August 6th, 2022
Anime Relations: Persona 2: Another Self
I am moving tomorrow, well today as it is 2.58am as I am typing this. Even though I am 21 years old, it will be my first time living alone, as I am moving away from my moms apartment. I am extremely anxious and scared of what's to come and how I will fair. I have a decent job and low rent so that's a plus. Finally moving away from my mom's will be great for my mental health as she is a very toxic person. But even though I am scared, I am still looking towards finally living alone and living on my terms. I am just sad thinking how easy and comfortable life was not too long ago during and after school before starting my job, how I could just watch movies, youtube or play games all day and night without having to worry about my job, bills or life in general. But even in those times, I wasn't happy, so I hope structure in my life will bring some sort of fulfillment in my life, and perhaps even hope to feel happiness once again. One can only hope :)
Posted by LeeviAJ | Aug 6, 2022 5:06 PM | 0 comments