:sigh: Still trying to patiently wait for my two 25 Remix orders. The hard part is that more than half of my dvds are reserved but yet they aren't sending any partial shipments = ( I really want my second order to come in! It has 4 dvds from the bargain bin and it's really hard to finish a 6 volume series when you're patiently waiting for the fourth one while the last two are on your dvd shelf! Well I might as well list the dvds I ordered = )
- Ai Yori Aoshi, Vol. 1-5
-Arc the Lad Vol. 4
-Chobits Vol. 1-7
-DNAngel Vol. 2
-Elfen Lied Vol. 2-3 (already have the fourth one)
-Fûshigi Yûgi: The Mysterious Play, Vol. 1-8 (Vol. 7 is keeping my whole order from shipping!)
-Gankutsuou - The Count of Monte Cristo, Vol. 1
-Haibane-Renmei, Vol. 1-4
-Last Exile Vol. 1-7
-Melody of Oblivion, The - Vol. 1-4, 6
-Mermaid Forest, Vol. 1-4
-R.O.D the TV, Vol. 1-7
-Serial Experiments: Lain, Vol. 1 - Navi - Signature Series (Very curious to try this series out, I'm kind of looking forward to having to see this series over and over again to at least get a small idea of what is trying to be said)
And finally!
-Tenjho Tenge, Vol. 1 - Round One
Well supposedly all of the orders from the sale are suppose to be filled in the next couple of weeks, I just hope I don't have to wait to long. It'd be perfect if at least one of my orders arrived on the 23rd since that's my birthday = ) I can just imagine coming home and finding a big box of anime on my doorstep :whipes drool:
Today (or rather last night) I finally learned how to play Texas Hold 'Em! It didn't really take me a long time to figure out how to play, probably the most confusing part was figuring out what to call a royal flush or a full house and all those other combinations. At one point I thought that I had gotten a straight, but unfortunately I did not. The good thing about the whole game is that we didn't bet anything, we were just throwing numbers around like if they were a...frisbee? Sorry couldn't think of anything else that you generally throw around like it's nothing. Well we've made plans to possibly go to Table Mountain Casino and play, though in all honesty I'll probably just stick to the slots or Blackjack = )