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November 15th, 2017
When Sasha first uses his white steel scythe against Jinkai, his entire scythe becomes pure white. During Sasha’s fight with Grisha on the train, Sasha also uses the white steel scythe and, once again, the entire scythe becomes pure white.

Once Sasha comes back to save Mafuyu and fight Grisha, he never turns his scythe pure white. However, the contrast between its edge and its “body” is more pronounced than in any other part of the manga.

“White steel” is a type of steel characterized by the purity of the iron in it. White steel knives are known for cutting very well and being easy to sharpen once they become dull (Sasha can easily sharpen the blade with his powers) but they also oxidize easily and white steel isn’t as structurally strong as other types of steel.

When Sasha turns his scythe into white steel he’s using his 5th qwaser power stage abilities to purify the iron in his scythe. Turning his entire scythe into white steel isn’t as beneficial as just turning its edge into white steel (white steel isn’t as good in structural terms as the steel his scythe was made out of previously).

During his “coma”, in which he thought about his previous fight with Grisha and theorized ways to better face him; Sasha also realized that turning just the edge of his scythe into white steel is a better idea than turning his entire scythe into it which is why the edge of Sasha’s scythe is completely white while the rest of the scythe is black when he comes back to save Mafuyu.
Posted by puppetcopper | Nov 15, 2017 1:20 PM | 0 comments
The purpose behind whispering is to not be heard; to not be noticed.

Milk’s element is hydrogen, which is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and non-toxic gas. Due to these properties, hydrogen is almost impossible to notice when it is present (it can’t be seen, it has no smell nor taste and being around it won’t immediately have negative side effects on someone’s body).

Hydrogen is also extremely combustible; it reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere easily and causes an explosion.

Milk’s nickname comes from the fact that she can effectively control unnoticeable bombs.

Milk's cartoon-y bomb balloons:

When she was first introduced, Milk was surrounded by balloons shaped like cartoon-y bombs. These also show up when she appears in the Water Sanctuary arc. However, after that arc, the bombs are never seen again.

When Milk and Aoi fight, Aoi is surprised by Milk’s ability to separate hydrogen from water despite them both being members of the Adepts and Milk being able to do that when she fought Katja in the Magnolia Invasion arc.

Another detail in Milk’s encounter with Aoi is Milk mentioning that she “woke up one day and decided to follow Grisha’s orders”. It should be noted that we do not know where the some of the Adepts where during a few of the arcs; especially during the Lightning of Magdalene arc: Wan Chen and Jiita were tracking down the Magdalene; we see some Adept monks trying to track down the Golden Noah; so it can be assumed that other members of the Adepts were tracking down the other High Ancient Circuits, one of which is the David’s Resurrection.

We do not know when the Adepts came into the possession of the David; but we do know that the Theosis Project had it before them and, in fact, temporarily gave it to them to frame them for bringing back Ootori: according to Fool, the David’s Resurrection was meant to be inside the Theotokos of Tsaritsyn but it couldn’t be there because Yuudai only got his hands on the Theotokos after the Water Sanctuary arc where Milk, a regen created with the David’s Resurrection, was an important character.

This inconsistency foreshadows Grisha’s true identity in the sense that he had to be around during the time Jesus Christ was alive to be able to take the David before it was put in the Theotokos.

The events through which the Adepts acquired the David probably involved Yuudai (who we see give information to Jiita and Joshua and is a key member of the Theosis Project) giving the Adepts information regarding the whereabouts of said High Ancient Circuit; Grisha instructing Milk to go find it; Milk being caught by some member of the Theosis Project; “reprogrammed” by the David’s Resurrection to “follow Grisha’s orders”; given the circuit and sent back to Magnolia.

Yuu’s qwaser powers were somehow “enhanced” when he was brought back by the Theosis Project. Jinkai and Ganzen Roushi also enhanced a qwaser’s power (Sasha and Aoi, respectively). Grisha was Ganzen Roushi’s disciple alongside Jinkai and, as such, probably knows the process necessary to enhance a qwaser’s powers, which he must’ve used on Yuu and on Milk when he “reprogrammed” her; making Milk able to separate hydrogen from water.

Although we never know what the cartoon bombs are filled with, it is likely that they were filled with pure hydrogen. After gaining access to the 5th qwaser power stage, Milk wouldn’t need the balloons as a source of pure hydrogen, so she stopped carrying them around. This logic fits with the fact that, up until the Water Sanctuary arc, Milk had the balloons but, when she shows back up, she doesn’t have them anymore: because she has already been “reprogrammed” and “enhanced” by Grisha.
Posted by puppetcopper | Nov 15, 2017 1:18 PM | 0 comments
The first assumption one would have about the reason behind Ootori’s nickname, “The Phoenix”, is that it comes from the fact that his fighting style involves fire and his name means “Big bird”.

However, there is a far more interesting reason behind said nickname. To understand it we need some basic information regarding a few topics:
1st- A phoenix is a mythological flame-covered bird that turns to ash once it dies and, from the ashes, a new phoenix is born. The flames turn into ashes and, from those, flames appear again.

2nd-During Lizzie’s last fight with Ootori’s regen, we learn that the original Ootori used mono-atomic wires made from sodium chloride.
When sodium metal is in contact with chlorine gas it reacts (usually requiring some energy to be applied, most commonly in the form of heating up the sodium or dropping water on it). The reaction creates a flame and results in sodium chloride which, in a way, is the “ashes” of the sodium.

The 5th qwaser power stage allows the user to separate their element from compounds containing it. Ootori is most definitely at that stage since he has to make elemental sodium inside someone’s body to make them spontaneously combust.

When Ootori uses fire, without making someone spontaneously combust, it follows his sodium chloride wires (easy to see in chapters 18-20). That happens because Ootori is using his qwaser powers to separate the sodium from the chlorine, resulting in metallic sodium and either chlorine molecules (Cl2) or chlorine radicals (both are very reactive). Immediately after separating the elements, he makes them react again, which makes the sodium burn, creating flames.

Ootori’s fighting style is based on him taking the “ashes” of the reaction between sodium and chlorine and creating a new flame from it, which turns back into “ashes” from which flames are born once again. That is the reason behind his nickname of “The Phoenix”.
Posted by puppetcopper | Nov 15, 2017 1:15 PM | 0 comments
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