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Valkyrie10's Blog

Private Entry
April 26th, 2009
"Aaaniiikiii!" whined the 6 year old Yuuta Fuji

"what do you want?"7 year old Syuusuke Fuji asked his little brother

"I can't sleep,can you tell me a story?"

Syuusuke tilted his head slightly because of his brother's request "ummm..okay i'll try"


"okay" he began the story....:

.....Once upon a time....

There lived a young girl named Wendy (portrayed by Sakuno) She is very cute and has twin braids, she also has a cute puppy named Eiji (portrayed by Eiji obviously)

She loved playing with Eiji.She plays with him everyday in the wide open field where they could run,jump and play all day long.

Then one day a boy came to her and said:

"Hiya! My name is Tom Sawyer..."the boy said gleefully (portrayed by Kevin Smith) " And i'm from Missouri."

"oh Hi! my name is Wendy and this is my puppy Eiji,and we're from ..uh here!"

"woof woof!" eiji barked

Then Tom grinned then he asked "do you know what a wishing well is?"

"Yeah!it's when you throw a coin and make a wish right?"Wendy answered full of excitement "I love wishing wells!"

Tom grinned even wider "That's great i know a wishing well not far from here" he said "would you like me to lead you there?"

Wendy smiled "sure!"

"woof!" Eiji also barked ,full of excitement

Then Sawyer lead the way while Wendy followed carrying Eiji on her shoulder.Not a moment too soon they saw a well..a rather old one.They stood by the side of the so called wishing well.

"OH! I forgot i haven't got any money!" she realized

"aww that's okay"


"Yeah." Tom said while putting his hand on Wendy's back

"You can throw yourself in!!!" he said pushing poor Wendy in the well along with Eiji ,while Tom was laughing evilly.....Tom is a very baaaad boy

"wAaaaaAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!" Wendy screamed

Eiji Howled because i don't think dogs scream

"umph!" Wendy said after falling on something or rather someone

"HEy!! what's the big idea falling on top of us like that!?!" one of them asked

"Oh! I'm very sorry...Gomen....gomen"Wendy said quickly getting off of them then bowing numerous times.

"yeah well it's okay i guess" the other said while standing up

Wendy was puzzled because the two had small rat like ears sticking on top of their head " m-my name is Wendy pleased to meet you!"

"oh then my name is Chip and his Dale"(portrayed by youhei and kouhei of josei shonan)

"Pleased to meet you "

They nodded " well we gotta go pleasure to meet you Wendy" Chip said while walking away with Dale simply waving good bye

Wendy smiled and waved to them " They're kinda nice right Eiji?"

no answer

Wendy looked over her shoulder and no Eiji

"EIJI!!!"Wendy was shock because her puppy was no where to be found

"EEIIIJJJIII!!"she screamed hoping that her puppy would hear her and come to her , but no luck.

"awww..I guess I can't find him with just standing in this woods" and with that said she started walking while calling out her puppy's name' how did I end up here anyway '

"Eiji!...Eiji!!...EI---Oww!!"she was tripped by something"..jeez"she looked back to see what tripped her and saw someones foot sticking out of the bushes the person seems to be looking for something

"eehhh excuse me.."Wendy tried to get the attention of the person who tripped her, but once again no luck

"YO DudE!" she was getting a bit on the bad side but it did the trick,she got the attention of the person.

The person stood straight and stepped out of the bushes he was wearing a pure white jacket , white shorts and white shoes.

"oh I'm very sorry I didn't mean to trip you" the boy said sincerely while scratching the back of his head.

"it's alright ..sorry to yell at you" Wendy said a bit embarassed because she didn't expect the person to be so kind

The person just smiled sweetly and turned back to looking in the bushes

"I'm Wendy,what's your name" hoping to make a new friend

The person stood again and smiled

"My name is Akaya pleased to meet you Wendy"(I don't have to say who portrayed this one)

"Yes pleased to meet you too! uuhmm you seem to be looking for something"

"I am ,you see...

I lost my halo." Wendy was very very shocked


"yeah halo"

"i-i-i-if you have a halo then that means you're a-a-a-a--" she stuttered

"an angel?"

Wendy nodded

"well I am" Akaya simply answered still digging in the bushes


"what!?" he haulted his search for his missing "halo"

"Prove to me that you really are an Angel!"

"I'm wearing all white isn't that proof enough?"the angel calmly asked

"no!" Wendy said while pouting

Then there was silence

"Fine...stand back" and she did as she was told


Wendy got her breath taken by what she saw..

