintoism seems to give everything a purpose, even non tangible things like concepts and emotions so I guess people in Japan are pretty attached to what they have, regardless of sizes and whatnot. Overall, it's just a matter of mindset and utility imho.

Ahh, OK, I get that!:) I've read a few manwha before but I find them harder to get into, personally. Manga just feels more natural to me, also the reading style of manwha feels better online imho but that might just be me. For paper at least, I prefer manga.

RICEA42991 | Apr 2, 2:36 AM
@Klefki_of_Awsome When it comes to Japan, I believe overall being more multi-use, traditional or compact is still highly desired over there. Not sure about the mansions or huge homes but overall in general I still think it's less 'big' compared to say USA where even people in small apartments have huge stuff that barely fit in it.

Haha Yeah I was referring to the difference between storytelling and their styles between countries. I love Japan and overall the 'manga' plot types compared to something that seems straight out of a Hollywood movie with plot or character's personalities.

Klefki_of_Awsome | Apr 1, 5:23 PM
@RICEA42991 Well, when I see Asian houses in anime and irl, it's always pretty small compared to what we have here so I agree with you on that one! That said, there's also Japanese houses that are huge, so idk if it's totally related to being compact, and maybe just a choice in style and mindset..>:I>
I also wish people would put more focus on nature, so long as it doesn't endanger lives, that is..:)

And I see, I wasn't sure what you meant there..^^'>3

RICEA42991 | Mar 29, 11:07 AM
@Klefki_of_Awsome I think the furniture deal is mostly a Western (as in North America) deal because in other parts of the world, the focus is on being compact with it's furniture. America is always with the mindset 'bigger' in everything and it annoys me because it's not something I see useful at's more of a burden actually! (It's annoying because the only thing they don't have the bigger mindset when it comes to greenery, yards and preservation natural settings and they should!) It's also contradictory as well, because while America is all about bigger, for people in apartments.....thats so not the case.

Klefki_of_Awsome | Mar 28, 7:26 AM
@RICEA42991 Yeah, we do have an accessible basement but the "attic" if you can even call it that is mostly unusable and holds the place with the wooden pillars and other things that warm the walls and hold the ceiling in place so we rarely go in it unless there's a visible issue coming from that place.. I get you! A lot of furniture these days is made bigger since I guess condos have gotten bigger and houses too..? Or not in our case here since a lot of townhouses and smaller appartments are built to get as many people lodging as possible, but that cuts down on space.

RICEA42991 | Mar 27, 1:44 PM
@Klefki_of_Awsome Does you home have a attic or basement. If there's one thing I miss about where I used to live prior to moving is basements and attics in home. Where I live now few homes have either :( However due to being a collector of all sorts of things, I've learned how to manage to store alot of stuff in small spaces. If there's one thing I dislike about the trend of American furniture has this last decade or so, is everything getting larger and taking more space. When I was a kid I remember it being common to find people owning compact items especially apartment dwellers.

Klefki_of_Awsome | Mar 27, 11:50 AM
@RICEA42991 I get what you mean, I had to box a bunch of books when I cleaned last time but these take space in the house so my parents got mad (well my mom did) and told me not to buy if I can't fit it in my room so now it's a challenge between keeping a collection going and keeping them in my room so they don't throw my stuff away..x'D

RICEA42991 | Mar 25, 3:11 PM
@Klefki_of_Awsome Nothing wrong at all with collecting what one's passionate about. I collecting many different things including books and manga....I just didn't have King's Beast. I sometimes worry that if I ever move someplace far away (unreachable by simply driving)....I will be confused how to take all my loved stuff with me. Which is probably why I'll be hesitant to move that far even though I've always wanted to.

Klefki_of_Awsome | Mar 25, 7:10 AM
@RICEA42991 Oh OK. Yeah, COVID screwed a lot of plans but ironically for me it made things work better, as I would have had to move closer to school or commute 2 hours to and back every day to go to college, but thankfully because of COVID, everything was online so I got to do all of my college years from the comfort of my own home, lol~!<3 ^^>
You're right! Its only if you stop moving completely that things won't continue, there's always a chance you'll be able to do it later on in time!>:D9

I agree with everything you said! It also looks ugly AF most of the time, sorry the language..:/

I see.. I collect manga, and idk if I've shown you pictures of my current shelf set-up, but I've boxed easily 20 boxes full of manga and LNs last time I did a big cleanup, and even then, my shelves are already full and I'm not even halfway done my entire collection, as I am very behind on reading things and trying my best to catch up to it atm.. A good thing I plan to open a business based around my collection and manga ig later on though, since it would be hard to justify the collection otherwise, lol..=v='3

RICEA42991 | Mar 25, 12:19 AM
@Klefki_of_Awsome Well it didn't go as planned due to covid kind of putting the small indie company on a halt for a while. So I wouldn't say it was a failure, just affected by something unpredictable by all. Plans can still start up again in the future if anything.

I wonder if those numbers are actually accurate. Alot of mangas aren't even added on this database despite the fact that myanimelist's database is HUGE! I have a feeling that no matter what English site one goes onto.....the chances of them listing every single manga series released in Japan is slim....especially for those shorter ones that never get translated in other languages.

