I'm lucky I don't have many friends who are in to current anime. Or I would have heard about Nice Boat awhile before now and have my virgin exprience of School Days Ruined ruined. That would have been a true shame, because although the viewer (and I) saw where the series was going, we refused to believe it would go that far. Like NGE that happy opening turned out to be a misnomer....one that emtionally at least fooled me even now, into beliveing the series will take the conventional road. No such luck.
The real kicker here is that it was an H-game. A series that is all about how sex is a mature, binding thing that should only be done between people who love each other, among other things. I recentley got my hands on it and tried it out. Not for the porngrahic vaule, I usually aviod hentai like the plague (though seeing barely legal High School Seniors 'get it on' had its own reward....I guess...) but for the curioisty about the story's vaule. It actually turned out to be a farily decent story...not as good as the anime (though similar to say the least), but good nontheless. Enough to warrant an 8 out of 10 from me.
It got me wondering about how many other H games or animes out there out there, have broken the barrier and become art...or at least entertaining. A surprising amount actually, Kanon, AIR, Fate/Stay night, and Higurisha. Sure there are a lot of Bible Blacks out there that exist for God knows what reason. It even got me briefly wondering how many other forms of porn out there have become art. It got me wondering about hentai (non sexually folks). It made me remember one of my favorite films of all time Boggie Nights, and how the director in it was trying to make a porn film that would be so good (plot wise as well as sex wise folks) that people would stay there untill the end of the film...instead well leaving when they where done. A concepet that could actually happen in the 70's, all the way untill the dawn of VCR. But one in the 90's when I first watched it laughed at, thinking it impossible to occur in this day and age. Something that makes me wonder....is it a good thing anime only appelas to Otakus and lesser anime nerds (like myself) and not an actual mainstream market, that could possibly destroy the chances of something like School Days being made.