She saw two beautiful, fully spread wings behind the boy

"Is this proof enough?" Akaya asked while flapping his wings 3 times the folding it

All that Wendy could do was nod

"You are looking for something too right?"

she finally got to her senses "Yeah! wait, how'd you know that??"

"I heard you yelling 'Eiji' from a mile away so I figured your looking for someone"

She nodded "I'm looking for my puppy"

Akaya huffed "hmmm... well I saw a village up ahead sooo maybe your pup ran over there.Maybe someone there knows where my halo is"he said the last sentence to himself


"Yeah i'll take you there" And with that they left

They chatted on the way Wendy asked Akaya how he lost his halo in the first place he said the other Angels tricked him into taking it off because they said that they will put it for maintenance but instead they threw it and got lost in this world here.

Not a moment too soon they spotted the village ,Wendy ran towards the village then Akaya followed.

"woof arf arf" Eiji ran towards Wendy

"Eiji !!" she hugged her beloved puppy "Akaya your right he is here!" she looked at the boy whose eyes was scanning the whole place

"uhh yeah of course he is"

The a young boy that seems to be a resident walked towards them

"oh so he's yours"the boy said with a smile(portrayed by Dan Taichi from Yamabuki)

Wendy nodded carrying Eiji

"I found him earlier stuck on top of a tree"Dan said "so I saved him"

"Thank you!!"Wendy said with a smile

"Hey by any chance have you seen a halo somewhere around here??" Akaya asked suddenly


"uuhhh halo? like this one ??"showing something round and sparkly

"THAT'S IT!!" Akaya exclaimed happily

"oh in that case here" handing over the halo then Akaya took it and bowed saying thank you

" aren't you surprised that there is an angel in front of us??" Wendy whispered to dan

Dan just shook his head

Akaya put his halo on top of his head then he glowed for a minute there

"Thanks A bunch!! And very nice meeting you Wendy" He waved good bye then he spread his wings then flew off leaving some feathers on the ground

"I'm not surprised 'cause angels are very playful and sometimes naughty they would often come down here and play, sometimes they would trick there fellow angels into taking off their halos and throwing it here,so they often come down here and search." Dan said answering Wendy's question earlier

"what they come down here and play?!" Wendy was surprised .Again

"say your not from here aren't ya?" Dan said with a knowing look

"Yes ..I think i'm not, TOM SAWYER pushed me in a well ..stupid Tom"

"ahhh well FYI this is what you call a Fictional Land this is where all imaginations go ,and the Well you mentioned earlier was a portal to this world like the other portals you guys call a wishing well"

"Wishing Wells are a portal to a Magical make believe land?!"

"Yup! this is where all your coins that contains your wishes go " Dan said "And once all your wishes come true the coins are transported to a BIG pot at the end of the Rainbow."


"That's cool woof!" Eiji SaiD?!

"YOU TALK?!!?" Wendy was majorly surprised and let go of the puppy

"I guess ."

Wendy was close to fainting

"HAhAh of course he does every animal here talk" he said in a cheeky grin

"...okay...sooo are you saying that the legend about the end of the rainbow lies a big pot of golden coins is real ?"She said completely taking everything in

"hahah who ever said that was a legend"

"uuhh everyone!" Wendy being sarcastic

"woof! so how do we get out of here??" Eiji asked then suddenly Eiji started to glow!Wendy and Dan covered their eyes

When the glow was gone Wendy looked at his puppy to know what happened.And WHOA! Eiji turned into a human I guess (you guys know what he reallly looks like) he wears brown and white layered shirt and plain pants but still his cute doggy ears and a tail wagging can still be seen

".....!!" Wendy's mouth was fully agape eyes WIDE open

"Wow took you long enough to transform." Dan said

""Wendy doen't know what to say

"Cool I'm human!!...I guess... Haha I have opposable thumbs Yeah!!" Eiji is very happy causing his tail to wag furiously

" I told you that every animal here talks" He explained

"yeah but you didn't tell me they take on the appearance of humans!!"Wendy said while pointing at Eiji who is currently jumping around and dancing while chanting "I'm human,I'm human.."

Dan smiled warily" do you want me to tell you how to get out of here?"

Eiji glomped Wendy from behind "Yes, PLeasE!!!" he said childishly even if he turned into a quite appealing young man he still acted like a puppy

Wendy just nodded she still has to accept her used to be but still acting like one puppy

" Well you guys can't go back from where you came in.." Dan said toughtfully " I guess you have to ask the help of The Almighty Wizard."

