Private Entry
June 1st, 2016
Weekly Report (1)
Anime Relations: Ansatsu Kyoushitsu, Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
Warning! Some spoilers ahead! XD
Monday (30.5. 2016)
Watched Koutetsujou no Kabaneri (up to ep. 7), this show is soo epic! The whole zombie/vampire monsters idea is really good and I like how the world works. Even it had a lot of posapocalyptical routines, it still has a huge amount of originality. I love how intense it is and characters are interesting. I'm really deep into it =)
Tuesday (31.5.)
Read Ansatsu Kyoushitsu (up to chapter 75), wow, wow, wow!!! Those guys turned into regular ninja assassins!! XD Great arc with sneaking into that huge hotel. Loved Karma fight (that sadistic bastard XD), gun guy was funny and awesome. And OMG Nagisa! That little sneaky snake! Also I'm anticipating Bitch-senseixKarasuma pairing!! They are soo cute together! Come on Karasuma! Don't be so dense!! XD
Wednesday (1.6.)
Reading Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Chapter 76: Nagisa's dad O_O? I totaly forgot they have families too! LOL XD
What? They had teacher before and he was nice? That sounds suspicious! Could it be that teacher was a human Koro-sensei?
Nooooo! That assassin guy, master of Bitch-sensei, met God of Death? Is he truly dead? Nooo, he could teach Nagisa more cooler things! >_< But he looks cool btw XD
Gyahaha. Students winning over festival stands because of their assassin abilities! That got me hard XD XD
Just love Karma's sadistic side, so cute XD XD XD
Isogai catching all of those fish to eat? Man, you are crazy XD
Oh so award increased, that's nice.
Yay, tentacle kid is back!
What? Who want to leave class E? Could I go there instead? XD
Chapter 77: Takebayashi betrayed. But for me it's understandable. His family are bunch of asses and if he is not good at assassination there is probably no hope for him to do that. Actually he is a very poor guy. I pity him. But looks like Koro-sensei has some nice plan, his eyes are gleaming!! XD
Chapter 78: Takebayashi trying to fit in. Funny how lessons seems easy to him XD Class E and Koro-sensei secretly watching him but being found out is funny XD
What the hell was witch that anime part (so crazy that name XD)?
Oh, chairman is trying to make him his pawn, I am sure he would lost =) I belive in you Takabayashi!!!
Chapter 79: He wants him to rule them! That bastard! Don't listen to him Taka!!!
LOL at that Visual Key look, actualy Taka is sexy behind his nerdness XD Haha he is screwing that speech! XD OMFG!! He stole that thing and destroyed it epicly! Go Taka go!! Badass nerd!!! Explosive making learning yeah!!
Chapter 80: Kayano's pudding of death... I just can't XD XD And then she don't want to destroy it XD OMG Koro-sensei just ate dirt, went underneath it and dispose the bomb XD
Chapter 81: Freerunning epicness by Karasuma-sensei! (I felt in love with him I guess). Koro-sensei wants to play? Why it sound so dirty? XD And then students were soo full of themselves than they forgot how awesome Karasuma-sensei is! He is soo cool!!
Chapter 82: He captured so many of them and then Koro-sensei was distracted by boobs XD OMG Karasuma so mad he pull out some serious guns XD Oh they tricked Karasuma, clever, they are clever...
Chapter 83: Koro-sensei stealing bras, lololololol!! XD Students trying to find real culprit, hmm, interesting... And all of it was trap for Koro-sensei, tentacle kid again. And his tentacles are awesomely improved!!!
Posted by Nagadir-chan | Jun 1, 2016 1:11 AM | 0 comments
April 17th, 2012
Member cards
So this is my member cards or another cards...

Posted by Nagadir-chan | Apr 17, 2012 9:14 AM | 0 comments