March 31st, 2016
About Me
Anime Relations: Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
I'm 17 and a junior in high school, in a little hick town called Knoxville, Tennessee. Before I discovered anime, I was kind of an outcast and really searching for something to do with my life...privileged white kid things just didn't appeal to me. A little site named TV Tropes led me to this show named Rurouni Kenshin that I thought was cool, and it just spiraled from there. I joined MAL in the spring of 2015, started being active on the forums about 3 months later, and have enjoyed it ever since.
I would best describe myself as an iceberg. I might seem very cold or like a giant asshole at first, but that's just how I treat everyone. I'm pretty disinterested in people in general, so if I insult you, don't take it personally. I promise I'm not that bad. On the other side, if I'm nice to you, that means I really do care about you. I just might not like showing it at first.
If you are nice to me, I'll be as nice as I can to you. If you're interesting or have similar likes as me, I'll like you. That's my philosophy. Despite what it may seem like in the forums, I actually really want friends. So if you would like to talk to me on my comments, please do. I'll reply to you. Comments aren't for shitposting. Most of the time.
My personality type is INTJ.
I'm bisexual. I think.
My favorite color is green.
I'm a kuudere.
I like psychological anime best of all.
My favorite anime of all time is Shinsekai Yori.
I'm a closeted anime fan.
I like being alone more than being around others.
I'm actually a huge pervert. But I keep it to myself most of the time.
The autumn is my favorite season.
My favorite food is spaghetti.
My favorite video game genre is strategy. (I'm still very new to the PC Master Race so rec me some games!)
Despite that, the game I play the most is CS;GO.
My first anime crush was Chitoge Kirisaki.
I don't watch Western television anymore.
My favorite band is The Moth & The Flame.
I like alternative rock, drum and bass, and Japanese music.
I cannot speak loudly.
I have an irrational fear of centipedes.
I hate violence and revenge.
I dislike the outdoors.
I'm very stubborn and judgmental.
I'm not very athletic.
The one thing I hate most is forcing your beliefs on others.
If I could have one wish, it would be for world peace.
Posted by KaoruMatsuoka | Mar 31, 2016 8:35 PM | 0 comments
March 25th, 2016
My Anime Milestones
Anime Relations: Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
Posted by KaoruMatsuoka | Mar 25, 2016 8:54 PM | 0 comments