"Alright where do we find him?" Wendy asked completely recovered from the tremendous shock

"Follow the yellow brick road" Dan said gleefully

Wendy and Eiji looked at each other then asked "Where is it??"

" It's right over there,see?" he said pointing to the right

Wendy and Eiji looked at the direction Dan is pointing..and there it is! a yellow brick road heading outside of town.

Wendy and Eiji blink several times

"I didn't notice that when I first got here." Eiji spoke

"Me too."

"Well I should be going now.Good luck on your trip."Dan said already leaving

"Wait aren't you coming with us?!" Wendy called out

"Nope! Sorry!!" he replied waving


"Well I guess we should be heading our way now." Eji said to Wendy with a smile while putting his hands behind his head

Wendy nodded and headed on their way following the yellow brick road.Eiji was humming along the way to the tune of 'Insomia' (can't think of any song)

They walked for quite a while now...

pant pant pant

Eiji was panting hard with his tongue stick out like a dog does

"WeeennDdyy i'm sooo tired" he whined "Please carry meee" Eiji said putting his arm out with a childish smile

"WHAT!!?? your like...7 inches taller than me. YOU should be the one carrying ME!!" she said pointing to herself

'I take it back I hate being human...sort of..' Eiji thought pouting "Fine! forget that I said that"he exclaimed. And they continued their journey.

Then straight ahead at the side of the yellow brick road they saw a simple looking home with a chimney like those you see in storybooks

"Hoi hoi there's a house" Eiji said tugging Wendy who willingly followed

knock knock

no answer

"Maybe no ones home come on Eiji"Wendy said but Eiji opened the door and went in

"Hey what're you doin' it's not nice to come in to someone's house without permission!"

"But the door was open ." Eiji pointed out " And there's food !!"

"Where??!" Wendy quickly came in when she heard food

"Over there !" He said pointing at the dining table with his tail wagging

The two of them walked towards the table,they saw three bowls of..

"Porridge!!" Wendy said

"Taste it Wendy taste it!" Eiji nagged wendy into tasting the porridge

Wendy grabbed a spoon and tasted the first bowl of porridge

"Ouch too hot!I burned my tongue.."she said

"Taste the next one then."

She moved to the next bowl then tasting again


"How was it??" Eiji asked because Wendy didn't say anything

"uummm it's too cold" Wendy proclaimed

The young man pouted"Try the next one then,Third times the charm.Ne?"

Then she did as she was told

Wendy smiled "This one's just right!"

"Really?!" eiji quickly grabbed a spoon and shared the porridge with Wendy


"wow I'm full" Eiji said

"yeah me too.."


"i'm sleepy"

Wendy nodded in agreement."Let's go upstairs, maybe there's somewhere to sleep there." She said completely forgetting about what she said about being rude in going in to someone else's home

Then they headed upstairs finding three beds

Wendy lied on the first bed

"This bed's waaay too hard" She said

Eiji jumped on the second bed


Wendy sweatdropped because Eiji was really deep in the bed that she can't see him no more

"...okay this bed is waaaaaaaaaay too soft"

Wendy skipped over to the third bed..and once again third times the charm

"aaahhhh this one's just right" she said

Eiji went to the third bed and curled up at the foot of the bed like dog's do....I think.Then took a nice long nap

After a couple of hours voices can be heard downstairs.' someone ate my porridge!' ' mine's eaten too!' 'someone ate mine ,and nothing's left.'

They went upstairs now we see three bears that looks like humans....sort of.The three of them seems to be a family

"Looks like someone lied on my bed" the Papa Bear said (portrayed by Kippei Tachibana of Fudomine)

"Looks like someone jumped on my Bed." Mama bear said (portrayed by Aoi Hanamura of Josei Shonan)

"Look there's someone sleeping on my bed" popBaby Bear said boringly and he seems to be chewing gum (portrayed by Bunta Marui of Rikkaidai XD)

The bears stared at Wendy and Eiji.They looked closer at the too

"Are they dead" Baby bear said looking at his mom

"I don't think so sweety" she smiled at her son


"Too bad"

Papa Bear poked Eiji with a stick

poke poke

"whaaaa..."Eiji said slightly opening his eyes.Then he realized there are 3 bears standing in front of them

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!" he yelled waking Wendy up

"What's going on??" Wendy whined looking up to see what's with all the commotion's about

Then she saw the family.It took her several minutes to realize everything including the fact that they went in w/o permission not to mention eat, and took a nap

"Whaaaaaaaaahhh WERE SOOOOoo SORRY!!" Wendy said running away while dragging Eiji

"aawwww..and I was gonna invite them for dinner." mama bear said

"I want them to be my dinner" pop


pant pant

As soon as they stopped ..well Wendy stopped she was exhausted from the running and dragging

"That wasn't nice Wendy." Eiji said standing up and straightening his clothes.

