Manami Mori

Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
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Kiniro no Corda: Secondo Passo
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Kiniro no Corda
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Manami Mori (森 真奈美)

Age: 16
Year: Year 2
Class: 2-A

Manami is Kahoko's accompanist during the second and third selection concours. They both became friends after that. She also happens to be in the same class as Tsukimori. She was supposed to be Kahoko's accompanist in the last selection, but she injured her hands in a cycling accident and Megumi offered to help Kahoko.

The pianist is also shown to have an attraction towards Tsuchiura, something which she admits unhesitantly to Kahoko when she is first introduced to the series.

(Source: lacordadoro.wikia)

Voice Actors
Shouji, Umeka