
One Piece
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One Piece
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Puppuu (プップー)

Puppuu is the captain of the Piggy Pirates of Arabasta. He made a grave mistake in attempting to steal from a port city in Arabasta which was under the protection of Crocodile, who used his Suna Suna no Mi to create a sandstorm to drain the water from his body and from the bodies of his crew. It is unknown if Puppuu survived, although it seems unlikely. His name roughly translates to "Oink Oink", and was revealed in Grand Data File: Blue.
First Appearance: Chapter 155; Episode 92

(Source: One Piece Wikia)

Voice Actors
Tanaka, Kazunari
Carvalho, Eudes
Portuguese (BR)
Delhausse, Jean-Marc
Jilka, Gerhard

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