"I know,sorry, I panicked." she said catching her breath

And they continued to follow the Yellow brick road and chatted along the way


"Aniki,I'm a bit confused with the story" Yuuta said to his big brother

"Just lem'me continue the story and it will all be clear."Syuusuke said


...back 2 the story...

Ahead of them they saw a girl wearing a red cloak and she looks a bit sad

"hoi,Wendy look." Eiji said pointing at the girl

Wendy nodded knowing what to do,They walked up to the girl with a smile

"Hi.I'm Wendy and this is Eiji." Wendy said referring to Eiji while he gave the girl a happy grin

The girl smiled "oh hullo my name is Little Red Riding Hood."(portrayed ny Akira Kamio of Fudomine)


"Which one's your last name--ow!" Eji dumbly asked that caused Wendy to push him with her elbow


"Little Red Riding Hood is there too ??" Yuuta asked his brother

"Huusshh now brother" Syuusuke said clearly putting a lot of effort with his "story"

Yuuta just shrugged


"You seem to be down " Wendy asked

Red Riding Hood nodded

"Yeah I was about to go to my granpa's house when I suddenly got the feeling that I was being followed so I got scared ." She replied with a hint of sadness in her tone

"woof !What were you supposed to be doing in your granpa's house " Eiji's asked with eyes sparkling with curiosity and with his tail wagging rapidly

"I was supposed to give him this basket of treats that my mom prepared for him." She said holding out a neatly prepared basket filled with treats with a pink bow tied on the side of the handle

Wendy and Eiji's eyes sparkled at the basket wonder someone wants to take it

"Hooiii, that basket's soo Kawaii cute !" Eiji said

"yeah it is very nice" Wendy acknowledged

Hood smiled "of course it is ! my mom made this with lots of love..." then her smile turned upside down "'s a shame I can't give it to granpa.."

"Aaww don't feel bad we'll come with you so you won't be so scared anymore arf!" Eiji suggested with a goofy yet somewhat comforting grin

"Yeah we'll come with you."

"Really? Thank You !!" Red Riding Hood's smile grew wider

Then they headed on their way still following the yellow brick road

"na..Red where does your granpa actually live?" Eiji asked the girl

"uhmm not far, there is a straight path at the side of the yellow brick road heading straight to Granpa's" Riding Hood explained

"ohh that's nice then we won't be away from the yellow brick road then." Wendy said

Red Riding Hood nodded

...meanwhile at granpa's house........

knock knock

"Who's there?" Granpa asked (portaryed by Yuushi Oshitari of Hyoutei)

"It's meeee...." A voice trying to be sweet and girly

"Who's me?"

"You know me."

"Who me??"

"NO! me"

"Who You???"

"Oh forget about this junk! I'm coming in!" the voice said angrily


"Ha! I am the Big bad wolf!!" he said after forcefully opening..well more like kicking..the door (portrayed by Souichirou Oishi of Seigaku)

Granpa Yuushi was shocked "What do you want?" he realized it was just a wolf in human form....sort of.

"I want what your granddaughter will be bringing you!" The big bad wolf said

"oh alright." Granpa Yuushi said simply " soo what kind of plan have you devised to fullfil your plan." he said adjusting his glasses

"uuhhmm actually my first plan was to take the basket from your Granddaughter but then she walked away and gained companions.."


"So my second plan was to intercept the basket by coming here and pretend to be you." Granpa Yuushi patted his back

"..isn't it fun to use your brain?" he asked

Wolf thought for a moment "Yes,yes it is"

bang! Wolf hit granpa with a pan while laughing evilly which caused him to pass out

"Hahahhahha! it's fun to use a pan too! hahhahahah" he dragged granpa Yuushi into the closet and locked him up

"Now that he's out of the picture I--"

"Knock Knock!!" Eiji said from outside the Wolf panicked and just quickly lied on the bed and pulled the covers up to his nose.


"ne.. Aniki why would Eiji say 'knock knock' when he could just actually knock??" Yuuta asked

"It's comedy Yuuta."Syuusuke said

"aahhh okay.."


" Come in " wolf said trying to sound like granpa Yuushi

"Hey granpa!" Red Riding Hood said coming in with Wendy and Eiji "i made some friends on the way."

