Shiden "Nova" Tsukuyomi

Shiden Tsukuyomi

Armed Blue Gunvolt
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Member Favorites: 1

Shiden Tsukuyomi (月読 紫電)

Age: 14
Origin: Japan
Seven: Psychokinesis
Afflication: Sumeragi

Commanding the seven Swordsmen of the Sumeragi Group and bearing mysterious ties to Gunvolt's past, Shiden seeks to use the anthem of The Cyber Diva, Morpho to administrate the Phycics throughout the world at once, thus ensuring what he deems to be peace for the world.

A Phycic with intricate ties to the Seventh stage of the Lifewave, Shiden has an affinity for the Psychokinesis Sevens, a power that grants him the ability to control physical matter and energy with his mind.

Voice Actors
Murase, Ayumu