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September 16th, 2015
Anime Relations: Himouto! Umaru-chan
Aha, so apparently negative reviews of anime are a no-go, they took down my Umaru review. In case you're curious, I posted the same review on my crunchyroll as well so I'll just copy and paste it here:

She's the MAIN character and I cannot STAND Umaru. Honestly, the main character is the most self, manipulative jerk I have ever seen, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. The idea of a girl living a double life and secretly being an otaku is a cute idea, but they messed up her character so much I can't stand her. the art is your average "2015 moe" style, so while it's nice, it's nothing eye grabbing or unique. The soundtrack has not quite made anything that stands out or grabs my attention, but there's still potential for it to shine in later episodes.

Overall, the story itself is still somewhat entertaining although the main character can tend to get in the way of that.To be honest, I'm debating on dropping this anime because I can't stand her. Why does everyone love her??


But yeah, I told them that I think removing the review was a mistake. If they decide to undo that, I'll delete this journal, but if they ignore my response, I'll just have it here instead.
Posted by indigomnr96 | Sep 16, 2015 11:05 PM | 0 comments
August 28th, 2015
Anime Relations: Shokugeki no Souma
Let me start off and say that's how you do the clutzy moe trope right. Like, HOLY FUCK, Megumi is my favorite character in this fucking anime. I love the development they've been giving her in the recent episodes.

Yeah, when they first introduced her I was like "oh boring moe blob that just relies on mc" but then she ACKNOWLEDGED that???? And actively tries to work harder so she DOESN'T RELY on him???? Love it.

Also, with her cooking: It's basically the equivalent of "mom's love" and I love that. She works hard to create dishes that shows she cares about the people eating them and it's just sooooo cUTE.

She definitely works hard to get recognition by other chefs, and I think the fact that some of them underestimate her sort of adds?? to her character? Because not everyone loves her. She has to fight just as hard, maybe even harder than others just to get the same recognition as everyone else and she knows it.

Ending note: I love Megumi and I will fight you.
Posted by indigomnr96 | Aug 28, 2015 2:31 PM | 0 comments
August 27th, 2015
Okay, so like I read the manga waaayyyy back whenever the shit used to be on Fakku (if that tells you anything) and I loved it, kay? I fucking love monster girls, and you bet your ass I played monster girl quest too. BUT, I GOT SOME SHIT WITH THIS ANIME ADAPTATION

mainly, I have to treat it like a hentai because god forbid I watch this shit anywhere near other people. goddamn anime only has 3 settings: "DARLIIIINNNGGGGG" "*insert sexual noises, and compromising sounds*", and harem fights.

I'm not gonna pull any bullshit and say monster musume is like "revolutionary" or it's "got a great plot" because that's a lie and we all know why we're watching it. The anime adaptation is supposed to be at least SOMEWHAT censored since they didn't wanna make it full-blown hentai (which would have saved ME a lot of trouble, personally) but it doesn't really feel that way, which is kinda a double-edged sword???

still looking forward to monster girl titties tho
Posted by indigomnr96 | Aug 27, 2015 12:19 AM | 0 comments
August 16th, 2015
Anime Relations: 07-Ghost
Okay so I just basically binge-watched 07 Ghost (not gonna lie, I decided to give it a shot since crunchyroll labelled it shonen ai and I need my fix)

I gave it the 3 episode test

and ended up watching all 25

SOOOOOOOOOOOO, Time to talk about it.

The animation quality (especially during fight scenes) was sub-par and the music was not exactly "spectacular" by any means (although the music didn't really fuck up the mood like the animation did). Lets just say watching explosions that look like they were cut and pasted into the frames during a "tense" scene does not add to the scene. Considering there were A LOT of fights, this really isn't something I can ignore...

BUT. I watched all 25 eps for a reason. The characters were really memorable (yes, even the bad guys.) They had DEPTH. Which is important to me. Also, I make a habit of only getting attached to characters after 12 episodes, but they really knew how to make deaths hurt.
In fact, none of the deaths in the protag's life are take lightly, and that's handled really well in the series.

ALSO, the motivations for each character? Clearly laid out. Yes, I have questions, but I think that those would be addressed in the manga (since there are lots of questions left unanswered after the finale). Even the bad guys have reasons. It's not "oh I'm going to try and find you and try to do these evil things just because I'm bad" which always irks me. so yeah...

Back to the fighting though, they had a really clever style of fighting that caught my attention. Zaiphon. You basically use your energy, emotions, and your words to attack in a physical way. It added a new level to the fights (even though, again, the animation of them was kinda blech) because everyone could clearly see your attacking words. Everyone could see what emotions controlled your Zaiphon and it really added an emotional element to the fights.

In conclusion, holy shit this anime was really good? I'm kinda disappointed that there wasn't as much shonen ai as I initially expected, along with sub-par animation, and an unmemorable soundtrack, but the plot and characters really had me on the edge of my seat. I'm glad I watched this anime.
Posted by indigomnr96 | Aug 16, 2015 12:02 AM | 0 comments
August 15th, 2015
Anime Relations: Himouto! Umaru-chan
Okay, I've already written my review of Umaru (PS I think the character is shit) and now I'm legit debating on the dropping the series because I don't know if I can stand watching a series if the character I hate is the main character...
Posted by indigomnr96 | Aug 15, 2015 11:46 PM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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