Danjirou Obana

Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen
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Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Ketsubetsu-tan
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Danjirou Obana (尾花 弾児郎)

Gender: Male
Species: Shinigami
Hair color: Light-brown
Eye color: Brown

Danjirou Obana was the first captain of the 5th Division over 1,000 years ago... As one of the first captains of the Gotei 13, Danjirou boasted a great amount of spiritual energy, demonstrated when he easily overcame and slew many Quincy warriors during the first invasion of Soul Society.
As a captain of the Gotei 13, Danjirou possessed great skill in Zanjutsu, allowing him to cut down enemies with powerful and swift slashes while precisely dismembering them at the same time.
According to Yhwach, Danjirou was infamous for being a brutal and cold-blooded killer, which he demonstrated by massacring the Quincy of the Lichtreich when they first invaded Soul Society.

Zanpakuto: In its sealed form, Danjirou's Zanpakuto took the form of a katana with a blue handle and a golden, rectangular tsuba emblazoned with a curling design on the flat side and jutting outward with a small spike on each long edge, as well as a blue scabbard.
Shikai: Not Revealed.
Bankai: Not Revealed.

(Source: Bleach Wiki)

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