Ugh AI......that thing should be banned when it comes to things that require a human emotional touch to them like artistry of all kinds. Seriously it makes it feel so soulless and ungeniune....not to mention killing the creative minds of the people whose careers are based on talent.

I'm usually good at remembering names when it comes to longer series that I've read for years, and especially if they get animes. However, in the King's Beast case...I haven't read it for that long and infrequently so that explains me being a blank....I also didn't have the volume on hand for that series.

Klefki_of_Awsome | Mar 24, 3:26 PM
@RICEA42991 The way you worded that makes it sound like the plans didn't go well..

Yes, probably, no definitely A LOT more now!! I wrote 14 000 for back in 2020, but if you count all the stuff that's been published since, I'd say we're getting closer to around 20 000 titles atm?
Usually with these, I feel like it's often light novel adaptations were the artists straight up copy the works of the LN illustrators, and that gets them in trouble, but there's also cases of double identity where a series written at the same time as someone else becomes EXACTLY like that other series, though this is much rarer since people generally notice it before it gets published in those cases (and when it does happen, it's usually between series who are from two different magazines and publishing houses afaik).
It definitely shouldn't! Another big controversial topic these days is AI, and with companies admitting to using it for subtitles and translations, I feel like it's a good thing that fans repercute these things since it shouldn't be allowed imho, AI is just not "swift" enough to get the nuances behind ideas, expressions, and words, being the cold hardware it is, so it can't translate things well at all. I wish people would understand that before turning to it and doing these stupid things, but unfortunately some people just don't learn..

No worries, lol, I'm also at a bit of a blank, but its normal, considering we read a ton of manga series on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis!x'D> A good tip for you, though you might know about it already, is if you collect volumes, go back and read the back blurbs on past volumes when you forget about a series, it might help to trigger back memories of that series and saves you from having to re-read it! Ngl, I had to do that today with Knight of the Ice, as it's been what, a little over 3-4 years now (?) since I've read a volume of that manga..:P>

RICEA42991 | Mar 21, 2:19 AM
@Klefki_of_Awsome It was both...well going to be person and in print.

I think there's more then 14,000 because the amount of manga yearly is insane...I'm shocked as how Japan's readers can keep up with so much good stuff to read haha (not that they read all of it but you get my point) Yeah I can't remember the titles at all, but I think it's happened more then once....usually the rep the series gets with fans isn't good as a result....which I'm glad because art/writing theft shouldn't be treated as no big deal.

Haha I should've put Kamisama Kiss but I was mainly referring to actual characters and thats why I didn't write the titles. My bad considering I wrote down King's Beast which was a title and not a name. Hehe forgot her name already despite the fact I'm still reading it.

Klefki_of_Awsome | Mar 20, 5:15 PM
@RICEA42991 I remember you talking about this briefly in the magical girls club! Was it a mostly online commerce or did you work with print material as well?

Yes, that's true! I'm actually quite a bit into legends and myths and that kind of thing so I actively search those and have a lot of them in my collection but even then, I'm probably missing a lot of them! With over 14,000 (last estimated around 4-5 years ago, might be a lot more since then) manga series out there, the probability of similar work is not out of the realm of possibility. I think I know which ones you mean, I remember reading an article about it.. That was a little while ago, though, iirc..>:o>
LOL, I was looking to see if there was a manga named Tomoe since I had forgotten about the character's name and thought you meant the title of the manga, but there wasn't any..^^'>3

RICEA42991 | Mar 20, 4:06 PM
@Klefki_of_Awsome Very interesting, I was close to entering the publishing biz my self actually but covid put everything in a standstill and the indie company I worked for went on hiatus. It's always a possibility for me again in the near future though hopefully.

Hmm they do seem similar but from what I've seen myself, in manga there's actually a whole lot of mythological mangas that seem's just not as obvious to non Japanese fans because usually we only get to hear about the really popular ones. But here's an how many characters have we seen that are mythological guys with pale hair and dog/wolf ears. King's Beast, Inuyasha, Tomoe and others. I guess the plot's different enough is if cases when mangas are almost too similar then I'd say that yeah theft was involved. I recall one manga that had that happen but I forgot the titles.

Klefki_of_Awsome | Mar 20, 1:33 PM
@RICEA42991 Oh, interesting! Thanks for sharing that with me, even if it's just your wild guesses! It will probably come in handy to know this kind of thing when I open up my store later as part of that plan involves starting a publishing company, actually!:)

Idk why but it reminds me A LOT of Sengoku Youko, which was done around the same time as this manga iirc. Not saying she stole the idea, but it's very interesting that two manga series in opposite genre (shounen for Youko and shoujo for Sakura) both went for a similar plot and ideas!>:P>

RICEA42991 | Mar 19, 5:31 PM
@Klefki_of_Awsome I'm not sure how that works but in her case I believe she still had editors and deals with magazines, but since she's freelance she can switch between companies and deals I suppose instead of being tied to one. Again this is just my guess.

Ha Lucky guess, but yeah it confused me a bit because for one minute when reading the description I was thinking....wait is this mythology, or exorcising youkai and her being Kaguya??? Now that I mean of it, I think Sakura-Hime is probably her most chaotic manga in terms of plot because so much seems to be going on at once

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