January 21st, 2013
Why can't i enjoy romance animes/mangas anymore?!
Anime Relations: Vampire Knight, Amnesia
At some point in your life, surely, you have watched a shoujo anime or manga. And undoubtedly, you either became a massive fan of cliche stories with cliche characters in a cliche setting or a huge critic. If you were one of the latter, you most likely found yourself unable to enjoy most shoujo anime/mangas. You can't help but get irritated at how the main heroine can't do crap and how every single guy likes her for no good reason. If there's ever a mangaka who tries to avoid creating a manga with characters similar to the aforementioned ones, I'll be blunt- they failed. Now, the heroine is turned into some amazing "cool" character or very strong and optimistic character, and the main guy who loves her admires her. A little better, but most of the time, the mangaka finds a way to ruin it. I mean, somebody just overdosed on the love here. . . I prefer my stories with a bit of a realistic touch to keep me interested and also to keep me sympathizing with the characters. Naturally, I also want LOTS of comedy- I generally hate drama/romances. I don't mind if the jokes are overused as long as it's funny, but that is where lots of mangaka lack. The jokes are just. . .corny, I guess? If someone could create a comedy/romance manga or anime with Gintama's humor (or something similar), it'd make my favorites list in a flash.
An example of a romance anime gone horribly wrong (as far as I can tell) is Vampire Knight and Amnesia.
The only redeeming point is the music. I also highly dislike Clannad and lots of manhwa, but those seriously depend on personal preference alot more than anything else.
There are lots of mangas I don't hate, but I don't like either- I'd read them if I had nothing to do and I was craving some romance (and there was none I could find.) For example, Kamisama Hajememashita, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Special A, Ouran HSHC, ToraDora, and that kinda stuff. Also, I consider animes like Rosario+Vampire, Shakugan no Shana, Hidan no Aria, and Kaze no Stigma romance animes above all else despite all the action- it's not "actiony" enough for me. They'd all fit into this category, as well as animes like Infinte Stratos and Maji de Koi Watashi no Shinasai (or something like that).
However, as far as romance animes/mangas that I like are concerned, I absulotely treasure ToraDora, Blood Lad and Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai. . . naturally, I like Mirai Nikki too. Messed up things for the win.
An example of a romance anime gone horribly wrong (as far as I can tell) is Vampire Knight and Amnesia.
The only redeeming point is the music. I also highly dislike Clannad and lots of manhwa, but those seriously depend on personal preference alot more than anything else.
There are lots of mangas I don't hate, but I don't like either- I'd read them if I had nothing to do and I was craving some romance (and there was none I could find.) For example, Kamisama Hajememashita, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Special A, Ouran HSHC, ToraDora, and that kinda stuff. Also, I consider animes like Rosario+Vampire, Shakugan no Shana, Hidan no Aria, and Kaze no Stigma romance animes above all else despite all the action- it's not "actiony" enough for me. They'd all fit into this category, as well as animes like Infinte Stratos and Maji de Koi Watashi no Shinasai (or something like that).
However, as far as romance animes/mangas that I like are concerned, I absulotely treasure ToraDora, Blood Lad and Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai. . . naturally, I like Mirai Nikki too. Messed up things for the win.
Posted by ShintakoInari | Jan 21, 2013 12:24 PM | 1 comments
December 28th, 2012
Gintama is exactly what humans were created for.
Anime Relations: Gintama
Originally, I thought Gintama was a load of overrated, nonsensical crap that wasn't even worth putting on my plan-to-watch list, not forgetting that it had approximately 500 chapters, and it's still publishing. However, one day like any other day, I picked up a volume of Gintama from the library and began reading. (Since libraries almost never have the first book for long series, I started reading Gintama at volume twenty something.) To my astonishment, I enjoyed it. I started checking out more volumes (again, reading at a random order- from 27 to 21 to 29 to 5 to 10 to . . you get what I mean) and soon, the library had no more Gintama manga that I hadn't already read and I began reading Gintama online. Not very surprisingly, I instantly gobbled up all four hundred something chapters and now, I am anxiously waiting for more. Hideaki Sorachi-sensei, why cant you hurry up?! Why cant you release a chapter a day to keep the doctor away?!
. . .

This is awfully short for a blog (i think so, anyway) but i dont want to type anymore. Ciaossu!
. . .

This is awfully short for a blog (i think so, anyway) but i dont want to type anymore. Ciaossu!
Posted by ShintakoInari | Dec 28, 2012 12:39 PM | 2 comments