"Good day" Wendy greeted

"Hoi hoi."

Lil' Red Riding Hood put the basket by the table.Then she eyed her "granpa" for several minutes

"...!"' he's not granpa ' She thought to herself frowning

"Is anything wrong huh?" Oishi asked lil red riding hood

"yeah why are you frowning at your granfather?" Wendy asked

"woof since we already did what we're supposed to do.Let's head on our way."

Oishi smiled because finally he will get his sweets but still hiding his face

"Wait!" Red exclaimed,Oishi frowned


Red grabbed the sheet and pulled it forcefully exposing the Wolf

"He's not my granpa!!"

gasp"What did you do to her Granpa?!" Wendy demanded

Oishi chuckled evilly(sorry if he goes out of character) until the closet door suddenly opened

"I'm right here" Granpa Yuushi! said pushing his eyeglasses up

"Granpa!!" Red hugged her granpa

"But how did you--" Oishi's sentence was cut off

"I calculated everything from the moment you knocked on the door I know what was gonna happen.And I know that Red would notice that your not me"Granpa said wisely (Yuushi's soooo COOL!!)

"how could she have noticed?!" Oishi curious

"Well I noticed..cuz my granpa doesn't have dog ears!!" Red explained

"I'm a wolf not a dog!"

"Whatever dude"

"So why did you pretended to be Little Red Riding Hood's granpa?!"Wendy asked

"Because I want THIS!" Oishi said snatching the basket from the table

"I won't let you do that!!!" Eiji said tackling Oishi which caused the basket to fly out of his hands

"Got it!"Wendy caught the Basket while Eiji and Oishi are still fighting while Granpa and Red are boringly watching them

"So granpa when will you come and visit us ?" Red asked granpa

"Hmmm..maybe next week"he answered thoughtfully


"Thanks for visiting"

"No prob"

"Here." Wendy handed the Basket over to granpa "We'll be heading our way.Nice to meet you granpa Yuushi!"

Granpa nodded in agreement.Eiji and Oishi are still fighting..

"OI EIJI!!Beat him already so we can go!!" Wendy said said to Eiji who is still currently fighting with Oishi

"Grr..but Wendy-Ouch!..It's not that simple.."He said

"Haha! You can't win against me pup!"

Eiji growled

"Oh I've had enough of this!" Wendy said getting tired of waiting


Wendy kicked Oishi hard which caused him to fly towards the door and Red Riding Hood opened it for him to go through the door

"I'LL GET YOU ALL NEXT TIME!!"Oishi said running away

"Well now that he's gone let's go Eiji.Nice meeting you all again." Wendy said to them heading out with Eiji following

"Bye Bye."Eiji waved goodbye

"Oh yeah and Thank You!!" Red Riding Hood said to them.Eiji and Wendy waved back

Now they're continuing their journey still following the yellow brick road


"eh what was that?" Wendy asked

"That was my stomach" Eiji said patting his tummy looking a bit sad..poor Eiji

"sigh,I'm kinda hungry myself" Wendy said and they both stopped walking

sniff sniff

"What is it?"

"I smell something..sniff" Eiji continued sniffing then ran off to follow the scent

"Well I hope it's food" Wendy said following him

===After a few moments of Running===

"umpf!what's up?!" Wendy bumped on Eiji




Wendy groaned because she wasn't getting any answer from Eiji who seems to be looking at something, she then decided to look at the direction to where Eiji is looking at


"yeah wow" Eiji finally spoke up

At the side of the yellow brick road they see a house made of sweets . The pillars are big long thick candy cane, the edges of the house has icing,,the walls are made up of chocolates with some candy pieces and Marui is nibbling the side of the house.....wait..WHAT?!


"sowy" Marui said while Valkyrie10 drags him away


Yuuta and Syuusuke sweatdropped


"uhm...well ..that is unexpected" Syuusuke said

" Sorry about that " Valkyrie10 said " I'll try to control sugar freak."

"Hey! I'm older than you!" Marui yelled

"oh sorry about that " Val said holding out a yummy twirly lollipop " I'll give you this if you behave."

"sweet" Marui took the lollipop and sat by the corner licking his lolly

Yuuta and Syuusuke sweatdropped.again

"continue the story Syuu-kun"

Syuusuke nodded "hai"



====+End Of Part One+======

okay so this fic will take long so i'm gonna divide it into parts

Sorry to put myself in..doing this is verrry hard so I want to relief myself


Posted by Valkyrie10 | Apr 26, 2009 3:12 AM | 3 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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