June 28th, 2013
Introspection: Forgiveness & Letting Go
Anime Relations: Naruto: Shippuuden

Introspection is truly a beautiful thing: it is a self-analysis that you choose to make in order to improve your being: find out who & what you want to be, determine your goals, set new standards and habits. It can be done through regular meditation, creative expression, even writing things down.
From my experience, continuous introspection has proven extremely beneficial and, in fact, essential to personal growth. It can be applied to all areas in your life: business, yourself as a professional, all your relationships, etc. You can also be more specific and introspect about different things, such as Forgiveness. In episode 245, Naruto does just that...
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Posted by itscomplex | Jun 28, 2013 2:57 PM | 0 comments
Review: Sunday in the Park with Boys
Anime Relations: Masuda Kousuke Gekijou: Gag Manga Biyori

Sunday in The Park With Boys is a comic book illustrated by Jane Mai, an artist with a very unique, distinguished persona. You might remember her from my TCAF highlights. Although it is not obvious at first, the book is an auto-biography about the phase of depression she went through at some point in her life.
In the comic, not only does she address the reader through narration, but she also has dialogues with herself at times, as if giving us complete access to her mind, which puts us in her shoes. I think anyone who has gone through depression or is currently experiencing it could really appreciate this aspect because it allows the reader to relate to the artist. As Jane walks us through the story, we get a sense that she is falling deeper into the depths of her mental state. This is apparent as we get the idea that she progressively distances herself from others, and eventually reveals to us a strong feeling of comfort in solitude, while we witness her growing a strong disliking for herself...
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Posted by itscomplex | Jun 28, 2013 2:52 PM | 0 comments