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June 21st, 2009
Just because I know a little japanese means I can shit all over subbers' hard work? What the hell am I thinking? But yes, I am here to admit I, for the first time, disparaged a subbing group on MAL through a comment.

NANA, a fine anime... but the subbing missed the mark one too many times by episode 15 I just had to voice my displeasure... how spoiled I am.

The problem with subbing errors is that if it's not an english mistake, viewers won't easily realize they've just been given incorrect information without some understanding of the spoken language in question.

In this particular case, not only were there numerous minor confusions (used the less-appropriate translation for a word) that managed to lose the humor in certain sentences, but also a good number of outright errors.

To be annoyed on behalf of people who can't understand japanese is snobbery, isn't it? I'm not a customer by any means, so I shouldn't complain.
Posted by kuh111578 | Jun 21, 2009 4:06 PM | 0 comments
May 31st, 2009
You can tell you're an idiot when you're struck with an obvious fact and your brain can't let go because its endlessly fascinating, or it's trying its damnedest to realize that it has already comprehended the information in question but is failing.

The new season of haruhi came out, kind of. Is this what I've been waiting for for three years, and everything I watched in the middle was a poor substitute? No way, but sometimes my fanaticism tells me they were.

I've fully embraced the otaku culture, as disgusting and deprived of merit as that sounds. I find myself thinking things like, I wish I had to run half a mile to get food instead of having a car, because having a car is preventing me from exercising.

I don't understand exactly why I have no taste for American music outside of country. Is it because country songs are like anime songs? They're all melodically and topically similar... umm the former adjective being within the genre and the latter referring across the two.

My point, which I have just realized, is that sometimes I worry that my tastes are too low-brow to cultivate any kind of mental growth. Reflexively, I'm almost too quick to state I don't care, but refinement was maybe important to me at some point in the past... as a kid.

It's such a terrible nagging feeling that I'm just getting dumber and dumber, and it only nags because I once thought myself to be intelligent. No, I still do, but with much better perspective.

Look at me, using this blog like a blog. Terrible business, that.

So House, which isn't an anime sadly, had a greatly entertaining 24th episode (season 5 finale) with many valid criticisms I didn't buy into.

On the anime front I really wish xam'd had better mecha design... trying too hard to be different from gundam when people would be perfectly satisfied with a gundam ripoff such as code geass. Haru is cute in the show, but this so-far unlikeable Nakiami girl smells like she's going to take the fore. Main character is competent but still very average. Makes me wish for more quick-minded fellows like Li from darker than black or even... kaze no stigma's uhh, what's his name.

K-On is bubbly but something in the back of my mind is rejecting it as feteshist, girl sleeping with her guitar? Girls who are into hobbies that viewers are into are artificially endearing, take for example an anime girl who likes to watch anime, woo.

Clannad after story... uhhh well .... uhhh.... Ushio has a terrible name but was otherwise the best character of the show. Really improved Tomoya's likeability through their interactions. Also, random Kyou fan-service (not the sexual kind)... could've used way more of that, but oh well.

Toki wo kakeru shoujo. I spent most of the 2nd half of the movie waiting for a certain scene and it didn't happen, so I was bummed and turned off. She cries really loudly.

This new era of anime-watching, in which I rarely finish shows is tough. For example, I can't remember the first show I finished after haruhi season 1, so let's say this era started with that. I rather want to forcefully bring this era to a close by compulsively finishing off my on-hold and dropped lists but boy that would be quite the feat.
Posted by kuh111578 | May 31, 2009 12:48 AM | 0 comments
April 5th, 2009
My thought process (Paranoia Agent):

*Credits play...*

The end already? But what the hell was all that about?

Wait, didn't he already eat the last pill?

Why's he looking at her feet?

They were scaring people by appearing in their pictures... only ghosts do that! And they cast no shadows! Did they ever?

Yes, when they met!

So they all died soon thereafter and had been having lively ghost adventures ever since?

That explains why they saw that man who had lept in front of a train walk away.

Fox-kun's revenge on society was shaming the police?

Shounen bat is afraid of ghosts?

I'm lost beyond this much... but have I figured out as much as I was supposed to, or not enough?

As for Baccano:

Probably giving it a presentation 9, and not a longevity 9 or otaku-suitability 9.
Posted by kuh111578 | Apr 5, 2009 2:35 AM | 1 comments
March 27th, 2009
Heiliger Jesus auf seines Kreuz!

Christ on his cross! what a terrible last episode! I was stabbing my eyes and ears with knives the whole time. The only good parts were when Taiga left in the middle and her new uniform at the end.

But 9-21/23 were so good too... T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T


It's not even better than a non-resolution entertainment-wise, but at least I won't have to watch a sequel.
Posted by kuh111578 | Mar 27, 2009 3:01 AM | 0 comments
March 22nd, 2009
In many ways Kyon would always be the best portrait picture for me. Favorite character, doesn't lose his head in odd situations. Paul Bettany would always take quite a bit more explaining, and hardly anyone is interested in why he was up there in the first place.

Paul Bettany: I saw him in Wimbledon, and I thought, hey here's a guy who looks like he's scowling all the time, what's he doing in a romantic comedy? Then I thought, wait a minute, scowling all the time, who does that remind me of? Richard Sharpe of course. So then I read 20+ novels imagining Bettany in the role where most people imagined Sean Bean for more obvious reasons. I'm still convinced Bettany would've made the better Sharpe, despite being blonde.

But wait, what does that have to do with anime? Nothing, just thought it'd be funny to have a non-anime portrait on a site all about anime.

Kyon: Sugita already had my interest from H&C, in which the kind but hopeless Mayama was the center of the only interesting storyline, but Kyon from SHnY really was a good fit. A good character who wasn't nearly as inane as most male leads, and humorously aware but dutifully serious about the genre he's in.

I finally caved and put up a good Kyon. Wasn't as easy to find as I thought. Probably illegal to use but who cares.

Also, favorites criteria!

Portrait: favorite character
Fav anime: favorite anime
Fav characters: characters who greatly improved their shows by being in them
Fav people: reliably good authors / voice actors

No crossover except for portrait/fav anime (Kyon from SHnY).
Posted by kuh111578 | Mar 22, 2009 10:09 PM | 0 comments
January 30th, 2009
Cardcaptor Sakura 30

Still a good show. However, I lost it *again*.


Very cute, and not so scatterbrained as its genre usually is, main criticism directed azumanga daioh

Code Geass R2 15

End of season 1 was fun to watch, but by R2-15 that ominous feeling of having entered the dark, final parts of the show bother me.


Processed for otaku consumption, but done so well.

Special A 5

Still sillier than I wish it would be, and gets preachy... why?

Kyou no Go no Ni TV 2

the TV series is not as fun as the more faithfully adapted OVA.

Spice and Wolf 1

Nothing happened... characters aren't bad though. Grave voice of Lelouch distracting in relatively docile, unmelodramatic setting.
Posted by kuh111578 | Jan 30, 2009 1:47 PM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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