Momoha Bonnouji


Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo
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Momoha Bonnouji (盆能寺 百八)

Age: 27
Birthday: October 8th (Libra)

She is an ethics teacher at Ohananomitsu High School, the gardening club advisor, and Aijou Rentarou's 21st girlfriend.

Despite being an ethics teacher, Momoha has many vices. She drinks alcohol on school grounds and even offers it to a student, spends money as soon as she earns it on booze, food, gambling, and even offers one of her students sex. Though aware of her vices, she's given up on trying to improve and warns others not to end up like her.

But in addition to this, Momoha is generous and hardworking, often helping out the gardening club, the school, and her parents. She believes that being poor and needy is never an excuse to forget one's gratitude towards others.

Name/Birthday Pun Explanation:

Bonnouji (盆能寺) contains a homophone of the word for "worldly desires" (煩悩) (bonnou) in Buddhist terminology; and "Buddhist temple" (寺) (tera/ji).

Momoha (百八) refers to the 108 worldly desires using the kanji for "hundred" (百) (hyaku/momo) and "eight" (八) (hachi/ha), Momoha is also introduced in chapter 108.

Momoha's birthday is on October 8th, referencing the 108 worldly desires of Buddhist terminology.

(Source: 100Kanojo Wiki)

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