Inukag517 | Jul 2, 2011 8:29 PM
Check Out my DeviantART I painted a Lion to look Like Kimba(Leo) (more like kimba's {Leo's} Dad) But Please check it out it should be somewhere in my gallery just look 4 the white lion! :D |
Gurenn | Mar 29, 2011 12:32 PM
He's still called Leo in the English version of the sequel, called "Leo the Lion". |
Inukag517 | Mar 28, 2011 7:23 PM
My dad Has a bunch of the Dvds of this show in our basement! I watched them when I was like in 1st or second grade after I watched speed racer. I thought it was the coolest thing! Of course I watched the English version so I know him as Kimba the white lion. |